How to draw a jumping hare. How to draw a hare with a pencil step by step

If you are interested in drawing a hare, then you have come to the right place! Here you will find visual instructions for step by step image this cute wild animal.

How to draw a hare step by step

Realistic drawing is quite difficult. You need to pay attention to all the details.

Stage 1
Draw the outlines of the head and torso. It's simple: a circle and an oval. Draw a line to evenly distribute your character's limbs on a horizontal plane. Then carefully draw the ears, paws and tail.

Stage 2
To maintain proportions, divide the muzzle vertically and horizontally, as shown in the example. On horizontal line there will be eyes, and the vertical one will tell you where the nose will be.

Stage 3
Erase unnecessary lines. Draw a believable eye. Show a shadow on the ears, this will add volume to your drawing. With light strokes, separate the line of the head from the torso. Draw clear outlines of the limbs and give fluffiness to the animal.

Stage 4
Draw fur with light strokes, starting with the muzzle, then go to the body, then to the paws, and at the very end make a fluffy tail.

Stage 5
To achieve the greatest realism, draw a shadow falling on the bottom plane.

How to draw a hare for a child

Surely your baby will be delighted with the drawn bunny. For you, this will not be difficult, since you do not need to draw small details or make believable eyes.

Step 1
Start from the head. Draw the outline of the head and ears.

Step 2
Draw a pear-shaped torso and one hind leg, as shown in the figure below. Erase the guide line. Now draw the rest of the paws and fluffy tail.

Step 3
An important step is the image of the face: do not stick to realistic proportions and shapes. Color the drawing as you wish.

An example of drawing a hare with a pencil

Drawings with a simple pencil always look impressive. They are distinguished by accuracy and realism.
With a not too thick pencil, sketch in the form of three circles, they will help you distribute the torso and head.

Divide the smallest circle into 4 even parts and draw the ear and muzzle. Connect the circles, outlining the body. Sketch the paws for the other two circles.

We'll have to try hard to portray such a face:

Draw paws and tail and erase unnecessary lines. Draw fur along the contour of the body with small strokes.

Shade the hare and apply chiaroscuro. So it will become more realistic.

Example for beginners

In a beginner's mind, sketching a hare is a rather complicated process. But in fact, everything is much simpler than it might seem.

Draw the silhouette of the future bunny, as usual, these are circles and ovals.

Detail your rabbit. Draw the eyes, nose and other small details. Agree, it was not so difficult!

Easy Example

Look another one step by step sample for beginners, but without explanation.

We draw a hare from "Well, you wait!"

Favorite character since childhood is a hare from the cartoon "Well, you wait!". Well, who would not want to portray him?

Sketch without pressing hard on the pencil. In the sketch, you should outline the level of the eyes.

At this stage, carefully and in detail depict the eyes, nose and mouth of the hare. Then circle the outline of the head, draw the ears, eyebrows and antennae. This is quite difficult, so you can print a picture to see the details.

Draw the paws and a bouquet of flowers, and then the neck, torso and clothes. Carefully erase the sketch lines. Do not rush, the drawing should be neat.

Now it remains only to do hatching and shading. Look how wonderful it turned out.

cartoon hare

Finally, we present you a cartoon bunny. Such drawings are often bright and colorful. Looking at them, you are involuntarily filled with positive emotions.

So, as usual, start with the head and torso.

Since this is a cartoon character, draw him a funny hairstyle, don't forget about the ears! For a more vibrant look, add a bow tie.

Now work on the torso.

Color the bunny. Remember, the contours of the cartoon character are best outlined in bold black. What a handsome man!

Additional examples

Video lessons

How easy it is to draw a hare with a pencil in stages - for children and adults. We learn to draw a beautiful hare with a pencil in stages with a child. Learn how to quickly and easily learn how to draw a beautiful bunny.

Many children and adults want to learn how to draw bunnies, squirrels, a variety of animals, for this we suggest that you gradually understand the drawing of a hare.

To learn how to draw a hare, you don’t need a lot of skill, you need to imagine the bunny you want to draw in front of you and start drawing.

To make it easy for you to draw, we will tell you how easy it is to draw a bunny.

Take paper and pencil, look at the drawing of the bunny that you will now draw.

The bunny is located on the entire sheet of paper, the torso of the bunny is located in the middle of the sheet, the head of the bunny is drawn on the left, and its tail is on the right.

Draw the bunny's body in the middle of the sheet, in the form of a large oval, draw the bunny's head on the left, it will be in the form of a small oval, just above the body and intersects with a large oval, that is, with the body of the hare.

On the right, in a large oval, draw a circle - this will then be the hind leg of the hare.

Now draw the ears for the bunny, they are located along the body of the bunny, long, the ends on the ears are pointed.

Draw the bunny's paws in the form of ovals, they are located at the bottom of the picture, under the large oval.

To the right, at the end of the large oval, draw a small circle - this will be the tail of the bunny.

Erase the extra lines on the bunny drawing and draw the front and back paws.

Look what a beautiful bunny you have turned out. Bunny you can paint in any color you like.

Now let's try to draw another bunny and a little differently

Look closely at the picture on which the bunny is drawn. The bunny is located on the entire sheet of paper, most of the sheet is occupied by the body of the bunny. On the left is the head of the bunny, on the right is the tail.

Take a sheet of paper, a pencil and visually arrange future drawing on a piece of paper.

You will start drawing a bunny from the head, so look right away where you need to place the head of your future bunny.

Look at the shape of the bunny's head, it looks like an oval, a little uneven. Draw a bunny's head on the left on a piece of paper, in the form of an uneven oval, draw a bunny's nose from below. Look closely at how the bunny's nose is drawn.

Now draw the ears of the bunny, the ears should be drawn up, erect, with rounded ends at the ends. Draw the bunny's eye, in the form of an oval, the top of the eye will be rounded, and the bottom of the eye will be slightly pointed down. Everything that you need to finish drawing in the picture is highlighted in black.

Draw the bunny's ear, color the bunny's eye, the eye should be black, there is a small white circle inside the eye. Everything that needs to be finished is drawn in black in the figure.

Now draw the body of the bunny, it should be drawn on almost the entire sheet, in the center in the form of an oval. In the figure, everything that needs to be finished is highlighted in black.

Now draw the bunny's legs, the front legs are fully visible, and the back legs are partially visible. Draw a small tail for the bunny, it should be drawn on the right side.

Draw the antennae for the bunny, in the form of a small shading, all over the bunny, apply a small shading. Hatching will give nice shape bunny, fluffiness and outlines.

Look what a beautiful bunny you have. Bunny can be painted or left as is.

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Learn to draw, because you can always learn to draw, at any age. Teach your kids to draw. We wish you good luck.

The ability to draw animals is special art which anyone can learn if they want to. When drawing these living creatures, it is important to remember that animals are very mobile, so the picture should convey all the dynamism of their behavior. Accordingly, the more active the animal behaves, the more difficult it is to draw it. Perhaps one of the most popular representatives of the fauna, which they most often try to portray, is a hare.

Many people ask themselves: “How to draw a hare so that it turns out beautiful and looks like a living one?” To do this, you need to perform several standard drawing steps. And the hare will look like a living one.

Before you draw a hare, you need to decide which animal you want or the usual long-eared one. This choice largely determines the steps that will have to be taken during drawing in order for the image to turn out beautiful and neat.

Consider the first option (if you want to draw a cartoon hare with a simple pencil).

Then you will have a logical question: “How to draw a hare with a pencil?” In this case, you can first draw the outlines of the muzzle of the animal. Then draw all the details: eyes, nose, ears, mouth and teeth. The next step will be the image of the legs and body of the animal. Then you need to add the hind legs and finish the missing small details of the animal's appearance: forelock, claws, fur and others.

It is more difficult to depict a real hare, since such a drawing will have more details. In addition, it is necessary to make the animal as similar as possible to the real one, because only in this case the drawing will turn out to be beautiful, complete and will attract attention. For all this to work, you need to know, step by step.

The first step to a successful image of the conceived animal will be the designation of its body parts. The best way to do this is with ovals. In other words, first mark with ovals and circles where your hare will have a head, where is the body, and where are the paws. At this stage, you should decide in what position the animal will be depicted, whether it will be drawn in motion or in a static position.

How to draw a hare completely? To do this, you need to connect the resulting ovals with smooth curved lines to give desired shape animal body. It is also important to pay attention to the proportionality of the image. After the body shapes of the hare are drawn, we proceed to the image more small parts: eyes, nose, ears. Since we are trying to draw the most believable animal, at the end of the image it is imperative to mark the shadows, as well as work out the hare's fur. To make the fur beautiful, it is necessary to apply short parallel strokes (about 0.5-1 cm in length) with a pencil, adjusting the pressure. Accordingly, you need to press harder on the pencil where a shadow falls on the hare's fur. In the same place where the skin of the animal is flooded with the sun, the strokes should be light.

So, now you know how to draw a hare, and you see that the process is not so difficult. The main thing in it is to enjoy the drawing itself! And then everyone will admire your image without exception!

I'll tell you. A cute ball of wool, no less cute than. I thought for a long time what can be said about the hare. In general, he is an ordinary animal, eating everything he finds up to leaves and roots, he can even gobble up a dandelion. And he, too, can be devoured with pleasure, or even a person, if he catches it. To capture this beast, people have come up with, of course, many tricky ways. We will not delve into the details, because it is scary and now we will not talk about it at all. Let's get down to business

How to draw a hare with a pencil step by step

Step one. First, let's draw circles for all parts of the body: ears, head, neck, torso, legs.
Step two. On the head, draw a circle denoting the nose and eye. And let's draw the front paws.
Step three. Let's move on to the details. Let's circle the bunny's muzzle and ears with a thicker line. Previously applied circles can be erased little by little. We will do the same with the limbs.
Step four. Let's draw a mustache and show the fur with strokes.
Step five. It remains to erase all the auxiliary lines and add some shadows in order to give it a realistic look. Result:
Do you like zayas? If yes, you should click Like and tell your friends! If not, draw your own and attach a picture below this article! And you, as usual, can make me write a lesson on a topic that interests you. You can do this on the page -. And for a snack, I suggest you draw other cute animals.

What child does not undertake to draw their favorite characters from fairy tales or cartoons? And the fluffy inhabitant of the forest, who changes the color of his coat in winter, is one of the most popular characters. That is why it will be interesting for both children and adults to learn how to draw a hare in stages easily and quickly.

good old friend

Little children love to be read aloud to them. Over time, they begin to ask them to draw their “own” bunny or fox. However, not all parents have the ability to fine art. Therefore, it makes sense to master the most elementary drawing techniques for representatives of the animal world participating in various plots. And in this case, one simply cannot do without the ubiquitous kind, cowardly, resourceful hare as a character in the drawing! Moreover, over time, you will be able to show and explain to your little one how to draw a hare in stages with a pencil or felt-tip pens. For some children this may be Starting point new exciting hobby.

2 funny hares

According to psychologists, children with early age must hear the correct and full names of objects in the world around them. But with the images of this very world, the situation is different. If you are going to draw animals with your child, then it is better to let them be funny and funny cartoon characters. In this case, the baby will not experience fear of some representatives of the fauna. For beginners, there are several diagrams describing how to draw step by step fairy hare pencil.

Scheme No. 1


1. Sketch the contours of the bunny with a pencil. To do this, draw two ovals - the head and torso, denote the ears on the head.

2. Now we attach these geometric shapes natural form body parts.

3. Draw the ball of the tail and paws. We draw the forelimbs bent at the elbows, and the hind limbs at the knees.

6. We direct contours. The pencil drawing is ready.


1. Draw a horizontal oval.

2. We draw a semicircle to it so that we get a mushroom.

3. In the upper figure, we denote the circle of the muzzle and eyes.

4. Draw the columns of the front and hind legs.

5. We detail the eyes, finish the nose.

6. Add the ears.

7. Draw the fingers on the paws, the inside of the ear, eyebrows, mustache and mouth. The hare is ready.

Hare on 9 squares

If your kid is seriously interested in the animal world, then he will surely be delighted with the drawing of a “real” hare.


1. Workspace divide the sheet into 9 squares.

2. We have 3 circles on them - for the head and for the body. The oval-head passes along the lower border of the upper square, one of the figures of the body - at the intersection of 4.5 and 7.8, and the second figure for the body should be at the junction of squares 5.6 and 8.9.

3. On the head we denote the ears and muzzle.

6. Add fur. The animal is ready.

"Well, Hare, wait!"

One of the most prominent oblique is considered the hero of the cartoon "Well, you wait!" How can you not learn to portray this yourself ?! Moreover, the explanation of how to draw a hare from this animated series is clear even to a child.


1. Draw an oval for the head, a rectangle with a beveled upper side for the torso, lines for the arms and legs.

2. We start with the head. Draw the fur on the cheeks, add the ears.

3. Let's get to the muzzle. On half the face we draw the eyes, detailing the pupils and eyelids with eyelashes.

5. We draw eyebrows and mustaches.

6. Draw clothes. We finish the t-shirt and shorts.

7. We enlarge and detail the protruding parts of the arms and legs and detail the fingers and feet.

8. Coloring the drawing. The most famous cartoon hare is ready.
