Larisa Guzeeva and her pages in social networks. "Thank you

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Larisa Guzeeva - actress, TV presenter. dreamed about acting career as long as he can remember. Being a wayward rebel, she stood out from her peers - she wore short skirts to school, used cosmetics, and smoked. After school, she entered Theatre Institute. To attract the attention of the commission, she shaved her head.

After graduating from college, she refused theatrical activities for the sake of cinema. The most significant role was the work in the film "Cruel Romance". Despite the brilliant play of the actress, this role has remained the only truly stellar one. Then followed a series of films that went practically unnoticed and forgot about Guzeeva for many years.

In 2008, Larisa became the host of the popular TV project Let's Get Married. With her arrival, the show, which had previously been a success with viewers, became incredibly popular. A year later, Guzeeva was awarded the prestigious TEFI award.

Larisa was married three times. The first husband, Ilya, was an assistant operator. The young people were connected by strong feelings, but later it turned out that he was a drug addict and, despite all the efforts of Larisa, he could not cope with this illness.

After 7 years, they parted, and a little later, Ilya died of an overdose. The second spouse and father of the son was Kakha Tolodrava. For the third time, she married restaurateur Igor Bukharov. The couple is raising a daughter.

IN given time Larisa Guzeeva devoted herself entirely to her career. Instagram: lara_guzya gained 539 thousand subscribers.

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Many of us watch the popular TV show every day. Let's get married", hosted by the star of the Soviet movie screen and just a charming woman - Larisa Guzeeva. The most attentive of TV viewers have long noticed that in Lately the actress and presenter began to look much slimmer and fitter, and therefore the question of how Larisa Guzeeva lost weight began to be heard with enviable frequency in all women's forums.

Fortunately, the TV presenter does not make a secret of her way of normalizing weight and is happy to give advice to everyone who wants to lose weight.

How it all started

Overweight has always been a painful problem for the popular presenter, because she is not used to denying herself anything. Larisa is not indifferent to sweets, homemade cakes and she is absolutely not interested in fitness. With such habits and such life position- dial excess weight as easy as pie.

Late childbirth had a negative impact on the figure of the star - Guzeeva gave birth to her adored daughter at the age of forty. But working on television with excess weight and remaining in favor with a modern viewer who loves slim girls is impossible, so Larisa decided to radically reconsider her approach to nutrition and get rid of unnecessary kilograms.

step to slim figure the famous "matchmaker" of the country did on another popular talk show of the First Channel - Andrey Malakhov's project "Let them talk". Larisa Guzeeva took part in the issue, the theme of which was weight loss under the program from Starhit, and vowed to lose weight in front of the whole studio in the very near future. Leading Larisa Guzeeva maintains her own blog on the website of this project, in which she willingly publishes recipes for her weight loss technique.

The weight of actress Larisa Guzeeva began to change rapidly thanks to the recommendations of Starhit professional nutritionists and has now exceeded all conceivable expectations. After all, she managed to lose as much as 38 kilograms since the beginning of the project (recall that the star has participated in it since July 2013).

To date, the popular TV presenter has developed her own effective program to maintain a slim figure. And everyone can use the advice that Larisa Guzeeva gives.

Slimming recipes from Larisa Guzeeva

The diet of Larisa Guzeeva is simple, but ingenious: you can eat absolutely everything, but only the size of the usual portion should be reduced at least twice. Another trick will help to visually deceive a hungry body - food should be placed in deeper dark-colored plates.

In this dish, even the smallest portion looks solid, and therefore you will get the impression that there has been no change in your usual diet, and satiety signals will come to the brain with much less food eaten.

Guzeeva's weight loss method is based on the popular theory that being overweight is a problem purely psychological nature. Overeating is “responsible” for stress, depression, boredom and many other emotions.

Including the visual factor - when a person sees an appetizing and attractive dish in front of him, he wants to eat it as much as possible. And most often - this is what happens, although it has long been proven that the body does not need an abundance of food to fully saturate.

Another weight loss recipe from Larisa Guzeeva: losing weight should be fun. Even the most sparing diet is difficult to maintain because of the very fact that you have to limit yourself to something. Distract yourself from sad thoughts. The actress herself does this in the following way: she tries to make the table setting as original as possible, beautifully decorate the dishes served for lunch or dinner, selects colorful and bright plates for food.

Undoubtedly, the right motivation is also important: Guzeeva herself resisted the temptation to have a sweet snack with the help of the ugliest photograph that clearly demonstrates everything overweight. Moreover, Larisa attached this photo to the center of the refrigerator.

However, Larisa Andreevna admits that one cannot do without restrictions at all.

From the point of view of the famous TV presenter, for the effectiveness of the diet, you need to follow these principles:

  • Refuse bad habits completely or reduce their abuse to the very minimum;
  • Give preference to fresh and natural products in the diet and more often replace meat products with vegetables and fruits;
  • You don't need dinner. According to the actress, a glass of kefir or milk is the best dinner for a slim figure;
  • If your favorite dress requires you to drop a couple of kilograms, it’s not a sin to use a hungry fruit diet.

By the way, in her blog about losing weight, Larisa told all subscribers that the system proper nutritionThe best way keep yourself fit.

And you can trust her words, because the ubiquitous tabloids have repeatedly told their readers that the host of the Let's Get Married program tried to lose weight with the help of surgery and therapy in special weight correction clinics, but the results of such attempts were less obvious than the successes to which Guzeeva arrived at the moment.

What is good and bad diet of Larisa Guzeeva: expert opinion

Nutrition and recipes according to the system of the famous actress are perfect for those women who themselves and daily cook food. By replacing one product with another, more healthy or less fatty, it is easy to reduce the total calorie content. ready meal to make it nutritious good sense this word.

Diet according to the principle of division of portions is absolutely useless for those whose lunch, dinner and breakfast consists of semi-finished products, fast food, concentrates (such as noodles and porridge fast food). How not to share such specific food - it will not become more useful. Caloric content, of course, will go away, but salt, spices, preservative additives will remain - all these substances contribute to gaining excess body weight, due to the moisture they retain.

The diet of the star will also be difficult for those who are accustomed to a large amount of carbohydrates in the diet. Let's explain on simple example: if you are used to always eating a large number of side dishes such as mashed potatoes, buckwheat, rice with a second course, then with a sharp “ halving» servings will torment you strong feeling hunger. Of course, if you endure the most difficult first days, the discomfort will pass in the future, but all those who lose weight break down precisely in the initial stages of the diet.

The following trick can help in the situation - reduce the amount of side dish to the maximum, but eat the protein component of the dish at the beginning of losing weight in the same quantities. Start reducing the amount of protein a little later, when you get used to the limited intake of carbohydrates in the body.

With the fact that Guzeeva was once a beautiful woman, no one will argue, I hope, will not? Let there be no artistry, but in one film she sat beautifully, and Mikhalkov, Petrenko, Myagkov and Freindlich shone around with talent.

No, well, is this stone face not good? That frozen chest? Smile of AtskySotona with teeth out? An impregnable, but slightly preoccupied girl according to the script - isn't it lovely? See for yourself:

Were you taught to play, my dear? Photo: Kinopoisk

Lara has always been appreciated for her beauty. Well, until I fell asleep after the first movie. 40 years have passed - exactly as long as Moses led his people through the desert so that the generation of slaves died out, but Larisa survived.

And what do we see today? To be honest, it's hard to surprise me, but Guzeeva, like Lolita, was able to.

Photo: Social networks

In itself, this is already bad manners when a grandmother shines with an old ham without a skirt, but even here Guzeeva managed to add more dirt. Look at the caption: Morozko, damn it, Nastenka is a young girl of sixty-five!

Photo: Social networks

I don’t know about you, but for me, the sexuality of pensioners is something beyond, from which I want to snatch. I can endure everything and smile - even Buzov, but the claims of pensioners for sex - a lump in my throat rolls up.

Nastenka? No, Larochka, you are not Nastenka. You are not even Nastenka Volochkova, let alone Nastenka from Morozko. You are Daddy Pig from the cartoon about Peppa, you are very similar to him:

Photo: Social networks

Larisa Ivanovna, cover yourself, please. A flabby ham sticking through the branches of a Christmas tree is very frightening - like a kikimora at a military post. As soon as he jumps out, he will eat Ivan Tsarevich, having previously raped him, and again hide in the forest.

You are not Nastenka, Lara, but a completely different character - the frightening Baba Yaga, who developed dementia after menopause.

How do you feel about old people portraying sexuality?

Larisa Guzeeva is a gifted actress, a bright TV presenter and a wise woman. She has been decorating the broadcasts of the Let's Get Married program for 10 years and shares wise advice from viewers.


Larisa was born on May 23, 1959 in the village of Burtinskoye, Orenburg Region. Her mother Albina worked as a history teacher. Guzeeva never saw her father. She was raised by her mother and stepfather Viktor Makurin. Larisa has a younger brother Vitaly.

The TV presenter does not like to remember her childhood, because she was brought up in strictness. The girl was not allowed to go out after 9 pm and watch movies with kisses. However, in adolescence, Larisa began to rebel. She put on makeup, wore short skirts and smoked. For this, her mother, who works at the school where Guzeeva studied, was constantly reprimanded by other teachers.

Since childhood, Larisa dreamed of a stage. Having received a certificate, she left for Leningrad to enter the Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography. There was a huge competition for one place. And Guzeeva decided to stand out from the crowd. She shaved her head! Selection committee immediately drew attention to the bald beautiful girl. Larisa surprised them not only appearance but also talent. As a result, she was enrolled in the ranks of students of a theater university.

Guzeeva did not develop relationships with classmates. She was independent and stood out from the crowd of Soviet students. IN free time Larisa worked as a model, talked with the creative elite, smoked a lot and cursed. Beautiful girl I considered myself a star, so I did not take into account the opinion of classmates.


Fateful for Guzeeva was the role in Ryazanov's film "Cruel Romance" based on Ostrovsky's play "Dowry". Larisa came to the audition brightly made up, in torn jeans and with a cigarette in her mouth, but the director was impressed by her beauty and self-confidence.

After the release of "Cruel Romance" (1984), the aspiring actress woke up famous. It seemed that she was waiting brilliant career but beauty played with the girl bad joke. Many directors offered her to get the main roles "through the bed." But Guzeeva was not ready to build a career in this way.

In the 80s, the actress starred in 13 films “(“ The Secret Fairway ”,“ Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The 20th Century Begins ”,“ The Life of Klim Samgin ”and others), but none of them reached the level of“ Cruel Romance ".

Larisa, in part, herself was to blame for the fact that her career began to decline. She was offered interesting roles in film adaptations of the classics, but she preferred to act in weak "perestroika" films. In total, there are more than 50 paintings in Guzeeva's filmography. In the past 20 years, she has mainly starred in television projects and serials.

In 2001, Larisa began to host the show "I'm a Mom" ​​(TVC). In 2005, she was replaced by Tatyana Vedeneeva. In 2008, she was invited as the host of the Let's Get Married show. Critics and viewers highly appreciated the work of Guzeeva. Already in next year she received the TEFI award in the nomination "Talk Show Host".

Larisa has been the permanent host of Let's Get Married for the past 10 years. The actress was also invited to other TV projects. She was a member of the jury of the Minute of Glory show (seasons 6-8) and hosted the TiliTeleTesto program (2017). The actress occasionally goes out on theater stage. Now she is involved in the production of "Clara, money and love" (Teatrium on Serpukhovka).

Personal life

At beautiful actress there were many novels. In the early 80s, she had a relationship with avant-garde musician Sergei Kuryokhin from the Aquarium group, which lasted several years. Then Larisa began dating actor Sergei Shakurov. According to rumors, thanks to his assistance, she got a role in Cruel Romance.

In 1984, Guzeeva starred in the film "Rivals". During filming, she met Ilya, an assistant cameraman. Seeing handsome guy Larisa fell in love for the first time. A few months later they got married. Later it turned out that Ilya was using drugs. He was constantly treated, promised to quit, but again broke down. Having lived with Ilya for 7 years, Guzeeva nevertheless decided to divorce.

In 1991, in Georgia, on the set of the film The Chosen One, the actress met Kakha Tolordava. He won her over with his manners and upbringing. Larisa immediately realized that she dreamed of such a man. In 1992, the couple signed. A few days later their son George was born. Larisa and Kakha were not husband and wife for long. They were brought up in different cultures and saw the future differently, so they failed to keep love.

In 1999, Guzeeva married for the 3rd time. Igor Bukharov became her chosen one. They met in their student years. The beauty did not respond to the advances of the shy Igor. And only years later she was able to consider in him a reliable man whom you can marry. In 2000, the couple had a daughter, Olga.

Social media

The TV presenter is registered in several in social networks. Larisa Guzeeva on Instagram often posts his photos. She is happy to be removed during the broadcasts, trips, performances on stage. In the photographs you can see not only Guzeeva herself, but also her children, mother, fellow TV presenters, famous actors. The official Instagram of the actress has 869 thousand subscribers.

Larisa has pages on Twitter And Facebook, but she has not updated information in them for several years. Fan group created by Guzeeva's fans on the VKontakte network dedicated to her work. Her photos, videos and relevant information are posted here. 9 thousand people have subscribed to this VKontakte group.

A similar group was created many years ago on the Odnoklassniki network Here, 4.5 thousand people follow the life of the actress.

Guzeeva could have had a completely different future if she had been more accommodating and softer. However, she does not regret the missed opportunities. Now Larisa is completely happy and proud of her achievements, family and children.

December 04, 2018

According to the actress, fans write words of support under any of her posts.

Larisa Guzeeva / Photo:

As you know, not so long ago, the closest and most native person famous actress and presenter Larisa Guzeeva is her mother. The star tried her best to improve her health, fought for her life, but the miracle did not happen. In the grief that befell Larisa Guzeeva, then she was very actively supported by numerous fans and followers on Instagram.

But time is running, and the fans still cannot stop, and everyone continues to bring their condolences to the artist. Moreover, they do it under each post of the star. It is not surprising that the actress's patience came to an end, and in her next publication on the social network, she turned to her subscribers with a request to stop comforting her. According to Larisa Guzeeva, grief is very personal, and sharing it on pages on social networks is indecent. So she didn't. The actress notes that, nevertheless, in the comments under any picture you can always read condolences and words of support. "Thank you. Enough, ”the actress writes.

more on the topic

“What kind of ideas?”: Larisa Guzeeva besieged dreamer subscribers on her InstagramFans of stars in social networks often think, think out, and, sometimes, just come up with the experiences of their idols.

Guzeeva's fans noted that people, in the absence of their bright life, tend to climb into someone else's, so they advised the presenter not to pay attention to such comments. Others retorted, saying that if grief is a personal matter, then you should not write about it on social networks at all.
