Lesson on sculpting a flower. Educational area: “Artistic creativity” (Modeling) Topic: “Flower “Dobra Lepka violet” middle group

GCD: "Modeling"

BOD: Artistic creativity

Theme: "Violets"

Cel b: consolidation and expansion of ideas about the indoor plant - violet.

Objectives: expand knowledge about the appearance of the plant, the features of caring for it. Expansion and activation of vocabulary on the topic (plant, stem, leaf, flower, root, violet;

Development of verbal communication skills, dialogic speech, speech breathing, fine and gross motor skills.

Equipment: pot with blooming violet, plasticine, cardboard.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Org. moment: You are very familiar with the indoor plants that decorate our group. Today we will talk about one of them - violet (puts out a pot of blooming violets).

2. Conversation. (Development of dialogical speech. Clarification of ideas about the houseplant - violet.)

Do you recognize this plant? That's right, it's a violet. Violet is a flowering houseplant. Look what flowers the violet has? (Beautiful, gentle.)

What color are they? (Pink.) What is the middle of the flower? (Yellow.)

That's right, our violet has pink flowers with yellow centers. Violets can also have white or purple flowers. Look at the picture.

What else does violet have? (Leaves, stem.)

What kind of leaves does a violet have? (Green, juicy, pubescent.)

What kind of stems do violets have? (Short.)

In order for the plants to bloom so beautifully, you and I took care of them. Let's remember how to do this?

We watered them with a watering can. The dust was brushed off the leaves with a brush, because the violet has pubescent leaves, and they cannot be wiped. Listen to the poem:

Early in the morning I take a new watering can.

I don’t mind water, drink it, my violet!

What is in the violet's soil? (Roots.) The roots of plants must breathe, and for this we must loosen the soil with a sharp stick.

Where does our violet live? (In a pot.) What color is it? (Brown color.)

3. Outdoor game “On the window in pots” (Development of general motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.)

On the window in pots, children squat facing in a circle.

Flowers rose. Slowly they get up.

They reached out to the sun, stretching on their toes, raising their arms up.

They smiled at the sun.

Leaves towards the sun Spread your arms to the sides, palms up.

The flowers are turned.

The buds unfold, they join their hands above their heads and slowly sway.

They will drown in the sun.

4. Finger exercise “Flowers”

Our delicate flowers Hands in a vertical position.

The petals open. Spread your fingers.

The breeze breathes slightly, Rhythmic movements of the fingers.

The petals are swaying.

Our delicate flowers

The petals close. Connect your fingers together.

Quietly fall asleep, slight rocking of hands with clenched fingers.

They shake their heads.

5. Modeling “Violet”

Choose the color for the leaves, flowers, pot.

We begin work by making a pot and attach it to the cardboard with strong pressure.

Evgenia Karochkina
Summary of GCD for modeling in the preparatory group “Flower in a Pot”

Summary of GCD for modeling in the preparatory group “Flower in a Pot”

Tasks:- consolidate the ability to sculpt objects or parts of round, oval, disk-shaped objects;

Learn to convey the characteristic features of the structure and color of a flower;

Practice using the stem to add splendor to the flower, making cuts on the leaves;

Develop creativity, perseverance, accuracy, and finish what you start;

Cultivate an interest in living nature.

Materials and tools: plasticine of different colors, stacks, modeling boards, napkins, a living flower - violet.

Methods and techniques: examination, explanations, conversation, showing, instructions.

GCD move:

Educator: Guys, tell me, do you have indoor plants growing at home?

Educator: Why do people grow indoor plants?

Children: Flowers create comfort and enrich the air with oxygen.

Educator: That's right guys, what kind of indoor plants grow in our group?

Children: Begonia, Geranium, chlorophytum, aloe.

Educator: As you already understand, indoor plants can be flowering or non-flowering. I propose to make a very beautiful flower - a violet. Violet is a flowering houseplant. Let's take a good look at it. What flowers do violets have?

Children: Beautiful, gentle.

Educator: What color are they?

Children: Pink.

Children: What is the middle of the flower?

Children: Yellow.

Educator: That's right, our violet has pink flowers with yellow centers. Violets can also have white or purple flowers. What else does violet have?

Children: Leaves, stem.

Educator: What kind of leaves does a violet have?

Children: Green, pubescent.

Educator: What kind of stems do violets have?

Children: Short.

Educator: In order for our violet to bloom so beautifully, it needs to be looked after. Let's remember how to do this?

Children: Water with a watering can. Brush off dust from the leaves with a brush, because violets have pubescent leaves and cannot be wiped.

Educator: What is in the violet's soil?

Children: Roots.

Educator: The roots of plants must breathe, and for this we must loosen the soil with a sharp stick.

Educator: Where does our violet live?

Children: In a pot.

Educator: What color is it?

Children: White.

Educator: Plants feel kindness and affection. Plants are drawn to a kind person; they are not afraid of him. Let's take a little rest.

Physical education lesson “Forget-me-nots”.

Under Anyutka's window Bend your arms at the elbows, hands in front of you

Forget-me-nots have bloomed. the fingers of both hands are gathered into a pinch,

On the flowers-petals- open your hands, spread your fingers -

Blue pieces of the sky petals to the sides.

Middle-bottoms - Connect the fingers of both hands, round.

Little suns.

A bee flew by

golden bangs,

Sat on a flower: Sit down, put your hands on your knees,

Come on, where's the honey? turn your head left and right.

The sun came out Stand up, bend your elbows and hold your hands high

The bottom has warmed up, raise them, spread your ray-like fingers.

The honey was cooked - Circular movements with the right hand.

The bee was fed. Short flapping of wing-like arms.

And Anyutka is a speedster Easy running.

I saw everything through the window. Turn your head left and right.

Educator: Guys, first of all, you need to make a pot. Roll a ball out of brown plasticine, make a depression in it, and stretch out the edges. For the leaves, pinch off small pieces of green plasticine, roll into balls, and flatten each ball. Next, squeeze out the veins on the surface of the leaves in a stack. Take pink or purple plasticine, pinch off five small portions, and begin to form flat petals. Then we combine them into one product, overlapping. Place a yellow dot in the middle of the resulting flower.

Educator: Guys, let's stretch our fingers before work.

Finger gymnastics “Flower”.

A tall flower grew in a clearing, Hands with palms vertical

Pressed together, round your fingers

On a spring morning I opened the petals. Spread your fingers to the sides.

Beauty and nutrition to all petals Rhythmic movement of fingers

Together - apart.

Together they grow roots underground. Place the backs of your palms on

table, spread your fingers.

The children get to work.

Summarizing: Looking at flowers, exhibition of children's works.

Publications on the topic:

I bring to your attention a master class on a flower in a pot. Children in the middle group gave these flowers as gifts to their beloved mothers for the holiday.

Summary of the integrated GCD in the preparatory group “Magic Flower of the Sun” Summary of integrated direct educational activities in the preparatory group “Magic Flower of the Sun. Goal: To consolidate.

Summary of GCD for modeling in the preparatory group “Miracle Flower” Program content: Artistic and aesthetic development: Continue to teach children to create color compositions using plastic means.

Summary of educational activities for familiarization with the outside world in the preparatory school group “Autumn Flower” Summary of children's continuous educational activities to familiarize themselves with the world around them “Autumn Flower” Subject: Educational field.

Summary of GCD using non-traditional appliqué in the preparatory group “Flower for Mom” Goal: Make a greeting card for Mother's Day. Objectives: - consolidate the skills of non-traditional appliqué; - consolidate work skills.

Summary of educational activities on modeling “Cow” in the preparatory group of a preschool educational institution Program content: Teach: consolidate children's ideas about domestic animals, the characteristics of their appearance and behavior; create.

Lesson summary for the preparatory group
Author: teacher of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 8″Tundrovichok”
Kondrya Victoria Igorevna
Norilsk, Krasnoyarsk region


· Teach children to sculpt a flower from plasticine, to convey its characteristic features: the curved edges of the petals.

· Strengthen the ability to sculpt objects or parts of them in a round, oval shape, using the movements of the entire hand and fingers. Use the stem to add splendor to the flower, make cuts on the leaves.

· Develop coherent and expressive speech.

· Develop the ability to evaluate your attitude towards the positive and negative actions of peers.

· Cultivate a friendly, polite attitude towards others.

· Create a friendly atmosphere for development activities.

· Develop creativity, perseverance, accuracy, and finish what you start.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with the work of V. Kataev “Flower - Seven Flowers”, retelling, examination of illustrations to the work.

Methodical techniques: Looking at a flower; artistic expression, questions, conversation; children’s work according to the teacher’s explanation; finger gymnastics; review and analysis, summary.

Material for the lesson: Flower - seven-flowered ; balloon with a letter; colored cardboard, plasticine in 7 colors, napkins, stacks, boards for each child, sample.

Progress of the lesson:

Children with a teacher are included in the group.


Invented by someone

Simple and wise.

When meeting, they say “Good morning”!

Good morning to the sun and the birds,

Good morning to smiling faces,

And everyone becomes kind and trusting!

May good morning last until evening!

Educator: Guys, look how many guests we have. Let's say hello to them.

Children go to the guests and, holding out their palms to them, say hello

Educator: Are your guests' palms warm? (children's answers)

Yes, our guests are kind and shared their warmth with you guys, each of us has our own path of “Good”. Where does your “Good” road lead you? (Children’s answers...) My road of “Good” leads me every day to your kindergarten. Along this road I found this ball. And the ball is not simple, it has a letter. (Unties the letter and reads it)

Educator: For us here is the task “Say a word.” I’ll start, and you finish, answer in unison.

· Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word... (thank you)

· The old tree stump will turn green when it hears... (good afternoon)

· When you are scolded for pranks, you say...(excuse me, please)

· If a friend is in trouble,... (help him)

· Resolve disputes with words...(not fists)

Let us never forget kind, polite words. Let's say them to each other more often. Speak kindly, gently, quietly. Looking into a person's eyes and smiling, because a smile makes a gloomy day brighter.

Educator: Today I have prepared a surprise for you! Want to know which one?

Children: Yes! Certainly!

Educator: Well, then look! (Removes the cape and reveals a stem with petals) Well, wow! The flower has lost its petals. Can you guess what fairy tale this flower is from?

Children: YES “Flower - seven-colored”

Educator: Let's check it now! Here, multi-colored petals are scattered on the floor, and there are letters on them. Let's collect them and see what word we get (KINDNESS).

Physical education minute:

One two three four five,

Everyone is so necessary

Don’t you think that the petals are in a certain sequence? In which? (7 colors of the rainbow). Let's call them: Every (red) hunter (orange) wants (yellow) to know (green) where the (blue) pheasant (purple) sits.

Who would you give such a flower of kindness to?

Children: Friends, grandma, brother, sister......

Educator: Friends are great, but your most important friend is your mom! Let's make such a wonderful flower of kindness for her?!

Children: Children sit at the tables.

Educator: Let us use plasticine to make a beautiful seven-flowered flower. What parts does it consist of? (Core, petals, stem, leaves). What do you need to do to get the core of a flower? what technique do we use? (Pinch off small pieces of plasticine, roll into balls, then flatten it). We attach it to the cardboard.

What else is missing to make our flower look like a real one? What shape are the leaves? (Long, thin). How will we sculpt them? (We roll a thin long leaf with straight movements of our hands so that it becomes flat, flattening it. Now we make shallow cuts in a stack, from the middle to each edge.) Now all we have to do is secure the leaves to the branches.

Is there anything else we're missing? What? That's right, a stem. How are we going to sculpt it? (roll a thin long “sausage” with straight hand movements, flatten it and glue it to the cardboard).

Think about what words you will use to give the “Good” flower (ask 2-3 children)


Educator: Now you and I can please our mothers by giving them a hand-made “Good” flower. Well done!

Showing completed work to guests. Looking at flowers, exhibition of children's works.

Modeling lesson “Flower”.


Learn to sculpt flower elements; 1) modeling with your fingers: roll out the ball, flatten it into a disk, press and flatten; 2) cut in a stack;

Develop thinking, creative imagination, sense of form, fine motor skills; cultivate aesthetic taste.

Preliminary work:

Guessing riddles about riddles about flowers and flowers;

Reading a poem about mom.

Materials, tools, equipment.

Salt dough, base for a flower, watercolors, glass of water, napkins, oilcloth, petals for physical. minutes.

  1. Org. Moment.

Guys, today I invite you to a magical lesson, and we will find out why it’s magical at the end of our lesson.

2. Progress of the lesson.

Guys, come over to me, stand in a semicircle and look at these photographs.

Who are they depicting? (mothers)

Do you all love your mothers? (Yes)

Guys, listen to a poem dedicated to our mothers.

Mom, very, very

I love you!

I love you so much that at night

I don't sleep in the dark

I peer into the darkness

I'm hurrying Zorka,

I love you all the time

Mommy love!

The dawn is shining.

It's already dawn

No one in the world

There is no better mother!

Did you like the poem? Who is our poem about?

Guys, what do you think our mothers love to receive most as a gift? (flowers).

And the most expensive and favorite gift for your mothers will be the one you make with your own hands.

And therefore, today you and I, in our lesson, will sculpt a magic flower as a gift to our beloved mothers.

(Let's all sit down in our seats.)

Look what a magical flower I made for my beloved mother.

You like? (Yes)

Guys, why do you think I called it magical? (because it has petals of different colors).

Let's name these colors together, and for this you must be very careful. I will make a wish for youmagic riddles, and you will have to guess them.

This is such a beautiful color

It doesn't get any brighter or warmer.

But he may be dangerous

Did you guess it? This …. (red)

With this color we draw a ray of sunshine,

And we will paint the sand the same color,

A dandelion will bloom this color!

So what color is this?

Have you guessed it, girls and boys? This is... (yellow)

Like the eyes of cornflowers,

This color is very beautiful.

But frosty like frost,

And we call him... (blue)

He's like clean water

Like pieces of ice on a river,

He's like the sky, he's like that

Gently gently …. (blue)

Like a ripe orange

This color is the only one.

He is very, very important

His name is... (orange)

Well done, you guessed all the colors of our magic flower.

What do you think we will sculpt our flower from? (from dough)

Now let’s take our seats and let’s sculpt our magical flower from dough.

Look at the flower and tell me what parts it consists of? (middle, petals, stem, leaves).

Well done, now let's start sculpting.

In front of you are pieces of dough, a glass of water, napkins, and a base for a flower.

What will we start sculpting our flower from? (from the middle)

We take one piece of our dough, roll it into a ball, flatten it, we get the middle. Wet the middle with water with your finger and apply it to our base.

Who can tell me why we wet the dough with water? (in order to glue our middle, instead of glue)

First we need to roll the ball, then slightly flatten it, and pinch one end, pinch it, and reduce it.

We attach the resulting sheets. Adjust evenly. Don’t forget to moisten the leaf with water before applying it.

Apply, flatten with your fingers, straighten the leaves.

Guys, can we say that our flower is ready? (No)

What is missing? (stem)

Take a piece of dough, roll it into a thin sausage - here is the stem.

How do we apply it to the flower? Top down or bottom up? (top down)

We moisten our stem with water and apply it.

Let's see if our flower has everything? What else is missing? (leaf)

Take a piece of dough, roll it out, flatten it, moisten it and apply it to the stem.

Guys, look what a wonderful flower we got.

But can it be called magical? (No)

What haven't we done to make it magical? (not possible because we didn’t color it)

That's right, we still need to color our flower, and for this our work must dry and in the next lesson we will color it.

4. Summing up.

Now, let's remember what we did today? (made a flower)

What material did we sculpt it from? (from dough)

Well done boys! You did a great job. Did you like our lesson? What's your mood now?

With this good mood, we will now play with you. We have petals on our tables, take them and go to the rug.

5. Game.

Fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back after making a circle

1,2,3 – find yourself a couple!

Look, guys, while we were playing, our petals came together and it turned out to be a magical flower. It contains all the colors that we will use to color our flower in the next lesson.


1. Educational: learn to create images of the same objects in different, variable ways, reinforce the rules of working with plasticine: roll out the plasticine, use a stack when decorating the veins of leaves, knead, shape the edges of the petals, giving them a characteristic shape.

2. Developmental: develop skills of collective creativity. Expand children's imaginative ideas.

3. Educational: to cultivate the desire to please others, to create something beautiful for them. Induce a feeling of joy from the created image.

Material for the lesson.

For the teacher: ready-made samples for display.

For children: plasticine of different colors, stacks, oilcloths, wet wipes, yogurt cups.

Preliminary work:

Observing indoor plants in a corner of nature.

Consideration of the album “Flowers of Unprecedented Beauty”.

Reading poems: V. Fedorov “White Rose”, A. Fet “First Lily of the Valley”, I. Bunin “Wild Flowers”.

Conducting GCD on a flower theme.

Progress of the lesson.

1 part. Organizational.

A surprise moment - receiving an email from Nastenka from the fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower”.

"Hello children! Nastenka is writing to you from the fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower”. I heard that you have a lot of indoor plants growing in your group. I also want to grow beautiful flowers in my distant kingdom across the ocean. I really like violets, they are so colorful and bloom all year round. Could you give me one violet?”

part 2. Gaming. Word game “Name the flower.”

The teacher shows pictures of indoor plants, and the children name them.

Part 3. Solving a problem situation: how to help Nastenka?

Educator: How can we help Nastenka?

Children's answers.

Educator: I propose to make a violet from multi-colored plasticine for our guest from a fairyland. Now we'll take a little rest.

Part 4 Physical education minute

I ask you to rise - this time.

The head turned - that's two.

Hands up, look forward - that's three.

Let's spread our arms four wide.

Squeeze and unclench your fingers with force – that’s five.

All the guys sit down quietly - that's six!

Part 5Examination of the finished sample. Teacher's explanation.

Educator. WITH Now let's look at the violet that I got. Who can describe a violet: what parts is it made of, how many petals does it have, what shape are the leaves, what color of plasticine should you take for the violet flower itself?

Children's answers.

Educator: In order for the violet to grow in our pot, we need cups

from under yogurt. We will fill it with crumpled paper or newspaper, and cover it with black or brown plasticine on top. (show). And we will have a pot with real soil in which our violet will grow. What do you think needs to be done next?

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, first you need to sculpt the leaves, and then the flowers.

Call some kids for a show

Part 6 Independent work of children.

Educator: Let's get our fingers ready for work.

Finger gymnastics:

A tall sprout has grown in a pot (The hands are folded like a “bud.”)

On a gentle morning I opened the petals. (The fingers are spread out into different

sides like petals)

To all petals beauty and nutrition (Then the hands turn with brushes

Together they grow roots underground. Down.)

In the process of children's activities, the teacher encourages independence, accuracy, and creativity. The teacher provides assistance to those children who find it difficult to work.

Part 7Exhibition of finished works.

After independent work, children examine the finished work.

Educator: What beautiful violets you got. I suggest that they stay in the group for a while, and then we will send them to Nastenka as a gift.
