Runic formula for a man's love, passion is strong. Runic formulas for restoring love relationships

The modern world is filled with such negative energies as stress, depression, alcoholism, drug addiction and the like... Doctors (in the usual sense of the word) know how to treat the body, but most often try to distance themselves from spiritual illnesses. Only magic can resist this evil. Magic is a supernatural science, that is, beyond our understanding. But it is given to anyone who seeks a path to self-improvement and harmony to comprehend it. You can start by studying runes.

The word "rune" comes from Scandinavian and carries a meaning close in meaning to the word “secret”. The birth of runes took place during the Viking Age, about one and a half thousand years BC. In those distant times, knowledge about runes was owned by rune masters who were called “erils”. They were the highest caste in ancient Scandinavia, since they were in possession of the keys (runes) that opened the doors to knowledge and power. Each key was filled with meaning and tied to gods and natural phenomena.

Runic alphabet

Runic magic has 24 runes, which together form a certain ancient alphabet, or rune series:

These symbols are the basis that gives rise to all magical practice. The rune row is also called “futhark”, after the first letters: f, i, th, a, r, k.

Runes came to us from time immemorial, and what time preserves is the truth. There is power in truth! But you cannot throw yourself into a pond without checking the bottom, so the study of the supernatural must be approached slowly and thoroughly.

Proven rates and formulas

If you do not have proper practice, then you should probably ask yourself the question: is it necessary to rely only on rates tested and compiled by a specialist, or to come up with something yourself?

Before you start using the formulas, it is strongly recommended to study reviews about the strength and correctness of their action. Numerous forums will help with this, where people with experience who have been working in this field for a long time will share information with you. It also describes the various actions of the stakes in any particular case. It is better for beginners not to use unverified information.

The whole point is that a beginner can make an unfortunate mistake, for example, not taking into account the relationship of at least two symbols. This will entail quite unpleasant consequences. It’s good if the formula simply doesn’t work, but it will be much worse when such a “gag” causes some harm.

Sequence of actions in runology

A formula is created from individual runes, or ligature (in another way - “sub-formula”). The components of each formula can be either individual runes or ligatures. After this, each rune from the created formula is applied to wood or paper (runescript), thus forming a “stave”.

It is also possible to strengthen the stave by pronouncing a certain clause on the runic stave, but, most importantly, remember the basic rules of the clause:

  • the words are pronounced slowly, as if penetrating the picture that was previously mentally drawn in your mind about the person you are becoming;
  • make a reservation alone and experiencing positive emotions, while trying to forget about everything unpleasant;
  • In addition, it is important to pronounce a reservation while coloring the stave.

The final result depends on the desire of the person pronouncing the slander to achieve the goal. In other words, it works like this: desire gives birth to emotion, emotion gives birth to thought, thought gives birth to a word, and words are a direct projection onto our lives. Moreover, it depends on the speaker whether this projection will be positive or negative.

Meaning and Applications

The Power of the Runes extends to all aspects of our lives. They can be used in almost any situation: relationships with friends, loved ones, relatives.

Those who practice rune magic always have runes and staves for any life situation in order to always be able to bring them to life. Each person, if desired, can collect for himself the necessary set of formulas. Everything you need for this is present in this article. But, before use (if you are a beginner), you need advice from a knowledgeable runologist.

The topic of runes and staves, as well as reservations, will be interesting, and most importantly, useful to almost everyone. The list of runic staves and stipulations to them can be endless, since there are a great many of them.

The most common (working) positions

Let's look at several important formulas for our lives that have been tested and proven to work in practice.

A universal formula for good luck in all matters

To begin with, it is worth understanding what is luck. We break down the meaning of this word into the following components: achieving what you want, realizing yourself as an individual, material well-being. If a person manages to realize all this, he can safely be called happy, and rune bets on luck will help in achieving such a goal. This stav consists of the following runes:

This bunch of runes can rather be called the main script in the formula than a complete formula for luck. Such a “core” can and should be supplemented with other runes, depending on the situation.

To promote health as well as well-being

Well-being in life is only possible if if there are no health problems. Even when a person is doing well in all aspects except health, it is unlikely that his well-being can be considered complete. A fairly simple formula will help improve your health, achieve greater well-being, and also remove melancholy. It’s not difficult to create such a stave: it’s a simple script of two runes:

  1. Dagaz.
  2. Inguz.

Bringing them together will give the desired result.

Increase in material wealth

Almost everyone has their own threshold in the fulfillment of material desires. With the right approach to the issue, raising this bar is quite possible. The most popular money formulas in rune magic are:

  1. Triple fehu is the simplest and consists of three identical fehu runes standing next to each other. Despite its simplicity, this system works quite effectively.
  2. Banker. This becoming smaller than others depends on stopping factors, so it has a high percentage of operation. The following runes are used for creation: perth, fehu, uruz and nautiz. And also kenaz (2 times), Inguz and Yera.
  3. The third, “golden dragon”, is more complex in execution, but the result of its action will not be long in coming. Its composition: teyvaz, algiz, evaz, dagaz, mannaz, inguz (4 times), laguz (2 times).

Attraction formula “Magic kick”

Betting according to this formula has a very great bewitching power, which is why it is very popular among the people. Its twisted name is more often used: “Magic Pendel”. If a girl’s feelings go “off scale” when drawing up this stav, then the man will be ready to do anything for her.

So, Here are its components:

  • eyvaz, gebo, kenaz and thurisaz - causes a whirlwind of attraction;
  • Eyvaz and Uruz - encourages action;
  • kenaz and gebo - generates attraction;
  • thurisaz - guides and strengthens all the runes coming in front of him.

When assembled according to this formula, it carries within itself an explosion of feelings and lust of enormous strength, a specific challenge to feelings and an irresistible desire to come, rush, call.

And one more identical to this: becoming interested in love and sex: - “fire of passion”

Active runes:

  • Teyvaz;
  • kenaz (3);
  • sovilo;
  • Inguz.

This ligature is applied to yourself or a partner to increase excitability. . The following disclaimer applies to this clause:

You are burning with love for me,

And you burn in fiery passion.

Find happiness for yourself

Be close to me, where I am.

The action of stav is similar to the action of Viagra.

Plunging into the world of runes, we are all beginning to understand the power and effectiveness of these seemingly mystical signs. By accumulating knowledge and practicing, each person will be able to adjust their life. The most important thing (I repeat once again) is not to rush in this matter, thoroughly study all the intricacies yourself and learn from others!

Attention, TODAY only!

Our world consists of matter, which is thinking energy. This is what the magical picture of the world looks like. If any energy is missing, it can be attracted using magical rune formulas. Betting on sex is precisely designed to make up for the lack of love energy in your life. How to apply magic formulas, what runes should they be composed of?

What runes are used to compose love formulas? It depends on the specific situation that needs to be addressed.

a) Formula that enhances mutual understanding:

b) To attract love:

c) Formula for sexual contact:

  • - - or - -

d) Formula of love enslavement:

  • — — — —

d) Magical love connection:

f) The following ligature is suitable for inciting passion:

Important! To seal the runic love letter, use the seal of the goddess of love Freya: -Ingvaz.

Where to draw them?

So, the formula of love has been found - now you need to draw it somewhere. Where? There are several options for this:

  • on your body;
  • in your photograph;
  • there are men in the photograph;
  • in a photo of you together;
  • on a sheet of paper with the man's first and last name.

The algorithm of actions should be aimed at results. If you need to enhance your attractiveness, we draw runes on your body or your photograph. If you need to influence a man, we draw runes on his photograph. If it is necessary to achieve reciprocity, we draw runes on a joint photo. If there is no photograph, we put the script on a sheet of paper with the initials written down.

How to activate ligature?

In order for the runic formula to begin to work to change the situation, it is necessary to breathe life into it. Activation of ligature (stava) is the expression of your intention in words. That is, you give the direction of movement to each rune. Your actions:

  • we write standing, thinking about the man all the time;
  • while writing the sign, we sing it out loud (sing: Isa);
  • before starting the ritual, light a red candle;
  • Once again we pronounce the names of the runes out loud, then make up a spell (slip).

What is a reservation? This is the task for the staff that he must solve. The clause can be drawn up in poetic form (visa) or in simple words. For example, a love connection - -Feu:

“I direct the energy of the Isa rune so that it freezes the will of Andrei (Igor/Dima). Let the Isa rune stop his self-will so that he submits to my will. I direct the energy of the Naut rune to break all past relationships of Andrey (Igor/Dima), so that he does not remember them. I direct the energy of the Fegu rune to strengthen our connection. Let it be so!"

You can come up with your own clause for this stav, suitable for your situation. After this, you should blow on it three times: breathing revives the action of the runes. Some active girls draw signs with their own blood, but this is not necessary.

What to do next?

What to do with the rune stave when the wish comes true? An indispensable condition: the formula must be destroyed so that the opposite effect does not occur. When the goal is successful, erase the written marks. If it is not possible to erase, you should burn the paper (photo) with the rune stav. In this case, you should thank the runes from the heart for their help.

Why can't you just forget about the formula and leave it in the photo? Because the movement of energy will go in the opposite direction, towards destruction. You must accurately indicate the period for the implementation of the bet, after which its validity ceases.

What to do if it is created for long-term action? Then you should periodically “revive” the formula with your breath and trace the written signs with your finger. How long does it take to update the status? Approximately every two months. After long-term use, it is better to burn it on wood or stone, but it is not necessary.

Runes for attracting love change life for the better. Runic staves and love formulas will help you find a partner and ignite passion in a person.

In the article:

Runes to attract love - how to use them

Runes are a universal tool to achieve any goals. There are strong runic love spells, a number of softer and non-life-damaging ways to arrange your personal life with signs. When used correctly, they achieve any goals: finding a partner, attracting the attention of the opposite sex, there are formulas that arouse passion, designed to maintain or improve relationships.

There are no obstacles to using the betting opportunities. Signs do not require sacrifice and are not considered part of a religious tradition. A priest can belong to any faith. It is possible for everyone to know symbols; there is no ceiling on the possibilities of their use. The magician will not face a lack of personal strength or the inability to develop further.

When using runic love spells, they face serious problems. The consequences of using runes to change the will of another person will affect karma and lead to retribution - in life or after. The Scandinavian sagas warn about the danger of incorrect use of symbols.

What are the runes of love, passion and happiness

Before turning to complex bets on love, they study the meanings of symbols, understand their strength and capabilities. In many situations, the appropriate use of even one sign helps. Some of the signs qualify as runes of happiness, love and passion.

The most famous Scandinavian symbol responsible for love is. The sign translates as “gift” and represents an equal partnership in which everyone gives what they need to their loved one. The symbol does not help to attract the attention of another person, create a short-term connection, or create passion.

Another symbol that helps in love affairs is. Used for problems in the family. The sign means home; everything related to housing and family life will make relationships more harmonious and fruitful.

Relationships are influenced by runic signs denoting the feminine or masculine principle - Laguz, Inguz. The symbols will reveal positive qualities and attract the attention of the opposite sex. They are not suitable for harmonizing relationships: the signs have no direct power associated with relationships.

They use signs as amulets by taking the corresponding die from the runic set and wearing it as a talisman, applying it to the body, clothing or jewelry.

Rune of love

Bright symbols - Soulu or Kano - are used as a rune for passion and love. Signs will bring a new spark to feelings, ignite the fire of passion from scratch. Long-term relationships are not affected if used separately and not as part of runic bundles.

Runic formulas for love

The general rules of creation are simple. Working with Scandinavian symbols is a process that requires intellectual thinking. Before starting to select signs, they study the power of northern symbols and the features of each symbol. Without knowledge, a limited number of scripts are used. They develop their own formulas for a specific situation.

Formulas for love

There are a number of formulas that are used without deep knowledge of the magical tradition. A simple runic formula for finding a betrothed - combination Kano-Gebo-Laguz for women. Men use Inguz instead of Laguz, symbolizing their masculinity.

The combination of Soulo and Kano will ignite the fire of passion in a relationship. For example, the program Kano-Laguz or Inguz-Soulo. A good option is to use Turisaz. If they are urgently looking for a partner, choose Turisaz-Gebo-Vuno(for long-term communication) or Turisaz-Laguz-Soulo(for a quick, passionate romance with the possibility of continuation).

To please a person, choose Ansuz - the sign responsible for wisdom and conviction. A combination with Gebo will lead to a long-term relationship that will develop on an intellectual component. Combination Ansuz-Gebo-Yera will allow you to reveal yourself as a person with whom a potential partner is interested.

Runes used: Evaz (like a kick), Ansuz (like communication), Kano (like a light of sympathy, movement), Gebo (like communication between two, partnership)

To return a partner to the family, the best rune for the love of a man or woman will be Evaz, symbolizing return. Used with Gebo and Odal, for example, in script or stave Evaz-Gebo-Odal. To solve the problem faster, they add Turisaz and Vunyo, consolidating the result. To maintain harmonious relationships, use a combination Isa-Gebo-Isa.

Phoenix. Cleaning the relationship channel for a woman.

Cleaning the relationship channel for a woman. Removing blocks and attracting.
The formula is designed to cleanse and replenish the relationship channel for women who have problems in this area. Feelings of loneliness, tightness and other blocks. But if the problem is serious and global. The reason is her generic negativity. The formula will definitely not remove this. If there is serious work on the relationship channel or celibacy, then accordingly you need to carry out serious cleansing from the beginning and only then set the formula. In any case, before installing this, I would recommend doing background cleaning. And then it became a completion and work on a specific problem.

Laguz - Designating a Woman. Soulu Fills her with inner light, instills in her the feeling that she is no longer just one gray mouse among many, but successful and bright.
Gebo - Woman's Relationships
Laguz+ Gebo - Woman Relationship Channel
Turisaz - We remove all unnecessary things, put the relationship channel in order. Here you have to come to terms with the fact that Turisaz can remove outdated connections with Vasya. Which interfere with the development of the relationship channel and close the paths. Don't let me find something new
The middle of the formula results in cleaning the woman’s relationship channel. Because if a woman is single, then problems probably come through the relationship channel. Accordingly, it is necessary to remove what interferes and creates obstacles. Does not allow a woman to find a mate. Here you have to come to terms with the fact that Turisaz can remove outdated connections with Vasya. Which interfere with the development of the relationship channel and close the paths. They don't let me find something new.
Laguz is the designation in the foreground. Berkana comes in second. She is still single, which means she is a girl. And Berkana is in the background, capable of becoming Berkana and finding a soul mate after the blocks that prevent this are removed.
Inguz - growth, development. Filling the relationship channel.
Perth - Opening paths through the relationship channel, Showing a woman in the most favorable light in front of men Tayvaz
Kano - Gives her the opportunity to evaluate the options that appear. This is the structuring and assessment of these very opportunities. Those men who begin to strive for her. Don’t rush at the first person you meet, but make smart choices.
Tayvaz - These are men striving for her, whom she attracts after the blocks go away.
The Taivaz-Soulu-Feu elm is a kind of filter criterion so that just anyone doesn’t appear. Alphonse and so on.
Taivaz - Purposeful
Soulu - successful and active
Feu - financially secure Well, I personally wouldn’t want to choose from one. You still need a selection field.

With my power I direct the power of the runes. I remove blocks and negativity from the relationship channel, cut it off from myself, everything that forces me to go down a lonely road, creates obstacles and problems in relationships with men, does not allow me to create a full-fledged couple, the male gender repels me, hides the feminine essence, it is completely natural the feminine thing prevents me from revealing it, I remove it from myself. Yes, instead, I fill myself with strength and inner light, I open a new path for relationships. I leave troubles and mistakes in the past. It was as if I shook off their dust and confidently stepped into a new life. From now on I will shine as a bright star. Attract successful, purposeful, and wealthy men to yourself. From now on, I won’t flutter through life like a gray bird, but fly through life like a firebird. Start a new life and start a bright love and attract a happy woman to you.
This is roughly the intention for the formula as I see it for myself.
