Quiz about literary heroes. Literary riddles, contests, quizzes

Social project "Do good".

Project motto: Understand the people around you

Remember that good will save the world.

Project Information Card

Project relevance:

The changes taking place in our society are manifested in the following: market relations require such personal qualities as initiative, patriotism, tolerance, humanity.

An analysis of the current situation shows that today's youth have a problem associated with the lack of moral criteria evaluation of a person's actions in relation to himself and the society in which he lives.

The social project is aimed at the formation of humanism, moral qualities.
The relevance lies in the compliance of the project idea with the requirements of modern society and the state order for the education of a socially active person. Schoolchildren should play an active role in society and be its full participants, self-sufficient and socially oriented.

A feature of the proposed project is the involvement of the entire class team in its implementation through the organization of the activities of the class community. socially vigorous activity The community prepares adolescents for subsequent civic activities, they acquire social experience, develop the ability to independently plan and implement what has been planned, and be responsible for their actions. Children learn to cooperate with both peers and adults.

Target group for which the project is directed:

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers, veteran teachers; pensioners
- class students

Objective of the project:

Spiritual, moral and patriotic education of young people, increasing their social activity and civic responsibility through direct communication with veterans, the transfer of their personal feelings and life experience people who went through the war.

Improvement of the social status of participants in the Second World War, home front workers, veteran teachers, pensioners.

Expected results and how to measure them:

1. Carrying out socially significant actions of schoolchildren to help the elderly.

2. The manifestation of a children's initiative to help those in need of their care and attention to the elderly and lonely people, war veterans and invalids of the war and children with disabilities.

3 .Formation of labor skills and skills of a culture of behavior

The implementation of the program will allow:

Give social significance to concepts: national pride, patriotism, historical memory, civic duty;

To increase the level of social activity of students (questionnaires, diagnostics "Unfinished theses": Motherland for me ..., Patriot is ... and others.)

Providing targeted assistance to an elderly person assigned to the class

The project is based on educational methods:

Involvement in activities;




Personal example.

Stages of project implementation:

Purpose of the stage


Implementation timeline


Preparing students for project work

Identification of a priority problem

Creation of the Timurovtsy detachment

Create a work plan

Distribution of duties



Implementation of the project through various promotions


1. "Care". Organization of real assistance to those who need it (veterans and elderly residents of Chukhloma).

2. "Creativity". Participation in holidays concert programs dedicated to the Day of the elderly, Teacher's Day, Mother's Day, Victory Day.

3. Participation in the campaigns "Let's warm our palms, smooth out wrinkles", "Good deeds", "Flowers of Victory".

End of November


B) teacher-organizer

Explanatory note

In the Modernization Concept Russian education for the period of 2020, the most important tasks of education have been formulated: the formation of civic responsibility and legal self-awareness, spirituality and culture, initiative, independence, tolerance, and the ability for successful socialization in society in schoolchildren.

Now, when we are going through a difficult period of instability and social conflicts in many areas of our life, the need to restore the lost universal values ​​is especially acute: humanism and mercy, philanthropy and compassion, which should be brought up from childhood. We cannot turn a blind eye to the fact that there are many children left without parental care, disabled children, veterans of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers, elderly people next to us.

In 2008, I became the class teacher of the 1st grade, the class consisted of 7 girls and 3 boys. After getting acquainted with the class team, it was not difficult for me, as a class teacher, to choose a topic for work for 4 years. There were 3 people in the class Sunday school and one child is disabled and 90% of families were either large or poor, the level of education of parents was low.

The child learns the world by playing. Only through active involvement in individual and collective activities, and it is extremely important that the activity for the younger student is meaningful, arouses interest, the child can see his growth and result. It is this approach that the teaching staff of the MOU secondary school No. 17 adheres to.

The program (project) for the development of the class team is designed to provide value-semantic certainty of spiritual, moral, civic and patriotic education. The form of the socially significant project “By the Way of Kindness” was chosen as the basis for implementation.

This project was developed and implemented from 2008 to 2012. The primary school teacher has a great opportunity in the formation of civic consciousness and the education of morality to receive best result, as it has fertile ground - a child is a "blank slate". A with clean slate, as has long been known, everything to start is much better and more efficient.

Purpose: the formation in children of the philosophy of humanism, justice, mercy, as well as the implementation of the ideas of goodness, beauty and universal morality, morality, through helping people in need, through a system of educational activities, involvement in gaming and socially significant activities

1. In the field of personal culture formation:

  • organize the social activity of children, which forms the ability for spiritual development, realization creativity in educational-playing, subject-productive, socially oriented activities - “getting better”;

2. In the field of social culture formation:

  • to form mercy and tolerance, providing assistance to sick peers, encouraging their personal desire to voluntarily and disinterestedly take care of people;

3. In the field of family culture formation:

  • to form in the student a respectful attitude towards parents, a conscious, caring attitude towards elders and younger ones;

Main priorities:

  1. Raising the attitude to the family as the basis of life

Terms of the program implementation: 2008–2012 (4 years)

The main directions of the program implementation:

  1. Education of citizenship, patriotism, respect for the rights, freedoms and duties of a person.
  2. Education of moral feelings and ethical consciousness.
  3. Education of industriousness, creative attitude to learning, work, life.
  4. Education of a value attitude to beauty, the formation of ideas about aesthetic ideals and values ​​(aesthetic education).

The priority areas in the activities of the classroom team are:

  • Education of moral feelings and ethical consciousness.
  • Education of industriousness, creative attitude to learning, work, life.
  • Raising a value attitude towards nature, environment(ecological education).

Project implementation mechanism.

For the successful implementation of the functions of educational work, as a class teacher, I chose the role of "guide through the country of morality" and assistants - "older comrade" (parents). They help me, as well as the students, to get involved in various types of joint activities, to solve the most important and complex problems of their individual and personal development. The leading place is given to the organization and conduct class hours and KTD for the study of the "laws of goodness and morality", they are assigned the role of a conductor in the education of love for others. The main "place of residence" of the class is the primary school room No. 10, in which extracurricular activities: class hours, research and creative work, temporary exhibitions, for example, "Road of Success", "Corner of Russian Life", "Wall of Memory and Sorrow", "Nature of the Native Land", participate in school-wide and city events as part of the "Formula of Success" festival .

In the practical part of the program, students provide charitable assistance to elders, participate in labor landings, rallies, create creative works about their parents, about the nature of our region, get acquainted with those types of human activities that do not harm nature, and also make their own contribution to the conservation surrounding nature. Educational work has fairly wide internal and external connections: excursions to production, to nature, visits to libraries, museums, exhibitions, etc.

Thus, within the framework of this project, children are involved in being active participants in all affairs, interacting with society and benefiting their neighbors and their small homeland.

The main forms and methods of project implementation: Educational activities in subjects. The system of class hours, information hours. Traditional school-wide collectively creative activities. Participation in promotions. Patronage of the disabled and war and labor veterans. Meetings with war and labor veterans, organization of concerts. Joint activities with parents, teachers additional education, teachers of events, with the involvement of the public. Research work.

Expected results:

  • Steady interest in the historical past of his small homeland and Russia.
  • Love and respect for nature.
  • Active life position, interest in knowledge, desire for self-expression and self-realization;
  • Initiative and creativity in work, respect for the results of work, awareness of the importance of work.
  • Honesty, respect and kindness towards people.
  • Self-respect and observance of the rules of culture, organization, punctuality and exactingness to oneself.

The external result can be seen and fixed:

  1. The presence of a stable cognitive interest, the desire for success.
  2. Accumulation and enrichment of experience moral behavior junior schoolchildren by organizing their practical activities.

The internal result is expressed as:

in changing the spiritual and moral qualities of a person , civic self-awareness of students, which can be fixed through monitoring.

  • Formation of skills and habits of moral behavior (in relation to people, to activities, to things, to oneself, to nature)
  • Getting students satisfaction from the results and process of activities, a sense of their own necessity and usefulness.
  • Increasing the level of cohesion of the children's team.
  • Decreased aggressiveness in the behavior of schoolchildren.

Tracking the results of education is carried out by: observations, questioning, interviews, in fixing the participation of students in collective creative affairs, recording the results of students in the "Student Portfolio".

Project participants: students of grades 1-4 of MKOU secondary school No. 17; classroom teacher; additional education teachers; parents;

Target group: veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers, elderly people, grandparents

Social partners involved in the project

Village library. Veterans Council. Home, school. Villagers. Parents.

Regulatory support: the federal law"On Education" dated 10.12.2001 "National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation" . "The concept of modernization of education in the Russian Federation". "Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education" dated 06.10.2009. No. 373. "The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia" . Development program of MOU secondary school No. 17 for 2011-2015. "The main educational program of the educational institution".

Stages of organizing the activities of the class team for spiritual and moral education

Stage 1 - Preparatory - 2008

Purpose: to conduct diagnostic studies of the behavior of students and their parents to plan the activities of the class team.

Development of diagnostic methods and their implementation in practice. Questioning, survey, testing, pedagogical observations, conversations.

Stage 2 - Organizational - 2009

Task To create a set of conditions for the organization of spiritual and moral education of students taking into account their age characteristics on the basis of a personality-oriented individual approach in education

Planning activities: 1. Planning the work of the class team in areas. 2. Drawing up an action plan (cooperation) with social partners; 3. Development of the topics of class hours based on the course program

"School and moral education personalities" ;


  1. The program "The Way of Good" has been developed
  2. Plan with the village library.
  3. Tour plan.
  4. Developed plan

Stage 3 - Inclusion in activities - 2010 and 2011

A complex of completed cases with students of the class on spiritual and moral education

Areas of activity - Organization learning activities by subject:

Activities* Training course"Ural. Human. Origins". (grades 1-3).

  • Training course "Fundamentals of Orthodox culture and secular ethics."
  • Project (research) activity.

Extracurricular activities in subjects (literature, the world around us, art and technology).

Form, name of events

  • Participation in the school and city tour of the "Silver Feather" competition (collection of works "Living Book of Love"
  • Participation in the school and city essay competition "My teacher is the best"
  • Participation in the school and city tour of the Regional Competition "Streams of Kindness"
  • Protection of projects on class hours

Grade 1 1. "My dad is a defender of the Fatherland" . 2. "Mom - there is no other word sweeter"
Grade 2
1. "Heroes of war live nearby" 2. "I love you, my native land"
3rd grade 1. “My great-grandfather was at war” 2. “A teacher before your name…. »
4th grade 1. "The history of my family in the history of my village" 2. "School traditions"

Project "Living flowers - veterans for you"

  • Organization of library lessons at the village library.
  • Excursions to museums and production.
  • Participation in the school and city intellectual and creative game "Ekokolobok"
  • Participation in school and city exhibitions


The system of holding class hours, information hours

Traditional school-wide collectively creative labor affairs

Participation in promotions. Patronage of the disabled and war and labor veterans. Conducting joint events with parents, teachers of additional education, teachers, with the involvement of the public

Organization of meetings with interesting people, veterans

Activities: Classroom and information hours. Promotions: “Help for birds”, “Mercy.

“Live thread”, “Remember. We are proud. Inherit”, “Rays of Good”, “Gift to a Veteran”, “Christmas Miracle”, “Give People Joy”

Labor action: "I am a volunteer!", "In memory of the fallen," All works are good - they helped from the bottom of their hearts. Subbotnik. Labor landing! Great theme nights. School holidays. Organization of joint events with the village library.

Form, name of events *Theme of class hours

Grade 1 "My home is my family"
Grade 2
"My school. My village"
3rd grade City of Alapaevsk. Russia is my homeland
4th grade « Sverdlovsk region- a piece of Russia"

Production of feeders, birdhouses for birds. Construction of the school campus SDA). Planting vegetables and harvesting at the school site. Houseplant care. Cleaning the school yard. Cleaning the park at the obelisk. Making flowers for May 9th. Help for elderly grandmothers: cleaning the front garden from garbage, bring water, remove snow. Participation in concerts dedicated to the day of the elderly. Meetings with WWII veterans and home front workers

Collection of things, toys for the orphanage in Alapaevsk. Outdoor concert. Growing indoor flower. Making greeting cards and gifts. Congratulations to a child with a disability, a student of our class on the holidays. Congratulations to classmates on their birthday. Holding a joint holiday for dads "Soldier on Guard of the Fatherland". Organization of the evening "Congratulations to dear mothers." Virtual excursion into the past "Victory Day". "Autumn Festival" "New Year's Carnival" "Shrovetide". Rally "Eternal memory to the fallen heroes." Participants of Children's Book Week. Action "Knizhkin Day" (repair of books in the village library). Participate in the preparation of art numbers. amateur performances for the Club of Readers. Participate in the preparation of art numbers. Plotnikova A., liothecoins of pedagogical work. Preparing students for the regional competition "Strong in spirit".

Carried out library lessons and exhibitions of memory "I became a scout" "Roads of war". "Children of War" - a meeting with Karymova I. I "He went through the whole war and remained alive" - ​​Prilukov I., "War is a cruel war" - Fatkhutdinov I.

Stage 4 - Final - 2012

Purpose: summing up the results of the Project implementation.

Summing up the results of participation in the events of the festival "Young intellectuals of the Middle Urals . (Application)

open extracurricular activity. Class hour "Do good" (socially significant activity of students) for parents and the public.

Presentation of the results of activities: "Portfolio" of students and "Portfolio" of the class at the school-wide holiday "Honour Holiday", for parents at the holiday "Last time in 4th grade".

Reflection of activities in the school newspaper "Eyes and Ears", the media.

Within the framework of this project, an open extracurricular activity is presented - a class hour "Do good", at which they once again analyzed the perfect deeds, the good deeds that make a person kinder, and our life brighter and more joyful.

The products of this lesson were student presentations and flowers that will be planted near the obelisk in the Gornyak park and on the school site, as well as a gift to veterans.

I. Project Action "Rays of kindness" - Plotnikova Anastasia, 4th grade

Students are instructed to write letters addressed to children from the orphanage. Letters are designed brightly, colorfully, carry a charge positive energy. In these letters, the guys express their wishes, suggestions, congratulations on the holidays. These messages were sent, along with collected toys and other items and things, to the shelter. This action made it possible for children from orphanages to feel not alone, needed by society. The students of our class, together with other children of the school, prepared a concert for children. In children's eyes, sparks of happiness sparkled. Some felt that they were remembered. others were happy that they brought joy to others

II. Project " Action "Christmas Miracle" - Shmotieva Anastasia

New Year and Christmas holidays are the time when children with disabilities especially acutely feel the lack of care and love from society. The purpose of the action "Christmas Miracle" is to help ( new year surprise) for children with disabilities and New Year's greetings for our classmate. She does not go to school. Classmates make gifts for her, bring toys, books and give her this day, inviting her to the New Year's school tree ..

III. Project" Action "Mercy" - Ikonnikova Anastasia, 4th grade

Help the elderly, their grandparents in cleaning old foliage, weeding flower beds and ridges, water delivery, snow removal ..

IV. Project " Action "Live thread" - Shtin Kirill, 4th grade

Meetings with veterans of war and labor", communication with them, organization and holding of festive concerts, making and congratulating gifts for the elderly..

And other projects "Caring for birds" - Andrey Gnevanov.

"Gift to Veterans" - Uliana Samkova

"I am a volunteer" - Markina Regina

R project effectiveness

  • promotion moral culture project participants;
  • enrichment emotional world participants with a sense of responsibility, mercy, compassion;
  • assistance to people in need of social support.

Long-term: The project is designed to be implemented in primary schools over four academic years.

Successful implementation of the project allows you to modify it and successfully implement it in the future.

The relevance and importance of this problem for the region
I.S. Turgenev

Nowadays, the theme of mercy is gradually beginning to be lost among other topics that seem more relevant. The existing rhythm of life, which makes you forget about everything in the world, except for your problems, the lack of human communication, which has been replaced by soulless computers and the Internet, leads to the fact that parents are busy with their own problems, and children are left to their own devices. As a result, nihilism increased among adolescents, demonstrative and defiant behavior towards adults, cruelty and aggressiveness towards others began to appear. Therefore, it is necessary to teach children to be merciful, to be able to sympathize and appreciate such human qualities as kindness, friendship, humanity. It is necessary to teach them simple human communication, communication with each other. Yes, and we ourselves, children, in Lately began to realize that the most acute shortage was human warmth and concern for others, and that is why we more often began to turn to the words: mercy and kindness, responsiveness and compassion.
The relevance of the project lies in the fact that changes are taking place in the society in which we live. Market relations come to the fore, such qualities as patriotism, honesty, and decency depreciate. Talking about it at the beginning school year, we came to the conclusion that after all, the most important thing in a person is what makes him above everything and everyone - this is kindness and mercy, which are the basis of the foundations.
The more good deeds we do, the more we will be rewarded and will remain for future generations. Good deeds need to be done not only for yourself, but also “for that guy” who does not understand these simple things. Therefore, we have a lot of work with you, friends!
Our social project is aimed at the formation of moral qualities, without which any person cannot develop harmoniously.
We (namely, the Vest volunteer squad) want and must play an active role in society and be its full participants, self-sufficient and socially oriented. We want to change our society, first of all, by changing ourselves.
When writing the project and drawing up the action plan, some statistical data were taken into account:
27 pupils of different ages live and study in the Oryol Orphanage;
The day stay group of the KTSSON of the Syumsinsky district is visited by 10 people from 7 to 15 years old;
Disabled people, veterans, pensioners, members of the labor front, (total 82 people living in the village of Syumsi) who need any help;
10 people live in the boarding school of the Syumsin school.
The Syumsinsky House of Children's Creativity is visited by children from primary classes:
1st class - 94 people;
Grade 2 - 89 people;
Grade 3 - 64 people;
Grade 4 - 66 people.

In 2014, we wrote and implemented the social project "I'm Safe". The main goal was to prevent fire safety among children and adolescents in the Syumsinsky district. There is no difference between this and the present. Both projects are relevant, in demand and necessary, both for society and for oneself.

Udmurt Republic, Syumsinsky district, with. Sumsi.

Formation of feelings of mercy, responsiveness, compassion, good relations to people, by involving them in socially significant cases to provide direct, practical assistance

1. Development of motivation for socially active activity;
2. To instill in students a sense of civic duty, patriotism;
3. To form the ability to adapt in the socio-cultural space, developing moral and volitional qualities;
4. Cultivate a sense of responsibility for each of your actions in relation to people in need of help.

The target audience
pupils of kindergartens of the Syumsinsky district (6-7 years old),
circle members of the Syumsinsky House of Children's Art (7-13 years old),
children of the day stay group KTSSON Syumsi village (8-12 years old),
pupils of the Oryol orphanage (14-16 years old),
pupils of the Syumsinsky boarding school;
residents with Sumsi;
pensioners, veterans;
children with disabilities

Implementation mechanism

The first stage is design
The purpose of the first stage: preparation on the project, selection of the problem, development of an action plan. During the problem-oriented analysis of the situation, a sociological survey of high school students was conducted (Appendix No. 1). After a thorough analysis of the survey, we identified a priority problem: voluntary, charitable assistance to people in need of help. Therefore, we began to deal with the implementation and solution of this problem, the volunteer group "Best" (created on the basis of the House of Children's Art in 2012) consisting of students in grades 8, 9, 10.
Having familiarized ourselves with the development, purpose and objectives of the project, we drew up a work plan, distributed responsibilities between each other for the further successful implementation of the project. When distributing responsibilities, the desire of each of us, our individual capabilities and abilities, and the level of preparedness were taken into account.
The responsibilities between us were also clearly defined:
- openly discuss issues related to the project with all members of the volunteer team, including our leader;
- put forward their innovative ideas and proposals;
- take part in meetings of volunteers;
- demonstrate their dedication to volunteer work;
- strive to achieve the objectives of each event;
- complete assigned activities on time and successfully;
- make a personal contribution to solving existing problems.
We understood that with the help of volunteer work we would acquire useful skills and abilities for further adaptation in society. We will be able to have the opportunity to express ourselves, declare our position in life, find our place in micro and macro society, express our inner “I”.
Thanks to active, responsible participation in the lives of others, strangers, readiness to help others and be needed by them, we ourselves will be able to see for ourselves the personal growth of ourselves as a volunteer.
Personal growth is the moral, social and mental development thanks to which you become a man with a capital letter - a man who thinks big. As you know, the scale of a person is equal to the scale of his work. That is why, without hesitation, at the first call of the heart and soul, we are always ready for good deeds, deeds, actions that measure the scale of the completed task. In the course of discussions and discussions, we decided with which structures of state and local authorities we have to cooperate. To implement this project, the following forms and methods of student activity were planned: actions; lectures; conversations; messages, creative tasks; discussions; conducting thematic lessons; independent and group work; seminars, business and role-playing game; cleaning the village, school grounds.

The second stage is practical
The purpose of this stage: the implementation of the project through various actions, events.
The social project "Share your kindness" consists of three main areas:
1. "Purity and nature of native places";
2. "Joy";
3. "Mercy".
1 direction
"Purity and nature of native places"

Purpose: help in solving environmental issues, the formation of ecological behavior that ensures the preservation of nature and man on Earth, the formation of patriotic feelings of children on the basis of familiarization with the nature of the village.

Campaign "Our Clean Village".
Purpose: improvement of the Syumsi village.
In order to carry out the campaign "Our Clean Village", our detachment annually (in spring and autumn) actively participates in the improvement of its native village. Having broken into several groups, putting on gloves and gauze bandages, taking bags in our hands, we clear the territory of garbage. We also plant trees, break flower beds, put in order the territory of the House of Children's Creativity, while whitewashing the foundation.
Improvement of the village has become a traditional and important matter for us.

Campaign "Nature of native places"
In order to implement this action with preschoolers kindergarten"Birch" p. Syumsi had informative conversations, travels through an imaginary forest, role-playing games, environmental, dramatization games. The children watched the video “My small Motherland-Syumsi” with pleasure.

2 direction

Purpose: organization of leisure, holiday for pupils of the orphanage, boarding schools, preschool institutions, day stay groups KTSSON, primary school students.

Campaign "Road to Kindness"
Purpose: the formation of ideas about kindness, love, empathy, the formation of a respectful attitude towards people.
This action is dedicated to kindness. For pupils of preschool institutions of the Syumsinsky district and children from the day stay group of the KTSSON with. Syumsi volunteers showed theatrical performances, lessons of kindness, held talks, drawing contests and just played. After the event, sweet prizes, medals, emoticons with the image of the sun were also distributed, receiving in return their joyful faces, smiles on their faces and the desire that we come to them again.

Action "Day of Heroes of Russia"
Purpose: Volunteers distribute leaflets in the form of soldier (front-line) letters-triangles to residents of settlements with information about the Heroes in whose honor the place is named, as well as about his feat.
In small groups (5-10 people each), volunteers gathered in the center of the village. Syumsi, also on the streets named after the Heroes of the Soviet Union and Heroes of Russia. Volunteers handed out leaflets to passers-by in the form of soldiers' (front-line) letters-triangles with information about the Heroes in whose honor the place is named, as well as about his feat. Leaflets were made on a conventional printer and folded in the form of a triangle.

Promotion "Merry Evenings"
Purpose: conducting thematic, preventive conversations, organizing games and leisure.
Once a month, in the evening, we visit the boarding school to conduct educational, preventive or entertainment event, play games and just chat. And we invite the children from the orphanage to our house of children's creativity, or we ourselves go to them, since they are in another locality to conduct a role-playing game or simply organize their leisure time.

Action "Change"
Purpose: organization of games during the break in the classroom of the House of Children's Creativity.
During the break in the house of children's creativity, volunteers organize outdoor games for the children. This contributes to the active recreation of pupils, helps them to master a large amount of knowledge more successfully, and improves academic performance. During emotional game actions, the nerve centers of the players are excited, which were in an inhibited state during classes in circles. Such a switching of the work of the nerve centers makes it possible for the pupils to have a better rest and it is easier to perceive the educational material at the next lesson.

Action "Letter to a soldier"
Purpose: on the eve of February 23, to congratulate the military.
On the eve of the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day, letters of congratulations, parting words and gratitude are sent to all servicemen-compatriots for their service in the ranks of the Armed Forces Russian Federation.
At present, letters are a rarity, and when you defend the Fatherland and receive news from your small Motherland in the hustle and bustle of days, it is especially nice to know that the district needs you and that they are waiting for you!

Action "Great Victory"
Purpose: the formation of patriotic feelings of children on the basis of familiarization with the fighting traditions of fellow countrymen.
In the course of informative, thematic conversations, travel classes, games, expand the knowledge of preschool children about the pages of the Patriotic War, arouse interest in military history.

3 direction

Purpose: to provide assistance to people with disabilities, pensioners, veterans, and people in difficult life situations.

Action "The way of goodness"
Purpose: sale of tickets for a charity concert, and fundraising for the treatment of children with disabilities.
Every year, volunteers sell tickets to the charity concert "The Way of Kindness", so that the collected funds go to the treatment of children with disabilities.

Campaign "Help to Veterans"
Purpose: to provide household assistance to lonely elderly people.
Volunteers provide assistance in laying firewood, cleaning the territory, washing windows, and buying groceries. After that, the guys are often treated to sweets as a token of gratitude.

Promotion "Warm hands"
Purpose: collection of warm clothes for people who need them.
Collected items (hats, scarves, mittens, seals) are transferred to social welfare institutions.

Action "Soft heart"
Purpose: social support for children in difficult life situation, and children with disabilities, and creating conditions for the development of creative abilities, play activities of children in difficult life situations, and children with disabilities.
Collected during the month soft toys, (or educational games, constructors, mosaics, puzzles) a cover letter or postcard attached to the toy and containing words of support for children in difficult situations. All toys were transferred to the Department of Social Assistance to Families and Children and the Prevention of Neglect at the Syumsinsky Center for Child and Social Education.

The third stage is summarizing.
Purpose: creation of a data bank (package of diagnostics, methodological developments, development of new programs) for more efficient work and improvement of the project. To summarize the work done, it is necessary, of course, to analyze the data obtained and monitor the activities and actions carried out.
Volunteer charitable activity has existed, exists and will exist on Earth at all times.

1. Lack of financial support and material and technical base.
2. Problems in attracting target audience to the project activities due to the workload of adolescents in the educational institution.
3. The problem of the audience to prepare for events.
4. Passivity of some teenagers.

The team was divided into 3 groups, each group performed its functional duties:
group 1 - a sociological survey among high school students about their attitude to volunteering;
Group 2 - collection of statistical data in public institutions and the study of media materials on this issue;
Group 3 - interaction with competent specialists, who later became social partners of the projects.

Partners in our noble cause are:
Sector for youth affairs of the Syumsinsky district,
Department of Education,
Charitable Foundation "Era of Mercy",
District House of Culture,
rural administration;
Employment center;
Comprehensive Center social service population.

Expected results
At the end of the project activities, it is assumed that the project participants will take the initiative to continue it by expanding the number of active social interaction partners. Due to the fact that the project participants not only realize its social significance in the course of their activities, but also understand that the creative skills and abilities that they possess bring real benefits to people who need it.
We predict an increase in the level of conscious behavior and compliance with social rules of behavior in society; development of a sense of civic duty, patriotism, responsibility for each of their actions in relation to people in need of help.
One of the results we expect is the expansion of the number of social partners.
We predict that the participants of this project will not doubt what needs to be done if they encounter a person who needs all possible help. Education in ourselves responsible tolerant consciousness and behavior in Everyday life is one of our main forecasts and expected results.

Further implementation of the project.
The social project "Share your kindness" has been implemented. But we hold some promotions annually, for several years. We will not rest on our laurels, we will develop, refine, and implement other projects. And we will post this project in our group Volunteers of the Syumsinsky district "Best"
