How to draw a birthday picture step by step. How to draw a birthday with a pencil step by step

On Mother's Day, celebrated in 2017 on November 26, children can give mom beautiful drawing Or a handmade postcard. If a child of 8-9 years old or younger does not yet know how to draw a mother, let him do the work in stages with a pencil or paints. It is very easy to do this - you need to consistently follow the instructions described in the master class. Daughters and sons can give such gifts to their mother for their birthday, and just like that. What to draw for mom, dad can tell them by reading our tips and tricks to the end.

How to children 8-9 years old beautifully and easily draw mom with paints in stages

As a rule, children 8 - 9 years old to draw a mother beautifully and paints help very easily - better gouache. Such drawings are bright, convey all the love of a daughter or son. Let the child follow all the steps described in the master class step by step, and everything will turn out just fine for him!

Draw Mom - Master class for children 8-9 years old

By publishing here a master class on how to draw a mother, we are sure that it will help you understand how to draw a mother beautifully and easily with paints for children 8-9 years old. Help the child to portray his beloved mother, prompting him to follow the sequence of actions.

Get to work together, having prepared paints, a soft brush, a sheet of paper and water in a glass in advance (for rinsing the brush).

How to draw mom, dad, daughter and son with a pencil: step by step instructions

real a strong family- This loving friend other parents and their children. Draw on paper a happy moment - all family members on a walk or holiday together. Understand, How draw mom and dad with a daughter and son with a pencil with a pencil, step-by-step instructions will prompt.

Draw a family with a pencil - Master class with step-by-step steps

In order to learn how to quickly draw mom, dad, daughter and son with a pencil - you will find step-by-step instructions on this page - read the detailed master class to the end. By following all its steps in stages, you will get a very realistic drawing.

  1. First, draw auxiliary lines with a pencil - the outline of the picture. Here you see circles - blank images of the head of dad and son - and lines, legs and arms of the future drawing.
  2. Draw the head of the child and the man, depicting the hair and ears.

  3. Continue drawing, depicting, as shown here, the body of a boy.

  4. Draw the child's legs and the man's arms.

  5. Draw the details of the boy's dad's clothes - the collar of the shirt or the neckline of the t-shirt.

  6. "Dress" dad in trousers the way you see it in the image.

  7. Do not forget about the eyes, nose, mouth of each drawn character.

  8. Next to the image of dad with his son on his shoulders, draw the outlines of the future drawing of mom and daughter.

  9. Work on girls' and women's hairstyles by making a ponytail for your daughter and stylish curls for your mother.

  10. Draw the faces of the heroes of the family portrait with a pencil.

  11. After drawing the hands of the daughter and mother, “hand” the school bag to the girl.

  12. "Dress" both beautiful ladies in dresses.

  13. “Put” women's shoes on your daughter and mother - the photo will tell you how to do it.

  14. You will get a realistic black and white image of the whole family.

  15. Color it in and admire the finished drawing! Choose the color of paints or pencils at your own discretion.

How to draw a beautiful portrait of a mother with a child in her arms on Mother's Day: a master class in stages

It is impossible to imagine two closer people than a mother and her child. Hundreds and even thousands of years ago, artists idolized motherhood, depicting the Madonna and Child in portraits. Contemporary painters continue to follow these long wonderful traditions. However, is it possible to find out how to draw a portrait of a mother with a child in her arms on Mother's Day, to a person far from art? How to please mommy on November 26, 2017? You will need professional advice.

We draw a mother with a child in stages - Explanations on the video

If you decide to find out how easy it is to draw for Mother's Day beautiful portrait mothers with a child in their arms, be sure to watch this video. Here the artist explains in detail and shows all the stages of painting a portrait in gouache.

Gifts made by children are especially expensive mother's heart. When choosing what to draw for mom for her daughter's birthday, pay attention to our selection of drawings made by children different ages. On them you see mothers at work, on vacation, in the family circle. Yes, some works look very unpretentious, but is the drawing technique so important? All these drawings have one thing in common - love and sincerity.

Birthday drawing for mom

It is still difficult for preschool girls or students of primary and secondary grades to make intricate gifts with their own hands. The easiest option for them to surprise their beloved mother is to give her a simple and cute drawing, signing it with kind words and wishes. What can you draw mom for her birthday from her beloved daughter? You will find out the answer to this question by looking at a selection of drawings made by girls of different ages.

What to draw mom just like that, but with all my heart

In order to please your beloved mother, it is not necessary to wait for a reason - a holiday or a celebration. A drawing handed to a mother at any time is the most precious gift her child can give. Look at our selection of drawings and find out what to draw for mom just like that, but from the heart. You can use everything in your work - from a pencil and crayons to professional ones. acrylic paints. The main topics for drawings should be “Family”, “We are with parents”, “Our vacation with mom”, “Mom's profession”, etc.

Simple drawings for mom - gifts for no reason

What to draw for mom for no reason, just like that, but with all my heart? The most important thing for mothers is to know that their children love and appreciate them. A drawing given to mom for no reason - a birthday or a name day - will cheer up mom and let her know that she really is "beloved and the only one" for her child.

How to draw a postcard for mom with your own hands - A great gift for Mother's Day

With the approach of the main, bright and kind holiday of all Russian mothers, coming in 2017 on November 26, children are thinking: how to draw a postcard for mom with your own hands - a great gift for Mother's Day? Of course, you can take half of the album sheet, depict flowers, the sun and a mother with a son or daughter on it. However, a souvenir can also be made voluminous by sticking a bouquet on paper, sandwiched in a child's palm.

Postcard for Mom on Mother's Day - Master class for children

Want to learn how to quickly and beautifully draw a postcard for mom with your own hands and make her a great gift for Mother's Day? Be sure to pay attention to the selection of our drawings - it depicts all the brightest, associated with the name "mother": the sun, flowers, smiling children, nature. In addition, watch the master class on creating a three-dimensional postcard. Its step-by-step instructions will help you create unusual gift on November 26, 2017. For work, as you will understand after watching the video, you only need color and White paper, glue, scissors, felt-tip pens and a lot of love in the heart.

Now you know how to draw a mother beautifully and easily, and you can help children 8-9 years old and younger congratulate their mother on her birthday or just please her with a pleasant surprise. Show your child a selection of our drawings, photos; watch with your daughter or son a video on making a DIY Mother's Day card. What to draw for mom for the holiday, not only dad will tell you, but also our master classes.

If you want to make a congratulation creative and unlike any other, then it is best to think about how to draw a postcard yourself. How to do this will be discussed in this article.

What to draw on a postcard

Thinking about the plot of the postcard, many tend to depict a cute baby animal. It can be cubs, squirrels, hares, even frogs.

The animals in the picture are usually stylized either as cartoon characters or as children's drawings. Usually, the artist gives hearts, bouquets, boxes of sweets or cakes to the paws of the heroes of the plots of postcards.

A smiling baby elephant with a flower in its trunk can be a good option.

We draw an elephant

Since you need to draw a postcard in stages with an animal, you should first consider the stages of depicting an elephant.

1. Work begins with an additional build. These will be two circles superimposed on each other by some parts. They must differ in size.

2. In the middle of a smaller circle, a trunk is depicted; in width, its base occupies a third of the diameter of the circle. A little above the base of the trunk, on both sides, the artist draws eyes - large ovals, and eyebrows - arcs.

3. Under the trunk, draw an open mouth, and then change the line of outlines of the baby elephant's cheeks with curved lines.

4. The ears of the animal are depicted as large, smooth lines are used in their upper part and wavy below.

5. In the lower part of the large circle, columns-legs are added.

6. On the legs, the artist sketches the folds - knees and nail plates.

7. The tail of the baby elephant is drawn with two winding lines, at the end you need to draw a brush.

8. With an eraser, you need to remove additional constructions, and circle the main lines thoroughly.

Postcard in color

Since it is best to draw using bright colors, then you should start coloring it with the main character - the baby elephant. In this case, you can use the most unexpected colors: blue or green, lilac or yellow.

The most creative artists use options for elephants in polka dots or stripes, in a box or in a flower.

In this master class, it is proposed to color the baby elephant in pink color. Eyebrows and nails can be painted in a different shade, less bright. And the inside of the mouth is best done red.

Since the artist wants to draw a postcard as bright as possible, it is worth taking care of its background. It is supposed to be made in warm colors in order to awaken warm feelings and an optimistic mood in the recipient. You can paint over the background with paints, such as watercolor or gouache. But since you can draw a card with a pencil just as beautifully as with paints, designers usually use the following method to apply the background. With a razor, the pencil shaft is finely shaved onto the surface where the drawing is placed, then colored pollen is rubbed with a piece of paper. The background in this case lays down evenly, without traces of the pencil.

Finishing touches

Since drawing a postcard with only one baby elephant is not the best option, then the artist must "reward" his main character with some hallmark pointing to a gift for the holiday, flowers, butterflies, sweets, serpentine, confetti, a bright congratulatory letter or telegram.

A cool pink baby elephant can put a purple tulip in its trunk. It is absolutely not necessary to observe real proportions when making a postcard, so the flower can be quite large, especially since this detail is the leading, semantic one, which is worth paying attention to.

Surprise cards

How to draw a postcard with a surprise will be discussed here. The principle of designing such a congratulation practically does not differ from the one described above - you need to depict a plot picture on cardboard.

Then the card is made out with a congratulatory inscription. And then one of the heroes of the story is given a surprise - a real candy, a small envelope with a banknote, a bag or a box with a small gift. The latter may contain, for example, earrings or a ring, a key to a car or an apartment - this depends on the capabilities of the donor. Although you can put a note there, in which you indicate the place where the real gift is hidden.

Having pierced the card with a needle with a thick thread, you need to tie the latter with a knot from the inside so that it does not slip through. You can glue a small piece of paper on the back of the drawing in place of the tip of the thread or secure it with tape.

On the front side, the gift itself is tied to the thread: a bag, a box, an envelope or a candy.

The recipient, having received such a congratulation, will be pleasantly surprised: together with a card drawn by the donor himself, he will receive a surprise. Having opened the bag with surprise, or opening the box, or unwrapping the candy, a person will undoubtedly be glad to receive a souvenir or even money - it will be originally and creatively designed, so it will bring unexpected joy.

Buying a postcard for any holiday is not a problem now - there are plenty of them in any bookstore. But after all, a handmade gift is always much more valuable than a purchased one. Especially if it is made by children's hands. Let's find out what can be drawn on a greeting card and how to do it best.

For the base, you should always choose thick paper, and even better cardboard. It can be white or colored, the second option is much more interesting. On the front side, a directly invented image is drawn, and inside there may be small drawings and a congratulatory inscription.

If the kid needs to draw a happy birthday card, then the most favorite option is a cake with candles or balls in the paws of a loved one fairy tale hero. For holidays like new year, March 8, Easter draw a thematic picture - a Christmas tree and Santa Claus, a figure eight and spring flowers, Easter cakes and painted Easter eggs, respectively. Postcards, drawn by children with love, carry a charge of ingenuous positive and often decorate a chest of drawers in a grandmother's or mother's room.

How to draw a beautiful postcard with a pencil?

How to draw a simple postcard with your own hands?

A child can independently draw a simple birthday card for his friend with a picture of a birthday cake.

They say that now it is no longer customary to give postcards. This is complete nonsense, because hand-made congratulations are always nice to receive, especially if they are from loved ones.

When it comes to a child, through a man-made picture, he will be able not only to express his feelings, but also to show the presence of certain talents and character traits. And give such a card to your girlfriend for her birthday.

In the article I will give not only ready-made templates for creativity, but also ideas that you can embody. All options are not complicated, but will require high-quality materials and a huge margin of accuracy.

You want to please these close women on their holiday in a special way, so you need to choose the right colors. Gentle shades and smooth lines immediately come to mind.

Some ideas can be taken from the article about.

For example, ideas with the image of a dress are very interesting.

Let's make such a decor with our own hands.

We need an openwork napkin for cupcakes or sweets and glue.

You can create a beautiful design by working well with a clerical knife.

For example, such an idea.

A thick two-color cardboard is taken, such is sold in scrapbooking stores or for creativity.

A drawing is applied with a pencil, you can take it from any of the Internet, for example, a cake or candles. Then, gently with the sharp tip of a clerical knife, it is squeezed out along the lines.

The main thing is to put a board under the cardboard so as not to spoil the surface of the table.

You can leave it like that, but it is better to glue a rectangular sheet as a substrate for the inscription.

Another idea where some elements are cut out. The inscription and floral elements can be repeated with a black helium pen.

Check out another idea with an asymmetrical front edge. Here, by the way, some elements can also be cut through.

Another master class on how to make a three-dimensional postcard inside.

For carved edges, you can use special scissors that give a cut in the form of a curly line. By the way, my daughter and I have already purchased such an office. The child had a slight shock that scissors can cut not only straight.

Ideas for congratulations to a man (dad or grandfather)

For men, congratulations with a universal pattern are needed. And even better if there is a special minimalism in decorating.

You can use only a sheet of paper and multi-colored braid, as in this version.

Notice the interesting edges of the sheet. And for the inscription, you can use a transparent tracing paper. You may have seen such paper in candy boxes.

Or a very laconic design, which is very suitable for a men's holiday.

Here is a diagram for such a composition, you can even print a template, and make an inscription on it.

See how bright and festive the design looks, but there is nothing special about it. Just multi-colored dots, set in a chaotic manner.

The scrapbooking technique allows you to create voluminous products. For decor, different textures and shades are used.

Or you can work hard and make congratulations with origami elements. Whole detailed wizard the class is described.

I also liked the laconic idea with geometry. For example, using stripes. It turns out strictly, but very elegantly.

Stripes can not only be drawn or pasted from paper. But look for dark tape or braid for this purpose.

We make postcards from paper and cardboard in kindergarten with children

Children often make applications using paper and cardboard. This is the most affordable material and you can make different shapes and figures from it.

For babies middle group there is an excellent master class. Keep in mind that at this age they can't even cut the details themselves, so be prepared to help.

We will need:

  • Cardboard sheet
  • On a sheet of white, green and yellow paper
  • Scissors

We need to make stripes 1 centimeter wide for chamomile.

We glue the edges and get a drop.

From yellow paper cut out circles with a diameter of 3 centimeters. And glue our droplets to the middle.

Here's what happens.

Now you need to cut the stems out of green paper. We form flowers.

The junction of the stems can be decorated with a bow.

Another one step-by-step instruction creating designs with daisies.

We draw with paints or a felt-tip pen a place for an inscription.

Cut out 4 daisies and paint over their core. We also prepare in advance three strips of green paper, 0.5 centimeters wide.

We form the arrangement of the stems and glue the strips.

On the wrong side of the daisies, glue a piece of double-sided tape and trim the stems to make them shorter.

Glue the flowers onto the stems. We make an inscription and a bow.

The edges of the card can be shaded or glued with colored paper. you can not touch them at all and leave them as they are.

How to make a birthday card with flowers for a woman

It is customary for women to give not only bouquets of fresh flowers, but also postcards with their image.

I propose to make such a cute application.

You will need:

  • Cardboard sheet
  • 2 sheets of thick double-sided pink paper
  • two color ribbons
  • white textured sheet
  • ruler

So first you need to cut a vase.

I have provided a pattern for the flowers to be cut out.

You need to bend the petals with a ruler, like this.

You can use this template.

See how tenderly such a simple congratulation looks. Even a schoolboy can repeat this idea. Moreover, roses can be replaced with a different form of flowers or even depict hearts or circles in their place.

An option for those who are engaged in quilling. Or a great opportunity to start practicing this technique. There are many on the Internet detailed instructions about this theme.

Such a decoration turns out to be very self-sufficient, you don’t even need to add an inscription.

For needlewomen who use felt or sewing in their work, I propose this idea.

It is better to glue the parts with hot glue.

I think that you can easily implement all the options shown, the main thing is to approach this with a soul.

Ideas for simple congratulations on


Balls are one of the most important attributes of the holidays. And on a birthday, they must be present, even if only on a postcard.

Check out the selection interesting ideas. Perhaps they will inspire you for a creative evening.

An idea with grooved balls arranged in a precise geometric grid.

These circles can be cut out of the packing carton if you remove upper layer and get to the stiffeners.

Better yet, give a whole bunch of colorful balloons so that the birthday boy will fly on them to his swords.

More complex idea design.

Unusual color balls. They are cut from background images.

Glue the decor on the voluminous double-sided tape. Then you get a 3d variation.

Another simple idea.

Notice how great the simple little translucent buttons fit into this design.

You can download and install any font for the inscription in the easiest way. graphics editor, even Paint on a computer.

Write a congratulation in it and translate it by attaching paper to the monitor. And now you have a template ready.

The background can be taken not only white, but also black. In general, give preference to contrasting, calm options.

I think that absolutely any needlewoman can use balls in her composition.

Simple Gift Ideas for a Sister or Girlfriend

Girls are much more likely to make cards than boys. Therefore, there are many more feminine ideas.

For a friend, you can make a curly congratulation in the form of a crown.

You can take any template for it.

Also cut out animal shapes.

From different textures, prepare letters for congratulations and make an inscription from them.

Just stick a lot of hearts.

Give a rainbow of buttons! I liked this idea more than anyone else. Incredibly simple, but tasteful.

Another idea to use a bouquet of hearts. By the way, to make this option more interesting. Machine stitch with white thread along the center line of each heart.

Also stylish and concise design using a contrasting backing and many circles.

Such even circles can be obtained using a hole punch.

My dears, I have analyzed those options that you yourself can repeat at home and with the simplest materials at hand. I would be happy if you add the article to your bookmarks.
