Interview with Dima Bilan. Bilan revealed his marital status Dima bilan interview

February 17, 2016 Photo: Arsen MEMETOV

On the weekend . And if Dima Bilan completed the relationship with the “adult” version of the project, then he will still learn more about the little artists. Having come to Golos as an enthusiastic and exalted young man, Dima gained experience in three and a half years, settled down and became a serious mentor. His attitude towards himself is also changing - jumpy and frivolous in a white T-shirt and jeans on his hips has remained in the past, ahead of him is the balanced and thoughtful Bilan in a black suit. Maybe now is the time to break the matrix and start a family? The TV program magazine asked the artist about this.

“I refuse expensive gifts from my parents”

“This is a piece of life that absorbs completely. You come in - and you can't emerge for a minute. There are always issues that need to be addressed. A whole bunch! All this lies not on the surface, but is hidden from the eyes of the viewer. The details are behind the scenes, but they take up 80% of the time. It is impossible to exit the process. Parents appear who explain that each child has a unique situation ...

And I, as a compassionate person, try to make contact, take into account all the remarks. But at the same time, one must be able to ignore insults. After all, if the children do not get to the project, I am to blame. It is my responsibility to make decisions. We have to tell young artists who is going home, who is staying, who is better, and who did not succeed.

- What is more difficult: to voice the verdict or to see the children's eyes later?

- It's hard to draw a person's attention to his minuses. Especially little man. Imagine how I would react to such comments! Therefore, you always have to choose your words carefully, and this is a waste. mental strength. Being kind, and not appearing, is much more difficult than portraying a strict and merciless mentor who says directly: “This is bad.”

- Were there cases when parents, out of love for their child, crossed the border and offered you gifts, fell to their knees, cut off the phone?

- Real judges do not have the right to discuss the case with the parties before the meeting. This may indirectly affect the process. So they are trying to competently move us away from the participants and parents on the Voice. True, I rush to the embrasure myself, contact my parents, which I later regret (smiles). Of course I will general meeting for everyone, before the start of the broadcasts, I explain how this will happen and how it will end. Before the start of the broadcasts, everyone is good, calm and adequate people. As soon as the competition begins, parents break loose! Previously, they tried to give me expensive gifts - they didn’t take them. I know the price of gifts and I think it's wrong.

Dima will continue to passionately instruct young participants in the show “Voice. Children". Photo: Dmitry TKACHENKO

- How expensive? Car, watch, gold ring?

Let's skip the details. I can say that they are not cheap presents and not souvenirs. Dear good thing. I just don't want it to weigh on me, even if it's a friendly gift.

“There is a desire to shed the ballast of labels”

- The unexpected news was that you are in the historical drama about the First World War "Hero". How did cinema come into your life?

— This is not the first time I try to work in the cinema. Some time ago, I was offered to play the role of myself. We recorded short film sketches, 7-8 minutes each, it was a scene in an elevator with supposedly my fan. Then problems with the budget began, and the shooting was frozen. Actually, this is a big milestone for me. Long wished good role. As for Hero, we have been negotiating for six months. I doubted it because I don't read scripts every day. If in the music business I understand where to shine and where not, what to take on, and what will badly affect my career, then I am new to cinema.

The drama "Hero" is coming out soon, where Bilan played leading role. Photo: Press service of the film "Hero"

- And what convinced you?

- When making important decisions, you always need to listen to yourself, and then at some point a click will sound. And after him comes the understanding - whether it is necessary or not. In the case of Hero, the story of my family became such a click. I started studying genealogy, and it turned out that I was actually playing my great-grandfather (in the film, Dima plays the role of Andrei Kulikov, who goes to Paris to visit the grave of his great-grandfather, a lieutenant who died in World War I. - Auth.). So there was no rigging or exaggeration here. My great-grandfather really served in the Consolidated Cossack Hundred of Nicholas II and was close to royal family. He taught horsemanship to the Emperor's family. In one of the museums near Moscow, his chest with relics is kept. All this was written to me in a letter by my uncle, and it made a tremendous impression on me. I felt that I have full right take this picture. I have big number monsters in my head, one of them makes me do everything in life perfectly. So, in the "Hero" Dima Bilan did everything in his power.

- Another "monster" is the Alien24 electronic project. Lounge, funk, ambient, new disco - what genres and styles are not mixed there. Is this, like movies and TV shows, also an attempt to move away from pop music?

“This is an attempt to feel today's time. Trying to hear myself as a composer. For a long time I could not admit to myself that I was a composer. But it's time to say "Adyes!" to the monsters in your head! and ask: “If not you, then who?” Andrey Cherny and I started working. It was a way out of the usual way of life. The desire to know what sounds and rhythms are used today, how music develops. So I get rich and do not become rural. Moreover, electronics is only part of the unexplored. Now I think: since I have a classic musical education maybe find time and spend it on classes, make a concert of romances? Sing it in operatic position. And it is possible! And I have been sick of electronics for a long time, this does not contradict my main path.

- The lines of one of Alien24's songs are translated as follows: "I'm not made of iron, I just endure, I also have a heart." Are you sure that this is just a musical experiment, and not a stage of growing up and qualitative change?

- I would not say that this change in quality - music or my attitude towards it, returns - makes everything the same as before. But this is a test of the pen. Or the desire to realize thoughts that are incomprehensible to radio stations. Change of mood. I don't know where this will lead...

- Does it happen that songs are erased from your memory? There was a bright thing, but time has passed, and you do not return to it?

“They go away on their own. Due to the irrelevance of the problem that existed at the time of writing the track. I visualize the song in my head during the performance. No problem, no song. Some things seem too sentimental, some things seem too childish, they also disappear. This is logical. Now creating new program, which includes old tracks. In November, there will be a concert at the Crocus City Hall, where they will sound. IN in a certain sense it's a reboot. Now, when I write music for Dima Bilan, this is what happens. I open my laptop, go into the program, work and understand that it comes out simply, unobtrusively. Yeah, I think I should give it to Dima. If I go deeper, I start digging and I reach the innermost - I give Alien24.

- That is, two Dima Bilans are fighting inside you - a hard worker in the galleys of the pop industry and a subtle artist with two higher education?

— How to say… Any person is dual. And every artist struggles with something. That is why the movement begins, ideas arise and creativity occurs. I can say that I do not intend to close the Dima Bilan project. He will live, I hope everything will be fine with him. Dima Bilan continues to work - and not in clubs, but at large venues. It was in the early 2000s that I started with nightclubs and, by the way, I was the most creative guest in them! And now there is a desire to rejuvenate, to shed the ballast of labels. This is a state of freshness, unstained by the hands of people - I miss it. And so I continue the path of renewal.

From that frivolous artist who performed at Eurovision, only a voice remained. Photo: REX/

“Few people can live with such a person”

How much were you upset by the house robbery last year?

“I still can’t understand how it hit me. I lived openly, out of a habit from my youth - where the street is, where friends enter the house without knocking, where a noisy company is noisy in the kitchen. And now the last warm memory of this time was taken and torn apart. Psychologically, it was impossible. In addition, he endured the situation "on his feet" - two days later he was on tour. Of course, I can instruct myself to get myself together. But how long can a person give himself these installations? How much power is enough? "Collector" may break.

- Maybe stay close to you close person would it be easier to deal with problems?

- And who said that when I was robbed, no one was around? Literally on the same day, she called me, invited me to come to her office and said: “You need to somehow get along now,” offered several bundles of money. Of course, I was amazed and thanked. We talked. She helped me with contacts for the investigation. But I didn't take the money. And in general, there different people Some people like to live for show, some don't. Now, if I had a family, I would not take it to the public. Would keep this island out of reach. Because I am a person who gives a lot, and I also need to recharge. And the "power plant" should be in a quiet place so that no one is connected to it.

- So, is a “power station” still needed?

— As a responsible person, I cannot make hasty decisions. I need to bring my sister (Anna is studying in the USA. - Auth.). And it's not a lyric! I still hear from my mother: “You are responsible for the decision you made.” That is, I am responsible for the life of a 20-year-old sister. There is also a godson Sasha (son of Evgeny Plushenko and Yana Rudkovskaya. - Auth.). I often think: family, children, warm life - so great! We often discuss this topic with friends. But so far I don't see how you can integrate yourself into family life. Due to work, I often have to think about myself. After all, people of an artistic warehouse sit inside themselves, look deep into themselves. Artists are the same machine that is constantly working, each of them is always analyzing himself. The world does not seem to like us, as it seems to us. Few people can live with such a person.

— (Long pause.) More like. But for now, this is enough for me. I can't take on so much responsibility.

- And what about hooligan passion?

- IN Lately I listen more and more to myself. I try to communicate with people who are trying to give something, not take it away. I'm cleaning my contacts. I'm changing my phone number. In January, I had a great time in Moscow: I hardly talked to anyone. Literally: did not speak. Tried to miss the speech. Sometimes you realize that there are words that are used a hundred times, and this makes you feel bad. I want to shut up, not hear or talk to anyone. These are the consequences of the last four years of compressed life. Chill out? It also happens: you can set fire to something or break it (laughs). You can drink. Remembering that the next day to work.

“Recently, I try to limit communication. Delete contacts. I'm changing my phone number. Photo: Arsen MEMETOV

“The sister herself will understand whether she wants to stay or return”

- Why after the show "Phantom of the Opera" you do not appear on TV anywhere except "Voice"?

— I'm ready for any reality. Sometimes we do not expect the changes that can happen to us. But I am always ready for something new and strive to be a pioneer. Therefore, on the one hand, it is not against participation in different shows- I had a guest number in the project "" (the artist reincarnated as Luciano Pavarotti. - Auth.). This is the hardest work. But on the other hand, there is almost no time for shooting, which is good. Otherwise, he would have discredited himself long ago (laughs). To be honest, I don’t see a direct challenge to myself in any TV project so far. The one that would change me. And I'm only interested in this.

- In your opinion, why did none of our artists shine overseas? Although many have tried.

- Forbidden techniques - to name the opera and ballet - I will not use. But a colossal number of Russian people work in the USA creative professions: operators, directors, artists. If we talk about pop music, then, probably, there is no longer the concept of “made a career in the West”, there is the concept of “global show business”. What shoots on the Internet, then lives. America feeds on fresh trends. My sister lives in Los Angeles and studies directing at the film academy. So she told how they are taught. Teaching today! Advanced technologies: how to make a video watchable, which movie is quoted, how to look at the creation of a picture - as an observer or as a hero inside it. Not theory, not history, not the basics of filmmaking, but a modern approach. The USA is a country with an easy attitude to life. They are taught that everything is not forever. This allows you to develop faster. We give a lot to understanding the depth, soul, ideas. In this sense, I am an undivided Russian person. You need to exalt your reality, then it will be pleasant to be in it. Therefore, if we understand that this is our land, our winter, we must, if possible, find magic, originality and exclusivity in this.

Does your sister like it there?

- Yes. I don't know if she will stay. Probably, in 5 - 7 years, a key moment will come when Anya will understand what she wants - to stay or return. Let the adult decide after all.

- Imagine the situation: you meet a school friend who does not know what you do. What would you say to his question: “How are you? What have you been doing for the last 18 years?”

“I wouldn't tell him anything.

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Dima Bilan (at birth Viktor Belan) was born on December 24, 1981 in the village of Moskovsky (Karachay-Cherkessia). Graduated music school accordion class. In 2003 he graduated from the Gnesinsky School of Music, in 2005 - GITIS. In his student years, he began working with producer Yuri Aizenshpis. In 2006, he represented Russia at Eurovision in Athens with the song Never Let You Go and took second place. After the death of Aizenshpis, he began working with producer Yana Rudkovskaya. In 2008 he won the Eurovision Song Contest in Belgrade with the song Believe. Set Laureate music awards and competitions. Participated in the TV show "Live with Bilan", "Phantom of the Opera", and also as a judge - in the projects "STS lights a superstar", "Voice", "Voice. Children". Single.

Most Popular Singer of the Decade, First and Only Russian artist, winner of the Eurovision Song Contest, winner of dozens of music awards, musician, poet, composer, actor - that's all OH ... Dima Bilan, on the eve of a concert in Yaroslavl, told YarKub about a new tour program, his first experience in cinema and about how easy it is to be the best.

Dima Bilan never ceases to amaze the admirers of his work, inexhaustible energy inspires the artist's colleagues "in the shop". The singer, in addition to his main activity, is constantly experimenting, which certainly delights observers. Movie roles, space flights, what else? And where does inspiration come from?

- 15 years you are known and your glory does not fade away. How do you manage to "beat" right into women's hearts? Where do you draw inspiration from?

- First of all, I act from the heart, all my creativity comes from within, this is an expression of myself, which means everything is honest, people feel it and it is close to them. This cannot but rejoice, especially since I am a romantic not only on stage, but also in life. Inspiration is always unexpected, it can visit spontaneously, for example, on the road, so I always have a laptop with me and I often close myself from everyone and sit down to write music. Good music is born out of this, he has already recorded and released a whole album for his personal project ALIEN24, which is now actively developing and gaining momentum.

- You have become the most famous Russian-speaking singer of the decade! Have you dreamed about it?

- Awards are certainly nice to receive, but they have never been my main goal. I try to do my job well and enjoy it, and if this is close to people, then I'm only glad!

- In the spring of last year, your dream came true - you tried yourself in the film "Music in Ice" by Yuri Vasiliev. Tell us about your first acting experience, do you plan to continue acting in films?

- Cinema is a separate world, new and exciting. I enjoyed working with such actors as Svetlana Ivanova, Yulia Peresild, Alexander Baluev and many others. For me, this is definitely a great experience. Whether I managed to get used to the role, the viewer will judge, I think I did everything that depended on me, I was very imbued with the role, I was completely and completely in the filming process, plunged into that time, read a lot, on film set I practically didn’t talk to anyone, tuned in ... The premiere will be in the fall of 2015, let's see how the audience will appreciate my game.

- Dima, are you going to become a space tourist, do you plan to win the hearts of space residents? How did the idea come about? With whom will you share your journey to the stars?

- This story is rather inflated by the media, in fact it is a very tempting idea, I think everyone would dream of flying into space, but it's not as simple as it seems at first glance. So far, one can only dream and speculate about this.

- You do not remain aloof from social and political life. What would you like to change in Russia?

- I follow politics, of course. But I think that everyone should mind their own business, I'm not ready to give someone advice, it's not in my competence. The only thing I can say is that I want people to always live in a world without war and be able to resolve conflicts through negotiations.

Career Dima Bilan has never been as diverse as it is now. He spent several seasons in the mentor's chair in the most rating shows - « Voice" And "Voice. Children", this year the premiere of the film will take place "Music in Ice", in which we will see Dmitry in the title role, total dictation also not without popular singer. And recently, Dmitry has become a brand ambassador mercedes benz. About their roles Dima Bilan told in exclusive interview website.

website: Do you drive a car? What car are you currently driving?

Dima Bilan: Increasingly, it turns out that in my case, the driver owns the car, and I act as a passenger. Sometimes there is a desire to break out of the city, it is desirable that this happens at night and take off. I recently found myself driving in Moscow at night, I haven’t seen such a space for a long time, Moscow is wonderful when it is not twisted by a cork funnel. I am a lot different machines drove, in general, a diligent driver. I didn't have any special cases related to driving. Although…

I used to have mercedes benz, I bought it, having arrived at a car dealership. This was before I got to know the company itself. Even before we met, I loved this brand. It was a wonderful car, however, it does not age.

An accident happened to that car. I was driving it when a man drove into me in a broken car. I go out, call the police, then the police, a car arrives, they ask us to drive to the safety island, we drive up to it, and before their eyes it drives into me a second time. The question of who is to blame was dropped immediately.

Dima Bilan: I think the producers already have ideas about who will take our places, but these are their corporate thoughts, and of course they do not disclose them. We can just guess - maybe Yuri Antonov, or maybe someone else. If you look at the age sections, then we can assume that, for sure, there must be some kind of lively lady.

Dima Bilan: Don't know. In the second season, we had an "extension" in connection with the introduction of an additional stage. Everyone likes the project, now it is such a rating-rating. Being part of the show is, of course, a blessing, but as for me, I want to end my participation in it. Already becoming a boring creature in ordinary life, because I give everything there, but I don’t want to become a vegetable.

website: And if you were invited to participate in another musical project, would you agree?

Dima Bilan: There was a big risk when we launched the project "Voice". It was not clear what it was. There were thoughts that if the project was passing, we would ruin our reputation.

But in the end it turned out that the project made us, and we did it, breathed into it a face, according to which we are now about "Voice" we argue.

Introducing Uncle With Glasses, Crazy Bilana, Pelagia , Agutin. We all took risks and did not know how it would turn out. As a result, the project received an award « Best Project decades". I think we helped each other.

website: How did you get into the project?

Dima Bilan: called me Yuri Aksyuta and said that they are starting a new show, this is a franchise that goes around the world.

But, of course, there was a question whether the project would take root with us or not. We did not quite understand at the beginning where we got involved. "Voice" It was hard, first of all, because there were a lot of experiences.

TV is not an easy thing, an incredibly magnifying glass, you double all the emotions and give a lot. You accept a huge number of opinions from viewers who sit at the screens, swear, maybe even throw something at the TV. Then they fight in the family. How many parents think bad of you if you don't turn around or choose another member. On TV, everyone gets old very quickly and matures just as quickly.

website: What do you attribute the huge popularity of Golos to in Russia?

Dima Bilan: I do not think that it is in our country - the peak of the popularity of this project. Firstly, I can say that the first seasons in different countries were watchable, further - less. But on Channel One, the rating does not decrease. Maybe in our country he came at the right time or suits a Russian person to his liking, out of compassion. People miss feelings a lot. We don't know what young people do, singers, how they grow up. They dropped out of television, was " Star Factory", then failure. In this project, we see compassion and it's great. Secondly, the project was thought up psychologically competently by a Dutch psychologist, we learned very quickly, and the franchise sparkled with new colors. In general, I wish the project in Russia to live long.

website: During the "Blind Auditions" stage, do you already know which compositions you will give to one or another participant?

Dima Bilan: Some things have really existed for a long time, and I want to implement them, seeing a person who can really multiply it by two. You see a person and understand that you need to give this particular music, right now.

But I can’t say in advance what to give to this or that project participant, a lot is learned in the process of communication. I am a supporter of mutual communication, when people can be called partners in business.

It is impossible to succeed if you are always in dissonance with the person who wants to help you. Therefore, if he also shows his actions, then I respect him for this, I respect his freedom of thought, choice. In any case, we complement each other and I get a lot from this project. There were big hits, for example, with Alexander Bon. His image turned out to be concise, after "Vote" he received an offer from the group 30 seconds to Mars sing a few songs at their concert.

website: What advice would you give to those who just want to get on the show?

Dima Bilan: When a performer sings a song from your repertoire, you get a little uncomfortable. It seems like you need to turn around, but you don't, because you know this music very well. Tip: don't do this.

website: Should foreign compositions be given preference when choosing a song for Blind Auditions?

Dima Bilan: There are Russian and soviet music, but it is not such an amount for "Vote". Although, maybe I'm wrong, but I think that domestic songs are more of a classic repertoire, and not for shows. And take the foreign repertoire, it seems that the songs Whitney Houston specially designed for "Vote". You can immediately show the entire range of voice.

website: When you recruit a team at the very beginning of a project, can you guess who will reach the final?

Dima Bilan: Not immediately, at least not in the first round. Even if we quarrel, we have a misunderstanding with the contestant, I still try not to transfer my dislike to the assessment of this person. I try to see how worthy he is.

website: You played a major role in the film "Music on Ice" and often say in interviews that the experience in cinema changed you.

Dima Bilan: Yes, indeed, this experience has changed me. I studied, went to the theater of Satire, took lessons. Before shooting, you need to get into the right state. I had acting experience, but I was the king of silent scenes or scenes with music. Music had to be reformatted into words. For myself, I called it “getting into the tunnel”, if I get into the tunnel, then I experience the emotion that needs to be played. I think I've overcome the difficulties. The first ten days of filming were very hard for me, because the clamp went into my legs, the upper part was free, and my legs hurt a lot. I will not praise the film, in any case, everything will be shown in October, when it will be released.

website: In what genre would you like to act?

Dima Bilan: I'm leaning more and more towards melodrama or drama. My whole life is a comedy. I like Almodovar how he conveys feelings, for example, "Return".

I love adventure movies. Although I think there should be an aftertaste. Some kind of anguish, but not hopelessness. There should be an ending that makes you think.

Maybe art house, although it is sometimes skewed. I love movies that have everything, for example, "Devil's Advocate". Until I say what movie I will play after "Music on Ice", I will only say that work on the script is already underway.

Thank you restaurant O2 Lounge for help in conducting the interview.

"I like to go quietly into the shadows"

Photo: Mikhail Korolev

Dima BILAN, who is now 31 years old, does not want to grow up at all, and I like his position. He has a huge number of prizes and awards, but even the most prestigious of them - the victory at Eurovision - did not make Dima become a monument to himself. Bilan the singer is as open and liberated as possible, and in his non-stage life he is crafty, elusive, buttoned up. Or not for everything?

You are in great shape, Dima. I drew attention to this recently, at the wedding of Lera Kudryavtseva.
You won't even say that I haven't slept in a long time? Arrived from Novokuznetsk - there were two concerts. And then we are with one very interesting person spent the whole day compiling a collection of clothes for my new musical project. Finally got some sleep last night. And happy today.

You don't sleep for days. What supports you? Youth, perhaps?
For now, yes. Probably, there are still resources - their own, natural, inexhaustible.

By the way, about youth. I have read your book. She is very sincere, warm and positive. It shows your character. But you know, I thought: why write memoirs so early? Usually people do this when it's time to take stock. You are only 31 years old.

I began to forget what happened to me as a child. And that made me feel dumb, speaking my language. I wanted to remember everything the smallest details. And if this is still interesting to my listeners ...

I liked your proud phrase in the book: "Bilan is not a surname, Bilan is a vocation." When did you realize it?
Vocation… Some artists take their occupation rather superficially: well, let's do it, record it. And I live for music. I bathe in this all the time, every day. And I always try to transfer any communication to notes, and even now, communicating with you.
Today I will probably come and write some new beat. It is impossible to do something without spending some part of your life on it. I understand it. I understand for 12 years, it's true. Although in my memory, as if through some kind of filter, people emerge who said: “You are not an artist, you will never succeed.” And I still exist. What else can you call it, if not a calling?

Have you always felt this faith in yourself?
Ever since I was a child, I had the feeling that something interesting was about to happen to me. I studied with pleasure and with great zeal. I guess I wanted a lot of people to know me. So that they listen to every word that I utter, think, try to decipher.

Well, just megalomania, Dima! Which, in general, is not bad for an artist. You know, I get the impression, including from the book, that you take yourself too seriously, that sometimes you lack lightness and self-irony.
Hello, muzzle! What are you about? Ha ha ha! It happens by itself. Whether you like it or not, labels are hung on you that you do not correspond to in any way. Am I admiring myself? In no case! It seems to me that self-irony and I are one. I have never taken myself seriously in my life. Never, absolutely!

Believe you. As far as I understand, you are a person with a heightened sense of freedom.

There is such. Tell me, please, Vadim, how does this a la narcissism that you speak of combine with a sense of freedom? Explain to me.

I didn't say you were narcissistic, by no means. You yourself said: "I wanted them to listen to every word that I utter, think, try to decipher."

There must be something heavy in me. Perhaps a look. He is so burdened with sadness, or something. Sometimes during a concert, I choose one of the audience and look in such a way that he may not be completely comfortable.

So he can become bad with his heart. Dim, take care of the people who come to your concerts! Tell me, can “something heavy,” as you say, cause depression? I think you're pretty vulnerable.

Depressions happen. On stage, I feel good, maybe much more often than in life.

Why is that?
Because there has been a change. The stage is more important to me than life itself.

Aren't you afraid to live truly only in a world of illusions?
I live in the real world, in this country. I work endlessly and see how people live. Everything that I have, I got thanks to my work. Music is energy, fantasy, but working on it is real work. Giving people joy and mood is not easy.

You quickly took off to the Olympus of show business. Have you made any mistakes that you are ashamed of today?
You know, in 2003, a huge love happened in my life. I suddenly completely ceased to need what I started doing, although at that time I was releasing my first album. Yuri Aizenshpis invested money in my promotion. And I, having a signed contract in my hands, just disappeared. They searched for me for a very long time, and then I chose - love or ... I realized that for me the stage is primary, and my personal life is secondary.

That is, it is impossible for you to combine personal life and the stage?
Impossible. If I understand that this is important for me in a professional sense, I will never make concessions. So it's very difficult for me. If I need, I pull myself out of any situation, be it love, sleep - whatever. I get up and say: "That's it, goodbye, I'm leaving." For me, creativity is more important than personal life.

And many of your colleagues very harmoniously combine one with the other.
Again, these are youthful manifestations that seethe in me. Perhaps, over time, I will give them up. But while they are very attractive to me, I do not want to part with them.

Do you still want to feel like a boy?
Not a boy. I do not want to let go of this time - freedom, some kind of light stupidity, artistic idiocy. I'll wait until at least thirty-five years.

It's clear. To belong only to oneself and not to be responsible for anyone.

Dima, I've been wanting to ask you this for a long time. When Yuri Aizenshpis died, they began to trade in you and your name, as if you were a thing, and not a living person, no one cared about your feelings. What were you experiencing at that time?

I was surprised and strange, why did people think that I can be pushed around? Today I am completely free, I can choose with whom to work, which project to go to. In the days of Aizenshpis, everything was different.

That situation could break you, destroy you?
Of course not. Even then I had the feeling that the whole world revolves around me. Because I'm young, possibly attractive, and everything is in my hands. I am free. I have no ties to anything. I'm alone in this city, but I'm not afraid, because I know what it's like to live without money. I went through all this. So I was very calm. Of course, I didn't want to lose my audience. Because I was already infected with show business, I needed a stage, I can't live without it. Do you remember the parable of the two frogs that fell into the jar of milk? So, I floundered like one of those frogs and, in order not to drown, I churned butter out of milk.

I wonder if your parents set you up for such a wave? Are you more of a mom's son or a dad's?

My dad ... As a child, I condemned him for leaving, let's say, to the village, to the aul. In Kabardino-Balkaria, in a small town with a population of 30 thousand people. Until the age of six, I lived in a relatively big city- Kazan, then in Naberezhnye Chelny. I told my father: “Dad, how could you even go to the countryside, quit your job?” The father, a design engineer, just wanted to be closer to the earth, do everything with his own hands and have the children eat fruits from their garden. I now understand how powerful this act was.

Where does your father live now?
in Kolomna. I ask him: “Dad, did you ever think that you were special?” He says, “You know, I always thought so. I still think so." He is an ascetic. Loves fishing, loves loneliness. Our family lives in love and respect for each other. At home, I did not hear a single swear word. Sometimes you even call your parents, this is also a fact. I don’t know, it happened that way - on my father’s side.

Maybe the example of your father gave you a subconscious feeling of this very freedom?
Probably. My father can say to me, for example: “Come on, dance from here!” He always treated my work with irony. Yes, and to everything that I do, and it always turned me on. Maybe in some way I tried to prove to him that pop music is not a frivolous genre. My father is a constant irritant to me. Mom, for example, always says: “Everything will be fine. Miracles happen". And dad: “Nothing will work! It's all very bad." And I know that if he stops talking to me like that, then the trouble will begin. ( Smiling.)

Dima, you lived in small town and you had a goal to get out of there. I understand correctly?
I always imagined that I live in a metropolis. And what was my happiness when I arrived in Moscow! True, I did not understand, for example, why neighbors in the stairwell do not communicate with each other? But I always liked the fact that here you can quietly go into the shadows. So take it and go...

I wonder how you manage to quietly go into the shadows? You are recognized everywhere.
Listen, in 2006-2008 they tried to make me alive bronze monument. Wherever I came, they almost saluted me, they said to those around me: “Please part, Dima has come.” At that time, I allowed myself such a prank: late in the evening or at night I went out into the street, hailed a taxi. I just rode around Moscow, talking to the driver. I felt free because I was not recognized. Sometimes I miss the feeling of the old normal life, in which there is a repair, trips to the store or to the market ... As I said, there was a substitution of ordinary life for work.

Do you really enjoy shopping?
Very! For me, it's kind of like an antioxidant. I like to go to any grocery store, an hour and a half to walk inside, look at people. This is very interesting: I don’t see people in everyday life, except from the stage. I need people. Otherwise, where to get emotions? Write in your head? Impossible! You see people, accidentally communicate with them, and you get some kind of new story.

And you can also go down the subway and also see ordinary people. When were you there last time?
Three years ago. We were driving on a charity concert where sick children were waiting for me. There was a traffic jam, and I went down to the subway, drove eight stops to the place where the concert was held.

Maybe you just lack some kind of pure, sincere communication?
I have a lot of friends.

A lot means no one.
There are four real friends, from student times, from Gnesinka. True, they all no longer live in Russia. Someone in Germany, someone sings in New York, in Madison Square Garden. These are my close friends, we have known each other for thirteen or fourteen years.

Is it possible to be friends in show business?
It seems to me that show business is half-phrases, half-words, half-people. And half friendship.

They call you last romantic. Maybe it flatters you, but when they say “last”, I get the feeling that you have crossed the threshold and the door is tightly closed behind you. Do you also think that the time of beautiful illusions is running out on you?
Beautiful question, artistic. You know, I've been thinking about this recently. I sometimes want to define some kind of milestone for myself in order to step over into another dimension, release the last romantic album and redirect my thoughts to some other genre.

I'm sure the new Bilan will not keep you waiting. Good luck, Dima, on this path!
Thank you.

Tell me, is your apartment your castle?
I think it's a driveway.

I just want to understand where is the place where you find inner peace.
I'm trying to figure it out too, but I can't. Is it true.

Maybe you don't need it?
Perhaps I know where such a place is. Maybe thanks to you I now understand it. I guess I rest when I get behind the wheel and go to my country house. Or on the train. The feeling of being on the road is, I think, the most beautiful thing. That is why I often move, I change apartments every three years.

What are you?! Are you constantly buying new apartments?
I buy and then I rent, like a rentier in Paris. Or, for example, I can remove new apartment and then suddenly go back to your old one.

So you don't need that feeling of being at home?

Probably, only those who came to Moscow and tried to conquer it will understand me. Waiting for something new is the most incredible feeling...

You change apartments, names. There was Vitya Belan, Dima Bilan became.

As for the name... It takes courage to go on stage. Like Vitya, I was a very modest and shy person. But with the name Dima, I'm different, you know? I am brave, cheerful, cheerful, not shy at all. If you want to start new life- call yourself something else.

Is it such a psychological factor?
Maybe. I think a psychoanalyst will answer this question more specifically.

Do you use the services of a psychoanalyst?
No never.

Tell me, what are you spontaneous, spontaneous, and what is flint?
I am spontaneous and spontaneous in what concerns actions in relation to other people. For example, I can go to a store with someone I know and just buy something expensive as a gift. For example, a phone of some latest model. Just.

What a generous soul you have!
I also love buying flowers.

And who do you give them to?
For example, parents of friends.

Friends who live in Germany and America?
Yes, their parents live here. They understand me more than my peers. Because in the way I live, I'm still wiser than my peers. It is a fact. Any person who has experienced popularity looks at life much deeper than someone who has not experienced this success.

You, wise Dima, turned 30 a year ago. Did you feel like you crossed some age limit?
I tried to find it in myself. I was waiting for the scrapping to happen, but it happened at the age of 31.

What scrap?
There were more questions. There are fewer answers. Specifically? For example, when I turned 30, I decided: I will go on vacation and say goodbye to hooliganism. Do you remember, like Yesenin: “Let you be drunk by others, but I have left, I have left your hair with glass smoke and eyes with autumn fatigue.” Farewell to hooliganism did not happen then. This happened at the age of 31.

Dima, tell me, are you not annoyed that you have not yet been awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia?
Can't say that I don't care. In no case. But I like to be in the process, in a state of unfinished business. See, that suggests an ellipsis.

Or a comma.
A comma is a great sign! In all the letters and messages I write, my favorite signs are the ellipsis and the comma. I hate the dot!

Today, December 24, Dima Bilan celebrates his 35th birthday. Let them say that birthdays are not celebrated in advance, but Dima does not believe in omens and therefore began to celebrate his anniversary more than a month before the date itself. Back in November on stage Crocus City Hall he introduced his new concert program"35 Indivisible". For two and a half hours, Dima performed 25 songs to an endless flurry of applause from 7,500 spectators. The singer modestly explains the two-day full house with the right tactics. Dima told HELLO! about the preparation, which took a year, about his 35th birthday and a new stage in his life.

Dima Bilan at the concert "35 indivisible"Dima, enough time has already passed after the premiere concerts, now you can summarize: how was it?

I thought I would not have enough strength - moral and physical. The year was too difficult: shooting "Voice", touring, moving ... All this accumulates and at some point can break you. While I was preparing the show "Indivisible", I set myself only one task - to survive. But it turned out that the concert became a kind of outlet for me. I rested my mind and body. And after the show, he even recovered by three kilograms.

Now the crisis and many artists do not collect even one hall. How did you decide to give two concerts at once?

My friend and companion Yana Rudkovskaya is an excellent tactician who creates interesting innovative projects. She calculated that demand would outstrip supply. Didn't guess! Tickets sold out a week before the concert.

You have abandoned the scenery and change of outfits. Why?

I'll explain now. For me, every year is new stage in search of himself. All these years I've been trying to figure out what coordinate system I'm in right now. Who am I - a dramatic artist or just a musician? Believe it or not, I'm still looking for my genre. On this moment I am sure of one thing: I am interested not just in music, but above all in dialogue with people. And on the other hand, I have long wanted to work creatively - with light and new technologies. And so, fired up by these ideas, Yana and I began to think about how to combine it all and not go too far. I intentionally refused lush scenery, because there is a possibility of getting lost behind all this tinsel. By the way, this also applies to dressing up. That is why the whole concert I was wearing one, but a damn comfortable suit.

But the girls in luxurious outfits perfectly complemented you.

Gathering six busy women in one place is not an easy task. But it turned out that Dima Bilan is a good light, to which one could fly so easily. (Smiling.)

Elena Perminova, Ksenia Sukhinova, Polina Kitsenko, Snezhana Georgieva, Natalya Yakimchik and Ekaterina Mukhina backstage after Dima Bilan's performanceYou posted a video on Instagram, listening to the song "Artist" by Alla Pugacheva. Did you know she was in the audience?

I have such a ritual: before going on stage, I watch a concert or read an interview with a person who delights and inspires me. It has a miraculous effect on me. This time I listened to Alla Borisovna, and she listened to me.

Among the guests in auditorium were Alla Pugacheva, Marina and Galina Yudashkin. Guests behind the scenes of the show with Yana RudkovskayaDid you manage to communicate with Alla Borisovna after the performance?

We already have such a tradition - to call up after concerts. We talked for a long time - about creative discoveries, shared artistic secrets. It turned out that we have many points of contact. Alla Borisovna noted how cleverly I got out when I took too high note. At some point, I broke down and said: "For me, a real gift is to know that you see and feel what I think I did right." Alla Borisovna is truly a genius for many generations and a colossal landmark for thinking and feeling musicians.

Dima, you are turning 35. Do you feel your age?

You want to ask if I feel wiser? (Smiling.) I did not notice any special changes behind me. I did not become arrogant and did not go crazy - for this, thanks to the landmarks acquired in childhood. And yet - I'm still open to everything new, as before.

Text: Elena Redreeva
