How to restore energy bodies. Control of the etheric body

In this article, I want to show whether a person far from bioenergy needs to pay attention to this part of his life in general.

Aetheric Energy , the most necessary, if the question is not about a miserable existence, but about a full, bright, happy and successful life. And it is also the most dense in the arsenal of man. Ethereal energy is very well felt even by an untrained person.
For those who consider subtle bodies, and different kinds bioenergy, fairy tale, exist simple ways, check the presence of this energy. There are a large number of techniques and exercises for working with the etheric body. Here is one of them, probably the most popular and known to almost everyone. Create an energy ball between the palms.

We bend our elbows, and hold them in front of us with palms to each other at a distance of 30-40 cm, and begin smooth movements to approach, and then to spread the palms, with an amplitude of no more than 5-10 cm. We do not close the palms, there is a minimum distance between them 15 - 20 cm at the moment of maximum convergence of the palms. When we perform these movements with our hands, with our mental intention we try to create an energy ball between palms . After a while, a feeling of resistance appears between the palms, a certain elasticity. This feeling of elasticity is the resistance of the ethereal field.

Keep in mind that a person with a weakened etheric field - the body, will not be able to create a ball, or the sensations will be very weak. There are a large number of exercises that allow you to develop sensitivity, perception of the etheric body.

Who has already tried to create a ball, now or earlier, realized that sensations are very similar to touch, as if touching the skin with something very soft, airy. People who have developed the sensitivity of the etheric body have a more extended tactile range. It is with the help of these sensations that people can walk around the room with their eyes closed, and not stumble upon objects. Of course with proper training.

It is with the help of developed sensitivity etheric body , people feel energy flows like a breeze on the skin. It also becomes possible to feel the weight and resistance of the energy and field of a person. This is used in their work by people involved in bioenergy correction. With a wider sector of possibilities, a person is no longer called a bioenergy corrector, but a parapsychologist, he can work not only with ethereal energy, but also feel and control more subtle, lighter energies, astral and mental.

But I am writing this article for other purposes. I want to show how much we people are addicted to aetheric energy and how important and important it is to us. I will try to show how we manage this energy, consciously or not. And also does it make sense for a person far from bioenergy to pay attention to this type of energy.

Is it worth it to learn how to spend correctly, increase and choose where to spend it, and where it does not make sense, and even harmful.

To make it clearer, ethereal energy in its properties, for us people, is very similar to money.

On the image of money, it is easier to convey the meaning, meaning, of this energy for us.
Money needs to be earned . For some it comes easy, for others not so much. But general essence that you need to make an effort so that they appear at your disposal.

With ethereal energy approximately the same, the main part of this energy is produced from other types of energy or simply by our physical body.

The main ways to obtain aetheric energy:

  • Breathing and breathing techniques.
  • Complete healthy sleep.
  • Healthy food. Food carries not only physical mass, but also a good energy charge. But only fresh vegetable, preferably plucked from a tree, from the garden before use.
  • Well, the most powerful source of ethereal energy, which is almost never mentioned anywhere, is the muscles of the human body.

It is healthy strong muscles that give a lot of this energy, they simply give birth to it and fill the etheric body of a person. The stronger the muscles, the more they produce this energy. Now you understand that in order to have a lot of energy, the muscles need to be kept in good shape, in good shape. And this means not just playing sports, but good physical activity, at least one and a half hours of exercise. And several times a week.

A person eating food receives one type of energy for the muscles, and they convert it into other types of energy, including etheric, filling etheric body . The more active the muscle mass, the more it produces energy for the etheric body. Notice, I'm not talking about muscle mass anymore, but it is a strong muscle that gives a lot of energy, this is what I emphasized for girls. No matter what the answers.

There are also special exercises to make the body produce more of this energy. The most popular is 5 Tibetan pearls.

The method of extracting ethereal energy from the inhaled air is probably the most famous variant. The technique called Pranoyama, very popular.
Or just fast and deep breathing.

Methods for recruiting aetheric energy:

  • Hardening of the body (contrast shower, etc.),
  • Physical exercise.
  • Breathing practices.
  • Special exercises.

Let's get back to the image of money.
With money we can buy what we want, what we need. And what can we buy - get on ethereal energy?
A person with enough etheric energy

  • Immunity boost, you won't get sick.
  • Enough strength to achieve your goals. Be a successful person
  • Good mood (without this energy it is not available)
  • Cheerfulness and activity, desire and desire to act.
  • Attractiveness, active and smiling people, attract others.

Here's what we buy with ethereal energy , it if to go by analogy of money. We get the will to live, live full life, and of course the opportunity to earn the same money, so that later you can spend it on your Wishlist.

Money is running out!
Money tends to run out if we spend it without brakes, right and left, provided that there is not enough replenishment.

Aetheric Energy has the same property. Imagine a container - a barrel into which we carry water in buckets. If you do not waste water from the barrel, it can be said that it does not decrease, if you do not take into account natural evaporation.
With ethereal energy, this will not work, we cannot help but take it, our body needs energy to exist. There is a continuous leak from this conditional barrel, for the body's own needs. But that's not all, there is one channel of continuous leakage different types energy, it mental ray of attention person. This is the second faucet for distributing aetheric energy, or rather, not even a faucet, but a hole, because it is impossible to turn off this leak. But on the other hand, it can be consciously directed where it is needed, and then it will not be a pity to spend it.

The most powerful energy eaters.

Measurements by the device showed that the biggest and fastest devourer of human energy is his disagreement with what is happening. And to put it simply, this is irritation, discontent, resentment, claims! It is these emotional states that most and fastest of all burn your happy and successful life, or rather the energy due to which it could be so. These states simply knock out the bottom of your barrel of energy. Measurements have shown that a person in a good energy state is about 80% fullness of the field and chakras, in 15 minutes of irritation, discontent, complaints, burns almost all of his energy, after 15 minutes the remainder is 10-20 percent fullness. In Group "COMPUTER DIAGNOSIS OF HEALTH" you can find interesting measurements, and of course measure your energy (if you live in Tyumen).

The state of dissatisfaction, claims, it is only your choice, not acceptance, not agreement with what is. The people and situations that provoked you into this state, just the background of life, you yourself chose to fall into irritation! Though this process is subconscious. By the way, it is precisely this (irritation) that becomes everyday if a person is de-energized.

A few more words about your energy eaters. It's alcohol and more bad habits, as well as a TV, a computer with its social networks and games, and of course a passive lifestyle. Home - work - home - sofa, this is it, passive life! If you have a desire to object that you are not up to entertainment when you come after work without hind legs, then especially for you I gave an example from life how to solve this issue. No one can fix your life except yourself.

Understanding energy processes, and the ability to manage them, helps a person to use his resources correctly to achieve his goals. Even ordinary joy is not available without enough energy. How to learn to use your energy theory and practice I tell in the classroom "Schools of Empathy" And for everyone to whom these classes are not available for various reasons, there are articles on this site.

The human body is a very complex system, it has energy generators and consumers, and this is not only in the range of ethereal energy. Several types of energies coexist simultaneously in a person:

  • Aetheric Energy
  • astral energy
  • mental energy
  • spiritual energy

These are types of field energy, but there is also another type of energy, secondary. The one that flows along the meridians, as well as physical strength.

Human life is a series of events, meetings, some things. And all this takes energy, empties our barrel. So it turns out that we constantly need to fill our barrel with aetheric energy.

You say, after all, every person has muscles, and he breathes continuously, it all gives a constant flow of energy, yes it does, and that's fine, but what do you have more, consumption or production? If a person has weak muscles, and there is no other source of energy in his life, then this energy is usually enough for a minimum: -home-work-house-sofa . What is life? Or living out your life?

This option can be compared with minimum wage , which is just enough to pay for a communal apartment , buy a simple meal and a bottle of beer in order to forget a little, de-energizing your body with alcohol. And so all life to make ends meet.

By the way, the relaxation that we feel when drinking a small dose of alcohol (50g of cognac or a bottle of beer) is the burning of the last energy, and we feel the relaxation by the fact that we subconsciously used the last energy to resist the circumstances of life, and It is this struggle-rejection that causes stress. Which you are trying to remove with alcohol. After drinking a small dose of alcohol, the last energy burns out, and the subconscious has nothing more to feed the resistance, complete or temporary acceptance (humility) occurs, and that's why we feel relief.

No extra load muscles give out the minimum wage of aetheric energy . And that is why, after working a day, people get very tired, and by the end of the week there are no arms or legs ... as they say.

I would like to give an example from my own life.
About 10 years ago, I worked in a car dealership, the usual work with car electronics. That is, there was no serious physical activity, screwdrivers, wiring. But due to production needs, I had to do tinting. What's wrong with sticking a film on the windows of a car, the same is no load.
But it wasn’t there, but the film is not heavy, but then it needs to be smoothed with a spatula with all its might, and this is comparable workout in the gym with iron . After the first week, my whole body ached, as if I were unloading wagons.

But this is half the battle, it turned out that the whole day passes on his feet, the work with the wiring was more sedentary. So, legs out of habit by the middle of the working day, did not want to wear my body. I wanted to sit down and not get up. But the end of the tinting was not in sight, and I understood that this would not work, something had to be done.

I decided to give a load to my legs, instead of lying with a tortured face all evening on the couch. I started squatting. On the first day, I did very little, only 50 times. But I began to work out intensively every day, and constantly increasing the number of squats. After one and a half to two months, I already squatted 400 times.

What did it give me? My legs stopped sour by the middle of the day, I ran the whole shift, 10 hours like a young one. And in the evening, there was no fatigue, I could easily go about my business, and not lie in a bed, as at the very beginning.

What is the point? And everything is simple, if you come home after work and you have no strength, you should pay attention to your muscle strength, pump your body.
You say, but I’m not standing at the machine all day, but sitting at the computer!

Especially in the gym! Firstly, you need to stretch the stiff body, and secondly best holiday from mental and hard work - this is a good pumping of muscles. And of course, these classes give a huge surge of energy, strength for your life.

Summing up, I want to say briefly and simply, if you have a hard time in life, no matter in what area, psychological, physical, emotional, mental, it means your body is hard, there is not enough of some kind of energy, begin to harmonize energy consumption with replenishment . What would you have more often an excess of energy than a lack.

IN ordinary life, more often aetheric energy required . If you have a large psychological load, hassle, in addition to ethereal energy, you will also need astral energy not to fall into resentment, irritation and depression, but that's another article!

Be strong, healthy and successful.

The subtle bodies of a person are the components of his spiritual essence. It is believed that the aura is permeated with 7-9 subtle bodies, each of which has its own meaning.

The physical body is the temple of the soul. In it, she exists in her current incarnation. Functions of the physical body:

  • Adaptation to the environment for a comfortable existence
  • Acquisition tool life experience through various lessons of Destiny and working off karmic debts
  • A tool for fulfilling the program of the soul, its vocation and purpose in the current incarnation
  • Biological organism responsible for existence, life functions and basic needs

In order for the physical body to exist and remain alive, it is nourished by the energy of the nine chakras that make up the human aura.

etheric body

The first subtle body of man is ethereal. It performs the following functions:

  • Keeper and conductor of prana - the life force
  • Responsible for endurance and tone, as well as immunity. Helps to resist diseases at the energy level. If there is little energy, a person becomes tired, constantly wants to sleep, loses vigor
  • The main function of the etheric body is to saturate with energy and literally revitalize the physical body for a comfortable and harmonious existence of a person in society.
  • Provides connection with the energy of the Cosmos and its circulation throughout the body

The etheric body looks similar to the physical body, is born with it, and dies on the ninth day after the death of a person in his earthly incarnation.

astral body

The astral or emotional body is responsible for the following functions:

  • Everything related to the emotional state of a person: his desires, emotions, impressions and passions
  • Provides a connection between the Ego and the outside world, as a result of which a person is able to respond to external circumstances with certain emotions
  • Controls the state of the right (creative, emotional) hemisphere of the brain
  • Controls the work of the etheric body, is responsible for the interaction energy centers with physical condition
  • Together with the etheric body, it monitors the health and well-being of the physical entity.

It is believed that astral body dies completely on the fortieth day after the death of the physical body in the earthly world.

mental body

The mental essence contains all the thoughts and conscious processes that occur in the brain. It is a reflection of logic and knowledge, beliefs and thought forms. All that is separated from the unconscious. The mental body perishes on the ninetieth day after the death of the earthly body.

Functions of the metal body:

  • Perception of information from the surrounding world and its transformation into thoughts, conclusions, reflections
  • All information processes occurring in the head - their course, sequence, logic
  • Creation of thoughts
  • The repository of all information that penetrates the consciousness of a person from his very birth
  • A repository of information flow - that is, absolutely all the knowledge of the world. It is believed that each person has access to a common field of information and is able to gain the wisdom of their ancestors. But this can only be achieved with the help of special spiritual practices.
  • Responsible for the connection of emotions, feelings with memory and mind
  • Motivates a person to act in life in accordance with his needs and needs, to benefit himself and others
  • Responsible for controlling instincts and other unconscious processes. If this control is “disabled”, a person literally turns into an animal without a mind.
  • Controls all thought processes
  • Provides a rational approach to decision making

The mental, etheric and physical bodies do not exist forever. They die and are born together with the physical body.

Karmic subtle body

Other names are casual, causal. Formed as a result of actions human soul throughout all incarnations. It exists forever: in each subsequent incarnation, karmic debts that have remained from past lives are worked off.

Karma is a kind of method of the Higher powers to "educate" a person, to make him go through everything. life lessons and heal from past mistakes, gain new experience.

To heal the karmic body, you need to learn how to work on your beliefs, control emotions and train awareness (control of thoughts).

Intuitive Body

The intuitive or buddhic body is the personification of the spiritual principle of man. It is "including" the soul at this level that can be achieved high degree awareness and enlightenment.

This body of values, the result of the interaction of the astral and mental essence specific person with analogous essences of surrounding souls.

It is believed that a person must live and die in the place of his birth, because the purpose given at birth to the intuitive body is to perform the task needed in this place.

Watch a video about human subtle bodies:

Other bodies

The above entities are most often mentioned in the description of the "composition" of the human soul. But there are others:

  1. Atmanic - the body that personifies divine origin that every soul has. "There is nothing but God, and God is in everything." A symbol of the unity of the human soul with the whole vast world. Provides connection with the information space of the Universe and the Higher Mind
  2. Solar - the object of study of astrologers, the interaction of human energy with the energies of the Moon, Sun, planets and stars. Given at birth, depending on the location of the planets in the sky at the time of birth
  3. Galactic - the highest structure, ensures the interaction of the unit (soul) with infinity (the energy field of the Galaxy)

It is important to understand that each subtle body is necessary and important: a certain energy is inherent in these entities. It is necessary that the interaction of subtle bodies exist in harmony, so that each performs its functions to the full and radiates the right vibrations.

What does it mean and what is it for? What does it look like, how to clean it, keep it clean and develop it? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

What is the human etheric body

- the lowest and densest layer in the composition of thin human bodies. Copy of physical bodies made of a finer material - ether, it is in direct contact with it. Supports, connects and exchanges the body with information and energy with other higher bodies. Provides integrity and vitality, reflects the state of physical. of the body and the entire system, serves as a conductor and regulator of vital energy.Also it is a repository vitality and "pure" energy of life. And if in the final analysis everything is energy, then pure fire is concentrated in the ether.

The etheric body is the most important factor in the health of the physical body and the seat of life force. As a whole, a person feels the state of the etheric body as the level of his vitality, energy, vigor, tone, and immunity.

As in physical blood flows through the veins of the body and energy flows through channels and meridians in the etheric body. Each cell of this body is a mini-vortex, they all move in different directions. When a person feels some movement of energy vortices in himself (goosebumps, etc.), some points of itching, some rotations in different points of your physical body, this ethereal body makes itself felt, the fiery body, which is the concentration of energy centers, the concentration of your fire, interacts with other bodies.

What does the ethereal body look like?

The ether surrounds each particle physical. body as a kind of ethereal sheath, and, consequently, forms a thin copy of a dense form with a slight glow around the edges and a barely noticeable haze around it in the shape of an oval. This etheric double is clearly visible to the trained eye and is blue-grey-violet in color, cloudy or clear, depending on whether the dense body is gross or refined. The properties of the etheric double change following the properties of the dense body, if a person consciously cleanses his dense body, then his etheric double is also cleansed without any additional effort on his part, even if the person does not think about it.

The etheric body is very agile and mobile, subject entirely to the higher consciousness of the spirit human living in a physical body. Therefore, being a spiritually developed person, and possessing willpower, it is quite possible to control your etheric body. It can be increased to the right sizes in the event that it has decreased so much that it has entered the limits of the physical body, as happens with girls who really want to lose weight and bring themselves to complete exhaustion. As soon as they straighten the etheric body beyond the limits of the physical by a few centimeters, the physical body will begin to recover and again acquire its former forms.

Each organ and part of the body has its own ethereal counterpart. In diseased places, the etheric body is dull, as if hiding in the body. Healthy areas have a good glow and dimensions that go beyond the physical. body.

When the physical body is heated, in hot weather or in a bath, the ethereal expands a little, as if leaving it, when it freezes, it decreases, hiding in the body. Like the astral body, the ethereal body “shrinks”, “takes in” into the physical body during stresses of a different nature (for example, during cooling or fear). When we receive ethereal energy, the etheric body expands and condenses.

Purification of the etheric body. How to cleanse, restore and heal the etheric body.

It is imperative to cleanse and work on the etheric body, because exhaustionenergy carrier, in any case, will manifest itself on the physical body and the entire system as a whole. If possible, the blocks and clamps that arise in it should be immediately identified and neutralized, and a healthy flow of energy restored. Also clean and keep clean the energy that fills it.

The tension in the physical the body testifies to the block in the etheric! Tightness, stoop does not allow energy to flow freely in the body and causes disturbances.

Pollutes and weakens our etheric body:

  • Excessive tension, clamps and blocks in the physical body that interfere with the free flow of energy.
  • Fussiness, waste of energy.
  • emotional clamps, negative emotions and desires.
  • Mental clamps, complexes, stereotypes. Negative thoughts and attitudes.
  • Incorrect breathing: not rhythmic breathing, inhalation is longer than exhalation (normally it should be vice versa), mouth breathing, etc.
  • Improper diet, drinking dirty water. Eating bad foods.
  • Alcohol, tobacco, etc.
  • physical pollution. body.
  • Lack of contact with nature and fresh air and sun.
  • Empty talk.

It is necessary to monitor the blocks and clamps in the body and eliminate them by restoring the normal flow of energy. Remove tension in the body, in thoughts and feelings. Maintain the calm natural flow of energy.

Promotes healing and strengthens the etheric body:

  • Maintaining a smooth, harmonious and balanced flow of energy in the body. Track clamps and blocks, remove and relax them.
  • Calming the emotional body, cleansing from negative feelings. Positive feelings. Minimization of stressful situations.
  • Purity of the mental body - thoughts, attitudes, programs, stereotypes.
  • Stay in inner peace.
  • Meditation, concentration, visualization, contemplation.
  • Breathing practices.
  • Proper breathing, awareness of breathing, breathing through the nose and not through the mouth, exhalation is longer than inhalation, etc.
  • Keeping yourself in good shape.
  • Proper nutrition. Drink clean water.
  • Physical cleansing. body, visiting a bath or sauna.
  • Physical activity, sports, yoga, etc.
  • Tempered, contrast shower.
  • Massage also helps to normalize the energy flow in the body.
  • Stay in nature fresh air and the sun.
  • Life in harmony with yourself and the world around you.
  • Correct daily routine.
  • The ability to conserve energy. A minimum of spending on idle talk, an extra thought process, superficial emotions and unnecessary movements.

How to develop the etheric body and fill it with energy. Training and development of the etheric body.

First you need to accept and love your body, you need to want to be and allow yourself to be complete, “grounded” in the body. You need to allow yourself to take a "worthy place in the sun" and be full, healthy, happy. As we remember, our etheric body follows our thought, thinking of itself as healthy person we give a mental instruction to him to become such.

It is best to train the etheric body in meditations, visualizations or concentrations, focusing your attention on yourself, giving the mental-emotional setting to become healthy and recuperate. You need to be able to be relaxed and collected, focused on yourself and your goals.

You can also train with moderate physical activity. Very well activates and starts the processes of development of the etheric body - hardening: dousing with cold water, a contrast shower, rubbing with snow.

  • Awareness.
  • Meditation, concentration, visualization.
  • Breathing practices, correct breathing.
  • Accumulation of energy.
  • The ability to manage attention.
  • Concentration of attention on oneself, shifting attention from outside to inside oneself
  • Chanting mantras.
  • Maintain a positive momentary emotional state
  • Train and keep clean. body, hardening.
  • Willpower, discipline.

Accumulation of energy by the etheric body

  • Direct collection of energy from the surrounding space
  • Set of energy from earth, water, fire, air
  • Prayer
  • Meditation, visualization, concentration
  • The practice of being present, letting go, relaxing and affirming in the natural state
  • Positive mental-emotional states
  • Rest, Sleep
  • Nutrition
  • Sex
  • Stay in nature, in the sun
  • Stones and minerals

2. Human etheric body

The next body that you should definitely pay attention to is the etheric body. The etheric body is more subtle, not very tactile, not very visible, but you can do one very simple exercise. The palms are rubbed, and, having connected the tips of the fingers, you begin to spread them. And you see how such translucent tapering threads begin to stretch between the fingers. They seem to be plump at the edges, and narrow slightly towards the center. Or just look at your palm and see that around it there are energy contours around the fingers. Yes, that's how transparent vibration of air is.

For example, go for a walk with your loved one and say: “Here, stand up, please, right there somewhere against the background of the moon, so that it can be seen, well, so that a small backlight can be seen. Preferably in the dark, but with a little backlight. And you begin to look at it in a state of focused vision, and you begin to see that a contour appears around it. Moreover, depending on what happened to the person before you started looking at him, you will see that somewhere there is a lot of contour, somewhere there is little contour.

For example, those who are in an evil state, well, or just had a fight, are still boiling - they have a powerful energy pillow in the abdomen. Those who are in love are in the region of the heart. You have probably read about the chakras, so they are simply diagnosed.

So let's get back to the ethereal body. It is the human energy body. The amount of energy of a person's body clearly depends on his etheric body.. If the etheric body is weakened, then the person is like this - ummm ... "I am a pale spirochete, I have no strength for anything, I can only sit and watch TV, giving it my last strength."

The etheric body reacts perfectly to our thoughts, to our attitudes, to our emotions. And it is controlled by the power of thought, very strongly. It is very easy to pump it up, it is easily pumped up by ... Let's suppose how you can pump up the etheric body: breathing - yes, yoga - yes, sports - yes, sleep, physical exercises, imagination, meditation - yes, a contrast shower - yes, the energy of the sun - Yes.

The etheric body is very sensitive to thoughts. And very often we ourselves create diseases. Yes, I must say about illnesses that they rarely occur at the bodily level. Only if you and I somehow accidentally poisoned or irradiated this lovely body. More often diseases start from higher levels, and they simply fall to lower levels.. Probably, it is necessary now to say about all the levels at once, in order to understand in general what it is about. The lower level is the body highest level- ethereal, even higher level - emotional, the so-called astral layer, even higher - the mental layer, even higher - the causal layer.

The worst option is a disease that starts at the causal level, descends further into thoughts, further descends into emotions, further descends into energy, and then is realized in the body. The body is useless. Because it is necessary to correct any disease at the level at which it arose. If we treat the level below - it has no reasonable justification. This is nothing more than supportive therapy, but not a cure. I hope that this question does not cause any discrepancies. There is a stream of life. There is such a thing as the flow of life. This is a set of laws that exist on the most different plans being available to humans. And when a person begins not to comply with the laws of these planes of existence, the laws begin to adjust him a little to suit themselves. As if hinting to him that it would be nice to follow the laws.

Fully admitting that many people know firsthand what the ethereal body looks like, nevertheless I decided to try to explain in great detail to everyone who wishes how to see the ethereal body with their own eyes at home!

I have already mentioned this in some of my courses, but I think it will not be superfluous if I once again draw your attention to this point.

It is extremely important, before starting any path, to get evidence of his rightness. One of the proofs of secret knowledge is the ability to see the ethereal field of a person, accessible to all.

Any object, any living being on our planet has an ethereal field. But further we will talk about the ethereal field of man.

Surely many are familiar with the state when, for example, someone holds a hand above their head, and it is sometimes extremely difficult to determine whether the hand touches the hair or not. All this happens due to the touch of such a palm to the ethereal field of a person.

The ethereal body surrounds everyone, repeating all the curves and details of the physical body.

The etheric body is the intermediate field of the aura, so to speak. The width of its "dense" structure, as a rule, is from 5 mm to 2-3 centimeters, I simply have not seen more, although there is an opinion that this figure can be much larger.

The size and density of the etheric body primarily speak of physical health man, about the reserve of his vitality. Here it is necessary to add that the ethereal field does not adjoin closely to the physical body, but has a void between the boundaries of two bodies in the region from 1 to 4 mm. Moreover, this distance is constantly changing, depending on physical exertion and energy reserve.

Any person can easily see the etheric body, for this you need to have quite a bit of patience and in 2-3 days you will see everything yourself.

Extend your arm and open your palm at a distance of about 30-50 cm. It is better that the inside of the palm is facing you. Spread your fingers. The hand should be on a uniform dark background, it can be a night outside the window, or a black cloth.

Position the light source behind your back so that your body does not cast a shadow on your palm. Change the light intensity. Perhaps you personally need more or less light to see the ethereal body. So just experiment.

Having placed your hand in an appropriate way, you need to direct your gaze to the space between the fingers, you must be calm, your breathing must be even. The first couple of minutes you do not need to try to see anything. Just look into this space. Your task, so to speak, is to focus on the void between the fingers.

Then smoothly move your eyes to the border of the fingers, and over time, you will notice, as it were, a grayish haze, a bluish or purple tint. Moreover, if you practice, you will also notice an area of ​​emptiness between the physical body and the etheric, in which there is nothing. Its dimensions are 1-3 mm.

Continue to look around all the boundaries of your hand, and you will see that the haze follows all the contours of the body. So, this haze is your ethereal body.

Attention, if you use a strong light source, look at a motionless palm for several minutes, and sharply remove your hand to the side - you will see a glowing handprint on a dark background. So - this is not an ethereal body, but just a light imprint on your retina.

The ethereal body never remains, it is tightly attached to the physical body and repeats all its contours and movements. It is clearly visible, with a bluish haze, if you try to describe it quite roughly, it is akin to the evaporation of gasoline. In other words, the subtlety of visibility is somewhat similar.

I say again, 3 days of practice is enough to see everything for yourself and check the existence of the etheric body on your own experience! Repeat this exercise and the result will not keep you waiting!

Try it and you will succeed!
