Romeo and Juliet a brief description of the plot. At




  • Escalus, Duke of Verona
  • Paris, a young nobleman, relative of the duke
  • Montecchi) heads two
  • capulet) hostile houses
  • Old man, relative of the Capulets
  • Romeo, son of Montecchi
  • Mercutio, relative of the duke and friend of Romeo
  • Benvolio, Montague's nephew and Romeo's friend
  • Tybalt, nephew of Lady Capulet

  • Brother Lorenzo) Franciscan
  • Brother Giovanni) monks

  • Balthasar, Romeo's servant

  • Samson)
  • Gregory) Capulet servants

  • Pietro, Juliet's Nurse's Servant
  • Abram, Montague's servant
  • Apothecary
  • Three musicians
  • Page of Mercutio
  • Page of Paris
  • Bailiff
  • Signora Montecchi, wife of Montecchi
  • Signora Capulet, Capulet's wife
  • Juliet, daughter of Capulet
  • Juliet's Nurse

  • Citizens of Verona, relatives of both houses, men and women, masks, guards, sentries and servants, Choir.


    Verona and Mantua


    Dialogue between Romeo and Juliet - Act II, scene 2
    Romeo and Juliet Club - all about our main characters
    The phrase "The most sad story in the world that Shakespeare wrote" refers to a quotation from the work itself, and not to a general attitude towards the play.

    The chorus tells of two warring families in Verona who reconcile after their children in love commit suicide.

    The action of the play begins with a fight between the servants, who belong to two warring families - the Montagues and the Capulets. The reason for the longstanding feud is unclear. Representatives of both families, including the heads of families themselves, join the brawl of servants. The fight is broken up. The supreme ruler of Verona arrives and orders an end to the clash on pain of death. Almost everyone disperses.

    Romeo, the son of Montecchi, appears in the square. He heard about the skirmish, but his thoughts are occupied with something else - he is in love with the impregnable beauty Rosalina. Benvolio, Romeo's friend, offers to forget about her and look at other girls.

    At this time, Capulet is talking with Paris, a relative of Escalus. Capulet does not want to give in marriage his daughter, who is not yet fourteen years old, and offers to wait another two years. Paris tries to convince him. Then Capulet leaves the choice to his daughter and invites Paris to the celebration in his house.

    Romeo learns from the servant of the Capulets that Rosalina will be at the celebration. Benvolio offers to go to the celebration and Romeo agrees.

    In the Capulet house, Lady Capulet proposes to Juliet that she marry Paris, whom she praises in every possible way. Juliet meekly agrees.

    In the street in front of the Capulet house, several young people gathered, including Benvolio, Mercutio and Romeo. Romeo does not intend to dance, he is seized with a strange anxiety, foreseeing that the night celebration will be the beginning of troubles that can lead to his premature death.

    Romeo saw Juliet at the ball. It is love at first sight, and he realizes that he has never really loved before. Tybalt, Juliet's cousin, recognized Romeo by his voice and asks the page to immediately bring the sword. Capulet calms the excited Tybalt, because. Romeo is known for his nobility and in no case will he allow Romeo to be offended in his house. Wounded Tybalt harbors a grudge.

    Romeo communicates with Juliet. He considers her a shrine and kisses her twice. Juliet leaves at her mother's call. Romeo learns from the wet nurse that it was Capulet's daughter. Juliet asks the nurse to find out who she just talked to and prays that she will not be married. The nurse finds out that it was Romeo - the son of their sworn enemy!

    The chorus tells that the former passion is over, and Romeo now "loves and is loved." It is not easy for them to meet - they are children of warring families, but love finds its way.

    Romeo climbs over the wall and hides in the Capulet's garden. Benvolio saw how Romeo climbed over the wall and tried to shout to him with Mercutio, but to no avail.

    Capulet garden. The famous balcony scene. Romeo sees Juliet at the window. Juliet says Romeo's name aloud. Unable to stand it, the young man responds. The conversation ends with an oath of love and a decision to unite their destinies immediately.

    In the morning, in the cell of the monk Lorenzo, Romeo asks to marry them to Juliet, and today. Lorenzo agrees, hoping that the long-standing feud will finally end.

    On the street, Romeo meets with the nurse. Through her, he sends Juliet to come to confession in the cell of the monk Lorenzo in the afternoon. He asks the nurse to take a rope ladder from his servant so that he can climb up to Juliet at night.

    Capulet garden. Juliet is waiting for the nurse. Finally she appears. Juliet asks the nurse what Romeo said. She keeps avoiding the question, but eventually conveys the message.

    Monk Lorenzo's cell. Friar Lorenzo, Romeo and Juliet meet. There's a wedding coming up.

    scene one. Late in the evening, Romeo climbs over the wall into the garden of the Capulet house. Benvolio and Mercutio condemn this mad act of his. [Cm. full text 2nd act.]

    scene two. Romeo hides at Juliet's balcony. She soon comes to him and speaks loudly to herself about her passion for Romeo, lamenting about his belonging to a hostile family. Hearing Juliet's speeches, Romeo comes out of hiding and confesses his love for her. Amazed, Juliet experiences shame and hesitation. It seems to her that the young man can deceive her insidiously. But he swears that he wants to marry her. Juliet tries twice to leave the balcony and returns twice. In the end, the lovers agree: tomorrow morning Juliet's messenger will come to Romeo to find out the time and place of their wedding. Romeo decides to ask for the wedding of his confessor, the Franciscan monk Lorenzo.

    scene three. Brother Lorenzo sorts out in his cell the medicinal herbs he has collected, while discussing the tendency of nature to mix good and evil principles. There is no good that does not contain evil at the same time. As in the same plant, flowers are often healing, and roots and leaves are poisonous, so the passions of the soul can be beneficial if a person does not cross a reasonable limit in them, and destructive when their strength is excessive.

    Romeo enters the cell. He tells Lorenzo, his confessor, that he stopped suffering for his former lover, Rosalina, fell in love with Juliet Capulet to madness and asks to secretly marry him to her. The monk gently reproaches young man for inconstancy: in his hobbies, he is too much over the edge, and this can lead to bad things. However, brother Lorenzo agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet. He hopes that their marriage will help end the bloody feud between the Montagues and the Capulets.

    scene four. Benvolio and Mercutio are waiting for the missing Romeo, and he soon appears. Mercutio caustically ridicules his friend's too ardent love passions, his excessive propensity for "ohs" and "ahs". The nurse sent by Juliet to Romeo and her servant Peter enter. Mercutio calls the nurse an old bawd and leaves.

    Romeo tells the nurse: let Juliet come at noon to brother Lorenzo, as if for confession. He will marry them. During this visit, a reliable person will give a rope ladder to the nurse herself. Tonight she must lower it out of Juliet's window so that Romeo can climb up there.

    scene five. Returning to Juliet, the nurse tells her what she heard from Romeo.

    scene six. Brother Lorenzo performs the secret wedding of Romeo and Juliet, again reminding the groom before the ceremony: "Wild feelings have a violent end."

    Story tragic love- writers and poets of all times and peoples turned to such a plot. Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet was no exception. Far from being an English classic, he became the ancestor of such a plot. But the opportunity to show all-consuming happiness loving people, which can even overcome a sad end - such an idea is precisely a Shakespearean work.

    History of creation

    He loves her. She loves him. Relatives against their union. The lovers solve this problem in their own way: the imaginary death of the beloved, which led to the true death of the young man. This plot has been known since the time of Ovid, who so colorfully painted in his Metamorphoses the love story of Pyramus and Thisbe. The only difference with Shakespeare's plot was that it was not the poison that caused the death of the young man in love, but the sword.

    Of course, Shakespeare was familiar with the work of Ovid. But he also studied well the short story of the Italian Luigio da Porta, who, back in 1524, described the love of Romeo and Juliet from Verona in The Story of Two Noble Lovers. This short story has been changed many times (Juliet was 18 years old at the beginning, before her death she manages to talk with Romeo, but then dies of longing for her lover).

    The main source that served as the basis for Shakespeare's immortal work was Arthur Brick's poem "Romeo and Juliet", created by him in 1562. Shakespeare reworked the plot somewhat: events take place in the summer for 5 days (Brick has 9 months in winter). He completed work on the work in 1596 (the exact date of creation is unknown, but it was printed at that time).

    The plot of the work

    Two noble families from Verona, Montagues and Capulets, have been at enmity for many centuries. Even the servants of the masters are drawn into the conflict. After another battle, the Duke of Verona Escalus warns that the culprit will be punished at the cost of his own life.

    Romeo, a member of the Montecchi family, is in love with Rosalind, who is Juliet's friend. Mercutio's friend and Benvolio's brother are trying in every possible way to drive sad thoughts away from Romeo.

    At this time, the Capulet family is preparing for the holiday. Invitations have been sent out to all the noble people of Verona. At the celebration, the 13-year-old daughter of Senor Capulet, Juliet, should be introduced to her fiancé, Count Paris.

    Romeo and his friends also come to the ball at the Capulet's house. After all, here he hopes to meet Rosalind, who is the owner's niece. So that no one recognizes them, the young men decide to use masks. Their plan was exposed by Juliet's cousin, Tybalt. To prevent a possible conflict, the owner of the house is trying to stop Tybalt.

    At this time, Romeo meets Juliet's gaze. Sympathy is born between young people. But on the way to happiness there is a huge obstacle: the age-old enmity between the Montagues and the Capuleti.

    Romeo and Juliet swear allegiance to each other and decide to get married, believing that this will put an end to the bad relationship between their relatives. Romeo, through the nurse, negotiates with the monk Lorenzo to conduct the ceremony.

    A few hours after the wedding, the young man witnesses how Tybalt kills his friend Mercutio. Romeo, in a rage, deals a death blow to Tybalt himself.

    Tragic events led to the fact that the Duke decides to exile the young man from Verona. Monk Lorenzo invites Romeo to wait for a certain time in Mantua.

    At this time, Juliet's parents inform her that they are preparing to marry her to Paris. In desperation, the girl turns to Lorenzo. He gives her a special sleeping pill to simulate death with it. Romeo does not know about this.

    When the young man saw the sleeping Juliet, he decided that she had died. Romeo kills Paris and takes the poison himself.

    Juliet wakes up and sees the lifeless body of Romeo. In desperation, she stabs herself. The death of lovers reconciles the families of Montague and Capulet.

    Main characters

    The daughter of Señor Capulet, surrounded since childhood by the love and care of her loved ones: parents, cousin, cousin, nurse. In her incomplete 14 years, she has not yet met love. The girl is sincere, kind and does not delve into the conflict of families. Obediently follows the will of the parents. Having met Romeo, she completely surrenders to the first feeling, because of which, as a result, she dies.

    A romantic young man from the Montecchi family. At the beginning of the novel, he is in love with Rosalind, Juliet's cousin. Love for Juliet turns him from a frivolous reveler into a serious young man. Romeo has a sensitive and passionate soul.


    Nephew of Montecchi, friend of Romeo. The only one of all the characters who does not support the enmity of families and tries to avoid conflicts entirely. Romeo has complete confidence in Benvolio.

    Nephew of the Prince of Verona. Juliet's fiance. Shakespeare describes him as handsome and with a good heart: he also does not support the conflict of families. Dies at the hands of Romeo.

    Monk Lorenzo

    Confessor who takes an active part in the life of Romeo and Juliet. Secretly marries lovers. He is ready to pray for everyone, and fervently desires to stop the war between the Montagues and the Capulets.

    Tybalt- Juliet's cousin, who maintains a blood feud between families. Kills Mercutio, and himself dies at the hands of Romeo.

    Mercutio Romeo's friend, a young rake, narcissistic and sarcastic. Was killed by Tybalt.

    The main idea of ​​the work

    In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare shows true human values ​​that can destroy traditions. Love has no barriers: it is not afraid of any prejudice. Young people are ready to go against society for the sake of their happiness. Their love is not afraid of life or death.

    The action of the tragedy covers five days of one week, during which a fatal series of events takes place.

    The first act begins with a scuffle between the servants, who belong to two warring families - the Montagues and the Capulets. It is not clear what caused the enmity, it is only obvious that it is old and irreconcilable, drawing both young and old into the whirlpool of passions. The nobles of the two houses quickly join the servants, and then their heads themselves. On the square flooded with the July sun, a real battle boils. The townspeople, tired of the strife, hardly manage to separate the fighters. Finally, the supreme ruler of Verona arrives - the prince, who orders an end to the clash on pain of death, and angrily leaves.

    Appears on the square Romeo son of Montecchi. He already knows about the recent strike, but his thoughts are elsewhere. As befits his age, he is in love and suffers. The subject of his unrequited passion is a certain impregnable beauty Rosalina. In a conversation with a friend Benvolio, he shares his experiences. Benvolio good-naturedly advises to look at the other girls and chuckles at the objections of a friend.

    At this time, the Capulet is paid a visit by a relative of the prince, Count Paris, who asks for the hand of the only daughter of the owners. Juliet is not yet fourteen, but her father agrees to the proposal. Paris is noble, rich, handsome, and one cannot dream of a better groom. Capulet invites Paris to the annual ball they are giving that evening. The hostess goes to her daughter's chambers to warn Juliet about the matchmaking. Threesome - Juliet, mother and nurse who raised the girl - they vividly discuss the news. Juliet is still serene and obedient to her parents' will.

    A lavish carnival ball at the Capulet's house is infiltrated under masks by several young men from the enemy camp - including Benvolio, Mercutio and Romeo. They are all hot, sharp-tongued and adventurous. Particularly mocking and eloquent is Mercutio, Romeo's closest friend. Romeo himself is seized on the threshold of the Capulet house by a strange anxiety. "I'm not looking forward to it. Something unknown, / Which is still hidden in the darkness, / But it will be born from this ball, / Will untimely shorten my life / Due to some strange circumstances. / But the one who directs my ship, / Already raised the sail ... ".

    In the crowd of the ball, among the random phrases exchanged between the hosts, guests and servants, the eyes of Romeo and Juliet intersect for the first time, and, like blinding lightning, they are struck by love.

    The world for both is instantly transformed. For Romeo, from this moment on, past attachments do not exist: “Have I ever loved before now? / Oh no, those were false goddesses. / I didn’t know true beauty from now on ... ”When he utters these words, Juliet’s cousin Tybalt, who immediately grabs his sword, recognizes him by his voice. The hosts beg him not to make a fuss at the party. They notice that Romeo is known for his nobility and there is no trouble even if he attended the ball. Wounded Tybalt harbors a grudge.

    Romeo, meanwhile, manages to exchange a few lines with Juliet. He's in a monk's outfit, and behind the hood she can't see his face. When the girl slips out of the hall at the call of her mother, Romeo learns from the nurse that she is the daughter of the owners. A few minutes later, Juliet makes the same discovery - through the same nurse, she finds out that Romeo is the son of their sworn enemy! "I am the embodiment of a hateful force / Inopportunely, out of ignorance, I fell in love."

    Benvolio and Mercutio leave the ball without waiting for their friend. Romeo at this time silently climbs over the wall and hides in the dense garden of the Capulets. Intuition leads him to Juliet's balcony, and he freezes when he hears her pronounce his name. Unable to stand it, the young man responds. The conversation of two lovers begins with timid exclamations and questions, and ends with an oath of love and a decision to immediately unite their destinies. “I have no control over what I own. / My love is bottomless, and kindness is like the expanse of the sea. / The more I spend, the more boundless and richer I become, ”says Juliet about the feeling that struck her. "Holy night, holy night ... / So exorbitant happiness ..." Romeo echoes her. From that moment on, Romeo and Juliet act with extraordinary firmness, courage and at the same time caution, completely obeying the love that has swallowed them. From their actions childishness involuntarily leaves, they are suddenly transformed into people wise with higher experience.

    Their attorneys are the monk brother Lorenzo, Romeo's confessor, and the nurse, Juliet's confidante. Lorenzo agrees to secretly marry them - he hopes that the union of the young Montagues and the Capulets will serve as peace between the two families. In the cell of brother Lorenzo, a marriage ceremony is performed. The lovers are filled with happiness.

    But in Verona, the summer is still hot, and "the blood boils in the veins from the heat." Especially among those who are already quick-tempered as gunpowder and are looking for a reason to show their courage. Mercutio spends time in the square and argues with Benvolio which of them loves quarrels more. When the bully Tybalt appears with his friends, it becomes clear that a skirmish is indispensable. The exchange of caustic barbs is interrupted by the arrival of Romeo. “Get off! Here's to me right person, - Tybalt declares and continues: - Romeo, the essence of my feelings for you is all expressible in the word: you are a bastard. However, the proud Romeo does not grab the sword in response, he only tells Tybalt that he is mistaken. After all, after the wedding with Juliet, he considers Tybalt his relative, almost a brother! But no one knows this yet. And Tybalt continues to bully until the enraged Mercutio intervenes: “Cowardly, despicable humility! / I must wash away her shame with blood!” They fight with swords. Romeo, horrified by what is happening, rushes between them, and at that moment Tybalt deftly strikes Mercutio from under his hand, and then quickly hides with his accomplices. Mercutio dies in Romeo's arms. Last words, which he whispers: "Plague, take both of your families!".

    Romeo is shocked. He lost best friend. Not only that, he understands that he died because of him, that Mercutio was betrayed by him, Romeo, when he defended his honor ... “Thanks to you, Juliet, I am becoming too soft ...” Romeo mutters in a fit of repentance, bitterness and rage. At this moment, Tybalt reappears on the square. Drawing his sword, Romeo attacks him in "fiery-eyed anger." They fight silently and frantically. Seconds later, Tybalt falls dead. Benvolio, in fear, tells Romeo to flee immediately. He says that Tybalt's death in a duel will be regarded as murder and Romeo faces execution. Romeo leaves, depressed by everything that has happened, and the square is filled with indignant citizens. After Benvolio's explanations, the prince pronounces a verdict: from now on, Romeo is condemned to exile - otherwise death awaits him.

    Juliet learns about the terrible news from the nurse. Her heart shrinks from mortal anguish. Grieving for the death of her brother, she is nevertheless adamant in justifying Romeo. “Will I blame my wife? / Poor husband, where is a good word for you to hear, / When the wife does not say it at the third hour of marriage ... ".

    Romeo at this moment gloomily listens to the advice of brother Lorenzo. He convinces the young man to hide, obeying the law, until he is granted forgiveness. He promises to send letters to Romeo regularly. Romeo is in despair, exile for him is the same death. He is languishing with longing for Juliet. They manage to spend only a few hours together when he secretly sneaks into her room at night. The trills of the lark at dawn notify lovers that it is time for them to part. They can not tear themselves away from each other, pale, tormented by the upcoming separation and anxious forebodings. Finally, Juliet herself persuades Romeo to leave, fearing for his life.

    Lady Capulet, who enters her daughter's bedroom, finds Juliet in tears and explains this with grief over the death of Tybalt. The news that the mother reports makes Juliet go cold: Count Paris is in a hurry with the wedding, and the father has already decided on the wedding the next day. The girl begs her parents to wait, but they are adamant. Or an immediate wedding with Paris - or "then I am no longer your father." The nurse, after the departure of her parents, persuades Juliet not to worry: “Your new marriage will overshadow the first with its benefits ... "" Amen! Juliet says in response. From that moment on, she sees in the nurse no longer a friend, but an enemy. Remains only person who else can she trust is Brother Lorenzo. "And if the monk does not help me, / There is a means to die in my hands."

    “Everything is over! There is no more hope! Juliet says lifelessly when she is alone with the monk. Unlike the nurse, Lorenzo does not comfort her - he understands the desperate situation of the girl. With all his heart sympathizing with her and Romeo, he offers the only way to salvation. She needs to pretend to obey the will of her father, prepare for the wedding, and in the evening take a miraculous solution. After that, she must plunge into a state resembling death, which will last exactly forty-two hours. During this period, Juliet will be buried in the family crypt. Lorenzo will let Romeo know about everything, he will arrive at the moment of her awakening, and they will be able to disappear until better times ... "Here's the way out, if you don't get shy / Or confuse something," the monk concludes, not concealing the danger of this secret plan . "Give me the bottle! Don't talk about fear," Juliet cuts him off. Encouraged by new hope, she leaves with a vial of solution.

    In the Capulet house, preparations are being made for the wedding. Parents are happy that the daughter is no longer stubborn. The nurse and mother tenderly say goodbye to her before going to bed. Juliet is alone. Before a decisive act, she is seized by fear. What if the monk deceived her? Or will the elixir not work? Or will the action be different than he promised? What if she wakes up early? Or even worse - will remain alive, but will lose his mind from fear? And yet, without hesitation, she drinks the bottle to the bottom.

    In the morning, the house announces the heart-rending cry of the nurse: “Juliet is dead! She passed away! The house is filled with confusion and horror. There can be no doubt - Juliet is dead. She lies in bed in a wedding dress, stiff, no blood in her face. Paris, like everyone else, is overwhelmed by the terrible news. The musicians invited to play at the wedding are still treading awkwardly, waiting for orders, but the unfortunate family is already plunged into inconsolable mourning. Lorenzo, who has come, utters words of sympathy to his relatives and reminds that it is time to carry the deceased to the cemetery.

    ... “I had a dream: my wife appeared to me. / And I was dead and, dead, watched. / And suddenly I came to life from her hot lips ... ”- Romeo, who is hiding in Mantua, does not yet suspect how prophetic this vision will turn out to be. So far, he knows nothing about what happened in Verona, but only, burning with impatience, is waiting for news from the monk. Instead of a messenger, Romeo's servant Baltazar appears. The young man rushes to him with questions and - woe! - finds out the terrible news of Juliet's death. He gives the command to harness the horses and promises: "Juliet, we will be together today." From the local pharmacist, he demands the most terrible and quickest poison, and for fifty ducats he receives a powder - “pour into any liquid, / And have twenty strengths in you, / One sip will lay you down instantly.”

    At this very time, Brother Lorenzo is experiencing no less horror. The monk, whom Lorenzo sent to Mantua with a secret letter, returns to him. It turns out that a fatal accident did not allow the order to be fulfilled: the monk was locked in the house on the occasion of a plague quarantine, since his friend had previously cared for the sick.

    The last scene takes place in the tomb of the Capulet family. Here, next to Tybalt, the dead Juliet had just been laid in the tomb. Paris, lingering at the coffin of the bride, throws flowers at Juliet. Hearing a rustle, he hides. Romeo appears with a servant. He gives Balthazar a letter to his father and sends it, and he opens the crypt with a crowbar. At this point, Paris comes out of hiding. He blocks Romeo's path, threatens him with arrest and execution. Romeo asks him to leave kindly and "not to tempt the insane". Paris insists on arrest. The duel begins. The page of Paris in fear rushes for help. Paris dies from the sword of Romeo and before his death asks to bring him to the crypt to Juliet. Romeo is finally left alone in front of Juliet's coffin. He is amazed that in the coffin she looks as alive and just as beautiful. Cursing evil forces who carried away this most perfect of earthly creatures, he kisses Juliet on the last time and with the words “I drink for you, love!” drinks poison.

    Lorenzo is late for a moment, but he is no longer able to revive the young man. He arrives just in time for Juliet's awakening. Seeing the monk, she immediately asks where her husband is, and assures that she remembers everything perfectly and feels cheerful and healthy. Lorenzo, afraid to tell her terrible truth, urging her to leave the crypt. Juliet does not hear his words. Seeing the dead Romeo, she only thinks about how to die herself as soon as possible. She is annoyed that Romeo alone drank all the poison. But next to him lies a dagger. It's time. Moreover, the voices of the guards are already heard outside. And the girl plunges a dagger into her chest.

    Those who entered the tomb found dead Paris and Romeo, and next to them still warm Juliet. Lorenzo, who gave vent to tears, told tragic story lovers. The Montagues and Capulets, forgetting their old quarrels, held out their hands to each other, inconsolably mourning the dead children. It was decided to put a golden statue on their graves.

    But, as the prince rightly noted, all the same, the story of Romeo and Juliet will remain the saddest in the world ...

    The events described in the tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" continue for only five days. The summary can be summarized very succinctly: a young man met a girl, they fell in love with each other, but their happiness is hindered by family feud. However, it is quite bulky. In this article summary the love story of Romeo and Juliet is set out in great detail.

    Chaos in the square

    The gentlemen are fighting - the forelocks of the serfs are cracking. This is how you can characterize the first scene of the tragedy "Romeo and Juliet". Let's start the summary with a brawl that takes place between the servants of the Montagues and the Capulets. The reader does not yet know anything about what caused this enmity, long-standing and probably irreconcilable. Both young and old participate in it.

    Benvolio appears - a friend of the protagonist. He shouts: "Weapons away and instantly in places!" But after a few minutes, the scandal flares up with renewed vigor. Now adherents of both houses are already appearing, they are joining the fighting. Then the townspeople appear with halberds and clubs. The inhabitants of Verona are tired of this enmity and are trying to calm the servants of the Montagues and the Capulets by force.

    The fierce battle in the city square stops only after the appearance of the prince. However, even this respected gentleman has to read a long speech in order to calm the fighting. He calls them "killers of silence", "traitors who defile iron with brotherly blood." Under pain of death, he orders an end to the massacre.

    Everyone disperses. That leaves the Montagues and Benvolio. We will supplement the summary of "Romeo and Juliet" with quotes from the work translated by Boris Pasternak. Benvolio tells what happened to the Montagues.

    The prince appeared, saw the mess, and the guards dragged the bully away.

    With these words ends the story of Benvolio about the fight that took place.


    Where is the main face of the plot of "Romeo and Juliet"? In a very brief summary, it is not always mentioned that the son of Montecchi, before meeting Juliet, was in love with her cousin. Benvolio tells his friend's parents about what happened in the square. Lady Montecchi asks the young man where her son is. He replies that Romeo Lately prone to seclusion. Romeo has little interest in the family feud with the Capulets.

    Finally appears main character tragedy Romeo and Juliet. In the summary of the work, it is not necessary to talk about what happened before the first meeting of the offspring of the warring families. But still, what is the sadness of Romeo? As already mentioned, he is in love with a relative of Juliet. Romeo is detached, thoughtful, absorbed in his own thoughts. The image of impregnable Rosaline reigns in his thoughts.

    The Montagues leave their friends alone. In a conversation with a friend, Romeo shares his experiences. He laughs at the suffering of a friend and recommends paying attention to other girls.


    What are you doing at this time main character Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet? The summary of the second act will answer this question.

    A relative of the prince, the one who separated the fighting in the square, appears in the Capulet house - Count Paris. It was not by chance that he decided to visit the venerable family. Paris wants to marry Capulet's daughter. An interesting dialogue takes place between these characters. As you know, even from the very brief content of Romeo and Juliet, the heroine is not even fourteen years old. Capulet initially refuses the Count.

    Wait another two years, and we will announce our daughter as a bride.

    From the conversation between Paris and Capulet, the reader becomes aware that the latter had other children. However, only Juliet survived. Therefore, the old man is very careful about his daughter, and does not want to marry her ahead of time. But in the end he agrees.

    Masquerade ball

    There is a big celebration at the Capulet house. Of course, none of the Capulet family was invited to the ball. However, Romeo, Mercutio and Benvolio manage to infiltrate the "enemy camp". They are dressed in fancy dress.

    Mercutio and Benvolio are constantly joking. Their friend is sad, as always. But the point is not only in the hopeless love from which he suffers in last days- Romeo anticipates impending trouble. In the crowd, the main characters suddenly meet with their eyes. This is the plot of the tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare. From the summary, those who have not read the work of the classic will find out that the characters fall in love with each other at first sight.

    Romeo realizes that he has never loved anyone before. Rosalina and other objects of his attention were "false goddesses." Romeo, like other heroes of Shakespeare's work, often speaks his thoughts aloud. It is because of this habit that he is exposed at the Capulet ball. Juliet's brother recognizes him by his voice. Tybalt grabs his sword - he is ready for a duel. But relatives stop him, noticing that Capulet's son has a calm and kind disposition and there is nothing wrong with the fact that he decided to visit them as a guest.

    I am the embodiment of a hateful force

    Romeo approaches Juliet dressed as a monk. The first dialogue takes place between them. A few minutes later, the main character learns that the girl with whom he is already in love is the daughter of Capulet. At this time, Juliet is talking to the nurse, and she utters murderous words: "His name is Romeo, he is Montecchi." The heroes realize that their love is doomed. Juliet calls herself the embodiment of a hated force, because she is the daughter of the sworn enemy of Montague, and therefore Romeo.

    At Juliet's balcony

    This is the most famous scene from Shakespeare's work, except for the final one. It is known even to those who have only read a summary of the play "Romeo and Juliet" or watched one of the screen adaptations. Mercutio and Benvolio leave the ball. Romeo, meanwhile, enters the Capulet garden, goes to the balcony of his beloved and hears her voice. Juliet talks sadly about the feeling that struck her that evening. Capulet's son can't stand it and turns to his beloved. From that moment on, they are no longer afraid of anything. They are completely subordinate to love.

    Brother Lorenzo

    This man becomes Romeo's attorney. Juliet is helped by a nurse. Romeo asks his brother Lorenzo to marry them. He agrees in the hope that the union of the young Capulets and Montagues will end the long-standing enmity. But, as you know, there is no sadder story in the world than the story of Romeo and Juliet.

    In your second sweetheart - the denouement of your civil strife.

    About how the blood boils in the veins

    But the inhabitants of Verona are passionate people, especially on hot days, as Shakespeare said. Summary of "Romeo and Juliet" will continue sad story about characters who are quick-tempered like gunpowder and looking for an opportunity to demonstrate their courage. At leisure, when there is no reason to inflict bloodshed, Shakespeare's heroes argue about which of them loves more quarrel. It's about about Benvolio and Mercutio. Suddenly, Juliet's brother appears. Benvolio and Mercutio understand that a skirmish cannot be avoided. Young people begin to exchange barbs. The verbal skirmish stops with the appearance of Romeo.

    "Here's the person I need!" shouts Tybalt. And then he calls his sister's lover a scoundrel. However, Romeo, to the surprise of his friends, does not grab his sword instantly. He calmly tries to refute the opinion of his opponent. Romeo has already married Juliet, which means that Tybalt is his relative. Mercutio is furious. He tries to defend the honor of Montague and grabs his sword. The duel between the son of Capulet and Mercutio ends with the death of the latter. Before his death, Romeo's friend curses the warring families.

    Duel between Romeo and Tybalt

    The main character is shocked. He realizes that he betrayed a friend. Romeo became softer thanks to Juliet. However, he was still able to avenge his friend. He overtakes Tybalt, the fight begins - furious, fierce. Romeo wins this duel. Tybalt dies.

    Benvolio convinces a friend to flee urgently. After all, the death of Juliet's brother in a duel will be regarded by the authorities of Verona as a murder. The main character is threatened with execution. He is depressed by what happened and leaves the square, which is immediately filled with indignant residents. The prince sentences Romeo to exile. If he does not leave Verona, he will be executed.


    Capulet's daughter shocked by her brother's death. However, Romeo justifies, because now she is his wife. Brother Lorenzo persuades him to leave the city and not return until the prince grants him forgiveness. Romeo is sad. Leaving Verona is worse for him than death. However, he understands that there is truth in Lorenzo's words. If he doesn't leave immediately, he will die. Romeo goes to Juliet and they spend several hours together. It is hard for a girl to part with her lover, yet she persuades him to leave.

    Romeo leaves Juliet's room and then Lady Capulet appears. She sees her daughter in tears, but she is sure that the reason for them is the death of Tybalt. For some reason, the death of their son does not change the plans of the Capulets: they still plan to marry their daughter to Paris. Juliet vainly persuades her mother and father to postpone the wedding. They are adamant.

    Imaginary death

    Juliet is desperate. She cannot and does not want to become the wife of Paris. For help, she turns to her brother Lorenzo. He offers the girl a plan that would frighten anyone. But not Juliet, who is ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of her love. Lorenzo's brother gives the Capulet's daughter a bottle of elixir. After drinking it, the girl will fall into a dream that will last forty-two hours. Lorenzo warns: the implementation of the plan is dangerous. But Juliet is not afraid of anything. She takes the bottle and leaves, inspired by the hope of meeting Romeo.

    Juliet returns home, where she diligently plays the role of an obedient daughter. Preparations are underway for the wedding. The Capulets are happy: the daughter no longer expresses disagreement. But suddenly the girl is seized with fear. What if Lorenzo cheated? And if the elixir does not work as the monk promised? Nevertheless, she drinks the elixir in one gulp and falls into a lethargic sleep.

    In the morning, the house of the Capulet announces a terrible cry: Juliet is dead. The failed groom is depressed terrible news. The musicians invited by the Capulets embarrassedly disperse. Then Lorenzo appears and reminds that the deceased should be taken to the cemetery, to the family crypt.

    In Mantua

    Romeo, meanwhile, is hiding in another city. While Juliet is taking the elixir, he dreams a strange dream: like he died. This dream will be prophetic. Romeo is looking forward to letters from Lorenzo. Being in Mantua, he has no idea what is happening in his hometown. He never received any news from Lorenzo. A servant comes to him and informs him that Juliet is dead.

    Tomb of the Capulets

    Let's conclude the brief summary of the chapters of "Romeo and Juliet" with a description of the scene, which, perhaps, is known to everyone. It takes place in the Capulet tomb. Here lies the supposedly dead Juliet. Paris throws flowers at the failed bride, but suddenly he hears a rustle. He hides and sees Romeo. He gives the servant a letter addressed to his father and sends it. He himself opens the tomb, enters and sees the lifeless body of his beloved.

    Paris appears before Romeo, threatening arrest and execution. The duel begins. Romeo is mad with grief, he fights with swords fiercely. Paris is dying. Romeo is left alone with Juliet. He is amazed: the beloved looks like a living one. Romeo drinks poison.

    Lorenzo appears. He was only a few minutes late. At this moment, Juliet wakes up and sees the dead Romeo. She thinks only about how to die as soon as possible. The trouble is that the son of Montecchi drank all the poison. Juliet finds a dagger and plunges it into her chest.

    The rest appear characters. Lorenzo tells the Montagues and the Capulets sad story their children. Years of feud came to an end at the cost of the lives of Romeo and Juliet.

    1. Meeting at the ball.
    2. Wedding.
    3. Death of Tybalt.
    4. Exile.
    5. Death of Romeo and Juliet.

    History of creation

    The plot of Shakespeare's tragedy is by no means original. The story of the imaginary death of a girl, which led to the death of her lover, and then her death, was found in ancient literature. In the first century BC, Ovid told a tragic story in the poem Metamorphoses. The heroes of the ancient Roman writer were called Pyramus and Thisbe. The parents of the lovers were against their union.

    Pyramus and Thisbe met secretly, and one day the girl, having come on a date, saw a tiger. Frightened, she rushed to run, but dropped her handkerchief, which the predator tore to shreds. Pyramus subsequently found this handkerchief and decided that his beloved was dead. Not trying to figure out what happened, he immediately stabbed himself with a sword on the spot. Thisbe returned. She saw the lifeless body of Piram and followed the example of her lover - she committed suicide with a sword. Shakespeare used this story in another of his works, namely in the comedy "Dream in midsummer night". It is worth saying that the Montagues and the Capulets meet for the first time in the work of Dante Alighieri.

    The plot of Luigi Da Porto's poem is also very similar to the plot of Shakespeare's tragedy. True, the main character is almost eighteen, and in the final scene, Romeo dies after waking up his beloved and manages to say a few words. Shakespeare's Juliet stabs herself with a dagger. The heroine of the Italian writer dies, like Isolde, from the great heartache. That is, she simply lies down next to her lover and emits the last spirit.

    The work of Luigi Da Porto has been reworked more than once. Then, in the middle of the 16th century, the plot of this novel came to England, where he found new life thanks to Arthur Brooke. This writer created a poem, the name of which is fully consistent with the name of Shakespeare's tragedy. It was Brook's poem that inspired the playwright to create a play that has become a world classic. However, in Brooke's poem, the action takes place in winter. Shakespeare's - in the summer. Events in Arthur Brooke's poem unfold over nine months. Shakespeare's characters meet, fall in love and die within five days.

    Shakespeare worked on the tragedy for four years. Romeo and Juliet is an example of the tragic genre. First, the main character dies at the end. Secondly, in the souls of the offspring of the warring families there is no place for a tragic conflict. Romeo and Juliet have no doubts, they are sure that they are doing the right thing, following their feelings. It is worth remembering one more of the details characteristic of this genre - the action takes place against a light background. Although the ending is tragic, the work is filled with jokes, humor, and easy dialogues.

    The tragedy has been filmed many times. In the nineties, the picture with the participation of Leonardo DiCaprio gained popularity. This is a rather unusual film adaptation: the text is almost completely preserved, but the events take place in our time. However, the best, according to most critics, remains the 1968 film, shot by
