Rasputin French lessons summary main characters.

"French lessons"- the story of Valentin Rasputin.

"French Lessons" brief retelling

The story is told in the first person. The action takes place in 1948

The main character is a boy who studies in the fifth grade in the district center, located 50 kilometers from his native village. There was only an elementary school in the village, and all the teachers noted the boy's abilities and advised his mother to send him to study in high school. At home, they lived very poorly, there was not enough food, and the mother decided to send the boy to the regional center, settling him with her friend. From time to time she sent parcels with potatoes and bread from home, but these products quickly disappeared - apparently, either the mistress of the apartment where the hero lived, or one of her children, stole them. So even in the city the hero was starving, often having only a cup of boiling water for dinner.

At school, the boy studied well, but he was not given French. He easily memorized words and phrases, but he couldn’t catch the pronunciation, which worried his young teacher Lidia Mikhailovna very much.

In order to find money for food and milk, the hero began to play "chika" for money. In the company of players, older guys gathered, and of the hero's classmates there was only one - Tishkin. The hero himself played very carefully, using for this the money that his mother sent him for milk, and his dexterity helped him to win, but he never won more than a ruble a day, immediately leaving. This didn't sit well with the other players, who beat him up when he caught one of the guys cheating.

The next day he came to school with broken face, to which the French teacher and class teacher Lidia Mikhailovna drew attention. She began to ask him what happened, he did not want to answer, but Trishkin told her everything. Then she, leaving him after school, asked him why he needed money, and when she heard that he was buying milk with it, she was very surprised. After promising her never to play again, the boy broke his word and was beaten again.

Seeing him, the teacher said that she needed to study French with him additionally. And since there was little time left at school, she ordered him to come to her apartment in the evenings. The hero was very embarrassed, and even the teacher tried to constantly feed him, which he constantly refused. Once, a package arrived at the address of the school and addressed to him, which contained pasta, sugar and hematogen tiles. He immediately understood who this parcel was from - his mother simply had nowhere to get pasta. He took the package to Lidia Mikhailovna and demanded that she never again try to give him food.

Lidia Mikhailovna, seeing that the boy refuses to accept help, went to a new trick - she taught him new game for money - "wall". They spent their evenings playing this game, trying to talk in a whisper, since the director of the school lived in the neighboring apartment. But one day, the hero, seeing that the teacher was cheating, moreover, making him constantly win, got angry, and they started a loud argument, which was heard by the director who entered the room. Lidia Mikhailovna confessed to him that she was playing with a student for money, and a few days after that she quit and went to her home, to the Kuban. In winter, the hero received another package - a box full of pasta, under which lay three large red apples. He immediately guessed who sent him this parcel.


The story is told in the first person. The action takes place in 1948.

The main character is a boy who studies in the fifth grade in the district center, located 50 kilometers from his native village. There was only a primary school in the village, and all the teachers noted the boy's abilities and advised his mother to send him to secondary school. At home, they lived very poorly, there was not enough food, and the mother decided to send the boy to the regional center, settling him with her friend. From time to time she sent parcels with potatoes and bread from home, but these products quickly disappeared - apparently, either the mistress of the apartment where the hero lived, or one of her children, stole them. So even in the city the hero was starving, often having only a cup of boiling water for dinner.

At school, the boy studied well, but he was not given French. He easily memorized words and phrases, but he couldn’t catch the pronunciation, which worried his young teacher Lidia Mikhailovna very much.

In order to find money for food and milk, the hero began to play "chika" for money. In the company of players, older guys gathered, and of the hero's classmates there was only one - Tishkin. The hero himself played very carefully, using for this the money that his mother sent him for milk, and his dexterity helped him to win, but he never won more than a ruble a day, immediately leaving. This didn't sit well with the other players, who beat him up when he caught one of the guys cheating.

The next day, he came to school with a bruised face, which drew the attention of the French teacher and class teacher Lidia Mikhailovna. She began to ask him what happened, he did not want to answer, but Trishkin told her everything. Then she, leaving him after school, asked him why he needed money, and when she heard that he was buying milk with it, she was very surprised. After promising her never to play again, the boy broke his word and was beaten again.

Seeing him, the teacher said that she needed to study French with him additionally. And since there was little time left at school, she ordered him to come to her apartment in the evenings. The hero was very embarrassed, and even the teacher tried to constantly feed him, which he constantly refused. Once, a package arrived at the address of the school and addressed to him, which contained pasta, sugar and hematogen tiles. He immediately understood who this parcel was from - his mother simply had nowhere to get pasta. He took the package to Lidia Mikhailovna and demanded that she never again try to give him food.

Lidia Mikhailovna, seeing that the boy refuses to accept help, went to a new trick - she taught him a new game for money - "wall". They spent their evenings playing this game, trying to talk in a whisper, since the director of the school lived in the neighboring apartment. But one day, the hero, seeing that the teacher was cheating, moreover, making him constantly win, got angry, and they started a loud argument, which was heard by the director who entered the room. Lidia Mikhailovna confessed to him that she was playing with a student for money, and a few days after that she quit and went to her home, to the Kuban. In winter, the hero received another package - a box full of pasta, under which lay three large red apples. He immediately guessed who sent him this parcel.

A short but very informative story about a responsive teacher and a grateful student can be useful to every student, because you can find a lot of excellent arguments for an essay in it. Therefore, our team will present "French Lessons" in abbreviated form.

(428 words) The protagonist of the story is an eleven-year-old village boy. In 1948 he goes to the 5th grade. In the village, everyone considers him a literate man, school program comes easy to him. People advise his mother to send her son to school in the regional center, although it is located 50 kilometers from home. “The village is already hungry, it won’t get any worse,” the mother thinks and places our hero in an apartment with a friend in the district center.

In the new class, the boy quickly got used to it, studied well. Only French was not given to him in any way: although he mastered grammar, he did not get along with pronunciation. A young French teacher, Lidia Mikhailovna, frowned every time she heard her student's inept speech.

Soon main character gets into a company where they play "chika" for money. The rules are simple: coins are stacked tails up, then beaten with a cue ball so that as many coins as possible turn heads, then all of them are considered a win. The mother sent the boy 50 kopecks for milk, he played them and often won. Then Vadik, who started the company, began to cheat. Our hero caught a high school student in a lie, for which he was beaten.

Seeing the bruises on her student's face, Lidia Mikhailovna asked him to stay after school. She asked him about his family, the village, found out that he was gambling because he was starving. The boy was afraid that he would be taken to the director and expelled, but Lidia Mikhailovna did not give out the secret to anyone, but only announced to him that now they would study extra after school, and then at her house in the evenings.

A little later, the main character receives a parcel with pasta, sugar and hematogen. He immediately understands that this is not from his mother, because in the village there would not have been pasta. He gives the parcel back to Lidia Mikhailovna and says that he cannot accept the products. French lessons at home continue. The teacher tries her best to protect the boy, feed him and teach him. She even came up with the idea of ​​​​playing with him "zameryashki": they throw coins at the wall, and then they try to get their fingers from their coin to someone else's. If you get it, the win is yours. Our hero considered this a fair competition and often played with Lidia Mikhailovna. But one day she began to cheat not in her favor, so that the boy got more. They began to argue, and the principal of the school, who was a neighbor of the young teacher, came to loud voices. He realized that she was playing with a student for money, but did not listen or find out why she did this, although, of course, she did not need funds.

A few days later, she went to her place in the Kuban, and in the winter the boy received another package. In it, pasta lay in even rows, and under them were three red apples. Our hero has never seen apples, but he immediately realized that they were, because the French teacher described them to him like that.

Interesting? Save it on your wall!

The boy went to the fifth grade in the forty-eighth year. It would be more correct to say, he went: they had only an elementary school in the village, so he was sent to study further in the district center.

The famine that year had not yet receded, and their mother had three.

It is difficult to say how the mother decided to let her son go to the region: they lived without a father, it was very bad, she apparently reasoned that it couldn’t be worse - there was nowhere. The boy studied well and with pleasure, wrote letters for the old women, and everyone considered him "brainy." And the mother, in spite of all misfortunes, collected it.

The boy studied well in the regional center. In all subjects, except French, there were fives. With French, he did not get along because of the pronunciation. Lidia Mikhailovna, the French teacher, grimaced helplessly and closed her eyes as she listened to him.

In the district center, the boy lost a lot of weight due to homesickness and because he was constantly malnourished. In autumn, when grain was brought from their village, mother sent food quite often. But she was missing.

The famine in the city was not at all like the famine in the countryside. There, especially in autumn, it was always possible to intercept, pluck, dig something. Here were strange people, strange vegetable gardens, strange land.

One day in September, the boy's friend asked him if he could play "chika" and invited him to take a look. The game took place on the outskirts of the city. The boy watched and understood what the essence of the game was. The main thing is that the game was for money, and he realized that this would be a salvation for him.

Of course, my mother didn't have any money. But very rarely she sent 5 rubles in an envelope. It was assumed that the son should buy milk from them - from anemia. And so, when he had money again, he decided to try to play. At first the boy lost, but each time he felt that his hand was becoming more confident. And then the day came when he won his first ruble. He didn’t need more - that was enough for a half-liter jar of milk. The hunger was no longer so terrible.

But the boy did not have enough cunning to hide his skill, and soon, when he was about to leave after another ruble won, he was stopped and beaten.

The next day, with a broken face, he came to school. Lidia Mikhailovna, who was their class teacher asked what was the matter. And someone from the back desks, shouting, revealed his secret.

The boy was waiting for punishment, but the teacher took the news calmly. She only began to ask how much he wins and what he spends money on.

“Milk,” he replied.

She sat in front of him, smart, young, beautiful, and carefully examined him.

In front of her crouched on a desk was a skinny boy with a bruised face, untidy without a mother and alone.

Sighing, Lidia Mikhailovna turned the conversation to something else. She regretted that he only did not have an A in French, and offered to study with him additionally.

Thus began a painful and awkward day for him. Every evening after classes, Lidia Mikhailovna tried to make him sit down to dinner, but the student stubbornly refused.

Once at school, he was told that downstairs, in the locker room, there was a package for him. The boy was delighted: of course, someone brought it from his mother. Taking a plywood box and immediately opening it, he was surprised to find pasta and hematogen inside. And he understood everything! They never had such products in the village. This teacher decided to feed him in this way. Taking the parcel, the boy took it and gave it to Lidia Mikhailovna.

French lessons didn't stop there. Lidia Mikhailovna took up the boy for real. And soon this gave results: it became much easier to pronounce phrases in French.

One day the teacher asked if he still gambled.

“No,” the boy replied. - It's winter now.

Lidia Mikhailovna began to remember her childhood and their games. It turns out that they also played for money. Once Lidia Mikhailovna tried to remember this half-forgotten game, and soon, crawling on the floor and shouting at each other, they recklessly fought against the wall.

Now they did little French, spending all the time in the game. They won alternately, but the boy won more and more often.

Would like to know how it ends.

Standing opposite each other, they argued about the score. They were shouting, interrupting each other, when a surprised, if not startled, but firm, ringing voice reached them:

— Lidia Mikhailovna, what is going on here?

The principal of the school stood at the door.

Three days later, Lidia Mikhailovna left. The day before, she met the boy after school.

“I’ll go to my place in the Kuban,” she said, saying goodbye. - And you study calmly ... It's my fault. Learn,” she patted me on the head and left.

And he never saw her again.

In the middle of winter, after the January holidays, a package arrived in the mail. There were pasta and three red apples.

In the story in Rasputin's "French Lessons" is told from the perspective of the protagonist, an eleven-year-old village boy. The story takes place in a famine after the war. The boy lives in the village with his family, mother and two sisters. He graduated primary school and is considered a literate person. All fellow villagers turn to him for help: to read or write any paper, to check the drawing of bonds according to the table. The villagers consider the boy lucky and share with him a small part of the winnings.

The mother raises the children alone and, seeing the eldest son's desire for knowledge, sends him to the regional center so that he can continue his studies. The collective farm driver brings him to a familiar mother, with whom the boy will now live. This is how it starts independent life full of sorrows and constant hunger. His mother could not send him money for food, so she occasionally gave him some food. However, they did not last long. The hostess, and perhaps her children, stole food from the boy, and he remained hungry.

Things were going well at school. In all subjects, the boy was an excellent student, the only thing he could not master was French. He mastered grammar and reading quickly, but pronunciation was not given in any way, the words sounded rough and dry. The teacher tried very hard to teach the boy the correct pronunciation, but her efforts were in vain.

Once, after another hungry wandering along the street, the son of the hostess of the house, Fedya, approached the boy and asked him if he knew how to play the game for money - “chik”. Fedya introduced him to the boys who, hiding from the adults in the wasteland, were playing for money. The rules of the game were simple: you need to hit the coins with the puck so that they fall heads. It turned out - your money.

The boy looked closely and practiced throws for a long time, training the force of impact, and when his mother sent him some money with a parcel, he decided to take part in the game for the first time. At first he didn’t succeed, but over time he began to win, more and more often. When he accumulated a ruble in total, the boy went with him to the market and bought milk, which saved him from hunger. But that didn't last long. The oldest of the players, Vadik, did not like that the boy was constantly winning.

During another game Vadik and his friend Ptaha played unfairly, deliberately turning over the coins. Everyone noticed this, but only the boy decided to challenge the result of the game. A fight ensued and he was badly beaten, his nose and cheek were broken. None of the others present at the game came to his aid, not even his classmate.

The next day, the teacher asked the boy where he broke his face, and a classmate gave him away, telling about the game for money. The teacher left the boy after school. He confessed to her that he really was playing for money, but he was not buying sweets, as the teacher thought, but milk, which he needed to drink from anemia.

Instead of reporting the game to the director, the teacher invites him home for additional French lessons. The boy is walking to her with fear and reluctance, because in the same house is the apartment of the headmaster. In class, he cannot concentrate, wants to leave as soon as possible.

Lidia Mikhailovna feels sorry for the starving boy, she tries to feed him. For this, she even sends a parcel to the school in the name of the boy, allegedly from the village. But Lidia Mikhailovna is from the city, she does not know what products can be in the countryside and what are not, and this gives herself away. At first, the boy rejoices at the unexpected package, but when he sees pasta and hematogen among the contents, he realizes that the teacher sent it.

Over time, French is given to the boy more and more easily, he already speaks it well. But the teacher still fails to feed the boy, and she decides to resort to tricks. During the next lesson, she asks the boy to talk about the game and offers to play with her. At first the boy is very surprised, but agrees. Lidia Mikhailovna is clearly cheating, playing along with the boy, and this offends him. He refuses to play, and then the teacher starts to play for real. Gradually, French fades into the background, and they devote most of the lesson to the game. Players play emotionally, quarrel loudly, counting points. During one of these arguments, the director unexpectedly enters the room. Realizing what is happening, he is horrified, because such behavior could not be expected from a decent teacher.

Lidia Mikhailovna decides not to explain anything and goes to work. She leaves the Kuban, where she was born and raised, and the boy remains to study. Saying goodbye to the boy, the teacher asks him not to drop out of school, and they are not afraid of anything, with her departure this story will be forgotten. After some time, a parcel from the Kuban arrives at the school in the name of the boy. It contained macaroni and red apples, which the boy had never tasted before.

Picture or drawing French lessons

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