Why did Sergei Netievsky leave the Ural dumplings. Sergey Netievsky about "Ural dumplings": "They will be ashamed

EKATERINBURG, August 21 - RIA Novosti. The former director of the Ural dumplings show, Sergey Netievsky, filed an application with the RF Investigative Committee for the Sverdlovsk Region, in which he pointed out the withdrawal of assets from the accounts of the Idea Fix Media company (50% owned by Netievsky's studio) by the current director of the show, Yevgeny Orlov, he told RIA Novosti.

Director of "Ural dumplings" canceled the decision on his dismissal through the courtSergei Netievsky demanded that the points of the decision of the general meeting of the Ural Pelmeni Creative Association LLC dated June 23, 2016 on the termination of his powers as a director and the appointment of another participant in the show be void.

“Yesterday I filed (an application to the Investigative Committee) about the withdrawal by Orlov of the assets of my company Idea Fix Media. He withdrew both money and rights to licensed recordings of concerts, caused damage to the company, which we estimate at 330 million rubles,” Netievsky told RIA News.

According to him, Orlov was admitted to Idea Fix Media in 2012, and four years later it turned out that he had transferred the company's funds to the Ural Pelmeni Production company he had created.

Netievsky noted that he had repeatedly applied to various authorities with statements, but the case had not been given a move. "Several applications were submitted to law enforcement agencies, three in Moscow and one in Yekaterinburg, but the case did not move. Therefore, I combined them and wrote such a consolidated complaint, a statement to the Investigative Committee. I hope that they will consider it and give a legal assessment of the actions of Evgeny Orlov" - added the ex-director of "Ural dumplings".

The regional department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation was unable to provide RIA Novosti with information about the progress of Netievsky's statement.

Netievsky and his studio First Hand Media were involved in several lawsuits with the Ural dumplings. In particular, he won two cases in which he challenged his dismissal from the post of director, including obtaining reimbursement of his legal expenses from the team. In July, the Perm court confirmed the decision of the lower arbitration, which dismissed the claim of the participants of the "Ural dumplings" for the recovery of about 40 million rubles from Netievsky.

At the same time, in October 2017, the Moscow Arbitration Court completely rejected the claim of First Hand Media Netievsky against eight participants television show and a number of other persons for the recovery of 107.8 million rubles. The plaintiff demanded to declare illegal more than 20 loan agreements concluded in 2016, under the terms of which Idea Fix Media LLC issued loans to 14 borrowers. The plaintiff stated in court that the issuance of loans was a withdrawal of assets from the enterprise and violated its right to receive dividends for 2016.

Name: Sergei Netievskiy

Age: 48 years old

Height: 182

Activity: producer, TV presenter, actor, showman

Family status: divorced

Sergey Netievsky: biography

Sergei Alexandrovich Netievsky - Russian actor, TV presenter, screenwriter, general producer of Idea Fix Media, former member KVN team "Ural dumplings".

Childhood and youth

Born on March 27, 1971 in the village of Basyanovsky, Verkhnesaldinsky District. Here he received his secondary education at school number 12. After graduation, he entered the Ural Polytechnic Institute. In 1993 he graduated from it and received an engineering diploma with a degree in mechanical engineering.

Sergei Netievsky is considered one of the most mysterious members of the Ural Pelmeni team, part-time director of a TV show on the STS channel, concert host and actor. His biography is full of interesting events related to participation in "Dumplings" and work on television. After graduating from the Polytechnic University, he combines participation in KVN with work as a director in a hardware store.

The popularity of "Ural dumplings" grew rapidly. The team actively toured, preparing for performances required not only time, but also responsibility. Netievsky had to make a choice between a job that promised a business career and participation in popular show. The artistic nature of Sergei Netievsky chose the club of the cheerful and resourceful.


The year 1995 becomes a landmark for the team, when the Ural dumplings take part in the festival in Sochi. Unexpectedly for themselves, they get into a gala concert and into the Major League of KVN following the results of the festival.

Sergei Netievsky with the team "Ural dumplings"

The period from 1995 to 2000 is complex and eventful, filled with creativity. In 1995, "Ural dumplings" dropped out of 1/8. In 1996, they are already in the 1/4, but they lose again, and in 1997 they finished the season in 1/8. In the semi-finals of 1998, the Urals lost to the future champions - "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt". At this time, Sergei takes difficult decision: quits his job at the store and becomes a team manager.

2000 becomes a triumphant year for Pelmeni. Overcoming all stages, they win and become the best in the Major League, having received the unofficial status of "the last champion of the twentieth century."

In 2002, the team received the KVN Summer Cup (the team participates in the Cup games three times - in 2001, 2002 and 2003). In 2001, Sergei made his debut as an actor, starring in a comedy series on television called "Outside native square meters."

The team achieves significant success by participating in the “Voicing KiViN” in Jurmala. In 2002 they become the owners of the Big KiViN in Gold, in 1999 and 2004 - the Big KiViN in Light, and in 2005 and 2006 - the Big KiViN in Dark.

In 2007, as part of the Ural Dumplings, Sergey participates in the game between Asia and Europe. The result was a draw. In the same year, in September, he becomes a producer and presenter on the TNT channel. A new comedy sketch show is coming out called Show News. Prepared the transfer creative team"Ural dumplings" by order comedy club production.

In 2009, the STS TV channel aired its own show "Ural dumplings" called "Burn it all ... with a horse!". The first official release took place in Moscow. Sergei Netievsky was remembered by viewers for his vivid images - a buxom teacher Malvina Karlovna, one of the trio of mosquitoes, the head of a typical Russian family on vacation.

In 2011, the STS TV channel launched new project"Unreal Stories", the creative producer of which is Sergey. The format of the project is a sketch show with a constant storyline and characters. Sergei gets used to the role of the lazy tramp Peter, begging for alms from merchants passing by. In parallel with this, he acts as a screenwriter for the popular comedy "Freaks", which is beloved by the audience.

As an artist, Sergei Netievsky participated in the show program "The Beard is Wrinkled", where he performed in a duet with the team "Not Guys" with the vocal number "Acquaintance at the Bar".

In the fall of 2012, the MyasorUpka competition project was released on the STS TV channel, in which groups of 2-5 people participate with numbers for 3-5 minutes in the style of the Dumplings sketches. In each round, the jury screens out the participants, and the winners receive 500 thousand rubles. Sergey is not only the producer and jury member of this show, but also the creator and mentor of the teams.

The Best of Sergei Netievsky

In May 2013, Netievsky became a jury member of the Creative Class project, an analogue of the English mental show Nation's brightest for schoolchildren.

November 8, 2013 anniversary concert"Ural dumplings" in the Kremlin Palace under the name "20 years in the dough!".

In 2013-2014 Sergey is studying directing and screenwriting courses. In this way, he plans to make his old dream come true. Feature Film with the participation of "Ural dumplings". Engaged in the development of a sitcom on a family theme, conducts post-production of a documentary about the twenty-year history of a popular team. But so far, Sergei's filmography consists of only one picture "Monsters on the Island 3D", in the dubbing of which the artist participated in 2013.

In March 2014, the pilot episodes of "Show from the Air" will start - a 100% improvisational project in which the presenter communicates with the audience. Sergey acts as a producer and TV presenter of the program. His co-host is .

At the end of 2015, Netievsky disappears from the screen, and in latest releases the show "Ural dumplings" takes the place of the leader. The team team surprised fans with a scandal that erupted inside creative association.

It was not possible to get an answer from the producer himself, why he left the Ural dumplings, since Sergey did not answer calls. According to Sergei's colleagues, he was "kicked out for stealing." The financial conflict led to the collapse of the team. Netievsky still lives in Moscow, is the owner of Idea Fix Media and produces series.

Personal life

Information appeared in the media that Netievsky was also in a relationship closer than friendly, but these rumors were not confirmed. Sergei's personal life developed successfully. In the early 2000s, the actor had a family, his beloved wife Natalya and children. He has three children: Timofey (2002), Ivan (2005) and Maria (2007).

He is interested in computers, cars, yoga and travels around India. Natalia does not work, she takes care of the house and children. Sergei does not like to advertise family life, even on the page in "Instagram" placed not family photos, and photographs with participants in projects in which Sergey participates. The artist's height is 182 cm, and the weight does not exceed 85 kg.

In 2015, Netievsky changed his family status. On June 22, Sergei and Natalia divorced. The wife stayed in Yekaterinburg with the children, and the producer went to Moscow to build a new life.

Sergei Netievsky now

In 2016, Sergei Netievsky began cooperation with the Moscow 24 TV channel, where his author's project The Ear of Moscow was broadcast, and a year later the News-Battle Prevention program was released. On "STS" Sergey appeared in the show "One Hundred to One". The production project of Netievsky was the program "League of Improvisations", which he launched in 2017.

In addition to working on television, the artist performs at corporate parties. interactive program"A show from the air!" successfully walked at New Year's corporate parties on the eve of 2018. Netievsky participated in the Multimir festival for children, which took place in the summer of 2017 on the territory of the VDNKh pavilions.

Even before the divorce, the humorist began to invest in the purchase of real estate and cars. At the time of departure to the capital of Russia, Sergey's fleet consisted of several executive cars and a BMW motorcycle. In Moscow, in a house on Pogonny passage, more than one apartment was bought from Netievsky. Along with the main business, Sergey became a co-owner of the LOS ISLAND fitness club. Such expenses, incommensurable with the earnings of colleagues in the Ural dumplings, who live much more modestly than their former leader, may have prompted the idea of ​​stolen millions. According to them, KVNshchiki sued the producer.

The trial took place in early 2018. Sergei was charged with misappropriation of 28 million rubles earned by broadcasting episodes of the Ural dumplings show. While the rest of the project participants and its co-founders, owners of equal shares of the Creative Association, received a salary, Sergei Netievsky allegedly appropriated all the profits. But Netievsky's lawyers managed to convince the judges of the legality of his actions.

The Yekaterinburg Arbitration Court sided with the producer. The recognition of Sergei Netievsky as the resigned head of the show was declared invalid, and subsequent directors were declared illegitimate. Now Sergey Netievsky maintains relations only with Yulia Mikhalkova. The rest of the Ural dumplings colleagues prefer not to communicate with the producer because of the protracted conflict.


  • 2001 - sitcom "Outside native square meters"
  • 2007 - sketch show "Show News"
  • 2009-2015 - show "Ural dumplings"
  • 2010 - the film "Freaks"
  • 2011 - sketch show "Unreal Story"
  • 2012 - MyasorUpka program
  • 2013 - the program "Creative Class"
  • 2014 - sitcom "Seasons of Love"
  • 2014 - show "The Big Question"
  • 2016 - show "Ear of Moscow"
  • 2017 - show "News-Battle Prevention"

Where did Netievsky from the Ural dumplings go and will he return again? Sergei Netievsky is a very colorful character in the humorous group "Ural dumplings", who for some time was the director of the popular show. However, in 2015, he disappeared from the screens of viewers, which caused a wave of misunderstanding.

The artist's biography originates at the end of March 1971, when in the small village of Basyanovsky near Ural mountains a simple and unremarkable boy was born. Here he spent his youth and received his secondary education.

This was followed by a trip to Yekaterinburg and admission to the UPI for the specialty "Mechanical Engineering Technology". During the training, Sergey became one of the founders and a member of the Ural Pelmeni team, in which he will accompany him for another 21 years, while for 17 years he will be the director of the team.

In addition to participating in a popular show, there are several personal achievements in the biography of Sergei Netievsky from "". This versatile man showed himself as talented actor, screenwriter and host, and head of Idea Fix Media. He has worked in several television programs, writing scripts for films and producing sketch shows.

In 2019, Netievsky from Ural Pelmeni will be the ambassador of the World Winter Universiade, which is to be held in Krasnoyarsk.

Personal life

Biography of Sergei Netievsky from "Ural dumplings" contains very little information about his personal life in the public domain. For a long time there were rumors about his affair with a colleague comedy show Yulia Mikhalkova, but they did not materialize.

Netievsky and Mikhalkov

In fact, the successful showman Sergei Netievsky tries to hide his personal life, unlike most other stars of modern show business. It is worth noting that he succeeds very well in keeping his family secret, because the existence of a family as such became known only from the lips of the artist himself.

It turns out that the man has a beloved wife, Natalia, who bore him three wonderful children. The eldest sons Timofey and Ivan were born in 2002 and 2005, respectively, and daughter Maria, the youngest representative of the family, was born in 2007. On the pages of some magazines, it is suggested that the artist's wife sits at home and only deals with children. In fact, these are only speculations of the press, and the general public does not know exactly how Natalya Netievskaya and the children of a married couple live.

At one time, photographs of Sergei Netievsky and his wife leaked onto the Web, and they can still be found on the World Wide Web. From that moment on, the head of the family began to hide his personal life even more carefully, trying not to make it public, so today one can only expect that Sergey himself or his relatives will open the veil of this secret.

Relationship with the "Ural dumplings"

Since Sergey was one of the founders of the team, and for a long time was its director, his disappearance from the stage in 2015 could not go unnoticed. From the very first performances without his participation, the audience began to wonder where Netievsky was from the Ural dumplings. A lot of conjectures were built on this score, and representatives of the yellow press wrote that the artist put his well-being above the success of the team and simply left his colleagues to the mercy of fate.

A little later, the perpetrator of the gossip himself made a public statement and answered the question of why Netievsky left the Ural dumplings. As it turned out, the showman himself did not know about his departure, as the team filed a petition for the resignation of the director to the court without notifying the plaintiff. Colleagues accused Sergei of cheating on the team's earnings, low salaries and the insufficient amount of time he devotes to Ural dumplings. For a while litigation Sergei Isaev was unanimously designated as the director of the team, and the performances continued as usual.

Where is Sergey today

During 2016, the court more than once accepted counterclaims from team members, then from the defendant, trying to somehow understand the situation and make the right decision. For a long time, the former director fought for the restoration of his rights and, judging by breaking news, Sergey Netievsky won the trial against the team. He was fully reinstated in his rights as director.

Obviously, the lawsuit had a negative impact on the relationship between the director and the team, so Sergey decided to leave of his own free will and leave the trademark to the team. Unfortunately, for some reason, this was not enough for the team, and in February 2017, a new lawsuit began against the former director. This time, he was accused of illegally using a trademark that he gave away at his own request. Sergei did not tolerate such an attitude and filed a counterclaim, in which he asked the court to recover moral damages from the team for the costs of conducting a trial in the amount of more than 700 thousand rubles.

As expected, this time the court again sided with the defendant, but decided to satisfy the counterclaim only partially. As a result, instead of suing the former director for 400 million rubles, not very friendly colleagues must pay him 300 thousand rubles themselves.

After a long trial, the successful showman continues to live with his family in Moscow on a permanent basis. The man's family, as far as is known, lives with him and supports him in all endeavors.


« Still, friendship is strong! And friendship, backed up by documents, is indestructible at all !!!, - the prophetic joke "Dumplings". So the famous team all happened. First there was friendship. And then business.

KVN workers flatly refuse to comment on the current war. Yes, and in general Lately words have to be pulled out of them practically with tongs (unless, of course, the matter concerns the scene where they continue to joke in the usual mode of 10 jokes per minute).

I invited Sergei Netievsky to the team myself. It was in 94, - recalls the founder of the "Ural dumplings" Dmitry Sokolov. - The team itself was born a year earlier, when we were still students. In my team, I called only the best. Those who won in competitions of propaganda teams. And - let's go. Rozhkov, Isaev, Ershov and Brekotkin were the first to join me...

The signature armor-piercing humor of Pelmeni quickly paved the way for them to success. The Urals became the champions of Yekaterinburg in the local KVN league. And then it was already a stone's throw to the major league and the recognition of the great Maslyakov.


« Better a tit in the hands than a buttock in someone else's hands". So Pelmeni joked about those who are trying to make a fast career. But the comedians themselves did not stop at the successes achieved in KVN. After saying goodbye to the major league, the Urals began touring. Tickets for the concerts of the Urals sold like hot cakes (or dumplings, if you like). the only prodigal son turned out to be Sergei Svetlakov, who in 2002 "deserted" from his native team to Moscow. However, "dumplings" easily survived without it. Sergei Netievsky then said:

Ural dumplings have no competitors. We are a unique team of actors and authors. God grant that everyone has such a job.

By the way, it was Netievsky who brought the team to the federal level by signing a contract with the STS TV channel. He then just tried on the role of director. And not some kind of fool boss on stage, but a very viable leader and businessman.

I brought cassettes with our performances, and the STS management answered: “Why you? Why "Ural dumplings" should be on our air? Where is "Nanny"? Where " Good jokes"? Netievsky recalled. - And after this conversation we did a concert in Moscow. A lot of people came. Representatives of STS sat like this: “Well, yes, people are laughing. Come to us." And now they consider us a top project.


"Because gladiolus!", - this comic universal answer from "Ural dumplings" to the question "why?" has long become an aphorism throughout Russia. He fits perfectly into the current scandal. A couple of years ago, the rest of the team members were almost ready to carry Netievsky in their arms.

We don’t pay for shooting anymore, but quite the opposite, ”Dmitry Sokolov happily talked about signing a contract with STS, calling Netievsky in a friendly way “Basya” (after the name of the area where Sergei was born - the village of Basyanovka).

If there were any complaints against the director, it was only in a comic form.

Our director keeps us close to him with charm, charisma, threats and does not give up our passports, - Dmitry Brekotkin scoffed in an interview with KP.

"Basya" Netievsky in response gave out the blessed secrets of friendship in the team:

No need to swear. We are like a family. We let each other say some sharp things. Like your number g...

And in October 2015, the rest of the team (9 people) gathered at the table in the evening and unanimously decided that “g ...” is no longer a specific number of Netievsky, but he himself, as a director, is the fourth letter of the alphabet. In fact, there was no time for jokes at that impromptu meeting. "Dumplings" unanimously decided that Sergei Netievsky is no longer their director. And kicked out of his "plate".

Of course, the demoted chief did not agree with such a decision - he sued his former comrades. And so the new show "Ural dumplings" began. But not on TV, but in the courtroom.

Sergei Netievsky for a long time did not fulfill the duties assigned to him: he missed all the deadlines for filing tax returns, did not sign balance sheets, did not conduct transactions, - Olga Yuryeva, a lawyer for Kvnschikov, said in court. - All this indicates that Mr. Netievsky was not interested in the activities of the Ural dumplings. Therefore, on October 14 last year, nine participants in the show, and part-time founders of the creative association "Ural dumplings" (each with a 10% share), general meeting voted unanimously "against" the incumbent.

At the meeting, Netievsky's lawyer tried to convince the judge that this vote was illegal, because her principal did not participate in it.

The decision on the early termination of the powers of the director is made by all participants of the company unanimously. But my client was not at the meeting, - Vera Katina, Netievsky's lawyer, tried to explain to the representatives of Themis. - Therefore, the decision to dismiss Sergei Alexandrovich is illegal. The fact that he is not the director of the Ural dumplings, my client found out only on April 26, 2016.

True, these words immediately turned against Netievsky.

The date "April 26, 2016" just indicates that Mr. Netievsky is not engaged in "Ural dumplings"! - retorted Yuryeva. - On the official website of the "Ural dumplings" back in November, an interview with Sergei Isaev about the dismissal of Mr. Netievsky was posted. It turns out that Mr. Netievsky did not even know what information was posted on his portal!


“In biathlon, as in sex: if you don’t hit, then speed won’t help ...”. This is one of the few Ural dumplings jokes below the waist. The Sverdlovites have always been proud of the fact that there are no obscene gags in their repertoire. This is how the KVN workers distinguished themselves from the Comedy Club. Nevertheless, with the departure of Sergei Netievsky, the dumplings nevertheless took on a participant from the Garik Martirosyan project - Alexei Lyutikov. Previously, he was the head of the regional development department of the Comedy Club. And now he has become the general director of Ural Pelmeni Production LLC. By the way, close friends of Sergei Netievsky claim that Lyutikov became the reason for the change of power in the Ural dumplings.

Lyutikov greatly stirred up the water, - a friend of Sergei Netievsky, who wished to remain anonymous, explained to KP. Alexei was the catalyst for what happened. Dumplings have been together for a million years. And over the years, the team always accumulates a lot of old grievances. For me personally, it was not surprising that the director of the team, Netievsky, earned a little more than other participants. Lyutikov competently exacerbated the already sharp corners. He pointed to the difference in fees. Found some documents.

True, the team itself refutes all accusations against Lyutikov.

Does the change of director say that we have an unfriendly team? The time has come, they changed the leader, - assures the participant of the "Ural dumplings" Sergey Ershov, also known from the television series "Real Boys". - Nothing wrong with that. Change happens in every team. This suggests that the team is alive, breathing.

They say the reason for the change of director was a new CEO LLC "Ural dumplings production" Alexey Lyutikov ...

Lyutikov is a professional in his field. Since Netievsky is not there, we need a person who knows all the Moscow cuisine. So they hired Lyutikov.

Note that Alexey Lyutikov himself refuses to comment.


“There are native Sverdlovsk residents in Sverdlovsk, there are dairy people, and when wise people appear, they are immediately removed to Moscow,” another classic Pelmeni joke. Now it is easy to joke about Sergei Netievsky.

Sergei is now a big Moscow producer, says Ershov about his ex-colleague. - Netievsky just felt cramped in our team. He is involved in a large number of projects in Moscow. And for God's sake. We and Svetlakov once left for Moscow.

But, apparently, the newly-minted Muscovite Netievsky will have to return to Yekaterinburg in the near future. After all, the most cheerful and resourceful court in the world (the Urals) returned to Sergey the powers of the director of the Ural dumplings!

Representatives of Netievsky, leaving the court, did not hide their joy and, right in the corridor, loudly exclaimed: “Victory!” But when asked how Netievsky would now work with his former comrades, his lawyers only shrugged their shoulders ...

Meanwhile, the remaining nine KVN workers are already preparing an appeal. The "dumpling battle" continues.

Yekaterinburgers, who chose orange shirts as their uniform, gathered in 1993 at the base of student construction teams of the Ural Polytechnic Institute. There were 12 of them, like apostles - Andrey Rozhkov, Dmitry Brekotkin, Dmitry Sokolov and others. Sergey Svetlakov was taken from the Park of the Current Period team. In 1994 Sergei Netievsky came. They created the combined team of USTU-UPI, called themselves "Ural dumplings", began to play in KVN and in 2000 won the Major League. Then they took a few cups and began to think about continuing the journey.

Sergei Netievsky. Photo: STS Channel That's when Sergei Netievsky took over the control of the ship. Everyone considered him a good ship captain, a person who could promote and sell the project on TV. And Sergey Isaev, who later replaced Netievsky, and Dmitry Sokolov, and Dmitry Brekotkin said in unison that it was not in vain that Sergey pupated into the producer of the team.

It was his idea to go to TNT with the idea of ​​the show. The humorous project "Show News" did not last long and was a failure, but it was this bad experience that allowed the guys to sit on the STS channel for a long time. Alive for profit "Ural dumplings" put together a serious composition and began to shy away concert programs. In 2009, they were invited by STS. More precisely, it was Sergei Netievsky who did not abandon his attempts to sell the project - and he did it super-successfully. The team began recording shows right at their concerts. Not too multi-layered, but understandable humor, interactive with the audience in the hall, recognizable faces - that's the whole secret of success. Plus, Pelmeni continued to tour. 130 people (!) work on the show - authors, directors, film crew, make-up artists ...

In 2013, Ural dumplings soared to 15th place on the Forbes list. And where large sums there are big conflicts. Alas, even among old friends. Head over heels in court In 2015, the team was suddenly headed by Sergey Isaev. The revolution passed without bloodshed. After all, ten participants in the "Ural dumplings" are the founders of the project - that's Netievsky's majority of votes and removed. It turned out that by the time of the change of power in Pelmeny, Netievsky single-handedly organized the tour of the team - he was the general producer of Idea Fix Media and the founder of First Hand Media. These are the companies that released the projects of the "Ural dumplings" and were engaged in the touring activities of the team. All income from TV shows came to the piggy bank of these firms. The key claim was this: Netievsky "received income from the sale of the show to TV channels, hiding it from the team for three years." Producing work is a huge job on the production of the show! And the guys did nothing as producers. But the displaced producer is not at all embarrassed by this. “As if everything that the production company and I, as a producer, earned, had to be shared with the team! - Sergey Netievsky is surprised. - Producing work is a huge work on the production of the show. The guys did nothing as producers. The team performed the functions of actors and screenwriters, so the production company entered into contracts with them, as with actors and authors. And they got paid for every episode of our show."

Pelmeni lawyer Yevgeny Orlov assured that the ex-producer stole "not a fundamentally huge amount, several million rubles." Netievsky launched a retaliatory attack - to court. He stated that he was removed, firstly, without a quorum of votes and, secondly, not notified of the date of the meeting 30 days in advance. The court reinstated the producer in his position and exacted 300 thousand rubles from his former colleagues in his favor - for legal costs. After that, Netievsky was fired again, and he again proved the violation of rights. Realizing that porridge with "Ural dumplings" can no longer be cooked, in the fall of 2016, Sergey left voluntarily.

The team filed a class action lawsuit with the Moscow Arbitration Court and demanded that they retain the rights to the Ural Pelmeni trademark, and not Netievsky. The court refused. After that, Sergei transferred the team the right to two Ural dumplings trademarks, asking for a symbolic sum of two rubles.

But the litigation didn't end there.

Because the rights to the performances belong to all the actors of the TV show. However, until 2015, Netievsky was also among them, and after 2015, no. Therefore, the team is trying to negotiate with Sergey how to share the rights, earned capital, website and shares in the project. Divorce for a million - Now I am producing a program in which teams of "already Muscovites" and "come in large numbers" compete in wit on the Moscow 24 channel, - says Sergey Netievsky. - Together with the Russian Youth Union I am engaged in All-Russian festival STEMs that I want to make a TV show out of. And for a year now, the authors and I have been writing the script for the film "March 9".

"Ural dumplings" also participate in the film process. Not so long ago, the comedy Lucky Case was released, the heroes of which won 43 million rubles and decided to run away from their loved ones so as not to share. Maybe it's hello ex friend. Maybe a symbolic message for everyone.

Be that as it may, Sergei Netievsky now lives alone. He separated from his wife two years ago after 18 years. life together. The producer refutes the information that since the divorce he has accumulated 1.5 million rubles of alimony. He moved his eldest son Ilya to Moscow, the guy goes to school and does not want to return home, as his father assures. The middle son Ivan and daughter Masha live in Yekaterinburg with their mother.

Now Andrey Rozhkov is legally the director of the Ural dumplings.
