The Tale of the Ryaba Hen in Social Science. The esoteric meaning of the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen

Every parent in the distant future, of course, wants to see their child a successful and prosperous person. It largely depends on the "grain" that we "plant" in early childhood. One such grain is reading books aloud to your little one. Reading books for a child is a powerful impetus for the development of his speech, memory, and perception of the world around him. What else it contributes to, and what you need to remember, we will talk in this article.

The importance of reading books from the beginning early childhood undeniable. Already in the first months, the child, although he does not understand the content, perfectly perceives the rhythm of your language and intonation. It is very useful. At this age, it does not matter at all what exactly you will read to your baby a bedtime story or a women's magazine, it is important that it be out loud and with the correct intonation.

From the age of two months, the child sees pictures, more clearly perceives the expression and intonation of your voice. Of course, the child needs to be shown in the pictures the objects about which in question, talk about them - here you can’t do without children's books. Do not be ashamed to parody the neighing of a horse or the lowing of a cow - all this is fervently and fun will be stored in your baby's memory. The same should be done for objects. outside world. The kid, associating spoken words with illustrations in books and objects of the outside world, intuitively begins to understand the importance of language.

Benefits of reading aloud:

Teaches your child communication skills.

Introduces such initial concepts as numbers, letters, colors, shapes in a fun way.

It helps to improve the skill of perception of words, memory and increase vocabulary.

Provides information about the environment.

Things to remember when reading books:

Don't take it personally when your toddler rejects reading. Does your child seem relaxed and ready to "read", but literally after reading a couple of pages raises a squeak and does not want to continue? Just put the book aside and continue reading later.

Don't be surprised if your little one crawls away while reading a book. Children are by nature fidgety, they want to move more than sit still. However, this does not mean at all that the baby does not hear you, keep reading and perhaps he will come back. If not, then read with him at another time.

Don't get mad if your little one tore the page. You need to understand that babies are stronger than most books and it will not be difficult for them to tear a page. Do not want to buy books again and again? Then get readers with pages made of thick glued cardboard. If the child nevertheless tore the pages of his favorite book, do not rush to throw it away, it will still come in handy. A little later, when the baby grows up, with the help of adhesive tape you can “reanimate” it. Believe me, it will be a very interesting joint activity.

It is always worth remembering that children to whom parents regularly read books know much more words by the age of two than their peers deprived of reading.

"Charm Lady" Reminds: Reading books aloud will teach your child to love sound mother tongue before he knows about the existence of the printed word, in addition, it stimulates the development of the imagination in the baby and naturally expands the understanding of the world around. When the rhythm and melody of language becomes a constant part of a child's life, learning to read books will become as natural a process as walking or talking. Read with pleasure!

Yours? You are not alone. But this process should not be left to chance. No, you don't need to force it, just like in any other business. Just need to find a lot interesting book and approach to a son or daughter. The rest is a matter of technique.

Reading aloud - features and benefits

As the experience of many parents shows, this is in every way a wonderful form of introducing children to reading, although some points can get in the way. How to be? It is necessary to know some nuances, and everything will work out.

Features of reading aloud: what can interfere

Yes, it won't work right away. After all, there are several significant factors:

  1. age: well, let the child himself know how to read or is still small (up to 10-15 they can listen), because he may not understand all the information, he may be bored reading alone, so read aloud regularly (maybe even in turn!), looking for suitable books every time;
  2. child's temperament: one will not sit still, and the other will obviously be bored;
  3. lack of time: we must try to adjust all matters so that it remains an indestructible tradition;
  4. guests may arrive: or other circumstances may appear, but the tradition of reading aloud should not be stopped, except in extreme cases;
  5. difficulty choosing books: this is an excuse, because there are a lot of books on sale and on the Internet!

Yes, you will have to stock up on patience from day to day or evening, because you will need to read slowly, thoughtfully, talking with the child, explaining something to him. But the benefits are clear!

Benefits of reading aloud

It is known that in many families there is such a tradition. Somewhere it is even considered a holiday. Imagine a picture ... Children's. Kids in bed. In this warm, homely environment, you are nearby. AND silent reading, spreading in the room, pours like honey ... And here it is, the benefit!

  • Toddlers develop oral speech, older children develop reasoning and a love of books.
  • Enriched by them lexicon and expanding horizons.
  • They fall asleep soundly and wake up in the morning with good mood. Of course, if you do not choose some horror stories for them.
  • Children are gradually getting acquainted with Russian classics, which will help them at school, in later life, and with spiritual literature, etc.
  • Reading aloud to them, spending time together, you spiritually approach each other, teach them how to solve difficult problems.
  • This (collective discussion of the book as well) helps the children to develop more actively and, who knows, maybe find their profession, learn virtue, etc.

What are the best books to read aloud?

With older children it is more difficult. Nevertheless, it is necessary to do this, including the reading of the Holy Scriptures, books of spiritual content. And it is better to choose together, but unobtrusively.

Is it desirable to select a single theme? Or better genres look for different ones? The main thing is that reading aloud is of interest to the child. Sometimes many children ask for a second and third time to read something. So it got stuck. Each child is individual, look for the keys to it!

It is possible and so - remembering your childhood, adolescence, youth. What did you like then? So look for books that you liked.

Another important thing is the gender of the child. Literature is chosen for a girl with one bias, for boys with another. And here it would be nice to introduce the father!

Be that as it may, but there are basic directions that will help the child in development.

  1. Classic ( fiction) . It is important to read, because at school or institute, the child will definitely remember everything that you talked about, what details you discussed while reading Gogol, Dostoevsky, Pushkin, Nekrasov, etc. And in general, in its best examples, it is always useful ...
  2. Fairy tales. Be very careful with your choice! Alas, the plots of many of the fairy tales resemble horror films (children not only do not fall asleep at night, but acquire a lot of tics and other similar problems) and are scenarios for committing crimes.
  3. Educational literature. The possibilities here are simply enormous. You can methodically read literature that will help you to understand many processes. This is literature about animals, about nature, about crafts, about sciences, etc. Naturally, you need to start with several chapters of the Children's Bible, where this process is described, so that the child has a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe creation of the world and so that he can perceive other things through this prism .
  4. spiritual literature. Everything is great here too. Yes, there is a children's catechism, stories written by Orthodox writers, etc. The main thing is to take into account age and not read under duress. It is equally important to talk with children about what they read, again, unobtrusively and connecting what they read with life ...

Do's and Don'ts of Reading

How to

  • First, slowly and clearly.
  • Second, be patient, even if the child does not listen to the reading.
  • Third, so that everything is clear and understandable to him (that is, talk to him, pronounce important points explain the meaning of something).
  • Fourth, so as to interest the child (up to the point that show him the drawings, or retell interesting things in words).
  • If the child does not agree with something, discuss together.
  • Praise him if he asked something, asked to repeat, etc.

Finally, so that your intonation is natural and pleasing to the ear, and not edifying and strict.

How not to

Don't read the book if you haven't reviewed it yourself! Of course, the exception is the New and Old Testament...

Do not sit far from the bed, the child must hear you well.

Don't turn into a mentor by constantly asking him if he liked what he read. If he was interested, he will ask or tell. If you do decide to ask, do it on occasion and tactfully.

Do not discuss with your child every line that seems important to you. Prioritize.

Stimulate the child's desire to understand this or that place, understand, evaluate and discuss it.

Do not read to the end what you have outlined. You won't be forced to be nice. Better think about how to interest. But the book must be finished, even if it takes several attempts.

Don't force reading, find another way.

Until what age should you read aloud to your child?

It depends on him. Of course, even if he already knows how to read on his own, reading together is more useful. But your labors were crowned with success if the child himself asks to read to him.


Some may be skeptical about reading aloud. Like, there are so many sources of information around. Meanwhile, neither tablets nor other sources are able to instill in a child a love of reading, to teach them to understand literature, in many processes, to communicate so closely with parents ... So why trust someone with the important process of educating a personality? Let's try ourselves!

Reading aloud is one of the first steps in introducing a child to books. It would seem that there is nothing complicated in this. However, fewer and fewer parents pay due attention to this process. We tell why it is important to read to children and how to do it correctly.

Why read aloud: is it so important?

The benefits of reading aloud were discovered in 1983. American scientists organized the Reading Commission, which studied the results of research for two years and by 1985 prepared a voluminous report called "Becoming a Reading Nation."

It formulated the thesis: “The only most an important factor necessary for successful reading is reading aloud to children.

After the report, experiments followed. In one Boston school, a guest came to sixth grade every week and read aloud to the children. A year later, the academic performance of the class improved, and two years later they soared up. A year later, students in the class received the highest reading scores in Boston. After that, the Boston school became incredibly popular: there was a queue of people who wanted to enroll there.

10 minutes of reading

“Somehow I conducted a survey among parents in the class where one of my children studied,” says Yulia Kuznetsova, author of the book, “and found out that less than 10% of parents read aloud to children.”

The main reasons that prevent moms and dads from reading to kids:
- no forces;
- Not interesting;
- no time.

Practice shows that 10 minutes of reading a day is enough to read a whole chapter from a thick book. And if you devote 10 minutes to reading, you can read a great adventure story in a month. You just need to do it regularly.

When to read

Reading in the morning is definitely not easy. Charges in kindergarten or the school is given a different rhythm. If you spend time with your child during the day, then you can safely read to him before lunchtime or after lunch. Perfect time after an evening walk. But circumstances can be different every day.

“We do not only read - we also communicate with children,” writes Yulia Kuznetsova. “And how nice it is that they lie with bated breath and listen to you, and not argue, proving that the onion in the soup is disgusting, and the toys themselves are scattered around the room.”

What if the kids don't like it?

Some children do not like to be read aloud to them. More precisely, they simply do not perceive the text by ear. But this can be changed: the love for voicing a book of text can be developed.

Julia cites her son as an example. who didn't like to "listen" to books. “It was a difficult moment. He could only listen while standing on his head. Sometimes it fell - on our heads with my daughter. This infuriated Masha, as he pulled her out of some enchanted trance into which a person who listens to a story plunges. But gradually Grisha stood on his head more and more confidently and almost did not fall, and this allowed him to listen to stories longer. And at some point, he also fell into this trance.

Don't insist. Even when the children's attention is not directed directly to you - they may be making something or lying on the couch with closed gases - your voice reaches their ears and hearts.

How to read aloud

Reading books is like singing lullabies. Dads and moms don't have to have outstanding singing talent to lull their babies to sleep. Reading is the same: no matter what voice, no matter how fast you read, everything is a joy for the child. However, there are a few tips to help make reading more effective.

1. Speak the words clearly and do not swallow the endings.

2. Watch your reading speed. Slow down the pace. Reading will never be "too slow".

3. Be sure to take breaks. Small ones - between sentences, more authentic - between paragraphs. It is slow reading and pauses that enable a child, especially a small one, to understand what you are reading.

4. Feel free to add expressiveness to the text.

Roar for the wolf, roar for the princess. The child will gratefully accept any of your manifestations of acting. After all, for him, this means that you are included in the game.

5. Explain or not incomprehensible words - decide for yourself. To make sure that the child understood you, you can not ask about it, but make a slightly longer pause and look at the little listener. If he is passionate, then there is no need to explain anything. Or add a small explanation or a synonym to the text: "He frowned, that is, pouted."

Here, for example, is how actress Nonna Grishaeva reads the fairy tale "Mary Poppins" to the accompaniment of an orchestra

Of course, when a child listens to a story, he doesn't think about the letters or about wanting to learn to read. He thinks in images: he imagines a terrible wolf, goes on a journey with a navigator, tries to save a beautiful princess from a dragon. At the same time, his brain still fixes: in order for the images to come to life, you need a book. You have to hold it in your hands and sort out all these strange squiggles. Like mom, dad or grandma. It is at this moment that the child has a desire to learn to read on his own.
