Millet porridge with milk in a saucepan. Millet porridge with milk in a pan Kulesh from millet recipe

You can cook amazingly tasty porridge or soup from millet cereals, or make a casserole if you cook it skillfully. We will tell you how to cook millet so that it turns out crumbly, preserving the taste and benefits at the same time.

The taste and consistency of the porridge depends on what millet you choose for cooking and how you prepare it.

Millet in water should come out as it should - tasty and crumbly.

  1. We take millet groats of a rich yellow color. This is an indication that the product has been pre-sorted and steamed. This millet cooks quickly, and the dish will turn out crumbly.
  2. If you bought a lighter grain, it doesn’t matter. But it needs to be additionally washed and sorted before cooking. Weed out the garbage, black grains. They are not needed in porridge.
  3. Rinse millet of any color until the water runs clear. The liquid should be warm. Then the product will retain all its beneficial properties and the granules will not stick together when cooked.
  4. Before putting the millet into the pan, treat it one last time with hot boiled water.

How and how long to cook crumbly millet porridge in water on the stove?

  1. First, let's take the right dishes. The pan should have a thick bottom and enameled walls. This way the millet will not stick to the dishes and burn.
  2. It is important to pour the right amount of water into the pan. When cooked, the product increases in size five times. So for 200 grams of millet (that’s one glass), we use 800 ml of water. If necessary, don't be afraid to add more water.
  3. First, boil the water, and then pour millet cereal into the bubbling liquid.
  4. Reduce the heat and slowly cook under the lid.
  5. How long to cook millet: 20 minutes.
  6. After this, add salt and sugar to taste, you can add a little water and simmer under the lid for another 10 minutes.

Millet in water should come out as it should - tasty and crumbly. If you want a sweet dish, add more sugar.

Recipe for cooking with milk in a saucepan

Millet porridge with milk, if the correct proportions are observed, is very easy to cook.

You will need:

  • salt – 4 g;
  • millet cereal – 190 g;
  • milk – 0.4 l;
  • granulated sugar to taste;
  • water – 0.4 l;
  • a piece of butter;
  • raisins, prunes.

How to cook millet with milk:

  1. We remove debris and black grains from the millet, rinse with water several times and finally scald with boiling water.
  2. Place it in a pan of water and cook until it boils. Skim off any foam that appears.
  3. Continue cooking until almost all the water has evaporated.
  4. Pour in the milk and set the fire on the gas stove to minimum power.
  5. Add salt and granulated sugar.
  6. Cook the dish for another 20 minutes. After this it should thicken. The porridge must be stirred from time to time to prevent burning.
  7. All that remains is to add a couple of tablespoons of butter, turn off the heat, and simmer under the lid for 10 minutes until it acquires a rich, creamy taste.
  8. Serve the delicate sweet dish to the table along with a portion of raisins or prunes.

In a slow cooker on water

As a rule, the instructions include recipe options intended for cooking in the oven. But their number is limited.

Grocery list:

  • a piece of butter – 40 g;
  • salt – 5 g;
  • millet cereal – 180 g;
  • water - 0.6 l.

Cooking millet in a slow cooker:

  1. Pour the cereal from the bag into a deep bowl. We treat it several times with warm water.
  2. Scald with boiling water and drain the water from the bowl.
  3. Transfer the product to the multicooker bowl.
  4. Cut the butter into small pieces and throw it into the porridge.
  5. Pour cold water on top and sprinkle salt.
  6. In the program menu of the kitchen appliance, click on the “Porridge” or “Stew” button.
  7. We set the time to 40 minutes.
  8. While the dish is being prepared, you can safely go about your business, sometimes controlling the process.
  9. As soon as the multicooker beeps that the program has ended, wait another 20 minutes.
  10. During this time, the dish will infuse, become tender and aromatic.
  11. All that remains is to mix the crumbly cereal. It can be served as a separate dish for breakfast or as a wonderful side dish for meat.

Cook in a “smart pan” with milk

Now let's try to prepare a hearty sweet version with milk.

Millet porridge with milk is one of the most favorite breakfast dishes.

Basic ingredients:

  • two pinches of salt;
  • millet – 190 gr;
  • water – 400 ml;
  • a piece of butter - 35 g;
  • sugar – 25 g;
  • milk – 600 ml.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Pour washed millet cereal into the multicooker.
  2. Add salt to it, pour in water, milk, and granulated sugar. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  3. Turn on the “Rice”, “Stew” or “Porridge” program. Time – 40 minutes.
  4. As soon as the multicooker finishes working, add pieces of butter and stir the dish.
  5. If you want a thicker porridge, press the “Heat” button and simmer the dish for 30 minutes. Bon appetit!

How many minutes does millet cook in soup?

Millet grains make a nutritious soup with a rich flavor. The simplest products are used here.

For soup, shave the grains and soak them in water for 6 hours. It is recommended to change the water three times during this time. If you don’t have time to properly prepare the millet, then simply pour boiling water over it. The millet is cooked in the soup for 20-30 minutes.

Milk soup ingredients:

  • water – 0.4 l;
  • millet cereal – 150 g;
  • milk – 1.5 l;
  • butter to taste.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Place the processed cereal in a pan with water, add a piece of butter.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil. After this, cook for another 15 minutes on low heat.
  3. Add milk and cook the soup for another 10 minutes.

How to deliciously cook millet cereal as a side dish?

The procedure for preparing the dish for a side dish is almost the same as for regular porridge. The most important thing is that the millet turns out crumbly and does not stick to the spoon or pan.

Millet cereal as a side dish for poultry, meat, fish or vegetable base will add variety to the diet and table.

List of ingredients:

  • salt to taste;
  • millet – 180 gr;
  • water – 400 ml.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. We rinse the cereal several times under the tap with warm water.
  2. Place it on the bottom of the pan and fill with cold water.
  3. As soon as the porridge boils, drain the old liquid and add fresh liquid.
  4. Bring the dish to a boil, add salt.
  5. Reduce heat and cook for 20 minutes until the water has completely evaporated.
  6. After this, leave the food for 15 minutes. If necessary, you can additionally throw in a piece of butter. Bon appetit!
How to cook millet porridge with milk

Everyone knows about the benefits of millet porridge. There are many ways to prepare it, so you can easily please both adults and children. For lovers of “sweets,” millet porridge with pumpkin and fruit is suitable, and for those who like more hearty dishes, it can be prepared with meat or lard. You can cook it in milk or water. Any porridge will be tasty if you know how to prepare it correctly.

Required Products:

Millet cereal

Milk or water

A little butter

A little sugar

Few raisins

A little honey.

Dishes: clay pot

Cooking instructions

1. Millet cereals can be cooked with whole milk or diluted with water (half). First you need to decide what kind of porridge you want to cook:




Quite thin, like a “messy porridge”.

This determines how much liquid should be used during cooking. The calculation of the amount of cereal and liquid will be as follows: for a glass of cereal for crumbly porridge we take one and a half glasses of milk (or water), for viscous porridge - a little more than 2 glasses, and for liquid porridge - 3.5 glasses.

2. Wash the cereal. If you notice debris in it, then there is no need to sort it out before washing, because the grains are too small. Running water will help with this: small debris and dust will float up and be removed along with the drain. It’s just not advisable to use strong water pressure, so as not to wash out half of the cereal along with unnecessary particles.

3. Next step. If you have enough time, it is better to soak the millet. An hour or two will be enough. If there is little free time for soaking, you can simply scald the cereal with boiling water before cooking. This procedure helps to steam it and improves the taste of the future porridge.

4. Boil the millet until half cooked, and do not forget to lightly salt the water. During this time, preheat the oven at the same time.

5. Now take a pot, grease it with oil and fill it with semi-finished cereal. Add a little honey, raisins and sugar to it. After this, pour in hot milk (if you don’t like it with milk, add water). Then the full pot will have to sit in the oven over low heat for an hour so that its contents will sweat.

6. After the time has passed, remove the finished millet porridge from the oven. After placing the portion on a plate, you can add butter if desired.

Another simple recipe for millet porridge with milk

Necessary: 1 glass of milk, 1 glass of millet, 1 tbsp. lie sugar, salt, 50 g butter.

1. The cereal must be rinsed well under running water. Then place two small pans on the stove (one of them should have a thick bottom). Pour water (about 1 liter) into the first one, fill the second one (with a thick bottom) with milk and add salt and sugar.

2. Pour the cooked millet into boiling water. The cereal is cooked over low heat and requires constant stirring. When you notice that the grains have begun to boil, you need to carefully drain the water and rinse the millet with hot water. This way you will remove the bitterness from it.

3. Almost finished cereal should be poured into boiling milk, cover tightly with a lid and reduce the heat to low. Open the lid occasionally. When you notice that the milk has almost been absorbed, place pieces of butter on top. Now let the porridge stand for about ten minutes, after which it can be removed from the heat.

4. All that remains is to wrap the pan with thick towels and wait half an hour. Dried apricots, raisins, and other dried fruits (excluding prunes) are added to the finished dish if desired.

Now you know how to cook millet porridge with milk, you can add more than one recipe to your cookbook.


Millet porridge always works better if it is cooked in a bowl with a thick bottom or in a cauldron.

Useful tips

* Porridge with pre-cooked millet does not cause heartburn.

* Before boiling the cereal, you should stir it regularly.

* To prevent the porridge from becoming bitter, the millet must be fresh.

Rinse the cereal, add water and bring to a boil. Millet porridge removes antibiotics and toxins from the body. To prepare, use cereal washed in warm water. Rinse with water until the water becomes clear.

One of the most useful, nutritious ancient crops is millet. In Rus', this grain was called nothing less than “golden grain” for its warm color and beneficial properties. Milk porridge is one of the most favorite and popular morning dishes. It gives strength and vigor for the whole day. Milk is an excellent source of protein, and cereals are an excellent source of energy.

Viscous porridges are usually cooked with milk, and they require more liquid than crumbly ones. Canon: the heating takes place as long as the grain has been on the fire. But there are also options. Pour the millet with plenty of hot water and put it on the fire. Yes, yes, exactly water, and preferably soft, filtered, or maybe boiled.

Then drain the water and pour in hot milk. 1646] You can add butter, sugar, jam, cream and... even fried onions only after the porridge has brewed and acquired the desired consistency. After this, add hot milk (in a ratio of 2 to 1, that is, twice as much milk).

Oh, so much interesting information and stories related to porridge. So many proverbs and sayings. Porridge has firmly entered our lives: both on the table and in speech. Today we will prepare millet porridge, very rich in iron, fluorine and magnesium. February 11 — Anna Alekseevna Bezikova Sergey, good evening. Here the calculation is very simple: for 1 glass of millet there are 2 glasses of water and 2 glasses of milk, you can add salt and sugar to taste.

March 04 — Anna Alekseevna Bezikova Nazym, good afternoon. The porridge is cooked in milk and not every child is recommended milk at 9 months. You can also add dried fruits, especially dried apricots - then you’ll eat your mind!)) But I just pour the millet into almost boiling water and heat the milk, then there won’t be a sharp temperature imbalance.

Ingredients for millet porridge:

October 06 — Antonina It’s amazing that the simplest recipe for making porridge was turned into some kind of sensation with comments! Have people really forgotten how to cook porridge? I cook porridge every day for breakfast for my grandchildren, and not only millet, but alternate with buckwheat, rice, oatmeal and barley, and less often corn grits.

And just as they used to refuse porridges, they now refuse omelettes and sandwiches. It's really tasty, satisfying and hopefully healthy! Regina, good afternoon. Porridge with milk?! October 31 - Serik This morning I wanted to make porridge from millet, I was worried about how much to cook, I accidentally came to this site... and was amazed.

I don't have time to cook this porridge in the morning. Used ingr. 2 times less, and that’s right, it made 2 servings! I remembered the porridge in Boracay, added a banana, it turned out delicious and filling! Innocent, good afternoon. You really cooked the porridge according to this recipe and everything worked out :) bon appetit. The fact is that millet porridge is an excellent fighter against oncology.

March 23 — Anna Alekseevna BezikovaYana, Stanislav, good afternoon. The recipe is really proven, I cook porridge every day and once a week it’s definitely millet porridge. When I cook this porridge, I always remember Nosov’s story “Mishkina Porridge”. And the property of millet cereals is to boil very much. Therefore, it is better not to add a little grain to this porridge than to add it. Cooking this porridge is similar to cooking rice porridge. With the exception that millet groats are much more boiled.

Millet porridge, step-by-step recipe with photos

You need to cook the millet in water over high heat so that it does not boil too much. When some of the water has boiled away, pour hot milk into the millet. Rinse the cereal, lightly fry it, pour boiling water so that it is all under water. Add a little oil, salt and cook, stirring. Rinse the rice, boil, drain in a colander and rinse with cold water. Heat milk or water, but do not boil, add rice and cook until tender.

Millet, Millet groats

Drain the water and add clean water so that it completely covers the cereal by 1 cm. Add salt. Cook over medium heat; when the porridge thickens, cover with a lid and reduce heat.

Rinse the cereal several times in warm water, then pour boiling water over it. Place in a saucepan with hot milk and cook over low heat until tender. then add salt, add butter and mix. Pour cold water into a saucepan and place on fire. Bring to a boil. The beneficial substances contained in millet help improve blood circulation and remove antibiotics and toxins from the body.

Millet cooked with milk rather than with water is more satisfying and tastes much tastier and more appetizing. Other grains, such as rice or barley, are also suitable for this recipe. Add the fried ingredients to the broth prepared in advance, pour in the cereal and cook until completely cooked. After sorting through the millet, wash it six to seven times, finally in hot water, before you start cooking anything from it.

Millet and millet porridge

And then add milk and cook until it evaporates and the millet porridge is completely ready. Although millet is considered a low-value porridge, try it cooked according to all the rules. After this, the porridge should be left for 50-60 minutes to cool down. Millet porridge does not make you fat; millet not only does not contribute to the deposition of fat, but even removes it from the body. You need to bring it to a boil 3 times and rinse it, and then cook it and it will never taste bitter - this is an old recipe.

Datura, did you really cook porridge with pumpkin and carrots for the dog, maybe you confused yourself and the dog. And try, after a short cooking, remove from heat, wrap in something warm and keep for 4 hours or more. Suitable for all recipes.

True, there is a small “but” - it took me 2 times less time to prepare the porridge than indicated in the recipe. It turned out very tasty and nutritious. Add salt and sugar to taste. I don’t like sweet cereals, so I just add a lot of salt, since milk absorbs salt very strongly, and there is enough sugar in pumpkin!!!

After an hour, I take it out, mix everything thoroughly, if the porridge turns out too cool, add a little milk, butter and put it back in the oven for 10 minutes!!! Do you know how docile a pumpkin is if you don’t cook it in milk? Boil it in cubes in a small amount of water (actually there is some water at the bottom of the pan) - this is called “poaching” - for 5-7 minutes….

It needs to be poured into boiling milk and done through a sieve. Then the porridge does not form nasty lumps. I never thought that millet porridge and even with pumpkin could be so tasty! Millet porridge with butter - Pour 4 cups of water into a saucepan, add a tablespoon of butter and salt. When the water boils, add the pre-washed millet and cook until thickened.

Remember the Brothers Grimm fairy tale about a pot of porridge? They told the pot “Brew!” and he cooked and cooked delicious millet porridge, filled the whole city with it, and no one knew how to stop this hot millet splendor... Of course, in a fairy tale everything is simple: say a spell - and the porridge is cooked, say another - and the culinary process stops. But what about in life? In fact, how long does it take to cook millet?

Why has millet porridge been so valued since time immemorial?

Since antiquity, millet has been considered a source of vitality and energy, and ancient scientists revered cereals as an excellent remedy against diseases of the urinary system. In Rus', millet (the grain from which millet is obtained) has been known for thousands of years, and millet porridge is one of the most common dishes to this day, especially in baby food.

  1. Millet is low-allergenic and contains little gluten, which is why porridge from this cereal can even be fed to babies up to a year old.
  2. And how useful porridge made from it is for pregnant women (it also contains a lot for nursing mothers (warm millet with milk improves lactation).
  3. Are you watching your weight? Eat millet without a twinge of conscience: it not only does not contribute to the deposition of fat, but also removes it from the body!
  4. Do your kidneys hurt or are you tired of cystitis? And here millet will help: there are effective recipes for an affordable and effective remedy.

Here is a Russian proverb: “And a fool would cook porridge himself, if only there was millet.” However, even a very intelligent and educated person can become confused if he does not know the cooking time for millet. How to cook this cereal correctly?

Millet: cooking recipes

What can be prepared from millet? Milk porridge, porridge with water or broth; cereals in fresh fish soup are excellent; prepare a side dish or hearty kulesh from it; used as a filling for pies.

How long it takes to cook millet depends, first of all, on what kind of dish is being prepared.

  • First of all, we choose the right cereal in the store: you need it clean, without a large amount of litter and unhulled grains, without traces of bugs (if the cereal is infected, flour will be noticeable in the bag). Need a sticky porridge? Pale-colored cereal is suitable - it contains a lot of starch and gluten. For crumbly porridge you need yellow: it is well sorted and polished in production.
  • You still need to sort the grains before cooking - brown grains add bitterness and don’t look very nice in porridge.
  • Millet must be washed very thoroughly: in at least 6 waters until it is clean.
    If the grain is old, it will go rancid. You can avoid bitterness like this: pour the washed millet with water and let it boil. Then drain the water, add new water (milk or broth) and cook until tender.

How to cook millet with milk?

Milk millet is an ideal breakfast for the whole family: healthy and nutritious. How to cook millet porridge with milk correctly?

In order not to calculate how much millet per 1 liter of milk you will need, it is easier to calculate the amount of liquid per glass of millet, and it is better to take not whole milk, but milk with water 1:1.

For a glass of cereal we take:

  • water and milk 2 glasses each;
  • salt, sugar and butter to taste.

Pour the pre-sorted and washed millet with hot water, bring to a boil, and boil until the liquid has almost completely boiled away. Then pour in the milk, wait until it boils, add salt and sugar and cook over low heat. How long does it take to cook millet in milk? On average 20-25 minutes. However, the time may increase if a large volume of porridge is being prepared or it is necessary to completely boil the cereal (for example, for a children's menu).

Season the finished porridge with oil, cover the saucepan with a towel and let the millet brew and steam.

How to cook millet in water - crumbly porridge?

Before cooking millet in water, it is better to soak the cereal for a couple of hours. Then drain the water and add new water at the rate of 2.5 cups of water per glass of millet. Over medium heat, bring the millet to a boil, skimming off the foam. How long to cook millet in water depends on the consistency of the porridge. For crumbly, just wait until the liquid has boiled away, then season with oil, cover the pan with a lid and wrap it in a towel; keep it like this for half an hour.

Sticky porridge in water is cooked longer, adding water as needed.

How to cook millet for a side dish?

If you know how to cook millet as a side dish, you can significantly diversify your home menu: mashed potatoes, pasta and buckwheat become boring, but millet as a second course occasionally is tasty and healthy. How to cook millet for a side dish? The recipe is simple:

  • a glass of millet;
  • onion - medium head;
  • small carrot;
  • vegetable oil – 3-4 tablespoons;
  • water or meat (chicken) broth - 2.5 cups.

Grate the carrots on a medium-mesh grater and finely chop the onion. Fry them in oil, choosing a deep frying pan for this. Then add the washed cereal to the golden fry and fill it with water. We discussed above how to properly cook millet in water. If we take broth, the technology remains the same. After 25-35 minutes, the aromatic side dish is ready.

Ask the chef!

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Millet porridge with pumpkin

Pumpkin is a healthy dietary product. It goes well with millet. How to cook millet porridge with pumpkin?


  • ripe pumpkin pulp – 400g;
  • millet cereal - a glass;
  • milk – 2.5 cups;
  • glass of water;
  • salt and butter to taste.

The pumpkin should be cut into small cubes and boiled in water until the fibers soften. Then add the cereal, pour in hot milk, let it boil and add salt. Bring the dish to readiness, add oil. How long does it take to cook millet and pumpkin? On average, the cooking time increases by 10 minutes. It is advisable to steam the finished pumpkin-millet porridge by keeping the pan wrapped in a towel for a couple of hours.

Millet kulesh recipe

Kulesh is a first dish that resembles a thick soup. It was very popular among the common people: an inexpensive and satisfying quick lunch that could be cooked either in the oven or over a fire in the middle of a field.


  • fresh lard (lard) – 25-50 g;
  • onion head;
  • 100 g millet cereal;
  • salt, herbs to taste;
  • water - liter.
  1. In a saucepan and kettle, fry the diced lard, add chopped onion to it. When the onion is fried, add water and salt. Pour millet into the boiling broth and cook until tender for about half an hour. You can add greens.
  2. If you want something more filling, you can add potatoes. To do this, 1-2 potatoes, cut into slices, are thrown into the broth before adding millet, and the amount of cereal is reduced by a third.

No matter how much we want to eat and no matter what dishes we love, it is still worth forcing ourselves from time to time to eat time-tested food that is beneficial to our body. The main example of such a dish is millet porridge.

Among other cereals, millet is very easy to distinguish - it looks like small yellow balls. How much millet do you need to feed your family? For example, 1 cup of cereal produces approximately 1 liter of porridge. This is quite enough to feed a family of 3 people. In this recipe we will cook millet porridge with milk.

Products for millet porridge with milk

  • Milk - 2 glasses
  • Water - 2 glasses
  • Millet - 1 glass
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • Salt - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Butter - to taste

Procedure for preparing millet porridge with milk

  1. Before preparing porridge, the millet should be carefully sorted and washed under running water and then in boiling water so that the dish does not have a rancid taste.
  2. Fill the millet with water and put it on fire.
  3. Bring to a boil and add milk
  4. Cook the porridge until thickened, stirring constantly, about 20 minutes over low heat.
  5. During cooking, add sugar and salt, stir the porridge.
  6. Remove from heat and wrap the pan with porridge in a blanket and leave for about half an hour.
  7. Before serving, you can add a piece of butter to the prepared millet porridge.

By the way, to get rid of bitterness, instead of scalding the cereal with boiling water, you can dry fry it in a frying pan. The most valuable and tasty porridge is made from bright yellow grains. Millet porridge is very healthy - it is rich in iron, fluorine and magnesium.

An interesting fact is that millet is obtained from a plant called millet. It was cultivated in the 3rd millennium BC, despite this, it can still be found growing wild. The homeland of millet is considered to be China. From there the culture reached Mongolia, and after that it was brought with traders to Europe. In the Russian Empire, this cereal constituted a significant part of the diet of peasants.

Historical information tells us that millet porridge was widely consumed in many southern regions of Rus'. Also, various stews and jelly were made from millet. In Russian cooking, millet was placed on a par with wheat in importance. It is not for nothing that in Rus' there were such proverbs as “Shchi and porridge are our food” or “Grandma with porridge, and grandfather with a spoon.”

Video of making millet porridge
