Lenten vegetable stew with zucchini and tomatoes. Zucchini and pepper ragu with fresh tomatoes Zucchini, pepper and carrot ragout

If you have young zucchini, you do not need to remove the seeds or remove the tough skin.
My variety of zucchini had soft skin, but the seeds were already a bit tough. Therefore, I removed the entire core.

Cut the zucchini into desired pieces. For me they are about 3 centimeters.

Peel the onion and chop as desired. These can be cubes (not small ones), half rings (if the onion is small) or a quarter of a ring.

In a heated frying pan with added oil, lightly fry the onion until transparent.
Add chopped zucchini to the onion and fry for another three minutes. The zucchini should not become “rosy”; a light golden color is enough.

Chop the tomatoes quite coarsely.
Add them to the pan with the onions and zucchini.

Add salt, pepper and mix everything carefully. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the vegetables for 5 minutes.
During this time, chop the garlic. I added 4 cloves since we are garlic lovers.
Chop the greens. Add basil, parsley and garlic to the vegetables.

Mix everything carefully. Close the lid again and after one minute turn everything off.
Let the zucchini and tomato stew sit, covered, for a couple more minutes to allow the flavors to fully meld.
Bon appetit!

Vegetable stew made from zucchini, peppers, carrots and tomatoes

Zucchini stew

A very tasty stew made from available vegetables, which in Europe is often called ratatouille. Stewed vegetables according to our recipe turn out delicious, filled with the colors of summer and a feeling of well-fed happiness!

Our version of ratatouille is with regular zucchini or zucchini squash. The method of stewing vegetables allows them to retain their shape, the vegetables do not become overcooked and have a beautiful appetizing appearance!

What you need for vegetable stew

for 3-4 servings

Young zucchini (or zucchini) – 1 piece (350-400 g);
Sweet pepper – 2-3 pieces;
Carrots – 1 piece;
Tomatoes – 2 pieces;
Onions – 2 heads;
Garlic – 2 cloves;

From seasonings to stews

Ground allspice – 0.5 teaspoon;
Sugar – 0.5 teaspoon;
Salt to taste.

Vegetable oil for frying.

How to cook vegetable stew with zucchini

    Pour vegetable oil into a pan and heat it up. Pour onion (cut into half rings) and carrots (cut into thin slices) into the pan. Fry over low heat with the lid closed, remembering to stir.

    When the onion softens, add the sweet pepper (cut into small strips).

    After a couple of minutes, add zucchini (cut into small cubes) to the stew.

    When the carrots and peppers have softened, add finely chopped garlic and tomato cubes to the pan. Stir well, but carefully, add sugar, salt and pepper. Simmer until cooked, the indication of readiness is that the tomatoes have softened.

Plate of delicious stewed vegetables with zucchini

What to serve with vegetable stew

The stew goes well with mashed potatoes and pasta.

What to do with juices from stews

When cooking vegetable stew, quite a lot of sauce is formed. When all or most of the vegetables have been eaten and the juice remains, it can be used to make an excellent vegetable gravy.

Stewed vegetables can be eaten on their own or complemented with a side dish!

Vegetable Gravy Recipe

    Put the sauce from the stewed vegetables on the fire and, stirring, combine it with the flour (pour 1-2 tablespoons diluted in 0.5 cups of cold water into the pan in a thin stream).

    Heat the gravy until the flour is cooked (a couple of minutes). If necessary, add salt, sugar (0.5 tsp), black pepper and a couple of tablespoons of ketchup.

Bon appetit!

And served it for dinner as a side dish along with buckwheat and.
To make the stew tasty and juicy for you, strictly follow all the points in the recipe, which show how to get rid of excess moisture contained in fresh zucchini and tomatoes.

I also serve cold stew for breakfast as or for...


Wash all vegetables. Peel the zucchini and cut into small cubes.

Place the chopped zucchini (I grated two zucchini in a hurry) in a deep bowl and add 2-3 pinches of salt. Leave for 15 minutes to release the juice.

Peel ripe tomatoes. Today I immediately grated the washed tomatoes, so the skin remains on the grater, and the puree is collected in the collection.

We need to evaporate the tomatoes: to do this, pour the tomato puree into a saucepan and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes, to 1/3 of the original level.

Place chopped garlic and onions in a pan with heated vegetable oil. Fry over medium heat until translucent.

Chop hot and sweet peppers.

Place the zucchini in a large sieve to drain any juice.

Add zucchini, hot and bell peppers to the fried onions and garlic, stir and fry over high heat, stirring for 5-7 minutes, then reduce the heat and simmer for 15-20 minutes, covering the pan with a lid. Boil the vegetables uncovered for another 5-7 minutes to allow the residual liquid to evaporate.

Pour tomato puree into the soft zucchini, stir and simmer over medium heat for 10-12 minutes. Cook the vegetables uncovered for another 3-4 minutes, allowing the residual liquid to evaporate as much as possible.

In the stew that has been evaporated from moisture, add finely chopped basil, cilantro, citron (marjoram, savory), parsley, dill, stir and cook for another 5-7 minutes.

Transfer the cold stew to a container with a tight lid and store in the refrigerator.

Such a vegetable stew - made from eggplants, zucchini, peppers, tomatoes, carrots - can be considered universal, because it can be considered an excellent side dish for or, but at the same time it can easily act as an independent dish. We can immediately say that given such a quantity of vegetables, the stew turns out very tasty, juicy, aromatic, which is why both adults and children love it very much.
In principle, you can deviate from the basic recipe and change the ingredients, but the main vegetables must still be present, and these are eggplants, tomatoes, onions and carrots. It is the combination of these components that gives the dish such a rich, bright taste.
The technology for preparing stew is quite simple, it consists of several processes: preparing vegetables, slicing, stewing. Therefore, even a novice cook can handle this dish perfectly. This stew can be included in the menu of people who watch their figure, as well as vegetarians, or it can be prepared during fasting.

- eggplant fruits – 1-2 pcs.;
- carrots – 1 pc.;
- onion – 1 pc.;
- zucchini fruits – 1 pc.;
- salad pepper (meaty) – 1-2 pcs.;
- ripe tomato fruits – 2-3 pcs.;
- sunflower oil (refined);
- finely ground salt;
- seasonings for vegetables.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Peel the eggplant fruits, then cut them into medium-sized cubes and sprinkle with salt. After 10 minutes, pour boiling water over them and squeeze out the moisture.

We also peel the zucchini fruits (if the fruits are milky ripe, then this process can be skipped). Next, take out the middle with the seeds and cut the pulp into cubes.
We clean the salad pepper from the internal seeds and cut the pulp, like other vegetables.

Finely chop the peeled onion with a knife.
We clean the carrots and cut them coarsely.

We also chop the tomatoes coarsely.

Place onions and carrots in a frying pan in hot oil and sauté until lightly browned.

Then add pepper and zucchini, continue to fry the vegetables for 3-5 minutes.

Then add the rest of the vegetables - eggplants, sliced ​​tomatoes, and simmer the dish over moderate heat until fully cooked.

Add salt and seasonings to taste.

Bon appetit!

It turns out delicious and

A stew of zucchini, carrots and tomatoes is considered one of the most popular summer dishes. It contains a large variety of vegetables. Therefore, it turns out not only tasty, but also quite healthy. Today's article will describe the most interesting recipes for making stew.

Classic version

Using the technology described below, you can relatively quickly and without much hassle make a light, aromatic stew of zucchini, peppers, carrots and tomatoes. This low-calorie dish does not contain an ounce of meat, so it will be a real godsend for those who follow a vegetarian diet. To prepare it you will need:

  • Medium zucchini.
  • 4-5 potatoes.
  • Sweet bell pepper.
  • A couple of cloves of garlic.
  • Large carrot.
  • Onion.
  • A pair of ripe large tomatoes.
  • Salt, spices, herbs and olive oil.

Process description

Before you make the zucchini stew, you need to tackle the vegetables. They are washed, peeled if necessary and chopped. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onion into small cubes. Then they are placed in a frying pan greased with heated olive oil and lightly fried. While the onions and carrots are sautéing, you can chop the potatoes. After five minutes, it is sent to the onions and carrots and continues to fry.

Soon after this, thin strips of bell pepper and diced zucchini are placed in the frying pan. All this is fried for ten minutes, remembering to stir periodically and, if necessary, add vegetable oil. Otherwise, the contents of the pan may burn. When the vegetables soften a little, add tomato slices, salt, spices, chopped garlic and chopped herbs. Cover the frying pan with a lid and reduce the heat to low. After about twenty minutes, the stew of zucchini, carrots and tomatoes with potatoes can be removed from the stove and served. It can be consumed not only as an independent dish, but also as a side dish for fried or baked meat.

Option with green peas

This recipe is interesting because it involves using the oven. Thanks to this, this vegetable dish retains the bulk of the beneficial vitamins and microelements. Before you prepare a delicious zucchini stew, be sure to check if you have everything you need in your home. In this case you will need:

  • 6-8 potatoes.
  • Medium zucchini.
  • A pair of onions.
  • A glass of drinking water.
  • 200 grams of cabbage.
  • A couple of large ripe tomatoes.
  • A glass of green peas.
  • A tablespoon of paprika.
  • 3 cloves of garlic.

In addition, make sure in advance that you have salt, thyme, bay leaf, herbs and vegetable oil on hand at the right time.

Algorithm of actions

Before you make a stew of zucchini and green peas, you need to pre-prepare the vegetables. They are washed, peeled if necessary and chopped. Potatoes and zucchini are cut into small cubes, onions and tomatoes into small pieces. The cabbage is chopped into thin strips.

All this is sent to a heat-resistant form, the bottom and walls of which are greased with vegetable oil. The first layer is potatoes. Chopped greens and onions are poured on top. Zucchini, cabbage and tomatoes are placed on them. The whole thing is seasoned with salt, spices and dried herbs, and then sprinkled with green peas and chopped garlic. Then pour water and a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil into the mold and cover the vessel with a lid. Stew with zucchini is baked in the oven, heated to the traditional one hundred and eighty degrees. After about an hour, check to see if the potatoes are ready. If it remains a little hard, then the mold is returned to the oven. If everything is in order, then the dish is laid out on plates and served on the table.

Option with green beans

This simple and low calorie dish is perfect for an easy family dinner. It is prepared from inexpensive and accessible products, the bulk of which are always available in every pantry. To make a stew of zucchini, carrots and tomatoes, you will need:

  • 400 grams of green beans.
  • Onion.
  • A couple of carrots.
  • 80 milliliters of vegetable oil (preferably olive).
  • Bay leaf.
  • 5 ripe tomatoes.
  • A couple of small zucchini.
  • A teaspoon of salt.
  • 7 black peppercorns.
  • A couple of bunches of fresh herbs.

Cooking sequence

The beans are immersed in salted boiling water with the addition of bay leaves and boiled for ten minutes. Then it is thrown into a colander, cooled, freed from hard areas, cut into pieces about three centimeters long and placed in a separate bowl.

The remaining vegetables are washed, peeled and chopped. In a deep saucepan, greased with vegetable oil, fry onion half rings and grated carrots. As soon as they acquire a golden hue, crushed tomatoes are added to them. Mix everything well and after three minutes add the boiled beans and diced zucchini to the saucepan. Salt and spices are also added there. Simmer a stew of zucchini, carrots, onions and tomatoes over low heat until the vegetables are soft. The finished dish is decorated with chopped herbs and served. It is consumed only hot. After cooling, it loses some of its taste.

Option with broccoli

Using the technology described below, a very tasty and fortified dish is obtained. It is ideal for an evening meal. The calorie content of a stew made from zucchini, carrots and tomatoes is quite low. 100 grams of the dish contains only 34 kcal. To prepare it you will need:

  • 250 grams of frozen peas.
  • A couple of medium carrots.
  • 300 grams of broccoli.
  • A couple of zucchini.
  • 100 grams of wild garlic.
  • A pair of sweet green peppers.
  • 35 milliliters olive oil.
  • Leek.
  • Salt, spices and fresh herbs.

Cooking technology

All vegetables are washed in cold water, peeled and chopped. Leeks are cut into thin circles, zucchini - into cubes, peppers - into strips, carrots - into half rings. Broccoli is separated into inflorescences. The wild garlic and parsley are chopped with a very sharp knife.

Pour vegetable oil into a thick-walled frying pan with high sides and heat it. Then put onions and carrots there and lightly fry them. After a few minutes, add wild garlic and sweet peppers and continue to simmer over moderate heat. It is important to stir the vegetables constantly, otherwise they will burn.

After another ten minutes, add zucchini, broccoli and green peas to the pan. All this is salted, seasoned with spices and filled with 100 milliliters of water or broth. As soon as the liquid boils, cover the vessel with a lid and continue cooking. After about a quarter of an hour, the stew of zucchini, carrots and tomatoes is removed from the stove, sprinkled with chopped parsley and left for five minutes.

Option with eggplant and chicken

This recipe is interesting because it involves using a slow cooker. This allows you to significantly speed up the cooking process and minimize effort. Thanks to the presence of meat components, the dish is quite satisfying and nutritious. To make this stew you will need:

  • A couple of eggplants.
  • 500 grams of chicken fillet.
  • A couple of zucchini.
  • 3 potatoes.
  • 4 ripe tomatoes.
  • A couple of carrots and onions.
  • 3 cloves of garlic.
  • Salt, spices, herbs and vegetable oil.

This recipe is great because it allows you to use your imagination. For example, instead of chicken fillet, you can use any other lean meat. And if you wish, you can do without this component altogether. You should also remember that the key to successful preparation of a dish is the correct cutting of vegetables. It is important that all the pieces are approximately the same size.

All vegetables are washed, peeled and cut. Young zucchini and eggplant need not be peeled. They have it so thin that it is practically not felt in the finished dish.

The washed and dried chicken fillet is cut into medium pieces and placed in a multicooker bowl into which vegetable oil has already been poured. The meat is fried until golden brown, and then chopped onions and chopped carrots are added to it. Mix everything and continue cooking. After ten minutes, the remaining vegetables, salt and spices are sent to the device. If necessary, pour half a glass of boiled water into the multicooker.

Prepare a stew of zucchini, carrots and tomatoes in the “Stew” mode for an hour. The residence time of the dish in the multicooker may vary, depending on the model and power of the device. Therefore, you need to focus on the softness of the vegetables. After the timer signal notifies the end of the program, add chopped garlic to the stew and wait until it brews. This low-calorie dish is served without any mayonnaise or other fatty sauces. If desired, the prepared vegetable stew with chicken fillet can be placed in portioned pots and garnished with sprigs of fresh herbs.
