Pisces and lion friends. Compatibility Capricorn and Taurus

At the moments when the stomach sticks to the spine, and thoughts about yesterday's buckwheat become obsessive, and it's problematic to get home, you frantically start thinking: “Shouldn't I go to girlfriend X?”. And then the imagination draws rich borscht, homemade cutlets with a crispy crust and apple strudel for dessert! And all this will be a treat, regardless of the time and expectation of your arrival? You can be 99% sure that your girlfriend is not an “X”, but a Capricorn woman.

How these ladies “with horns” manage to cook culinary masterpieces, work, earn extra money, go out and take care of children, and even maintain comfort in the house, is simply incomprehensible. There were, of course, assumptions that it was Capricorn women who had 30 hours or more in a day, however, so far there is no exact data on this matter. But the fact remains - a Capricorn girlfriend will always feed, listen and give advice.

So eat to your health, tell the whole truth, unlike, Capricorn is not fond of gossip. However, her heightened sense of justice can play against you if you are the gossip. Even if you didn’t mean “nothing like that”, the label “gossip girl of the year” will be put on you quickly and for a long time.

Tips that Capricorn can give - a separate conversation. Homegrown psychologists are emotional, but not deep. Their solutions are always on the surface and usually only confuse the situation. Yes, besides, the basis of life for every Capricorn woman is Marriage. No, not a production one, they usually do well with work. From a young age, Capricorn is looking for a husband who can provide her best life. These horned ones have plenty of ambitions, but there are not so many independent forces for their realization - that's why the Capricorns are trying to "get married successfully" in order to entrust the business of the trip to a brighter future to their spouse, perched on the croup "horse of luck" behind him.

So any advice that Capricorn gives you will definitely have something to do with “successful marriage”, which is a good thing, but often impossible.

Your girlfriend - Capricorn can show his true horns in the case when your marriage is more successful than hers. As long as the scales of your happiness are in balance, or its side is heavier, nothing threatens friendship, and you always have access to strudel. If, so unexpectedly for her, and quite expected for you, it happens that your marriage becomes more successful, you can start to worry. For Capricorn - a successful marriage, it is always an "ideal husband", so your spouse will immediately begin to enter into the sphere of her interests. Capricorns do not know how to weave intrigues, they are too impulsive and open for this, but just offering him to become his new wife is easy! And it’s not a fact that the faithful will refuse! Capricorn women usually get prettier over the years, at 30 they are really more beautiful than at 23! So be on the alert, and the success of your marriage does not shine in front of her.

When you manage to avoid this slippery "marriage" moment in your relationship with a Capricorn girlfriend, you can be sure that you will not find a better confidante. She can be trusted with a lot of things, up to passwords from social networks or “ICQ” and be sure that she will carry out only those operations in them that you ask for, and will not even think about sticking her nose into your correspondence. So make friends with pleasure, just do not brag, and she is pleased, and you are calm!

Read about other signs of the zodiac in the articles by Alena Solntseva in the section.

Aries Girlfriend. Will readily respond to any of your requests for help - from repairs to inventing a new hairstyle. She, without hesitation, will lend you any amount of money, and will not remind you of the timing of the return. Just do not ask her to participate in settling your conflicts - honest and straightforward, Aries is completely incapable of subtle hints and diplomatic concessions. You can experience this quality for yourself when you answer the question: “Listen, won’t it tell you that I’ve gained a little weight?” hear: “Yes, frankly, for you Lately quite shattered."

Gemini Girlfriend. An ideal companion and participant in any adventures. Just don't expect her to share the responsibility with you if something goes wrong. The twin easily agrees to risky adventures, and can just as easily refuse at any stage. At the same time, her charm will not allow you to hold a grudge against her. She will always come out dry - what about you? The twin will perfectly support the company, will shine with wit at a party and will definitely not covet the man you have noticed for yourself. In addition, she loves to gossip on the phone - if you feel like talking to death - feel free to dial her number.

Girlfriend Cancer. A classic friend who can listen to your complaints for hours and wipe your tears with a handkerchief. No one else can so fully understand your misfortunes and so sincerely sympathize. True, such an idyll continues only until she has her own family. From now on, all her concern will be directed to her husband and child, and you will have to be content with rare meetings at the table on major holidays. However, you can always call her on the phone and ask for advice. Despite their sensitivity, Raquinhas are very practical and never lose their heads. You should not ask her for a loan, criticize her and make fun of her - and your friendship will last for years, bringing you both a lot of benefits. Crayfish are the best cooks, so always ask her for the recipe before parting - you won't go wrong.

Leo Girlfriend. Try to figure out who you are for your girlfriend. On the one hand, she tries to surround herself with bright and outstanding people. But on the other hand, she likes to have someone at her side, a kind of gray mouse, for an advantageous comparison in her favor. In friendship, you will have to give her the leading role, and at the same time learn to admire her actions. Make sure that your personality in such relationships is not suppressed or relegated to the background. It is not recommended to pay for a Lioness friend even sometimes - she can quickly get used to it. And do not give her hasty promises, succumbing to the power of the royal personality, as then you will have to fulfill them, sometimes to the detriment of yourself.

Virgo friend. She may not be loved for excessive pedantry and criticality, because it is difficult to communicate with a person who is constantly dissatisfied with something. Virgo's desire for order makes her to be excessively demanding both to herself and to her friends. She can love you with all her heart, but at the same time want to make you better and point out all the shortcomings. Of course, many do not understand the essence of these nit-picking and cannot withstand the flow of constant criticism. To be friends with Virgo, you need to have a fairly peaceful and balanced character, and at the same time - some optimism and a sense of humor. You should not push her and demand the impossible from her, it is better to show visible signs of attention and disposition to her - she will repay you a hundredfold. Keep in mind, telling her about your too free relationships with men, you risk disappointing her and causing a stream of moralizing. Any excesses will cause her condemnation.

Girlfriend Libra. Your relationship can be called secular in the full sense of the word. Libra will never cross the threshold of decency, will always remain within the framework of social conventions. Being a real diplomat, she is unlikely to show you her true reaction, only polite surprise and acceptable sympathy. She wants everything to be "decent", she will never get involved in scandals or quarrels. At the same time, she loves to gossip, and you can’t refuse her sharpness of tongue. She is able to help you if you get into trouble, but not excessive, and even then, if you ask for it. Friendship with her will be easy and not burdensome. It is useless to ask her for advice: she herself can never make a decision and endlessly hesitates in choosing.

Scorpio friend. This jealous woman will try to capture you entirely, claiming all of your free time and demanding exclusivity and total dedication. She can call you every day and persistently elicit the details of your intimate meetings, she will try to find out the size of your salary, and even the color of your underwear. You will have to devote yourself to her completely and maintain a real spiritual connection. Scorpio, in turn, will repay you with reciprocal devotion, share your misfortunes, even the most severe ones. You may well live with her for a while or borrow a large amount of money. Just one tense moment: Consider Scorpio's innate sex appeal when introducing her to your husband. It is better to arrange so that they do not intersect at all, since the risk is too great. You can discuss it at least for hours, but you must avoid personal contacts at all costs. And be afraid to offend Scorpio - she is quite vindictive and, moreover, vengeful.

Sagittarius friend. With her independence, it is not clear whether she needs friends at all. She does not like to discuss her plans with someone and will brush aside your attempt to discuss relationships with the opposite sex. An irrepressible dreamer and dreamer, she often wishes for reality, so you should not trust her stories. Meetings with a Sagittarius girlfriend are unlikely to become regular, rather, they will be spontaneous and unplanned, but full of new impressions and emotions. The archer loves to make friends in her professional environment, and preferably more qualified than her. God forbid you think that she needs this in order to gain influence or exert pressure. Everything is much simpler - an honest and inquisitive Sagittarius just wants to learn something new, but at the same time useful.

Planet: Jupiter

Element: moving, fire

Embodiment: centaur, as well as an archer (shooter)

Sagittarius are the true philanthropists of the zodiac, although many astrologers give this title to Pisces. As a true humanist, the Sagittarius woman pities you: after all, life has pushed you against such an arrogant, ruthless, stubborn man. If she actively dislikes you, then she may come to the conclusion that you and him are worth each other, and wish you all the best. But whether she likes you or not, this does not mean that she will leave you alone. The Sagittarius woman may not be as evil as the Scorpio woman, but her incarnation is a shooter, that is, a weapon is always with her, and she is ready to use it.

Usually a Sagittarius woman loves to have fun and is quite carefree. She is constantly on the go, and while your current partner has been with her, he has probably traveled a lot when she took him with her. Unfortunately for the man, the Sagittarius woman has many lovers.

Despite all her self-will, the Sagittarius woman is an interesting partner - both from an intellectual and from a physical point of view. For your lovers, she is more of a friend than a passionate lover. She does not like to openly show her feelings and, although she knows very well how to be romantic and gentle, she often does not really want to put this knowledge into practice. The fact is that Sagittarius woman hates restrictions, which for some men are an essential attribute of a romantic relationship. Sagittarians do not like at all when they are limited in some way or kept within certain limits.

First she will try to save with an ex-partner friendly relations out of sentimentality or for the sake of maintaining self-respect. But as the memories fade romantic relationship leave it in the past. While the memory of the novel is still alive, the Sagittarius woman will not mind having an affair with him again, even if you are already present in his life. She may even try to befriend you in order to be closer to him. She believes that you are only his responsibility, and if he wants to sleep with her when dating you, then you better get rid of him quickly. Quite a humane approach, isn't it?

If there are children

The Sagittarius woman is always a very tolerant mother who strives to be a friend TO HER children. Sagittarians respect the law and religion, and sometimes you will find a Sagittarius who is more interested in setting his own standards than in striving to do what is best for children. Having children does not strengthen her ties with a man - neither financial nor emotional. She will not mind your presence in the lives of children.

What does he lose

The feeling of freedom and tolerance emanating from this woman intoxicates him. A relationship without obligations and restrictions gave their love an adventurous and impulsive flavor that he would never forget.

What does he not lose?

Absence emotional attachment did not give him the opportunity to get more out of their relationship. Her cold, sober approach to love made him wonder: maybe he is not the object of her love, but just one of the objects designed to decorate the room and give stability?

What can be done to hurt her

Not only does she have her own circle of friends, own life, your own ambitions, and you just don't fit into her plans. The Sagittarius woman is not jealous of you and you don't have anything she wants or doesn't have. It's best to leave her alone the way she left you and hope your boyfriend can do the same. If a Sagittarius woman tries to befriend you, make sure she doesn't take advantage of you.

How will your sign handle the situation?

You could be best friends. You have many similar traits, one of which is the ability to rejoice. Despite the delicacy of the situation, you have an overwhelming desire to identify with his ex-girlfriend (because you are so similar), which confuses your boyfriend a little. You can offer more passion and affection than she does and are not inclined to play mental games. Just don't try to judge what his previous relationship was like. In this case, you will be able to draw and maintain the line between yourself and her and save your love.

You find the funny antics of the Sagittarius woman charming and fun. However, the fact that outwardly everything goes that way does not mean that in fact the Sagittarius woman is not trying to break something in your life. Remember: sometimes she uses friendship to destroy relationships. If you're lucky, then she really likes you (which is quite possible!), and in time she will forget her ex-partner and her own original reasons for being friends with you (and this is also more than likely) and become a real friend to you. As for your boyfriend, it's likely that being with you will give him more satisfaction and a sense of security than his relationship with her.

Both you and the Sagittarius woman love travel, adventure, and socializing. It is possible that you will become friends. The problem is that you have to work hard to accept his version of what happened. This is especially difficult because the Sagittarius woman uses friendship ties to rekindle the extinguished fire of love, and it will not be easy for you to see all the tricks she resorts to. You may feel that you are being used for their own purposes. For a man, you are a much more faithful girlfriend than a Sagittarius woman, so it is quite possible that you and your new friend more suitable for each other than it was between him and the Sagittarius woman.

According to your ideas about relationships with a man, you need to constantly take care of him and create a strong, comfortable home for him. But the Sagittarius woman thinks differently. She always keeps a man... nervously waiting. With you, he will know that he is needed and loved, and his ex girlfriend- Sagittarius will move on in life. She will be sweet and warm, and in the worst case, she will simply not pay attention to you. Just remember that her attempts to make friends with you may be insincere. And that doesn't mean that she doesn't like you. You just got in her way.

If your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend is a Sagittarius, then thanks to the proximity of your fire signs, you may very well turn life into hell. You should remember that you both tend to be patronizing, and most of the conflict between you arises from the desire to protect those you love. You are not afraid of her because you are sure that your new relationship can withstand all her attacks, but she is not afraid of you either. She never recognized any obligations for herself, your devotion to your man is like a hot fire on a cold night. If you love a man, he knows it.

Your boyfriend's relationship with a Sagittarius woman left much to be desired. Your man's stories about his sleepless nights waiting, about his suspicions that at this moment she is with another man, the inability to get at least some explanation from her can bring you to tears. And how did the poor guy put up with it? Sagittarius will try to use friendship to destroy your relationship with her. former friend, but you can figure out her tricks. And never let her get close to her ex-boyfriend again.

The biggest problem that arises between Libra and Sagittarius is that Libra is somewhat annoyed in the Sagittarius woman by her eternal travels and playfulness. The likelihood that a serious conflict will occur between you is not great, because both of you are trying to avoid conflict situations and prefer to stay with people in good relations. Your boyfriend has probably figured out by now that dating a Libra woman is like stepping back into an old classic movie: glamorous and witty actors, classical setting and great script.

Although most fire and water signs do not get along well with each other, you have mutual sympathy. The Sagittarius woman is very calm when faced with a conflict situation. You appreciate that she keeps her distance from your new partner and, unlike other signs, is unlikely to try to win back her beloved by pretending to be your girlfriend. You will be a more loyal and demanding partner than a somewhat distant Sagittarius woman. Although the centaur is the leader, you have insight and can impress those around you (and sometimes yourself). All your relationships will be stormy and adventurous, full of witty discussions; most men love it.

Being also a Sagittarius, you know how to preempt any attack (if they happen) that will come from a Sagittarius woman. The most serious conflict arises between you because you are so similar. You will need to seek solace in your personality and understand that there are still many differences between you - Sagittarius. When you come across similarities in your relationship, just laugh at them and move on. Only you yourself are making a problem out of them.

As an ex-girlfriend, the Sagittarius woman will not stay around for long, and when she leaves, she will leave forever, leaving you to build together. new life. You will make sure that your boyfriend reaches his full potential and that he knows who to thank for this. The Sagittarius woman was not distinguished by fidelity and affection, and you do not like to quickly move from one relationship to another, so your man should be ready for the “long journey” with you.

You can get along because both understand the importance respectful relationship and are ready to support them even in such a situation. If something unpleasant happens between you, it will be rather a matter of chance. After all, the Sagittarius woman probably does not mean anything bad. As a lover, you are more attached to your partner than she is, and you are worried about whether your relationship will be long-term. Everything you do will benefit you and your relationship with a man.

By its very nature, Sagittarius is half man, half beast (not without reason, because the centaur is the embodiment of this sign). It makes you nervous that you cannot immediately understand this. In all your incarnations, there is always friction between you. In fact, you are a much more mature person than the Sagittarius woman (although she is one of the most mature), and most men find it easier to deal with more mature women than the Sagittarius, who often behaves either like a clown or like a philosopher.

Usually friends become people who are united by common interests or similar problems. Do you want to know which representatives of which zodiac signs can become good friends for you? Does your girlfriend really value your friendship and appreciate you?

At Aries more often big circle acquaintances and friends, but they do not have so many real friends. And this is not surprising. Despite their liveliness and energy, which so attract girlfriends to Aries, the girls of this sign love to talk about themselves more and do not always know how to listen. By temperament, they are most suitable for Aquarius or Gemini.

Girlfriend- Taurus is a reliable friend and assistant in any business. She is reasonable, you can always turn to her for wise advice. Despite the fact that the Taurus girl is economical, she will not hesitate to lend you some amount of money if necessary. Pisces and Cancer girls can build strong friendships with Taurus.

If you love travel and adventure, girl- Twins could be your perfect friend. She is easy going and always has something to talk about. In addition, a Gemini friend is incredibly charismatic and attractive to others, so the days spent with her always leave pleasant memories. The best friends for her can be the girls of the signs Aries and Leo.

Gentle and understanding friend Cancer will always support the occasionally desponding Taurus with a warm word and warm the cold and impregnable Virgo with friendly love. Cancer girls are always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need. They do not accumulate resentment and quickly forget the bad. With representatives of this zodiac sign it is always comfortable and interesting.

If the girl is a sign a lion chose you as a friend, be sure you deserve a lot. The fact is that Lionesses are very selective in everything, as they consider themselves special. These girls usually choose beautiful and intellectually developed girlfriends as friends. They love to live beautifully and surround themselves beautiful people. If you are a pretty Gemini girl or charming Libra, then, for sure, the Lioness will like you.

girlfriend sign- Virgin a little prim and sometimes boring. But these qualities do not prevent her from being a good friend. She rarely compliments, it is not always possible to pull her out to a secular party, but she is always ready to listen to you and help. IN difficult situation she won't verbally cheer you up, but rather offer real help. Usually, Virgos develop strong friendships with Cancers and Scorpios.

Young woman- Scales is an eternal student who is always ready to have fun and have fun. She does not like to spend evenings within four walls, she is attracted by the lights. big city, new acquaintances and travel. Usually this girl has many acquaintances and friends whom she considers her own. best friends. Leo and Sagittarius can become good friends for a girl of the zodiac sign Libra.

Making friends with a girl scorpio, you should be prepared for the fact that you have to dedicate it to all your affairs. Representatives of this zodiac sign are inquisitive and, moreover, they are great owners. A Scorpio friend without hesitation can beg you for details of your personal life, she may also be interested in the size of your salary and the history of your illnesses. If you are a Virgo or Capricorn, then most likely you will be able to establish friendly relations with Scorpio.

Girlfriend- Sagittarius is a lover of adventure. She does not sit still, she loves to be in the center of events and always tries to attract attention. With such a friend, you can easily have divisions of men. Sagittarians are not particularly ceremonious in this matter and can easily take away a friend's boyfriend. Such unceremonious behavior can withstand, perhaps, only the girls of the sign of Libra or Aquarius.

The girls- Capricorn there are rarely many girlfriends, since they approach friendship, like any other business, very responsibly. You can always rely on such a friend. She does not throw words into the wind and will always help to get out even from a hopeless situation. A Capricorn friend does not like empty talk and will never forgive betrayal. Scorpios and Pisces will definitely appreciate such a girlfriend.

Aquarius This is the wind girl. She is free-spirited and unpredictable. Despite the fact that the representatives of this zodiac sign are usually intellectually developed, they can rarely be found on a day off in the library with a book. An Aquarius friend, for sure, every Saturday will invite you to the cinema, theater or just to a cafe for a cup of tea. She loves to share information and make new friends. Sagittarius and Aries will gladly share her interests.

Girls- Fish are usually friendly. Their house is always full of guests, and the table is bursting with goodies, usually prepared by the hostess herself. Pisces are inquisitive and compassionate. Pisces Girlfriend is that rare girl who will listen with interest to your complaints about life and help you get away from problems. It rarely opens up on its own. Capricorns and Taurus, for sure, will be able to establish a strong friendship with Pisces.

The men are sure female friendship does not exist. That, they say, it is feigned, fleeting and always ends its existence, faced with competition, envy and betrayal. Such arguments cause only indignation in many women, because they can refute them by their own example and prove that the majority of women have many girlfriends and value this very much. Just female friendship is not a gift, but a worthy reward for sincerity, understanding and patience.

Best friend- this is the one that can guess your mood at one glance, with whom you can talk heart to heart, without trying to show yourself in the best light. She will always listen to you, support you with a word, come to the rescue in Hard time and never cheat. The best friend is not easy to find, she should not have such character traits as selfishness, pettiness, envy and mistrust. One of the most reliable ways to choose a girlfriend is the following: count 11 from your zodiac sign and the woman, the received zodiac sign, is perfect for you as a girlfriend. And this means:

1. Aries. The best friends for Aries are Aquarius women. A woman is not a good friend. She is too impatient, does not know how to listen and show sympathy. She needs to do everything quickly and immediately. Aquarius woman attracts Aries with her friendliness, unobtrusiveness and lack of jealousy. The girlfriend herself - Aries never deceives, says everything directly and frankly, and if necessary helps the first.

2. Taurus. It is best for a Taurus woman to be friends with Pisces. Girlfriend Taurus can make up good company in any parties and travels, she will get you the phone number of a good doctor and give helpful advice about how the guy will like it. But Taurus absolutely does not like to borrow a beautiful blouse for a date or money until the next salary. Therefore, a Pisces girlfriend is suitable for Taurus, who will not encroach on "her property" - wardrobe, money and a man. Pisces will appreciate Taurus, they are well versed in the nuances of human experiences and respect the needs of others.

3. Twins. It is best for a Gemini woman to make friends with an Aries. An optimistic and curious woman - Gemini will make a good company for Aries. She will ideally complement the leader of Aries, who will take care of organizing joint leisure and material support for her friend. Together they will "wash the bones" to men and at the same time their views absolutely coincide.

4. Cancer. A Cancer woman will be comfortable next to her friend Taurus. She is able to endure the stubbornness of Taurus more easily than all the other signs of the Zodiac. Before marriage, a Cancer woman can be an ideal girlfriend. She is always ready to feed her delicious pies and invite them to live with you if a friend has problems with housing. But the motherly care of a Cancer woman is addressed to her friends only as long as she does not have her own family. Family life completely absorbs Cancer, so married representatives of this sign have practically no girlfriends. The exception is a friend of Taurus, who knows how to pity her with her compliments, her passion for cooking and housing design.

5. a lion. The Leo Woman will become a reliable friend to the Gemini. The ease of communication and mediocrity of the Gemini attracts the Lioness to her like a magnet. The Leo woman herself prefers to make only interesting acquaintances and useful connections. She never flirts or betrays. A lioness can be scandalous and harmful, but she always asks for forgiveness if she herself is to blame.

6. Virgo. The Virgo woman will be happy to be friends with her friend Cancer, who will feed her deliciously, listen and support her in difficult times. But Virgo herself is very demanding of close people, she loves to make critical remarks about her friend's appearance and teach her life lessons. Only Cancer can withstand the meticulous and slow Virgo, who always provides her with significant assistance in housekeeping and childcare.

7. Scales. The indecisive Libra woman will feel great next to the purposeful and confident Lioness. Often a woman becomes a talisman for the success of Libra's friend. Libra herself cannot imagine life without girlfriends and friends. And she always has a lot of them. After all, Libra is extremely correct and polite in communication. She does not like to argue and prove her case, adhering to conflict situations Rule of thumb: Silence is golden. But Libra's friend is capable of betrayal and can lie looking into your eyes.

8. Scorpion. A Scorpio woman is the most jealous and critical friend. Only a modest Virgo woman can be friends with her for a long time. Only she can adequately endure the offensive statements of Scorpio and find a way to prevent her from repulsing her beloved man. The Scorpio woman is sure that her friend should share everything equally with her, and therefore she unceremoniously interferes in her life and tries to control her everywhere. But Scorpio will never leave her friend in trouble, she is ready to part with everything for the sake of her happiness and will rush to the ends of the world to help her close friend in difficult times.

9. Sagittarius. A woman - Sagittarius will like the sociable friend of Libra. She knows how to find a compromise in conflict situations and turns a blind eye to the cheerful and adventurous nature of a freedom-loving woman - Sagittarius. Only she can remain silent when Sagittarius laughs for no reason, and also make her a couple in her endless parties and get-togethers. But you should not believe everything that a Sagittarius girlfriend says. She herself does not always know when she is lying and when she is telling the truth.

10. Capricorn. A Capricorn woman makes a once-in-a-lifetime friendship. More often best friend Capricorn is Scorpio. She won't gossip behind her back and just like her, she takes life seriously. A Capricorn friend has a very high opinion of herself and prefers to be friends only with those who will help her understand the intricacies of human relationships and find true love. The Capricorn friend herself is caring and generous with gifts, but own will she is unlikely to want to arrange holidays and will go far from home.

11. Aquarius. An Aquarius woman is best suited for an open and cheerful Sagittarius girlfriend. She will help her make "the necessary acquaintances with the right people". Aquarius and Sagittarius have the same interests and outlook on life in many ways. For example, they both love to travel and are interested in the latest fashion trends. True, the Aquarius woman herself is not able to be friends for a long time and faithfully. She can easily refuse to help her friend in difficult times or not show up for an appointment.

12. Fish. The Fish Woman is somewhat reminiscent of Tatiana Larina from Eugene Onegin. She is "wild, sad, silent, like a fearful doe in the forest", exactly the same as A.S. Pushkin described her main character. To gain courage and open your heart, Pisces needs to have a reliable shoulder nearby. That is why only a serious and solid Capricorn woman can become her best friend. The friendship between Pisces and Capricorn survives years and distances, and becomes so strong that all other signs can only envy them. Although Pisces herself cannot always help her friend, because often her desires do not coincide with her capabilities.
