What is finance for a person's life? Assignments for practical classes and independent student work

You can often hear from others: money is not in the first place, and in general, money is evil and happiness does not lie in it. What is the role of money in a person's life? Is financial success really that important? Many people live their whole lives content with what they have, without striving for any financial heights.

Yes, money itself is not so important. The opportunities they give us are of much greater value. And the most important opportunity is FREEDOM.

But what kind of freedom does money give?

The first and most obvious is financial freedom. Having enough money, you can afford to do what you love. Work not because you are forced to do it for the sake of survival, but because you love what you do and enjoy it. When a person ceases to be a slave to a salary, this gives much more opportunities - you can afford to take more risks, set really serious and large-scale goals for yourself, live in abundance, and realize yourself.

This lifestyle brings other joys, you become a happier and more satisfied person. Only by being in harmony with what you do can you achieve true happiness in life.

The second is freedom in time which comes after achieving financial freedom. “Time for business, time for fun” - this is the role of not free people. And not at all because they don’t work, no. They simply enjoy their work; it becomes a hobby for them, bringing both pleasure and money.

Freedom of time means that you can always allow yourself to rest, disconnecting from current affairs for any amount of time. Your income continues to grow and work for you, no matter where, how or what you do. A free person is free to choose his own life and work schedule.

The third thing you can achieve by gaining financial freedom and time freedom is freedom of relationship. With enough time and money, we can enjoy spending time with family, friends and people close to us. Nowadays, few people can afford to devote a large part of their life to their family - the need to run and earn money is too strong.

For most people, the opportunity to make relationships with loved ones and friends truly complete, tender, meaningful and rich is closed. But all this is available to a free person.

The same applies to spiritual freedom– having enough time and money, we can afford to fully engage in our own spiritual development. To understand ourselves, the world, and the issues that concern us. Spiritual development is an important component of any modern and successful person. Without it, it is impossible to achieve harmony, joy and happiness in life.

And, of course, we should not forget about physical freedom. Truly - in a healthy body, a healthy mind. It is still advisable to have enough time to play sports. Many very interesting and exciting activities require financial investment. This applies to quality food, medical services, the need to take care of yourself and other integral attributes of a healthy life - almost all of this requires time and money.

Here are the most basic reasons to value financial freedom.

So ask yourself again: “Is the role of money in a person’s life extremely important?”

I am sure that now there is only one answer to this question - YES!

The role of finance in the economic life of modern society can hardly be overestimated. Finance:

Ensure the circulation of material resources, goods, services and thereby the continuity of the process of reproduction of production and the life of society at both the macro and micro levels

Ensure the progressive development of the national economy of the state, in particular the creation. GDP, formation of centralized state funds

Ensure the redistribution of national income through the budget and through other centralized funds to ensure the livelihoods of low-income groups of the population, the state's purchase of public goods and services (indivisible goods) of defense, education, environmental protection, scientific research, etc.

Carry out the distribution and redistribution of primary and secondary income between industries, regions, social strata of the population, individual legal entities and individuals in favor of those that are more economically efficient.

Take an active part in supporting the production process, providing it with the necessary components at each stage, monitoring the efficient use of resources and labor

They provide the opportunity to carry out various types of effective economic activities by mobilizing monetary resources as a result of the use of financial instruments (for example, issuing securities) and ensure the optimal distribution of mobilized resources.

Allows you to provide an effective owner of production assets by crushing production assets and their “smooth” flow from one owner (owners) to another

They form a system of financial indicators that play the role of indicators of the state and development of the economic and social spheres of society and allow us to determine the “health” of the economy

They provide the opportunity to verify compliance with legislation on financial issues, timely and complete fulfillment of financial obligations to the budget, tax authorities, banks, as well as ensuring the regular mutual settlements of business structures.

Assignments for practical classes and independent student work

Subjects of scientific works:

1. Finance as a science, the objective necessity of finance

2. Public library

| name. Lesya Ukrainskaya, Kiev

2. Interrelation of concepts: finance and money, finance and prices, finance and wages, finance and credit

3. Human life as a social chain of financial relations

4. What indicator is a criterion of the living standard of the population?

5. The role of financial instruments in enhancing market transformations

. Test No. 1

Originally the term meant:

a) tax payments;

b) obligatory payment of a citizen to the ruler of the country;

c) economic relations;

d) financial funds

. Test No. 2

The formation of flows of material resources in the national economy must necessarily be carried out:

a) the emergence of social relations;

b) formation of labor resource flows;

c) oppositely directed movement of funds;

d) an increase in spending on social protection of the population

. Test No. 3

State centralized and decentralized funds are created in the form of:

a) budgets of different levels and trust funds;

b) trust funds and enterprise funds;

c) state and local budgets;

d) state budget, local budgets and enterprise funds . Test No. 4

The "distributive concept" of finance does not take into account:

a) rules of financial law;

b) cash flow factor over time;

c) economic relations between financial entities;

d) economic relations at the micro level

. Test No. 5

Households offer on the resource market:

a) financial resources;

b) goods and services;

c) manufactured products;

d) material, intellectual, labor resources

. Test No. 6

Financial intermediaries do not include:

a) insurance companies;

b) households;

c) commercial banks;

d) investment companies

. Test No. 7

The essence of the distribution function of finance is that finance is a tool:

a) distribution of economic risks between business entities;

b) distributions. GDP and national wealth;

c) distribution of limited material resources;

d) distribution of social benefits among vulnerable segments of the population

. Test No. 8

Verification of compliance with legislation on financial issues, the feasibility of expenses and the economic efficiency of a business entity belongs. software) control function of finance;

b) distribution function of finance;

c) organizational function of finance;

d) the regulatory function of finance

. Test No. 9

At the level of business entities the following is not created:

a) reserve fund;

b) sinking fund;

c) pension fund;

d) dividend payment fund

. Test No. 10

A subject of the financial sector is not:

b) population;

c) centralized funds of financial resources;

d) enterprises

IV. The following statements are true or false:

1. Lending is the provision of funds on the principles of payment, urgency, security and focus

2. Financing is the provision of funds on a non-repayable basis

3. Finance is a broader concept than wages

4. The difference between credit and finance is what is distributed with the help of finance. GDP, and the loan is valid only at the stage of redistribution of temporarily free funds

5. A company's finances are its cash.

6. A company can be financially stable and have little funds in its current account

7. The company that takes out the loan is financially unstable

8. There may be such a situation at an enterprise: there is no money in the bank account, but there is profit

9. In a crisis financial situation in the country's economy, the object of finance is. GDP

10. Competition between producers contributes to the increase in financial resources

Introduction………………………………………………………. 3

Chapter 1. Financial regulation as a mechanism for influencing the development of society and its correction…………………. 5

Chapter 2. Finance and social development……………… 10

2.1. The role of finance in revolutionary transformations…… –

2.2. Finance and peaceful reform of society……… 12

Conclusion …………………………………………………… 16

Literature…………………………………………………… 18


One of the key problems of social development is the question of determining the place and role of finance in the socio-economic development of society.

The study of problems associated with the impact of finance on the development of a country, individual industries or population groups can be traced back to the era of the emergence of early class societies. At the same time, the approaches of foreign scientists to the analysis of financial aspects of government regulation are distinguished by a clearly expressed empirical focus. Among the most famous contemporaries, it is right to highlight E. Atkinson, R. Bodway, S. Brown, J. Bukensna, I. Wanniski, P. Jackson, J. Kemp, J. Callis, R. Klauer, A. Laffer, R. Mahloup, L.Miller. X. Minsky, R. Musgrave, F. Neumark, A. Ouken, F. Perroux, A. Peacock, J. Robinson. H. Rosen, P. Samuelson, D. Staff, J. Stiglitz, J. Tinbergen, F. Fleming, A. Hansen, R. Harrod, S. Harris, D. Hicks, D. Human. In our country, the directions of development of research in this area in modern conditions are largely determined by the works of such authors as A.M. Aleksandrov, B.G. Boldyrev, A.M. Birman, E.A. Voznesensky, N.V. Garetovsky, A.P. Gokieli, L.A. Drobozina, V.P. Dyachenko, A.G. Zvsrev, V.P. Ivanitsky, A.S. Igudin, V.P. Kolesnikov, E.V. Kolomin, V. V. Lavrov, S. I. Lushin, D. S. Molyakov, L. P. Pavlova, K. P. Plotnikov, G. L. Rabinovich, V. M. Rodionova, M. V. Romanovsky, B. M. S "abanti, V.K. Senchagov, S.A. Sitaryan, N.G. Sychev, G.M. Tochilnikov, V.G. Chantladze, M.K. Shermepev, M.I. Khodorovich and others.

The functioning of individual elements of the mechanism of financial regulation of the economy and social sphere, the organization of the process of the same name in specific states, of course, are the subject of study by a fairly large circle of economists. By the way, studying aspects of this topic will contribute to the financial strategy of the Russian state, developing approaches to overcoming the most complex economic, social and territorial imbalances in the country’s development. Thus, the research topic seems quite relevant to us.

Chapter 1. Financial regulation as a mechanism for influencing the development of society and its correction

Finance expresses a system of state-mediated monetary relations between subjects of reproduction, which is associated with the redistribution of the value of the social product in order to meet the needs for goods and services in the public sector of the economy. The general trend of our time is to increase the role of finance in the mechanism of state regulation of reproduction. This is due to the existence of a number of reasons, and above all, to the increase in spending on environmental, scientific and technical programs, social security, health care, and income maintenance programs.

Government intervention is limited mainly to the area of ​​redistribution and consumption, which increases the importance of financial relations for society. Finally, taking into account the requirements of a competitive market expands the scope of application of indirect forms of economic regulation, in which financial regulators bear a significant burden.

In the process of creating and using national funds of funds, value is redistributed on a sectoral and territorial scale, as well as between separate groups of the population. As a result, a material base is created in the socio-economic system to satisfy the bulk of collective needs in education, science, healthcare, and infrastructure. In addition, it becomes possible for society to eliminate such a market deficiency as an “income distribution defect,” which reproduces significant social inequality. Centralization of monetary resources, which makes it possible to maintain a certain standard of living for pensioners, the disabled, large families, the unemployed and other citizens in need, ultimately increases the total consumption of society. The latter, in turn, is a factor in increasing production efficiency.

With the help of finance as a link between distribution and productive consumption, the priority development of progressive parts of the economy can be ensured, the activities of monopolies can be limited, losses from miscalculations in determining market conditions can be mitigated, and production and unemployment levels can be regulated. The listed activities support socio-economic stability and balanced development at the micro level, have a significant impact on the formation of macroeconomic proportions, on the rate of economic growth and economic efficiency in general, and on ensuring the continuity of reproduction. In addition, finance is the most important means of public control over the production and distribution of the created product. Through them, society, represented by the state, has information not only about the movement of funds from national monetary funds. It gains access to an information base about the constituent elements of value, about the progress and state of the production process itself, and therefore is provided with data, without which it is simply impossible to carry out a centralized influence on the economic system.

The essence of financial regulation as a phenomenon of social life comes down to the implementation of the corrective properties of finance. Financial regulation of socio-economic processes (FREP) is an activity organized by the state to use financial relations in order to adjust the parameters of reproduction.

Generated by the natural evolution of society, the implementation of this activity gradually became an integral condition for the normal functioning of the economy and social sphere (especially modern ones, with their overly complicated structure and variety of various kinds of relationships). FRSEP, based on the use of specific forms and methods of mobilizing financial resources and specific forms and methods of public expenditure, personifies the centralized influence of state structures, which are the direct subjects of regulation, on the life activities of participants in the social system, on their income and expenses, which are the direct objects of regulation.

The main task solved in the course of financial regulation is related to the establishment of proportions for the distribution of savings, ensuring the maximum possible satisfaction of the needs of society at both the micro and macro levels at this stage. This presupposes the most reasonable combination of personal, collective and public interests, attitudes and values ​​and reflects the financial aspect of the problem of connecting the system of state influence with an effectively working market mechanism.

Speaking about the conscious use of finance to regulate the reproduction process, the author focuses on the presence of two trends that leave an imprint on the level of financial centralization, and systematizes the factors that influence its increase and decrease. The dissertation substantiates that when determining the level of centralization of resources in national funds of funds, it is necessary to anticipate the negative consequences of both excessive expansion and economically unjustified narrowing of the scope of financial redistribution of value. The considered proportions of alienation of the created product have objective boundaries determined by the need to satisfy national needs. Part of these expenses is a socially determined value that forms the minimum level of centralization. Their optimal size is formed under the influence of many factors, but mainly depends on solving the problem of justifiably determining the scope of government functions, including at a regional level.

The general direction of changes in the growth rate of national monetary funds is determined by the dynamics of the most important macroeconomic indicators (GDP, GNP, ND, etc.). However, despite the close connection of finance with the social product and the national income of the country, there is no linear relationship between them, in other words, there is no stable relationship between the volume of financial resources and the cost of the created product. The degree of centralization of a certain share of funds depends on specific conditions and methods of management, on the achieved level of development of economic potential and the degree of maturity of economic relations, on the scale of paternalism, the significance and priority of economic and social problems planned for solution at a given historical stage, and, accordingly, on the volume and structures accepted for satisfaction on a joint basis of social needs. The size of national monetary funds is directly influenced not only by the internal, but also by the international economic and political situation. The combination of these factors, their mutual influence on each other, predetermine the specific amount of funds in the hands of the state. Since insufficient or excessive government intervention is a brake on socio-economic development, the need to approach the optimal norm of financial centralization is indisputable, as well as classifying the latter as one of the most important characteristics of macroeconomic equilibrium.

Chapter 2. Finance and social development

2.1. The role of finance in revolutionary transformations

Social progress involves two forms of development - revolutionary and evolutionary. One can give many examples of the revolutionary transition from lower socio-economic formations to higher ones. Finance plays a certain role in shaping a revolutionary situation and carrying out revolutionary transformations.

Finance contributes to the development of objective and subjective prerequisites for the revolution. Their impact is achieved by stimulating the acceleration of growth rates and improving technology in industry, agriculture, construction and other sectors of the national economy, and direct participation in financing the construction of enterprises and new industries. Finance ensures the conduct of scientific research and the implementation of their results in production. They participate in the formation and qualitative change of the main productive force of society - its workers.

Finance influences the accelerated development of productive forces, changes in the structure of social production, increasing its concentration and centralization of capital. The workforce receives a new state: its qualifications, structure, and needs change. These changes in the sphere of production and its staffing mean that finance helps the productive forces reach a level where the transition to other social forms of organizing human economic and social life is inevitable. Finance creates the material prerequisites for such a transition.

Finance contributes to the emergence of new political movements and parties, ensuring their effective participation in public life and the revolutionary transformation of the country. Any party needs a financial base, since the party uses the system of income and expenditure to strengthen its organizational unity and widely disseminate its program views among various social groups and social movements.

In addition to preparing the objective and subjective factors of the revolution, finance plays an important role in exacerbating contradictions (economic, social and political) that accelerate revolutionary processes. While objectively contributing to the emergence and development of progressive phenomena in all spheres of public life, finance does not ensure complete automatic reformation or the withering away of outdated economic and government structures, or the transfer of power to other social forces and political parties. On this basis, old contradictions intensify and new contradictions emerge. The way to resolve them under irreconcilably hostile circumstances is a social revolution as a certain set of political, economic and social measures aimed at a radical restructuring of social life and consolidating the victory of a more perfect socio-economic system.

An important element of economic transformations during the revolution is the financial program of action of the political forces that came to power. This financial program is aimed at creating a solid financial base for a new political superstructure, ensuring not only the functioning of the newly created government structures, but also the financing of the revolutionary activities of the political forces that have come to power in all spheres of public life.

The financial program of the revolution must ensure radical transformations of the economic basis of the country's life. To do this, it is necessary to provide for such changes in the field of finance that would create the possibility of forming financial capital that stimulates the accelerated development of progressive economic forms. This program is aimed at restructuring the social structure of society.

The financial side of social life is, in the hands of the victorious revolutionary forces, a powerful lever for radical changes in all spheres of public life. At the same time, some of the provisions of the program change depending on the initial financial and economic conditions, the specific financial situation in which the revolution ends (financial crisis, relatively prosperous financial situation of the old political regime, etc.).

2.2. Finance and peaceful reform of society

Attempts to revolutionize society in our country and the countries of Eastern Europe have not yielded encouraging results. At the same time, the movement along the path of social reforms in a number of countries has provided convincing evidence of the effectiveness of the path they have chosen. The advantages of the evolutionary development of social progress are: the replacement of old social forms with new ones; absence of armed class struggle; the opportunity to avoid senseless destruction during the revolution; the possibility of carrying out reforms in a favorable ideological environment.

Continuity of financial relations ensures a smooth transition from obsolete forms of financial relations to progressive ways of organizing finance. At the same time, it is possible to gradually retrain financial personnel and change working methods.

Parliamentary, peaceful forms of struggle between political forces and ideas require significant financial costs, distract people from creative activities, and delay the process of reforming society. As a result, the country suffers certain losses. However, they are infinitesimal compared to the material and financial costs associated with waging armed class struggle. Civil war requires enormous military expenditures and disrupts normal sources of income, resulting in extreme disorder of the state budget; it drains the finances of businesses.

The breakdown of finances leads to the destruction of money circulation, inflation, the naturalization of economic relations and, ultimately, to a sharp drop in the standard of living of the population. The consequences of the financial crisis during the war years had a negative impact on the development of the national economy for a long time.

Armed struggle burdens society not only with the costs of maintaining and arming the army and conducting combat operations, but is also associated with significant destruction of production, socio-cultural facilities and other elements of the created national wealth. Naturally, after the end of the civil war, the restoration of these objects requires enormous material, labor and financial resources over several years.

A society implementing reforms, as a rule, does not carry out massive campaigns to demolish old structures to the ground in order to build new ones in their place. Financial losses in a society that implements reforms are inevitable, but they are minimal and do not entail catastrophic consequences. Excessive ideologization of social relations in a revolutionary society and ignoring the opinions of opposition forces lead the country to a dead end. This happened, for example, in our country in the late twenties and thirties, when “reforms” were carried out in the field of public credit.

The movement towards social progress along the path of reform is characterized by colossal savings in material, labor and financial resources and, on this basis, an accelerated movement towards a new state of society, characterized by the material and spiritual well-being of the majority of its citizens.

To implement reforms in society, there must be objective and subjective prerequisites, in the formation of which finance takes a direct part. The mechanism of this participation is in many ways identical to that which was shown in relation to the preconditions of the social revolution.

The financial levers for carrying out reforms are basically the same as the levers for carrying out the social revolution: taxes, government spending, interest on government securities, interest on deposits, local budgets, insurance tariffs. In a reformed society, it is impossible to differentiate taxes, insurance payments, interest on deposits and other financial standards, as well as provide financial assistance depending on class or party affiliation. Everyone should be in equal conditions, everyone should be subject to the same, socially fair requirements. Only with this approach is the financial well-being of a citizen or legal entity guaranteed exclusively by conscientious and effective work.


The ongoing restructuring of social life in our country has fully demonstrated the important role of the financial aspect of social transformations. It convincingly confirms the idea that in the absence of success in financial policy, any radical reforms are doomed to failure.

Modern financial policy is characterized by uncertainty, inconsistency, and lack of a clear plan of action. And its state is such that without decisive, quick and radical changes in financial policy that can sharply limit the budget deficit, remove excess money from circulation, ensure the financial independence of labor collectives and government bodies at all levels, awaken the economic initiative of each member of society - without these amendments financial policy, further movement along the path of reform is not possible.

Experts see the global task of financial strategy in optimizing the volume and structure of public goods, resource support for their production and distribution of the burden of financing, and the criterion for the optimality of financial policy is the compliance of the results achieved through financial regulators with the set goals for the development of society.

The domestic system of financial regulation of the economy and social sphere will have to go through many stages of formation, but one thing is certain - approaches to solving the problems facing it, assessing its impact on reproduction, searching for ways to increase the efficiency of the mechanism of the same name and improving the corresponding process should be based on a truly scientific theory of financial impact and objective analysis of a specific historical situation.


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General Theory of Finance: Textbook / Ed. L.A. Drobozina. M., 1995.

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Tosunyan G.A. Public administration in the field of finance and credit in Russia: Textbook. M., 1997.

Finance and credit in the national economy management system: Textbook / E.V. Kolomin, L.E. Babashkin, A.M.Volkov and others / Under the general direction. ed. A.M.Volkova. M., 1987.

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Finance has been ingrained in our lives for a long time. Many people don’t even think about the meaning of this word. If you ask someone to explain what it is, many will thoughtfully purr some kind of speech or simply wave it off, saying “there’s no time now.”

The word finance translated from Latin means order to pay. The concept is not only economic, but philosophical and even psychological in nature. When a person is left without finances, all aspects of his life suffer.

Almost every one of us strives for financial independence (stability, prosperity - call it what you like). For many, this is the work of their whole lives: some spend their entire lives hunching over their “rich guy,” some are building a career and humbly waiting for a promotion every five years, some are trying their hand at entrepreneurship and are unsteadily trembling over their business. And someone is simply saving money and an overview of Sberbank deposits is important to them in order to choose the best one for investing their savings.

Whatever one may say, everyone wants to become rich, live in abundance and raise children, or so that work and leisure do not interfere with each other. Yes, not everyone succeeds. Even if they manage to earn good money, very few people know perfectly what to do with it and how to make their savings work wisely, bringing income and joy to their owner. It’s easy to spend every penny or use it for family needs, but making your finances work is a completely different matter.

True power in the world of finance is knowledge. But this is not the knowledge that will be given to you at the university or at your school desk. To understand the true essence of finance, you will need to become a true master of your funds. All you need is personal experience or the experience of others. The second is, of course, better.
