How to draw a rose with a vase. Simple ways that will reveal the secret of how to draw a rose flower

Rose is the queen of flowers. Pictures with her look beautiful and original. draw a rose with a simple pencil easy and fast, it does not require special skills. Let's see how to do it step by step. On our site, videos and photos are attached, which also show how to draw a rose with a pencil in stages.

To draw a rose correctly, you must first draw a circle, and insert two petals inside so that they are located at the edges of the circle. Next, draw the stem and leaves. In the rest of the circle we enter a bud. We get this beautiful rose.

All steps with a pencil - how to draw a rose.

Very beautiful rose in pencil (video instruction):

Difficult option

When drawing a rose, it must be borne in mind that the flower has a complex structure. Its petals twist and create kinks. In this regard, you can quickly and easily draw a rose with a simple pencil with your own hands. Consider step by step how to draw a rose using semicircles.

  1. We draw three circles diagonally, starting with the smallest and ending with the largest.
  2. From each circle we lower down two lines, and under the last we draw a semicircle.
  3. Next to each circle, draw another larger circle in diameter.
  4. In the intervals between the circles, we conditionally designate the creases of the petals with lines.

It turns out simple and beautiful. Instructions on how to draw a rose are on the video and photo. Drawn flowers can be colored if desired.

All stages - draw a rose with a pencil.

in the shape of a snail

The design of a rose is very similar to a snail. By arranging the images of petals in a spiral, you can draw flowers beautifully and correctly with your own hands. Instructions are attached to the photo and video. Consider how to draw a rose step by step with a pencil.

First, we depict a small spiral that closes on itself. Then, on the left side, add two free-form petals. On the right side, add two more petals in the same way. The next step is to draw two petals on the left and bottom of a triangular shape. It remains to finish a couple of leaves - and the rose is ready. The painted flowers will look beautiful if each petal is lightly shaded at the base.

Simple rose.

How to quickly draw a rose:

From semicircles

To correctly draw a rose with a pencil, you can do this by depicting circles in certain order. The photo and video shows a step-by-step instruction that will help you draw flowers with your own hands. The essence of the picture is to depict semicircles, gradually increasing their diameter and placing each semicircle in between the two previous ones. Under the largest circle, draw a semicircle - the base of the bud. The painted flowers are beautifully shaped.

Blossoming rose.

By the same principle, you can draw a rose, depicting triangular petals with a slightly pointed edge. If you look at the video and photo in stages, you can see that the petals are located in the gaps between the two previous petals.

Rose drawn in pencil.

beautiful rose ( step by step video instruction)


If you're going to a birthday party or want to give a card, picture a bouquet of roses. Consider how to draw a bouquet of roses with a pencil with your own hands in stages. To correctly convey flowers on paper, draw the outline of the bouquet. Next, in the outline, sketch out the stems and flowers so that they do not go beyond the bouquet. More specifically, we draw up a bow and a vase. The next step is to depict neatly folded rose petals and sepals. Add leaves: they should take up almost all the space inside the outline. The bouquet is ready, and it can be painted.

How to draw a bouquet of roses with a pencil.

Other options

You can draw flowers beautifully with a pencil in another way. Let's analyze how to draw a bouquet of roses, otherwise placing the details on a piece of paper. Photos and videos on our website will help you with this.

  1. First, draw the outline of the bouquet.
  2. Next, enter the shape of roses.
  3. We detail the contours and make them more elegant.
  4. The next step is to start shading. If you have not previously noticed flaws in your drawing, hatching will allow you to do this.

At the end, the drawing can be covered with ordinary hairspray so that the shading does not smear.

So, correctly drawn flowers are far from a complicated matter. The site contains photos and videos step by step instructions, thanks to which any drawing will become a simple matter. You can:

  • give it to your relatives,
  • beloved,
  • hang on the wall to delight guests.

The rose will add freshness and fragrance to environment.

More options for drawing roses:

I have prepared for you interesting workshops for drawing roses in pencil and watercolor: from simple to the most complex. Therefore, rather arm yourself with colored pencils and a brush - let's start!

How to draw a rose with a pencil

1. Light movements draw a sketch of a rose with a pencil: draw an oval bud and a stem.

2. In the center of the oval, draw petals that look like a spiral.

3. Clearly draw each petal. Pay attention to all the bends and folds.

4. Make the necessary thickening, highlighting the main lines on the flower and stem.

5. Great! And now in the places of the shadows, hatch. This will make the rose more voluminous and realistic.

Our masterpiece is ready to try on and decorate one of the walls of your room.

Interesting! Persia (Iran) is considered the birthplace of the rose. In the Persian language, the name of the flower sounds "gul", and the country itself has long had a second name - Gulistan.

The interest of the Persians in growing roses was picked up by the Greeks. One of Greek myths says: “When the goddess of beauty and love Aphrodite learned about the death of her beloved Adonis on a hunt, she went to the mountains of Cyprus to look for the body of a handsome man. Thorns of thorns and sharp stones wounded her fragile legs, and drops of blood falling to the ground turned into red roses.

How to draw a rose step by step

If you are not a beginner in drawing, but paper and pencil are your best friends, I offer a difficult version of drawing a rose with a pencil. Let's take the following image as an example:

1. Draw a long arc - the stem. Mark the upper and lower borders of the bud, as well as its center.

2. Now draw the middle of the bud. It consists of many twisted leaves.

Gradually add other petals to the rose. Pay attention to the severity and geometric shapes.

You will get such a rose:

3. Draw the stem and leaves for the rose.

4. It's time to add shadows and make our flower voluminous. Take a close look at the photo of the rose and start shading the dark areas of the image. Perfect for shading soft pencil.

5. Now, with light pencil movements, add penumbra. Note: petals that curl outward must have highlights and become darker towards the edges.

6. Detail the leaves and add shadows to them.

That's all! The flower queen is ready.

Interesting! IN Ancient Rome The white rose was considered a symbol of silence. If during a solemn meal in the hall over the guests flaunted White Rose, everyone understood: the conversation at the table was not subject to disclosure. So far preserved popular expression"Sub rosa dictum" ("I said under the rose"). This means that everything said is a big secret.

Roman soldiers wore wreaths of roses to get rid of the fear of battle. Rose wreaths in Rome were also awarded to prominent figures.

How to draw a rose with watercolors

Roses painted with watercolors look especially sophisticated and elegant. To create the following image, the artist used professional paints. You can take the most common ones.

1. Choose an image of a rose and make a subtle sketch. If it is difficult to do it yourself, on a sunny day, attach the drawing to the window and transfer it to paper.

2. Apply the initial coat of paints. Color each petal separately. Before you paint the next petal, let the previous one dry well, otherwise the paint will flow.

To mix colors harmoniously:

  • wet the petal with water, and then apply the paint,
  • apply one color, then add another.

3. In addition to pink and orange shades, add purple, blue and cherry. So you will be able to make the drawing saturated.

4. When the roses are completely dry, move on to the background. The role of the background will be played by colored spots. Paint must be applied to wet paper.

5. When the first coat of paint is completely dry, start working on the shadows of the flowers. Along with coral, pink and red colors, add yellow, purple, blue hues. The flower will become beautiful and expressive.

6. Make the background deeper by applying another layer of paint to the previous one. But make sure that the background does not stain the flowers and does not overshadow them. It is not very good if the environment is brighter than the subject being depicted.

7. Detail the image by adding veins and shadows to some of the petals.

Congratulations! The picture is ready.

Interesting! Today, 6,000 types of roses are known, bred by man. But it was the Japanese who surprised me the most. They managed to grow a chameleon rose. This amazing flower changes color depending on the light. During the day the rose is scarlet, in the evening it is white.

How to quickly draw a bouquet of roses

No wonder they say: if you want to win a girl's heart, give her roses. But do not be sad if there is not enough money for a luxurious bouquet. Rather, run for whatman paper and colored pencils - bright picture will be an excellent birthday present and, unlike natural flowers, will remind the birthday girl of a caring author for a long time to come.

1. Draw a bouquet, vase and bow.

2. With light pencil movements, sketch out buds in the form of ovals, finish the stems and bow. Make the bottom of the vase round.

3. Give the buds characteristic shapes for roses. Draw a second line along each stem to make them thicker. Detail the bow.

4. Draw the petals inside the buds. Don't forget the sepals.

5. And the last thing - draw the leaves. There should be a lot of them, because we have a whole bunch of roses. Draw vertical lines on the vase. In the right places, make hatching.

Color the picture with colored pencils and give it to someone you love very much.

Roses are the queen of flowers. Gorgeous, wonderful and loved by all. No celebration is complete without them. This is a declaration of love to loved ones, a gift for a birthday, an anniversary and a wedding. Gorgeous bouquets stand for a long time, but, alas, sooner or later they will wither anyway. But you can save them not only in memory, but also by making their watercolor “portrait”. After all, it's so great when you can draw a bouquet of roses yourself and save it as a picture. Of course, it is not easy to depict this amazing flower, but with a little patience, attentiveness, diligence, and everything will work out. To draw a bouquet of roses in stages, we need not so much - an ordinary pencil, an eraser, good thick paper and watercolor paints. You can even use ordinary school paints, there are enough colors, and the shades are obtained by combining the main colors.

  1. We make a light sketch on paper with a hard and well-sharpened pencil. Do not press the paper with force, you need a lot easy drawing. First, we draw the simplest shapes - circles, pointed ovals, to see how our composition will look on the sheet. In our case, three flowers are selected, which will be located on one vertical line. Moreover, the flower closer to us will be small, in the center - the largest and smallest, balancing the composition, a bud at the top.

  2. We draw each flower separately. The most important thing is to look at the rose, how its petals are superimposed one on the other in a spiral. It opens from the outer petals (they will be the largest) to the dense core, where the petals are the most tender and seem to be pressed against each other.

  3. Let's start with watercolors. We paint over all areas with a soft large brush with the addition of a large amount of water. Please note that the flower foreground will be rose-purple, and the central rose will be rose-red. The leaves are also different colors. The more mature ones are dark green, and the newborn leaves will be lighter - green-yellow and smaller in size.

  4. We draw shadows on the petals and leaves. Some areas are left untouched. The upper edges of the rose petals will be well lit and, therefore, these are the lightest areas of the picture. The same goes for the leaves. They are not flat, which means that their texture needs to be further emphasized. We draw veins with dark green, but we try to leave small places. This will give the leaves a shiny and smooth effect. The leaves of a rose are usually polished and shiny, with jagged edges.

  5. Clearer and more contrast we designate the shadows and give volume to our drawing. The leaves located in the depths, under the flowers, will be the darkest, almost no light falls on them. With a thin brush, draw thin veins of leaves. We leave some light, some we make even darker. The main thing is that there should not be the sameness and the feeling of a “stamp”, because in nature there are no absolutely identical leaves or flowers. We also make rose petals even more voluminous by adding darker and thicker watercolor to the shadow. The shadow in the flower in the foreground will be raspberry combined with blue. In the central rose, the shadow is dark red with burgundy and a slightly deep blue tint. The bud is carefully drawn with a thin brush, showing how the petals lie on top of each other, forming a beautiful half-blown flower.

  6. And finally, the final drawing of our magnificent roses. We strengthen the shadows and the roses become even more embossed and voluminous. The contrast between delicate petals and dark green shiny foliage becomes very bright and vibrant. It’s as if we are looking at beautiful flowers from above and therefore their “legs” are not visible, but if you want, you can always finish them, it’s not difficult. To such watercolor painting a white passe-partout is perfect, it will add space and air around the bouquet. You can choose a dark green frame and then the flowers will stand out even brighter.

Beautifully draw a bouquet of roses is quite difficult, it is available to the most diligent, but the result is worth it. Roses will decorate any room - nursery, living room, bedroom. And the flowers drawn with your own hands and with love will delight you for many years and not wither.

Roses are quite popular among flowers, especially as a symbol of love. draw a rose not easy - they consist of many layers of petals. You need to carefully add them one at a time to the drawing, and only then darken the whole structure. In this tutorial, I will briefly show you how to do this if you wish. draw a rose from a sketch, without relying on photographs of real flowers. If you want to work from photographs, you can find any on the Internet.

You should get this drawing:

How to draw a rose

What you will need:

hard pencil(NV);
- medium soft pencil (2B or slightly less);
- soft pencil (5V or less);
- paper;
- sharpener.

Step 1
Start drawing with a hard pencil an outline in the form of a drop / egg. This will be the inner rosebud. The pencil should barely touch the paper.

Step 2
Draw the "opening" part.

Step 3
Draw the petals inside.

Step 4
Enclose these petals in a heart-shaped outline - this will be the border of the next petals.

Step 5
Connect the "heart" with the rest of the bud - you get the shape of a petal.

Step 6
Another heart...

...connected to the bud.

Step 7
Draw the heart again, but this time make it less even and more open.

The lines connecting it to the bud will create a depth effect if you direct them correctly.

Step 8
At this stage, we need to add more petals. Their placement will be more difficult in the future, so be careful:

Step 9
We need to fit the bud into the "bowl" of petals. First, draw the small petals...

... and then more petals.

Step 10
The rest of the petals should slope down more and more.

Step 11
When you're done, outline the lines you want to emphasize in the final drawing by pressing down on the pencil.

Step 12
Take a softer pencil and darken the inner fragments of the rose. First draw with light strokes ...

…and then press harder to get a richer shadow.

Step 13
With the same pencil, place accents on the tips of the petals. Don't highlight everything!

Step 14
Take a hard pencil again and use it to outline the light texture of the "lit" parts. The more shadow on the fragment, the brighter you need to draw the lines.

Step 15
Take your softest pencil and add the finishing touches to the shading - especially in the darkest creases.

Fabulous! Now you know how to draw a rose with a pencil!

You drew a beautiful rose! If you'd like to post your drawing, you can post it in the comments below. Also subscribe to our

We develop the ability to draw from childhood.

Of course, not everyone can become a skilled artist and paint pictures, but anyone can master the basics of depicting some objects. Even such a complex and multifaceted flower as a rose.

Learning to draw a rose with a pencil step by step

In order to draw a beautiful rose, you need to have minimal skills: be able to hold pencils in your hands and distinguish them by their degree of hardness.

It is advisable to preview a few basic drawing lessons that explain the main points:

  • how to shade a pencil;
  • how to show light and shadow;
  • how to choose the right paper

Attempts to depict interesting objects themselves will also be useful, in which you will learn to be more attentive to details and correlate the proportions and position of the object on paper.

Consider step by step how easy it is to draw a rose:

  1. We start with a bud, its top resembles a spiral, we depict it.
  2. We retreat a little and draw a large petal below.
  3. Add volume to the bud and continue it down a little.
  4. Now, using wavy lines, add side petals around the bud until the flower takes the form you want.

Quick pen drawing. Video lesson:

How to draw a bud - a lesson for beginners

The image of a bud is also not difficult. It is worth remembering that all lines are smooth and slightly curved, which repeats the natural shape of the flower.

Step by step drawing:

  1. For the base of the flower, we depict a small semicircle, in which we place a bud, which also looks like a semicircle, only elongated.
  2. Along the edges we add leaves in the form of small wavy lines and one in the middle.
  3. Now we depict the top, stepping back from the edge of the bud, we depict the petals that overlap each other, we draw the same in the center.

Video lesson: drawing a rose with a pencil:

Bouquet in a vase step by step

Drawing a bouquet in a vase will be a little more difficult, as it will require knowledge of proportions and chiaroscuro.

  1. First you need to make a sketch, which will show what is where and what size the elements will be.
  2. Then, having determined the location of the buds, depict them in varying degrees of openness.
  3. We outline the vase contour, common lines, a little "covering" it with flowers.
  4. Now we are working on the details: the pattern on the vase, the leaves of the flowers, the stems, the water in the vase, and so on.

You can take any picture or photograph as a basis, hone your skills and arrange beautiful postcard birthday for mom or loved one.

Video lesson: vase of flowers:

How to color with colored pencils?

In order to draw with colored pencils, you need to have an image in front of you or remember well what a flower looks like. It is better for children to give pictures of painted flowers for orientation, or put a real rose in front of them.

Colored pencils do not erase well, so before you draw with them, you need to make the sketch simple. The finished sketch can be started to color. It is better to use several pencils of similar color, but you can use one, changing the intensity of staining.

It is better to start with lighter areas, carefully distributing the color, then moving on to brighter and darker areas, on which it is better to apply the shade in several layers.

Darker and brighter are the places that are in the depths, at the base, on the folds of the petals, the color is minimal. The edges of the petals are usually also made a little brighter so that the transitions between them are visible.

Do not forget about the veins that give the image realism. They can be done with a darker and harder pencil.

Drawing and coloring on video:

Drawings of roses for sketching

For those who do not have great memory on images, it is better to use samples.

For these purposes, they may Greeting Cards, paintings famous artists and just pictures of flowers. Looking at them, it is more convenient to focus on the location of the petals, their color and size.

Samples of drawings of roses for sketching. Photo.
