Cyprus: the most striking figures and facts. Cyprus from A to Z: holidays in Cyprus, maps, visas, tours, resorts, hotels and reviews

The island of Cyprus has earned the love of tourists from all over the world for its mild climate. And although the holiday season here is limited from mid-spring to October, you can fly to the island in winter. After all, there are many unique ancient sights in Cyprus, the history of the island goes back several millennia. And also in any season it is nice to sit in a tavern with a glass of famous Cypriot wine. Surely all those who are going to the island of Cyprus will find it interesting to learn a few things about it. interesting facts.

Where is Cyprus located on the map

Where is Cyprus located? tourists ask. Cyprus is an island in the Mediterranean Sea, considered the largest in this region. But still, the area of ​​​​Cyprus in square kilometers is very small. It is 9251 sq. km. Of course, there are states in the world that are simply tiny compared to Cyprus, for example, Malta, its area is 316 sq. km. But most countries on our planet are much larger. And not only countries: the area of ​​one Vladimir region exceeds the area of ​​Cyprus three times (approximately 29,000 sq. km)!

The following dimensions also speak of the small area of ​​​​Cyprus: the maximum length of its territory from west to east is 240 km, and from north to south it is even less - about 100 km. A distance of about 240 km will have to be overcome if you go from Vladimir to Yaroslavl by car. This is such a small area occupied by Cyprus, and that is why there is no railway connection. After all, everywhere can be quickly reached by car.

The small size of Cyprus is also indicated by the data on its population. About a million people live on the entire island. And this is again less than the composition of the Vladimir region. According to the latest All-Russian census, about 1.3 million people live there.

Distances from Cyprus to other countries

Many Russian travelers already know that flying from Moscow to Larnaca (a major resort town and the airport of the same name on the island) only 3.5 hours. And if you need to get to Paphos (another resort town and airport) - then a little less than 4 hours. Such distances make Cyprus popular, because it is one of the short flights that even children can easily endure. It is worth noting that there is no difference between Moscow time and Cypriot time, and this circumstance further contributes to the convenience of relaxing on the island.

And what can be said about the nearest neighbors of Cyprus? Here are the distances in a straight line with the bordering states:

  • Türkiye - 75 km,
  • Syria - 105 km,
  • Egypt - 380 km.

Since the distance from Cyprus to Syria is very small, many travelers have a question about the safety of holidays on the island. Military clashes have been going on in Syria for several years, and, firstly, thousands of residents are fleeing the country from a hard life, and secondly, there are militants of terrorist groups banned worldwide.

Is it dangerous to rest in Cyprus because of Syria?

And yet, political experts say that tourists in Cyprus have nothing to fear for several reasons:

  • Of course, Cyprus does not have a land border with any of the states. Therefore, you will have to get there by sea or by plane. And illegal border crossing in such conditions is much more difficult than the land route.
  • The area of ​​the island of Cyprus is divided into two territories in connection with the political situation that developed there forty years ago. Now the island has the Republic of Cyprus and an unrecognized state Northern Cyprus. And also on the island there are officially British troops, who even have their own military airfields and aircraft, which should deter terrorists. By the way, the difficult political situation of Cyprus itself also does not affect tourists: they can visit both states.
  • And finally, the last argument, perhaps the most weighty. Refugees and terrorists are not interested in peaceful Cypriots. Refugees are attracted to wealthy European countries, such as Sweden or Germany. Terrorists also prefer to carry out their intimidating actions in the politicized center of Europe.

And since there have been no incidents with tourists in Cyprus during the entire period of military conflicts in Syria, travelers continue to come there and enjoy their vacation!

The size of Cyprus is not the largest. But he has plenty of advantages: the sea, mild climate, ancient monuments, Cypriot cuisine. Do not be surprised that tourists fly to Cyprus, and many do so every year!

Area of ​​the island of Cyprus: dimensions on the map

The island of Cyprus has earned the love of tourists from all over the world for its mild climate. And although the holiday season here is limited from mid-spring to October, you can fly to the island in winter. After all, there are many unique ancient sights in Cyprus, the history of the island goes back several millennia. And also in any season it is nice to sit in a tavern with a glass of famous Cypriot wine. Surely all those who are going to the island of Cyprus will find it interesting to learn a few interesting facts about it. Where is Cyprus located on the map Where is Cyprus located? tourists ask. Cyprus is an island in the Mediterranean Sea, considered the largest in this region. But still, the area of ​​​​Cyprus in sq. km ...

At school, we all studied geography, exploring the map of the world in detail. But school knowledge over time, they are forgotten, and questions arise: “Where is it located?”, “What kind of state is this?” and “Is it a Greek island (Cyprus is often confused with Crete) or Turkish?”. Let's try to remember geography together.

Location of Cyprus

Cyprus is an island nation located in the northeastern part of the Mediterranean Sea. The island is the third largest in the Mediterranean.

Turkey is located next to Cyprus (the distance from the northern coast of Cyprus is about 75 km), Syria (at a distance of about 100 km), the Greek Islands and Israel.

The island covers an area of ​​9 thousand 251 square meters. km, most of it is occupied by mountains. The most famous mountain ranges in Cyprus are (Troodos) and Kyrenia, and the most high point- or Khyonistra (as the Cypriots call it, translated from Greek means "snowy") - located at an altitude of 1,952 m above sea level.

Snow falls in the mountains in winter, there are lifts for ski lovers. At the very top of the mountain, tourists are not allowed to enter, because the British military radar is installed there - a huge white ball that can be seen from afar.

Many are interested in whether Cyprus is a part of Greece, like Crete, Rhodes and other islands, or is it a separate state? Some even, when making a request, indicate "Cyprus Greece". In fact, Cyprus is an independent state, which until 1960 was a British colony.

In 1974, the north of Cyprus was occupied by Turkish troops. Since then, the island has been divided into two parts - the Republic of Cyprus (an independent state, a member of the EU) and the so-called Northern Cyprus (an unrecognized state, an occupied territory).

Is Cyprus part of Greece?

The Troodos mountain range is located in the central and southwestern parts of the island, with the highest point being Mount Olympos (1,952 m above sea level). The southern and northern parts of Cyprus are separated by the broad plain of Masaoria.

The coastline of Cyprus is covered with endless sandy and pebbly beaches, many of which have received the "Blue Flag" for the purest water And high level security.

Excursions from Cyprus to Israel and Greece

The Greek islands are also very popular among tourists.

In you can go for 2-3 days on a cruise ship or plane. At the same time, Russian tourists do not need a visa to Israel, and they can return to Cyprus with a provision. The cost of such an excursion is about 250-300 euros per person.

Also from Cyprus you can go on an exciting journey through the Greek islands. Depending on your budget, you can rent a yacht for a week-long trip and visit Santorini, Rhodes, Kos and other islands of your choice, or choose a less expensive option: an air flight to Greece, for example, with Rainair, which flies from Cyprus to most European countries in a low-cost format. According to Rainair, the cost of a ticket from Cyprus to Greece is from 12 euros (not including airport taxes). Please note that you need a Schengen visa to visit Greece.

So …

Cyprus is an independent state with extensive links with European and Asian countries. Its cosmopolitan cities ( , ) hospitably open their doors to those who just want to relax on the island, and those who choose the island as permanent place residence.

  • Cyprus is a state located on the third largest island in the Mediterranean after Sicily and Sardinia.
  • Cyprus is the easternmost island in the Mediterranean. The area of ​​the island is 9251 sq. km. The length of Cyprus from east to west is 224 km, and from north to south - 96 km. The length of the coastline is 780 km. To Israel from Cyprus - 95 km, to Turkey - 65 km, to Egypt - 380 km. The distance from Moscow to Larnaca is 2500 km.
  • Citizens of Russia can enter the territory of Cyprus without a visa.
  • The history of Cyprus is 9000 years old. IN different times the island was owned by the Romans, Byzantines, French, Venetians, British. In 1878, the Turks gave Cyprus to Great Britain in exchange for the promised help in case of war with Russia. In 1960, Cyprus gained independence.
  • In 1974, Türkiye occupied 37% of the island's territory. The so-called "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus" is recognized only by Turkey.
  • The capital of Cyprus is Nicosia. After the fall berlin wall Nicosia was the only divided capital in the world.
  • Cyprus is also called the island of Aphrodite. It is believed that the goddess of love, born from sea foam, first set foot on the land inhabited by people, it was in Cyprus.
  • The state structure is a republic. The head of state is President Tassos Papadopoulos (since March 1, 2003).
  • There are two international airports in Cyprus: in Larnaca and Paphos. The airport in Nicosia is used only by UN peacekeepers.
  • The per capita income is about $15,000 per year. The standard of living in Cyprus is one of the highest in this region of the world.
  • The population is about 760 thousand people. The population of the main cities: Nicosia - 215 thousand people, Limassol - 160 thousand, Larnaca - 70 thousand, Paphos - 40 thousand.
  • 85% of the population are Orthodox Christians. Most main holiday in Cyprus - Easter.
  • The official language is Greek. Almost all Cypriots speak English.
  • The small country has the third largest commercial fleet in the world.
  • Good weather all year round, beautiful roads and magnificent scenery have made Cyprus a paradise for cyclists. You can rent a bike for £2 a day.
  • Cyprus, together with the USA and Germany, is the main investor in the Russian economy.
  • The unique location of Cyprus between three continents - Europe, Asia and Africa - determined its climate. Summers are dry and hot, and winters are warm. Cyprus has 300 to 330 sunny days a year. in winter average temperature is +15°С, +30°С in summer. The Cypriot climate is considered one of the healthiest in the world.
  • The currency is the Cypriot pound, which is divided into 100 cents. One Cypriot pound is equal to approximately 1.85 US dollars. In circulation there are banknotes of 1,5,10 and 20 pounds, and coins of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 cents. There are no restrictions on the import or export of foreign currency. It is better to exchange money in banks or the airport. Banks are open from 8.30 to 12.30 (Saturday and Sunday - days off). Reverse exchange is difficult. It is imperative to keep the bank receipt for the exchange, since without a receipt you can exchange only 100 pounds for dollars. If you have more than 1000 US dollars, they must be declared upon arrival at the airport.
  • Time is 1 hour behind Moscow time.
  • The most popular newspaper in Russian is the weekly Vestnik Kipra. The Russian Avtoradio broadcasts in Limassol at a frequency of 102.2 FM.
  • Cyprus has left-hand traffic. The roads on the island are in good condition. The maximum allowable speed on the highway is 100 km/h, the minimum is 65 km/h. If you do not drive a car, you can use the services of inexpensive fixed-route taxis. They circulate every half an hour on routes connecting all major cities in Cyprus. "Service Taxi" can be called by phone and it will pick you up from where you are. The bus ride is even cheaper.
  • There are several British military bases in Cyprus: Akrotiri (west of Limassol), Dhekelia (east of Larnaca) and a radio interception station on top of Mount Olympus in Troodos. British laws and British courts apply on their territory. The order here is monitored not by the Cypriot, but by the British police.
  • Two mountain ranges stretch from west to east of Cyprus: Troodos and Pentadaktylos (“five fingers”). Between them lies the fertile valley of Mesaoria. In Troodos, there is the highest point in Cyprus - Mount Olympus (1951 m), which the Cypriots themselves call more modestly - Khionistra ("snowy"). In winter, the snowy peaks of Troodos attract skiers from all over the world to the island.
  • In Cyprus, purely male coffee houses are still preserved, where women are not recommended to enter.
  • The working week in Cyprus is 40 hours, while in the summer the lunch break due to the heat of the day lasts three hours, from 13.00 to 16.00. In addition, on Wednesdays and Saturdays, everyone works only until 13.00, and the second half of the day is devoted to rest.
  • The beaches in Cyprus are free. But for a sunbed you will be asked for one pound, and for an umbrella - another pound.
  • It was in Cyprus, in the city of Famagusta, that the main events of Shakespeare's great play Othello unfolded.
  • A foreigner has the right to buy in Cyprus one apartment or house on a land plot of no more than 2675 sq. m.
  • Cypriot wines are considered the oldest in the world. The best Cypriot wine is Commandaria. A bottle costs about 4 pounds. The best is Commandaria St. John with a black label.
  • The international dialing code for Cyprus is 357. Get a Cypriot number mobile phone available for 29 pounds. A minute of conversation with Moscow will cost you about 7 cents.
  • The electrical voltage in the network is 240 volts. Three-prong sockets are used. An adapter can be bought for about a pound and a half.
  • It is forbidden to lift archaeological treasures from the bottom of the sea or to take them out of Cyprus without special permission from the authorities.

I never purposefully dreamed of getting to Cyprus. For some reason, this island did not particularly attract me. But two years ago, at work, I was rewarded with a ticket to Cyprus, so I had to go!

Cyprus is located in the Mediterranean Sea

So, first you need to say that Cyprus is not only a separate state, but also an island that is located in the warm Mediterranean Sea.

Cyprus is located exactly at the crossroads sea ​​routes two major continents (Africa and Eurasia).

This island state received sovereignty relatively recently, and to be precise, in 1959.

On this moment Cyprus is split into two parts - Turkish and Greek.

But all over the world Cyprus is recognized as an independent state.

Not far from Cyprus are:

  • Lebanon;
  • Syria;
  • Jordan;
  • Israel;
  • Greece;
  • Türkiye.;
  • Crete;
  • Egypt.

Cyprus is also one of the largest islands in the Mediterranean.

What to buy in Cyprus and bring as a gift

I return from each of my trips simply with a large bag of various souvenirs and gifts for relatives and friends.

Of course, my tradition was not broken when I went on a trip to Cyprus.

This country sells very good soap which contains olive oil. I also took with me several bottles of Cypriot wine, it is very tasty, it looks like cognac in color.

You can also bring pickled olives from this island. I took it in vacuum packaging.

You can also buy excellent silver in Cyprus. I took a pair of earrings and three bracelets for friends.

Food in Cyprus

I'll start with drinks. The most delicious drink, in my opinion, on this island is freshly squeezed orange juice. It can be found almost everywhere.

And I also liked sheftalya sausages, they are prepared from lamb and come with fresh mint.

Well, if you want to eat seafood, then choose only themed fish restaurants.

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ABOUT, ! Mine Honeymoon my husband and I spent it on this unforgettable island. This the best place for couples in love, because it was here that the goddess of love Aphrodite emerged from the sea foam onto land. This place left an unforgettable impression in our young hearts. And I will definitely get to Cyprus again. I will even go on foot if I correctly find its location on the map. :)

Where is Cyprus

If you studied geography well at school, then finding Cyprus on the map will not be a problem for you. If not, look Mediterranean Sea. Right there, in his northeast and lies this island. It is the third largest island in the sea. Geographically He refers to Asia, But culturally and economically- This part of Europe. I thought that the closest neighbor of Cyprus is. But looking at the map, you can see that neighbours the islands are:

  • Syria;
  • Egypt.

I was very surprised when I discovered that in Cyprus there are two states. 60% takes Republic of Cyprus. The Greek population lives here. And almost 40% takes Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. This is only partially recognized territory, the UN considers it occupied by Turkey. A 3% territories are occupied military. set up here bases.

Wonder Island

The island of Cyprus is a unique place. It combines several countries and cultures. And this, of course, was reflected in its history, customs and architecture. What to visit here:

  • bath of Aphrodite;
  • Cape Greco;
  • Stavrovouni monastery;
  • port fortress;
  • Chirokitia;
  • Liopetri.

Interestingly, Cyprus- Very safe place. The island has only one prison, but criminal liability here comes from the age of 12. In Cyprus excellent roads, so traveling by bus is a real pleasure. This is the only and fairly cheap form of public transport. And my husband and I did not deny ourselves a little luxury and ordered sea ​​cruise. It can last for several hours or several days.

Climate Cyprus is very soft. The change of seasons here is almost imperceptible, and high humidity allows you to tolerate the heat well. The best period for rest- With May to October. But even in winter it has good offers for lovers of ski holidays.

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Location of Cyprus on the world map

Cyprus is on east mediterranean sea, near several countries - Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Israel and Egypt. In the West borders with Greece and the islands and Crete. Cyprus has a small territory, only 9251 sq. km. The state of the same name is located on the island, Republic of Cyprus, as well as the unrecognized Turkish Republic of Cyprus(recognised only by the Ankara government). largest city and the capital is . The state languages, according to the constitution, are recognized Greek And Turkish.

Due to its location Cyprus in any period of history was considered " tidbit» for any state Middle East.

Geography of Cyprus

Many are wondering about origin islands. The first theory says that many millions of years ago it was not an island, but part of the mainland, but after millions of years it broke off and ended up in the sea. According to the second version, it is believed that it appeared due to the eruptions of many volcanoes and subsequent earthquakes.

On west And south the island predominantly has hills, cliffs and mountains. The highest point in Cyprus is Mount Olymbos(not to be confused with Mount Olympus in Greece!)

To my surprise, it turned out that in the winter time on the mountains and slopes of Cyprus there is snow and open ski resorts . After that, I wanted to visit in the winter! In addition to its mountains and rocks, Cyprus is very rich Flora. I will tell you about it later.

Flora and fauna of Cyprus

Indeed, Cyprus is famous for its flora, namely:

  • vineyards;
  • olive groves;
  • tropical fruit plantations;
  • forests;
  • meadows and fields.

Cypriot land considered extremely fertile, That's why locals all year round do not feel the need for fresh fruits and vegetables!

During my trip, I had the opportunity to taste local oranges And apricots. Although the fruits outwardly did not differ from those that we see on our shelves, they were incredibly sweet in taste, juicy and fragrant. If you are in Cyprus, be sure to try the local gifts of nature!

Cyprus also has a diverse fauna. Hedgehogs, hares, foxes, as well as small reptiles, chameleons, frogs, turtles and snakes (some poisonous). The pride of Cyprus is a wild sheep mouflon, the only wild sheep in Europe. It is found mainly near the mountains of the island and hides from people, so you need to have great luck to meet him.

Various types of tropical fish, as well as dolphins, can be found in the sea.

I really hope that the description of this beautiful island interested you. I recommend you visit it! You will get an unforgettable experience! Good luck!

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Cyprus is what country? Let's figure it out this issue together. First of all, we note that this is an independent state since 1960. Previously, it was part of the population speaks Greek, part - Turkish. In 1974, Turkish troops invaded the island and occupied its northern part. Since that time, more than one hundred and fifty thousand settlers have arrived in Cyprus.

The country is part of the European Union, its population is called Cypriots.

Territories in the north and south

Cyprus is divided into two parts. The north is controlled by the Turks. They formed in this area the TRNC - the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. However, only the Turks themselves recognize it. The rest call this territory occupied. The Republic of Cyprus is which country? Sovereign. It is located in the southern part of the island. Sometimes it is mistakenly called Greek Cyprus.

Common misconception

Cyprus is what country? The state in question, of course, has broad cultural ties with Greece, but still it is independent. It is an internationally recognized country that is legally endowed with sovereignty over the entire island and its surrounding waters. The only exceptions are three percent of the territory, which, according to the annex to the decree on the founding of the republic, is assigned to Great Britain for the deployment of naval bases. As for the real state of affairs, the island is divided into four parts:

- (in the north);

Republic of Cyprus (in the south);

the so-called green line, separating the two above parts and controlled by the UN;

Two military bases in Britain - "Dhekelia" and "Akrotiri".

History of Cyprus

This island is the third largest among all the others in the Mediterranean. Looking at Cyprus on the map, one can understand why the country had to overcome many difficulties and repel the constant raids of the invaders. Everything is explained simply: for numerous neighbors, this island played the role of a naval base, was a source of taxes and valuable natural resources. The Greeks who brought civilization to these territories were attacked by the Assyrians, Persians, Romans, Phoenicians, Venetians, Byzantines, Latin Crusaders, British and Turks. Many wanted to get power over the island, but the Greeks managed to maintain a leading position.

prehistoric period

In the Paleolithic era, the island was not yet inhabited by people, only Cypriot pygmy elephants (hippos) lived there. This has been repeatedly confirmed by the found remains of animals. Unfortunately, they all died out after the man mastered Cyprus. It happened in the Neolithic era, about nine to ten thousand years BC. The first people brought with them livestock - goats, cows, pigs, dogs. Newly minted Cypriots actively erected dwellings from burnt lime. Some houses were ten meters in diameter.

Further, the history of Cyprus takes a dramatic turn: around 3800 BC, there was powerful earthquake which destroyed the entire Neolithic culture. The Copper-Stone Age has come to replace it. Unique artifacts have survived to this day - chisels and hooks made of pure copper.

The next stage in the development of history on the island in question is associated with the arrival of migrants from Anatolia. This happened around 2400 BC. e. - at the dawn of the Bronze Age. It was during this period that defensive fortresses began to appear, which indicates the tense situation of that time.

Found ceramic objects dating back to the Iron Age allow us to conclude that Cyprus was under the influence of the Greeks. The prehistoric period of the development of the island ended with the appearance of Assyrian, and then Greek and Roman written sources telling about these territories.


In the era of antiquity, Cyprus was still a disputed territory. In 526 BC, the Persians conquered it from the Egyptians, and in 449 the island came under the rule of the Athenians. The conquerors of many countries of the world wrested from each other the reins of government in Cyprus for a long time. So, historians single out the Roman period, then the Byzantine one. In 1191, the island was captured by the Crusaders led by Richard Lion Heart. Subsequently, the island was occupied by the Ottomans, as well as the British.

Period of intercommunal tension

In 1960, Cyprus gained its long-awaited independence. Representatives of Turkey, England and Greece took part in the negotiations. As a result, the island was divided into two communities - Turkish and Greek. The first president was Archbishop Makarios. According to the Constitution of 1960, two communities were recognized - Greek (about 80% of the population) and Turkish (about 18%). At the same time, Turkish Cypriots received a third of all positions in the government apparatus and the right to veto laws. In addition, their representative also became the vice-president of the country.

All the growing tension between the communities resulted in an armed clash. This event took place in 1963. fighting ended only after the entry of UN peacekeeping forces, but it was not possible to completely extinguish the conflict.

military coup

The tense situation led to new clashes in 1974. As a result, a military junta came to power. The coup attempt was made by Greek Cypriot right-wing extremists. Legitimately elected President Makarios was overthrown. Cyprus reunited with Greece. Five days later, the Turkish authorities, under the pretext of protecting the Cypriot Turks, brought their troops and occupied about forty percent northern territories countries. As a result of this conflict, about six thousand people died and at least two hundred thousand left the island in refugee status.

On the land occupied by the Turks, monuments were destroyed, Byzantine churches were plundered, many cultural values were taken out of the country. On November 1, 1983, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus was proclaimed. So far, no state in the world has recognized it. The problem of the division of the island worries the Cypriots even today.


(photo you can see below) is a white cloth with a silhouette of the island. The color of the latter is orange, and this is no coincidence, since it symbolizes the vast deposits of copper discovered in Cyprus around the year 3000 BC. Under the image of the island are two branches of an olive tree, representing the people living on the island. ethnic groups Turks and Greeks. It is noteworthy that no other flag in the world uses the image of the contours of the country.

Geographical position

Cyprus on the map is located at the intersection of the following regions: Asia Minor, North Africa and Europe. The island is stretched from west to east for 240 km, and from north to south - for 100 km. Its area is more than 9 thousand square meters. km. The Mediterranean Sea, washing Cyprus, makes the country attractive for lovers beach holiday. The island shores are mostly low-lying, slightly indented, and in the north they are rocky and steep. Their total length is about six hundred and fifty kilometers.

The coordinates of Cyprus are 35º10ˈ00ˈˈ north latitude and 33º21ˈ00ˈˈ south longitude.


The geography of Cyprus owes its originality to the strongest volcanic eruption at the junction of the African and Asian geographical plates, as a result of which the island was formed. The relief is predominantly mountainous. For almost 150 kilometers along the northern coast, the Kyrenia ridges (the maximum height is 1023 m) and Karpas (the highest point is 364 m) stretch. They are different in structure, because they were formed under the influence of unequal conditions. The southern and central territories are occupied by the Troodos mountain range.

What else is remarkable about Cyprus? Geographical position islands at the crossroads of air and sea routes makes it an important strategic object of the Eastern Mediterranean.


The climate in Cyprus is characterized by stability and moderation. It is tropical Mediterranean, thanks to which the average life expectancy of the islanders is higher than, for example, the Americans or the British. Cypriots rarely suffer from infectious diseases.

In summer, the temperature fluctuates between 25-35 degrees Celsius, and in winter it almost never drops below +10 Celsius. The period from October to April is usually rainy. Most auspicious time for a beach holiday - from June to September. Hikers prefer to go to Cyprus in the spring when the flowers are in bloom. The views of flowering meadows in Troodos are truly impressive.


The island produces copper, marble, lime sulphate (gypsum), bentonite clay and natural dyes (ocher, umber). Thanks to the export of these resources, the Cypriot treasury is annually replenished by 32 million euros.

In December 2011, deposits of natural gas were discovered on the island (south of the coast). Their estimated volume is from 160 to 255 billion cubic meters.

Vegetable world

Evergreen shrubs grow on the plains and foothills. Forests can be seen mainly in the highlands, they are made up of oaks, cypresses, Aleppo pines and giant cacti. There are orange and lemon groves. In total, 1890 grows on the territory of Cyprus various kinds trees, among them there are also endemic, i.e., characteristic only for this territory. Anemones can be found in the forests, and asphodels can be found in wastelands and along roadsides. In ancient times, they were considered mysterious messengers of the underworld.

Animal world

The fauna of Cyprus is not as rich as the flora. They live there wild boars, lizards, chameleons, turtles, wild rabbits, weasels, snakes and squirrels. There are more than three hundred species of birds on the island, including jays, great tits, dippers, crossbills, crested crows, larks, imperial eagles, nightingales and kites.


Most Cypriots adhere to the Christian faith. There are many on the island Orthodox churches. According to the law, religion exists separately from the state. Each resident is free to choose their own faith. So, Christians, Jews, Islamists, and Hindus live in Cyprus.


Cyprus is what country? Independent and beautiful! Connoisseurs of antiquity are attracted by the ruins of ancient cities, monasteries, temples, residential buildings. The abundance of monuments is explained by the fact that during Antiquity the island was the center of Mediterranean trade and was a crossing point for sea routes in the Middle Ages.


This city is one of the oldest in the world. Nicosia in the tenth century had the status of the capital of the island. It is not currently known exactly when this locality was founded. Traces of the first settlers date back to the Bronze Age. At that time, the city had a different name - Ledra.

Currently, Nicosia is shared, but even this fact does not detract from its charm. The central part of the city is surrounded by the gates of the Venetian wall, built in 1570, and huge stone bastions. It has a radial layout and is called Old Nicosia.

The most outstanding architectural masterpiece of Nicosia is the Famagusta Gate, inside which exhibitions and musical evenings. In the central part of the city, you can admire the old limestone houses, stroll along Freedom Square and visit interesting shops, coffee houses and restaurants.

Not far from the gates of Famagusta is the ancient Byzantine church of Chrysaliniotissa, built back in 1450.

And outside the Venetian walls there is something to admire. So, on the site of the fortress moat, the Municipal Park was laid out. This place, like no other, is suitable for relaxing walks. Nearby is the Cyprus Museum. Its fourteen halls house numerous archaeological exhibits.


This city - the second largest after Nicosia, is located on the southern coast of the island. It is not as ancient as the capital, but it attracts no less tourists thanks to its beautiful beaches and resorts. Among the latter are Centralos, Amatos and Yermasoyas. In addition, Limassol has interesting historical monuments, among which there is even a monument erected in honor of Pushkin.

Not far from the city is Troodos Island - a large picturesque massif. On its territory is the ancient residence of the rulers - the castle of Kolossi, built by the Knights Hospitaller. An observation deck is organized on the tower, from which an amazing view of the surroundings opens.


It's another one ancient city Cyprus. Currently, only ruins remain of it. It is established that it was founded about a thousand years BC. Over the next six centuries, Amathus flourished and developed. In the 7th century AD Arabs attacked the city. The conquerors did not spare Amathus, as a result it was very badly destroyed. Finally razed to the ground this city Richard the Lionheart. At the site of the ruins, archaeologists managed to find baths, the sanctuary of Aphrodite, a system of water pipes and a basilica from the early Christian period.

It is not for nothing that the surroundings of Amathus are called the Cypriot Riviera - there are gorgeous beaches, great weather, decent hotels, upscale restaurants, cafes and nightclubs.

Embassy in the Russian capital

How to get a visa to visit the described island? To do this, you need to visit the embassy of Cyprus. In Moscow, it is located at: st. Povarskaya, 9. Opening hours - from 9.30 to 16.30. At the same time, documents are accepted until two in the afternoon, and issued from two to three. A visa is issued from three to fourteen days. Currently, the consular fee is 15 euros.


Cyprus is an island of which country? We found out that it currently has autonomy. This state is not subject to either Greece or Turkey. That is why the question of which country Cyprus is in is incorrect, and may even hurt the feelings of local residents.
