Susan Boyle's performance in the finale. Susan Boyle: How a Housewife Became a Global Celebrity Susan Boyle Today

Susan Boyle is a unique singer from Scotland, whose popularity came quite suddenly. After her first appearance on Britain's Got Talent, Susan Boyle became famous not only in Britain, but throughout the world.

However, let's look at Susan Boyle's biography from the very beginning. So, the singer was born on April 1, 1961, in the town of Blackburn, which is located in West Lothian (Scotland).

Boyle comes from an immigrant family from Ireland, which, in addition to the youngest Susan, had nine other children, of whom four did not survive.

Another sad fact from Susan's biography: when her mother, who was 47 years old, gave birth to a baby, the doctors made a mistake, and oxygen did not enter the child's brain for some time. The diagnosis that the doctors eventually made to her, mental inferiority, suggested difficulties in learning. Classmates bullied the girl at school, and one of the nicknames was “stupid Suzy”, but the girl quickly stopped paying attention to the offenders.

After high school, Boyle went to work as a college cook's assistant. I would like to note that this work was the only one in her life, because after six months of work, Boyle completely devoted her life to caring for her ill mother.

It's easy to imagine Susan's approximate lifestyle - getting up early, taking care of her mother, shopping, cooking and cleaning. Susan's only pastime was singing in the church choir. Sometimes Boyle went to classes with a vocal tutor, and also visited the theater, where she could enjoy the professional performance of complex vocal parts.

In 2007, Susan's mother, at the age of 91, died, and Boyle was left completely alone, since her father died much earlier, and all the sisters and brothers started families and went to different cities.

Then the singer decides to realize the dream of a lifetime - to sing on the stage of the talent competition. The first performance of Susan Boyle took place on April 11, 2009 - then Susan impressed the audience with a very strong voice and an amazing performance of an excerpt from the musical "Les Miserables". Interestingly, Boyle did not want to apply for participation, explaining her reluctance by the fact that this is a matter for the young. However, the vocal teacher still managed to convince his student.

Susan Boyle's video went viral on the Internet, garnering over 150 billion views to date. The Britain's Got Talent performance was shown around the world, showcasing Susan's phenomenal vocal skills.

Unfortunately, having triumphantly reached the final, Susan Boyle lost to another participant in the show - the dance group Diversity. After such an event, she was hospitalized with a diagnosis breakdown. Most likely, a strong emotional experience from the performance was intensified by the realization of defeat, because Susan was confident in her victory.

However, the high-profile performance made Susan famous and allowed her to break the cycle of depression that she fell into after the death of her mother. Thus, sad story Susan Boyle got a rather unexpected and joyful turn of events.

After a high-profile performance on the show, Susan's face appeared on the covers of the most prestigious magazines, and dozens of publications fought for interviews with her. Not without juicy details, so in one of the interviews, Susan Boyle said that she had never been married and, moreover, she had never been kissed. Such a message caused heated discussions, after which Susan even tried to laugh it off. But the truth is the truth - Susan really never married and now lives with a cat.

It is not surprising that after Susan became famous all over the world, many became curious - did the unique woman perform somewhere else? It turned out that back in 1984 Susan sang in one of the clubs, even managed to find a video of her performance.

At the age of 25, especially for parents, in honor of the celebration of their 50th anniversary life together, Susan sang "I Don't Know How to Love Him". With the same aria, she auditioned for the Michael Barrymore competition. If you carefully watch that recording, you can see that the presenter does not pay any attention to Susan's vocals, as he is busy releasing barbs at the performer.

In 1999, Boyle released a CD of the song "Cry Me a River", which was sold to charity. The disc was released in a small edition, only a thousand copies, but Susan received a small victory - a journalist from the city newspaper admitted that this version of the song simply breaks his heart. A decade after those events, this song performed by Boyle also became public - it can be easily found on the Web.

In 2009, hot on the heels of success, Susan Boyle released her first album, named after the song that made her famous: "I Dreamed A Dream". The record, released by SyCo Music in the UK and Columbia in the US, became the best-selling record on Amazon. Moreover, in Britain, the work was recognized as the best-selling record in history.

By Christmas 2010, the singer released the album "The Gift" (2010). Interestingly, for this album, Susan Boyle organized a competition, the winner of which had to sing in a duet with the singer in order for this song to be included on the record.

The third work of the singer "Someone To Watch Over Me" was released in 2011 and received the most positive responses and first places in the charts around the world. Susan independently selected the compositions for the album, so the disc organically combines a variety of emotions, both bright and positive, and gloomy and dramatic.

Subsequent albums, "Standing Ovation", "Home For Christmas", were also received very positively by the public, especially since on the last disc, dedicated to Christmas, there is a song featuring Presley's vocals: "Oh Come All Ye Faithful".

As can be seen, Susan Boyle is clearest example the fact that not everything in life is decided by beauty, and that you need to strive for your dream - and then everything will work out!

Video recording of Britain's TV program Got Talent— Susan Boyle, first performance

GettyImages The world first heard it eight years ago. A middle-aged and ugly lonely woman suddenly decided to change her life - and she succeeded. Millions of people loved Susan Boyle for who she was and remains - clumsy, unglamorous and never even kissed by anyone.

"Stupid Susie"

She was unlucky from the very beginning: Susan was the tenth child of elderly parents. Her mother was already 45 years old. The birth was difficult: for some time the newborn was left without oxygen. Doctors predicted that because of this, Susie would lag behind her peers in development - and so it happened. Clumsy, not too smart, not the life of the party, she was nicknamed "Stupid Susie" as a child. But she was not too offended - she had enough communication in the family. Mom, dad, brothers and sisters - all to one degree or another were fond of music. At the age of 9, Susan realized that she sings well. But I haven't figured out how to put this talent into practice.

GettyImages Gradually all the children left parental home started their own families. Father died. "Stupid Susie" was left alone with her mother - no special plans for independent life she didn't have.

For six months she worked as a trainee cook, and then she completely focused on caring for her mother and regular church attendance. But the dream of singing on stage sometimes reminded me of itself. Twice Susan tried to participate in music competitions, but to no avail. Only her mother believed in her talent - and Susan promised her that someday she would become a real singer.

"Good joke"

She was 46 when her mother died in 2007. At least in memory of her, Susan had to try her luck and try to become a singer. For two years she gathered her courage, and in 2009 she came to the shooting popular show“Britain's Got Talent” (“Britain is looking for talents”, the Russian equivalent is “Minute of Glory”. “On that day, we auditioned the contestants for a painfully long time and were terribly tired. We thought that your performance, Susan, could be a good joke that would defuse the situation, ”said Piers Morgan, one of the judges of the competition, later. It can be understood: an elderly, ugly, plump woman with a terrible haircut came on stage and announced that she wanted to become the second Ellen Page - and this is a popular actress and singer in Britain. “I heard them laughing. Both they and the audience in the hall. Despite the fact that I was terribly worried, I forced myself to endure their ridicule. I firmly decided: either I can swallow it, or I won’t succeed. I stood and thought: “Well, now I’ll sing, and you will understand that you were in a hurry to laugh,” Susan Boyle recalled after the first listening. Everything turned out the way she could not imagine even in her wildest dreams: the song from the musical “Les Misérables” I Dreamed A Dream, performed by her, conquered not only the jury of the show, but the whole world - in a very short time.

In the first ten days, the recording of her speech on YouTube was watched by 70 million people. And now, after 8 years, the video continues to collect views - their number has already exceeded 200 million. Susan's life changed overnight: her an old house besieged by journalists, and people who used to call her "stupid" now considered such an acquaintance an honor. Susan reacted to everything in a childlike way. When asked about her personal life, she honestly admitted that she was “not kissed by anyone”, refused to change her hairstyle and moved step by step to the final of the competition.


She didn't win the show. In the final, Susan beat a dancing group Diversity - and the next day she went to the hospital with a nervous breakdown.

But as soon as she checked out, representatives of the record companies lined up for her: they wanted to release Susan Boyle's debut album, and the sooner the better.

The disc was released in November 2009 under the name of Susan's fateful song - I Dreamed A Dream. And immediately became a hit - despite the fact that there were no original songs in it. Madonna's old hits The Rolling The Stones and other stars, covered by the 48-year-old housewife, topped all the world charts and sold millions of copies. Susan lost weight, got prettier - and in addition she became a millionaire. But at the same time, she remained herself. When asked by the famous American TV presenter Larry King if she was going to change her image, hairstyle and style, Susan confidently answered no, because then she would lose her individuality.

In 2013, the reason for such immediacy and past problems of the singer became partly clear. She was diagnosed with Asperger's disease - a type of autoimmune spectrum disorder in which a person experiences serious difficulties in communicating with others. Upon learning of this, Susan was not only not upset, but even felt relieved - at last there was an explanation for her long failures. However, that is now a thing of the past. Susan Boyle has already released seven albums and does not intend to stop. Her annual income exceeds $35 million, but she has no time to spend it, and she continues to live in her parents' old house.

Susan is also not going to get married. “Oh, I don’t have time for this,” she says.

A Scottish singer who rose to worldwide fame in just a few hours after her debut on the television competition Britain's Got Talent on April 11, 2009.

Having performed an aria from the musical "Les Misérables", the 47-year-old housewife with an understated unpretentious appearance turned the skeptical judges of the competition into her fans, and who met Boyle with ridicule auditorium gave a standing ovation to the new star. Published on the Internet, the recording of the speech was soon viewed more than 100 million times and made Boyle an iconic figure in modern culture.

Susan Boyle was born on April 1, 1961 to a warehouse worker and stenographer. During a troubled birth, oxygen was not supplied to the child's body for some time, and later doctors diagnosed Boyle with mental inferiority. After barely graduating from high school - in an interview, the singer admitted that the children teased her and nicknamed her "Simple Susie" - Boyle worked for only six months as an assistant cook in the college kitchen, after which she devoted herself entirely to caring for her sick mother, who died in 2007 at 91- summer age.

Living all my life in parental home and caring for her mother, Boyle had little opportunity to take care of herself. Before performing in the competition, she stated that she had "never been kissed", although she later called it a joke, around which an extra fuss was made. Boyle took vocal lessons from a tutor and sometimes went to the theater to listen to professional performers, performed herself at various events. On a voluntary basis, she participated in the work of the Blackburn Roman Catholic Church.

After her huge success in the television competition, many began to look for old recordings featuring Susan Boyle. As it turned out, back in 1984, the singer performed in a social club, and a video recording has been preserved. At the age of 25, Boyle sang the aria I Don't Know How to Love Him on her parents' golden wedding anniversary. In 1995, Boyle entered the Michael Barrymore competition with the same composition. On amateur filming, you can see that the presenter is more interested in making fun of the singer than in her vocal abilities.

In 1999, Boyle recorded the song Cry Me a River for a disc that was to be sold to charity and was sponsored by the city council. The CD was limited to only 1,000 copies, and Boyle received his first press acclaim: a local newspaper columnist wrote that this version of Cry Me a River was "heartbreaking" and the song is now constantly on repeat in his player. Almost ten years later, the world's leading media reported on this recording as another confirmation of Boyle's talent - now the song has also been posted on the Internet.

Despite winning several regional singing competitions, Boyle did not qualify for the famous TV shows, believing that there the participants are judged by their appearance, and "this is a matter for the young" - despite the persuasion of the mother and the singing teacher. In the end, the teacher managed to persuade Boyle to apply to Britain's Got Talent to pay tribute to his mother.

The amazing power of her voice and inspired performance, combined with an unpresentable appearance - whether it was really Boyle's desire ("this is not a beauty contest") or the idea of ​​​​television people - made the singer's performance a worldwide hit. 10 million viewers watched the debut broadcast of the TV show, and in next days the news about the performance became one of the central ones on many popular Internet sites and hit almost all the newspapers in the world. Now Boyle is giving out a lot of interviews to the main TV shows, according to rumors, she should sign a contract to record an album. She became a living symbol that looks can be deceiving and that a woman doesn't have to be good looking to be successful.

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Not white, not fluffy, just red
0 29 November 2014, 17:13

As you know, the modern version of Cinderella: a simple Scottish housewife thanks to the reality show Britain's Got Talent in 2009, as they say, True, every Cinderella should have her own prince, and the owner of a great voice, alas, always had problems with this : Boyle did not hide from the public that she had never even kissed.

The problem was complicated by the fact that the singer, who is characterized by serious difficulties in communication.

But in a few years as a star, Susan seems to have gained self-confidence, and with it, the attention of the opposite sex. Now fans of the 53-year-old singer are happy for her, because, by her own admission, she finally met her love.

A romantic acquaintance happened this year, during Boyle's tour of the United States. Susan has not yet shown her chosen one to the press, but she gives some details: her boyfriend is an American doctor, they met when they stayed at the same hotel. Now, Boyle says, the American, who turned out to be a "real gentleman", is going to visit her in Scotland.

Susan shared:

It's still too early to say anything, we'll see. Hope he comes. I don't want to talk too much about him, that would be unfair to him. All I can say is we are about the same age and he is a very nice person.

A Scottish singer who rose to worldwide fame in just a few hours after her debut on the television competition Britain's Got Talent on April 11, 2009.

Having performed an aria from the musical "Les Miserables", the 47-year-old housewife with an understated unpretentious appearance turned the skeptical judges of the competition into her fans, and the audience who met Boyle with ridicule gave a standing ovation to the new star. Published on the Internet, the recording of the speech was soon viewed more than 100 million times and made Boyle an iconic figure in modern culture.

Susan Boyle was born on April 1, 1961 to a warehouse worker and stenographer. During a troubled birth, oxygen was not supplied to the child's body for some time, and later doctors diagnosed Boyle with mental inferiority. After barely graduating from high school - in an interview, the singer admitted that the children teased her and nicknamed her "Simple Susie" - Boyle worked for only six months as an assistant cook in the college kitchen, after which she devoted herself entirely to caring for her sick mother, who died in 2007 at 91- summer age.

Having lived all her life in her parents' home and looking after her mother, Boyle had little opportunity to take care of herself. Before performing in the competition, she stated that she had "never been kissed", although she later called it a joke, around which an extra fuss was raised. Boyle took vocal lessons from a tutor and sometimes went to the theater to listen to professional performers, performed herself at various events. On a voluntary basis, she participated in the work of the Blackburn Roman Catholic Church.

After her huge success in the television competition, many began to look for old recordings featuring Susan Boyle. As it turned out, back in 1984, the singer performed in a social club, and a video recording has been preserved. At the age of 25, Boyle sang the aria I Don't Know How to Love Him on her parents' golden wedding anniversary. In 1995, Boyle entered the Michael Barrymore competition with the same composition. On amateur filming, you can see that the presenter is more interested in making fun of the singer than in her vocal abilities.

In 1999, Boyle recorded the song Cry Me a River for a disc that was to be sold to charity and was sponsored by the city council. The CD was limited to only 1,000 copies, and Boyle received his first press acclaim: a local newspaper columnist wrote that this version of Cry Me a River was "heartbreaking" and the song is now constantly on repeat in his player. Almost ten years later, the world's leading media reported on this recording as another confirmation of Boyle's talent - now the song has also been posted on the Internet.

Despite victories in several regional singing competitions, Boyle did not apply for participation in famous television shows, believing that there participants are judged by their appearance, and "this is a matter for the young" - despite the persuasion of her mother and singing teacher. In the end, the teacher managed to persuade Boyle to apply to Britain's Got Talent to pay tribute to his mother.

The amazing power of her voice and inspired performance, combined with an unpresentable appearance - whether it was really Boyle's desire ("this is not a beauty contest") or the idea of ​​​​television people - made the singer's performance a worldwide hit. 10 million viewers watched the debut broadcast of the TV show, and in the following days the news about the performance became one of the central news on many popular Internet sites and hit almost all the newspapers in the world. Now Boyle is giving out a lot of interviews to the main TV shows, according to rumors, she should sign a contract to record an album. She became a living symbol that looks can be deceiving and that a woman doesn't have to be good looking to be successful.
