Karmic debt by name and date of birth. Birthday number

Even the priests of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia noticed that the fate of the born is connected with the date of coming into the world. This is how numerology was born - an esoteric doctrine that substantiates and explains the relationship between numbers in a date.

With the advent of the alphabet, numerology has spread even more, because. now anything could be written as numbers. Entire doctrines arose that claimed that numbers could explain seemingly random events and predict the future. Certain aspects of these teachings have passed down to us.

Calculation of fate by date of birth

To determine your fate by the date of arrival in this world, you need to determine the sum of the numbers. To do this, represent the date of birth as separate numbers, for example, February 28, 1991 will be represented as 2,8,0,2,1,9,9,1. Now we consider the sum of these numbers, we get 32. The sum is two-digit, but we need one digit. Therefore, we repeat the operation with the resulting amount. 3+2=5. Find the same sum of numbers for yourself and decipher its meaning:

1. Sign leader. Such people are successful able to organize and inspire. They are careerists and quickly become bosses.

2. Sociable people who need a lot of friends. extroverts who do not tolerate loneliness. "Deuce" is the soul of the company.

3. Creative personalities unable to complete the task. This good artists, writers, poets, architects and sculptors. But they need someone to make them finish the work they started. In childhood, this is one of the parents or an older brother / sister. In adulthood - the second half.

4. "Fours" - workaholics. These are people who do not organize anyone and do not shift their work to others, but they themselves are real masters. The authorities love such people for their diligence and high quality, and colleagues - on the contrary, envy and intrigue.

5. People who change their habits and preferences. Changing goals over and over again, the “five” cannot achieve a single one. It's easy for such people need a "guide" guiding their activities.

6. People calm, balanced focused on family and home. Such people are truly happy, but rarely achieve success.

7. prone to mysticism and religious thinking. These people are often addicted to the occult, mysticism and magic. Often the "sevens" can be influenced by religious preachers, and therefore become victims of sects.

8. People sensitive money and your own benefit. Stingy with loved ones. good businessmen, merchants, economists.

9. Strong and confident people going to the goal through obstacles. They often become leaders, but when faced with an insurmountable obstacle, they are unable to either bypass it or find a loophole in it. They don't have flexibility.

Determining the character of a person by his name

The name is an important trait that determines fate and character. In ancient times, the name given at birth was carefully hidden, because it was believed that the knowledge of the name was tantamount to complete mystical power over a person.

Among pagans and people who are fond of esotericism, belief in this feature true name still exists today.

In order to calculate the sum of the digits of a person's estate, you need to display the so-called name number - a set of numbers, each of which corresponds to a letter. In Greece, where this technique was invented, there were no particular problems, because there the numbers were already written with the same symbols as the letters. For Cyrillic and Latin there are lookup tables numbers to letters.

Tab. Calculation of the number of the name (surname) for the Cyrillic alphabet.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
b s b E YU I

The connection between fate and surname

Surname - genus name, but the diversity of surnames, their origin and meanings does not allow them to be systematized according to a single canon. But numerological principles work here, similar to those used when calculating the sum of the digits of the date of birth.

The fate of man and patronymic

From the point of view of modern esotericism, patronymic indicates a connection between the living and the world of his ancestors, the closest of which is the father. Those whose patronymics sound harsh and harsh, for example, Igorevichi, Lyudvigovichi, Nikolaevichi, experience difficulties in life that are unknown to their namesakes with softer patronymics. Such patronymics as Vladimirovich, Mikhailovich, Ivanovich sound softly, that is, with many vowels and the absence of hard sounds [k] or [g]. The same name and patronymic enter into a kind of resonance, and the mystical properties of the name get multiple amplification.

fate chart

To calculate fate chart, multiply the day, month number and year. For a person born on February 28, 1991, this will be 28*2*1991=111496. Next, we build a coordinate system, along the abscissa we plot the life time, divided into periods of 12 years, along the ordinates - numbers from 1 to 9, denoting the potential of a person in a given period. Then we mark the points on the graph and connect them. So, for our case, it turns out that at birth, in 1991, the potential was equal to 1, as well as at 12 years old (in 2003), and after 24, in 2015. By 2027, it will increase to 4, in 12 years it will be equal to 9, and in the last 12 years it will again fall to 6.

Peak match fate and will means favorable moments when the circumstances of the surrounding world and your reserves are maximum. Recession periods, on the contrary, are extremely unfavorable.


The fate of a person is also connected with the date of birth, predicted by the location of the stars and planets visible in the sky. The rhythm and predictability of astronomical events allowed the ancient peoples to create astrological systems that can be very different, although they are built on the same principle.

Connection with the signs of the zodiac

Traditional for everyone European nations is a system that originated V Ancient Greece . 12 constellations through which it makes its visible path sun and are called signs of the zodiac. Signs are grouped associated with a certain element.

Fire Signs- Leo, Sagittarius and Aries - are responsible for high activity, integrity and extraversion. Weakly perceive the surrounding reality, preferring to transform it for themselves. This applies to both the events of the surrounding world and the surrounding people.

For the Earth Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus answer. This element of slow people who do everything thoroughly. Practicality and slowness are the properties of the Earth; such people adapt poorly to new conditions.

Air Signs- Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. People born under them are characterized by mobility, the ability to simply switch from one type of work to another.

Water Release associated with Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. These signs are sensitive to the world around them and people, they can easily adapt.


Thus, making a numerological forecast based on the number of the name and date of birth is a matter of technology and does not require special gift or secret knowledge. It is enough to carefully follow the methods developed in ancient times and widely used today.

My greetings to all. Do you want to know the character of a person by date of birth? For you - an interesting and entertaining numerology.

The power of the date of birth

Everyone wants to find their place in life. How to do it? Only a few know how to find out, most importantly, they know how to properly use the time allotted to them.

Wanting to find an answer to this not an idle question, people have to turn to the most unusual ways, for example, to numerology. This science can tell not only how to find out the character of a person by the date of his birth, but also give a hint on the right path in order to fulfill his destiny.

Well, character!

To determine what a person came into this world with, science uses the term "Character Number".

With the help of this number, you can find out the character of the child, as well as the special differences in the adult personality.

According to numerology, it can be calculated in this way:

  • Add up the birthday numbers until you get a number between 1 and 9.
  • The numbers 11 and 22 do not need to be added.
  • Zeros are not to be taken into account.
  • The resulting figure will just be: “Character Number”.

For example: the 23rd day of the month is 2+3=5, and the 22nd day of the month is 22.

Deciphering the meaning of numbers

Unit (1)

Under this figure are often born strong, purposeful individuals who, without stopping, are moving towards their goals, looking forward with optimism and confidence.

They are stubborn, arrogant, ambitious, not rarely aggressive. The cause of aggression can be someone's desire to "teach them about life" or someone who is trying to block their path to their goal.

They spend a lot of effort to defend their opinion and freedom. They are unsurpassed organizers with excellent memory. Their ability to do several things at once comes from the ability to focus on the main task.

Their whole life is devoted to the search for a new, the desire to take a leading position. They rarely listen to other people's opinions. It is extremely difficult to work next to them, because of their self-centeredness, authoritarian type of management.

Deuce (2)

"Deuce" is endowed with softness, tact, the ability to maneuver among different interests. In a word, a person from birth has already been awarded with skills true woman. These people are afraid to offend everyone, always make concessions, put a lot of effort into creating peace and harmony.

Despite the many advantages that these individuals are endowed with, they do not like to use them, choosing the most peaceful cooperation instead of aggression and war.

"Twos" do not strive for leadership, because by fate they have submission. They are characterized by modesty, secrecy, indecision, they do not like to take responsibility. It takes a lot of work for them to express their opinion, their thoughts, they often think about something, plan. These people are depressed.

Troika (3)

These people have a groovy character, as well as an amazing sense of humor.

They are lucky in life. The Troikas are diversified, endowed with talent and an inexhaustible supply of energy, thanks to which they lead hectic life.

They easily spend money, showing generosity, incredible benevolence.

Their creative nature an exit is required, and a rich imagination and natural talent make it possible to make this “exit” so vivid that it becomes very memorable.

They are extremely comfortable in the art world as they are endowed with many talents. “Troikas” can speak beautifully, prefer communication, and often become ringleaders among friends.

Among the "bad" traits are exorbitant conceit, pride, selfishness, excessive independence. Their ambition, dominance, arrogance often turns into overt rudeness.

"Threes" often waste their energy, are too frivolous and not serious about everything that surrounds them. Such frivolity often interferes with the manifestation of their genius.

Four (4)

"Fours" are endowed with a strong character, strong will, great endurance, they stubbornly move towards their goal. They work tirelessly, so they always come to success. Even the hardest work does not stop such people if the ultimate goal is visible.

They are practical, the ability to weigh everything, they do not take diligence, but they do not have a rich imagination, creative impulses. Despite this, the Quartet are excellent leaders. Having organizational skills, the ability to orient talents in the right direction, they become wonderful administrators.

These individuals have a sense debt, endowed with a love of justice. An important place in their life is occupied by the material side, therefore, they strive to make their life stable, even rich.

It can be attributed to limited thinking, fussiness, frequent stress, nervousness, frequent periods of blues, boredom.

They are not often spoiled by luck, most often they are pursued by failures and misfortunes. But thanks to work, incredible patience, they overcome all obstacles.

Five (5)

Energetic, restless, restless temperament distinguishes people born under the "Character Number" 5.

And also the mind, impatience - too distinctive features"fives". Travel lovers, they always want to see, learn, something new, extraordinary.

They cannot live without communication. And in order not to fall into melancholy, boredom, fatigue, to create a comfortable life for themselves, they must constantly change their environment.

These people are ambitious, quick-tempered, at the same time, oh
pretty sexy. It is sexuality that does not allow them to remain faithful to their family, since they like scandals, understatement.

They are restless and unable to concentrate. This leads to the fact that they grab onto several things at once, but leave them without bringing them to completion. Labor is not their forte, they would rather strive to see more, learn more, moreover, all at once.

Men with a Character number of 5 may gravitate towards disputes, gambling, speculation, as they always need to take risks, seek adventure.

And women are much more careful, but with a strong interest, they can forget about discretion. Because of this behavior, they often find themselves in unpleasant situations.

"Fives" often change jobs, as they do not like to work in one place. Boring, routine work is not for them. You should always be on your guard with them, because they like to deceive, cheat, lead a wild life.

But at the same time, communication with them is a pleasure, thanks to their cheerful and carefree nature. But they may not be lucky because of self-pity.

Six (6)

People under protection the numbers "6" have a balanced, good-natured disposition.

They are reliable, value family, always surrounded by friends. They combine such attractive features like honesty, loyalty, romance, gentleness.

They are attracted by harmony and tranquility, they know how to smooth out conflicts, share warmth, as well as money and everything that other people need.

They have a share of conservatism, so they do not like relaxed, tactless people.

They decide to get away from the problem instead of doing something. They know how to work, but do not strive to achieve heights, because they are not endowed with a business streak. Having taken the post of leader, they may seem arrogant and conceited.

Seven (7)

"Sevens" like loneliness more immersion in your own thoughts. They are not attracted to communication with people, they like contemplation more.

Nature has endowed such people with insight., the ability to analyze, reveal secrets, notice those little things that other people do not notice.

Communicating with them, many feel alienation and coldness. Probably, with their help, they try to maintain balance within themselves. They are not given eloquence, so it is difficult for them to express their thoughts, but on paper they can write anything. Discussions and disputes are also not for them.

The disadvantages of their temper include an excessive tendency to "heavy" thoughts, not rare depressions, disappointment in their existence, suicidal tendencies, unsociableness, gloomy sarcasm.

But even the smallest success can inspire them.

Eight (8)

The "Eights" are endowed with incredible energy, assertiveness, the ability to concentrate all forces at one point, which makes it possible to reach the intended goal.

These people achieve success due to their practicality, prudence, tenacity of mind. All their activities are aimed at obtaining material well-being, which makes it possible to properly invest their funds, even with minimal effort.

All thoughts of the "eights" are directed on the growth of their wealth, business development. Qualities for which they respect other people - the ability to fight, get out of difficult situations, find a loophole, and, in the end, come to success.

They evaluate people according to their status, although they themselves are cautious, prudent, do not make risky movements, do not take a single step without looking back.

TO negative traits"eights" can be attributed to:

  • heartlessness,
  • unfriendliness
  • cruelty,
  • selfishness,
  • use of any means on the way to the goal,
  • authority,
  • contempt for those who did not come to success.

At first glance, they give the impression of gloomy, closed people, while passion, greed gnaws at their soul.

Nine (9)

These are real dreamers and idealists, often striving to generalize everything, to "get off the ground." Their personality traits are:

  • romance,
  • impulsiveness,
  • passion,
  • tenderness,
  • incredible love.

They have an attractive, unique charm. Caring, respect for loved ones are in their blood, but their cherished dream remains selfless service to all mankind. For this desire they are often not understood, and they begin to understand only when they go into oblivion.

From the Number of Character "9", talented artists, teachers, scientists come out. "Nines" are endowed incredible strength will, masculinity, the ability to inspire other people, inspire them to good deeds.

They are not very adapted for life, because they are not used to taking care of themselves, they are overly honest, they live with an eye to conventions, they are easily influenced by others, they are able to quickly inflame with passion and just as soon cool down.

"Nines" are very afraid of old age and a beggarly existence. Their contradictory, arrogant disposition, as well as harshness in judgments, scare away, so they often remain without a family, retire to the world of mysticism.

Eleven (11)

People with the number 11 often seem very strange, but they are really different from others.

Often, their mission is to bring novelty into this world, which is given to them from above, or even to make a revolution. They are endowed with intuition, extraordinary energy.

Among them you can find an outstanding genius, or you can find a madman who considers himself a soothsayer, a preacher.

They know how to attract the masses with the ability to convince, courage, determination, confidence in the correctness of their actions.

Their sacrifice for a special purpose does not make it possible to create families, so most often they remain lonely.

twenty two (22)

These people received as a gift the most best features that humanity has. The number "22" gave them:

  • energy,
  • leadership ability,
  • equilibrium,
  • impressionability,
  • creative gift,
  • flexibility, harmony, charisma,
  • strong concentration, business acumen,
  • opportunity to develop spiritually.

From them come the best leaders, great representatives of the scientific world or the world of mysticism. Thanks to the environment, "two deuces" are able to realize their abilities given by nature.

But the lack of self-confidence often makes them renounce profitable offers, miss out on promising activities.

They must remember that their success depends only on himself and rarely comes easily. It is important to understand that they should not give up, surrender to the disgrace of fate. Better to do it first and regret later than not do anything at all.

There are no two absolutely alike people on Earth. Each of us is individual, both externally and in character.

The formation of personality is influenced by many different factors, one of which is person's date of birth. This influence is due to the individual value of each number. The day, month and year of birth are taken into account.

By date of birth

Every day a huge number of people are born. And there will never be another day like this. The date of birth contains voluminous information, which has a huge impact on the fate and character of a person.

The opinion that people born on the same day have similar qualities has a basis. The study of the influence of the date of birth on the life of a person is the science of numerology. Date of birth helps determine fateful number each person using a certain method of calculation.

To determine the number of all life, you need to know the day, month and year of birth of a person whose character needs to be established. All this is written in numbers, and then after each of them a + sign is placed. If the date of birth of a person is May 14, 2001, the result of the addition will be the number 13.

But this is not all. The final number must be single digit. If it turned out differently, then both numbers in the number are added together again. IN this case the number 4 will turn out. This will be the life number of a person, determined by the date of birth.

Knowing the personal figure, you can find out the brightest human qualities.

  • 1. High demands on oneself and others, unmotivated aggression, desire for leadership;
  • 2. Compliant character, inner harmony;
  • 3. Easy eccentricity, an unusual outlook on life, the presence of many talents;
  • 4. Desire is safe, organized, high performance;
  • 5. Positive outlook on life, the ability to get out of difficult situations, insight;
  • 6.Openness, the desire to have confidence in tomorrow , kindness;
  • 7. Hermitage, unconventional outlook on life, flexible mind;
  • 8. Love for material values, availability inner rod, the pursuit of stability;
  • 9. The ability to achieve one's own goals, the desire to save and increase money;

By year of birth

Sometimes, in order to determine the character, it is enough to know only the year of birth of a person. In Eastern philosophy, the method is based on the ratio last day year of birth to a certain natural element.

There are five elements in total: fire, earth, metal, wood, water. Each of them has two numbers.

People whose year of birth ends with an eight or nine belong to the earth element. Representatives of the fire element are people whose year of birth ends with the number seven or six. The tree gives its energy to people born in years that end in five or four.

The water element is characteristic of those whose year of birth ends in two or three. If at the end there is zero or one, then the person belongs to elements of metal.

The characteristics of each group of people in this case is as follows:

  • 1.People whose element is wood, with special trepidation, are immersed in any process. They are very hardworking and demanding of themselves. However, they do not try to do what is beyond their strength. This type of people knows how to show friendliness and mercy to others. They are fighters for justice, and always try to follow their principles.
  • 2.people of the fire element are always in motion. They love to experiment and try new things. These people make great leaders. However, sometimes they can be too demanding of others, which becomes the subject of conflicts.
  • 3.Metal endows his subordinates with determination and confidence in your actions. Very often, people of this type are whole individuals who do not depend on the opinion of the majority. Often they achieve their goals thanks to their stubbornness. It can lead them to material well-being
  • 4.Water breeds good diplomats. They know how to negotiate with people even in situations where it is difficult. This type of people can be both excellent bosses and executive employees. Developing communication skills people of the water element can acquire the ability to manipulate. Such people always keep personal experiences away from the eyes of strangers. They don't like to share their secrets.
  • 5.Representatives of the earth element very restrained in their emotional outbursts. They prefer to analyze the situation before taking action. People of this character warehouse know how to earn and spend money. They are able to look at any area of ​​\u200b\u200blife with a cool head. In some situations, people of the earth element can be too slow and indecisive.

By name

A name can say a lot about a person. Surely, each of us noticed that people with the same name are somewhat similar to each other. This is due to the fact that each name contains individual energy, which is involved in the formation of a person's character warehouse and provokes certain situations.

The basics of numerology help determine the number of a person's name, which will give his characteristics. It is believed that each letter refers to a certain single digit. To determine which numbers refer to the letters of the name, you should write on paper all the numbers from 1 to 9.

Then absolutely all the letters below the numbers are written. The letter A is assigned to the unit, the letter B is assigned to the deuce, etc. When the number series is completed, you should again start from one. Thus, it turns out that each number will represent several letters at once.

A two-digit number is not the end result. The two numbers must be added together again, and then the final result will be obtained. It is from him that you need to build on the interpretation.

Find out with the square of Pythagoras

Square of Pythagoras got its name from the founder. In the people, this method of determining character was called a psychomatrix. Pythagoras was a successful scientist in the study of numbers. It is he who is at the heart of numerology as a whole.

The scientist believed that mathematical numbers help a person to know the world. To create the square of Pythagoras, you need to know the date of birth of a person. With the help of a certain calculation scheme, the character of a person is determined in such areas of life as family, public relations, health and attractiveness, talents, mental flexibility, luck level, self-esteem, etc.

The calculation of the personal square of Pythagoras is not entirely simple, but everyone can master it. This analytical tool helps a person to understand himself or find an approach to others. The square of Pythagoras shows which branches of life should be developed, and which ones will not bring proper results, even if you make great efforts.

Relationship Numerology

Numerology allows not only to get complete description personal qualities, but also to find out the level of compatibility of partners with each other. In this case we are talking about those couples who are in a marriage union.

The marriage number is calculated by adding the numbers of the date of birth. Only the day on which the person was born is taken as the basis. For example, a woman's birthday is October 15th. Her number will be six, obtained from the digits representing birthday. If a man was born on May 3, then his number will be three.

The numbers of the date of birth of each partner are added together. In this case, the result is the number 9. This means that the relationship can be based solely on physical intimacy.

For a correct interpretation, one should build on the following characteristics:

  • 1 - The marriage will soon fall apart due to the stubbornness of the partners;
  • 2 - The cause of quarrels can be conflicts based on domestic problems. Salvation in this case are mutual concessions;
  • 3 - Relationships are as harmonious as possible. It is likely that the union will last for decades;
  • 4 - More established between spouses friendly relations than sexual ones. The marriage will last until a third person appears;
  • 5 - One of the partners of the polygamous, which can become cause of breakup;
  • 6 - Quite harmonious relationship based on mutual respect and love;
  • 7 - The union is very successful, but both partners cannot fully relax and enjoy their happiness;
  • 8 - There will be difficulties in this pair, but they are completely solvable;
  • 9 - Partners are absolutely not suitable for each other. This will be the subject of controversy. Long-term relationships are possible only with the sexual satisfaction of both partners;

Karma is a unique law of the Universe, according to which each of us lives several incarnations, several lives that are given so that a person can correct the shortcomings of his personality and develop his spirituality to the highest perfection. Everything that a person has done in past incarnations - both bad and good - returns to him or to his relatives. Everything that happens to a person in the present is connected with what happened in the past. We can say that karma is a combination of bad and good deeds of a person that were committed by him in all his lives. Everything bad should be recognized and corrected in the next incarnations, and everything good brings a person closer to the perfection of spiritual development.

If in his past incarnations a person did not fulfill his obligations, violated Spiritual laws, took something from others or illegally appropriated someone else's, ignored the needs of his Soul and its need for development, behaved irresponsibly, in this case Karmic Debts are formed. They will accompany a person all his life and cause him a lot of anxiety. Karmic Debts will manifest in the form of trials and barriers, difficulties and problems. That is why it is very important to find out if a person has his own Karmic Debt.

Karmic Debt, depending on the method of its appearance, there can be several types: own, - the one that a person has earned in his current life; own - earned by a person in previous lives; acquired - inherited by genus. Karmic debt is a kind of barrier that prevents a person from being what he could become.

How to find out if a person has a Karmic debt by name and date of birth?

Find out if a person has a Karmic debt, science will help . In numerology, the numbers of karmic debt are the numbers 13, 14, 16, 19. If a person was born on a day with one of these numbers, this indicates the presence of Karmic Debt, but even if there are none of these numbers in the date of birth, Karmic debt can manifest when calculating, in intermediate results (up to reducing the final figure to a single digit).

To find out does a person have a Karmic Debt by name or date of birth, you need to calculate the Heart Number, Destiny Number and Number Life Path, but do not reduce the final number to a single digit, but use an intermediate two-digit number to interpret the results. Deciphering the number of Karmic Debt makes it possible to take into account the previous not very successful experience, realize the results, draw conclusions and take measures that will correct the situation.

Using the online calculation presented on this page, you can find out if a person has a Karmic Debt by name and date of birth. If you want to know if there is a Karmic Birthday Debt, use.

Online calculation of Karmic Debt by name and date of birth

Surname Name Surname
Date of Birth
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900


According to this science, the date of birth is a kind of code that helps to determine the life priorities of a person, etc. To calculate this code, you need to add the numbers of the day, month and year of birth. For example, you were born on October 7, 1987. Add your birth numbers together, leaving out the zeros. In this case, the calculation will look like this: 7+1+1+9+8+7=33.

You should end up with a single digit. If the number turned out to be two-digit, as in the previous step, add the two numbers included in its composition. Using the number 33 as an example, the calculation will look like this: 3+3=6. IN this example 6 is a number. After you know your number, refer to its interpretation.

People born under the number 1 are the undisputed leaders, have assertiveness, efficiency, almost always win disputes and do not lose their temper. On the way to achieving the goal, they often go ahead, showing exactingness both to themselves and to others.

The number 2 indicates that a person seeks to find compromises. He is often indecisive, melancholic, experiencing periods of self-doubt. However, his innate ingenuity helps him to realize himself in life. The “two” person loves the family hearth and has a highly developed intuition.

Three people are extremely sociable, emotional, easily make acquaintances and do not lose them due to their own charm and optimism. They are able to inspire other people to do great things. In general, they perceive life as an attraction, and every day they find entertainment for themselves.

The number 4 symbolizes caution, rationality, lack of risk, as well as independence and hard work. Belonging to this number suggests that a person is conservative, likes to put everything on the shelves. As a rule, he slowly moves towards the goal, but thanks to his determination and perseverance, he almost always achieves it.

The number 5 gives the personality a craving for travel and languages. The “five” person is an enthusiast, has versatile views, strives for harmony and self-improvement. He loves adventure and will never put his life on a tight schedule. He is distinguished by sociability and excellent organizational skills.

If your number is 6, then you love justice, are kind to art. You are a romantic with natural charm and good intuition. You know how to sympathize and help not only in word, but also in deed. Despite your share of responsibility, large sums your money is not delayed.

The number 7 speaks of a talented person, prone to philosophy and aloofness. These are introverts who not only do not allow emotions to come out, but also spend a lot of time alone. Find with them mutual language careful approach, and then they will win you over with their intelligence and subtle humor.

People with the number 8 are characterized by independence and energy. They are businessmen by nature, possessing a strong-willed character. They are distinguished by independence, cold calculation. They are rarely subject to emotions, but they are hardy to all worldly troubles and are wise.

"Nines" are most often associated with creativity, sensitive, sensitive and vulnerable. They tend to come up with sometimes utopian ideas. They easily part with money, preferring to help those in need. Facing insidiousness real life, they may experience a bout of self-doubt, but very soon they will again inspire themselves and others to embody more and more original ideas.


People with signs 3, 5, 6 get along well with each other. Friendly and love union people with numbers 2, 7, 9. "Ones" and "fours" are best suited for people of their number, and "eights" - 1, 2 and 9.


  • how to determine the number of a person

Each sign of the zodiac corresponds to certain personality traits, on which the reaction to external stimuli depends. It's no secret that we all react differently to the same things. Someone, for example, having heard a swear word addressed to him, will close up for the whole day, withdraw into himself, and someone will enter into a verbal squabble right on the spot, so much so that he will emerge victorious.

You will need

  • Map with the location of the planets at the time of birth and at the current moment


See where the sun was at the moment. The sign of Aries endows the cocky character with strong leadership qualities. Under the sign of Taurus, people are calm, balanced, striving for order, as a rule, succeeding in business. The Gemini sign has given the world a lot bright personalities in the field of culture and art. Cancer - incorrigible romantics, travelers, poets. People under the sign of Leo are noble and capable of beautiful deeds. Virgo has a high chance of succeeding in science. If the sun was in the sign of Libra, it gives a craving for beauty, but at the same time does not give a sense of inner balance. Scorpio is a bright original sign, one of the most susceptible to occult influences. Sagittarius gives birth to a large number of cheerful adventurers. Capricorn - thorough, but not very enterprising, true friends and good family men. Aquarius - easy-going, friendly and not prone to long-term sorrows. Pisces are sensitive emotional individuals.

Analyze what sign the moon was in. She makes transitions much faster than the sun - if for a moment birth she was in the "border" - the first or last degree, be sure to consider the characteristics of both signs. Moon in Aries gives
