Dostoevsky's house. Five memorial museums on the map of Russia

Fyodor Dostoevsky visited many cities of Russia - he lived in some for a long time, in others he visited, rented a dacha or was, in his words, "nailed to death" during hard labor. We present a selection of five memorial museums Dostoevsky.

Museum-apartment of Fyodor Dostoevsky

Fyodor Dostoevsky was born in a small Moscow apartment at the Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor - his father served as the headquarters physician here. Future Writer lived in this house until the age of 16, his early memories were connected with Moscow - family holidays, the first books he read and trips to the theater. Dostoevsky wrote: "Without the sacred and precious, carried into life from the memories of childhood, a person cannot live." In 1837, Fyodor Dostoevsky and his older brother Mikhail left for St. Petersburg to prepare for admission to the Engineering School. But even then they dreamed of devoting their lives to literature.

The premises of the former hospital have never been rebuilt. The layout of the apartment in which Dostoevsky was born has been preserved as it was during the life of the writer. The old interior was restored here, the rooms contain authentic things of the Dostoevsky family: furniture, portraits of the writer's parents and other relatives, Business Cards Fyodor Dostoevsky and his ink set. There is a Gospel in the memorial apartment - it was presented to the writer in 1850 by the wives of the Decembrists.

Omsk State Literary Museum named after Dostoevsky

In 1849, Fyodor Dostoevsky was arrested in connection with the Petrashevsky case. He was sentenced to death, but before the execution, the sentence was commuted to the Petrashevites and the death penalty was commuted to hard labor. The Omsk exile became an ordeal for Dostoevsky - not only physical, but also moral. The rest of the prisoners belonged to the writer noble origin hostile, it was impossible to correspond with relatives, to keep diaries - too. Dostoevsky pondered future novels and secretly made notes in the Siberian Notebook. Impressions of the prison later appeared in his Notes from dead house».

Omsk Museum of Dostoevsky was opened in 1983 in former home fortress commanders. In 1859, the writer was here visiting the last commandant, Alexei de Grave. Its exposition tells about the writer's life in the Omsk prison. In one of the halls, a prisoner's cell with bunks, shackles, robes and objects of prison life was recreated. The museum houses the first edition of Notes from the House of the Dead, issues of the magazines Russkiy Vestnik, Domestic Notes and Vremya with the first publications of Dostoevsky's novels.

Literary and Memorial Museum of Dostoevsky in Novokuznetsk

After four years of hard labor, Fyodor Dostoevsky was sent to serve as a private in Semipalatinsk. Here the writer had an affair with the wife of a local official, Maria Isaeva. Later, the family moved to Kuznetsk (today Novokuznetsk), and a few years later Isaeva's husband became seriously ill and died. Dostoevsky came to Kuznetsk several times - here Isaeva rented a one-story house where they could see each other. In 1857, the couple got married in the Odigitrievskaya Church of Kuznetsk.

The Literary and Memorial Museum of Dostoevsky opened in Novokuznetsk in 1980. On the log house of the first half of XIX century, a memorial plaque hangs: “Here lived in 1857 the writer F.M. Dostoevsky". The literary exposition was based on the "Kuznetsk love drama» writer. All five halls tell about it: "The Road", "Kuznetsky Piglet", "Mordasovsky Salon", "Triangle" and "Wedding". The museum contains documents and photographs, antique furniture, dishes and icons.

House Museum of Fyodor Dostoevsky in Staraya Russa

The provincial town from The Brothers Karamazov is in many ways reminiscent of Staraya Russa, the city where Fyodor Dostoyevsky's family rented a dacha. Later the writer bought here own house. From 1872, Dostoevsky came here every summer with his second wife Anna and children. The couple called the wooden two-story building on the banks of the Pererytitsa River “our nest”. In Staraya Russa, Dostoevsky worked on the novels The Possessed, The Teenager, and The Brothers Karamazov; here he wrote famous speech, which he said in Moscow at the opening of the monument to Pushkin.

The first museum in the writer's house was opened by his wife in 1883. Several times it closed and started working again. In the modern memorial house-museum, the atmosphere of the 19th century has been restored from drawings and sketches. Among the original exhibits are programs of family performances, a bureau at which Anna Grigoryevna took shorthand and transcribed her husband's notes. The harmonium of Fyodor Dostoevsky is kept here, and in the hallway his gloves and a black satin top hat lie in front of a mirror.

Literary and Memorial Museum of Fyodor Dostoevsky

Kuznechny Lane occupies a special place among Dostoevsky's addresses in St. Petersburg - the writer rented an apartment in one of his houses twice. Fyodor Dostoevsky lived here at the beginning writing career, working on the story "Double", here he spent last years life and completed the novel The Brothers Karamazov.

The Dostoevsky Museum in Kuznechny Lane opened in 1971. The central exposition of the museum is the memorial apartment of the writer. In the living room and dining room, nursery and bedroom, the interiors are recreated according to archival plans, memoirs of the writer's wife and his contemporaries. In Dostoevsky's office you can see him desk, a pen with a quill, a medicine box and a writer's wallet are stored here. There are books from the personal library of the writer in the cabinets, in the corner of the study there is an icon in a silver setting. Mother of God Joy to All Who Sorrow."

Every year the museum participates in the Dostoevsky Day celebration. Performances and exhibitions are held here, and guides arrange walks along the “Dostoevsky streets” for everyone.

Museum-apartment of F.M. Dostoevsky (Moscow) (branch of the State Literary Museum) - the first in the world by the time of creation the museum of F.M. Dostoevsky.

Organized in 1927-1928. V.S. Nechaeva (the first director of the museum). The opening took place on November 11, 1928. In the 1940s, it became part of the State Literary Museum.

Located in Moscow, in the left (northern) wing of the former Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor, built in 1806 by I. Gilardi and A. Mikhailov according to the project of D. Quarenghi in the style of late Russian classicism, where Father F.M. Dostoevsky -.

October 30 (November 11, new style), 1821 F.M. Dostoevsky was born in the right wing of the same hospital, in a state-owned apartment occupied by the father of the future writer. In the apartment on Novaya Bozhedomka, which since 1954 bears his name, Fyodor spent the first fifteen years of his life, until May 1837, when he left for St. Petersburg, to the Engineering School. It is interesting that the building has never been rebuilt, the walls, stoves and ceilings have been preserved as they were during the life of the writer. The premises adjacent to the memorial apartment were reconstructed in 1979-1982.

The history of perpetuating the memory of Dostoevsky began with the writings of the writer's widow, Anna Grigorievna Dostoevskaya, when there was still a living connection with him. She admitted: “I do not live in the twentieth century, I stayed in the 70s of the nineteenth. My people are friends of Fyodor Mikhailovich, my society is a circle of people close to Dostoevsky. I live with them. Everyone who works on the study of the life or works of Dostoevsky seems to me like a kindred person.

In addition to editions of Dostoevsky's works, she collected over a thousand items related to her husband. The Directorate of the Imperial Historical Museum in Moscow offered her to place the collection in one of the towers of the building of the Historical Museum. So the foundation of the "Museum in memory of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky" was laid. Historical Museum. However, not located in the memorial space and not intended for viewing by the general public, this collection could not become a museum in the strict sense of the word. They became a memorial apartment in one of the side wings of the former Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor, in which the writer spent his childhood and adolescence.

The materials for the creation of the museum were received from the descendants of the writer - A.A. Dostoevsky, M.V. Savostyanova, A.M. Lenin's personal belongings of the Dostoevsky family and his relatives: books, paintings, household items, etc. Some of the furniture belonging to the writer's parents came from the Dostoevsky's house in the village of Darovoye.

The interiors of the apartment were recreated according to the memoirs of Andrei Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, the younger brother of the great writer, who left a detailed description of the events and furnishings of the parental apartment, including drawings and diagrams: “... our father, already a family man, who at that time had 4-5 children, using the staff officer rank, he occupied an apartment, consisting, in fact, of two clean rooms, except for the hall and the kitchen. At the entrance from the cold passage, as usually happens, the front room was placed in one window (on a clean courtyard). In the back of this rather deep front room, with the help of a plank carpentry partition that did not reach the ceiling, a semi-dark room for a nursery was separated. Next came the hall, a rather roomy room with two windows looking out onto the street and three onto a clean yard. Then a living room with two windows overlooking the street, from which, too, a half-lighted room for the parents' bedroom was separated by a plank carpenter's partition. That's the whole apartment! Subsequently, already in the 30s, when the family of parents still increased, another room with three windows to the backyard was added to this apartment.<...>The kitchen, which was rather large, was located in a special way, across the cold, clean vestibule.<...>The furnishings of the apartment were also very modest: the hall with the nursery were painted with dark pearl glue paint; the hall is canary yellow, and the living room with bedroom is dark cobalt. Paper wallpapers were not yet in use. The three Dutch stoves were of enormous size and were made of the so-called ribbon tile (with blue borders). The furnishings were also very simple. There were two card tables in the hall (between the windows)<...>. Next was placed a dining table in the middle of the hall and a dozen and a half chairs of birch wood under a light varnish and with soft pillows from green morocco (oilcloth for furniture upholstery did not yet exist. Furniture was upholstered with either morocco or hair cloth). The living room contained a sofa, several armchairs, mother's toilet, a wardrobe and a bookcase.<...>Curtains on the windows and curtains at the doors, of course, were not; on the windows, simple white calico curtains without any decorations were fitted ... "

Part museum exposition the hospital corridor also includes a pen for writing Dostoevsky, symbolizing the future fate of the writer.

Among the memorial items of the exposition are an oval table in front of the sofa, a bookcase, portraits of parents and ancestors, bronze candelabra from the collection of A.M. Dostoevsky.

In addition to the memorial apartment, the museum has a lecture and exhibition hall and an exposition "The World of Dostoevsky" giving an idea of ​​the writer's work. Here you can see a sofa purchased by Dostoevsky in 1866 during his stay in Moscow, an ink set, glasses, the writer's business cards, a box with cigarette cases, a copy of a bookcase made by order of A.G. Dostoevskaya for the Museum of F.M. Dostoevsky "in 1913, a desk from the writer's last apartment, transported from St. Petersburg, behind which individual chapters of the novel and were written.

Sightseeing tours by exposure

Lectures: “F.M. Dostoevsky is the son of a doctor”, “I came from a Russian and pious family”, “Dostoevsky and the genius loci of Moscow”, “The crime of Raskolnikov”, “Dostoevsky's novels”, “The image of a person in the works of F.M. Dostoevsky".

Museum-apartment of Dostoevsky in Moscow (Moscow, Russia) - expositions, opening hours, address, phone numbers, official website.

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The museum is located in the northern wing of the ensemble of the former Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor, built in 1806 by I. Gilardi and A. Mikhailov in the style of late Russian classicism, designed by D. Quarenghi and is a cultural monument. The hospital wing was intended for various services and government apartments for hospital employees. The family of the doctor M. A. Dostoevsky, the father of the future writer, occupied a small two-room apartment on the ground floor, later expanded. F. M. Dostoevsky, who was born in the opposite wing, lived in this apartment from 1823 to 1837. He left for Petersburg when he was not 16 years old.

In 1983, according to "Memoirs" and the plan of the youngest of the Dostoevsky brothers, the layout of the wing was restored.

The writer's childhood apartment on Bozhedomka was never rebuilt. The museum was opened in 1928 on the basis of the collection of A. G. Dostoevskaya. And in 1940 he became part of the State Literary Museum. The first expositions were of a historical and literary nature.

The exhibition partially used memorial furniture and other rarities - portraits of the parents, immediate ancestors and relatives of F. M. Dostoevsky, bronze candelabra (from the collection of A. M. Dostoevsky), the first book in Dostoevsky's life "One Hundred and Four Selected Stories of the Old and New Testament" and much more. The memorial exposition also includes a hospital corridor, in which Dostoevsky's pen is exhibited, symbolizing his future writer's fate. Outside the walls of the memorial apartment in the museum, a lecture and exhibition hall and an exposition "The World of Dostoevsky" are organized, giving an idea of ​​the writer's work. Here you can see Dostoevsky's St. Petersburg desk, behind which separate chapters of The Brothers Karamazov and The Writer's Diary were written.

  • Dostoevsky Museum is located in an apartment at the former Mariinsky hospital, the first 15 years of the life of the future writer passed here.
  • This is one of the oldest literary museums in Moscow, in which the interiors are completely recreated and authentic things of the writer himself are presented.
  • and has come down to us as Dostoevsky himself saw it.
  • The museum regularly holds lectures, round tables, creative meetings.
  • All information The museum only has in Russian.

Dostoevsky Museum located in an apartment former Mariinsky hospital on Dostoevsky street. The first years of the life of the future writer passed here, who gave the world The Brothers Karamazov, The Idiot, Crime and Punishment, etc. This is one of the oldest literary museums in Moscow, in which the interiors are completely recreated and authentic things of the writer himself are presented.

The beginning of the way

Once this area was on the outskirts city ​​and was known as Bozhedomka": there was a wretched (God's) house, where the unidentified bodies of the dead were brought. They could not be buried in cemeteries, so they equipped common graves- "God". In 1732, the wretched house was moved to Maryina Roscha, and in 1771 it was closed after the plague. But the name "Bozhedomka" remained. IN early XIX V. was built here Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor- a wonderful monument of late Russian classicism - built by famous architects I. Gilardi and A. Mikhailov according to the project. Assistance at the Mariinsky was provided free of charge at any time of the day. The hospital was maintained with funds from the personal office of the wife of Paul I, Maria Feodorovna. The Empress herself monitored the state of the chambers and the work of doctors and nurses. In 1821, in the right wing of the hospital, one of the doctors, Mikhail Dostoevsky, had a son, Fyodor, who would famous writer. Two years later, the family moved to the left wing, where the museum is now located. In an apartment at the Mariinsky Hospital, Fedor spent the first fifteen years of his life until May 1837, when he went to St. Petersburg to study at the Engineering School.

The image of Dostoevsky and his fate are associated with St. Petersburg: he is there for a long time lived, and it is there that many of his characters live. But his strongest memories are connected with Moscow, with the world of his childhood: loving mother friendship with brothers and sisters, family readings, walks around the city, the first books, acquaintance with the theater. It is no coincidence that one of his favorite characters, Alyosha Karamazov, at the end of The Brothers Karamazov says: “There is nothing higher and stronger, and healthier, and more useful for life henceforth, like some good memory, and especially taken from childhood, from parental home. ... If you take a lot of such memories with you into life, then a person is saved for life.

Museum exposition

The museum building has never been rebuilt and has come down to us in its original form, as Dostoevsky himself saw it. The interiors of the apartment were recreated according to the memoirs of the younger brother of the writer - Andrei Dostoevsky, who left a very detailed description events and conditions of the childhood home, including drawings and diagrams: “Our father, already a family man, who at that time had 4-5 children, using the staff officer rank, occupied an apartment consisting, in fact, of two clean rooms, except for the front and kitchens. ... That's the whole apartment! Subsequently, already in the 30s, when the family of parents still increased, another room with three windows to the backyard was added to this apartment. The setting was very modest. Some of the personal belongings of the Dostoevsky family are kept in the museum. The exposition also includes a hospital corridor, where you can see Dostoevsky's writing pen, a symbol of the future fate of the writer. In addition, the museum houses Dostoevsky's desk from his last apartment in St. Petersburg, behind which separate chapters of The Brothers Karamazov and The Writer's Diary were written. Among the most valuable exhibits are also an ink set, glasses, a Gospel donated by the wives of the Decembrists in 1850, the writer's business cards, a bookcase, portraits of parents, etc.

In the courtyard of the museum in front of the hospital there is a monument to Dostoevsky Works by Sergei Merkurov. It was created before the revolution and moved several times from one place to another. The sculpture was made in 1911-1914. commissioned by the millionaire Sharov. The famous Russian actor Alexander Vertinsky posed for the statue.

The museum regularly holds lectures dedicated to the fate and work of the writer, round tables, creative meetings, as well as scientific meetings. Once a month, classes are held for schoolchildren in a playful way - children get acquainted with the writer's house, try to find things hidden in the exhibition, read, compose, sculpt, draw book covers and even challenge each other to a duel.

