Sports holiday pencil drawing. Winter and summer sports (pictures for kids)

From the early age every person must be instilled with love and respect for sport, because it not only helps us maintain a healthy and fit body, but also educates in a person such qualities of character that help him overcome many difficulties in life, become better. One of the ways to give a child the opportunity to understand what sport is is drawing. In preschool and school institutions, competitions of thematic sports pictures can be held. Children will not only be curious, but also exciting, because they will be able to compete with each other. We have made for our readers a selection of drawings on sports topics. As an example, you can show these drawings to children before the competition.

Drawings about sports, in stages

Option number 1: Gymnast

  1. We draw several approximately identical circles on the sheet. They should be located in one line at a slight angle.
  2. We depict the contours of the body of the gymnast and the hands with which she holds the ball. Everything should look at this stage schematically:

  1. Now the contours need to be shaped:

  1. When all parts of the body are clearly marked, we point the face, arms, legs and torso boldly with a pencil. We also draw the gymnast's hair:

  1. Add shadows in the picture and remove all extra lines:

Option #2: Skier

  1. We make sketches from the geometric shapes of a person who is skiing in the “half-sitting” position:

  1. Next, you need to draw a skier's suit, his helmet with boots and, of course, skis:

  1. Now on the costume you need to draw hatching and other elements that you see fit:

  1. It remains only to shade in the right places and the skier is ready:

Figure sport, step by step

Option #1: Snowboarding

  1. First, draw the snow itself. This is an ordinary board rounded from two edges. It should be slightly tilted to give the impression that the athlete is performing some kind of maneuver in the drawing. Immediately you need to draw the head, it is located at the same level as the upper edge of the snow. Please note that the athlete's legs should also be slightly visible.
  2. We draw the shins. The athlete’s legs will not be completely visible, since in the figure he is depicted in the “half-sitting” position.
  3. We round the knees, and draw a helmet with a mask on the head.
  4. We sketch out the markup of how the shoulders with arms should be located. Please note that one hand is free, which will reflect how the athlete maintains balance, and with the other he holds on to the snow.
  5. We detail the drawing - add facial features, elements of clothing.

Option #2: Skating

  1. First, draw with ordinary lines and simple geometric shapes body of a skater.
  2. We add additional lines to the lines denoting the body of the athlete, so that the arms and legs are already clearly distinguished. At the same stage, draw a hat, nose and mouth.
  3. We add eyes on the face, draw ears, as well as lines on the tracksuit of the hero we are depicting. We also draw the skates with simple lines so that their frame is already clearly visible.
  4. We detail the drawing with different elements, and then color it at our discretion.

Drawing about sports with a pencil, step by step

Drawings about sports are not only images of sports attributes, they are also people who have achieved great success in sports. We suggest you draw a champion boxer:

  1. We outline the main elements in the figure - these are parts of the body:

  1. We draw the face of the athlete. Here you need to remember the main rule - a person's nose is drawn clearly in the center in relation to the eyebrow line and chin. In other words, the nose is the point of intersection of the lines, extreme points which are the eyebrows and chin:

  1. After that, we proceed to drawing the lines of the body. Since this is an athlete, you need to draw in detail each muscle and line:

  1. Only shadows remain on the body. They are necessary so that, looking at the picture, emotions are evoked:

Sports drawing at school

Drawing sport is life

Drawing about sports in winter

sports drawing competition

In every preschool you can hold such a competition of drawings on a sports theme:

  • Children can draw on any material that they like best on the topic of sports. There is no need to limit children in anything so as not to lose their interest.
  • The work may also contain some elements of arts and crafts.
  • From each child, you can accept only one of the best, in his opinion, work.

When the drawings are ready, they need to be hung out in the most visible, but at the same time hard-to-reach place for children. Place a ballot box next to the pictures. May all comers who come in kindergarten, vote. To be honest, do not sign the work on the front side.

Be sure to hold such competitions in educational institutions in order to promote healthy lifestyle life, develop Creative skills children and form the correct model of behavior for each child. Don't forget to set an example yourself so that the result can be achieved quickly and efficiently!

Video: "Drawings about sports"

    For those who are not very good at drawing, illustrations with step-by-step sketches will be good. First you need to decide what kind of athlete you want to draw. I will give step by step sketches for trx various activities sports.

    1) So, the first sketch is dedicated to figure skating:

    This is how you can draw a figure skater.

    2) I will dedicate the second sketch to speed skating:

    3) And on the third sketch you will see how to draw a skier:

    Yes, you can easily draw an athlete. Here, make a simple drawing, and then complicate it. for example, you can draw like this.

    You need to show that the athlete is alive. You can paint over it with paints to match the skin tone. clothes are easy to draw. Draw shorts and a T-shirt if this is a basketball player. Draw a ball in your hands. Dye your hair Brown and everything is ready athlete.

    This is a drawing of a boy. You can also portray an adult.

    Currently, there are a lot of sports in the world that are practiced by both professionals and ordinary amateurs. I propose to consider how to draw the following sports representatives:

    1) Discus thrower;

    2) Skier;

    3) Baseball player.

    To draw any drawing, you will need an inventory consisting of the following items:

    1) A clean piece of paper;

    2) Regular and colored pencils;

    3) Eraser.

    The sequence of action is very simple:

    1) First draw the image of a person, with ordinary lines;

    2) Begin to draw every detail of this athlete more accurately.

    Below are three diagrams, performing all the steps in sequence, you will quickly draw any athlete.

    This picture shows a boxer boy.

    At the first stage, we draw a sketch of the body, while it is necessary to depict it in a gait, since the boxer is in an attack stance. We join hands in defense in front of the body of the athlete.

    Actually, there are a lot of sports. But our task is to give general scheme drawing. An athlete is a person who is in motion. Anyone - running, jumping, swimming, wrestling or gymnastics, playing team sports ... In short, we must show a person in motion. I propose such a simple circuit how to draw an athlete runner.

    First, draw an oval, flattened like this, at an angle to the surface of the earth. Now in the upper part we draw the head - nose, mouth, eyes, ears, hair. Below we draw the shoulders, arms in motion. In the lower part of the oval, we draw the legs in flight, that is, so that there is an impression of a running athlete. We draw one leg bent at the knee, the second leg touches the ground only with the toe of the shoe.

Football is one of the most popular games on the planet. It is played by children after school, adults in their free time. And the matches of professional football players are a noisy, significant and fun event. So, let's try to figure out how to draw a football player.

We draw a young football player

Football is a very dynamic game, and team members are in constant motion during the match. Therefore, we will also portray a football player in the midst of the game. We will do everything gradually - it's easier to learn how to draw a football player in stages.

Let's start with an outline. Pay attention to the posture: the back is strongly tilted back, the supporting leg is slightly bent, the arms are spread apart.

Now let's add details: draw the outlines of a T-shirt, shorts, boots. And, of course, you need to draw the ball - after all, it was the football player who hit with such force that he leaned back.

In order for the contours to look neat, draw them with a black marker. And at the same time we will add even more details: leggings, a star on a T-shirt, facial features, hair, patterns on clothes.

To make the picture look more "alive", let's add shadows - natural and falling, and also draw lines denoting movements. And in the background there is also a mesh gate.

Let's finish with this. We have a very cheerful and funny football player, isn't it?

Learning to portray an athlete with a simple pencil

A simple pencil is the main tool of the artist, so you must definitely learn how to draw a football player with a pencil. This time we will draw an adult athlete, moreover, in a very interesting position.

As in the previous version, the first thing we do is a general sketch. First, draw the upper torso: note that the torso and arms almost form the letter "x". The right hand almost touches the ground. The football player almost lay down to reach the ball and throw it as far as possible.

Now sketch out the extended leg. It is a continuation of the diagonally located torso. Pay attention to the fact that the leg should be slightly bent, and not perfectly straight.

Add a supporting leg. Here it is bent strongly, the athlete is almost sitting on it. And no wonder: it accounts for the entire weight of the body.

When the sketch is done, we begin to direct the contours and add details. It is necessary to outline the fingers, facial features, add folds on the clothes. We start, as before, with the body.

And then move on to the legs. They also need to be depicted as detailed and accurate as possible.

And now we will finish the ball and lay the shadows. Do not be zealous - it is better not to press with all your might, but to hatch in several layers.

Everything, the drawing is ready. If you want, you can increase the shadows a little more and work on the highlights.

Color drawing of a football player - add colors

With pencil drawings, everything is more or less clear. So let's move on to color options and learn how to draw a football player with a ball using colored pencils, crayons or paints.

With a black pencil, draw the outlines to the waist. Now the tilt of the body will not be back, but forward.

Let's add legs. They will be bent and wide apart.

Now for the details: patterns on the T-shirt and shorts, spikes on the boots and, of course, the ball.

And now the most interesting point- coloring. The socks and shorts will be white with blue and red stripes, the jersey will be light blue and the boots will be red. But, of course, you can color the athlete to your taste - for example, make the hair black and the uniform bright red.

Football player in cartoon style

Many people think that learning to draw is very difficult. However, in reality, it is within the power of everyone, including children. Now we will talk about how to draw a football player for beginners.

Let's do a general outline first. Since we are talking about children, let our football player be a boy of 10 years old.

Then carefully outline the contours with a black marker.

After we work on the face: we need to outline the eyes, nose, mouth, ears. And we will add the outlines of the ball.

And now - small parts: pentagons on the ball, grass, spikes on the boots, numbers and stripes on the form, a glare on the hair. And do not forget about tightly clenched fists.

That's all - we did it. Now you have convinced yourself fine arts there is nothing complicated.

Sports are a great alternative to bad habits. Health must be maintained from childhood. To prevent the child from being tempted bad habits It is necessary to accustom to physical education classes from an early age. This contributes to a healthy lifestyle in the future.

Introduce your child to different sports first. There are summer and winter varieties, equestrian and skiing, as well as some children's sports. Since it will not be possible to show everything on TV at once, we offer you Sports pictures that are easy to print from the site. This is great propaganda unhealthy image life.

What is the best way to teach children about sports?

Pictures on a sports theme

Especially for children studying various sports, I propose to print pictures and photos on the topic "Sport" with inscriptions. They can be funny and serious, but in any case, they will be useful for children.

Your child will get acquainted with sports such as: tennis, basketball, football, horseback riding, snowboarding, javelin throwing, gymnastics, skating, athletics, skiing, cheerleading or cheerleading, American football, baseball, kayaking, fishing.

Here you can download for free drawn cards for children with various sports, including funny ones. Children are drawn on the pictures, so it will be easier for your child to remember the pictures. Some of them contain a hint by themselves. For example, equestrian or skiing is easy to recognize by their respective attributes, and summer or winter sports are easily recognizable by the weather surrounding the athletes. Some children say: "I like to watch figure skating or equestrian sports." Use the interest of kids to instill in them a healthy lifestyle from childhood and get rid of bad habits. The image of an athlete is extremely important in raising children.

Drawn pictures and photos with inscriptions on the theme "Sports" for children:

Beautiful picture cards various kinds sports for children.

How to play?

Print pictures, cut them into cards, combine the names of various sports with images, stick them to each other so that the cards last longer, I advise you to laminate them or paste them with ordinary tape. Don't be afraid if some of the pictures are funny: the kids should laugh a little.

  1. If the baby is still very small, show him 2-3 different sports pictures every day several times a day, the next day add a few more cards and gradually change. When showing cards with sports, name what kind of sport it is, describe and consider what the children are doing in the picture, what they have in their hands, what they are wearing, etc. When you understand that the child has learned the information, you can check and offer the child to choose first from two options, then from more cards, where is which sport. For example, ask to find summer sports, skiing or horseback riding. With older children, you can ask why physical education is a great alternative to addictions. If the guys don't know, be sure to tell. Maybe in the future they will tell you: “I love and choose sports in my life!”
  2. You can use the same sports pictures as a developing poster, just download and print, and then hang it on the wall at the level of the child's eyes. When the child becomes interested and approaches the poster, tell him about one of the sports presented.
  3. With the same cards, you can also play games for the development of memory, for this you need to download and print two versions of the cards, turn them over to the other side and take out two.
  4. With older children, you can discuss these sports pictures in more detail, dream about what kind of sport your baby would like to do and why? You can give the task to invent short story on the topic “I love and choose ...” Let everyone decide what kind of sport he wants to play and what sports programs he likes to watch. Have the kids list healthy and bad hobbies, and also think about what an alternative to addictions could be.
  5. Drawn pictures with inscriptions are designed for group classes in kindergartens and schools early development, junior primary school, and for individual lessons Houses. They can be used to promote against bad habits and for a healthy lifestyle.

Other themed image options

winter views sports.
Poster on sports theme in Russian and English for children. Pictures with titles on English language. Cards with the image of sports stars.
Poster about sports in English.

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At school at youngest daughter competition of drawings on the theme of sports and health. Apparently, in connection with the upcoming sports Olympics in Sochi ...

We thought for a long time what to draw.

Of course, it could just be tourism - silhouettes of people with backpacks against the backdrop of mountains. Good idea, but it only now occurred to me when my daughter's drawing is already hanging in the school corridor ...

The fact is that drawing people for a child is a very difficult task. To be honest, I myself never knew how and did not like to draw people (because I never learned because I did not like). But I always drew landscapes, animals or fantasy pictures with pleasure.

In general, they racked their brains for a long time. We interviewed all our friends, looked at children's drawings on the topic of sports on the Internet. But everything was either too complicated or a bit not what we wanted ...

For example, my friend Olli (the author of the blog "Women's Logic"), when I complained that I could not think of anything to portray on the topic of sports and health - so as not to draw people at the same time, suggested depicting dumbbells under the bed. Type is always at hand.

Great idea, thanks Ol! But somehow it is still associated more with abandonment, and not with classes. I have dumbbells right next to me ... no, not under the bed ... in the closet. When I clean, sometimes I stumble upon them, I look with slight annoyance, trying to remember when I took them in my hands ... In general, I have such associations ...

It was still necessary to portray some kind of action. Well, I don’t know ... A girl on a twine with a gymnastic ribbon. Skier rushing down the mountainside. Swimmer floating in the pool.

But it's hard even for me. And for a child of 7 years old ... My daughter does not go to the art circle. All that she can do is from her nature. And a little from me. What I don't know, I can't teach...

As a result, I spent a long time on the Internet. But I never found sports without a person.

And so ... I really liked the drawing of a 6-year-old baby that I found on the Web. The kid is a genius! Because I don't draw like that in my life...

A drawing I found on the Internet. The artist is 6 years old!

Showed to my daughter. She said, “Oh, beautiful! Let's try to draw something like that!

We tried.

Since I am not a supporter of drawing for a child, as parents sometimes do (some admitted this to me themselves, but these are parents not from our class and not from our school at all), we did this. I took big leaf drawing paper. Gave the same to my daughter. And we sat down to draw. Near.

I drew, explained to her how and what to do. Sometimes she helped a little, but more with advice than with her hands, pencil or brush.

Here's what happened to me.

Goalkeeper. My drawing

Don't shoot at... the artist, he draws the best he can. And I'm not an artist at all ... Although I studied a little in childhood. My drawing turned out ... very childish. And you can’t say that an adult drew it. I don't know how to draw people - that's all!

Here's what happened to my daughter. Let me remind you, she just recently turned 7 years old.

Goalkeeper. Drawing by my daughter, 7 years old

Classmates are delighted!

Even high school students came and said that this is a real football player.

We will win on school competition or not, it doesn't really matter to us. The main thing that we wanted to try to do, and we succeeded. Well, at least it looks like what I wanted.
