Aquarius and Gemini relationship. Compatibility in love

Compatibility of Gemini and Aquarius in love is 100%. An excellent union, the constant novelty of impressions is provided to them. These two Air signs are well compatible. The planet Uranus, which rules the sign of Aquarius, brings surprises and twists, which suits Gemini perfectly. The physical attraction between them is likely to be intense as Aquarius finds Gemini very attractive. The intimate side of the relationship can bring them many pleasant moments, but there may also be a lack of passion between them.

Changeable Gemini easily fall under the influence of Aquarius, a representative of a fixed zodiac sign. They both love to communicate wide circle interests, not particularly jealous. This couple will find a lot in common, including having many mutual friends. A love relationship can develop into a successful marriage.

Aquarius Woman and Gemini Man Compatibility

If these two met, then they will definitely interest each other. Feeling sympathy, they can remain friends. Although they have no obstacles to become a happy loving couple. A relationship with a Gemini man can start instantly, like a lightning strike. All the disappointments that the Aquarius woman experienced in love will be forgotten at the first meeting with him. She will feel as if she has never suffered and has always been happy. He will not be embarrassed by those non-standard projects in which she is engaged, and her strange friends. She will never think that he is frivolous, as women of other zodiac signs sometimes evaluate him. They understand each other so well that they perceive the thoughts, ideas, dreams and dreams of a partner as their own. Both of them can understand even what has not been said.

The Aquarius woman will soon discover that the Gemini man likes variety and surprises. Her spontaneity and unusualness will delight him. They will be surprised how quickly each enters the life of the other, how naturally their relationship develops. good compatibility couples - that's the reason for this naturalness. The key to a successful love relationship is often the patience and flexibility of the partners. This is easier for the Aquarius woman and the Gemini man than for people of other signs of the zodiac. They have good prospects in love, they can become a prosperous married couple.

Compatibility Gemini Woman and Aquarius Man

This is a wonderful couple, where everyone understands the other and accepts the way they are. The Aquarius man is an almost perfect partner for the Gemini woman. He will surprise her, show her new colors of the world, support her in everything she does. Men of other zodiac signs have a hard time getting used to the variability of the nature of Gemini, but for Aquarius this is exactly what you need. This man will not restrict her freedom, will not be jealous, will allow her to do what she likes and will join her himself. In a word, with him she can be herself. They will never be bored together, they will always find something interesting in everyday reality.

The compatibility of Gemini and Aquarius is close to ideal. These signs of the Zodiac belong to the same element of air, therefore they quickly find mutual understanding. They exist on a completely different level of being than other people.

Their views are non-standard, thoughts hover above the ground, these people watch from above simple being. There are disagreements in a couple, because Gemini is a sociable sign, largely dependent on external circumstances. Aquarius is turned inward, prone to reflection, a little closed. But the difference is not so significant as to radically change a good relationship.

Characters of signs

How compatible people are with each other depends on the properties of their characters. Aquarius and Gemini are similar to each other, this has a positive effect on their relationship. What features endowed them with a horoscope.

Character Gemini

Every person born under the constellation Gemini has two personalities. These people are multifaceted, energetic, able to do several things at the same time. Gemini love to talk, but they do not know how to listen, they are smart and quick-witted, therefore they achieve great success in life. Their relations with people are built not on strong friendship, but on temporary interests, therefore, representatives of the sign do not experience permanent attachments to someone. Here are the main character traits of Gemini:

  • Activity and energy
  • versatility
  • High level of intelligence
  • Paradoxical type of thinking
  • Communication and sociability
  • Variability
  • Striving for the ideal
  • Mysteriousness.

AQUARIUS + GEMINI - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Compatibility Gemini Man and Aquarius Woman

Gemini and Aquarius. Compatibility Horoscope Love and sexy horoscope

Aquarius Man and Gemini Woman Compatibility

Gemini and Aquarius Compatibility

Aquarians are too talkative, it doesn’t cost them anything to lie. They tend to quickly change their own point of view, adapting to the opinion of the majority. Arrange their comfort at someone else's expense. Gambling, often fall into addiction or become fanatics. Not organized, spontaneous, do not keep promises and commitments.

Aquarius personality

People born under the constellation Aquarius are original and ambiguous natures. They are independent, relationships are built on the principle of equality. They do not recognize the opinions of others, they have the glory of destroyers of authority. They like to argue for the sake of the dispute itself, and not for the sake of proving the truth. They do not have strong attachments to either things or people. They demand to be alone from time to time in order to gather their thoughts and renew their strength. Here are the main character traits of Aquarius:

  • love of freedom
  • Extravagance
  • Sociability
  • Developed intuition
  • high intelligence
  • Realism
  • Humanism.

Aquarians are prone to excessive eccentricity, can be carried away by strange ideas, blindly believe in superstition. They like to provoke people, rarely experience real affection. They are vengeful and vindictive, because of which they harm both loved ones and themselves. Often refuse to take responsibility, do not keep promises.

General Compatibility

Air signs quickly take a liking to each other and find mutual language. Their compatibility in relationships is almost perfect. Gemini and Aquarius can have intellectual conversations for hours. They are curious, enthusiastically undertake to explore the world around them together. Both value freedom, therefore they will not oppress each other. There is no competition between them, no struggle for leadership, everything is based on equality and friendship. Even if one of the partners wants to leave, the other will not hold him back. Neither Aquarius nor Gemini have strong attachments, therefore they do not fall into dependence on relationships. This couple lives in complete mutual understanding, they have no secrets from each other. Although for others, both signs of the Zodiac remain a mystery.

Cooperation between the signs Gemini and Aquarius and friendship is very productive. Gemini are excellent communicators, they know how to convey their own thoughts, ideas to everyone. Aquarians are a little reserved, but they have more realistic views. They have developed critical thinking, they rarely succumb to the influence of the majority. In addition, this zodiac sign has excellent intuition, which helps the couple avoid many troubles. The financial situation in this union is different. Both spend money recklessly. It is good that the financial situation for them is not essential.

The contradictions between the two signs arise due to the attitude towards truth and truth. Aquarius is used to operating with facts, he does not accept lies and hypocrisy. Although by nature not as conservative as earth signs. Able to change his mind when the arguments given seem right to him. Gemini believe that there is no consensus, everyone is right and wrong in their own way. For them, the world is colored, consists of halftones. This sign of the Zodiac quickly changes position, train of thought, depending on external circumstances. It's hard for Gemini to understand why Aquarians want to be alone from time to time. Aquarius is sometimes annoyed by excessive talkativeness, a tendency to lie in Gemini. But the contradictions between them are not so strong that Gemini and Aquarius lose their sign compatibility.

Influence of additional factors

Sign compatibility is affected not only by the Sun, but also by the Moon, its ascendant. If it is in the same position as the sun sign, the relationship between partners does not change. The Moon in Libra has a good effect on compatibility. This is also an air sign, and its patroness Venus brings more love and affection to the union. Dissonance in a couple will arise if one of the partners has an ascendant in an earth sign. The element of fire will make a person more active, and Water - flexible, emotional.

Affects relationships chinese horoscope. Today it is believed that the patron of Aquarius is the Tiger, and Gemini - the Horse. If partners are born during these years, mutual understanding between them increases. They don't have to fall in love with each other. The Boar and the Rabbit, the Snake and the Ox converge well among themselves. But the relationship between the Rat and the Horse, the Monkey and the Tiger is not very good. Contradictions are erased only by harmonious compatibility between the signs of the Zodiac.

Sexual compatibility of signs

Aquarius and Gemini also have a good sexual compatibility horoscope. Signs do not differ in violent temperament, but with fantasy they are all right. Young Gemini are prone to promiscuous relationships, only with age they can settle down. Sex for them is the satisfaction of curiosity, an adventure, and not a simple physiological need. They are lovers of experiments, unusual practices, even perversions. Carnal love is perceived more by the mind than by the feelings. Which does not prevent the representatives of this sign from being known as magnificent lovers.

Sexual energy in Aquarius is weak. They can for a long time live without intimacy. Spiritual and emotional intimacy, a romantic atmosphere are important for them. In bed, they are ready to give the initiative to their partner. Representatives of this zodiac sign are not conservatives, they readily accept innovations, interesting fun, and erotic games. Sex between Gemini and Aquarius turns into a series of experiments. They make love in unusual places And in unusual ways. Gemini knows how to awaken hidden desires in their partner, to interest him in sophisticated physical pleasures.

Compatibility Gemini Man and Aquarius Woman

A Gemini man and an Aquarius woman will make a great union. The guy is attracted by a beautiful girl with a special charm, a little detached from reality. It will not be difficult for her to fall in love with this young man. A girl appreciates lightness, independence in a man, she feels that next to him she can remain herself, no one will claim her freedom. Relations between them are quickly established, they are easy, built on friendship and equality. None of the partners creates problems, does not encroach on the independence of the other.

Compatibility in love relationships this couple is great. The ideal family looks unusual from the outside. Husband and wife often rest separately. After all, Gemini needs new impressions, and Aquarius calmly finds them in own house. After the “outings”, the man gladly shares his impressions. Spouses are never bored together. They are able to positively influence each other, help to grow intellectually and spiritually. The financial condition of the family is not very good, but the man and woman do not care. After all, both are philosophical about money, they are a means for them, and not the goal of life.

Problems and ways to solve them

Whatever good compatibility of signs, Aquarius woman and Gemini man can lose it. Problems in family life arise if a couple gets hung up on material things, follows social stereotypes. Mutual claims, reproaches begin, it does not lead to anything good. Destroy the union of betrayal and jealousy. The sex life of Gemini, especially in their youth, is chaotic. Aquarians, on the contrary, are faithful to one partner, they do not forgive betrayals. The irresponsibility of both signs, the unwillingness to build long-term relationships, also negatively affect the family.

Aquarius woman and Gemini man will maintain compatibility in marriage if they learn to take responsibility. They must understand that minor misunderstandings are not yet a reason for parting. Sometimes you need to give in, limit yourself in order to get more later. In family life, it is important to prioritize correctly, to pay attention to things spiritual, intellectual, and not just material. A man should pay more attention to his home, his beloved wife. She, in turn, must learn to forgive, to be lenient with her husband's petty lies and occasional flirtations.

Compatibility Gemini Woman and Aquarius Man

A young Gemini girl and an Aquarius guy find mutual understanding quickly. The guy is attracted to extraordinary personalities who can challenge society. This is how he sees a girl born under the sign of Gemini. Their romance begins violently, the relationship is light and laid-back. Partners see like-minded people in each other, they have similar views, hobbies. The compatibility of Aquarius and Gemini is almost perfect, but they do not marry soon. These signs are ready for family life at a more mature age.

Gemini woman and Aquarius man are able to create perfect couples. Disagreements rarely arise in the family. After short quarrels, the spouses quickly go to the application. They are able to cooperate fruitfully, enter a family business, do charity work, have a common hobby. The couple often travels, both together and apart. A Gemini woman in such a marriage is able to expand her horizons, less often adapts to someone else's opinion. A man becomes more active and active, achieves success in work under the influence of his wife.

Problems and ways to solve them

The compatibility of the Aquarius man and the Gemini woman can collapse due to the inconstancy of the signs. They do not value relationships, especially in their youth, in pursuit of new impressions, they easily abandon old attachments. A man does not tolerate lies, for him the truth and facts are above all. A woman loves to lie, dream up, this also creates tension in marriage. Destroy the union and domestic problems. The wife is not a very good housewife, and the husband is not always able to financially provide for the family. Both like to spend money more than earn.

The traditional distribution of roles for the family is not suitable, relationships should be built on an equal footing. Spouses need to give freedom to each other, avoid petty quarrels and disputes. Distracted conversations can be the subject of discussion, but not the reason for furiously proving one's own innocence. It is important for a man to be more tolerant of his wife's fantasies, to perceive them as a small weakness. It would not hurt a woman to pay more attention to the house, to take care not only of herself, but also of a common life. Aquarius and Gemini will improve the compatibility of signs if they support each other in everything, and do not make unreasonable claims.

Gemini and Aquarius are two peculiar signs of the same element. Being under the auspices of Air, they are easy-going, cheerful, sociable and cheerful. Aquarius loves freedom and independence like no one else. Gemini can gladly support him in this.

These signs of the zodiac are not similar to each other, but, nevertheless, they find a common language without difficulty. Gemini - natures are changeable and twofold. It is hard to get along with them, and even more so, you should not try to manage them. Air Aquarius it works like no other. Only he can calm his twin partner.

Compatibility in love

Feelings between Air signs occur very often. Between Aquarius and Gemini, they can flare up at lightning speed. These signs quickly find a common language. Both have a good sense of humor, they are quite sociable and friendly.

The twin man knows how to present himself. He attracts the Aquarius girl with his perseverance and determination. A persistent man knows how to win the heart of an Aquarius lady. Under his pressure, the attention-loving airy girl gives up.

The love of a twin girl and an Aquarius man is fickle. Due to the fact that the lady is a changeable person, it is quite difficult to predict the fate of such a relationship. Some twin girls can be wonderful housewives and faithful wives. And others are windy and fickle, incapable of long-term relationships. Such girls are often prone to cheating. Aquarians don't tolerate betrayal.

Marriage and family

Most marriages of Aquarians and twins can be called strong and reliable. The thirst for everything new attracts both spouses. This couple spends time together studying different countries, conquering mountain peaks or dancing. They do not tolerate routine either in life or in everyday life.

Often creative chaos reigns in the house of Aquarius and Gemini. To many, it may seem like a mess, but, in fact, they have everything in its place. Each partner knows where everything lies and finds it with ease.

Such couples are always in a hurry somewhere, their day is scheduled by the minute. They need to be in time everywhere and not forget anything. The air union's approach to raising children is also creative. Often children in such families get a lot of freedom and grow up more independent persons.

If the man is Aquarius and the woman is Gemini

The union of such a couple is very successful, but absolutely not quiet and serene. Here much depends on the two-faced nature of the airy lady. Marriage often depends on what position the spouse takes. The task of the husband here is to find a common language with his beloved woman.

A big plus of such an alliance is that partners are able to talk about their feelings and relationships and find compromises. Geminis are not very good listeners, however, they are able to understand their spouse and his desires.

Often from the outside, such a marriage may seem quite free. In fact, it has its own rules. Family life Aquarius with a Gemini is built on trust. They give each other enough freedom, but do not go beyond.

If the woman is Aquarius and the man is Gemini

Such a couple has good chances for a successful marriage. An Aquarius woman and a Gemini man get married quite late. Neither he nor she is in a particular hurry to get married. However, having tied themselves with the bonds of Hymen, the spouses do everything possible to save the family.

Sometimes they have a hard time. But similar temperaments and the ability to find a middle ground lead a couple out of protracted quarrels. Of course, you need to make an effort to do this. But the mind of the Aquarius woman and the understanding of the Gemini man lead them to compromises.

Aquarius woman does not tolerate lies and excuses. The husband must be honest with her and always keep his promises. The Gemini man's lack of punctuality often irritates his spouse and can lead to quarrels.

Negative moments in the union

A bad service in the marriage of air signs can be done by the windiness of the twins. Unfortunately, such partners are prone to betrayal. This does not mean that all twins cheat on their halves. But they have such potential. It can be a light flirtation, or maybe something more. The most difficult thing is that the twin himself may regret this, and want to return to the family. However, the old trust will no longer exist.

Money issues also often lead to conflicts in such unions. Wasteful Aquarius ladies do not know how to count money, just as they do not like to earn it. This attitude often causes resentment in a twin man.

The marriage of these zodiac signs can kill routine and routine. If feelings fade, they urgently need recharging. Be it second Honeymoon or just a weekend getaway into the woods.

Sexual compatibility of Gemini and Aquarius

Sex with air signs is often passionate and frequent. They are excellent lovers, even if they have had a small number of partners throughout their lives. This is one of those couples who love to make up in bed. Gemini and Aquarius love sexual games, costumes and toys. Their imagination is inexhaustible.

Aquarians are not too passionate lovers, however, they gladly accept the partner’s game and give vent to feelings. They are always open to experimentation. The twins happily approve of this. The coldness of Aquarius can become a stumbling block. Not finding support in a partner, the twin may try to find it on the side.

Friendship of Gemini and Aquarius

Friendship between air signs is always warm and open. Gemini, like Aquarius, is sociable and sociable. They are interested in each other's company. Such relationships last for quite a long time. Heterogeneous friendship of air signs is possible.

True, there is a risk of “friendship sex” here. H Often after such events, Aquarius and Gemini still remain friends. What happened doesn't bother them at all.

There are times when such a friendship ends in marriage. People who have been friends for a long time understand that an ideal person was by their side all the time. These families are very strong.

Relationships in business

Gemini and Aquarius colleagues are wonderful. They understand each other perfectly, communicate easily and also work synchronously. However, their employees are not always perfect. Gemini often forget about the time, they can be late for work almost every day until they get a reprimand from their superiors.

Aquarius is punctual, but his creative approach often does not find support from his twin colleague. Such a tandem has little practicality. Such a couple can bring success only in creative work where originality is encouraged.

Percent Compatibility

Air signs make good alliances. Whether it's family or friendship for a long time. Aquarius is not difficult with the twins. They understand them the best. Sometimes even better than the twins themselves.

Signs of the air element coexist wonderfully together, despite conflict situations. The ability to solve problems and understand a partner gives them a great advantage over other alliances. There are scandals in such marriages, no one is immune from this. The prudence of Aquarius and the perseverance of Gemini can solve these troubles.

Compatibility in love for a Gemini man and an Aquarius lady is 95%, married 90%, friends 70%.

love union Gemini women and Aquarius men reach 100%, marriage - 80%, and friendly - 85%.

The compatibility of Gemini and Aquarius is a rare harmony of two air signs, but even in this almost perfect union there are misunderstandings and contradictions. The element of Air gives them common aspirations, as well as a love of novelty, lightness and insight. But in the compatibility horoscope of Aquarius and Gemini, a certain feature is clearly traced, namely, an unequal understanding of the truth. The first sign is looking for the only truth- simple, clear and precise. Unlike him, for the second - absolute truth does not exist at all, he is sure that the false can become true and vice versa.

When the Sun, Moon and Ascendant of both partners are in a favorable position, the question of whether the signs of Aquarius and Gemini are compatible does not arise at all. They are perfect for each other, literally breathe and live in unison. With an unfavorable Venus or Mercury, serious inconsistencies in characters are possible. But most often - Aquarians love Gemini very much, and they reciprocate, because they are kindred spirits who are destined to be together.

AQUARIUS + GEMINI - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Compatibility Gemini Man and Aquarius Woman

Gemini and Aquarius. Compatibility horoscope Love and sexual horoscope

Aquarius Man and Gemini Woman Compatibility

Gemini and Aquarius Compatibility

Gemini Sign Compatibility with Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces


In addition to the location of the luminaries, it is worth paying attention to the year of birth of each of the partners. Influencing the characters of these zodiac signs, the year of birth leaves an imprint on the relationship between Aquarius and Gemini. So, Gemini, born in the year of the Tiger, sometimes turn out to be real owners in love, and those born in the year of the Boar, with age, begin to feel a craving for stability unusual for this sign. Similarly, Aquarians born in the year of the Snake are known for their ability to strike up relationships with lightning speed and are prone to excessive jealousy.

In general, for these signs of the Zodiac, any option will be successful: compatibility he is Aquarius, she is Aquarius, he is Gemini, she is Gemini, as well as compatibility, he is Aquarius and she is Gemini, he is Gemini and she is Aquarius.

Gemini Man and Aquarius Woman Relationship Compatibility

In this union, the Aquarius girl finally finds her soul mate. Rarely any of the dreams, aspirations and desires of Gemini do not find feedback in her heart. And the fact that the partner is subject to a frequent change of these aspirations - today is one thing, and tomorrow is another, does not discourage her - she herself is inquisitive, mobile and has an inquisitive disposition. Compared to the Gemini man, the Aquarius woman will always be a little wiser, but this will not hurt, but rather help her to love and respect her partner with all her heart.

It will be difficult for her to come to terms with infidelity and deceit, since she herself is very faithful and open. But her attitude to the truth will also seem strange to her partner - she says what she has, but very often does not finish. IN sexual life they have the same mutual understanding as in all other areas. The compatibility of Gemini and Aquarius in sex is a harmonious balance that often heals all the mistakes and failures of the past.

Even if relationships in marriage or love exhaust themselves, the Gemini man and the Aquarius woman always maintain friendship and remain close people for each other. So what makes them compatible in love relationships and family life?

  • The Gemini man and the Aquarius woman belong to the same element, they are very similar and understand each other perfectly. As related Aquarius and Aquarius, Gemini and Aquarius are perfectly compatible - they are connected by spiritual and intellectual closeness.
  • They are quite tolerant of their partner's shortcomings - due to the light nature and similarity of these shortcomings.
  • They base their love and marriage not only on mutual passion, but also on strong friendship, which gives high chances for a long and happy union.

Gemini Woman and Aquarius Man Relationship Compatibility

The compatibility of the Aquarius man and the Gemini woman often reaches the highest percentages, providing a bright, harmonious and long-term relationship. Charming Gemini does not cost anything to fall in love with a man - he will like her lightness and liveliness, the desire for change and novelty. In turn, she will find in a partner exactly the kind of friend she dreamed of - able to share with her the most unexpected ideas, travels, adventures. He is also attracted to change, but with only one difference - he loves when he changes. external world without affecting him.

A misunderstanding may arise between them when a man who previously happily flitted along with the Twin suddenly stops in one place, not wanting to give up an important position for him. Do not forget that in essence he is one of the permanent signs of the Zodiac. With no effort, the Twin will not be able to move him from his place and will get bored. However, she needs to take a closer look - despite the commitment to some kind of stability, throughout her life he will remain unpredictable and full of surprises.

The sexual compatibility of a Gemini woman and an Aquarius man is complete harmony, but still it is not the most significant aspect of their life together. Their relationship in bed is a cheerful game, one of the entertainments that bring light, almost childish pleasure. However, communication between them sometimes captivates and delivers even more pleasure than the most passionate intimacy.

So what makes the union of Gemini and Aquarius so successful?

  • Mutual understanding between partners, based on the similarity of characters, common goals and worldview. Both are satisfied with approximately the same rhythm of life, with some exceptions that are quite possible to survive.
  • For Gemini, the innate qualities of her partner are just the perfect mixture, because he is unpredictable and mobile in actions, but faithful and constant in love.
  • Small inconsistencies in their characters also turn into a plus: both partners are smart, observant and prone to analysis - trying to understand each other, they imperceptibly learn, develop and improve.

It may seem that representatives of such freedom-loving signs can hardly be satisfied with each other's company, but their compatibility is close to ideal. Usually they are imbued with mutual sympathy from the first meeting. It is easy for them to understand each other, although there are differences between them, which sometimes become the cause of misunderstandings. For example, Gemini does not understand the desire of Aquarius to periodically spend time alone, delving into their own thoughts. And Aquarius, in turn, it seems strange that a person's mood can depend so much on external circumstances. Therefore, it depends on both of them how skillfully they will be able to manage the good potential of future relationships.

Gemini and Aquarius Compatibility in Love and Marriage

Compatibility Gemini Man - Aquarius Woman

Such a couple is much more likely to have a long-term happy personal relationship than many other zodiac combinations. In order to acquire this priceless gift, they do not need to make a lot of effort. Of course, even in such a family there are problems, contentious issues, but usually they do not turn into insurmountable obstacles.

Gemini can fall in love with an Aquarius woman at first sight - she will make such a strong impression on him. In turn, the chosen one will note his cheerfulness and activity. Their relationship will immediately take on a romantic and somewhat playful connotation. Communication will take place naturally and unobtrusively; these partners usually do not encroach on the interests and freedom of each other.

The most important threat for a pair of male Gemini - female Aquarius, the horoscope calls the inconstancy of both. If a shrewd wife realizes that her Gemini partner is cheating on her, then nothing will help her return her disposition. Therefore, in alliance with such a woman, the Gemini must be especially strict with themselves, it would be extremely reckless to miss such a suitable partner.

For this combination of signs, the compatibility horoscope predicts dynamics, constant development; partners borrow certain qualities from each other and, interacting, become stronger. Such a marriage is good Starting point to improve the quality of life of both signs. Thanks to the Aquarius companion, Gemini is more actively fighting for a place under the sun, and Aquarius themselves are inspired to new achievements. They will differ in their views on money matters, but a calm discussion of them will help to come to an agreement.

Excellent relations are provided to partners who do not limit their aspirations to a petty-bourgeois worldview, are not prone to hoarding, preferring other riches - spiritual and intellectual. They need to be friends and cooperate, otherwise everyone will be tormented by a feeling of instability, the illusory nature of relations, the possibility of parting. And, of course, a sufficient amount of independence in life together is important for this couple, otherwise such a wonderful union may fall apart. However, freedom in this case does not imply mutual betrayals.

Compatibility Aquarius Man - Gemini Woman

This union is one of the most promising ones. Life in the marriage of an Aquarius man with a Gemini woman is far from "quiet and smooth", but in case of disagreement, they usually quickly come to a consensus. In addition to the actual love relationship, this couple can be united by cooperation, friendship, so such partners may well be the owners of a joint business, successfully work in one area.

Both have unmotivated outbursts negative emotions, there are disagreements between them, but, unlike many couples, here they act as an incentive forcing them to follow the path of progress, in a sense being a necessary condition for further coexistence. It is thanks to the ability to evolve that this combination is considered one of the most favorable in the Zodiac.

A feature of this connection is that the Aquarius man and the Gemini woman are drawn to new experiences, the source of which can be representatives of the opposite sex. Their view of personal relationships would seem too free to many others, but in order to living together has not turned into something boring and mundane, Aquarius and her Gemini girlfriend are ready to give each other a certain freedom. And here it is noteworthy that in such an alliance both are not eager to change. Perhaps this is due to the mobile psyche of partners and their ability to easily change (both externally and internally), presenting themselves to each other in new guises and giving new sensations.

Can destroy this couple different attitude both to deception. Gemini is naturally predisposed to lies, the truth seems to them something rude and in need of embellishment. Male Aquarius, although he shows a penchant for daydreaming, fantasies, he is still focused on transparent relationships, requires directness from his partner and does not accept compromises in this matter.

This union cannot be discussed from the point of view of philistine logic. Partners can forgive each other what they would never forgive others, and, at the same time, disperse because of mere trifles. But those around see only a small part of what unites them or, on the contrary, repels them, and the underwater part of this iceberg is not visible to any outsider. The marriage will last as long as these people are interesting to each other, as long as they look in the eyes of the second half as a mystery that you want to solve. Both partners are not inclined to live together "by inertia".

Aquarius and Gemini - Sexual Compatibility

Such partners will always come to an agreement in bed. For Aquarius with Gemini, sex is one of better ways smooth out problems sharp corners. Aquarius, although not too temperamental, but inventive, have a good imagination, allow themselves to be involved in various adventures, which is fully understood and approved by Gemini. Their intimate relationships are unpredictable, not always smooth, but they give a constant sense of novelty, to which both of these signs gravitate so much.

Horoscope of compatibility of Aquarius and Gemini in work and business

As colleagues, they perfectly find a common language, it is comfortable for them to work in the same bundle, but at the same time, effectiveness may suffer. It’s good if they are joined by a representative of the sign of the Zodiac, belonging to another, non-air element. Together, they work effectively only in a limited range of professions, in particular, those related to information, such as journalism or education. These inventive, artistic, slightly unassembled workers bring a touch of originality to any project, but for maximum results, both have too little purpose and practicality.

Couple Aquarius - Gemini: compatibility in friendship

Gemini and Aquarius can be great friends who have common interests and can easily understand each other. An important factor strength friendly relations is the willingness of both to find time for communication outside the family, since both consider it important for themselves. Diverse friends of these zodiac signs are unlikely to have an extramarital affair, although friendly sex is not excluded. Therefore, their other halves do not have to worry too much about this. However, friends of these signs who are not burdened by marriage also rarely move on to relationships of a different nature.

See the compatibility of Gemini with other zodiac signs:

See compatibility of Aquarius with other zodiac signs.
