Maxim bed wife and daughter. “How did the drama in the personal life of one of the soloists affect his creative activity

The guys came to their native Volgograd for a week, to relax, to see their parents and friends. We invited them to the editorial office for an online conference, but we did not expect to see four people on the doorstep instead of two at once - Roman and Maxim came, accompanied by their new passions. Roma new love- soloist of the group "VIP" Diana. And Maxim looked pleased next to Diana's friend Katya, who is engaged in advertising. We asked the guys your questions and some of our own.

@ Max, Shura-mura with Vodonaeva - is this a PR move or is it still love? Not so long ago I saw her on a program where the stars at parties are asked what they are wearing. Vodonaeva said that she was wearing the trousers of her beloved man. So - for you they are somehow too big in size. Anyway, what kind of relationship do you have? Karen.

Maksim:- We have cooling in relations. I can't comment any more.

Novel:- No, in fact, they were damn friendly for a while. We are all friendly now. Especially since we perform together. Alena has a similar story. We held a casting - an idea arose to take a soloist into the group. Alena found out about this and came. We realized that taking her as a backing vocalist is nonsense, because she herself is very bright girl, and this is too narrow a role for her. Therefore, we came up with this version of a joint project.

@ Vodonaeva and vocals are nonsense. Moreover, a girl with such a reputation is unlikely to increase your rating. So why did you take her to the group? Gella.

Maksim:- Actually it is not. Alena has a very pleasant timbre of voice. Much better than the soloists of many groups - let's not point fingers. She lacks experience. But like a sponge, she quickly absorbs and assimilates everything. And in general, in life she is very far from that bitchy image that the producers of the Dom-2 project experienced on her with such pleasure.

Novel:- Even before we met her, we, of course, had heard a little about her, so sometimes we watched Dom-2. But when we conceived a project with Vodonaeva and announced it, what started here! There was some talk that she was such and such, and how could you ... In fact, she is a very positive person, and as far as work is concerned, she is very disciplined and punctual.

@ Roman, I found your page on Odnoklassniki. I saw cool pictures, including with a tractor. Is this your page and how do you generally feel about such sites, do you often go there? Nastya.

Novel:- I am positive. The tractor page is really mine. I found on the site a huge number of people with whom I lost contact a long time ago - comrades in Artek, for example ... True, now I go less and less.

Maksim: It's just that sometimes there is only enough time to click, accepting an invitation to friends. I can’t refuse if a person offers to be a friend. But due to the fact that there is no time to answer, I seem to have an incredible amount of messages there ...

@ Roma, have you come to Volgograd for a long time? Your fan Rita.

Novel: We've been out for a week. Only in Volgograd you can relax to the fullest. We meet with friends, relax at the parental dacha on Varvarovka. The girls are in Volgograd for the first time, so we show them the sights - we took them to Mamaev Kurgan, tomorrow we will go to the panorama museum.

Our correspondent:- Do potatoes grow in the country?

Novel:- I don’t know, honestly, this is what parents do.

Diana (Roman's friend):- Strawberries are growing. And a radish.

@ Roman, in the "Comedy Club" you showed up four of you - Max with Alena, and you with some mysterious brunette. Who is this??? Karen.

This is just Diana, who is in the spotlight today.

Our correspondent:- And in more detail?

Novel:- Diana is a soloist of the VIP group. We had known each other a little for a long time - we met at various events there, then somehow we got closer at a party - and now ... We became friends, damn it!

Our correspondent:- And Maxim's girlfriend?

Maksim:- Kate. She is a friend of Diana. So that's how we met.

@ Roman, how often do you manage to communicate with your son after a divorce, what gifts do you give him? How is your relationship with Irina now? Can you imagine getting married again now?

@ How often do you manage to relax, where do you like to go? Which cities abroad have become especially close to you? Do you give concerts abroad? Lena.

Maksim:- I love London .

Novel:- I have not been to London, I love Barcelona very much. We often travel to Thailand. We had concerts in France, Italy, Finland, Greece, Vietnam, you can’t remember everything ...

@ You left Dmitry Malikov a long time ago, who is the producer of the group now? Are you going to help talented guys from Volgograd to break through? Vika.

Novel:- Maxim is a producer.

Maksim:- Roman is producing (laugh).

Maksim:- And about the help - no, we are not going to. Now in show business everything is very clearly divided into niches, and obvious professionals should do such work. We are too soft, kind and lazy for producers.

@ Have you dabbled in anything other than music? When can we expect new songs, an album? Website visitor (no signature).

Novel:- Still, you need to do what you do best.

Our correspondent:- But, maybe, at the machine once, what good, they stood?

Novel:- And he stood! True, only a year, I was either 20 or 21. I worked at the VolgoGRES power plant, on instrumentation. There were also checkers, backgammon, chess in the change house. Needless to say, we didn't ignore them. Yes, and the dining room was still like that ... They cooked there in such a way that you lick your fingers. It seems that everything is simple - a potato, a cutlet. But there is still a process - you walk along the conveyor with a tray ...

Maksim:- And I worked at Khimprom, I was engaged in programming. And even earlier he tried to sing in an entreprise. As for the album, most likely it will appear by next year. Here the vacation is over ... Let's start work. In general, how will it go. So far, one song is ready - "Paper Sky". There is an English version of it, which we perform without Alena.

@ What kind of clothes do you prefer and what kind of cuisine do you like? Christie.

Novel:- We are not ultra-fashionable, not clothes-makers. But you have to take care of yourself. I love sport style clothes. There is no tuxedo in my wardrobe. There are a couple of suits, but I don't even remember when I wore them. There are no gastronomic preferences - I am an omnivore. But Maxim, on the contrary, very carefully monitors his diet. I am inclined to believe that what he eats is not edible at all. And he has a whole collection of ties.

Maksim:- I'm not a vegetarian, but I try to eat a balanced diet. Chicken breasts, rice, steamed fish, all without salt or other spices. As for clothing, I, on the contrary, Lately On the other hand, I loved the costumes. Yes, I have a chic collection of ties - I especially like the ones with a skull and a bunny.

@ Roma, you and Maxim are just colleagues, an interest group or friends, do you often quarrel? Christie.

Roman: We are friends. We've known each other for a thousand years. We met in 1988. I was a high school student, and Max studied at a technical school. Together they performed in the school ensemble at the Kirov Teacher's House. We fight, yes. “Not without a strong word” ... But at the same time, both are damned not vindictive and quickly put up.

Members Plasma groups Roman Chernitsyn and Maxim Postelny had a terrible accident on the highway in the Ostrogozhsky district Voronezh region. The musicians were heading to the city of Alekseevka on tour, but a snowstorm began on the highway on the way. In conditions of poor visibility at the turn, another car flew into the car of the artists, because of which the singers abruptly turned onto the side of the road and flew away near a deep ditch. Bedelny's car, a Toyota Land Cruiser 100, cannot be recovered after falling from a height of two meters, but the group members escaped with minor bruises.

We were going to a concert in the city of Alekseevka when we got into this accident, Maxim Bedtelny told Life. - We didn't get any injuries, because we were fastened, if it wasn't, everything would have ended much worse. However, the car was badly damaged.

The musicians had to hitchhike to their destination and leave the car at the scene of the accident. Bedelny and Chernitsyn were able to evacuate the car only upon returning back to Moscow.

The Plazma group broke into radio stations in 2000 almost instantly. Hits Take My Love, The Sweetest Surrender, Lonely, You "ll Never Meet An Angel, One Life - an amazing combination for Russia English text and European quality sound. Meanwhile, the authors of these energetic melodies - Maxim Postelny and Roman Chernitsin - are simple guys from Volgograd. Now they are going to turn their duet into a trio.

You are looking for a girl in the team. For what?

Maksim: We have long wanted to have a couple of moving girls in the team. Well, or one girl who will play the keys, the tambourine or the harmonica. In a word, something bright, scenic. And then suddenly it became interesting how female vocals would sound within the framework of the Plazma group. Why not? There are a lot of girls who sing! Unlike us, she could sing in Russian.

What should this girl look like?

Roman: Well, we do not have strict requirements for appearance: blonde or brunette. The most important thing is that she was a person, a special energy emanated from her. What our final choice will depend on, we don't know yet... Maybe it's the vocal abilities or the ability to present oneself. Or maybe it will be something special on the outside.

Maksim: If she is a truly charismatic person, I am even ready to give her my place in the team. Is it true! The alignment will be as follows: in front - Roman, slightly approaching him on the line - a girl. Well, behind me, your obedient servant. And already behind me - the whole armada of musicians.

Was it difficult in Moscow when you arrived?

Roman: Yes, the first year. When we left for Moscow, we were very popular group in Volgograd. And in the capital no one knew us, in the subway, of course, they did not recognize us.

Maksim: The most cruel thing was that the girls did not throw themselves on the neck!

Probably over your stage images conjured metropolitan stylists?

Roman: We've never had a stylist do something drastic with us against our wishes. We always try to listen to the stylist, but so that it does not contradict our inner feelings.

Maksim: I generally let go, let go of my hair, and when I got married, my wife immediately cut it off. Then another girl appeared, her hair became even shorter. When I become bald, know: I have achieved what I dreamed of! Girls - a lot!

Roman is married to singer Irina Dubtsova. And what about your personal life, Maxim?

Maxim: I'm free. I'm on a creative quest. I have no special requirements for a potential companion. Like the fact that the blonde, height 180, 90-60-90, the nose is such and such, the shape of the eyes is such and such. Only stupid girls rage.

How do you like to relax?

Roman: As a rule, we gather in a narrow circle of close friends and leave for quiet places. When there is little time, we go to Volgograd, if there is a lot of time, we fly abroad. Lying for hours on the beach is the dumbest thing you can think of doing. If we are abroad, then we rent a car and drive to the sights, climb mountains and waterfalls.

Maksim: Yeah, tell us how we got lost in Malaysia.

Novel: We were at the waterfall and decided to take a walk along the tourist route. But they made a mistake and went to the path that led to the top of the mountain. We walked, walked, naively thought that it was about to end, and we would return to the same place. In short, we climbed this mountain for three hours.

Maksim: And four hours later descended! Without water, under the scorching sun, through the jungle, in sandals. When they went down, they met a Russian. He looked up at the top and asked, "Were you there?" We nodded. The tourist looked at us like we were idiots. This is rest! And on the beach...

Do you actually do crazy things like this?

Maxim: Only by mistake! We've taken the wrong path! No, we are not very extreme people. We are not skydivers, surfers, or divers. Where we allow ourselves a light extreme is on the road. We love active driving style. Thank God, the quality of the coverage of Moscow roads allows this.

What about traffic jams?

Maxim: Oh! I rage in traffic jams, I start hitting the steering wheel, you know, as they show in films, honking. Then it passes, and I stupidly drive in a traffic jam. Well, how can you get used to sitting on a hot stove? I can't do that!

Novel: I am more tolerant. I often sing in the car, compose songs.

Remember the act of a fan that surprised you?

Maxim: Roman's shirt was torn.

Novel: Once journalists wrote that one fan tore my shirt, and I fastened it with pins, on this basis I felt like a designer and decided to model clothes. One girl took this information at face value. At one of the concerts, I decided that if she tears my shirt, then I will be very happy and will again accomplish a design feat. When I got close to the edge of the stage, she frantically began pulling on my sleeve. And successfully tore it off! I was very upset, it was my favorite shirt.

But communication with fans is also pleasant?

Maxim: Recently, a fan girl gave me an encyclopedia about dragons. I'm such a seasoned Tolkienist. An amazing book, all in stones. Inside - all the types of dragons, samples of their skin ... Stunned! I will remember this gift for the rest of my life.

Have you been musically talented since childhood?

Roman: I didn't go to music school, unlike Max. His parents sent him there by force, he was a very undisciplined child. Is not it?

Maksim: Well, at first I wanted to go to the music school, and then I lost interest. Parents at that moment supported the undertaking: “What? The piano has been bought, go!” That's why I didn't quit.

Novel: In deep childhood, from the point of view of parents, I did not show any signs of craving for music. But the parents still asked: “Do you want to go to a music school?” I thrashed in hysterics, fell to the floor, pounded with my feet ... My parents came to the conclusion: for sure, I don’t gravitate towards music. At school he had a B in singing. I drew cars in class and chatted with my neighbor.

Maksim: And I had a triple in singing!

Novel: In the last class of the school, we were in the same ensemble. After graduation, everyone wandered off somewhere. And Max and I were obsessed with the idea of ​​writing our own songs, singing in our own band. We thought it was very romantic.

If only there were a few more hours in the day. What would you spend them on?

Maksim: On even - sleep, on odd - sex!

Could you go to a monastery?

Novel: No!

Maksim: Well, if for a couple of months ...

In a female?

Maksim: Yes! Great idea!

But the "star" is not taken anywhere. However, Alena's next fiasco stirs up interest in her, and she again finds herself in the center of attention of the yellow press.

The male constituent group contradicts itself and seems to be completely confused. Before the scandal with the wives, the guys said one thing, but now it’s completely different. “Honestly, I was unpleasantly surprised to see my alleged words that Plasma did not accept Alena Vodonaeva into the group - Roman Chernitsyn’s words were published by - It is not true! Yes, indeed, lately we have often appeared together with Alena at events, which, apparently, has led to such rumors and gossip. Of course, it is too early to make an official statement on this matter, but I can still say that a joint project"Plasma" with Alena Vodonaeva will take place at 100%.

“We have a song almost ready, which we plan to record any day. In general, I think that Alena is a very bright, charismatic girl and, of course, beautiful, and we are very interested in working with her. I’m sure that everything will work out well for us!” Maxim Postelny echoes Roman. Now both musicians deny cooperation with Alena. “I don't know where these rumors come from,” says Roman Chernitsyn. - Vodonaeva is not part of the group. We are not going to take new soloist to the group, and even more so to conduct a casting.

It is obvious that sex appeal, scandalous reputation and jealousy Dubtsova placed Vodonaeva to join the "Plasma". A similar story happened recently with the soloist of "Tea for Two" Olga Polyakova. The beautiful blonde stayed in the group for no more than a month, after which she was expelled. Rumor has it that the wife Denis Klyaver gave her husband an ultimatum - if the family is important to you, then the owner of the sexiest legs in Ukraine, Polyakova, must leave the team. According to the official statement of the Dummies, Olga left herself to start solo career.

“My participation in the team did not suit some people from the circle of Tea for Two,” Polyakova herself commented. “I have unwittingly become a bone of contention. But it's great that it all ended that way. I am optimistic about my future solo career, I am preparing an album, and there are a lot of other proposals, including in the cinema. I am glad that people are beginning to be interested in my work, and not just my appearance.

But back to Plasma. The younger brother of the lead singer of the group was recently convicted of selling drugs. 24 year old Artem Chernitsyn was detained while selling marijuana by the drug control department during a special operation. Natalya Klimacheva, press secretary of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the Volgograd Region, said that the operatives seized a large amount of a narcotic potion from Artyom. At the trial, Chernitsyn pleaded guilty, repented and, one might say, escaped with a slight fright, receiving a two-year suspended sentence.

The Plazma group in the Russian world of show business is simply impossible to confuse with someone else. This is the only group in the country that performs songs own composition exclusively on English language. Plazma is Roman Chernitsyn (vocals, music, lyrics) and Max Postelny (backing vocals, keyboards, music, arrangement). They met in a school group in Volgograd, after which they created their own duet "Slow Motion". The first success came when they were invited to work in nightclubs and discos. Then there were big concerts at city holidays and at the local Sports Palace, girls standing at the entrance, painted walls with declarations of love, a constantly ringing phone.

Roman Chernitsyn and Max Postelny were happy to answer our questions.

Guys, you are not the first year in the scandalous world of show business. Tell me, what qualities should an aspiring artist have in order to survive in the musical jungle?

Max: First, you should ask yourself the question - why are you in show business? In general, the advice is universal for any business - you need to have talent, luck and a lot of work.

Novel: It all depends on the person's goal - someone just wants to be on stage, no matter in what capacity, and someone wants to engage exclusively in their work, like us. In the first case, it is easier - if you are good-looking and have vocal and choreographic abilities, there is a chance to be noticed. And if you are confident in yourself as a composer and performer, it is more difficult. For a breakthrough, you need a hit that millions will love, talent and intuition are needed here. If this is not the case, then even purposefulness is sometimes not enough. Do not forget about the financial side of creativity - in order to convey your creativity to someone, you need money, this is no secret to anyone. Reasonable question: where to get them? Basically, there are two options here - find an interested producer or sponsor. But, in any case, you must be aware that the money invested will have to be returned.

You male team, which recently had a soloist - Alena Vodonaeva. Were you embarrassed by her scandalous reputation, which could negatively affect the image of your group?

Max: Our fruitful cooperation continues to this day. We were not at all afraid to spoil our reputation, because Alena, maybe scandalous only in the media, but in fact is beautiful. Now we are going to record our second joint single.

Novel: Yes, we continue to be friends and we don’t give a damn about the fact that it seems to someone that she has a scandalous reputation. In real life, she's sweet, and we prefer not to listen to public opinion, which forms the yellow press.

- Now many artists are suffering star fever. Did you happen to be a star?

Max: We definitely do not suffer from star disease. Some artists may be prone to it, but I will never say bad things about a person behind their back. I just want to note that ordinary people also suffer from the "asterisk".

Novel: No one, except us, suffers from star fever, only we are subject to this disease! We turned to psychologists and to various specialists, because we are always in an unreal pathos. It's a joke, just in case. No, we don't have star disease. As for other artists - it's hard for me to say something about them - everyone behaves adequately with us. It's just that often journalists or fans take ordinary fatigue for star disease. Few people understand that it is really hard to be a recognizable person, all the time in plain sight. As soon as the artist allows himself to demonstrate fatigue, he will immediately be accused of arrogance. Often you just want to be alone with yourself and your thoughts, and at this moment others require attention, smiles. And if you do not answer at least one of these requests, everyone will decide that the artist has "starred".

- As public people, you are always the objects of all kinds of gossip and rumors ...

Max: I don't believe gossip. My reaction to gossip about me - if they say, then they remember.

Novel: I do not believe in rumors, because by my own example I know what percentage of the truth is in them. Despite the fact that I am used to all sorts of nonsense in the tabloids, sometimes they write something that is really offensive and unpleasant. Basically, of course, it concerns personal life. A year ago, when I was getting divorced, I read so many things that it was very unpleasant. No matter how hard I try to ignore it, it still hurts. Even colleagues in the shop sometimes believe in it. It's a shame that people because of gossip think about a person worse than he is.

- What about friendship? What do you value in people? Maxim, are you still on

Max: Who has many true friends? Friendship is a strange, all-encompassing concept. I am firmly convinced of one thing - a friend in trouble is known. I still use my classmates, but there is almost no time to communicate through this service. I don't even have time to add all the new friends, let alone messages. Friends, please don't be offended! As soon as there is time, I will answer everyone.

Novel: It's hard to define exactly what friendship is, but I've been damn lucky in my life with friends. I don't have many of them, most of them are childhood friends from the 80s. Communication with them is a great joy for me, with them I can be myself and behave the way we behaved 20 years ago. It seems to me that such feelings of comfort and coziness prolong youth.

- Do you believe in friendship between a man and a woman?

Max: I believe if an unattractive woman and a man are friends. If she is beautiful, then there will be a sexual connotation in any case, and whether it will come true or not is another matter.

Novel: More likely yes than no, although in its pure form it is rarely found. In my opinion, such relationships are still based on the sympathy of at least one partner for another. Although it is impossible to speak for everyone, all people are different, and such friendship can occur. Gay men are usually wonderful friends with women.

- What does a woman want? What about a man?

Max: A woman wants stability, and a man wants search. The question is that in a relationship these conflicting needs are in harmony.

Novel: I think it is impossible to give a general answer to this question, because all people have different priorities. It is clear that everyone wants happiness and love, but everyone expresses it differently.

- Interestingly, fame interferes with communication with women?

Max: It does not interfere with communication, on the contrary, it even helps. But in choosing a life partner creates some difficulties. I want my companion to be independent and independent. In this matter, I am of the opinion: "I wish that your wife loved you even when you are a beggar."

Novel: I would beware of the word "fame", I'm closer to "fame". No, it does not interfere with me, on the contrary, it helps. At famous person big circle communication due to constant concerts, meetings. Plus, when a person is in sight, they show increased interest in him, so I always have a large selection of those with whom I want to communicate.

Recently, some Internet portals wrote that you bet three thousand dollars on who will be the first of you to tie the knot. It is known that Roma has an affair with Diana Eunice. Max, don't you think that this novel has a commercial connotation?

Max: Yes, it's true, we had a bet, but I think three thousand won't get them married. I am now alone and in search of a normal independent person, who, as it turned out, is difficult to find. I want to find a woman for whom money is not the main thing.

Are you going on tour to Azerbaijan? Are you familiar with Azerbaijani culture, which of our singers do you know or have heard of?

Max: I occasionally listen to Azerbaijani music, but, alas, I don’t know anyone by name. As for the concerts - if they call, we will be happy to come.

Novel: Unfortunately, we are practically not familiar with the Azerbaijani stage. Of course, we all know Muslim Magomayev, but we don’t know any of the contemporary artists. We were once in Baku, a long time ago, it seems, in 2001, and we really liked the city: its beauty, and the atmosphere, and a very warm welcome, I remember the concert was very positive. As for plans to come - it does not depend on us, but only on you, the organizers, we will be happy to come to you.

- Your wishes to the readers of the site.

Max: Health, more money, so that loved ones are in order, and also joy - this distracts from other problems.

Novel: Spring mood, so that the crisis touches less, but rather bypasses it completely, peace, love, and happiness, of course.
