Flower-waffle-chocolate Brussels. Brussels waffles Brussels waffle with sugar description

Who hasn't tried waffles? Crispy, with various tasty fillings, aromatic. Surely every child loves them, and adults too. We are used to the fact that these confectionery products can be bought in stores, loose or in rustling colorful packages. However, recently Belgian waffles, which differ in many ways from factory-made ones, have become increasingly popular. They are eaten hot in cafes and in Waffle Houses specially designed for this purpose. And if you have a special waffle iron, you can prepare them at home. Before we begin to describe the distinctive features of these delicacies, as well as describe the recipe for Belgian waffles for an electric waffle iron, let's take a short excursion into the past and find out where and when these delicacies were first produced.

Origin story

According to some sources, the first waffles were prepared in Ancient Greece. Of course, they were not called as they are today, since the word waffel is of German origin and is translated as “cell”, “honeycomb”, because the prints from the waffle iron resemble a honeycomb. In Germany they have been baked since the 13th century and only for master's tables. They were a favorite dessert of kings and brilliant nobles, but the poor were forbidden to bake waffles for themselves under pain of severe punishment. However, no matter how long the recipes for their preparation were kept in the strictest confidence, they soon spread throughout northwestern Europe. Today, these delicacies are considered the most popular desserts in Denmark, Holland, Austria, Germany and Belgium. Throughout Russia and the CIS countries today you can find many cafes that serve hot, appetizing, dipped in various delicious fondants, cream, glaze, etc., not German, not Austrian, not Danish, but “Belgian” waffles. These are no longer just confectionery products, but a real brand, like, for example, Kiev cake or Italian ice cream, etc.

Features of Belgian cuisine

Modern Belgian cuisine combines the traditional features of dishes from French, Dutch, and German cuisines, as well as the culinary features of medieval Belgium. It is famous all over the world for its chocolate and waffles, chips and beer. Culinary arts are highly valued in this European country. There are thousands of upscale restaurants here, and Waffle House is among them. Belgian waffles are soft, they are almost nothing like the crispy ones we are used to buying in the store. They are even somewhat reminiscent of our pancakes, only they have a crispy crust.

There are many recipes for their preparation. Depending on the ingredients used and the cooking method, waffles can taste completely different. Some of them are buttery, but there are also lean ones, the recipe of which does not include animal products, even milk is replaced with soy milk. If there is a waffle iron in the house, then even a child can prepare this dessert on his own. In a word, the recipe for Belgian waffles in a waffle iron is very simple, and most importantly, very fast, which is why many people prefer to cook them for breakfast. This is a really good start to the day! In a matter of minutes, fragrant waffles will already be on your morning table and whet your appetite with their rosy appearance. Later in the article we will tell you how to prepare Belgian waffles at home using several original recipes. You will see for yourself that there is nothing complicated about it.

Belgian waffles: Brussels recipe

As already mentioned, there are many recipes for baking these confectionery products. However, the most famous of them are Liege (Walloon) and Brussels, that is, Flemish. The first ones are harder, have an oval or round shape, and may contain “sugar pearls” (caramelized sugar). These are crispy Belgian waffles. But the Brussels ones are more airy and soft. They have a rectangular shape. As a rule, the waffle dough is unsweetened, so before use the finished products are sprinkled with powdered sugar, poured with syrup, jam, decorated with chocolate glaze, cream, etc.

Brussels waffle batter

Here is a list of products that will be needed to prepare this delicacy: three chicken eggs, a large glass of boiled chilled milk, half a pack of butter or margarine, a dessert spoon of dry yeast, a pinch of salt and 7 tbsp. spoons (250 g) flour.

Cooking method

Knowing all the necessary ingredients that go into making waffles is not all that is required to get a great end result. Despite the fact that preparing them is quite simple, you still need to know some nuances to make Belgian waffles truly delicious. We present to your attention step-by-step instructions:

Liege delicacy: recipe for Belgian waffles in a waffle iron

But these delicacies turn out denser and crispier. To prepare them you need to have the following ingredients on hand:

  • 0.5 kilograms of flour;
  • 1 coffee cup of granulated sugar and 150 g of sugar pearls;
  • 1 heaped teaspoon of yeast (dry);
  • a pack of sweet and salty butter;
  • 0.5 cups of milk (you can use water);
  • three eggs;
  • vanillin;
  • a pinch of salt.

Now we will prepare Belgian waffles. The first thing to do is prepare a dough from milk, yeast, salt and 1 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Leave to ferment for about 15-20 minutes. Then sift the flour in the form of a slide and make a depression. Pour in the milk-yeast mixture in a stream, break the eggs there, add melted butter and granulated sugar. Knead the dough thoroughly and leave to rise for 30 minutes. Then add sugar pearls to it. Now you can bake waffles. To do this, grease the mold with oil. Form small balls from the dough. Place them one by one in the middle of the waffle iron, press down and bake for about four minutes.

These waffles, unlike the previous recipe, are sweet and can be eaten without any sauce or fudge. In addition, the filling may cause the product to become soft and not crunchy.

Vegetarian waffles

Of course, to prepare these delicate confectionery products, the Belgians use a large number of ingredients, including those of animal origin. However, our resourceful housewives found a new formula. With its help you can bake lean Belgian waffles, the recipe of which does not contain eggs, butter or cow's milk. Topped with jam or preserves, they can be a wonderful dessert during Lent. We offer you a recipe for so-called vegetarian waffles.


So, you will need the following products:

  • 2 cups premium flour;
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder;
  • 1-2 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of soda and the same amount of salt;
  • soy milk - half a liter;
  • three tablespoons of vegetable oil.

You can add cinnamon, vanilla, ground nutmeg to the dough for flavor, and a quarter teaspoon of turmeric to give the waffles a golden color.


Combine all dry and liquid products, and then mix well until smooth. That's it, the dough is ready. Since it does not contain yeast, there is no need to wait for it to rise before baking. Lubricate the electric waffle iron with vegetable oil using a brush and fill it with dough. Close the lid and bake for 7-8 minutes until golden brown. If you like your waffles crispy, you can let them sit for up to 10 minutes. Just be careful that they don't burn. Since these are lean waffles, cream, ice cream, milk-chocolate paste or buttercream as a filling will not be suitable for them, but jam, preserves and pieces of fruit, sprinkled with fruit syrup, will be quite appropriate. Here is an excellent dish for your Lenten table.

Special equipment for waffles

Some may have been interested in the question of whether these confectionery products can be prepared without special equipment. It turns out not. After all, waffles differ from other baked goods in that they have a honeycomb-shaped imprint on the surface, and those that the waffle iron leaves for Belgian waffles are large and distinct. The most primitive equipment for preparing these delicacies is a folding form made of durable metal, similar to a book. She has handles. After filling with dough, it is placed on the burner of a gas or electric stove and the delicacy is baked in this way. However, modern waffle irons run on electricity. They are much more convenient to use. Electric waffle irons can be purchased at a household goods store or ordered from an online store. Today there are many different models of this simple equipment. In them, waffles can be prepared in a matter of minutes and served hot.


A day that starts with hot, fragrant and crispy Belgian waffles cannot be a bad day. Already in the morning, positive emotions and good mood are guaranteed! European kings and illustrious nobles knew a lot about this delicacy. It is not for nothing that the great artists and scientists Strauss and Chopin, Kafka and Goethe, Nobel and Fred, and many others, preferred these delicious confectionery products for breakfast. Today, the fame of Belgian waffles has spread throughout the world. Each cook brings something special to their recipe and improvises with fillings. In countries far from Belgium, for example in Georgia or Armenia, you can find special establishments where they serve exclusively Belgian waffles, the appearance of which exceeds all expectations. Drizzled with bright syrups, drizzled with chocolate glaze, sprinkled with nuts and coconut flakes, white chocolate fudge, whipped cream or egg whites, they are masterpieces of culinary art (see photo above). There are wonderful “Waffle Houses” in Russian cities. In the short time of their existence, they have become a favorite place for both children and adults. In a word, Belgian waffles have firmly established themselves all over the world, giving joy and pleasure to gourmets all over the planet.

Although this is no longer a new product, not everyone knows how to make this delicious delicacy correctly. Therefore, we will now look at some of the most interesting recipes for Belgian waffles for an electric waffle iron.

This batter is not for thin waffles. For cooking you will need a deep electric waffle iron.


  • Flour – 0.5 kg;
  • Butter – 0.1 kg;
  • Eggs – 2 pieces;
  • Mineral water – 500 ml;
  • Milk – 350 ml;
  • Yeast (dry) – 6 g;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Salt – 1 small pinch.

Preparation step by step:

  1. Place the butter in a metal container and heat until completely melted. Immediately after this, remove the oil from the heat; it should not boil.
  2. In a separate bowl, slightly heat the milk and pour it into the butter.
  3. Pour mineral water into the same container and place the liquid on low heat.
  4. Salt and eggs must be mixed until smooth. Pour everything into the main ingredients. Mix very thoroughly. Remove the mixture from the heat immediately.
  5. Add flour in small portions and mix everything at once. There should be no lumps. Continue this action until all the flour has been used.
  6. Throw in all the yeast and a spoonful of sugar. Mix thoroughly.
  7. Leave the mixture for half an hour. During this time it should rise.
  8. Turn on the electric waffle iron; it should get very hot. Grease the surface with oil.
  9. The dough will be very liquid. Therefore, for convenience, use a ladle or a large spoon. With the help of these accessories, it is convenient to take the dough and lay it out in forms. One ladle is needed for one serving.
  10. Ready-made waffles can be used with many fillings. The dough is not sweet, so let your imagination run wild. For example, you can pour chocolate or cream on them, or vice versa, put meat and vegetables or sausage on them.

Bon appetit!

Belgian waffles - a classic recipe for an electric waffle iron


  • Flour – 0.2 kg;
  • Yeast (fresh) – 10 g;
  • Egg – 1 piece;
  • Butter – 600 g;
  • Milk – 0.25 l;
  • Baking powder for dough - half a teaspoon;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Salt is on the tip of the knife.

Cooking steps:

  1. Take a large bowl. Pour milk into it, add sugar and mix. Add the yeast; it should be completely dissolved.
  2. Melt the butter in a separate bowl. Add it to milk with yeast. Mix everything with a whisk or use a mixer.
  3. Pour the salt into the container and then the flour. The main thing is that there are no lumps. The mixture should be liquid, similar in consistency to a pancake mixture.
  4. Hide the bowl with the dough in a bag or cover it with cling film. Place the bowl in the refrigerator for several hours (at least 5, but better - 8 or more).
  5. Remove the dough from the refrigerator. During our stay in the refrigerator, our mass should rise.
  6. Pour baking powder into the dough. Mix everything with a fork or whisk. At this stage you must proceed very carefully. After all, the baking powder should be evenly distributed throughout the dough.
  7. Turn on the waffle iron. After heating it, grease the honeycomb with oil and pour in the dough. You can apply the oil using a brush or cloth. The most effective method is with a spray bottle. Simply fill the bottle with oil and spray the liquid several times. The oil will be evenly distributed and you will not get dirty. In addition, oil consumption is thus minimal.
  8. Close the device. Adjust the degree of readiness yourself, because everyone has a different power of electric waffle iron. In addition, everyone prefers waffles to different degrees of doneness. For example, some people like them crispy and crispy, while others like them very soft.
  9. Eat dessert warm. Immediately after removing them from the device, pour honey or sprinkle with powdered sugar. You can also decorate them with cherries or berries.

Brussels waffles


  • Flour – 2.5 cups;
  • Butter – 0.1 kg;
  • Milk – 2 glasses;
  • Egg – 2 pieces;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Yeast (dry) – 5 g;
  • Vanilla sugar - half a bag or one whole;
  • Salt – ¼ teaspoon.


  1. Grind sugar with yeast. Pour in only 1 glass of milk, beat everything with a mixer. It is most convenient to do this in a deep bowl.
  2. Sift the flour and add it to the dough. Mix everything.
  3. The yolks must be separated from the whites.
  4. Add the yolks and a second glass of milk into the dough. Beat the dough until smooth.
  5. In a separate container, beat the whites, add salt to them. This must be done until fluffy foam appears. To speed up the process, remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance, because the product at room temperature beats better. At the very beginning, start the mixer at minimum speed and gradually increase it. Finish beating at maximum speed.
  6. Slowly add the proteins into the main mixture. This should be done smoothly, constantly stirring the dough.
  7. Melt the butter in a small bowl or frying pan. Cool it a little. You need to put warm, not hot, oil into the dough.
  8. Leave the dough at room temperature for 2 hours. But keep in mind that it will greatly increase in size (almost double). Therefore, if you do not have a large bowl or pan, divide the mass into several parts and distribute among containers.
  9. After time, the mass needs to be mixed a little.
  10. Plug in the electric waffle iron. When it warms up, grease the surface with vegetable oil. But if you have been using the device for a long time, then the surface does not need to be moistened.
  11. Pour in the dough. It should fill all the holes. Close the waffle iron.
  12. The cooking process depends on the technical characteristics of your appliance. The finished waffles should have a golden hue.
  13. You need to remove the treat with a wooden or silicone spatula.
  14. Serve them warm. Sprinkle waffles with powder or your favorite jam.

Belgian waffles with kefir


  • Warm water – ½ cup;
  • Yeast (dry) – 7 grams;
  • Kefir – 0.5 l;
  • Butter - 125 grams, in extreme cases - it can be replaced with margarine, in the same proportions;
  • Flour – 0.5 kg;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Salt – 2 pinches.
  • Vanilla sugar - to taste.


  1. Melt the butter in a small container. Let it cool.
  2. Pour half a glass of water into the pan and heat it up a little. Remove the container from the heat, add yeast and sugar, mix everything.
  3. Heat the kefir a little. Pour melted butter and salt into it. Add everything to the bulk
  4. Gradually add flour. The dough should be homogeneous, without lumps.
  5. Wrap the pan with cling film and leave the dough to sit overnight. It should be at room temperature. Leave it on the kitchen counter or hide it in a closet. If there is absolutely no room, put the dough in the oven.
  6. In the morning, take out the pan and add vanilla extract to the dough, mix everything. Try the dough, maybe you got too sour kefir, then add more sugar or flour if the mass is too liquid.
  7. Pour the batter into the electric waffle iron and wait a few minutes.
  8. Eat waffles warm, decorate them with fruit or chocolate.

If you don’t eat everything at once, just hide the dessert in the refrigerator. Waffles can thus be stored for several days.

How are Belgian waffles different from Viennese waffles?

Belgian waffles contain a large percentage of proteins; yeast is added to the dough. They are tall and airy, like cakes. Traditionally, they are sprinkled with powdered sugar or syrup. They can also be eaten with fruit or topped with ice cream on a hot waffle.

Viennese waffles are made in large sizes. They have a delicate and soft structure on the inside, and on the outside they are crispy and hard. During the cooking process, you can put the filling in the middle of the waffle, it will turn out much tastier.

But each country will have its own amendments, depending on the taste preferences of the population. For example, in Japan it is customary to make waffles in the shape of fish, with bean or chocolate fillings.

So we looked at some interesting and simple recipes for making waffles, we hope you like them. Try to cook them, you will definitely find something new for yourself. After all, this dish is very easy to prepare - it takes a little effort and time. Pay attention to the thickness of the waffles and the cooking time.

To surprise your loved ones with some dessert, you don’t have to come up with something too sophisticated or have special skills. Belgian waffles will be an excellent reason to gather for tea. The homeland of this delicacy becomes clear from the name - it is Belgium.

They appeared quite a long time ago, but here they are became popular only in the middle of the last century due to the fact that they were presented at the world exhibition in Brussels.

Waffles are divided into two types: the first are Brussels waffles (according to the recipe they should be light, airy and soft), the second are Liege waffles (they also become crispy and hard due to caramelization of the sugar inside, which adds charm).

Despite the fact that the same ingredients are used, the waffles turn out completely different due to the variability of the cooking process.

To greatly simplify the preparation of such a dessert, there are special waffle irons. All you need to do is knead the dough, set the waffle iron to the desired setting and wait. In this article you will find a recipe for making Belgian waffles in an electric waffle iron.

Traditional way to make Belgian waffles


  • Flour - two glasses (200 grams)
  • Milk – 200 milliliters
  • Chicken egg – 2 pieces
  • Sugar – 80 grams
  • Salt - to taste
  • Butter – 70 grams
  • Vanillin - on the tip of a knife
  • Baking powder – 10 grams

How to cook:

How to bake delicious crispy waffles?

They are called differently Liege. What makes them special is that they have caramel sugar pearls inside. They are prepared just as simply as the previous ones.

You need to heat one hundred milliliters of milk on the stove or in the microwave, add yeast and sugar (teaspoon/150 grams). Let them rise for 10 minutes. After this, add two eggs and salt.

Stir and sift the flour into it. Heat the butter (70 grams) in a water bath and add it to the dough. Leave in a warm place for 30 minutes, it will rise a little. You will also need granulated sugar (sometimes Liege waffle sugar). Roll the dough into a ball and roll in sugar. Place in a preheated waffle iron and bake until golden brown.

Video recipe for Belgian waffles at home

Making delicious homemade waffles with yeast

As in the previous recipe, fresh and dry yeast are used. But waffles can be either soft or crispy (at your discretion). Just dilute the yeast in warm milk (or water) and let it brew. Also add sugar, flour, eggs, salt and butter.

Belgian waffles with kefir - what products are needed?

An even more simplified version of waffles is made with kefir. All you need is:

  • Wheat flour – 340 grams
  • Kefir (or curdled milk) – 200 milliliters
  • Sugar - tablespoon
  • Water – 120 milliliters
  • Butter or margarine for baking – 100 grams
  • Salt to taste
  • Dry fresh yeast – 7 grams

How to cook: lightly heat kefir in a saucepan. Boil water to 60 degrees. In a bowl, mix yeast with warm water and sugar. Leave to rise for about fifteen minutes.

You can add a spoonful of flour for the dough. As the yeast begins to act, add warm kefir, butter (you can also heat it) and salt. Sift in the flour little by little, kneading the dough medium thickness.

Leave to rise again, but for about 40 minutes. Bake in an electric waffle iron for about 5 minutes.

For softer waffles, use the Brussels waffle version. The dough should be fluffy, airy and of medium thickness. Do not keep them in the waffle iron for too long and it is advisable serve hot. Use the same ingredients as before.

A simple recipe for delicious Belgian waffles

What sauces are suitable for our dish?

Can be served with various jams, pastes, chocolate, fruit or condensed milk. Also delicious with maple or berry syrup. Soft waffles are especially delicious when paired with creamy vanilla sauce.

It’s not difficult to prepare: beat sugar, yolks and a little starch, add salt. Heat the milk and add the yolks into it, heat over low heat until thickened. The sauce should not boil. Remove from heat, add vanilla extract and refrigerate for a couple of hours.

Chocolate sauce: Heat the milk and butter over low heat, without letting it boil. Grate chocolate (preferably dark, with 70% cocoa) and add to milk. Bring to a boil (do not boil!) and remove from heat, cool slightly and serve.
Cooking tips:

  • Bake waffles only in a preheated waffle iron (2-3 minutes).
  • Bake the waffles for no more than 3-4 minutes (half a minute is enough for thin ones).
  • If you put a lot of butter in the dough, do not grease the waffle iron additionally.
  • If you want very thin, crispy waffles that are literally translucent, just press the top of the waffle iron harder, using an oven mitt.

Bon appetit and all the best to you and your family.

Did you know that Belgian waffles come in two basic types?
Liege and Brussels rule!
Both types of waffles look similar, but taste completely different.

In this article I will tell you the difference between Brussels and Liege waffles, as well as how to bake homemade Brussels waffles. Two recipes with photos and a story from childhood await you :)

If you want to jump straight to the recipe, please scroll down. The preface here is long :)

Once upon a time, when the trees were big and tall, and my native Kyiv in these trees was the greenest City in the world, on the streets of Kyiv, closer to the center, they sold amazingly delicious waffles with the unusual name “Corrugations”. Soft, melt-in-your-mouth, with large square cells and a delicious layer of whipped cream - that's what these waffles were! I still have a vivid memory from childhood: how my grandmother and I went to the theater, and after the performance we bought waffles.

Now, having arrived in Kyiv with my children, I was happy to discover points of sale of Belgian waffles in the city center! There are plenty of them in underground passages, near the metro. Hooray! This is the taste of childhood, I thought. We bought a waffle to try... but upon closer inspection, that is, biting into it, the taste turned out to be completely different! It was not the same tender, soft “corrugation” from childhood, but a crispy, hard, like a cake, wafer. Also tasty, but not the same. And instead of cream, they offered to top the waffles with chocolate or syrup.

More than a year has passed since then, but the desire to find “those” Belgian waffles has not left me. And recently, while rummaging around in search of waffle recipes for you, dear readers, I found out that Belgian waffles come in Brussels and Liege varieties.

Liege waffles– hard and crispy. They can be baked for future use and stored for several days. It was they who came across to us in new times. And the recipe dates back to the 18th century, from the city of Liege. One day, thinking about what tasty treat he would like for tea, the Prince of Liege ordered his cook “something new, but certainly tasty”! The pastry chef thought and thought - and poured more sugar into the dough... The sugar caramelized during baking, and the waffles turned out with sugar grains inside. The prince really liked it! And Liege waffles are still popular today. To obtain a sugar crust, they are rolled in coarse “pearl sugar” before baking. But we will master the recipe for Liege waffles later, but now we have...

Brussels waffles!
Soft, fluffy, airy - these are the waffles from childhood! They need to be eaten right away, piping hot, freshly baked! Warm waffles are served with whipped cream (yes, that's exactly what they are!), powdered sugar or melted chocolate, and berries - the classic version is strawberries and bananas.

I have been looking for a real recipe for Brussels waffles for a long time; there are many options on the Internet, and until you try it, you won’t know which one is the right one. First, I chose the recipe for Brussels waffles made from yeast dough, which was the most common recipe.

I’ll say right away that the first recipe was not what I was looking for. The finished waffles, which we eagerly began to try, turned out to taste similar... to yeast pancakes! Very beautiful pancakes, in squares, in which it is very convenient to put berries, jam and sour cream. The kids liked it, but I remembered that the “corrugations” tasted different! Not yeast, but rather biscuit-like. And I finally found the recipe! But first things first, I’ll tell you the recipe for waffles made with yeast. What if some of you like these “waffle pancakes”?

Dough for Brussels waffles with yeast:

For 12-15 pieces:

  • 2.5 cups flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 2-2.5 glasses of milk;
  • 1 tablespoon sugar;
  • vanilla sugar optional;
  • ¼ teaspoon salt;
  • 15 g fresh yeast or 5 g dry.

To bake Belgian waffles, you need an electric waffle iron with deep square cells.

How to bake Brussels waffles using yeast:

Grind the yeast with sugar and dilute with half the warm milk. Sift flour into a bowl with dough.

Separate the whites from the yolks and, after mixing the dough, add the yolks and the rest of the milk.

Beat the egg whites with a mixer and salt into a fluffy, thick foam. In order for the whites to whip quickly and efficiently, they must be at room temperature, and you need to beat them first at low speed, gradually moving to a higher speed.

Add the whipped whites to the dough and slowly mix gently from bottom to top. Finally, add the warm (not hot) melted butter, pouring it a little at a time from the edge of the bowl and stirring.

If you use dry yeast, then simply mix it with flour, and add sugar, warm milk, yolks, whipped whites, melted butter to the flour one by one.

Leave the finished dough to rise for 2 hours. I divided the dough into two bowls because it would definitely escape from one. The dough will rise twice! Gently knead it with a spoon and you can bake waffles.

Click on the picture to see the preparation of yeast waffles in detail :)

Lightly grease the waffle iron plates with a cloth slightly moistened in sunflower oil (if you are baking in it for the first time), heat the waffle iron and pour in the dough. The quantity is determined experimentally. If you pour too little, the batter will not fill all the indentations and the waffles will turn out flat on one side.

This is approximately how much dough you need to pour

If you don't pour enough batter, the waffles look like this

And that's right :)

If you pour too much, the dough will “run away” along the edges of the waffle iron.

The optimal amount turned out to be 3.5 tablespoons of dough; variations are possible for different waffle irons. Also, the baking time varies from 2-3 to 5-6 minutes.

When the waffles are golden, they are ready!

Carefully remove them with a non-metallic object (silicone spatula) and transfer them to a wire rack so that they do not become damp, as when cooling on a plate.

Although you shouldn’t wait for the waffles to cool down – it’s tastier to eat them fresh!

The test batch of waffles sold out overnight, and in the morning I continued my search for a recipe for real Brussels waffles. Because I didn’t like the taste of yeast in the first version.

And I decided to search on... Belgian sites! There must be authentic waffle recipes from Brussels there for sure! But, since Google Translator did not have the Flemish language, after some thought, we decided to translate the request into French. And - hurray! – there was a site full of recipes, among which were three versions of Brussels waffles!!! Gaufres de Bruxelles – that’s what their name sounded like in French. The foreign names of the ingredients also sounded unusual and magical, like music, and guessing what was what turned out to be a very exciting activity: de farine, de beurre, de lait!... Did you guess where the flour is, where the butter is, and where the milk is? And de sucre and de sel – this is immediately clear!

I chose the yeast-free, half-portion recipe to try. So, if you want more, double the amount of products. Although it’s better to eat waffles warm, and it’s better to bake a new batch!

Ingredients for Brussels waffles:

For 5-6 pieces:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 95 g of flour (this is an incomplete glass, about 1.5 cm below the top);
  • 1 tablespoon sugar;
  • Half a packet of vanilla sugar;
  • 75 g butter;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of milk;
  • 2 pinches of salt.

How to make Brussels waffles:

Melt the butter and let it cool a little.

Carefully separate the yolks from the whites.

Mix the flour in a bowl with sugar, a pinch of salt, and make a “well”.

Place the yolks in the “well”, pour in the melted butter and milk and mix until the dough is smooth and homogeneous.

In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites with a second pinch of salt until thick and stiff.

Add the whipped whites to the dough (it’s more convenient to add in 2 additions) and mix gently but thoroughly. You can start baking waffles!

Pour 3 full spoons of batter onto the surface of the heated waffle iron, close and wait...

Be careful, hot steam comes out from under the lid on the sides! After a couple of minutes, you can open the waffle iron slightly and look: are they golden? Ready!

Place waffles on a cooling rack.

A couple of minutes - and quickly try the soft, warm, fluffy Brussels waffles!

And these waffles according to the second recipe turned out to be much more similar to the “corrugations” that I remembered! They tasted like sponge cakes, without the yeast taste, and baked much faster and easier. With honey, jam, cream - very tasty!

Those who seek will find :) And not only the recipe for Brussels waffles! 😀

P.S. Quite a long time after the publication of this recipe, another recipe for Brussels waffles appeared - the third! Thanks to site reader Valentina for it, who sent the link in the comments. According to an article on the website europeancuisines.com (European Cuisines), the dough for Brussels waffles is still made with yeast, but with the addition of whipped egg whites. The combined action of yeast and fluffy protein foam is an authentic feature of soft Belgian waffles. I decided to try this option :)

I studied similar recipes on several English-language sites; there were some differences in the recipes - the presence or absence of milk powder, the use of only whites or whites and yolks; dough in water or milk; slight difference in the amount of ingredients. As a result, I selected the best option, combining two recipes. It was fascinating: translating not only from English into Ukrainian, but also ounces into grams and milliliters, and the mysterious “sparkling water” appeared in the recipes. I still haven’t determined what it is and what its analogue is. Therefore, I added regular warm water to the dough. Maybe you know?
Update: Thanks to readers, we now know that this is sparkling water! Many thanks to everyone who enlightened me on this topic :)

The original recipe stated that the ingredients were given in half portions. As a result, we ended up with a huge number of waffles: about three dozen, I didn’t have time to count, since the hot waffles were immediately eaten :) And we decorated the rest, like on street stalls in Belgium, for every taste: with melted chocolate and condensed milk, berries and sugar powder (or maybe some whipped cream or ice cream!) - and we had a Waffle Party!

Want to know this recipe too? I'll tell you now.

Grind 30 g of fresh yeast with 2 tablespoons of brown sugar, pour in warm milk (300 ml), stir, sift one and a half cups of flour (200 g), stir and leave for 15 minutes. (Or mix 8.5 g of dry active yeast with milk, a little sugar and flour, let it rise for 15 minutes. Afst yeast is fast-acting - immediately mix with flour).

When the dough has risen, add 3 yolks at room temperature, stir, then, alternating, warm water (350 ml) and the rest of the flour (another 300 g, that is, 2 heaped glasses of 200 ml), as well as salt (1 teaspoon), vanillin (on the tip of a teaspoon) and milk powder (125 g). You can replace milk powder with flour. Leave the dough to rise for 20-25 minutes, meanwhile melt 200 g of butter. Beat the egg whites into a thick white foam - for 3-4 minutes, moving from low speed to maximum.

Stir warm, not hot melted butter into the dough. Then carefully, in 3-4 steps, stir in the protein foam. Grease the waffle iron with vegetable oil, heat it well and bake waffles, 2 tablespoons of dough per piece. These waffles are crispy on top and soft inside at first, but after sitting, they become completely soft.

Melt the butter in the microwave, but do not bring to a boil.

Separate the egg whites and yolks very carefully. Place the egg whites and the mixing bowl in the refrigerator.

Sift the flour into a deep container, add granulated sugar and vanilla sugar, and a pinch of salt. Mix the dry ingredients, make a well in the center and pour the yolks into it.

Mix well with a fork or whisk. Pour in the cooled melted butter and milk.

Mix with a fork/whisk until smooth. This will take less than a minute. The dough at this stage is very similar to the custard version in color and aroma.

Remove the cold bowl, whisks, and egg whites from the refrigerator. Beat cold whites with a pinch of salt with a mixer (thin whisks) at low speed. When the whites lighten and begin to thicken, you can increase the power a little. Whipping time is approximately 5 minutes, until a strong snow-white foam forms.

Fold the whipped egg whites into the batter in small portions. Use a silicone or plastic spatula to stir in one direction. The first part of the whites will soften and lighten the creamy mass a little.

The second and third portions of whipped egg whites will give the dough volume and airiness. Use the spatula quickly and very carefully to get a good result!

Cover the finished dough with a napkin and place in the refrigerator.

Prepare and turn on the waffle iron. The multi-baker is ready to bake waffles when the green indicator on the top panel lights up. Open the device, quickly grease the panels with sunflower oil (lightly) and put three spoons of batter for each waffle, which you immediately distribute evenly.

Bake waffles according to instructions: pour batter, close lid, cook for 5-7 minutes.

After the allotted time, open the multi-baker and check the waffles for readiness. If the baked goods are browned on both sides (lift the edge with a spatula), the finished products can be removed and transferred to a cooling rack.

The first time I was unable to determine the correct portion of the dough, and my waffles turned out the same as in the photo. These are the wrong waffles! But they have the right to take a place on the table. The taste is the same. And if you decorate them, they look interesting and appetizing.

Serve hot or warm. Use vanilla or rum-flavored powdered sugar and fresh or frozen berries as a delicious decoration.

My irregularly shaped waffles are topped with classic caramel and sprinkled with non-melting sugar. In the breakdown, it is noticeable that the Brussels waffles are soft and airy inside, despite the absence of baking powder or yeast.
