Walks to increase the number of customers, orders. Writers and students will have great luck

The forecast is made taking into account the analysis of the combination of annual and monthly Feng Shui stars and monthly structures of Qi Men Dong Jia.

The result of the impact of monthly stars on different objects will be different. The real distribution of energies in your house may turn out to be such that you will not feel the influence of some monthly stars at all. But this is a general forecast and a general interpretation of the energies of the month. For an individual forecast, of course, you should contact your personal feng shui specialist.

How to use the forecast: First of all, pay attention to those sectors of the room where important objects in your home are located. Is it your front door, bedroom, your office or workplace in the office. In addition, you can take note of the directions of the main daily movements, for example, from home to work and back. If possible, try to focus your activities in sectors with good influence. The recommended means of correction will help weaken the influence of unsympathetic energies and enhance the impact of favorable ones. Good luck!

Those who know the heavenly stem of their year of birth and birthday and know the basics of Qi Men Dong Jia can see where they are and in what environment. Thus, you can get some individual forecast for the month, paying attention to specific houses with your trunks.

South. Pretty active sector. For the military. At least that's the first thing that comes to mind.

The combination of stars is quite aggressive. But the alignment may be favorable for promotion.

As a result, the south is more suitable for those who are sufficiently competitive and ready to advance, using both explicit and implicit methods of fighting for a place in the sun.

Picture for secret negotiations on highest level when, of course, not everything is spoken out, and the balance of tension in the dialogue depends on the balance of each spoken word.

In the realm of relationships, there is dramaturgy for the story of young girls interacting with older men, with bosses. It doesn't have to be adultery at all. For example, it could be a grandfather who, with all his rich life experience due to the difference in worldview, he cannot explain some things to his granddaughter.

Southwest. The southwest is invigorating. Here everything is somehow very bright, noisy, dazzling and shimmering. Fast changing background. As the saying goes: then takeoff, then landing.

In this festive whirlwind, you can be overwhelmed, of course. Be careful not to go crazy :) However, who knows? we live once! :)

In general, a fertile environment awaits those who are especially risky in order to go all out.

But there will be something to remember! This is how they usually write in advertising: “Vivid and unforgettable impressions await you here!”

If you go to rest in the southwest, take the Rat with you (keychain, image, pendant, whatever), it will not hurt.

In general, as you already understood, the southwest in October sets up for the holidays, beautiful life, a meeting with the beautiful, as well as the design of everything and everyone.

And here it is essential to be active. Do not wait for guests, better go show yourself or your work to the world.

West. The West threatens ruin and damage.

That being said, your ravager might not be all that bad. He may even be quite noble. It just happened to him ... or vice versa, it didn’t work out.

Or you can spend your energy on some kind of development, and there will be development, but with some kind of unpleasant flaw.

In general, some erroneous action can lead to some disappointment.

And beware of initiatives the mighty of the world this. It is they who can just succeed, as usual: they wanted the best, but it turned out, as always.

Northwest. The combination of 3/4 stars is fraught with emotional distress, depression. Experiences can be of a very global nature.

At the same time, people can become unnecessarily windy, wasteful, immoral.

It is on the 3/4 combination that you can hear: why are you so poor if you are so smart?

In a constructive way, this is a good picture in order to engage in learning, metaphysical practices in search of new meanings, delve into religion, mysticism, go on a journey to places of power; analyze whatever you want to analyze; seriously think about how to transpose your new knowledge and skills into a specific life, business, business, so that it brings real tangible benefits.

North. In the north there is a dramaturgy for the relationships of very young people.

Mothers of girls living in northern rooms should urgently talk to their daughters about correct behavior with boys. Since an unplanned pregnancy is very possible.

In the positive, everything can end up with quite serious intentions. In this case, respectively, God forbid! :)

Despite the auspiciousness of the monthly G8, some difficulties, stops, inconsistencies, etc., may arise in work. Although this will not spoil the general positive mood.

Northeast. The annual Five in the northeast will not be very angry. She is decently ennobled by the monthly Six and quite a good alignment of Qi Men Dong Jia.

Some people will even be able to get rich on this energy without straining.

The owners of the “happy” northeast doors this year will be able to breathe a little before November, when the double Five will already be on their door. And she will be angry in full.

So take time to relax and gain strength. You will need them :)

The owners of northeastern offices and northeastern workplaces have time to think about whether they should go on vacation next month, get well.

East. The combination of auspicious stars 9 and 1 greatly ennobles the east. Add here the auspicious gate Qi Men, the auspicious star Qi Men. And in general, there is a very good picture.

And for everyone else, the east is a good haven in October. Here you can take care of your health and earn extra money (especially if your Ba Zi money element is land or you were born in a year ending in 9).

Southeast. Active southeast in Lately conducive to spending, to energy consumption.

This month, these expenses may be related, for example, to health. Because the monthly “disease star” Deuce-black arrives here. Ailments are more likely in the genitourinary system.

The problem may arise unexpectedly, by chance, so be careful, "do not swim behind the buoys."

In addition, expenses may be associated with a trip, with a sharp change in circumstances, the place of your permanent deployment. There is an image of movement on the big water.

By the way, check the status " water system» in the house, are all the pipes in order, are there any violations?

And all this mobility against the background of numerous interactions, active communication.

In general, you will not see peace and loneliness with an active southeast this month.

Feng Shui October everyone! Always with you, Sheli

According to the Chinese calendar, November is the month of the Earth Pig, starting on the 7th. In the Chinese calendar, this is the beginning of the Lidong period, the beginning of winter.

How to use this month for good, read the forecast.

Earth Pig is a combination of two characters for Yin Land 己 and Yin Water 亥.

Yin Land- it is a fertile soil that absorbs a lot of water and contains a lot of minerals, which is ideal for Agriculture. also the image of the Yin land is a garden.

yin water associated with dew, rain, water droplets. This is the most Yin element. Yin water can be compared to dew on a flower, which involuntarily sways from the lightest wind.

If you were born per year or day Yang fire 丙 (year ending in 6) or Yin fire 丁 (year ending in 7), then Pig 亥 is for you noble man.

This means that in November you will meet more often good people, ready to help, regardless of whether you are now in a period of success or failure.

If you were bornper year or day snakes , Rooster or Bull , then in the month of the Pig 亥You will travel more often, go on trips, because for you the Pig is a Traveling Horse.

If you were born in the year, month, day or hour of the Pig 亥, be careful, especially on November 13 and 25 and December 7.

The fact is that in November, for those who have a Pig 亥 in the bazi card, a situation of self-punishment develops, since the Pig "does not like" its own kind.

Self-punishment is your own actions and deeds that can harm you. Be more careful and careful.

Attention: this month, the energies of the flying stars of the year are duplicated, so the good doubles as well as the bad, so be careful.

November if you were born in the year of the Snake 巳, then you need to be extra careful. Use the Tiger figurine to harmonize the energies of the month.

The motto of November may be a quote from the famous ancient Chinese canon"Thirty-six Stratagems":

« A clear day hides better than a dark night.To reveal everything means to hide everything».

Important dates of the month

Unfavorable days of the month- 7, 12, 16, 19, 24, 28 November and 1, 6 December. These days you should not start important things. Mistakes, obstacles, violations of plans are possible. Also, these days are not suitable for a lot of activity.

Days without wealth- November 10, 12. Expectations will not be justified, you should not choose this day for signing contracts, business trips, presentations and commercial transactions (except for hiring).

Loss, true loss- 20 November and 1 December. All actions on this day will be just a waste of time.

Days of Sickness, Star Days of Sickness- 12, 16, 24, 28, 29 November, 6 and 7 December. These days it is not recommended to visit the sick.

auspicious dates- November 9, 21 and December 3 (not suitable for those born in the year of the Ox) - only for positive deeds, November 17 and 29 (except for those born in the year of the Rooster) - for long-term affairs, November 15 and 27 (except for those born in the year of the Goat).

Travel and activations in November 2016

This month we do not use for space activations northeast sector.

Do not forget that in the center of the room the whole year of the Fire Monkey is visiting disease star Black 2.

To harmonize this effect use the metal hollow gourd Wu Lu (gourd, see image) by the bed or on the windowsill.

You can also use wood, but it will need to be changed periodically.

This month, annual and monthly stars are duplicated, so the unfavorable sectors become even worse, and the favorable ones even better.


In the southern sector in November 2016 on a visit to the annual star 6 white the star of authority has arrived 6 white.

This sector is especially favorable for those who would like to succeed in their careers, put things in order, bring more order to their lives, and gain status.

However by-effect from this combination - increased conflict, it is also possible to increase the risk of lung disease.

To harmonize the energies, use a vessel with calm water in this sector.


To the southwestern sector, where the whole year of the Fire Monkey stays Money star 8, white 8 arrived.

This extremely successful combination, which promises serious financial prospects. Try to visit the southwestern sector of space more often. This sector is especially good for activations and preparation.

The energies of this sector do not need to be harmonized in November.


To the western sector, where in the year of the Fire Monkey was located year old romance star 4, arrived in November monthly 4.

It's a good combination for people creative professions, and those who are engaged in intellectual activities are trained, as it increases wisdom and enhances intelligence. In addition, this is a good sector in November for romantic luck.

For support and start love relationship use fresh flowers in this sector.


To the northwestern sector of space to visit an aggressive and determined star Jade 3 arrived in November monthly star 3.

This combination can lead to quarrels and conflicts, hasty decisions, confrontation. It also provokes gossip and slander, a robbery is possible.

To harmonize the energy of the sector, place metal figures in it, a decorative sword will also work well.


In the northern sector of space in 2016, a dangerous robbery star settled 7 red, in November she flew to visit monthly star 7 is red.

Be careful as the moon star 7 red increases the likelihood of robbery and injury with a sharp object, especially if your front door is in the northern sector.

To harmonize the energies of 7 Red, use a vessel with calm water.


In the northeastern sector in the year of the Fire Monkey is located annual star Five Yellow , flew to this sector in November monthly yellow five.

The entire year of the Fire Monkey, this sector should not be disturbed, since the influence of the Yellow Five brings the most difficult problems and challenges in all walks of life.

In November, a very unfavorable combination developed here, which can provoke serious dangers.

Update the Feng Shui medicine "" in this sector, try not to sleep in the northeastern sector of space, visit here less often.


A star stays in the eastern sector all year round 9 purple, star of future prosperity. In November, flew to this sector monthly star 9 purple.

The influence of this combination calms the mind. It is especially good for those who are engaged in the creative field, business related to cosmetics or fashion.

Harmonization of this sector is not required.


To the southeastern sector on a visit to the annual star 1 white, responsible for wisdom and intelligence, a monthly star arrived 1 white.

This is a good sector for study, scientific and creative activity, also gives good luck in money.

Caution is required for those who have chronic kidney disease, bladder. They are not recommended to stay in this sector for a long time.

May this month bring you new discoveries and pleasant moments.

Welfare and prosperity to you!

- - - - -

  • for the year of the Rat - from 22:06
  • for the year of the Ox - from 23:13
  • for the year of the Tiger - from 24:30
  • for the Year of the Rabbit - from 25:47
  • for the year of the Dragon - from 26:11
  • for the year of the Snake - from 26:33
  • for the year of the Horse - from 27:18
  • for the year of the Goat - from 27:53
  • for the year of the Monkey - from 28:25
  • for the year of the Rooster - from 29:09
  • for the Year of the Dog - from 30:01
  • for the Year of the Pig - from 30:42

Best regards and best wishes,

In each of the sectors, there is one star of the year - which has a major impact on the lives of people living in this house, and the second star is the star of the month, which enhances the influence of the annual star.

In order to correctly determine the sectors of your home, use ordinary compass or Lopan compass, you should not determine directions by eye, incorrect measurements can lead to unfavorable results.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, first of all, you need to neutralize the negative stars, and then invite prosperity, prosperity, health and love to your home to improve your life. How to do this with the help of amulets, talismans, feng shui symbols, you will learn from the following recommendations.

In each of these 9 grids you will find 2 numbers.

The larger number indicates the annual star, while the smaller number indicates the monthly star.

Use a reliable compass to determine your directions or locations. For the corresponding grid will affect all residents in the house during this month.

Also, if the room you are occupying is located in the northern sector (for example), then you will experience the kind of luck indicated by the stars there.

Southeast (1/1)
The combination of the double white star "One" here brings a good career and money luck. There will be many new opportunities to excel in scientific, research, artistic, literary and creative fields. Place a Fountain in this sector to increase your money luck.

To increase career luck, place 3 Victory Flags at your desk, thus you will receive support and support in negotiations.

However, avoid excessive alcohol consumption, in view of the occurrence of failures due to this. Place the metal windchime with 6 hollow tubes to control the tendency to vice.

South (6/6)
Excellent money heaven luck brings happiness and unexpected money gains! Use the six gold ingots and six gold coins in the south of the living room to enhance heavenly luck! If your front door is located here, place a Gui Ren board near the entrance to your home to increase the incoming heavenly energy.

Try to spend more time in the south - all this will bring career growth and good luck in business. However, avoid an overabundance of Metal energy.

Southwest (8/8)
A fantastic combination of the double star of Wealth! Brings wonderful monetary luck, especially favorable for residents of this sector, and who have an entrance door in the southwest. This combination is good for property accumulation, so this is a great time to invest in real estate.

Spend more time in this sector in November and activate the energies by placing the symbol of the Water Wave and the Ship of Wealth filled with gold bars and diamonds here.

East (9/9)
Two magnificent Prosperity Stars! This month will bring glory and fame to all who live in the East. This combination can bring career advancement, as well as profitable employment. Place a couple of Mandarin Ducks in this sector to activate romantic luck.

Be careful with fire - a fire hazard is possible. To harmonize the fire element, use crystals.

Center (2/2)
The monthly sickness star can cause severe stomach upset and abdominal pain. Place a jeweled Garuda figurine here to counter the Yin energy. Pregnant women should avoid this sector as there is a risk of miscarriage and stomach problems. Avoid staying in this part of your house this month if your bedroom is here.

Serious injury from accidents possible. Observe the speed limit and be careful while driving. Hang the anti-theft keychain (elephant and rhinoceros) on your car keys to protect yourself from any accident.

West (4/4)
The inhabitants of this sector will enjoy romantic luck, for the energies of the stars will make you very attractive to the opposite sex. If you are looking for love, activate this sector with the Dragon and Phoenix figurine, and also carry the symbol of Double Happiness with you. But be careful not to put too much water here, as this can lead to a sex scandal caused by the presence of a third party.

Writers and students will have great luck. To enhance academic luck, place a crystal globe on your desktop.

Northeast (5/5)
A very negative and dangerous combination of the annual Five and the monthly star! Even a threat to life is possible, especially for male family members. For protection, carry key chains with pagodas or stupas of Kalachakra, place the Kalachakra Stupa in the northeastern sector.

Be extremely careful on the road - the danger of fatal accidents is great. For added protection, hang bells made from six metal tubes here. Do not disturb this sector with hype and your presence. Practice mantras.

North (7/7)
This is a combination of two stars of violence, which makes them doubly powerful and dangerous. The combination brings double bad luck, increased violence, robbery and even death. Young women should be extremely careful! Those who live in houses facing north or in a bedroom in the north should avoid overworking and be very careful when working with metal objects.

For protection, place a pair of Blue Rhinos here and keep this sector well lit. Possible ear problems. Wear protective amulets with mantras.

Northwest (3/3)
An extremely tense month of strife and conflict, especially for the Patriarch. Minor disagreements can escalate into major issues that can lead to legal problems. Keep the sector quiet. Don't play music or watch TV in the northwest. For protection, use red lights, as well as red rugs.

The double star of conflicts can indicate a violent struggle - so the sword will serve as a reliable defense. There is a danger of becoming a victim of gossip, slander or slander. Place the Vairokana stupa in order to dissolve absolutely all negative energy, as well as protect yourself from violence, scandals, illnesses and other unpleasant twists of fate.

Workshop “The Basics of Feng Shui”

Flying Star Forecast November 2016 by House Sectors

Consider these forecasts for sectors at home, provided that you often spend time in a particular sector. For example, sleep or work. Or in this place is the front door. If you rarely visit the sector, or rarely used rooms, storage rooms or bathrooms are located there, then the energies of the sectors do not affect you.


The northern sector in November will bring gossip and quarrels. There is also the possibility of theft and cuts with sharp metal objects. For protection, you can place a vessel with salt water in the sector.


The Southwest carries strong monetary energy! Stay here more often, work, and then your income will grow this month. Money energy will also be strengthened by an active moving object - a mobile or a fountain.


South in November is good for a career, promotion, gaining status. If you have precisely such goals, then spend more time here.


East is excellent. Frequent stay in the Eastern Sector contributes to the growth of income and the acquisition of interesting and useful acquaintances. Especially good for sellers or resellers. You can also place an active moving object in the sector - a mobile or a fountain.

Workshop “The Basics of Feng Shui”


The Northeast is especially unfavorable this month. Try to stay here as little as possible. If you often have to spend time in the Northeast, then a special feng shui tool - “Water, Salt, Coins” will partially help as protection


West in November brings romantic energy. If you are looking for love adventures, you can sleep in the western sector this month or stay here more often. You can also put live plants on a favorable day and hour. But do not let passions win over reason!


In the Northwest, the energy of quarrels and conflicts. People who often use the Northwest will show aggressive behavior, anger, short temper. To weaken the aggressive energy, you can place a small red object.


Southeast is very good. Especially for study and education. Those who earn with the help of mind and intellect can get an increase in income. For them, this month the Southeast will be the true “money sector”!

Unfavorable for renovation in November 2016

In November 2016, it is unfavorable to make repairs in the sectors: North-East, South-East-2.3, South, South-West, West, North-West-1.2

From the point of view of Feng Shui, repair is considered to be a violation of the integrity of the walls, drilling, slotting, driving in nails and other work that causes the walls to vibrate. Painting or whitewashing walls, wallpapering can be done without taking into account unfavorable sectors.

Friends, be always blessed and protected by heaven!

http://www.npravdina.ru/ http://art-fenshui.ru/fen-shuj-prognoz-na-noyabr-2016.html

April 2018 is the month of the Fire Dragon in the Chinese solar calendar.

Natural images of the Fire Dragon - the sun over the mountain range, illuminating with its rays. The Fire Dragon combines the qualities of Fire and Earth - it looks optimistic, joyful, everything is fine on the surface. But at the same time, it can hide unexpected secrets and secrets.

The dragon opposes the annual energy - Dogs. This can signify a lot of instability and upheaval associated with the earth element. Shocks can be both portable and literally. The earth is being destroyed and the released energy can come to the surface. If there is a Dragon or a Dog in your birth chart, then this month can be a time for rethinking life values ​​and the beginning of change. Moreover, changes can begin regardless of your desire.

If the elements of Fire and Earth are good for your Bazi card, then this month could bring you good luck.

For those born on the day of the Pig, the Dragon is the Magician of Love, which will enhance sensuality, sexuality and endow it with special attractiveness for the whole month.

Luck in love can be further enhanced auspicious walks

You can see which animals and elements are in your Pillars of Destiny with the Bazi Online Calculator.

Earth Period

WITH April 18 to May 5 the "Earth Period" will take place. At this time, the energy of the elements of the Earth is very strong. This brings stagnation and immobility to all processes. At this time, it is not recommended to start construction work, as well as open a new business. For marriage, the "Earth Period" is also unfavorable.


In April unwanted trips to the West due to the presence in this direction of the unfavorable monthly star Five Yellow. In addition, due to the negative annual Yellow Five, travel to the North is not recommended throughout 2018.

This recommendation applies only to long-distance trips and travel. Walking, moving within the city or close surroundings can be done without paying attention to the influence of the unfavorable star Five Yellow.

Favorable dates for April 2018

April 14, 26- Lucky days for any positive deeds. Any action will get a very good start and every chance of success. However, these days are not suitable for starting treatment.

Dates are not suitable for those born in the year of the Horse

April 10, 22- the days are good for starting long-term business. The energy of the day is very stable. It is favorable to open a new business, to enter into partnership agreements, to marry.

Dates are not suitable for those born in the year of the Monkey

Unfavorable dates

April 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 - these days it is unfavorable to start important business. Difficulties, obstacles, problems are possible.

April 5, 17, 29- days are not suitable for great activity, organization of important events, for the start of treatment. But you can use them to complete old cases.

Detailed information about the energies of each day and hour, suitable for you personally, you can get from Personal calendar of auspicious dates

Flying Star Forecast for April 2018 by House Sectors

Consider these forecasts for sectors at home, provided that you often spend time in a particular sector. For example, sleep or work. Or in this place is the front door. If you rarely visit the sector, or rarely used rooms, storage rooms or bathrooms are located there, then the energies of the sectors do not affect you.


Despite the presence of a good monthly star, the north remains unfavorable throughout the year. If you are often in this sector, then try to rest more and not overwork. It is recommended to stay here less often. You can place a Feng Shui tool in the sector - "Water, Salt, Coins"


Southwest is unfavorable. People often located in the southwest may experience headaches, nervousness. Conflicts between superiors and subordinates are also possible. The opportunity to make a profit exists, but the reputation may suffer. To reconcile the conflicting energies, you can put items related to the elements of the earth - stones, crystals, ceramics.


The south is also not a very good sector. Staying in the south contributes to frequent quarrels, irritability, gossip. What is not in the best way will affect relationships. You can put a vessel with calmly standing salt water for a month.


East is good. Promotes learning, mental activity, obtaining necessary information. Romantic opportunities may also arise. But do not flatter yourself - it is not a fact that they will lead to something good.


Using the northeast can lead to excessive workload. There will be many ideas and aspirations. But most of the possibilities may turn out to be useless in the end. Do not grab everything in a row, but think carefully. Otherwise, you can lose more than gain.


The West is very unfavorable this month! Try to stay here less often. To weaken negative energy you can put a feng shui remedy - "Water, Salt, Coins"


Northwest is great! Use this sector - if you want to advance through intelligence and smart ideas, strengthen Creative skills, improve romantic luck. For all this, the Northwest is very good this month!


The South-East this month brings inhibition, delaying all processes. Things will move hard and extremely slowly. Also, be careful with nutrition - problems with the stomach and digestive organs are possible.

Unfavorable for renovation in April 2018

In April 2018, it is unfavorable to make repairs in the sectors: North, North-West-2, 3, North-East-1.2, West, South, South-West-1.2, South-East

From the point of view of Feng Shui, repair is considered to be a violation of the integrity of the walls, drilling, slotting, driving in nails and other work that causes the walls to vibrate. Painting or whitewashing walls, wallpapering can be done without taking into account unfavorable sectors.

Money Activations

You can get fast, but small money that will come in 3-7 days. Or attract more long-term Prosperity Luck, the effect of which will come in a few weeks.

For monetary activation, you can light a regular candle of any size and color in a certain place and at a certain time. After the time has elapsed, the candle should be extinguished, and then it can be used another time.

Place of activation - Northeast

The date is not suitable for those born in the year of the Rat

: you can see a person in green clothes, or crying children, or children carrying a metal object.

Place of activation - Southwest

The date is not suitable for those born in the year of the Rooster

Sign that the activation worked: you can see a man in yellow clothes. Or hear the chirping birds. Or hear the sound of a drum.

If you have not noticed the signs, then this does not mean that there will be no effect. They are just an additional sign from the surrounding space.

About security rules when conducting "monetary activation"

Sectors for the location of this activation are determined by the imposition of the Loshu square on the plan of the house, that is, according to the large 8 palaces.

Bird falling into the nest

"A bird falling into a nest" can bring pleasant surprises. Things will work out without much effort. It happens that those problems that have been bothering you for a long time will be solved easily and naturally.

To activate, you need to sit in a certain sector of your home or office, and spend two hours in this state. Position yourself as close to an outside wall as possible. The closer to the outer perimeter, the more favorable energy will affect.

You can work at this time, or sitting still to make important calls. Or just relax - watch TV, read a book, meditate, dream, think about the most cherished and desired.

April 5 at the hour of the Dog(according to solar time 19:00-21:00) it will be useful to spend time in southeastern parts of a home or office.

April 27 at the hour of the Rooster(according to solar time 17:00-19:00) it will be useful to spend time in Northeast parts of a home or office.

You can read more about the proactivation of "A bird falling into a nest"

The sectors for the "Bird falling into the nest" are determined by superimposing the Loshu square on the plan of the house, that is, according to the large 8 palaces.

For regular cash activations, you can use calendars "Birds and Dragons" And " Generals Activations"

Walks in the Miraculous Gate

For good luck in matters related to profit and money.

For good luck in matters of love and romance.

April 14 at the hour of the Rooster southeastern direction.

April 20 at the hour of the Rooster (solar time from 17:00-19:00) a walk in southeastern direction.

About what rules you need to follow when walking in the Miraculous Gates,

For regular daily walks to the Miraculous Gate, you can use Auspicious Walking Calendar

Attracting help

To get a breakthrough in business, as well as to neutralize troubles, you can turn on a fountain, or a fan, or light a candle for two hours in the sector Southeast-3.

The date is not suitable for those born in the year of the Monkey

The sector for a place is determined by superimposing 24 directions on the plan of the house.

For regular use, you can use the calendar
"Noble Helpers"

Wishes activation

To do this, you need to position your back in certain directions at the right time, concentrate and make mental wishes. Auspicious energies will help activate your wish and create inspiration and attitude towards the realization of a goal or dream. New opportunities that were previously irreplaceable, and which are worth listening to and not missing, may be pleasant.

April 12 at the hour of the Dog(solar time from 19:00-21:00) lying with your back to Northeast direction, it is favorable to make wishes on the topic of profit, receiving money, material values.

April 14 at the hour of the Rooster southeastern direction, it is favorable to make wishes on the topic of love, romance, relationships

April 17 at the hour of the Rooster(solar time from 17:00-19:00) lying with your back to southwestern direction, it is favorable to make wishes on the topic of career, promotion, new position

In these directions, you need to position yourself so that your back is facing them, and not your face. You can learn more about how to activate wishes.

For regular use, you can apply Wish Calendar

Let magnificent feng shui surround you! Happy month!

The flying stars of the month will change their position on November 7th. This month, the stars will make their intentions very clear, as the position of the stars of the month will completely duplicate the position of the annual stars. This combination of stars already happened in 2016 in February. And, if the place of residence has not changed since then, then it is enough just to remember what happened in February 2016. If someone was lucky then, then luck awaits in November, but if February was not easy, then November will also not turn out to be its best side.

So, the most unpleasant in November will be northeast direction because there will be two Insidious Yellow Fives . When the Yellow Five is placed above the entrance, the residents of Hong Kong and Malaysia try not to use the front door, and those who have the opportunity, generally move for a while. And they do this if there is only one star, and in November there will be two of them, moreover, these stars will settle in a sector that will give them additional strength. If the front door or bedroom is located in the northeast, then it is simply necessary to place six-trumpet singing winds and / or six Chinese coins tied with red thread. In general, it’s better not to touch the northeast in November, you don’t need to make repairs or turn on loud music there. Any activity will give these evil stars additional strength, although much more. Metal, peace and quiet in the northeast - this is the only way to protect yourself at least a little from the destructive energy of the Yellow Five.

The north will bring a threat with it from November 7, as the metal star “Retired Soldier” will fly there. If this star settles at the entrance to the house or in the bedroom, then the risk of becoming victims of robberies, fraud and any other illegal actions increases. Yin (calm) water can partially weaken the militant nature of this star, or rather, these two stars. If the front door is located in the north, then on November 7 it is necessary to put a vase or bowl of water near the entrance. If a bedroom got into the northern sector, then it is better not to place real water in it ( water in feng shui), you can hang a picture of water instead.

The Northwest will be a source of strife and conflict as two Jade Stars converge there.. Only one thing is good about these stars, they are trainable. If you place red objects (fabric, vase, carpet) in this sector and turn on bright light as often as possible, then they will not be able to roam at full strength. But all the same, those whose front doors and bedrooms are located in the northwest need to be more tolerant, try not to inflate quarrels, not react to barbs. Efforts must be made to maintain peace and tranquility at home and at work.

Two Black Stars of diseases will settle in the center of the house. And again, as in the case of the Yellow Five, these stars will settle in a sector that is extremely favorable for them. That is, not only are there two of them, but also the center of the house will pump them with additional energy. Already on November 6, in advance, it makes sense to place singing winds and / or six Chinese coins tied with red thread in the center of the house. It is also worth being especially careful for those who suffer from chronic diseases. Do not risk your health where it can be avoided. In general, in November you need to do everything to improve your health, but again, without extreme sports, you should not tempt the Black Stars.

And about the pleasant.

Two stars of mind and intellectual activity will fly to the west. They will bring with them success in studies, creativity, writing and everything related to brain activity. If the front door faces west, then it is in November that you should start implementing projects, write a bestseller, or create a new type of engine.

Two white stars will meet in the southeast. It's not very strong stars. So far, they only promise future success. But there are two of them, so they will help improve the financial situation. You can make them stronger and place Yang water (fountains, aquariums) in the southeast. This will not only give the white stars additional strength, but also activate southeast - money zone, which is very good.

The south will house two stars of financial success. For those whose front doors or bedrooms are located on this side, you just need to start vigorous activity for making money. Such luck cannot be missed. Two stars of financial success is a sure sign of large cash receipts. Forward to filling wallets and piggy banks!

Two purple stars will meet in the east. Purple Star is one of the best. She has extraordinary power, brings with her different types good luck, her energy is almost limitless. True, it is not always possible to feel this influence immediately, since it shapes future success. But, nevertheless, two purple stars at the entrance or in the bedroom are a gift of fate: there will be a lot of happiness.

And (pubs!) two stars of the ruling period will be placed in the southwest. You simply cannot wish for a better combination. happiness, health, financial success, fulfillment of desires - all this awaits those whose front door or bedroom looks southwest. Don't miss November, lucky ones. Meet him with joy. open more often front door, make noise and sing songs, let the stars know that you are happy for them and ready to accept their help!

Good luck and lucky stars!

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