Latest news about Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina. All that is known now

The conflict of the famous actor with his young wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya flared up this week. Armen Borisovich accuses his wife of not letting him into her own theater and of rewriting two of his apartments. He told in an interview with the program "Let them talk" about his disappointment in his wife.

A couple of years ago, Armen Borisovich and Vitalina seemed happy couple and were inseparable. The actor completely trusted his wife, who is 45 years younger than him. He transferred all his fortune to Vitalina and entrusted her with the Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Theater, she was appointed director.

But this week, Vitalina Tsymbalyuk made a statement: her husband was kidnapped! She claimed that the actor had been ill for a long time and now was not aware of his actions. She wrote a statement to the police about the disappearance of Armen Borisovich, and gathered a group in the theater and stated that the artist was kidnapped by unknown people who want to seize the theater.

Vitalina told the media:

Because of all his illnesses, Armen sometimes has outbursts of anger. We recently had a fight. And suddenly some of his old friends arrived. I haven't seen him since. But she did say it once. He said he would kill me. I do not understand anything.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan with his wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

Dzhigarkhanyan's friend: "I think the case will end in a break"

All this time, Dzhigarkhanyan was in the hospital, where his friends took him. He asked not to let Vitalina see him, but Dmitry Borisov accepted the host of “Let them talk” with pleasure. The “Let them talk” program visited Dzhigarkhanyan in the hospital to sort out the situation. And the ex-wife of the actor Tatyana Vlasova came to the studio of the program, with whom he lived for 48 years, and more recently scandalously shared property.

About what's going on with ex-husband, Tatyana learned from the Internet:

I understand what old friends Vitalina is talking about. One of them is Artur Soghomonyan, his great friend, you can say he is like a son to him. Arthur was a sponsor of the theater, financially helped in the productions. The man is amazing! Vitalina knows him very well. As for the second - I think this is the son of director Nerses Hovhannisyan Hayrapet. I don't know why Vitalina calls them unknown. Maybe she wanted to add drama.

Armen Borisovich was very worried about his theater. This caused conflict with his wife.

Photo: Vadim Tarakanov /

How the “kidnapping” of the actor took place, “Let them talk” Arthur Soghomonyan told:

Vitalina's statement looks ridiculous. Armen Borisovich himself asked me to pick him up. As he said, a few days ago they had a conflict, and he did not want to communicate with her, and personally asked the hospital not to let her through. When we brought him to the hospital, he was not in very good condition: he had not taken medicine for three days. We arrived on time, I'm afraid what would have happened if we hadn't. The rest of what Tsimbalyuk says is pure lies, and I don't know why she needs to. At first, I was in touch with Vitalina every hour, she herself came to the hospital, promised to bring things, documents. The next morning she wrote a statement - first to Hayrapet, then to me. Now Armen Borisovich is in perfect health, I hope that by the end of the week he will be out of the hospital, and all these intrigues will go away.

He wrote an appeal to the actors of the theater, where he indicated that he expressed distrust of the administration, headed by Vitalina and her two deputies. He asks not to panic and promises to return to the theater in the coming days.

The reason for their conflict is the management of the theater. What is happening now is sad: unprofessional management, few spectators go, the latest productions are not encouraging. Armen Borisovich can be deceived somewhere, but not in the theater, he feels falseness with his skin. And worries about what is happening there.

We discussed their relationship with Vitalina, we talked a few of her. He is deeply disappointed, and I worry about him: stress at this age does not go unnoticed. I do not see that the situation can normalize, I think that the matter will end in a break.

Ex-wife: "Power turned Vitalina's head"

His second wife Tatyana Vlasova expressed her opinion about why Armen Borisovich was so carried away by Vitalina Tsymbalyuk that he was left without a theater and property:

I'm used to being around these two people, especially new wife Armen Borisovich, there are always some intrigues. The main thing for me is to be happy. With me, he was also happy, 48 years of proof. I was never jealous of him, because she herself is an actress by training. I was there all the time. Lived for him. And Tsymbalyuk lives for himself. And what caused our separation, I can not understand. When I was like her, he liked me. But we are all getting old. I can tell he has changed too.

I tried to figure out what was in her that was not in me. When he met Vitalina, she was a pianist. And he loves music and knows it wonderfully - classical, opera. And then suddenly young, slender, nimble, and even playing the piano! I think that's what attracted him.

Vitalina younger than husband for 45 years

Photo: Tatiana Timirkhanova/

I got carried away, okay. When she firmly entered his life, he began to look at something in her. And now she is already directing the theater, and she is firing actresses and dressers. Rules. I think a lot of the things she did he didn't know.

It seems to me that she played. It turned her head that she was the wife of such a man, that the director, that she rules, could expel this one, and criticize this one. I tried to put myself in her place to understand. But, having achieved the goal, I would not turn people against me!

Vlasova admitted that Dzhigarkhanyan has a little secret:

He is old, he is sick. I know all his pains. I even know when he is really sick and when he wants to rest. He had a habit: if he wanted to think that no one would interfere, he would fall ill. I could go to the hospital.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan: “I noticed that Vitalina was stealing, but she was my wife!”

Dmitry Borisov visited Armen Borisovich in the hospital. The artist looks cheerful and answered the host's questions without concealment, although not always clearly.

- What attracted you to Vitalin? the host asked.

I have been living in the world for 83 years. There are female actresses, sweet ones. And I still see what kind of breasts she has, what an ass, I see everything! All the same, after half an hour I begin to doubt! Because that's how I'm made. We are all so arranged. And we are sometimes ordered by people like Vitalina Viktorovna.

If you doubted, what prompted you then to part with your wife, with whom you lived for 48 years, and remarry?

I invite you to doubt. As soon as you figure it out, go lie down in the coffin.

Why was a police report filed? The whole country was worried about what happened to you, where the artist was taken ...

The actor claims that his wife rewrote two of his apartments

Photo: Alexander Chernykh /

This is the tragic, bastard behavior of Vitalina Viktorovna. I tell you: I didn’t go anywhere, but I was in the hospital. When I leave, where I will live, I do not know yet. Vitalina took two apartments from me.

The fact that Vitalina Viktorovna issued a decree not to let me go to the theater ... I gave birth to this theater! You see, what a wretch got out ... It's very bad person. Now she proves that I'm crazy...

- And what's the point if you say that she has already taken two apartments ...

On knees! A Russian woman has no right not to put a man on his knees. If we talk about Vitalina, then, in my opinion, she is a little sick. Thief pure water. I'm not speaking figuratively - they stole money from my pocket right out of my pocket. I was either deceived, or a little tired. I am a people's artist Soviet Union and I don't have an apartment to live in.

- Didn't you notice?

No, I noticed. But it was my wife. I am 80 years old, I still do not know what the relationship is between a male and a female. This is the most difficult question.

On October 26, it became known that searches were being carried out in the theater of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. According to unconfirmed reports, the artist was allegedly hypnotized by old friends who want to take possession of his property. The police claim that the search is connected with the theft of Armen Borisovich's passport - the artist himself reported about his loss. What is happening in the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater and how it all began - in the material "360".

Photo: RIA Novosti / Andrey Alexandrov

Divorce and recriminations

On October 15, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan's wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya about the kidnapping of her husband. The woman claimed that allegedly after a quarrel, the artist left with his friends in an unknown direction. She did not see Armen Borisovich anymore - only after some time she became aware that he was in the hospital due to an exacerbation of diabetes. The artist forbade letting Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya into his place. She connected Dzhigarkhanyan's behavior with outbursts of anger, which often occur due to illness.

It soon became clear that such a reaction was not connected with the artist's changeable mood: he nevertheless decided to divorce his young wife. Dzhigarkhanyan was not satisfied with the approach of Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya to the management of his theater, State Duma deputy Oksana Pushkina. There, the woman dealt with legal and financial issues. Upset Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, without waiting for the official dismissal, left Moscow - as if to treat her health.

A few days after discharge, the first was given by Dzhigarkhanyan himself. He stated that Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was trying to take possession of his property, and even called his wife a "monster." Moreover, the pianist allegedly persuaded the artist to have a child. “Only an adventurer can take such a step,” Dzhigarkhanyan believes.

Such accusations by Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya seemed insulting. Without thinking twice, the woman decided to teach her husband a lesson about her intention to file a libel suit. The pianist also agreed to a divorce. Moreover, she hopes that the dissolution of the marriage will happen as soon as possible. From the theater Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya quit own will. Soon, the entire “Vitalina team” will be fired from there, Nation News reported.

Photo: RIA Novosti / Evgenia Novozhenina

Lost passport or raider takeover?

On October 26, it became known that searches were being carried out in the theater of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. According to unconfirmed, the artist was allegedly captured by raiders, and all management was removed. In the theater itself, these rumors were denied - the box office and theater employees are working as usual. The same information "360" was confirmed by representatives of the theater troupe.

Another version of what is happening is the theater actress Natalya Korneeva. She stated that Dzhigarkhanyan was "hypnotized" by his old friends. The artist is allegedly a hostage in the hands of a group from the 90s and Lately behaved inappropriately.

Soon the reason for his visit to the theater was the police themselves. It turned out that the searches were carried out as part of a criminal case involving the theft of Dzhigarkhanyan's passport. The artist himself informed law enforcement officers about the loss of documents. He stated that his passport was stolen right at the theater from 1 to 10 October.

At the same time, personnel changes in the theater have already begun: the acting director, Elena Gilvanova, told 360 in the Department of Culture of the capital. Previously, she worked as chief financial officer and deputy general director.

About truth and lies, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and his theater, the editor-in-chief of the Noah's Ark newspaper was told by a member of the artistic council of the theater, a businessman and sponsor, close friend artist Artur Soghomonyan

- Artur Arshamovich, do you think Vitalina Tsymbalyuk had a mercenary interest in relations with Armen Borisovich or did she really fall in love?

I was a witness from their very first meeting. They met at the premiere of one of our performances in Kiev, I handed over the tickets myself, Armen Borisovich had a lot of admirers and admirers in almost all the cities where we came with performances, nothing special happened then. In reality, she appeared in the life of Armen Borisovich in 2008-2009, when she moved from Kyiv to Moscow. From the first days of her appearance next to Armen Borisovich, her falseness was felt, this, of course, caused great concern among his friends. At that time, the closest friend of Armen Borisovich Nerses Oganesyan was alive, of course we were worried, but it was difficult to advise anything to Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

-Armen Borisovich's magical instinct didn't work in this case?

— It really is! Neither I am Armen Borisovich, we cannot understand how we did not see much of what is happening now, how it was possible to have something in common with this person. Although Dzhigarkhanyan's inner circle, of course, had long noticed the insincerity and commercialism of Tsymbalyuk, we could not even think that everything would reach such proportions! I will not talk about the details of Armen Borisovich's personal life, I will only say that most of what the ex-wife says has nothing to do with reality, there were no financial obligations, no lost years of youth In my opinion, rather the opposite Armen Borisovich , as a very creative and deeply decent person, did not care much about the material side of many issues and gave it to Vitalina. As Armen Borisovich himself says, he does not know how to trust half. She unceremoniously used his name, connections and means. One of the main goals was of course the theater, she openly aspired to the position of director. And, unfortunately, in the end, she succeeded.

I was lucky to create this theater together with Armen Borisovich, and I am still nearby. With all responsibility I can say that throughout the existence of our theater, there was no weaker and less professional director. Now, after her dismissal, the situation is steadily changing for the better, a new team is being recruited, the theater is gaining momentum.

— And Armen Dzhigarkhanyan?

— Armen Borisovich actively got involved in the work.

Interviewed by Grigory Anisonyan

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan was predicted an unenviable fate. According to the representative of the young wife of the artist, in the event of a divorce, Dzhigarkhanyan is waiting for a hospice.

The hype around Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and his young wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya does not subside. The journalists are divided into several groups: some are interviewing the artist who is in the hospital, others are chasing his wife, and still others are trying to talk people from their inner circle.

Eg, Native sister Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Marina does not hide her sympathy for Vitalina. “An amazing woman, next to her he’s just like behind a stone wall. I’m extremely glad that he found such a person who replaced everything for him, you understand? She is a wife, and a sister, and a girlfriend, and a nanny,” said the relative of the artist.

The sister noted the hot temperament of the actor and the fact that he was many years old and seriously ill. “If it weren’t for her, I don’t know what would have happened to Armen Borisovich. I’m far away, you know, I left and arrived. Someone should be there. He also had illnesses, who was there? ", - quotes the sister of the NTV actor.


However, after the divorce, if one does take place, completely strangers will take care of Dzhigarkhanyan. Elina Mazur, an assistant to Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, is sure of this. In a conversation with reporters, she was very categorical. “I want to say hello to all those people who set Armen Borisovich against Vitalina. I ask them to think, because in the event of a divorce, he will simply end up in a hospice as a disabled person,” Mazur concluded.

A representative of Vitalina noted that this scandal had a bad effect on the actor's wife. “Vitalina is fainting. She doesn’t eat anything, her temperature is 38.5. She can’t even sleep amid stress,” complained Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya’s assistant. Vitalina herself prefers not to discuss with the media the events of her privacy which is now in the public domain.

The only thing, Vitalina expressed confidence that her husband was being set against her, and shared her hope that the situation would nevertheless be resolved and she would finally be able to see her chosen one. But Dzhigarkhanyan himself is categorical. There is no question of any meeting.

“She gradually turned into a monster before my eyes,” the actor told reporters. Dzhigarkhanyan wants to quickly file a divorce and break all ties with his young wife. "I will try to forget her for the rest of my life," said Armen.

However, this is hardly possible, because the artist has yet to sort out the case with the property, which allegedly turned out to be rewritten to Vitalina.
