What do psychics say that after death. Real stories is there life after death or the phenomenon of electronic voices


The winner of the show of psychics Siberian Alexei Pokhabov feels the future

A resident of the Krasnoyarsk Territory became the best psychic in Russia, having won in final game TV show "Battle of psychics" on TNT. Alexey Pokhabov won the largest number of audience votes based on the results of SMS voting. At the same time, a survey of NGS.NOVOSTI readers showed that 71% of people consider paranormal abilities to be stupid, 15% were faced with the ability to remove damage and heal diseases, 9% - with clairvoyance, 4% - with reading other people's thoughts and 1% with the ability to find objects or people. Alexey Pokhabov told our correspondent about how he treats skepticism in his address, about psychic abilities and about changes in life after winning the show.

Reference: Alexey Pokhabov was born in Achinsk (Krasnoyarsk Territory). He graduated from the Modern Humanitarian Academy, specializing in law. Alexey's father is an ordinary electrician, his mother is an engineer. Psychic abilities appeared at the age of 19. Alexey Pokhabov became the winner of the 7th season of the show "Battle of Psychics" on TNT, gaining more than 64% of the votes of viewers. The winner was awarded the "Crystal Hand" and was awarded the title of "The Best Psychic of Russia".

How did you discover your abilities and how did you develop them?

At the age of 19, I had an out-of-body experience, regardless of any stressful situation. The love disappointment that was talked about on television was, like all people in their youth, but much earlier. Exit from the body - a certain feature of the work nervous system and hormonal background in the body. When it happened, I saw a lot of different incomprehensible things. And this shocked me, because during my lifetime I encountered the world into which a person finds himself after death. Naturally, there was a strong motivation to seek knowledge about the structure of the world wherever possible. And I found people who called themselves magicians - they became my teachers.

Abilities appear as a result of the development of consciousness. I was engaged in certain spiritual practices, and at some point the sensitivity that appeared ceased to disappear. These are not superpowers, this is just a certain feature of perceiving the world not in three, but in four dimensions.

Is it possible to fix your life or destiny with the help of people who have abilities like yours?

You can fix a lot of things in your life. But if we talk about such a term as fate, then this is something more global. That is, a person occupies his niche in the world, at this point he must work out some of his qualities. Everything can be good or bad for him, and psychics can help to become good. Moreover, if he is destined to work with a shovel all his life, then he will work with a shovel - the trajectory of a person's life is practically unchanged, the conditions inside change.

Do you believe in any higher powers?

I do not believe, but I do not deny their existence. There is an attitude in magick that everything must be experienced first hand. It makes no sense to try to believe in something - because faith does not give anything. To believe in God, for example, makes no sense: whether we believe or not, we will not be able to talk and interact with him. First we see the world one way, then another - with the development of man, his worldview changes. There are some forces, but you begin to believe in them when you encounter them.

Once you said that you don't believe in love, is that true?

What is love? Feeling? In my opinion, there are only five senses - sight, taste, touch, smell, hearing. What organ is controlled by love? The problem with people is that they don't think about their words when they say they love or are in love. Why does a person never simply say “I love” and yet he does not have an object of love?

What people call love is not love. This is sticking to the energy of a person - you meet a person who, according to some parameters, seems ideal to you, and you want such a person to be around.

But, for example, Jesus Christ spoke about some other love, about divine love, which has nothing to do with opposite sex or to anyone at all. That's what it is real love- when a person can be in it, regardless of whether he is with someone or without someone, when he can simply feel a certain quality.

After a certain fame came to you, didn't you get bored with people - familiar and unfamiliar? What gave you participation in the show of psychics?

On the Internet, they are bombarded with letters and appeals from all sides, but I simply don’t pay attention to many things - I’m not able to answer everyone, only acquaintances, friends or very interesting questions, basically the same banalities come. They don't bother you on the street and sometimes they don't even recognize you, especially in Moscow. If they find out, they don’t fit, for which many thanks to everyone. The project on TNT became a new stage in my life, which led me to certain living conditions.

According to a survey of our readers, paranormal abilities are considered stupid by about 70% of people. How do you feel about skepticism in your address?

This is normal, a very correct indicator. Most people consider special abilities unrealistic for one simple reason - nothing like this happens in their lives. So skepticism is quite a normal thing, and I take it easy.

Does it happen that abilities interfere with you?

Can not be. If they interfere with me, I simply turn them off, for example, during intimate communication. Because when they are turned on, the head works, or rather, you are in a very high-frequency state, in which there is no great desire for such simple things.

Have you ever tried to play gambling and win?

I used my abilities when playing poker, but it is important to keep track of your internal state- there should be no desire to win big money.

What do you actually do for a living?

IN this moment I make money by helping people solve their problems. I work in Moscow and travel to other cities.

How exactly do you help people?

People come to me with their problems, most of them think that they have been corrupted. They are afraid to look life in the eyes and understand that in fact we live in a labor camp, in which we need to constantly work out and develop something. I look for the causes of ongoing troubles and misfortunes in their energy and give advice on what exactly needs to be worked on so that the problem goes away. If a person asks to conjure money, I say "goodbye." Neither happens bad life, or good - there is our attitude towards it. I never try to solve a person's problem for him. It will make absolutely no sense. I show the way. Go to her side, and you will be fine. If you want - go, if you don't want - don't go, that's your business.

Can you see your own future?

The future is not seen the way it is shown in books, films and as many psychics try to present. It is felt. For example, you are driving a car at a certain speed. You understand that if something happens, you will not be able to immediately slow down. Nevertheless, you realize where to turn so as not to collide with other cars. That is, there is still a sense of time, the possibility of some kind of planning. The same is happening in my life. By doing certain things, I begin to feel where I will go. That tomorrow will give me what I will start doing today. Based on these feelings of the future, I build my life and, as experience shows, I build it correctly.

Elena Safronova

Photo by Oleg Rukavitsyn

ABOUT other world people have been talking since time immemorial. Reports of post-mortem contacts appear in the media to this day. More often we are talking about celebrities.

In touch - the spirit of Michael Jackson

No, you're not crazy!

This phenomenon intrigues even serious scientists. Special research groups have already been created, electronic devices have been developed for recording voices from the other world. American parapsychologists Bill and Judy Guggenheim assure that millions of people in one way or another communicated with a loved one "from the other side." In their book Hello from Heaven, they write that in ten years they have collected evidence of more than 5,000 cases of so-called post-mortem communications.
“If you happen to communicate with someone from close people who are no longer among us, please don’t think that you are crazy,” says Judy. - According to our estimates, at least one in five faces this. In the USA, for example, it is more than 50 million people.
Post-mortem contacts can occur in a variety of forms: through dreams, phone calls, images on a TV screen, texts on a computer, phantom touches, smells and sounds. Guggenheims are only interested in messages received without any special equipment, without the mediation of psychics or mediums, without hypnotic sessions and other tricks. Here are just a few interesting examples.

otherworldly saviors

"Close the windows!" - this is exactly the order of her late grandfather that a college student heard in a dream. Grandfather, who had been kind and gentle during his lifetime, now suddenly spoke in a stern and unquestionable tone. He literally yelled at his beloved granddaughter: “Close all the windows immediately! When will you learn to take care of yourself?!"
The girl woke up, locked all the windows, including the emergency fire hatch, and went back to sleep. Later it turned out that on that very night a burglar entered the house, who made his way into the neighboring apartment through an open window.
"Follow me!" - so it was possible to interpret the signs given by the ghost, which the mother of a nine-month-old baby saw one night, waking up. The figure of her late mother suddenly appeared in the doorway. The mother looked alarmed and seemed to be calling somewhere. The woman got up and obediently followed - as it turned out, to the child's bedroom. And only when the young mother entered the nursery, the ghost disappeared. The woman decided to check how the baby was doing, and then it turned out that the son had choked on a piece of plastic from his toy and was already suffocating. If she had come in a minute later, the child would have died.
"Take care of your mother's finances!" ordered the voice of the late father of a young Californian. The woman was surprised - her mother did not ask for anything, no alarming news came from her. But the voice of the father demanded to check the money affairs of the elderly mother. And what? It turned out that she was robbed by a young neighbor: as if helping the old woman, he signed on her behalf a lot of expense checks for many thousands of dollars.

Life is endless!

Researchers paranormal activity We are convinced that posthumous contacts most often pursue one goal - to console the relatives of the deceased, to cheer up, to let them know that life continues after death. After all, what does a mourner usually hear? "Don't worry about me, I'm fine... Nothing hurts me now... I will always look after you and take care of you... Don't worry about me, let me go... We'll see you again, Goodbye..."
Of course, after death, not everyone (and not everyone) comes into direct contact. No one really knows why this happens (or does not happen). It seems that if something interferes, It is our fear, anger, reproaches against the deceased, oppressive depression or heavy oppressive grief (instead of light sadness).
In any case, one important thing should not be forgotten. If post-mortem contact does occur, then it should not be initiated by one of us living: endless moaning and lamentations can prevent the soul from going where it is supposed to. Let's remember one of the typical phrases from the other side: "Let me go." As the physicist Viktor Rogozhkin, author of the book Eniology, says, anyone who, with his mournful lamentations, does not allow the soul to go into the next materialization, violates the law of inviolability of the will. The immortal astral-mental body should be treated with respect, respect - not to disturb it out of idle curiosity.
“After the death of the physical body of a person, the overwriting of all the mental and spiritual information accumulated over a given incarnation cycle begins,” we read in Eniology. “Up to nine days, the spiritual potential is rewritten, up to forty days, the entire mental experience is rewritten.” It is impossible to interfere with the implementation of these most important energy-information processes with your thoughtless and illiterate invasion, because "the more people regret the deceased, the more difficult it is for him to leave for the next birth." And at the same time, “rewriting of unworked karmic programs from the dead to all those who regret” takes place. There is a price to be paid for such frivolity. For example, moaning for the deceased can provoke kidney problems, abortion and other troubles in the living.
But even after receiving “greetings from heaven”, one should not panic or consider oneself guilty of something before the deceased. Indeed, it is quite possible that close person just lets you know: he is, he remembers you and decided to say goodbye - see you in the best of all possible worlds...
The main meaning of all messages “from there” is clear: life is endless!

What awaits a person after he dies? Is there life after death? What happens to the soul of the deceased? What is astral travel? People have been looking for answers to these questions for a long time. There is still no reliable evidence for the existence of an afterlife.

Mediums and psychics agree in one opinion - after death, a person does not cease to exist. His soul does not disappear, it is nearby and, having some skills, you can turn to it.

Life in the afterlife, the opinion of mediums: connection with religion

People's idea of ​​whether there is life after death is largely determined by religious views. For the most part, religions say that after the death of a person, his soul continues to live on in the new world. Usually this world is divided into good and evil, that is, hell and heaven. In this world, they distribute where the soul will go, depending on the actions of people during their lifetime.

There is a very old belief that says that the body is just a shell, and the soul lives forever. When the body dies, the soul embarks on a new cycle of rebirth, after which it is reborn on earth. Some believe that the worlds exist in an infinite number and the soul can travel from one to another. There are even adherents of the theory that if the soul really wants to live, it moves into someone else's body, displacing the soul of the previous owner. In other words, the soul does not leave, but moves.

Life in the afterlife opinion of mediums: various theories

The opinions of mediums and psychics about where the human soul goes after death are very different. But, despite the differences, they unanimously assure that the soul of a deceased person can cause harm, even against their will, that is, without malicious intent. It happens that the soul of the deceased suddenly begins to feed on the energy of a living person, thereby taking away his strength.

But there is a separate group of mediums who have a different opinion about the world of man after death. They believe that nothing can disappear into nowhere. People, after death, still remain in the physical world until their physical energy disappears. But in this state, they are deprived of the opportunity to influence the world of the living.

Some believe that if a person is good in life, then his spirit will be strong, and vice versa, the spirit of an evil and vengeful person will be weak. Also, people can be active and passive, just as there is passive kindness, which worse than evil. This is determined by the fact that a person does not do bad things, but does not help either, passively watching the evil that is happening. These are shadow people, incapable of action. Their spirit will not be strong, because the soul has not developed.

Life in the afterlife is the opinion of mediums: what is astral travel

There is an opinion about the possibility of astral travel. Robert Monroe founded the Monroe Institute and invented a method that allows you to learn how to travel the astral within six days. In his travels, Monroe visited many places, most of which caused him discomfort. According to him, after death, a person enters the Garden, where he can communicate with the souls of loved ones. After that, all souls continue to develop together.

Astral travel is the ability to separate the soul from the body and fly in the universe.

Life in the afterlife is the opinion of mediums: how to learn to enter the astral

People flying in a dream have a predisposition to astral travel. Psychics and mediums make similar journeys throughout outer space.

If a person who does not fly even in a dream wants to develop this ability in himself, he needs to train hard, mentally creating a feeling of walking and falling. Such walks should be done several times a day.

Then proceed to the next exercise. A person lies down and closes his eyes, relaxes and imagines how he looks and sees himself and the situation around. Next, you should expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bmovement, traveling around the apartment, then along the street, etc. These exercises will teach you to make astral travel, that is, to move the soul separately from the body.

After it becomes easy to leave the body, you can proceed to exit into the astral plane. To do this, lie down comfortably, close your eyes and ears, concentrating only on yourself. Feel the tension in the muscles of your body for three seconds, then relax and experience the feeling of falling into the abyss. Do not be afraid when you see yourself lying. It should be remembered that astral travel is not safe and can frighten an inexperienced beginner, and he will not be able to return back.

The theories of popular psychics about life after death are different, but all mediums agree in one opinion: the soul of a person does not disappear after death. The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga and the winner of the TV show "The Battle of Psychics" Swami Dashi claim that the astral exists. This is a world in which there are no physical bodies, but only human souls that can be contacted by having certain psychic abilities.

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    Vanga's opinion about the afterlife

    The clairvoyant believed that human soul lives forever and can return to earth several times, taking new physical forms. human personality does not disappear, the soul gains experience and wisdom, thanks to many reincarnations. In the afterlife, subtle matter has the same tastes, preferences, and attachments as the deceased. Human nature is born in the womb a few weeks before the birth of a baby. If for some reason this did not happen, the child is born dead. The Bulgarian seer claimed that through a silver thread the soul passes into the physical body of a person. When this thread breaks, death occurs.

      Silver thread proponents: Charles Webster Lebdieter and Carlos Casteneda. Reincarnation does not happen to all souls. Evil and greedy, selfish and cruel, deceitful and sinful and remain toiling between heaven and earth. They are doomed to eternal torment and the inability to find their refuge.

      Notable psychics

      Swami Dashi explains what happens to a person after physical death: the relocation of the soul to the astral world. The psychic says that there is no need to be afraid of death, this is only the end of earthly life, but not spiritual.

      Ilona Novoselova argued that the soul consists of three main parts:

      • Biomass is a physical body.
      • Ethereal shells (ghost or phantom). They store information about the appearance and character of the human person.
      • The divine body is a soul that moves after death into a new physical body.

      The phantom does not disappear, but remains forever in parallel worlds and there it exists as an eternal memory of a certain person.

Questions of life after death have been worrying mankind for many centuries. There are many hypotheses about what happens to the soul after it leaves the body.

Each soul is born in the Universe and is already endowed with its own qualities and energy. In the human body, it continues to improve, gain experience and grow spiritually. It is important to help her develop throughout her life.

Sincere faith in God is essential for development. Through prayers and various meditations we strengthen not only our faith and energy, but also allow the soul to be cleansed of sins and continue its happy existence after death.

Where is the soul after death

After the death of a person, the soul is forced to leave the body and go to the subtle world. According to one of the versions proposed by astrologers and ministers of religions, the soul is immortal and after physical death rises into space and settles on other planets for subsequent existence outside.

According to another version, the soul, leaving the physical shell, rushes to the upper layers of the atmosphere and soars there. The emotions that she experiences at this moment depend on the inner wealth of a person.

Here the soul enters the higher or lower levels, which are usually called Hell and Paradise. Buddhist monks claim that the immortal soul of a person after death moves to the next body. More often life path soul begins with the lower levels (plants and animals) and ends with reincarnation into the human body. A person can remember his past lives by plunging into a trance, or with the help of meditation.

What do mediums and psychics say about life after death

Spiritualists claim that the souls of the dead continue to exist in the other world.

Some of them do not want to leave the places of their lifetime existence or remain close to friends and relatives in order to protect them and guide them on the true path. Natalya Vorotnikova, a participant in the Battle of Psychics project, expressed her point of view about life after death.

Some souls are unable to leave Earth and continue their journey due to unexpected death person or unfinished business. Also, the soul can be reincarnated as a ghost and stay at the scene of the murder in order to take revenge on the offenders. Or in order to protect the place of a person's lifetime existence and protect his relatives from troubles.

It happens that souls come into contact with the living. They make themselves known by knocking, sudden movement of things, or they reveal themselves for a short time.

There is no single answer to the question of the existence of life after death. The human age is not long, and therefore the question of the transmigration of the soul and its being outside will always be acute. human body. Enjoy every moment of your existence, improve yourself and do not stop learning new things.
