The real cause of death of Ilona Novoselova. After the death, Ilona Novoselova was accused of quackery on the show let them talk (video) Let them talk today's release of Ilona

In the last 24 hours, one of the most discussed news is the sudden death of a participant in the TV project "Battle of Psychics" Ilona Novoselova. The girl fell from the sixth floor, and she simply had no chance of salvation - death came instantly.

The finalist of the "Battle of Psychics" Ilona Novoselova died the day before, on June 13th. It happened after falling from a sixth floor window in one of the houses on Enthusiasts Highway, where she rented an apartment.

The Investigative Committee clarified that during the inspection of the scene, the investigators did not find any visible traces indicating the criminal nature of the death of Ilona Novoselova.

According to preliminary data, Novoselova did not want to commit suicide at all, but simply decided to scare her young man. She sat down on the balcony railing and couldn't help herself. Apparently, this happened due to the fact that the psychic was intoxicated.

Meanwhile, at the disposal of journalists was a record, which depicts Ilona Novoselova, making purchases in one of the grocery stores. Reporters talked to supermarket workers. According to them, Ilona bought alcohol in the store, and she did it for the third time in a day.

“Every day (I was in the store). I didn’t always buy alcohol. She went through yesterday three times, punched alcohol three times,” the store cashier noted. Eyewitnesses also said that Novoselova was allegedly very drunk that day.

“She was walking drunk. I saw her yesterday, she wasn’t walking at all. It was clear that something had happened to the person. She was barely dragging her legs and constantly talking on the phone. at the expense of the "Battle", she was in a normal mood," the woman said.

Close finalists of the popular project "The Battle of Psychics" said that she seemed to foresee her imminent departure from life. Shortly before the tragic incident, a young woman asked for forgiveness from her parent.

She gained wide popularity in the media not only due to her success in the mystical field. The sex change scandal caused a great resonance. In addition, the name of Ilona Novoselova flashed in the criminal chronicle.

Now near the house of the sorceress Ilona Novosyolova, who fell out of the window, journalists, as well as operatives, are on duty. SUPER managed to talk to the neighbors of the deceased. According to one of the residents of the house, she often quarreled with a young man and mother.

Today, as Ilona's fans conclude, the witch died quite unexpectedly. According to her mother, Ilona did not plan suicide. “She said she would live a long time, even the day before,” assured the heartbroken parent.

Ilona Novoselova, as her clairvoyant friend Kazhetta Akhmetzhanova assured, was engaged exclusively in black magic. “She could drive into a coffin, cause damage, break up a family, punish a rival,” Cajetta said. “I always warned her that all these dark deeds would not go in vain, that she would have problems. But she did not hear me. Ilona had apartments, money, but for all this she paid too high a price - her life.

In this context, we can say that Novoselova paid for the sins of the past. However, this version is preliminary and can hardly be considered seriously at this stage.

The last picture published by Ilona on the social network was the image of a grinning skull and the inscription "I prophesy to everyone." Despite the fact that the picture appeared on the page two years ago, the witch's fans have no doubt that even then Ilona prophesied death to herself.

Ilona Novoselova, who performed her rituals in front of the camera, also did not inspire confidence in Vladimir Fainzilberg.

"A girl who has a secondary education, and she talks about borderline states. "I can do something, I soar, I can bewitch someone, curse" ... Yes, these are all fairy tales! It resembles obscurantism, which is growing every year more and more,” said the therapist.

However, one of the hosts of the Battle of Psychics, the illusionist Sergei Safronov, stood up for Ilona Novoselova. He recalled that “Let them talk” discusses the tragedy in the family of a clairvoyant and pointed out how the mother of the deceased is suffering.

"I'm sad that people discuss obscurantism and see it as a global problem. As a child, we played " queen of spades", different devils, Lenin and so on. Today this game has become larger. The thing is that there are no finances! I was also cursed a hundred times, but you see, I am sitting alive and well in front of you. There are no big finances on in fact," the magician said, noting that a rather modest atmosphere reigned in Novoselova's apartment.

Note that just a few minutes before the start of filming, the clergyman Vsevolod Chaplin was expelled from the studio "Let them talk". He himself spoke about this in his Facebook .

“Late yesterday evening, a certain Mrs. ... persistently invited me to this program to discuss the fate of the unfortunate young man who became“ Ilona Novoselova ”. explain to me that the recording may not take place, because it is difficult to persuade the characters to perform," he wrote, noting that he suspected fraud and decided to stay in the studio.

“After some time, they unexpectedly hung up a microphone for me, put me in the studio. Then another lady came up and said: “Psychics, which are black magicians - they refuse to go into my studio, they are not quite ready to see ... representatives ... "- that is, a priest, " - he stressed, adding that he left the studio with the words: "shame and disgrace to Andrei Malakhov and Channel One."

A few years ago, being in the "Battle of Psychics" project, Ilona Novoselova called herself a sorceress. She claimed and tried to prove in practice that she heard the voices of deceased relatives. Ilona differs from other people in that she once had a sex change operation. Before that, her name was Andrew.

"Let them talk", Ilona Novoselova VIDEO

In the program "Let them talk" they understood the reasons for the death of Ilona Novoselova.

Mother Elena and her lover Artem Besov, who were in the apartment at the time of the death of the clairvoyant, visited the studio of the “Let them talk” program.

Recall, on June 13, a 20-year-old girl fell from the sixth floor. It was rumored that this happened after a quarrel with her boyfriend, Artem Besov.

Andrey Malakhov invited a young man Ilona Artem Besov to the studio. He said that he had been dating a girl for two years. According to him, they met through the Internet, and he did not plan to have an affair with Novoselova at all. However, after he decided to move to Moscow, the psychic kindly offered to live with her for the first time. Then feelings broke out between the young people. The last love of the deceased witch Ilona Novoselova.

The man spoke in detail about the last day of Ilona: “I did not see how she fell out. That day she woke up, her soul ached, it was bad, I reassured her, I always succeeded. She began to swear at me, I did not answer, I knew that it was not from evil. He went out into the street, returned, and said: "Ilona, ​​I'm tired, something needs to be done with this." I packed my bags, thought that he would calm down, understand my intentions, which is also hard for me. By chance, she slipped, I was with my mother in the room. She drank two cans of beer in the morning.”

The experts in the studio asked if my mother tried to dissuade Ilona from practicing black magic. Elena said that in childhood she noticed psychic abilities in her daughter.

Elena Novoselova - mother of Ilona Novoselova

Ilona's mother Elena Novoselova hardly talked about the tragedy. Nevertheless, she remembered the day when her daughter died.

“We were together in the kitchen, I went into the room. She said she would live a long time, even the day before. It all happened at five o'clock in the evening, straight exactly. There was Artem, her boyfriend, they often fought, but immediately put up, ”the woman admitted.

A dental clinic guard who saw Novoselova fall with his own eyes said he heard a noise on the balcony, and then noticed that the body flew forward, turned over in the air and fell.

Because of what Ilona Novoselova died. Let them talk.

A woman from Ufa came to the studio, calling herself Ilona's mentor, Irina Bogdanova. Andrey Malakhov asked if she was aware that the girl had actually once been a man.

“I know from her words that she was a boy. I changed sex at the age of 16, ”said the woman.

Then the studio showed an excerpt from the video, where Ilona personally refutes these rumors, and also claims that she never had any mentor.

Experts were interested in the fact that Ilona's funeral was held in secret. However, relatives and friends said that many of her friends and colleagues actually came to say goodbye to Novoselova.

Then the guests in the studio began to discuss the legality of the actions of magicians and psychics. They were outraged that people who have extraordinary abilities take money for their services. Some expressed dissatisfaction that the activities of psychics are not regulated by law in any way.

Vlad Kadoni also became a guest of the studio. He was well acquainted with Novoselova, and therefore spoke about the girl's life.

“I know that Ilona foresaw her imminent death and was ready for this,” the man said.

In his opinion, the psychic spent a lot of time with those people who wanted to know about deceased relatives. Kadoni said that contrary to popular belief that Novoselova received a lot of money for receptions, and also owned several apartments in Moscow, she experienced financial difficulties due to bullying on the Web. The scandal began after Ilona and her friend were kidnapped and demanded a multi-million dollar ransom. Then she was accused of not being able to tell about the place where the criminals kept her.

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Let them talk about Novoselova: The other day in live talk show“Let them talk” with the host Andrey Malakhov, a program should be released, dedicated to death finalists of the project "Battle of psychics" Ilona Novoselova.

It became known that a scandal erupted during the shooting. Priest Vsevolod Chaplin was invited as one of the guests, who was expelled from the site a few minutes before the start, Rossiyskiy Dialogue reports. A young 30-year-old clairvoyant passed away on June 13, throwing herself from the 6th floor. The reasons for such an act are still unclear. Many believe that the girl did this because of a quarrel with a young man, others, friends of a psychic, are sure that stress is the cause of everything.

Vsevolod Chaplin himself told about the scandalous incident that occurred on the set, writing on his official page on the Facebook social network. He said that in the evening a woman called him and urged him to visit a talk show to discuss tragic fate witches. Vsevolod agreed and arrived at the studio at the appointed time.

20 minutes before the start of the broadcast, he was strongly advised to leave the pavilion, since black magicians, Ilona's friends, cannot be in the same room with a church minister. Note that in in social networks There have been several videos of this scandal. The video clearly shows how some woman, possibly an editor or producer, addresses Chaplin with the words that she cannot go against people who have experienced grief, and the clergyman needs to leave the territory.

Let them talk about Novoselova: a psychic colleague about her death

Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa, a clairvoyant from Iran, the winner of the third season of the Battle of Psychics program on TNT, was one of the first to know about the death of Ilona Novoselova. They knew each other and had mutual friends.

“I think that Ilona was a bright participant in the project, she really had abilities,” said the psychic. “I think her black work methodology and dedication played a role.”

“Andrei was a good person, but gender change is always a big stress,” Mehdi continued. “Imagine: in one person, both feminine and masculine are fighting at the same time, and both of these principles are incredibly strong. Let's not forget hormones. All this has a strong effect on the nervous system.

“I don’t feel that she became a victim of a curse, but the participants in the Battle of Psychics show had a certain influence on her. And I feel negative on their part, - said the clairvoyant. “Her psyche was already mobile - she did not control her nerves, plus the influence of rivals.”

“I would say that Ilona has always joked with death. This is absolutely impossible to do. In addition, it was conflict, and therefore collected the negative of other participants. Plus internal conflict. Few understood her. The result is a tragedy that we all learned about with a shudder,” Mehdi stressed.

Ilona Novoselova: an accident

The Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for Moscow reported that there was no crime in the death of Ilona Novoselova, who fell from the balcony of the sixth floor of the house on Highway Enthusiasts, 51. According to the preliminary version, the picture looks like this: the girl is drunk and very excited, she is trying to scare her by jumping off. But suddenly Ilona Novoselova loses her balance and falls...

Ilona Novoselova died by accident. But even during her lifetime, she asked to be cremated her body. On the eve at noon, the relatives fulfilled the request of the deceased. The farewell ceremony was held behind closed doors, there were only relatives. The girl's mother needed the help of the ambulance doctors. Even before the cremation, the coffin was not opened, as the medium herself wanted. Ilona Novoselova will forever remain in the memory of fans as a beautiful and bright girl, a clairvoyant with a daring character and a very vulnerable soul.
