Funny tasks for boys on February 23. Games and competitions for discos and parties

The facilitator should prepare several songs on military topics and songs that mention the military or their ranks. These songs include: “But I love the military”, “No one writes to the Colonel”, “Oh, what a man was”, “A soldier is walking down the street”, “Junior Lieutenant” and so on. The host turns on the song, whoever quickly guessed which song sounds, he raises his hand and calls his version. If it turns out to be correct, the guest gets a point. In the end, whoever has the most points gets their prize.

Real men

The participants are blindfolded and each in turn is seated at the table. For each participant, certain instruments are laid out, which the participant must guess. Real men must certainly learn all or at least most of the tools. Set example: screwdriver, tape measure, chisel, pliers, concrete drill, nut, plastic dowel; hand drill, bolt, wood drill, nail puller, level, caliper and so on.

Spy memory

The host selects several participants who are ready to become spies. All participants are tested one by one. To each of them, the presenter quickly shows up to 10 pictures with various images, such as champagne bottle, tiger, pen, pistol, helmet, tank, butterfly and so on. Then the participant must list all the objects seen from the pictures in the correct order. Whoever does it without mistakes deserves a prize.

Can be one

Among the men, they choose the very best who can do push-ups on one arm and sit on one leg. Which of the men does more push-ups than the rest receives a prize, and the prize will also go to the one who can sit down more than the rest.

Back to back

Men compete in pairs in a back-to-back standing position. At the command of the leader, each of the participants tries to force out his opponent from the circle (drawn in chalk), while you can only act with your back. The winner gets applause and a prize.

Squeeze all the juice out of the enemy

Each participant receives half a lemon and imagines that this is his worst enemy. On the “start” command, each participant begins to squeeze “all the juices” out of his opponent into a separate glass. The participant who can squeeze more juice out of the enemy in a minute will be the winner.

army kitchen

This joke contest. The host puts raw, unpeeled potatoes, knives on the table and invites brave men to participate in the competition. Everyone understands that you have to peel potatoes. But, when those who wish are nevertheless chosen, they are invited to take turns naming potato dishes. The one whose dish is the last will win.

Step march!

It's simple: the host turns on a song, for example, "Katyusha", the guys line up and start marching, but not just, but on squats. Which of the men can hold out until the end of the song - receives a prize.

hit the target

Everyone can participate in the competition, but in turn. The participant stands in the center of the hall, a drawing with a cannon is attached to his back for interest, and this cannon will shoot with crumpled sheets of paper. A cardboard box is located at a certain distance from the participant. The participant must, from three attempts, get a crumpled sheet of paper or a small ball into the box, while standing with his back. The facilitator can give two clues, for example, to the left or to the right. Whoever hits the target wins the prize.

One, two, fire!

For this competition, the host must prepare (download from the Internet) the sounds of a shot of various weapons (tank, machine gun, bazooka, hail, and so on). The leader turns on the sound, whoever raised his hand first, he answers. For the correct answer - a point, and whoever has more points is the winner.

A game for boys dedicated to

Defender of the Fatherland Day


To give boys the opportunity to show their knowledge and skills in a wide range questions;

Cultivate curiosity, ingenuity;

Instill knowledge on healthy lifestyle life.

Teacher primary school: Chistyakova L.I.

Leading. Good afternoon, guys and guests of our competitions! We are here to compete in strength and agility, speed and endurance. But this is not the main thing in our today's meeting. Of course, we will not set records, determine the champion. Our goal is different. We are here to get closer to each other. And it does not matter who will be the winner in this, rather comic, competition. The main thing is that we all feel the atmosphere of the holiday, the atmosphere of goodwill, mutual respect and understanding. Let this meeting be truly comradely. I call on everyone to fair wrestling and wish success to everyone. May the strongest win, and may our friendship and solidarity win!

To hold a competition

You need an experienced judge.

This, apparently, is a calling -

Of course, I will be the judge!

And I want to add

And introduce you to the arbitrators.

Jury presentation(in the role of the jury girls).

Leading. So, are you ready? But to start our competition, everyone needs to take an oath. Please get ready.

We solemnly swear to participate in these competitions, observing the rules by which they are held, and respecting the opponents ...

We swear!

We swear to run only in the direction indicated by the judge - a step to the left,

step to the right is considered an attempt to escape ...

We swear!

We swear to move only on those limbs on which the rules allow ...

We swear!

We swear to uphold the Olympic motto: “Faster, higher, stronger!”…

We swear!

Leading. So, everything is ready! We're starting a health contest!

1 competition: "Waiters"

Participants must carry a balloon on a tray and a towel on a bent arm to the landmark and back.

2 competition: "Pyramid"

Each of the participants must build a pyramid of cubes in 1 minute. Who is higher?

3rd competition: "Strongmen"

Who will lift up two and a half liter bottles filled with water the most (instead of weights).

4 competition: "Swamp"

Pupils must go through the "bumps" and not fall into the "swamp".

Competition 5: "Pantomime"

On pre-written cards, the words: goose, ballerina, soldier. Participants take a card and must imitate the gait of the corresponding person or animal.

6 competition "Cat"

Blindfolded boys draw a cat on the floor. Who more accurately turned out a cat.

7 contest: "Hit the target"

Participants throw 10 "snowballs" at the snowman. Who has more hits?

8 contest: "Ingenuity"

Question to the first participant, if he does not answer the question, the question goes to the second participant.

What do wood and a rifle have in common? (trunk)

Who said: "It's hard to learn, easy to fight"? (A.V. Suvorov)

What is a teenager who studies maritime science called? (cabin boy)

9 contest: "Find a couple"

All participants gather shoes and put them in a common bag. Participants must assemble pairs in 1 minute blindfolded.

10 contest: "Clear the minefield"

Checkers are scattered on the floor, participants in 15 s. Must collect as many checkers as possible.

Leading. So our last competition of the competition of healthy men ended.

(Jury summing up)

Today everyone received a charge of vivacity, joy, and this is the most important thing in order to be a healthy person. We congratulate the winner and ask the losers not to lose heart. After all, the most important thing is not victory, but participation and the fact that we were together! We congratulate all the boys on the Defender of the Fatherland Day and wish them health, success in their studies and sports, and all the best! Grow strong, brave, dexterous and honest!

(Awarding the winner and prize-winners of competitions).

Last winter holiday- This is the day of the defender of the fatherland. In schools, this holiday is approached with all seriousness. Girls prepare a holiday for their boys, come up with a scenario and contests. It is difficult to do this, because every year you have to come up with more and more new competitions. To make it easier for you, we have new competitions for February 23 for 5th grade boys. Funny, drinking and moving contests are the best option for the holiday.

Assembly and disassembly of the machine.
In this competition, your boys will be able to assemble a machine gun against the clock. But don't think it's not real.
First, find a picture of the machine. After you print it out on a printer and cut it into 9-12 parts. All parts are mixed and laid out on the table. At the command of the host, the boys must connect their parts to get a picture of the machine. Whoever gets it right first wins.

Competition - who knows best.
Divide the boys into teams. Maybe three teams. Give each team a whistle. The host reads out the question, and if a team has an answer, then it blows the whistle. If the answer is correct. That is a point. If the answer is not correct, then the team skips the next question. This is to ensure that teams don't just whistle and respond constantly without thinking.

Fell, pushed back, got up.
Everyone knows these three magic words. This is where the boys get to know each other. Only girls will help them. Each boy has two girls on his team. Nearby lie 5 inflated balloons. At the command of the leader, the girls help the boys to put the ball under their shirt. After that, the boy should fall to the floor and do push-ups so that the ball bursts. Then he gets up and again they put the ball under his shirt. And so on until someone bursts all five balls. And who burst, he wins the competition and thanks the girls for their help.

And there will be no real bow in this competition. from which they shoot. You need an onion that grows in the garden. You also need large potato sacks. There are 2 people on the team. One has 5 onions, and the other has a bag in his hands. We make two lines and the participants diverge behind them. At the command of the host, time is recorded and the first throws a bow to the second, and the second catches it immediately in the bag. When all five bulbs are in a bag, then time stops. For each bulb not caught, the penalty is 5 seconds. When all teams have played, that team wins. Who took the least time to get the bulbs into the bag.

Gifts for boys.
It's time to give gifts. They can be distributed to all the boys at once, or you can play. To do this, each girl takes any one gift and holds it behind her back. They take turns guessing riddles. First, the first girl guesses her riddle. Which of the boys guessed. This girl comes up to that and gives a gift. And so on, everyone makes gifts and presents gifts.

In Russia, February 23, for many years, celebrate the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Unofficially, many Russians celebrate it as Men's Day. Congratulations are accepted by men of all ages: both small and old. To make the holiday a success and be remembered, you can spend interesting contests and games. Contests for February 23, for boys are presented to your attention.

1 contest "Intelligence"

1. The outcome of the battle in our favor. (victory)

2. What a soldier thinks and what he eats. (bowler)

3. Big naval chief. (admiral)

4. Warship. (cruiser)

5. Favorite fish of sailors. (herring)

6. Bang, bang and past. (milk)

7. Combat vehicle. (tank)

8. Sea cook. (cook)

9. For her, and “it’s not at all scary to die ...” (homeland)

10. "It's hard to study ...". (easy in combat)

11. "Who will come to Russian land with a sword ...". (he will die by the sword)

12. Name military ranks. (private, foreman, sergeant, corporal, ensign, lieutenant, captain, major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, general) 13. Name the outstanding military leaders. (Kutuzov, Suvorov, Zhukov, Rokossovsky, Eremenko, Chuikov)

14. Name the types of small arms. (pistol, rifle, machine gun, machine gun, flamethrower, grenade launcher, ultrasound, musket, mortar)

2 competition "Quickness" Who will inflate the balloon faster. (who will quickly disassemble and assemble a pen, Lego, etc.)

3 competition "Agility" Who will keep the balloon on his head longer. (you can toss your head)

4 competition "Strength" Amwrestling in two teams to identify the winners. Competition of the strongest pair ("best of the best")

5 competition "Ingenuity"

Which month has 28 days? (in every month)

What does a toad eat in winter? (nothing, she sleeps in winter)

What is the giraffe in front and the walrus behind? (letter G)

Why do hungry wolves go around in winter? (on the ground)

What happens to a cat when it turns 2 years old? (third goes)

How much does a three-ruble bun cost? (3 rubles)

What do crocodile, monkey and man have? (letter O)

What is above us upside down? (fly)

Why do ships go to sea? (from shore)

Team captains (or those who wish from the team) and one girl from each class participate. The girls must either be chosen by the teacher or invited by the participant himself, then at the end of the competition the quality of the invitation is also evaluated. A prerequisite: the team captain compliments a girl from another class. The captains speak in turn and the one who compliments last wins, and the opponent will not be able to add anything more. The leading teacher must ensure that the words are not repeated, and the captains say compliments while looking at the girls, and not to the side. Time for the competition - 2-3 minutes.

All participants are divided into 2 teams. Two people from the team are blindfolded. One of them is given a marker, the other a sheet of paper. They are given the task to draw a House, a cat, etc. The rest tell how and to whom to move the sheet or what to draw. The result is confusion. The team with the most realistic drawing wins.

Defender of the Fatherland Day (game - competition for elementary school students)

Target: Create a festive atmosphere in the competition game.


Development of memory, attention, organization, independence;

Formation of collectivism;

speech development, creativity, cognitive interest students;

Formation of attentive and careful attitude to your classmates

1. Speech by girls with congratulations:

There is one fun class

We have 12 boys.

Congratulations to them today

That's what we want for them.

Learn only 5

We will help you.

Just, mind you, don't ask

And never fight with us.

Bogatyrsky health

We want to wish you

Best for skiing

And beat everyone in football!

May luck be with you

Only you are friends with us.

Help us in everything

Protect us from others.

In general, cute boys

We will reveal a secret to you

The best in the world

Nobody, of course!

Competitive program (all boys of the class are divided into 2 teams.)

Nomination "The best fisherman"

Team members take turns calling items for fishing. Whoever is last wins.

- Say a proverb(teams take turns completing the task, if the team is at a loss, the fans help)

Birds of a feather flock together)

That's why the pike in the lake, so that .... (carp did not doze off)

On lack of fish and ... (cancer fish)

You can’t catch it without difficulty ... (fish from the pond)

The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the man ... (better)

The fish goes out with ... (heads)

You can see the chatterbox by the word, and the fisherman by ... (catch)

There is a bite, there will be ... (catch)

Any fish is good, if on ... (the hook went)


What kind of fish did the godfather carry in the Russian folk song"Along the Piterskaya"? (zander)

What fish develops speed up to 100 km/h? (sword)

Which fish lies on one side? (flounder)

Which fish has hot blood? (tuna)

Fish herd? (jamb)

The most big fish rivers? (som)

Male name and fish? (Carp)

Stargazer and Aquarium Fish (Telescope)

- Game "Catch a fish"

The teams are up. In front of each team there is a basin of water, where "fish" - matches - swim. With a spoon you need to catch a match, bring it and put it on a plate. Who is faster.

2. Nomination "Best cook"

- bake a cake

Each team writes the name of the products that are needed to make the cake on a piece of paper in one minute.

- Build a pyramid of donuts

Opposite each team is a stick from the pyramid. There are bagels on the table for each team. Participants take a bagel with their mouth without the help of hands, run to the pyramid, put on a bagel. .Who is faster.

3. Nomination "Best Driver"

- Formula 1

Use the string to guide the machine between the pins without dropping them.

- Race

A pencil is attached to the typewriter. Who will bring the car to him faster, winding the rope around the pencil.

4. Nomination "Secret agent"

- Explainers

Explain the words with facial expressions:

Dining room



- Pantomime


chess duel

On the table, each team has a chessboard drawn on a piece of paper and cut into irregular shapes. Who will collect faster.

5. Nomination "Intellectual"

Tricky question

If the chair is lower than the table, then the table ... (higher)

If the river is deeper than the stream, then the stream .... (smaller)

If the sister is older than the brother, then the brother ... (younger)

If the right hand is on the right, then the right leg ... (right)

In which word of five letters 5 -O (again)

What is between the river and the shore? (letter I)

What is the product of all numbers? (0)

What dishes can not be eaten? (from empty)

Collect the word

Collect the word O M K D A R I N on the board. Who is faster.


Summing up the game. Girls give gifts.


1. Magazine "Read, learn, play" 1998 #1

2. V. Georgievsky Holding holidays in primary school. Moscow, enlightenment 1988

3. E. I. Romashova Cheerful birthday for children. Moscow ART-PRESS.
