Katya Gordon biography. Katya Gordon: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo

Katya Gordon - famous TV presenter, a talented journalist, an aspiring singer, born on 10/19/1980, a native Muscovite.


The girl was born into a very intelligent professorial family. Both of her parents were university teachers: her mother is a mathematician, her father is a philologist. But they divorced when Katya was still a preschooler. Soon the mother remarried, and the stepfather decided to adopt Katya. So she got the surname Podlipchuk, which became the reason for children's teasing at school.

In childhood

But that was Katya's only problem with her classmates. She grew up as a very lively and sociable girl, who early showed bright artistic abilities. Katya loved everything connected with the stage - singing, dancing, miniatures and performances. Moreover, still in primary school she began to compose short stories and poetry.

IN high school Katya became interested in puppet theater. She wrote scripts and independently staged entire performances with other students. In parallel, the girl managed to study in music school where she studied piano. In high school, at the insistence of her mother, she attended an economic course at Moscow State University.

The teachers quickly appreciated the girl's talents and after graduation they were ready to accept her to the university without exams. But by that time, Katya realized that boring economic specialties were not for her. Now psychology has become her new hobby, and she entered to study for this specialty.


Psychology Katino education was not limited. By the time she graduated from university, she had already tried writing scripts for films, and now she really wanted to try directing them. She understood that without knowing the basics of directing, it is impossible to make a high-quality movie and went after them to scriptwriting courses.

She got into the workshop of the master Russian cinema Peter Todorovsky, and he considered her one of the most talented students. Under his leadership, Katya filmed her debut short film"The sea is worried" main character which was a young journalist who filmed a report on military events based on the stories of veterans.

Naturally, Katya reflected in the film the negative aspects of the war and how much it breaks human psyche. This was the reason that the picture was banned for mass display, and Katya's directorial work was not credited.

Even the support of Todorovsky did not allow her to receive a diploma. But many years later, the picture got the main prize at international festival"New Cinema".

Katya managed to realize herself as a writer. As a teenager, she published an author's collection of poems. She received funds for the publication as a prize as a winner literary competition young authors. This book will play an important role in her life.

Katya continued to write, but switched to prose. Stormy responses were caused by her novel about the "golden" youth of Moscow, thoughtlessly burning through their lives "The Finished". But Katya writes to different genres, raising vital topics that journalists prefer to remain silent about. So one of her recent works was the novel "Kill the Internet!", Dedicated to Internet addicted people.

But nevertheless, journalism brought Katya fame. She is the author and host of many interesting radio and television programs, where she also raises sensitive topics and boldly expresses her own opinion. Katya invites political and public figures, public figures, artists to her programs and reveals to the audience the most unexpected sides.

In 2009, Katya decided to try herself as a singer and created her own rock band. The BlondROCK team quite successfully began performing at Moscow venues and even made it to the Eurovision semi-finals, but the guys did not make it to the contest itself. In 2010, they presented their debut album to the public, the songwriter for which was Katya herself.

The songs were liked not only by the audience. Katya started collaborating as an author with others famous performers. She wrote such hits as "Take Paradise", "Empty Heart", "Leave in English", etc. But singing career Katya is not developing as well as she would like. Even from the Voice program, which she got into without much difficulty, she flew out in one of the first rounds.

Katya is actively involved in social activities. She advocates for the protection of animal rights, as well as freedom of assembly and expression. In the early 2000s, Katya became interested in jurisprudence. The reason for this was the scandal between her and the producer of the series "Ranetki", which ended only in court.

Now Katya is actively fighting for the protection of children and women, and has made this the basis of her election program. She decided to run for president in defiance of her eternal opponent.

Personal life

In 2000, a 20-year-old student became the wife of the famous TV presenter Alexander Gordon, whom she met in one of the restaurants. There she came on a date with a young man, organized by her mother. She was very worried that her daughter, devoting all her time to studying, still had not built with anyone serious relationship. If only she knew how this meeting would turn out.

Katya herself was the first to pay attention to Gordon - she watched his programs more than once and respected this journalist very much. As an occasion for acquaintance, she gave him her collection of poems, which was always in her purse.

With Alexander Gordon

While Katya was chatting with the gentleman, Gordon managed to read poetry and suggested that the girl exchange phone numbers. And a month later he made her an offer, which Katya enthusiastically accepted.

The marriage lasted less than six years. Still, the seventeen-year age difference did its job. Katya wanted to develop, Gordon believed that, first of all, she should be a wife. And although at first he began to actively help her, when Katya's career went up sharply, he did not like such competition.

The relationship ended in a divorce, after which Katya actually remained on the street.

The second time, she was no longer in a hurry to get married. Only in 2011 Katya was ripe to become an official wife again. This time, the famous Moscow lawyer Sergei Zhorin. But this marriage lasted less than a year.

The temperament of the spouse turned out to be so hot that very soon he began to assault. The freedom-loving Katya was not going to endure this and immediately left, being pregnant.

With Sergey Zhorin

The birth of a joint son served as an occasion for reconciliation. In 2014, they even signed again, but this time family life lasted only a month. Both finally realized that they were not made for each other. Although Sergei continues to maintain relations with his son.

In the winter of 2017, Katya's fans suddenly saw on Instagram an entry that her second child was born. She did not advertise this pregnancy and for a long time hid the name of the father of the child.

Ekaterina Gordon - journalist, radio host, poetess, director, lawyer protecting the rights of women and children in Russia, singer

Date of Birth: October 19, 1980
Place of Birth: Moscow, USSR
Zodiac sign: Scales

“I want to live with the feeling that the world needs me and that I am a good person. I basically don't do bad things."

Biography of Katya Gordon

Ekaterina was born in the capital in the family of Professor Viktor Prokofiev and a teacher of mathematics at Moscow State University Marina Markacheva. Katya was 13 years old when her father had another woman. Mom took her daughter and son Ivan, and left her husband. Later, my father realized that he had made a mistake, but it was too late: my mother could not forgive. Katya herself brought her future stepfather Nikolai Podlipchuk to their house, because he had nowhere to live. He stayed that way and then married his mother. And Katya took the name of her stepfather.

Katya has been creative personality, from the age of 14 she began to write books, studied at a music school in piano, staged puppet shows. And in high school she studied economics at Moscow State University. In 2002 she graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical University named after Lenin, faculty social psychology.

Katya Gordon: different incarnations

Katya always wanted to become a director and screenwriter. And she became a graduate of the higher courses of screenwriters and directors in the workshop of master P.E. Todorovsky. Her short film “The Sea Worries Once” won the main prize of the festival “New Cinema. XXI Century". But she was banned from public demonstration with a vague wording: "for inhumane reasons."

Katya Gordon has already published 5 books: “State”, “Kill the Internet!!!”, “Done”, “Life for Dummies”, “#poetrygordon”.

Katya decided that it was not in vain that she studied at a music school, and in 2009 she created the Blondrock group. On next year The first album "Love and Freedom" was released. Two years later, in 2012, the album Tired of Being Afraid! was released. And in the same year it came out solo album"Nothing extra". And the Blondrock group lasted until 2015. Then Katya decided to perform under her own name.

And in 2016 I decided to try my hand at popular show"Voice" with his own song "Take Paradise", where Dima Bilan chose her at blind auditions. It didn't really make it to the final.

Personal life

Katya managed to be married to famous TV presenter Alexander Gordon. At first he was fascinated by her book of poems, The State, then he was fascinated by the author himself.

At the time of their acquaintance, Alexander was the only presenter whom Katya sincerely loved. She saw him in a cafe and gave him her poems to read. And don't forget to leave your phone number. A month after they met, they got married. 6 years, how long they lived with Gordon, Alexander's father - famous poet, prose writer and artist Garry Borisovich Gordon could not stand her and called her a hanger. Katya names the reasons for breaking off relations with Alexander: gradually cooled feelings and Harry Borisovich.

The second time she married lawyer Sergei Zhorin, whom they met when he defended her in court. Moreover, they registered their marriage twice, their son Daniel was born. After the second divorce from Sergei, Katya ended up in a neurosis clinic.

There was a scandalous connection with the actor Kirill Emelyanov. And scandalous because the guy was not 18 years old. And Katya at that time was 28 years old.

With the father of the boy Seraphim (the second child) - the mysterious Yegor - Katya broke up during pregnancy. The birth was very difficult, she almost died, even experienced clinical death.

In August 2018, on her Instagram page, Katya announced that she was going to marry for the fourth time, allegedly for businessman Igor Matsanyuk.

In 2012, she established her own law firm, Gordon & Sons. This organization is engaged in protecting the rights of women and children in our country. And in 2017, she even put forward her candidacy for the presidency of Russia in order to become the voice of women whose rights are violated. But having collected a sufficient number of signatures, she withdrew her candidacy.

Ekaterina Viktorovna Gordon or simply Katya Gordon is a famous and extremely versatile woman. She proved herself as a talented TV presenter and DJ at the radio station, author and performer of rock songs.

Ekaterina devotes a lot of time to the solution social problems and even acted as the organizer of a movement that promotes love for outbred dogs. She believes that if each person takes at least one mongrel from the shelter, then they will close, and families will find a faithful and reliable friend for a long time. By the way, the mongrel Kif lives with Katya herself.

Height, weight, age. How old is Katya Gordon

IN modern Russia there are many admirers of Catherine Gordon's talent. It will be quite interesting for them to find out what the TV presenter's height, weight, age is. How old is Katya Gordon is not a secret, so it is worth answering this popular question.

Katya was born in 1980, so she is already thirty-six years old. According to the sign of the Zodiac, she is a fair, harmonious, calm intellectual Libra. Eastern horoscope promises beautiful and smart woman the sign of the Monkey with its inherent assertiveness, enthusiasm, eccentricity, enthusiasm and restless imagination.

Katya Gordon is a woman who has a standard height of one meter and seventy-one centimeters. She weighs fifty-three kilograms, because she carefully monitors her figure.

Biography of Katya Gordon

The biography of Katya Gordon began in 1980 from the moment when the girl was born in the capital of our country. The girl was a child of those who are called "on their minds." She impressed adults with her willfulness and love for freedom. The baby learned to read and write very early, so she composed short stories calling them stories or poems.

Katya studied at the gymnasium with a humanitarian bias, she tried to do all her homework perfectly well. She wrote scripts and directed plays. puppet theater, these performances are still remembered by teachers and students of the educational institution. The girl attended a music school, where she learned to play the piano skillfully.

In high school, a talented girl was noticed and offered to enter an economic school founded at the International University. Katya graduated in parallel with her secondary education. For Katya, a grant was allocated for education in economic sphere but the girl acted in her own way.

Ekaterina became a student at the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, from which she graduated with honors in 2002. She did not work in her specialty, but applied for the Higher Directing Courses. Katya was remembered as a bright and persistent student, although thesis“The sea worries once” was rejected by the artistic commission. The most interesting thing is that in 2005 this short film received the Grand Prix at the New Cinema. 21 century".

This wonderful woman tried herself as a TV presenter of entertainment and morning shows on the channels M1, TVC, First, Star. Katya was a presenter at the radio stations Mayak, Silver Rain, Moscow Speaks, Culture, Ekho Moskvy. She impressed listeners with her creativity and ability to compose slogans for programs on the go.

By the way, Catherine did not give up her youthful passion for literature. She has written and published several books, including "Fortunes", "Kill the Internet!!!", "Done", "Life for Dummies". The girl is the author of several popular novels and the play "Is the president's wife happy?"

Katya created her own musical group"BlondRock", for which she wrote almost all song compositions. In 2016 participated in television show"Voice-5".

Ekaterina is the founder of the society of those who suffer from Internet addiction, and the first in the world trade union bloggers. Is one of the most beautiful people capital Cities.

She is a very risky woman, as she has skydived several times and visited Antarctica. Katya is a great dancer modern dances and has a translator's diploma, as he is fluent in English language.

Katya Gordon's personal life

The personal life of Katya Gordon is shrouded in darkness, since a woman is a non-public person. There are various rumors about her life, which say that the girl achieves everything in her career with the help of bed and marriage, however, this information has remained at the level of ridiculous gossip.

That personal life was aimed at career, allegedly proves the girl's six-year marriage to TV presenter Alexander Gordon. However, Katya became popular after parting with her first husband.

In 2012, there were rumors that the girl began dating singer Mitya Fomin. Journalists even predicted a quick marriage, but Katya Gordon denied this information, as well as the fact that her son was born from Mitya.

Currently, the girl is dating a big businessman Igor Matsanyuk, however, she is not going to marry him yet. The couple recently had a son.

Katya Gordon's family

The family of Katya Gordon is a mystery shrouded in darkness, there is no information about her on the Internet. It is only known that the parents separated when Katya was a little girl. The baby was raised by her stepfather, to whom she is grateful and considers her a real dad.

When Katya grew up, she decided to change her father's surname. Her last name was Prokofiev, however, in more later years the girl decided to take the name of her stepfather and became Ekaterina Podlipchuk.

The most interesting thing is that the baby was born against all the laws of nature, because her mother was given a terrible diagnosis - infertility.

Katya Gordon's children

The children of Katya Gordon got her very dearly, because she had rather poor health. When Katya was carrying her first child, doctors examined her and made a terrible diagnosis of an aneurysm. This led to the fact that she survived clinical death.

The doctors were horrified when they found out that Gordon was pregnant again. They dissuaded the girl from childbirth. Ekaterina bore her second son very hard, recent months she had complications. The woman endured everything for the sake of the baby. Only thanks to professional and experienced doctors, Katya and the baby remained alive and well.

IN Lately a woman dreams of a third child, but she will have to lie on conservation throughout her pregnancy. Katerina is not ready for this, so she is seriously thinking about freezing her eggs and having a baby with the help of a surrogate mother.

Son of Katya Gordon - Daniel Gordon

The son of Katya Gordon - Daniil Gordon was born in 2012, his father was the second husband Sergey Zhorin.

He is very similar to his lawyer father in appearance and character, so Zhorin insisted that the baby bear his last name. The fact was that the lawyer suspected that the child was born from the singer Mitya Fomin. So far, Daniel has the surname Gordon, but things are moving towards changing it to his father's.

Little Daniel is a very restless and incredibly talented guy. He loves outdoor games and goes in for sports. The boy is very attached to his father and loves to spend time with him.

Son of Katya Gordon - Seraphim Gordon

The son of Katya Gordon - Serafim Gordon was born in 2017, businessman Igor Matsanyuk became his father. The pregnancy was very difficult, and the contractions began while walking around the city. The expectant mother herself got to the maternity ward.

Katya Gordon gave birth to her second child weighing 3600 grams. It was decided to name the child Leon, but the father was against it.

Right before registration, Igor Matsanyuk said that the baby should be named after the saint on whose day he was born. The boy was named Seraphim, in honor of the beloved martyr Katya Gordon.

The kid grows smiling, eats well and loves to walk in his mother's arms.

Katya Gordon's ex-husband - Alexander Gordon

Ex-husband Kati Gordon - Alexander Gordon - appeared in her life in 2000, he was the girl's teacher. The couple did not interfere with the age difference of seventeen years, they got married and lived quite happily.

The girl took her husband's surname, and everyone around began to whisper that she did it just for the sake of successful career. The marriage lasted only six years, no babies appeared in it, although Gordon became the godfather of Katya's eldest son.

The divorce happened because Alexander fell in love again. Katya was very upset by the dissolution of her marriage, but three years later she reconciled herself and began to actively pursue a career.

Former husband of Katya Gordon - Sergey Zhorin

Katya Gordon's ex-husband - Sergey Zhorin - appeared in Catherine's life in 2011. He was not only handsome, but also a well-known and sought-after lawyer, whose services were used by actors and singers.

Sergei defended Katya in litigation against the producer of the Ranetki group. Young people entered into a marriage union quite quickly, only three weeks after they met.

The marriage broke up just as suddenly, because two months later Zhorin severely beat his wife. She escaped with a concussion and numerous bruises, filed a complaint with the police. Sergei repented and even apologized to his wife publicly.

Zhorina Katya forgave, but again she failed to accept and improve relations.

Photo by Katya Gordon before and after plastic surgery

Photos of Katya Gordon before and after plastic surgery naturally exist on the World Wide Web. The girl does not hide from her fans that she used the services of plastic surgeons. She clarifies that she did rhinoplasty because she was unhappy with the shape of her nose, considering it to be crooked.

Katerina chose a surgeon who could do her plastic surgery for a long time and carefully. It turned out to be a real professional who did plastic surgery famous people, — Tigran Aleksanyan.

The operation was successful, and Katya is now enjoying the fact that she can breathe freely.

Instagram and Wikipedia Katya Gordon

Instagram and Wikipedia Katya Gordon are available in official form, so all information can be trusted one hundred percent. Wikipedia has information about personal and family life and also about a career.

Instagram is literally a part of Katya Gordon's life. In it, she uploads a variety of photos and videos. The most interesting thing is that the woman managed to film how she was going to the hospital with contractions on the eve of the birth of her second son.

On Instagram, she posted a photo of her chosen one Igor Matsanyuk and sincerely rejoiced at all the comments of her subscribers.

Member Name: Ekaterina Gordon

Age (birthday): 19.10.1980

Moscow city

Education: Moscow Pedagogical State University

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Reading this article:

Everyone knows the story of how one of the ex-wives of Alexander Gordon categorically refused to change the surname received with him in marriage and thanks to this she began her journey to the Olympus of fame and fame.

This girl was just Katya - now a radio and TV presenter, journalist and public figure, model and singer.

Katya was born in Moscow and bore the surname Prokofiev as a girl.. Parents tried to give her the best possible education and, noticing their daughter's craving for humanities sent her to school with such a bias.

There, Katya began to write poetry and short stories, which were quite good for her age.

In high school, the girl moved to an economic school, which was related to MGIMO. Katya was making progress and many had no doubt that she would connect her life with the economy. But then the girl was able to surprise everyone - by the end of school she became interested in psychology and decided to continue moving in this direction.

To do this, she entered the Moscow State Pedagogical University. She graduated in 2002 with a red diploma.

The girl had a great future in psychology, but ... more in 2000 she married Alexander Gordon and sick cinema.

To match her husband, she enrolled in the Higher Directing Courses and began to comprehend the art of making films. It should be noted that here, too, Katya was considered one of the brightest and most promising students.

In 2006, Catherine divorced Alexander, and then the first scandal happened, which attracted public attention to her.

The fact is that in the process of divorce, Alexander Gordon asked his wife to give up his last name and regain her maiden name, but she categorically refused. Alexander repeatedly expressed his dissatisfaction with this fact, gave comments on this matter, which drew attention to his former life partner.

Katya at this time begins a public career. She becomes the host of the program "Cult of Personality" at the Mayak radio station and interviews well-known people in the country.

True, Katya was waiting here new scandal- in the summer of 2008, on the air with her, she allowed herself intemperance, for which she was fired. By the way, the recording of the skirmish between two scandalous personalities is still circulating on the Internet and is the basis for jokes and memes.

Despite the fact that in subsequent years, Gordon was seen as the host of radio stations Megapolis, Culture, Echo of Moscow, Silver Rain, Moscow Speaks and Russian News Service and television programs on Channel One, channels " Zvezda and O2TV, more Katya is known as a public figure. Here are some highlights of her work:

Among other things, Katya Gordon's talent pool also includes very creative areas. She is the author of several books, scripts, plays, sang in the Blondrock group, and also writes songs for famous performers.

The personal life of such a versatile character as Katya is also very entertaining. On this moment she is not married, but apart from her marriage to Alexander Gordon behind the girl two trips to the registry office with a famous lawyer Sergei Zhorin.

Don't miss the fun:

The first time their union lasted a couple of months in 2011 and broke up due to the fact that Sergei seriously beat Katya. The second marriage happened in 2014 and also lasted only a few months, although the reason for the divorce is not known. Catherine also has a son, Daniel, she gave birth to him in 2012.

In 2016, Katya became a member of the Voice project, got into the team, but left the show after the fights.

In the fall of 2016, Ekaterina Gordon became pregnant, hides a new lover. But she showed subscribers her new three-room apartment in Moscow, where she moved with the future father of the child.

In February 2017 Katya gave birth to a son.

Photo by Catherine

The girl has a popular Instagram, more than 130 thousand subscribers.

Ekaterina Gordon - famous person on Russian television, journalist and TV presenter. Her career began to develop the moment she met her first husband. Of course, the surname that she now bears also had a considerable influence. Despite all this, she has become a part of this professional movement and is a talented journalist. Many today are interested in the personal life and biography of Katya Gordon, her photo in in social networks no less hotly debated. It's safe to say that she has grown into celebrity status.

Ekaterina Gordon was born on 19.10. 1980 in Moscow. As a child, Catherine had the surname Podlipchuk. She became Ekaterina Gordon only in 2000, when she married the popular presenter and journalist Alexander Gordon. This wedding became sensational as their age difference was about 17 years.

Katya Gordon f childhood

Already in childhood, Catherine showed herself as a creative and extraordinary person. The girl studied at a music school, wrote her own lyrical poems and stories. Teachers often noted the difficult nature of the girl. Catherine grew up as a wayward and rebellious girl. This subsequently affected her personal life, which was very eventful.

The future journalist and scandalous presenter studied well. Ekaterina graduated from the economic school for high school students at Moscow University. After receiving the long-awaited certificate, she entered the Moscow State Pedagogical University. Lenin, at the department of social psychology. This educational institution Ekaterina Gordon graduated with honors.

As a versatile personality, Ekaterina Gordon decided to master several areas of activity at once. Therefore, in 2002, she decided to study at the Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors. Thus, Catherine wanted to realize herself as an author. The girl's talent was noted by almost all teachers, so she regularly got into the lists of the most talented students.

Carier start

Ekaterina Gordon's diploma work was the short film "The Sea Worries Once". The film received very mixed reviews. On the one hand, Catherine was accused of the provocative subtext of the film's plot, on the other hand, she was awarded prizes. As a young and talented director with innovative views on cinema. This is far from the only cinematic project of Catherine, but other works were not so popular.

Katya Gordon in the movie "The Sea Worries Once"

A bright girl tried herself in the most different areas activities. She worked as an actress, journalist, radio and television presenter, wrote poetry, made films. In the early 2000s, Ekaterina began her career as a radio host at the Silver Rain station. On this wave, Gordon hosted the Gloomy Morning program. Many popular personalities were invited to the air to the presenter. In particular, Alexander Gordon, who soon became her husband. Looking at the photo with the children of Katya Gordon, you understand how well her personal life and biography have developed. Of course, there were also difficult stages, the overcoming of which required completely different actions, but everything turned out that way.

In 2007, the presenter changed her job and moved to the more popular Mayak radio station. Ekaterina was entrusted with several projects at once, including the program " recent history", "Cult of personality". Associated with the work in the project "Cult of Personality" unpleasant scandal. Once Ksenia Sobchak came to Ekaterina on the air. Communication between the two temperamental and wayward girls did not work out right away, as a result, the ladies quarreled. The broadcast ended, but the bad relationship between the girls persisted for a long time, they actively discussed each other on the Internet. After this incident, the presenter was fired from the radio station. It should be noted that this scandal made Ekaterina Gordon a popular person.

Continuing a career

In addition, Ekaterina Gordon worked as a presenter on TVC, O2TV, Zvezda and on Channel One. The journalist writes her own column in " Komsomolskaya Pravda". Gordon is valued for his ability to sharply express his own opinion. In 2017, Katya Gordon's personal life and biography became much more interesting than her television career. Many media outlets very often discussed her relationships with men.

Currently, Ekaterina continues her work as a director. She took part in the filming of several clips, shoots documentaries on serious topics. The journalist also tries herself as an author of books. Ekaterina Gordon publishes her own books under the pseudonym Katya Vevo.

For many years Gordon has been writing poetry and songs for himself and others. popular artists. In particular, she is a songwriter for Ani Lorak, Dmitry Koldun, Angelica Agurbash. However, Ekaterina Gordon herself also sings beautifully. In 2009, she formed her own group, which successfully performs at various events.

Ekaterina Gordon took part in the popular project "Voice". The performer with an unusual timbre of voice and manner of performance was selected by Dmitry Bilan to join his team. Despite the fact that Gordon could not compete in the semi-finals with other, more experienced performers, she was able to demonstrate her singing talent to the whole country. In 2013, Gordon released her own solo album.

The scandalous journalist actively takes part in social activities. For example, in 2010 she was a participant in a rally organized by the defenders of the Khimki Forest. She also participated in a rally in support of freedom of assembly. To date, the personal life and biography of Katya Gordon has become part of modern history. She had a great influence not only on the development of television, but also participated in various public speeches and rallies.

Ekaterina Gordon is an animal advocate. She organized a movement promoting fashion for outbred dogs. The movement was called "The Waste Breed". Ekaterina Gordon actively maintains her own blog and even founded a trade union of modern bloggers. Today, many people know that in the biography of Katya Gordon, special meaning has a personal life and children, to whom she is ready to devote an incredibly large amount of time. The young girl has achieved considerable results and today is one of the most famous TV presenters.

Personal life

In 2000, Ekaterina Podlipchuk married a popular journalist and presenter Alexander Gordon. The chosen one was 17 years older than Catherine, however, they lived together for 6 years. The journalist took famous surname husband and kept her even after the divorce.

Katya Gordon and Alexander Gordon

Ekaterina and Alexander met during the broadcast at the Silver Rain radio station. Catherine's career went uphill precisely after a successful marriage. Therefore, she was often accused of a marriage of convenience. However, in her interviews, Ekaterina Gordon often claimed that her husband was both her lover and teacher at the same time. After 6 years life together the couple broke up, but Alexandra and Catherine are still on friendly terms.

In 2011, Ekaterina Gordon married lawyer Sergei Zhorin. This relationship was also associated with a scandal. Ekaterina accused her husband of beating them, and they soon separated. In 2012, the journalist and presenter gave birth to a son. This is how the personal life and biography of Ekaterina Gordon developed together with Sergey Zhorin. The story was very heavily promoted in the media and received a public outcry.

Katya Gordon and Sergey Zhorin

Catherine Gordon Enough interesting person, so the press is closely following her personal life. In 2013, the media attributed to her an affair with Mitya Fomin and even talked about their wedding. However, this information has not been confirmed. At that time, Katya Gordon and Sergey Zhorin were no longer connected with their personal lives, so she built her biography in the way she wanted. But ahead of her were completely different changes and a return to the past. It came as a shock to many that the woman who sued the man for beating him got back together.

In 2014, Gordon reconnected with her second husband, but the relationship did not last long. In 2014, they divorced for the second time. But better was not to be expected. Many say that a woman is constantly looking for benefits in order to live without needing anything. In fact, she just loves those men who were once next to her, and does not want to let go.
