Why did everything go wrong in life? What to do when you feel bad

Ecology of life. Psychology: The head became heavy, thoughts hung in gray cotton wool, a lump rolled up in the throat, tears froze in the eyes. I have no strength to speak or cry. Asking for help, calling someone, all the more there is no strength. Here it is the state - "bad at all."

The head became heavy, thoughts hung in gray cotton wool, a lump rolled up in the throat, tears froze in the eyes. I have no strength to speak or cry. Asking for help, calling someone, all the more there is no strength.

Here it is the state - "bad at all."

- What do you want now?
- I do not want anything. I want everyone to leave me alone. And it's better that I never existed at all. To avoid this starting point of the report ...
- It's global. And what do you want very little for yourself now?
- .... so that there is no noise around, ... so that everything is quiet, and I am left completely alone ...
- What can you do for yourself now?

Finding the answer to the question "What can I do for myself now?" launches a program to get out of depression, despair and exhaustion.

I am no one else. Mobilization of own forces, search for a resource.

I can, I definitely can. Search for a solution and selection of actions according to forces.

To do is not just to think about it, but to do it. Movement to concrete actions changes in the situation.

Now - in this moment, not sometime in the future, but already now. Decision making and immediate action.

This action is usually very small, it takes a person out from under the cap, starts the self-rescue mechanism.

What is the smallest thing I want for myself and what can I do for myself right now?
- I want not to see these walls, so that no one gets me.

I can get out of here immediately by turning off my phone.
- I want it to be quiet, and I was alone.

I can ask everyone, having gathered the remaining strength, to leave here and leave me alone for two hours.

As soon as there is an action that responds to the current need - that's it, the mechanism is launched.

At this stage of the exit, you should not try to analyze the situation. This is a pointless waste of resources. You now do not have the opportunity to objectively and adequately perceive what is coming.

As long as you are inside the problem, you will not be able to look at it from the outside.

Try to turn off your head. Throw out any thoughts that come, and try to remain in complete emptiness.

To master the technique of "thinking nothing", the ability to stop the course of one's own thoughts, is not easy, but possible.

It will allow you to take a break from the exhausting "crisis decisions" and the search for the guilty.

Be in this state and at this stage, for as long as you need to, to restore strength and start breathing.

The first opportunity to analyze will come the next day. Even then, don't try to make far-reaching decisions.

You will be able to understand what really happened and how to do it differently next time not earlier than in a few days, and the more time passes, the more objective your view will be. "Big things are seen from a distance."

This will be of interest to you:

Therefore, you should not make violent decisions “under the hood”: “That's it! I'm getting a divorce! or write resignation letters. Perhaps it’s worth hanging up and you’ve grown out of this work a long time ago, but you can only do this with a “fresh head”. And it’s better to leave not “from”, but “to”.

When you jump with a parachute, the main thing is not to forget to pull the ring in time.
Remember, it may save your life someday. published

Life is not always colorful and happy, there are moments when even an optimist gives up. Around it seems that everything is against you - close, unfamiliar people, bosses, even nature is crying with you with pouring rain. There is a feeling that it will not be worse than it is. How to act in such a situation? First of all, calm down, figure it out, maybe you are just winding yourself up.

Is it possible to deal with your emotions?

Every person has a different mood. Sometimes we ourselves can’t figure out why it happened that way and appeared. Here you need to be patient! Not all days are good. No wonder they say that life is an alternation of white and black stripes. But, if you think about it, in fact, life is a chessboard, it all depends on the right move.

You got up in the morning and everything started to fall apart? Do breathing calming exercises that will put your thoughts in order, tune in a positive way.

Often the cause of a bad mood, apathy, is idleness. Sometimes it's boring, you don't know what to do with yourself. The computer is tired, the TV too. Say "stop" to yourself! Why are you living and wasting your time. Do something useful.

Many women on maternity leave constantly lash out at their husbands in the evening, because they are bored of sitting at home all day. As a result, it disappears, problems arise in relationships. And you did not try to occupy yourself with something interesting, try to develop, do what you like. Some women immediately find an excuse: “I have Small child!" So what? This is not where life ends, it just begins. If you set an example that you are constantly working, actively moving, you and your children will grow purposeful, active.

Almost all experts say: It is bad for those who do not want to do anything to make it good. You can never give up. Life is a struggle, a kind of overcoming obstacles.. Take advantage of these valuable tips.

think of something good

Often all problems appear because of it. Do not escalate the situation, you do not need to constantly inspire yourself that bad things will happen. Remember good moment from life or dream about something pleasant. It will get easier right away.


Fell into depression, yearning? Go to the mirror, look into it and smile. You are beautiful, a bad mood does not suit you, so get rid of it.

Appreciate what you have

Many people are selfish, they demand from others what is not clear. The mistake is that egoists do not appreciate what they have, they want to conquer the peaks. Dreams and aspirations are good, but sometimes you need to get down to earth and think about your loved ones that you are hurting. Some can easily lose love, friendship, at first they think that there is nothing wrong with that. And then they realize the mistake, and it is no longer possible to return the person.

This doesn't just happen to people. Let's give a simple example, you dream about something for a very long time, you wait, and when it comes true, everything is not as you would like. As a result, there is emptiness in the soul, a feeling of anxiety, apathy appears. Often this feeling is experienced by people who have. They constantly want to achieve their goal, but achieving the goal does not bring them joy.

Remember! Rejoice in the present, not in the illusory, invented. Dream, but do not forget about real life.

Adhere to the principle: "Everything that is done is only for the better"

Any problems? Try to model the situation differently. If this happens, then it needs to be experienced. Do not immediately panic, tear your hair out, try to change something. Just calm down, wait, maybe you need to rest, and after a while you will already be laughing at your problems.

How to get out of the impasse?

First of all, remember that "the night always ends and the day comes." Learn to endure all trials, be wise. Experienced psychotherapists pay attention to such methods:

  • Get your life in order. Get rid of everything that makes you uncomfortable. Tired of constantly repairing the sideboard? Throw it away and buy a new one. Worried about getting wet and ruining your hair? Call a taxi. Do you constantly quarrel with your husband or wife, relationships do not bring joy, only torment you? Consider divorce. Remember, the end is always the beginning of a new life.
  • Do not give up. Some people think that the way out of the situation is to get drunk, get high, use stimulants, party all night in a nightclub. Why jump headlong into the pool? Always remember that drugs are temporary happiness, which in the future leads to dangerous consequences.
  • Sign up for a gym . Throw away all negative energy during physical activity. In addition to improving your mood, you will look great, and this will give confidence in life.
  • Try to do good, it will definitely come back to you . If something constantly goes wrong with you, you didn’t think that you harmed someone, you made a mistake.
  • Drive yourself out negative emotions . You can go far into nature and scream with all your might. If it’s very bad, cry, the whole thing will come out with tears. heartache. Write about all your problems, and then burn the paper.

Unable to cope on your own, you fell into deep depression? Consult a psychotherapist, he will help you find a way out of the situation. Perhaps some time you need to drink sedatives. For example, they often prescribe tincture of valerian, motherwort. But do not get carried away with antidepressants, tranquilizers - they only aggravate the situation.

Sit and think, why is everything so bad? Look around, maybe someone is much worse, and you just came up with your own tragedies. Learn to calmly perceive all life's troubles, do not give up, always fight to the end. The main thing is not to succumb to various temptations, negative influences. Be yourself in every situation. Be happy, enjoy life and do not pay attention to various trifles!

We have already written about depression and apathy, but what to do when your heart is just bad, and you seem to understand that this will pass, but you want to somehow speed up the process? First of all, accept this state, do not try to reject it - absolutely all people are prone to blues, to a greater or lesser extent. This is due to the change of seasons, and the lack of sunlight, and hormonal changes in the body. In order to quickly return to a good mood, use our tips on what to do when you feel bad at heart.

1) Eat positive! The first thing to do in the fight against blues is to reorganize your diet by adding mood-enhancing foods to it. These include milk, tomatoes, fish, blueberries, broccoli, red peppers, bananas, cottage cheese, whole grain flour products, all kinds of cereals and almonds, as well as citrus fruits. Don't forget about the visual component of food - when food looks beautiful, mood and appetite increase by themselves. It will be just great if you are fascinated by the preparation of a new dish, for example, cottage cheese pie with almonds and banana. Inhaling wonderful aromas in the kitchen and enjoying the results of your labors (better not alone), you will quickly forget about all your worries.

2) "Injections" of joy. Imagine that your feeling of being "bad at heart" is a perfectly treatable disease, and follow the written prescription for the most positive films, books, series and magazines you can find. Review your favorite comedies, films about love, in which a happy ending invariably happens, re-read positive books, in general, remember everything that has ever made you laugh, touched you and cheered you up, and take it with shock doses!

3) Surround yourself with care. Very often, a depressed state is a sign of fatigue, so your body reminds the owner that he is not a machine, he needs rest, care and affection. Give it to him now! Go for a massage, take a fragrant bath, stop overworking yourself at home, let someone else cook food for several days, or go to catering with the whole family. It is imperative to reduce the level of stress, and for this, forget about problems and worries for a while, and focus on your loved one. The sooner you get out of the current state, the sooner you can return to your life with its sorrows and joys.

4) Get rid of the old. There are two wonderful and accessible to everyone techniques for those who do not know what to do when the soul is bad. One of them is general cleaning your archives and mezzanines. No, we do not force you to wash windows and vacuum the far corners: your task is to get rid of all unnecessary old rubbish that completely unreasonably takes up space in the apartment, not letting new positive energy into it. Item not used last six months? So you don't really need it. Give and throw away everything: old notebooks, clothes, broken furniture, unnecessary books and interior items. Pay attention to how much easier it becomes to breathe with each discarded bag or box - of course, because you get rid of the ballast, the burden of the past, which does not allow you to move forward.

5) Create a new one. The second practical technique, which is a logical continuation of the first one, is creation. Draw the sun or flowers on the wall, repaint (re-paste) the wallpaper in a bright color, enliven the room in which you spend the most time with flowers, fabrics, something new. This will help inspire you new energy so that the soul becomes light and joyful.

Even for the most positive and optimistic personalities, it happens that hands fall: it doesn’t add up anywhere - on the personal front, at work, with friends ... Only despair and nothing more. What if everything in life is bad? Just be, and the rest will fall into place.

A few thoughts to support you

If everything is bad in your life, “what to do” should be the second question. And for starters, you need to change your mindset a bit and support yourself.

Pain is just part of the growth

If the door closed in front of you, it's time to move forward. Many people do not start moving until circumstances force them to. Here they are! Move!

By the way, about the pain. In some Chinese martial arts schools, ligaments are deliberately torn for children during stretching. The pain is wild, but then it’s easier to sit on the twine.

This too shall pass

No need to quote the great king. Just don't think that the night will never end in the morning and the wound will always hurt. This does not happen!

Live in the moment and when everything is great for you, and if you have no idea what to do if everything in life is bad.

Complaining and worrying won't change a thing

No comments. Do not take away the strength that you can use to solve your problems.

All scars are only a symbol of strength

They show that you have survived the ordeal. The current wound will definitely heal with a scar. Don't let them hold you hostage and let you live in fear. This is a sign of triumph.

Every struggle you have is a step forward. If you have to fight what is bad, you move to where it will be better.

Bad people are not your problem

If they try to destroy or defeat you - smile! So you save yourself, which is important if you are surrounded by not the most decent or evil people. Be yourself even if someone says bad things about you. Don't let anyone break you and change you. The environment changes (and it is not always you who attract it), but you are with you forever.

Something to let go

You need it in order to continue on your way. Even if everything goes wrong, move on and don't be afraid to get angry, love again, make mistakes. In any case, the Universe is right, and for some reason this “everything is bad” is given to you: it only happens smoothly and calmly in a coffin, but you won’t feel it anymore.

What to do?

Thinking right is the beginning of the journey. But what if everything is bad?

Break down problems

You can even make a list of everything that is bad: the name of the problem, the essence, how to solve it, and whether it can be solved at all. Some things can be left undecided, because it only needs to be accepted. And some problems have a couple or more solutions. Something will have to be decided for years, and if your favorite coat is torn, you can deal with it in a few days.

When everything is really bad and hands fell, it is difficult to connect the logic, but it is better to do just that, and not complain and worry.

Go in for sports

Here the formula for success is simple. Firstly, the load will help you cope with stress, and secondly, problems can resolve while you have been working on yourself. And you will enter a new life with a beautiful and healthy body.

Don't go all out

Some people think that when things are bad, you need to arrange drinking and partying. This will not make your life better: troubles will not go away, but comrades will come to them: poor health, a hangover and lack of money. For girls, spoiled skin and overweight. But once to take too much with true friend maybe even helpful...

Don't hide your negative emotions

Of course, it doesn’t make sense to constantly complain and grief cannot always be helped with tears, but you need to let off steam and negativity, no matter how you are brought up there ... Yes, you can roar, scream and break loose (even at your closest ones), beat cups. And not once, but as much as required in your situation. You can also start a whole notebook to drain negative emotions. The main thing is that it does not enter the system, like the mentioned alcohol. But to cherish your anger, resentment and other dirty tricks is forbidden!

Don't be afraid to call for help

And it's not just about the help of "their own" or influential people. If necessary, visit a priest, a psychotherapist, a spiritual mentor ... Someone who can cure you ... In general, do not be afraid to communicate during difficult periods. You understand that trouble can be shared with someone. But if you close yourself in, you will close your grief inside.

Think (and speak) only good things

You can dream about good things and then it can also materialize. You should not live with the thoughts that the status quo (that is, everything that happens today) is forever and you will die alone, unloved and in a tattered coat. No matter how you remember the anecdote about a man who only thought badly about everything, and a guardian angel sat behind him and wrote it all down: the boss is a beast, his wife is a fool, etc. Thinking, make the right orders and requests to higher forces. The same goes for conversations. Do not support negative topics that colleagues, friends or neighbors love to discuss so much - you have your own opinion.


This feeling is always uplifting. Do good deeds in the name of your loved ones and life will change for the better. If you do not have a half, you still have someone to love: friends or relatives, an animal. And finally, even the most difficult situations in life should not give you a reason to stop loving yourself. Just love yourself even if the husband left, the coat was torn and the boss washed down. The universe will change its attitude towards you only if you love yourself.

There is one simple answer to the question “What to do when everything is bad” - enjoy the moment so that you don’t miss it later, because soon the crisis will pass and a bright streak will come! But seriously, in order for the gloomy clouds above your head to disperse, it is enough to take 9 simple steps, the effectiveness of which has been tested by time.

Need specifics

Many of us have a well-developed ability to exaggerate. To do this, many use a technique known from literary theory as hyperbole. Its meaning is deliberate exaggeration to enhance the effect, emotional amplification, and so on. Most often, under the phrase “everything is bad” there is an exaggerated “something specific”.

In other words, these are certain moments or situations on which the general state person. It is desirable to find them. To do this, you need a piece of paper and a pen, which "endure" all the bad things. Most likely, already from the first line it will turn out that there are not so many reasons for depression.

But those reasons that exist and are specifically identified have created the effect of a snowball that brazenly fell on tired shoulders. If the same question has been heard in your head for a long time: “What to do when it’s very bad?”, It is advisable to start resolving the current situation right now. Which, in fact, is already happening.

Negative overboard

In order to cope with the surging problems, at least enthusiasm and desire are needed. But where do they come from when everything is “eaten up” by the state of “what to do”? To change the situation will have to collect last drops strength and throw them into a healing activity, which everyone has their own.

It can be a trip to the bathhouse, cycling, skating, jumping on trampolines, in general, everything that will get rid of the negative, replacing it with a positive. The main thing is to get physically tired, throw out emotions with a cry or laugh, and also switch. It's worth it, because the overall emotional state is at stake. It is this that determines our willingness to fight for things to get better. Do not forget that a healthy mind is in healthy body, therefore, delicious food and good sleep are exactly what the “doctor attributed”.

black humor

Sometimes black humor and self-irony remain underestimated helpers in the fight against depression, but about them healing properties a lot is known in the world of modern psychotherapy. It may be worth considering what is "not enough" for complete picture hopelessness. After all, it could always be worse. Laugh at yourself, and this is considered a sign strong personality, not only cheers up, scaring away the snowball of failures, but also reminds you that everything is really not as bad as it can be.

If it’s hard to find a reason to laugh on your own, then it’s time to go to the cinema, but only to comedy. Movies have a therapeutic effect, so you should choose something incredibly explosive.

Action algorithm

When negative emotions are a little gone, it's time to return to the "black" list. Opposite each item that “poisons lives”, you can write detailed instructions on how to provide yourself with emergency medical care. That is, to think over your actions, the so-called ways to overcome the problems that have arisen, in order to clearly determine for yourself what to do if everything is bad.

The main thing is not to look for global and sophisticated solutions, but to find affordable and simple options which are easy to take.


It is worth admitting that it is rare for anyone to have perfect order in all areas of life. Many different cases have been put on the back burner of an immense size for years. Now is the time to carry out an audit in this “long box”, thereby making a general cleaning in it.

If you enthusiastically engage in the implementation of some business, at least in one area of ​​\u200b\u200blife, improvements will imperceptibly begin. Decorating furniture, a trip to distant relatives, transplanting flowers will be a good reason for global vital reforms.

Equilibria as an axiom

Many scientists from different industries agree that everything in the world is balanced. If somewhere it decreases, then soon it appears in another place. So, in every unpleasant situation there is also the other side of the coin, on which a rainbow is drawn in bright colors, you just need to make out it.

  • Is the dress torn? There was an opportunity to update the style by altering it in the workshop.
  • Got fired? It's time to take a break and find something more worthwhile.
  • Has your husband/wife left? So he needs it, but I have new life starts!

Healing Humility

Sometimes people in a hurry to find what to do when things are going bad need to calm down and stop doing anything at all. There are things that are out of our control. Naturally, for those who are used to managing their own destiny, it is quite difficult to come to terms with such a statement. But no one can predict illness, accident or loss of a loved one.

It is important to try to forgive your fate by accepting its "gifts" with humility and gratitude. It is hard, but effective, because a little humility and understanding attracts love, and anger and resentment attracts hatred.

good deed

If we do not know what to do when everything is bad, then the whole world seems unfair, spoiled, embittered. If gray gloomy weather is added to a dejected mood, then a meeting with apathy is guaranteed. To warm yourself up by helping good overcome evil, you can do something good for another person.

It can be anything: a charity dinner, gifts for children with special needs, a visit to the sick, and so on. As a result, it turns out that this helped us first of all, because sincere gratitude from others heals, eventually returning good in a threefold amount. And the ability to share and sacrifice leads to a mature setting of priorities and values. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that the hand of the giver will never fail.

A look in the mirror

If, after some time, the situation has not improved, but only worsened, moving into a chronic stage of losing on all fronts, then it's time to use heavy artillery. It is a critical introspection of one's actions and behavior. A psychologist, a spiritual mentor, or another person with a good life experience will help to cope with this.

It is worth asking yourself questions: “What did I do wrong?”, “How do I respond to the requests of other people?”, “How do I feel about the performance of my duties?”. The main thing is to be honest with yourself. Only under this condition can you see yourself from the outside. By identifying which behavior pattern attracts trouble, it will become much easier to break the chain of failure.

These 9 steps are designed for a person who is tormented by the question "What to do when everything is bad?". Each step is a small clue leading to the answer. Those who have decided to act, grow and change their lives for the better will be able to take advantage of them. Perhaps there are those in your environment who need advice at this moment. Share this post with them to help deal with the clump of problems flying over their heads and prevent the onset of an ice age.
