How to quickly and professionally crop a photo to the desired size in Photoshop. How to crop a photo in Photoshop

Many people had to edit photos because they did not fit the size, some photos had color balance that had to be corrected. Users work in the Photoshop graphic environment where they need to use various tools for rendering and retouching photos. Combinations of tools help with many problems in this program. Some work situations are resolved quite simply. Beginners often think about how to crop an image in Photoshop CS6. There is more than one way to crop photos and images, they differ from each other in functionality.

How to crop an image in Photoshop

Why do you even need to resize an image and crop it? Imagine that sometimes situations arise when a photo or image is too large. Many sites require an image on the user's personal profile no more than a certain number of pixels in width and height. The photo has unwanted objects that can be eliminated. All these and many other situations make the user think about how to crop an image in Photoshop. There are several ways that are different in their execution and application. For example, there are methods for quick cropping, as well as for more careful cropping, taking into account the elements and objects in the image. Some tools are able to crop only specific areas (edge ​​editing, rectangular and oval cut), while others are able to remove excess and leave the desired, regardless of the complexity of objects and images (Pen, Magic Wand, Quick Selection tools).

Frame tool

This tool allows you to very quickly crop an image in Photoshop, part of it, and adjust the size. The tool is located on the main quick access toolbar. When activated, horizontal and vertical lines on the image, which divide it into nine segments. The edges and corners of the image can be moved, thus reducing or increasing the parameters of the document. It should be remembered that changing the image does not occur by transforming (stretching and stretching) the object, but by a full-fledged displacement of the edges. In Photoshop, it is convenient to adjust the size of the sides using the Crop tool. When expanding the frame, the new formed area will be empty, so this should also be taken into account when working.

Selection of regions

In addition to cropping images directly, there is a two-step method for editing documents. Thanks to the selection function with the selected object, you can work with a different functioning part. The Quick Access Toolbar has three main cells with selection tools:

  • Selection with clear geometric objects (rectangular and oval). These tools work in the following way. First, an area is selected, then hot keys are applied to work (Delete - deletes the selected area; Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V - to create a new layer with the selected object). Unnecessary layer can be deleted in the layer management menu.
  • Selection using lasso (lasso, rectangular lasso, magnetic lasso). The area is formed using the cursor. While holding the LMB, you need to select the area, and then release the LMB. The area previously bounded by the cursor will be selected, which can be edited in the same way as in the case described above.

  • Highlighting due to the color key ("Magic wand" and quick selection). Tools are used in exceptional cases, since the resulting selected area is sloppy. " magic wand” is used when selecting and cropping text and other small elements in large quantities, since other tools are not able to cope with this task quickly enough. Quick selection specializes in selecting areas that are similar in color scheme with the original selected element.

Pen Tool

The most favorite tool, thanks to which you can select the most hard-to-reach elements. This tool forms a closed loop, which is adjustable reference points. enclosed area can be selected thanks to the called context menu, in which you can adjust the edges of the selected area.

One of the most requested features when working with images is cropping. It helps out in many cases: when extra objects got into the photo, when you need to make the image fit in size, and also when you need to move the object from one photo to another. In general, pruning is used in the most different situations. That is why it will be useful for each user to perfectly master the skills of using this useful feature. In this article, we will figure out how to crop a photo in Photoshop. Let's get started. Go!

We will tell you how to cut out a specific part of an image

Let's start from the very typical case when you want to crop the photo to the desired size. It is done like this. Upload a photo first. Open the File menu and select Open. After that, go to the toolbar and click on the icon corresponding to the Crop tool. You can select the desired area using the mouse, stretching the selection rectangle to a suitable size. If you marked it in the wrong place, you can move it by placing the mouse cursor in the center of the selection. To change the size of the frame, place the cursor in its corner and hold down the left mouse button, now you can freely transform the selection frame. In case you want to cut out a part of the image of a specific size, in the tool options bar at the top you will find two cells in which you can set the width and height values ​​in pixels. In this case, the selection rectangle will always maintain the specified aspect ratio. After that, press Enter on your keyboard, or double-click the left mouse button to crop the photo.

Choose the mode that suits you best

Next, you can set the required dimensions for the already cropped photo. Go to the menu "Image" (Image) and click on the item "Canvas Size". In the window that opens, set new width and height values. On the right, you can select the most convenient unit of measurement.

When adjusting the length and width of the canvas, the scale of objects in the picture remains unchanged

Now let's figure out how to crop a photo along the contour in Photospop. This will come in handy if you want to cut an object from one picture and paste it into another. Go to the toolbar and select the pen tool. Then, in the Attributes panel, set the mode to Paths. This mode allows you to select contours with maximum accuracy and detail. Enlarge the required part of the photo for greater convenience. Carefully, slowly, place dots along the contour of the object. This tool allows you to select a bend line. To do this, you need to put the cursor on the point, hold down the left mouse button and move the point to achieve the desired effect. When you have finished setting the points, click on the very first one to complete the chain. Right-click and click "Make Selection" in the dialog box that appears. Set the Feather Radius to two pixels. Also, do not forget to check the box "Smoothing". Click the OK button.

Hi all! In this article, we'll look at how to crop photos in Photoshop. You will also learn how to use the tool "Frame" (Crop), which is useful not only for framing, but also for leveling the horizon.

This lesson will be especially useful for beginners. Let's start!

The easiest way to crop

For what kind of work is this method relevant:

  1. Preparation of photos for the site. For example, you need to crop product photos for an online store, but you don’t know what size you need so as not to get a stretched or compressed image.
  2. Working with lots of photos. For example, you need to prepare a large number of images for one size.

Let's get started! Suppose a customer needs to upload a lot of products to the site. You have previously added product cards in front of you, and you do not know what size to use in pixels.

If you need to crop a large number of photos, we strongly recommend using hotkeys. Combination at the beginning Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S it will be very difficult, but after a couple of dozen saves, you will forget where the item for saving photos for the web is located in the menu.

Trimming with a tool "Frame" (Crop)

For example, we took a photo from our own album. On it we took pictures on a wonderful ski resort Rosa Khutor in Sochi.

Activate the tool "Frame" (Crop) on the toolbar or use the hot key C:

Once you've selected a tool, Photoshop will place a cropping box around the edges of the image. It can also remember the parameters of a previously cropped photo and automatically apply a crop frame in accordance with them:

To continue working, you must reset the tool settings. To do this, click on the box with the aspect ratio and select "Initial proportions":

The aspect ratio values ​​will disappear and the frame should now be positioned according to the image borders:

How to change the borders of the cropped area

Look at the edges of the image. You will see that there are so-called "Markers" on the frame:

In order to change the cropped area, simply left-click on the marker and, without releasing, drag it to the desired distance:

Proportional change of the cropping frame. To make the frame change proportionally, you need to hold down the Shift key and drag the corner marker on the crop frame.

Uniform resizing horizontally and vertically. To uniformly change the distance on both sides - horizontally or vertically, you need to hold down the key alt and drag the desired marker on the frame. In this case, it will change its size from both sides at once (if you move the side marker) or from all sides at once (if you move the corner marker).

Proportional and uniform frame change. To change all sides evenly and proportionally, you need to hold Shift+Alt and move the corner marker.

How to move an image inside a frame

In order to drag an image, simply click on it in the frame and, without releasing the mouse button, move the photo to the desired location:

How to undo cropping

To cancel cropping, simply click on the crossed out circle on the top panel, and all settings will be canceled, and the frame will return to its original position:

How to draw custom borders for cropping a photo

You also have a way to draw a custom crop box without moving the handles. To do this, being in the tool "Frame" (Crop), click anywhere on the photo without releasing the left mouse button:

To draw an even square, hold down the key Shift and, by clicking on the picture and without releasing the mouse button, draw the area for cropping.

After that, a frame for cropping the photo will appear on the area you have drawn. You can work with it in the same way as described above. By moving the markers - change the size or move the image itself inside the frame.

How to reset a cropping frame

In order to reset the configured frame, but not cancel it completely, you need to click the rounded arrow in the top toolbar:

How to crop a photo in Photoshop with a specific aspect ratio

For example, you need to adjust all photos to a certain format so that they look better on a TV or in a presentation, etc. For this, there is a special functionality that will help you easily set the desired aspect ratio.

Choose a preset aspect ratio

To select a preset aspect ratio, you need to click on the corresponding drop-down box in the top panel. As shown in the photo:

We select the required aspect ratio from the drop-down list, for example, 1:1 for a square, 8:10, etc. We will choose 8:10:

After we chose 8:10, the photo cropping frame resized according to the selected aspect ratio:

Changing aspect ratio orientation

In order to swap the aspect ratio values, that is, change 8:10 to 10:8, we need to press a special button between the values. It shows two differently directed arrows:

This allows you to quickly change from portrait to landscape with a mouse click.

Setting Arbitrary Values

In order to install eigenvalues ratios, you need to set the tool to the "In ratio" mode:

In the Width and Height field, enter the values ​​you need:

For take an example 6×3. As you can see in the screenshot, Photoshop instantly resized the crop frame:

Please note that with the set values, you can change the size of the frame, but only while maintaining the set values ​​of the aspect ratio.

How to save your own ratio settings

If you are working with a large number of photos, and for each of them you need to observe a certain “exotic” aspect ratio, then it will be easier to save in Photoshop and easily activate the desired ratio without wasting time on driving in numbers.

Click on the drop-down menu "in ratio" in the top bar:

After that, in the drop-down list, select "New cropping set ...":

The next time you just need to select the saved template:

How to crop images to a specific size and resolution

Previously, we learned how to crop a photo by aspect ratio and were not tied to the resolution and size of the photo. Let's discuss this topic in more detail.

If you do not know what resolution is, then read this article How to create a document in Photoshop. In it, we talk in detail about the resolution. Many people confuse resolution with the height and width of a photo.

To get started, click on the drop-down list "In the ratio":

Then select from the drop down menu W x H x Resolution:

Suppose that you need to crop the photo in accordance with the standard 10 cm by 15 cm. To do this, write 10 and 15 in the field, but you will automatically enter the values ​​​​inches:

To enter centimeters, simply delete the words "Inch" and write "cm", as shown in the screenshot:

Permission value

Please note that a field for entering permission has appeared:

For high-quality printing of photographs and any printed products, it is necessary to set the resolution value to 300 pixels per inch. Also, be sure to make sure that you have the value set to exactly pix./inch:

Image cropping

After installation required values, you can safely click the checkmark in the top toolbar in Photoshop:

You can also crop the photo by pressing the "Enter" key.

Size check

In order to make sure that we did everything right, let's check the size of the image and its resolution. To do this, go to the menu Image → Size images or click Alt+Ctrl+I:

In the window that opens, we see that the size is 15 cm wide and 10 cm high, the resolution is 300 pixels per inch:

Uncropping a photo

If you cropped the picture and suddenly realized that you made a mistake or just want to fix something, you just need to undo the action. There are two ways to do this.

First. Click ctrl+ Z, and the program will go back one step.

Second. You need to go to the menu Edit → Redo: Status change. And so, similarly to the first method, you will go back a step:

Auxiliary grid selection

In order to harmonize key elements images, in tool "Frame" (Crop) there are auxiliary grids. To select the desired grid type, click on the button with its image:

Rule of thirds or golden ratio contains a lot of interesting things, but this is a topic for a separate article. In short, we can advise you to place the key elements of the photo at the intersection of lines. For example, faces and elements to which you want to draw attention. It is also desirable to place the horizon along the upper or lower line. Some cameras have a built-in feature that allows you to display a grid. Be sure to use it, and your photos will be much more interesting.

How to straighten the horizon in Photoshop using the Crop Tool

This tool has a great functionality for leveling the horizon in the photo.

Click on the straighten button:

After we need to draw a line along the littered horizon. To do this, in the "Straighten" mode, right-click on the beginning of the line and, without releasing, draw lines along the horizon:

After you release the mouse button, the horizon on the photo will automatically be aligned:

Please note that you can crop not only with the checkmark in the top toolbox or with the key Enter, but also by double-clicking on the image in the cropping frame.

We tried to make this lesson as detailed as possible. Now you can crop a photo in Photoshop by setting the aspect ratio, size and resolution, as well as align the image horizontally.

Hello friends.

You are on the site, my name is Sergey and in this tutorial I will show you how to crop a photo in Photoshop. I warn you right away, if one of you does not have Photoshop installed, then do not worry, in the second method I will show how you can crop a photo without this program. Details below!

Crop photo in Photoshop

Click the menu File - Open and select the photo on the computer that you want to crop.

Here is such a wonderful shot, taken with my action camera, I chose.

On the left in Photoshop, find the Frame tool and select it.

After choosing a tool, you can try cropping the photo. To do this, we have a frame around the picture, moving which we can crop the excess.

Just pinch on any of these small stripes and move to the side. We achieve such a result that only what is needed remains in the frame, and everything that is behind it will be cropped

To crop a photo in Photoshop, double-click on the photo and all unnecessary will be deleted.

Let's see what happened and what happened:

Crop photos in online Photoshop

There is one convenient service, I call it Online Photoshop , but in fact it is a regular site and it is called EDITOR . At first glance, it looks very similar to Photoshop, which is why I called it that. So, with the help of the EDITOR service, you can also crop the photo.

The site is here: Press " Upload image from computer» and choose a photo.

This time I chose this shot:

We act by analogy with real Photoshop. On the left among the tools, find Frame.

Then we hold down the photo with the left mouse button and, without releasing, drag it to the side. Draw in such a way as to select an object that does NOT need to be cropped. Everything behind it will be cut off.

We can move this frame to achieve the desired result. After setting, double-click on the photo and unnecessary pieces are cut off.

In this instructive Photoshop tutorial For beginners, I'll show you how to crop an image in a circle. Watch the video or read the text version!

Usually, when we think about cropping images, we always think of them as a rectangle or square. If we use the Crop tool (C) (Frame), then we have no other options.

But who says we need to use the Frame tool? In Photoshop, you can easily crop a photo using the selection tool. To crop the image in a circle, we will use the tool Elliptical Marquee (M) (Oval area). I'll be working in Photoshop CC, but recent versions will work as well.

This is what the image looks like cropped around the circle, with transparent corners so you can easily upload it to the web or use it in another design.

1. Open the image

As always, let's start by opening the image in Photoshop. Here is the photo that I will be using.

2. Convert the background layer to normal

If we look in the layers panel, we can see that our photo is on the background layer.

Before we start cropping the image in a circle, we need to convert the background layer to normal. The reason is that after cropping, transparent areas will appear around the image, and in Photoshop, background layers do not support transparency.

To convert, we need to rename the background layer. In Photoshop CC, simply click on the lock icon on the right side of the layer. In Photoshop CS6 and earlier, hold down Alt and double-click on the background layer.

The program will instantly rename the "Background" layer to "Layer 0". Now it has been converted to a normal layer.

3. Oval Marquee Tool

On the toolbar, select Elliptical Marquee (M) (Oval area). By default, it is located just below the tool Rectangular Marquee (M) (Rectangular area) in the same tab. Therefore, right-click on the Rectangular Marquee tool and select the desired tool from the drop-down list.

4. Create a Selection

With the Oval Marquee Tool selected, click inside the image and drag to create an elliptical selection. To make it perfectly round, hold down the Shift key while creating it. Don't worry about the location of the selection, in the next step we will move it to the right place. Just make sure the circle is big enough to fit the entire area you want to keep.

When you're done, release the mouse button first and then the Shift key. Otherwise, the selection will again acquire the free form of an ellipse.

5. Move the selection

If you have created a selection in an inappropriate place, then simply click inside it and drag it where you want. Make sure that the New Selection command is active in the top options bar. I moved the selection so that the girl's face is exactly in the center of the circle. This is the area I want to keep. The rest of the image will be cropped.

6. Invert selection

On this moment we have the area inside the circle selected. But we need to select the area that is located around it.

To do this, go to the menu Select (Selection) and in the drop-down list of commands, select Inverse (Inversion).

7. Remove unwanted area

After inverting the selection, press the Backspace or Delete key to delete the area around the circle. As a result, this area will be filled with a checkerboard pattern, which is how Photoshop renders a transparent area.

We no longer need the selection, so cancel it by going to the tab Select> Deselect (Selection – Deselect) or press the key combination Ctrl + D.

8. Trim off the extra transparent areas

To crop the extra transparent areas surrounding the photo, go to the menu Image> Trim (Image – Trimming).

In the dialog box, under Based On, select the Transparent Pixels option. Make sure that in the Trim Away section (Cropping) all the Top, Bottom, Left and Right options are selected (Top, Bottom, Left and Right) (they should be selected by default).

Click OK to close the Trim dialog box. Photoshop will instantly crop the extra transparent areas around the photo.

9. Save image as PNG

Usually we save photos in JPEG format, but this format does not support transparency. To keep transparent areas in the corners and prevent them from being filled with white, save the cropped image as a PNG file that supports transparency.

To do this, select Save As from the File menu.

In the dialog box that opens, set the Format option to PNG. Give your file a name and choose where you want to save it, then click the Save button.

When Photoshop asks you to set the PNG options, you can safely leave them as default. Click OK to save the image.

Now you know how easy it is to crop an image in a circle using the tool Elliptical Marquee (Oval area).
