Why mass effect andromeda does not start. Issues with Mass Effect: Andromeda

Mass Effect: Andromeda crashes, Mass Effect: Andromeda won't start, Mass Effect: Andromeda won't install, there are no controls in Mass Effect: Andromeda, no sound, errors pop up, Mass Effect: Andromeda won't saves work – we offer you the most common ways to solve these problems.

A couple of days ago, something happened that many fans of the deservedly legendary space series from Bioware were waiting for - the release of Mass Effect Andromeda. Whatever anyone talks about this game, no matter what problems it has with animation, and indeed problems with the technical component in general, but a new game in the Mass Effect series of games is always an important event.

Mass Effect Crashes: Troubleshooting

The BioWare development team has put in a lot of effort to fix all the bugs in their Mass Effect product, but, alas, not everything has remained perfect. Unfortunately, the optimized version also produces a lot of errors, no matter how hard the developers try.

Troubleshooting Mass Effect: Andromeda - Won't Launch?

After launching the trial version of Mass Effect: Andromeda, some users encountered problems in the game. How to fix black screen errors, inability to start, crashes and lags, see here. After the launch of Mass Effect: Andromeda for EA/Origin Access subscribers and the first experience of the game on various PC configurations, users have reported some problems with the game. Below are the most common errors (error) and problems (problem) with the game Mass Effect: Andromeda on PC and how to fix them:

Solving technical problems Mass Effect: Andromeda

Mass Effect: Andromeda has a lot to complain about: faces are badly animated, PC optimization is bad, and bugs are often tormented. But BioWare promises to fix most of these shortcomings soon. In the meantime, we are waiting - here is a list of what it is quite possible to handle on your own.

Solving technical problems Mass Effect: Andromeda | kanobu

What to do if ME Andromeda has a black screen during startup?

The Relic Cryo Gloves are melee weapons with a freezing effect. Found in ruin containers near the Monoliths, they can also be researched by spending 150 relic points. The short attack range is offset by the frostbite effect, which freezes unprotected enemies for a while.

Solving various problems and errors in Mass Effect Andromeda

However, before you start blaming BioWare developers for various human sins, we recommend that you take a close look at the characteristics of your hardware and compare them with both the minimum system requirements and the recommended ones. It is possible that the game is not running due to the fact that your "machine" is too weak.

Black screen - Forums - discussion, help, problem, not ...

If Mass Effect: Andromeda does not launch properly for you, but gives a black screen at startup, this can be fixed. There are several causes of the problem and ways to solve it. If none of the above methods helped to solve the problem with Mass launch Effect: Andromeda, it remains only to wait for the release of a patch that fixes bugs. The developers have announced that they will release it soon!

Time does not stand still and, it would seem, after the wonderful Mass Effect trilogy comes out another game in the Universe. But, as it often happens with a new product, various incidents can also occur. (System requirements) Therefore, if you are faced with the fact that Mass Effect: Andromeda does not start or shows a black screen, including with an error, then this note should you help. After all, most of these problems are solvable and, often, you can independently adjust the game.

Mass Effect: Andromeda won't launch or black screen

The new fourth part of Mass Effect has received a lot of complaints from gamers, starting with the animation of the characters and ending with gaps in the plot. Fortunately, many of the bugs have been fixed, but a significant problem remains, and this is a black screen at startup. The fact is that some users complain that when you turn on Mass Effect Andromeda, a black screen is displayed and in most cases it is impossible to play further. In this article, we will explain what to do with the black screen when starting Mass Effect Andromeda.

Mass Effect Andromeda Not Launching Black Screen

I don’t understand that my game is starting the first load and there is a picture, but how the menu should appear, my screen starts to flash and I’m not there, but the music plays the game itself and the mouse runs around the screen, but there is no picture itself. what to do? What to do. the game does not work in full screen mode, but in a window works in full black screen and blinking cursor

Lags, freezes, crashes, low fps and freezes in Mass Effect: Andromeda - ways to solve

For a long five years, fans of the Mass Effect series have been waiting for the release of the next part, and now, it has finally happened - the release of Mass Effect: Andromeda took place, which sends players to explore a new galaxy. However, not without a fly in the ointment in this huge barrel of honey. The fact is that this game, like many other modern blockbusters, suffers from many technical errors, which we will help you figure out in this small guide.

MikuAppend That's just the point that without a config I have no idea how to run in a window. Alt+enter doesn't work, bordless gaming doesn't switch from fullscreen to frameless window. As an option - setting the launch options in the origin. True, I have not tried all known commands. Upd. Tried all commands. It makes no sense.

Troubleshooting Mass Effect: Andromeda - Won't Launch? Not available on Origin? Black screen? DirectX function error?

The release of a new game from the studio BioWare has become one of the major events this year, however, unfortunately, it did not work out for developers to avoid problems at launch. In this article, we have analyzed in detail all the problems that arise with Mass Effect: Andromeda and tried to find ways to solve them.

Solving major problems with Mass Effect: Andromeda

Four years have passed since the release of the famous franchise about the adventures of Commander Shepard and KO - Mass Effect. A series of games that has amassed critical acclaim and one of the largest fan bases to date. Meet the fourth part of the franchise - Mass Effect: Andromeda

The release of a new game from the BioWare studio has become one of the most important events of this year, but, unfortunately, the developers did not manage to avoid problems at launch. In this article, we analyzed in detail all the problems that arise with and tried to find ways to solve them.

By the way, in fact, everything could be much worse, because Andromeda is the first game in the series created on a new engine. It's about about Frostbite, created by the bright minds of the guys from the DICE team, which at the end of last year greatly pleased fans of network shooters with the release of .

As always, before proceeding to the analysis of the technical problems of the game, you first need to make sure that the computer is completely ready for the journey. This time it will be very distant and dangerous - after all, not every year a trip to a neighboring galaxy is issued, which means that you cannot do without appropriate preparation!

Mass Effect: Andromeda System Requirements

Minimum system requirements:

  • OS: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (x64 only);
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-3570 3.4GHz or AMD FX-6350 3.9GHz;
  • RAM: 8 GB;
  • video card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 with 2GB VRAM or AMD Radeon 7850 with 2GB VRAM
  • HDD: 55 GB;
  • DirectX Version: 11;
  • Sound card
  • OS: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (x64 only);
  • CPU: Intel Core i5 or equivalent;
  • RAM: 16 GB;
  • video card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 with 3 GB VRAM or AMD Radeon RX 480 with 4 GB VRAM;
  • HDD: 55 GB;
  • DirectX Version: 11;
  • Sound card: Compatible with DirectX 9.0c or higher.
The first thing that catches your eye is the rather high requirements for the processor. Indeed, the game is in great need of processor power, but this does not mean that you will definitely have to buy an Intel Core i5-3570. In fact, the game will even run on the i5-2400 thanks to the fact that Frostbite wrote experts in their field, but in this case, high temperatures cannot be avoided: 80-85 degrees, not otherwise.

Files, drivers and libraries

Each major release does not go unnoticed by the two largest manufacturers of graphics accelerators - Nvidia and AMD. And even more so, there is no such situation that a new Mass Effect has been released, but there is no specialized driver. Therefore, before setting off to the black oceans of Andromeda, it is worth updating:

A prerequisite for the successful functioning of any game is the availability of the latest drivers for all devices in the system. Download the utility Driver Updater to easily and quickly download the latest drivers and install them with one click:

  • download Driver Updater and run the program;
  • scan the system (usually it takes no more than five minutes);
  • update outdated drivers with one click.
Now that the driver issue has been resolved, just in case, you can update the rest of the software that is used in almost every game. These are DirectX, .NET Framework and, of course, Visual C ++ extension libraries: MS Visual C ++ is highlighted in a separate list for your convenience, it is best to install in order, but it is likely that some editions are already installed on the system. In this case, you do not need to reinstall them.
  • (Download )
  • (Download )
  • (Download )
  • (Download )
That's it, now on-board computer fully prepared for flight. On the start, attention, start!

Mass Effect: Andromeda won't launch. Solution

Oops! It seems that something went wrong: the engine did not start, or maybe somewhere the brake fluid spilled. There are two reasons why Mass Effect: Andromeda might not launch. Let's consider them in order.

Firstly, the game will not start if at least 42% of the distribution is not loaded. The fact is that the project was released with support for the Ready to Play system, which allows you to play right at boot time. In this case, you still have to wait until the minimum required amount of data is downloaded.

Secondly, your antivirus may mistake one of the game's executable files for malware. The false positive is due to the ActivationUI.exe file located in the Core folder.

The file is 100% safe and is responsible for connecting the game interface. If the game won't launch, try adding ActivationUI.exe to the exceptions list. By default, the file can be found in the following path: C:Program Files (x86)Origin GamesMass Effect AndromedacoreActivationUI.exe

Mass Effect: Andromeda is not available on Origin, the "Play" button does not work. Solution

This problem is typical not so much for the game itself, but for the Origin launcher, through which almost all games published by Electronic Arts are shipped. Even if the game is loaded and set to 100%, the "Play" button in the library may remain dimmed, that is, it cannot be clicked and, accordingly, the game can be launched.

There are two ways to solve. The first one is simple and fast, but it does not help everyone. It consists in disconnecting the Internet cable, turning off Origin, and then reconnecting the cable and turning on Origin.

The second method is longer, but it helps everyone: you need to uninstall Origin, and then reinstall it by downloading the installation file from the official site.

Black screen in Mass Effect: Andromeda when launching or maximizing a window. Solution

May occur when starting the game, or when the user minimizes the game window and then maximizes it. At the same time, the game process is displayed in the "Task Manager", but it itself does not start.

Before the first patch came out, this problem could be avoided by enabling borderless window mode in the game settings. Removing the Corsair Utility Engine, which conflicted with Mass Effect: Andromeda, also helped.

At the moment, the developers already support the Corsair Utility Engine, so you need to download the game update in order not to experience problems with the launch of the game.

Mass Effect: Andromeda has a "DirectX function..." error. Solution

This is a typical "engine crash" of the game, which means it is associated with Frostbite - the platform on which the game was created. Such errors periodically caused inconvenience to Battefield 1 players, but were later fixed with patches.

The "DirectX function..." error occurs due to a minor video memory leak in the game. That is why the game can crash both on old video cards and on new ones, especially if the user loads the system with additional applications.

To reduce the likelihood of this error, it is worth limiting the consumption of system resources. To do this, you can close the browser, turn off heavy programs like Photoshop, which reserve video memory and RAM for their needs.

Mass Effect: Andromeda crashes to desktop in multiplayer. Solution

A very annoying problem that occurs when trying to play a multiplayer game with a friend. At a random moment, the game may crash without any errors or notifications. However, if you play with automatic selection, there are no departures.

This is probably a bug that causes the game to crash on an unstable connection. Most games have a certain period of waiting for packets to arrive, and only after the "timeout" goes out does the disconnect occur.

On the release of Mass Effect: Andromeda does not always work out such moments correctly, which is why periodic crashes occur. It remains to wait for patches.

As a temporary solution, you can try to switch roles: let another player with more stable internet create a lobby.

It will also not be superfluous to check the availability of the ports that are used by the game. Mass Effect: Andromeda communicates through the following TCP ports: 443, 17503, 17504, 10000-19999, 42210, 42130, 42230. And here is the list of UDP ports: 3659, 10000-19999. If they are blocked in the router settings, then the network game may be unstable or not work at all.

Character freezes in Mass Effect: Andromeda. The main character does not respond to commands. Solution

Locations in new game from BioWare have become much larger than in, but along with this, new problems have appeared. Sometimes a character can seem to "get stuck" in some places, which makes it impossible to control him.

The developers are aware of this problem and will try to clean up the game world of Mass Effect: Andromeda from such bad places.

But if you fall into such a kind of trap, then try using fast travel. To do this, open the location map (key "M" on the keyboard), find the icon of the advanced base (icon with a capsule) and click on it with the left mouse button. Then Ryder will move this place and become controllable again.

If there are no “open” capsules at the location yet, then loading the last automatic save will be the salvation.

Mass Effect: Andromeda slows down. Low FPS. Solution

Despite the presence of some technical problems, the optimization of the game is performed at a decent level, therefore, in the vast majority of cases, low performance may be due to the fact that many resource-intensive processes are running in the system.

Even a powerful computer that fully complies with system requirements can sometimes “set” the frame rate if, in operating system a browser with a large number of windows works in parallel, Skype with a lot of active chats and a raised conference with video calls.

To improve the performance of the game, it is worth trying to disable programs that are not needed for the game, and also make sure that there is at least 10 gigabytes of free space on the hard drive.

If the computer has not been “cleaned” of unnecessary files for a long time, then you should use the CCleaner utility. It is free and allows you to quickly clean the system of temporary files and remove irrelevant registry entries.

In Mass Effect: Andromeda, the image on the HDR monitor is distorted. Solution

It's a shame when an expensive monitor with support for 4K resolution and extended color palette HDR causes problems in new game. Unfortunately, in the case of Mass Effect: Andromeda, this is exactly the case.

The developers did not have time to establish a stable operation of the game with the HDR mode enabled. Sometimes it works fine, and sometimes it can cause graphical glitches and distortion of the picture on the monitor.

In the near future, the developers are going to release a fix that will still allow you to play Mass Effect: Andromeda with HDR, but for now it's best to disable this option. Well, or, as a last resort, you can try minimizing and expanding the game when this problem occurs, this helps a lot.

Mass Effect: Andromeda gives an error about a missing DLL file. Solution

As a rule, problems associated with the absence of DLLs occur when the game is launched, however, sometimes the game can access certain DLLs in the process and, without finding them, crash in the most impudent manner.

To fix this error, you need to find the required DLL and install it on the system. The easiest way to do this is with a program that scans the system and helps you quickly find the missing libraries.

If your problem turned out to be more specific, or if the method described in this article did not help, then you can ask other users in our "" section. They will promptly help you!

Thank you for your attention!

Bioware has released Mass Effect: Andromeda for platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. Unlike the original trilogy (Unreal Engine), the new game is built from scratch on the new Frostbite Engine. The optimization of the PC version is far from ideal, so you will need a fairly powerful processor and a modern graphics card to play at high settings without lags in Full HD resolution. Among the known technical problems of Mass Effect: Andromeda: the game crashes, does not start, does not install, endless loading, no sound / disappears, as well as bugs. We offer you the most common solutions to these problems.

If errors occur, the first step is to make sure that the latest video card drivers are installed.

The game does not open in full screen

The game keeps reverting to windowed mode. The only way to get full screen is to use borderless windowed mode.


Delete the profileoptions and profileoptions_options files located in the save folder. If it doesn't help, check this topic on the EA forum.

Where are Save Mass Effect: Andromeda

C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect Andromeda\Save

Character stuck in textures

A fairly common bug in which the character gets stuck in boxes, under stairs, etc. Sometimes it even fails inside the box or through the texture and goes on an endless flight. If jumping and dodging don't help, you can use fast travel points. But if there are no such points, then only loading the last save. The game creates the last three autosaves by default.

Game lags / freezes / friezes

If the RAM is less than 16 GB, then this is most likely the reason.

High GPU temperatures can also cause stuttering.

Try lowering your graphics settings.

If even with low settings the game slows down, then it is obvious that your PC simply cannot cope. As mentioned above, the optimization of Mass Effect: Andromeda leaves much to be desired, the game is quite demanding on hardware.

Blue screen (BSOD)

The game crashes into a blue screen. Possible error messages: Invalid license. reason code = invalid cipher (0x0006). Or ntoskrnl.exe errors


EA support advises uninstalling the trial version (if installed) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Mass Effect Andromeda\MassEffectAndromedaTrial.exe

But this doesn't always help. Users write that even a clean installation of Win 10 Pro and then reinstalling the game does not solve the problem.

IN this case you need to look towards the hard drive. Even if other games install and work normally, this does not mean that there are no problems with the disk. The reason may be bad sectors. You should also try replacing the SATA cable. It is possible that the drive does not have enough power, try inserting another cable from the power supply into it.

Black screen after startup, nothing happens


Remove Corsair Utility Engine (if installed)

Try running the game in windowed mode

DirectX crashes / DirectX crashes

Possible errors: DirectX function "Dx11Renderer::tryMap" failed


Update video card driver.

Increasing the swap file helped some users.

Clean up the C:\ drive and disable additional monitors, if any.

Endless loading

Game freezes while loading a level

Possible Solutions:

- "Restore" or "Update" the game in the Origin library (RMB on the game and select the one you need)

Remove/Reinstall Vc++ Libraries

Uninstall/Reinstall DirectX 11

Uninstall/Reinstall the game

Disable the Origin in-game screen (Origin -> Application Settings -> Advanced Tab)

Disable Origin cloud saves (Origin -> Application Settings -> Settings tab and saved files)

Add AtivationUI.exe to antivirus exclusions

Launch the game with different graphics settings (low, medium, high and auto)

Run the game in windowed mode instead of fullscreen

Install Nvidia driver 378.66

Launching Origin and playing in Administrator mode

Disable all applications (antivirus, skype, steam, etc.) except Origin

Alt+Tab at the moment of freezing, and then reopen the game window

Unable to complete task

Some completed quests "freeze" in the journal and are marked as not completed, although there is no continuation. There is only one way out: wait for the patch and bug fixes. Alternatively, boot from one of the three autosave points and rerun the task.

Crashes to the desktop in a multiplayer game

Wait for a patch from the developers. The topic was raised on the EA forum.

Cursor gets stuck in the center of the screen

The problem may be related to an application that uses overlays.


In the game properties, uncheck "Enable in-game screen for Mass Effect™: Andromeda"

Disable the Origin in-game screen (Origin -> Application Settings -> Advanced Tab)

End these processes if present in Task Manager: SteelSeries Engine, Razer Synapse, ReShade

Disable recording programs (fraps, bandicam, etc.).

No sound or sound disappears, background noise

For Realtek sound cards, you need to switch the audio type from Quadraponic (quadraphonic) to Stereo (stereo) in Realtek HD Audio Manager.

For SoundBlaster Z sound cards (perhaps some others), restarting the Creative Control Panel will help.

Computer shuts down or completely freezes

A shutdown indicates an overheating of some element of your PC, or problems with the power supply.


If the processor / video card / memory is overclocked, then return to the standard settings.

The release of a new game from the BioWare studio has become one of the most important events of this year, but, unfortunately, the developers did not manage to avoid problems at launch. In this article, we analyzed in detail all the problems that arise with and tried to find ways to solve them.

By the way, in fact, everything could be much worse, because Andromeda is the first game in the series created on a new engine. We are talking about Frostbite, created by the bright minds of the guys from the DICE team, which at the end of last year greatly pleased fans of online shooters with the release.

As always, before proceeding to the analysis of the technical problems of the game, you first need to make sure that the computer is completely ready for the journey. This time it will be very distant and dangerous - after all, not every year a trip to a neighboring galaxy is issued, which means that you cannot do without appropriate preparation!

Mass Effect: Andromeda System Requirements

Minimum system requirements:

  • OS: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (x64 only);
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-3570 3.4GHz or AMD FX-6350 3.9GHz;
  • RAM: 8 GB;
  • video card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 with 2GB VRAM or AMD Radeon 7850 with 2GB VRAM
  • HDD: 55 GB;
  • DirectX Version: 11;
  • Sound card
  • OS: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (x64 only);
  • CPU: Intel Core i5 or equivalent;
  • RAM: 16 GB;
  • video card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 with 3 GB VRAM or AMD Radeon RX 480 with 4 GB VRAM;
  • HDD: 55 GB;
  • DirectX Version: 11;
  • Sound card: Compatible with DirectX 9.0c or higher.
The first thing that catches your eye is the rather high requirements for the processor. Indeed, the game is in great need of processor power, but this does not mean that you will definitely have to buy an Intel Core i5-3570. In fact, the game will even run on the i5-2400 thanks to the fact that Frostbite wrote experts in their field, but in this case, high temperatures cannot be avoided: 80-85 degrees, not otherwise.

Files, drivers and libraries

Each major release does not go unnoticed by the two largest manufacturers of graphics accelerators - Nvidia and AMD. And even more so, there is no such situation that a new Mass Effect has been released, but there is no specialized driver. Therefore, before setting off to the black oceans of Andromeda, it is worth updating:

A prerequisite for the successful functioning of any game is the availability of the latest drivers for all devices in the system. Download the utility to easily and quickly download the latest drivers and install them with one click: Now that the driver issue has been resolved, just in case, you can update the rest of the software that is used in almost every game. These are DirectX, .NET Framework and, of course, Visual C++ extension libraries: MS Visual C++ is listed in a separate list for your convenience, it is best to install in order, but it is likely that some editions are already installed on the system. In this case, you do not need to reinstall them. That's all, now the on-board computer is fully prepared for flight. On the start, attention, start!

Mass Effect: Andromeda won't launch. Solution

Oops! It seems that something went wrong: the engine did not start, or maybe somewhere the brake fluid spilled. There are two reasons why Mass Effect: Andromeda might not launch. Let's consider them in order.

Firstly, the game will not start if at least 42% of the distribution is not loaded. The fact is that the project was released with support for the Ready to Play system, which allows you to play right at boot time. In this case, you still have to wait until the minimum required amount of data is downloaded.

Secondly, your antivirus may mistake one of the game's executable files for malware. The false positive is due to the ActivationUI.exe file located in the Core folder.

The file is 100% safe and is responsible for connecting the game interface. If the game won't launch, try adding ActivationUI.exe to the exceptions list. By default, the file can be found in the following path: C:Program Files (x86)Origin GamesMass Effect AndromedacoreActivationUI.exe

Mass Effect: Andromeda is not available on Origin, the "Play" button does not work. Solution

This problem is typical not so much for the game itself, but for the Origin launcher, through which almost all games published by Electronic Arts are shipped. Even if the game is loaded and set to 100%, the "Play" button in the library may remain dimmed, that is, it cannot be clicked and, accordingly, the game can be launched.

There are two ways to solve. The first one is simple and fast, but it does not help everyone. It consists in disconnecting the Internet cable, turning off Origin, and then reconnecting the cable and turning on Origin.

The second method is longer, but it helps everyone: you need to uninstall Origin, and then reinstall it by downloading the installation file from the official site.

Black screen in Mass Effect: Andromeda when launching or maximizing a window. Solution

May occur when starting the game, or when the user minimizes the game window and then maximizes it. At the same time, the game process is displayed in the "Task Manager", but it itself does not start.

Before the first patch came out, this problem could be avoided by enabling borderless window mode in the game settings. Removing the Corsair Utility Engine, which conflicted with Mass Effect: Andromeda, also helped.

At the moment, the developers already support the Corsair Utility Engine, so you need to download the game update in order not to experience problems with the launch of the game.

Mass Effect: Andromeda has a "DirectX function..." error. Solution

This is a typical "engine crash" of the game, which means it is associated with Frostbite - the platform on which the game was created. Such errors periodically caused inconvenience to Battefield 1 players, but were later fixed with patches.

The "DirectX function..." error occurs due to a minor video memory leak in the game. That is why the game can crash both on old video cards and on new ones, especially if the user loads the system with additional applications.

To reduce the likelihood of this error, it is worth limiting the consumption of system resources. To do this, you can close the browser, turn off heavy programs like Photoshop, which reserve video memory and RAM for their needs.

Mass Effect: Andromeda crashes to desktop in multiplayer. Solution

A very annoying problem that occurs when trying to play a multiplayer game with a friend. At a random moment, the game may crash without any errors or notifications. Moreover, if you play with automatic selection, then there are no crashes.

This is probably a bug that causes the game to crash on an unstable connection. Most games have a certain period of waiting for packets to arrive, and only after the "timeout" goes out does the disconnect occur.

On the release of Mass Effect: Andromeda does not always work out such moments correctly, which is why periodic crashes occur. It remains to wait for patches.

As a temporary solution, you can try to switch roles: let another player with more stable internet create a lobby.

It will also not be superfluous to check the availability of the ports that are used by the game. Mass Effect: Andromeda communicates through the following TCP ports: 443, 17503, 17504, 10000-19999, 42210, 42130, 42230. And here is the list of UDP ports: 3659, 10000-19999. If they are blocked in the router settings, then the network game may be unstable or not work at all.

Character freezes in Mass Effect: Andromeda. Main character does not respond to commands. Solution

The locations in the new game from BioWare have become much larger than in, but along with this, new problems have appeared. Sometimes a character can seem to "get stuck" in some places, which makes it impossible to control him.

The developers are aware of this problem and will try to clean up the game world of Mass Effect: Andromeda from such bad places.

But if you fall into such a kind of trap, then try using fast travel. To do this, open the location map (key "M" on the keyboard), find the icon of the advanced base (icon with a capsule) and click on it with the left mouse button. Then Ryder will move this place and become controllable again.

If there are no “open” capsules at the location yet, then loading the last automatic save will be the salvation.

Mass Effect: Andromeda slows down. Low FPS. Solution

Despite the presence of some technical problems, the optimization of the game is performed at a decent level, therefore, in the vast majority of cases, low performance may be due to the fact that many resource-intensive processes are running in the system.

Even a powerful computer that fully complies with system requirements can sometimes “set” the frame rate if a browser with a large number of windows, Skype with many active chats and a raised conference with video calls are running in parallel on the operating system.

To improve the performance of the game, it is worth trying to disable programs that are not needed for the game, and also make sure that there is at least 10 gigabytes of free space on the hard drive.

If the computer has not been “cleaned” of unnecessary files for a long time, then you should use the CCleaner utility. It is free and allows you to quickly clean the system of temporary files and remove irrelevant registry entries.

In Mass Effect: Andromeda, the image on the HDR monitor is distorted. Solution

It's frustrating when an expensive 4K monitor with a wide HDR color gamut causes problems in a new game. Unfortunately, in the case of Mass Effect: Andromeda, this is exactly the case.

The developers did not have time to establish a stable operation of the game with the HDR mode enabled. Sometimes it works fine, and sometimes it can cause graphical glitches and distortion of the picture on the monitor.

In the near future, the developers are going to release a fix that will still allow you to play Mass Effect: Andromeda with HDR, but for now it's best to disable this option. Well, or, as a last resort, you can try minimizing and expanding the game when this problem occurs, this helps a lot.

Mass Effect: Andromeda gives an error about a missing DLL file. Solution

As a rule, problems associated with the absence of DLLs occur when the game is launched, however, sometimes the game can access certain DLLs in the process and, without finding them, crash in the most impudent manner.

The long-awaited role-playing action about intergalactic adventures Mass Effect: Andromeda is available on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. The optimization of the game cannot be called bad, but if you have any problems, then in this article we will try to help you solve them. Don't be discouraged if you can't launch the game or it slows down for you, perhaps the essence of the problem lies in something unrelated to the power of your system. If you have Mass Effect: Andromeda does not start, slows down, crashes, Mass Effect: Andromeda errors, black screen, no sound, Mass Effect: Andromeda does not install, multiplayer does not work - we offer you ways to solve these problems.

Mass Effect: Andromeda Minimum System Requirements:

  • OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 (x64)
  • CPU: quad-core Intel Core i5 3570 | six-core AMD FX-6350
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 (2 GB) | AMD Radeon 7850 (2 GB)
  • HDD: 55 GB
  • DirectX Version: 11
  • Sound card: compatible with DirectX
  • OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (x64)
  • CPU: quad-core Intel Core i7-4790 | octa-core AMD FX-8350
  • RAM: 16 GB
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 (3 GB) | AMD RX 480 (4 GB)
  • HDD: 55 GB
  • DirectX Version: 11
  • Sound card: compatible with DirectX

Software update

Before you fight in hysterics, remember all the dirty words and want to crash your PC, carefully read this article, which contains solutions to the most popular problems. First, update your video card drivers:

AMD Radeon .
Download video card drivers NVIDIA GeForce .

To always be aware of all updates, we advise you to download the program Driver Scanner .

To optimize your computer for the needs of a particular game, we advise you to use the program Razer Game Booster .

Also, do not forget about additional software, such as DirectX .

Mass Effect: Andromeda won't launch

To get started, try launching the game not from a shortcut on the desktop, but from the Origin library (on the PC) or from the root folder of the game. Make sure that the installation of the game has been completely completed, and all files have been downloaded. In addition, before installing it is better to disable anti-virus software. It is possible that some game files were deleted or installed incorrectly, and therefore you need to either check the local files in Origin or reinstall the game.

Mass Effect: Andromeda slows down. Low FPS. Logs. friezes

Before scolding the optimization of the game, carefully review the official system requirements of the game (see above). Make sure your system fully complies with them. In addition, if your computer meets the minimum requirements, and you play on high graphics settings, then do not be surprised by the low FPS. In this case, you just need to reduce graphic settings in Game.

Also do not forget about the video card driver. Before the release of Mass Effect Andromeda, new drivers were released for it. Be sure to update them, and after that run the game. During the game, try to disable all external programs that consume a lot of resources (antivirus, browser, etc.).

Mass Effect: Andromeda crashes to desktop. Kicks out of the game

Make sure your computer has enough free RAM. Often, crashes occur due to a mismatch between the hardware and the requirements of the game. Also, try to clear your RAM before launching Mass Effect: Andromeda by closing external programs that use a lot of RAM. You can see how much RAM you have in the Task Manager under the "Performance" section.

Black screen in Mass Effect: Andromeda

To get started, try the standard solutions: during a black screen, switch to windowed mode (Alt + Enter) and vice versa, restart the computer and start the game again, update the video card driver, update Origin. If all of this does not help, most likely your graphics card or processor does not meet the minimum system requirements of the game.

Mass Effect: Andromeda won't install

To install Mass Effect: Andromeda you must have an active internet connection. When you install a game while on Origin, make sure you're using the latest client and install an update if necessary. Sometimes the installation may hang. In this case, do not worry, but just wait. How quickly the game will load and install depends largely on the speed of your Internet connection.

Make sure you have more than enough free space on your hard drive, otherwise the game won't install. Before installing, disable your antivirus, as it can block some processes that interfere with the game.

There is no sound in Mass Effect: Andromeda. The sound stutters. Sound doesn't work

Sometimes the problem may not be with the game itself, but with the sound device. Check that it is fully functional on the example of other games. Also, update your audio driver. It will not be superfluous to check if the sound is turned on in the game settings. Check the integrity of the local files, perhaps some failures occurred during the installation.

Character not moving in Mass Effect: Andromeda

Switch from combat mode to explore mode, then jump, and then launch the scanner. If the problem is not solved in this way, restart the game itself.

Multiplayer not working in Mass Effect: Andromeda

To begin with, I would like to clarify all the subtleties. Firstly, the game's multiplayer does not support proxy servers, so if you use them, disable them. Second, for multiplayer, you must have a good internet connection. Otherwise, you may either not connect to the online session or experience lags.

There is no Russian language in Mass Effect: Andromeda. How to enable Russian

Officially, the game is localized into Russian (text only), and therefore it is not necessary to download any localization or something like that. If, for some reason, you have a different language in the game by default, try changing it in the settings or in Origin. Also, don't forget that if you play in the western region, then by default you will have a different language set.

Controls not working in Mass Effect: Andromeda

Unlike the previous three parts, Mass Effect: Andromeda has official support for gamepads on PC. That is, now you can control the character not only with the keyboard and mouse, but also using the controller. In addition, if you need to quickly switch between gamepads and keyboards, then simply press any button on one of these devices, after which the control will automatically change.

If the control does not work for you, describe in the comments below what exactly you cannot do, and what you play on - the keyboard or the gamepad (model).

Mass Effect: Andromeda has a bug. Bugs

If you encounter any bug in Mass Effect: Andromeda, please report it in the comments below with its exact name. We will try to help you solve the problem.

If you have not found a suitable solution to your problem related to the game, you can ask us a question in or below in the comments. We will gladly read it and try to help you! This article will be updated.
