How to draw summer Tips for young artists. Drawing for children on the topic: Summer Draw a picture about the summer holidays with a pencil

Drawing on the theme of Summer for younger students

Children love to draw!
Let's look at summer through the eyes of a child:
Who will we see? I see an elephant
Which passes slowly across the sky
And it turns into something...
We will also see a mermaid by the river,
Who came to go fishing this morning.
It doesn't matter that it is a neighbor, Alenka,
We look at summer through the eyes of a child.
And in the thicket of the forest we will see a mushroom,
And happiness from that stream - we take a sip,
Let's get carried away by the moth ... Quietly!
We look at summer through the eyes of a child ...
And the rain is a joy to us, because there is a hole in the sky
And someone there waters us for laughter ...
And it became clear that it was possible for so long
See us at the summer through the eyes of a child ...
(Author Anna Grushevskaya)

Summer is fun Martynenko Natalia
Butterflies fly
Nightingales sing.
Pigeons are walking
And they drink from the puddle.
No, not all of course
But I do not care,
Summer has come!
I love him!
Butterflies in the net I will catch!
I will feed the pigeons from my hands!
It's summer, mom, let me out!
Let's walk in the park together!
I don't care, mom
Even if "No"
Most importantly, we are here!
There is no more happiness!
(Author Sebil Jabragimova)

Zeiser Eva

View of the river Burla in Ilyinka Polyakov Danila

Summer flowers are beautiful and joyful Nemchenko Ksenia

We are going on a trip with the whole family. Rogalsky Veniamin

In the summer I admire the beauty of nature and watch insects Grits Anna

We are at sea. Only in summer you can have so much fun Gavrikova Daria

Drawing lessons for younger students

Drawing master class. "In the flower meadow. Ladybug"

Kokorina Elena Yurievna, teacher visual arts, MOU Slavninskaya average comprehensive school, Tver region, Torzhoksky district.
Purpose: A series of drawing lessons for younger students "On the flower meadow": "Ladybug", "Bee" and "Butterfly"

Drawings can be used to decorate the interior or participate in a competition, or as a gift.
Target: development creativity children through artistic and visual activity.
teach children to draw an expressive image ladybug in the flower field
to consolidate the skills of children in working with wax pencils and watercolors;
develop spatial thinking and imagination;
to show children the possibility of compiling a panoramic collective composition from a large number of drawings, to cultivate interest in co-creation;
to cultivate the ability to see the beauty of nature, to understand its fragility, to cause a desire to protect

The nature of our planet is our wealth, which we must appreciate. Our task is to preserve all the diversity and richness of nature. Let us admire our nature like a song! Let's become her friend and take care of her!
After all, to protect nature, to protect it means to love our native Earth.
carefree summer
Golden time
Festival of Sun and Light
Gives joy in the morning.
There is nothing more beautiful
In the grove of birdsong,
yellow-eyed daisies
White eyelashes.
Cornflowers bright blue
In emerald grass
And lilac haze
Over the river at dawn.
Ripe raspberries
Sweet juice on the lips
Like July's omen
In the forests near Moscow. (I. Butrimova)

How nice in the summer on a green, flooded meadow! Among the lush herbs, bright fragrant flowers are full of flowers. Elegant butterflies, bees and bumblebees flutter above them.
In the middle of a magical space
I will lose my heart!
There is so much beauty here, here is the kingdom
Wonderful fantasy dream!
The whole meadow is full of flavor and breathes,
Bees and bumblebees sing here,
And the butterflies in the whirl of the highest
Delighted looking for those flowers
That they give them the sweetest nectar! -
How intoxicating everything is here! -
The flight of the soul here is the highest! -
His name is happiness! (N. Klubnichkina "On the flower meadow")

Today is the first lesson. You will learn the plot of our drawing from the riddle rhyme:
I'm a harmless bug
not an ant, not a cockroach!
I don't moo and I don't butt,
although I call myself a cow!
Instead of horns, antennae
on the back, like beads,
black peas,
as if thrown by someone.
I am a ladybug
I'm sitting on a chamomile!
There are a lot of us
we are all like twins!
Carry me away
to the field flower
red wings
to the black dot! (N. Ileva "Ladybug")
That's right, we will learn to draw a ladybug on a camomile. From time immemorial, chamomile has been a symbol of Russian nature. At the ancient Slavic people it was considered one of the 7 sacred plants - hazel, chamomile, oak, hops, plakun, willow and mistletoe.
The name chamomile comes from the Latin word, meaning "Roman" in translation into Russian. In the medical literature of the Middle Ages, it was called the "Roman flower". IN Ancient Egypt Chamomile was dedicated to the sun god Ra. And the Greek name translates as "white flower".

For work we need: landscape sheet, colored wax pencils, brush (squirrel or pony No. 2), water cup, watercolor.

Lay the album sheet horizontally. Let's start working from the center of the sheet.
First stage.
Take a red wax pencil and draw an oval. Let's draw an arc in the middle.

Draw an arc with a black pencil - this will be the head. On the red oval, in random order, draw small circles-dots.

Let's draw eyes and antennae. Our ladybug is ready.

Draw an oval with a yellow wax pencil. This will be the center of the chamomile.

With a blue pencil, we begin to draw the petals. In shape, they resemble elongated ovals of irregular shape.

We complete the composition with green leaves.

Second phase: Colorize our drawing using watercolor paints. Let's start with the ladybug. I suggest taking two shades of red. In my case, this is dark red kraplak and scarlet watercolor.

We will draw "raw". To do this, it is necessary to moisten the desired area and introduce paint there. The watercolor itself will begin to blur on the water in a random order, and adding an additional shade will create a unique pattern. The main thing is not to mix the paint, but to let it spread on its own. wax pencil will hold water and paint in the area of ​​​​the drawing we need.

Paint over the head of the ladybug with black paint.

For the middle of the chamomile, I suggest taking three colors of watercolor: golden ocher, yellow and orange.

Moisturize the entire yellow oval and apply yellow watercolor around the edge. Then add golden ocher and finally orange color.

A real chamomile has snow-white petals, but in our drawing they don’t turn out like that (unless you paint over, but this way the work will look unfinished). For the petals, I suggest taking lemon and turquoise watercolors - in the sun, the white color takes on various shades.

Since the water dries quickly, I suggest moistening not all the petals, but only four to begin with. We introduce lemon color closer to the center of the flower.

Enter turquoise into the free part of the petal.

Now we moisten three more petals and introduce turquoise closer to the center, and a lemon shade along the edges.

Alternating watercolor in this way, paint over the remaining chamomile petals. The change of color creates volume and gives movement to the petals.

With yellow paint, paint over the free distance between the petals in the center of the flower.

For the leaves we use two shades of green: viridian green and yellow-green watercolor.

This is how our work looks like in general.

Now let's add some green grass at the bottom of the leaf. To do this, moisten the lower half of the sheet and paint over with yellow-green watercolor. Then we introduce viridian green.

At the top of the sheet, draw a sunny sky. To do this, take scarlet, lemon and turquoise watercolor.

Working "raw" gradually introduce all three colors.

How to draw a summer landscape step by step? If you asked yourself this question, then most likely it is already summer outside your window, and you don’t even remember the cold long nights.

Today we will learn to draw, let's get started!

Stage 1
Our landscape will be quite standard, it will consist of a piece of a house, trees and a narrow path.

Let's start at home. With a light touch on the pencil, we outline the building with perspective lines extending into the distance beyond the horizon.

Stage 2
According to the laws of perspective, we outline the windows and their frames. Please note that we are only depicting a small part of the building on paper, so the top window is not fully visible.

Stage 3
Now it's time for the path and the trees. We draw three trees, you can read about how to work with trees. We also depict a winding path that goes to the center of the horizon.

Stage 4
We continue to detail the vegetation of our summer landscape. We draw more trees and depict their foliage with careless strokes.

Try not to press the pencil too hard, because you may have to redraw something or you will later paint over the drawing with watercolor or gouache.

Stage 5
We transfer to paper the most important attributes of summer. Namely, a cat and flowers. On foreground, right on the path, depict a cat. At this step, it is not necessary to make it too detailed, just outline the base.

Next we plant flowers, again, no need to draw them in too much detail. For now, we don't need it.

stage 6
So, it's time to erase all the lines drawn with a pencil and circle them with a pen. At the building, you need to depict the relief of the boards, we are working on the bark and foliage.

In the foreground, we are working on grass, a cat and flowers. Also, don't forget the grass in the background. The farther a piece of land is from us, the less grass there should be - this is the law of cartoons :)

Already at this step, our landscape looks very impressive, and we haven't even started painting it yet!

Of course, you can get rid of the elements that you do not like. For example, it is not necessary to depict flowers or trees. Experiment and come up with something of your own :)

Stage 7
The final step is coloring, so find colored pencils or paints.

We paint almost all the grass and the path. The area behind the house will turn out a little darker than the rest of the picture, as less light falls there.

The right side of the trunks will be darker than the left, because the source of light, that is, the sun, will be on the left.

We finalize all the grass and trunks. Also, with darker shades, depict a shadow on the path falling from the trees. And don't forget the fluffy animal...

We green the foliage and start working on the background. The top of the horizon needs to be painted in a slightly different shade of green, this will give the picture a more expressive effect.

Our sky is, accordingly, blue, the closer to the horizon, the brighter.

Finally, we paint the house and flowers and our drawing is ready!

Also, there are other options for drawing summer landscapes:

Evgenia Kirillova


1. Means artistic word show children how beautiful nature is in the summer.

2. Develop in children emotional perception the world around, to form realistic ideas about nature.

3. Learn to reflect impressions and observations in artistic and creative activities.

4. Teach children the ability to pick up and reflect color scheme characteristic of the summer season.

5. Encourage the initiative and independence of children in building the composition of the work and making additions to the drawing on the topic of the work.


album sheet

Wax crayons

simple pencil

Preliminary work:

learning poems about summer, looking at illustrations about summer, collective viewing of the cartoon "Santa Claus and Summer" directed by V. Karavaev, an excursion to the forest (to a clearing, meadow).

Course progress.

1. Organizational part.

The teacher begins the lesson by reading a poem by L. Korchagina "Summer":

If a warm wind blows, though from the north,

If the meadow is in daisies and lumps of clover,

Butterflies and bees circle over the flowers,

And a puddle turns blue with a fragment of the sky,

And the skin of a child is like a chocolate bar ...

If a bed turned red from strawberries -

True omen: it has come ....

Children. Summer.

teacher. You're right, summer is a beautiful, bountiful time of the year. Most recently, we met with one character who did not know what summer is. I will remind you of this story. Santa Claus lived in the far cold North. When winter came, he set off on a journey to help nature cover itself with fluffy snow, freeze rivers, decorate the windows of houses with a pattern. Santa Claus spent time with benefit in the cold season. And he especially loved the New Year holidays - that's where there was a lot of fun, noise and joy. Together with the kids he led round dances, sang, danced, played, and then presented gifts that he prepared with love for each child. Once upon a time new year holiday one of the children asked Santa Claus: “Will you come to us in the summer?” Santa Claus was curious, what is summer? The children were surprised that old grandfather never heard, much less seen summer, and they sang him a song about summer.

(An audio recording of the song “Song of Summer” by Y. Entin sounds to the music of E. Krylatov)

Teacher. Since then, Santa Claus has lost his peace, he really wanted to see the summer with his own eyes. And he decided to come to visit the kids not in winter, but in summer. And set off. What happened to him?

Children. He became very ill in the heat, and he began to melt.

teacher. Right. Santa Claus feels bad when it is very warm, he needs cold. Then the children figured out how to help their beloved Frost. They put him in an ice cream box. And in it they began to carry him to different places: to the forest, to the meadow, to the river, so that Santa Claus would finally know what summer is. And then Santa Claus returned to his place in the North, only to come to the children in winter. Guys, how do you imagine the image of summer, his portrait?

Children's answers: In a colorful sundress, with a wreath of flowers on her head, ruddy, cheerful, with freckles, barefoot.

Teacher. Where do you think summer lives, where does it go when winter comes?

children's assumptions.

teacher invites children to listen to the story of B. Sergunenkov “Where is the summer hiding?”

Once upon a time there was no winter on earth, but only one summer. What a wonderful time it was: the earth was soft as fluff, the water in the river was warm, the trees grew all year round, the leaves did not shed and were forever green!

This went on until one day the winter took offense.

What is it, - he says, - all summer and summer, it's time to know your conscience.

Winter began to crowd summer, but where should the summer go? Summer rushed to the ground, and frost bound the earth. It rushed into the river - the river was covered with ice.

I'm dying, - he says, - I have nowhere to go. Winter will kill me.

Here the buds on the trees say to the fly:

Come to us, we will hide you.

Summer hid in the buds of trees, sheltered from the cold winter.

The winter is gone. The sun shone, the streams murmured. The buds on the trees swelled and opened. And as soon as they opened, summer broke out, rolled out into the wild. Summer has come to earth...

Teacher. People rejoice and say: "Summer has come."

Today we will draw summer. What color do you think you will use? What color is our summer?

Children. Summer is colorful.

Physical education "What color is summer?"

Summer... Summer... Summer...

What color is it?

Come on, tell me, come on, describe it!

Clap your hands.

Pale green, like a grasshopper in the grass.

Yellow, yellow, like the sand by the rivers.

Blue, blue, the most beautiful.

What a summer!

Jumping in place.

Summer... Summer... Summer...

What other color?

Come on, tell me, come on, describe it!

Clap your hands.

Bright, hot, like a dashing dance!

Starry, starry, like a night fairy tale!

Light, light-colored, sweet-strawberry.

What a summer!


Summer... Summer... Summer...

What other color?

Come on, tell me, come on, describe it!

Clap your hands.

2. Practical part.

The teacher offers to draw drawings and then give them to Santa Claus.

3. Summary of the lesson.

When examining finished works, the teacher pays attention to the color scheme, the combination of shades, the creation of the composition, and the observance of proportions.

Here are some of the jobs we got.

Summer is flowers, butterflies, bright blue skies and green grass. This is the picture we will draw today. From this drawing you can make a postcard.

Necessary materials:

  • Sheet of white paper;
  • Colored pencils in yellow, orange, red, pink, dark green, light green and blue flowers. Pink color you can replace it with purple, then you get a real rainbow;
  • Fine black marker
  • A simple pencil (preferably soft 3B);
  • Eraser.

At first with a simple pencil mark where the flowers will be located. The lines should be very light, barely noticeable. The shape of the flower fits into an oval. Place the ovals at the bottom of the sheet, at different angles to the edges of the paper and to each other.

In the upper part, make room for the butterfly, use light lines to determine its size and direction of flight.

If you connect the corners of the wings of any butterfly with lines, you get a trapezoid. Therefore, you need to start drawing a butterfly with this figure. Having outlined its contours, divide the trapezoid with a line approximately in the middle. From the corners to the center of the trapezoid, round the shape of the wings. Define the body and head.

Now you need to draw flowers. In the middle of each intended oval, you need to make smaller ovals.

From these small ovals draw diverging lines separating the petals.

Round the petals without disturbing the intended shape of the flower.

Light lines mark the location of several leaves. They should be in different directions. First, draw the middle line of the sheet, then two lines from the tip with a corner. Draw the leaves by rounding the lines.

Carefully circle the resulting contours of flowers, leaves and butterflies with a marker. Try to keep the lines smooth.

Take a blue pencil. With transparent lines, sketch out the horizon line approximately in the middle of the sheet, as well as the lines of the hills below. Lightly shade the sky. Start tinting from top corners sheet to the horizon line, gradually weakening the pressure.

From the horizon line it is also very easy, with loose strokes with a gradual weakening of the pressure, mark the distance with the hills.

Color the wings of the butterfly with a yellow pencil. This should be done in small strokes with uniform pressure. Do not press too hard on the pencil, it is better to go through the hatching in one place several times until you achieve the desired tone.

Color the body of the butterfly orange, and draw small details with a marker: spots and black corners on the wings, eyes and antennae.

Now it's time for the flowers. Use a yellow pencil to shade the middle.

Then start toning the petals. To make the tinting look neat, outline and color each petal separately. The strokes should be small, and the pressure on the pencil should be even.

In our drawing, a red, orange and pink flower. But you can think of other combinations.

Color the leaves in this way: one half of the leaf is dark green, and the other is light green.

Finish the drawing by working out the details with a marker. In the middle of the flowers, apply a few dots, draw veins on the leaves.

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