Contemporary dance: history, features, techniques. How to start learning contempo Forming your own playlist

Contempo became the dance that erased the generally accepted framework of movements. No wonder it is called a set of random movements in a non-random order. Those who stood at the origins of the birth of contempo saw in it a part of the culture that could attract the masses.

History of occurrence

Contempo is a dance that is also called contemporary (“contemporary dance”). In translation from English it means "modern dance". This movement, which originated at the end of the 19th century, called for a break from generally accepted standards. The direction was created to merge life and dance. People were united by one worldview based on the idea of ​​Nietzsche. The freedom of the dancer was to reveal his emancipation and creative spirit.

Those who stood at the birth of the direction wanted to attract as many people as possible to it. In their opinion, contemporary music is available to everyone who wants to master it. It will help you change your life. Improvisation is the main feature that will wake up in a person Creative skills, the creators assured.

At the same time (at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries), mankind actively showed interest in sports activities different direction. This was also taken into the idea of ​​contempo.

Isadora Duncan - one of the founders of contempo

The meaning of music

In modern dance, the role of music is very strong. She is called upon to help the dancer, and not to impose her own theme. At the beginning of the origin of the style, classical music was chosen for the contempo. Now the rhythm set by the metronome is enough to perform the dance. With movements and dramaturgy, a person conveys the mood and character of his performance. Contempo is a dance that can be performed in any musical accompaniment: with natural acoustic sounds, with modern melodies and even in silence. Music for contemporary music can be with or without words, there are no rules and requirements.

Start date

Experts emphasize that modern dances were created 100 years ago so that people could learn to listen to their bodies at any age. However, over time, the contemporary style has improved and become so complicated that there are compositions that not everyone can perform. Some productions are not inferior to acrobatic numbers in terms of the number of complex lifts and the level of preparation of the performers.

Now they begin to engage in this direction from the age of 4. Children are taught to feel music, master elementary movements and get acquainted with the culture of modern dance.

Contemporary can be started at any age. It is safe and affordable to start learning dance moves.

Clothing for classes should be loose and comfortable. For convenience, it is recommended to use ballet flats or Czechs, you can jazz shoes, thick socks with non-slip soles. Very often they dance just barefoot. It has become a symbol of the contemporary.

Contemporary dance is a modern stage dance that includes a variety of styles and techniques.

Contempo is often called the dance of the soul. And no wonder, because it is this direction of choreography that allows not only to perform dance steps, but also to “speak” with the help of the body.

Contemporary dance (contemporary dance) - literally means "modern dance". Today contemporary is one of the most popular dance directions contemporary choreography in the world. Which, in general, is not at all surprising, because this dance, which received the laconic name “contempo” in the Russian version, is very sensual, emotional, plastic and spectacular.

The history of the origin of the dance

Many sources claim that the birth of contempo, as a dance direction, took place in the West back in the 50s of the last century. However, if you delve into the history of the emergence of contemporary dance, it becomes clear that it is impossible to name a specific date and place where this dance was first danced. According to some sources, America is the birthplace of contempo, others call Central Europe. There is even an opinion that Eastern techniques (yoga, tai chi, etc.) became the progenitors of contempo, which means that this dance direction appeared in the East.

However, wherever the primary sources of contempo are geographically located, in modern world it is danced everywhere. And in the choreography of the dance itself, there are elements of both Western dance styles (modern, jazz, pop and folk dances, classical ballet), and oriental techniques and cultures (yoga, elements of martial arts). One of the main ideas of contempo is the dancer's ability to move away from the classical dogmas of choreography and express himself with the help of "free" dance.

Today, contempo is one of the most popular dance styles in the world. Various competitions, competitions, championships are held both at the regional and international levels. This direction is actively taught in dance schools. Performances in the style of contemporary music are greeted with standing ovations by numerous dance shows worldwide.

What is contemporary?

Contempo is called differently. Someone associates this direction with a sincere conversation, someone - with the theater, someone - with a plastic form of expression inner world dancer. All these opinions can really fully characterize contemporary dance. After all, this direction, first of all, involves the expression of one's feelings and emotions through dance.

Contempo plays a very important role in the relationship between internal state dancer and displaying him in the dance. The “correct” dance in the contemporary style is not so much the technicality and clarity of the choreography, but the correspondence of body movements to the dancer’s worldview, the ability to convey an informational (spiritual) message to the viewer.

Dance Features

Contempo can be performed in several techniques at once:

Vertical contempo (dance in a standing position)

Parterre (dance on the floor)

Paired (dance with a partner)

Greater attention in kontempempe is given to breathing training. This aspect of the dance is “responsible” for the oriental techniques used in this direction. Breathing in contempo is an assistant in movement, an energy message that turns into body movements.

Also borrowed from Eastern practices are methods of training coordination, balance, “flowing” of the body from one position to another. If in classical choreography many elements are performed due to muscle strength, then in contempo the same elements are often implemented through the use of techniques from oriental techniques (for example, long standing on half-fingers).

Another special moment that distinguishes contempo from other dance styles is its orientation “inside”. This not only allows the dancer to express their emotions more deeply, but is also reflected in the uniqueness of some of the movements in the delivery. So, for example, with all the visual lightness of the dance, the dancer performs almost everything, as if overcoming gravity, i.e. the main emphasis in the movement is not the ascending part, but the descending one.

Contempo, in turn, borrowed not only many individual elements from modern Western dance trends, but also general theatricality, as well as the construction of the logic and pattern of dance. This assumes that in each new production, a small story must be told, whether it be a specific event, phenomenon or emotion, with its plot, semantic part and climax.

Contemporary is one of modern species dancing, distinctive feature which is freedom of expression. This type of dance can combine a variety of styles. Contemporary does not have strictly defined elements that characterize it. The variety of forms and movements, the absence of rigid frames allows the dancer to reflect his own feelings as much as possible.

CONTEMPORARY (contemporary) - WHAT IS IT

Contemporary combines all styles: both eastern and western. In this dance, elements from and from modern styles, and from classical ones. Contemporary dance is so diverse that there is no single concept or scenario, single base, unified rules. There is music and you... Your body, your soul, your thoughts and feelings, expressed through movement, breathing to the beat of the music. The nature of the dance can change dramatically: ups and downs, muscle tension and relaxation, slow smooth movements, sharp drops and stops, movement on top and on the floor - everything that the music dictates to you, everything that you feel, everything that you want to tell .

Often the contemporary dance is performed barefoot, which helps you feel the floor better, better feel the slightest movement of the feet.

Contemporary education does not require special training. The main thing is to feel your body. You can dance contemporary to any music and at any pace. It all depends on what exactly, what melody, what emotions you want to express in the dance, what you want to talk about. There are no specific limits that a dancer must fit into - the main goal of contempo is to help you feel yourself. Contemporary is not just a dance style - it is a method of self-discovery that will help you learn to love your body, respect yourself, have fun and enjoy life.


The contemporary training program at the RenarDance Dance School will allow absolutely everyone to master this dance at any age and with any level of training. In the learning process, in addition to the technical part, separate, special attention is paid to the emotional component of the dance, the disclosure and liberation of the dancer. The RenarDance contemporary school has many advantages, the main of which are:
  • professional teachers are the best of the best with more than 10 years of teaching experience;
  • excellent base for classes: perfectly clean floors for classes in the stalls, full-length mirrors, stretching machines;
  • groups various levels training: from zero to pro;
  • halls provided by the RenarDance Dance School free of charge for self-repetition of the material, working out complex elements;
  • participation in contests and competitions;
  • shooting clips.
Students do not need to worry about their physical preparation - qualified teachers will help anyone develop their flexibility and ability to dance. In Contemporary groups for beginners, training will take place systematically and in stages: from simple to complex. The training methodology is designed for people who do not have any experience in this area.

Each student will receive individual approach. The work of teachers is aimed at overcoming any difficulties. All people have different abilities. Someone will be able to master this direction immediately, but for someone it will be very difficult. For the contemporary, training involves diligence and desire on the part of the student - everything else will be handled at the RenarDance dance school.


Contemporary classes have many benefits. One of them is the effect they have on your body. The regular loads that you will receive while learning to dance will help:
  • get rid of muscle clamps;
  • relax the body and eliminate joint pain;
  • strengthen the back to form an ideal posture;
  • develop coordination.
By practicing contemporary, you will be able to better control your body, which will become more flexible and strong. Your respiratory system and emotional state will improve. Regular stress, health problems, depression, self-doubt, feelings of loneliness are just a few of the problems that can be solved in the process of learning the art of this dance.

Mastering contemporary is suitable for absolutely everyone:

  • women, men;
  • teenagers, adults;
  • creative people;
  • everyone who loves improvisation;
  • everyone who feels and hears music very well;
  • everyone who wants to find an outlet for their feelings, emotions;
  • those who have already tried different directions and want development, something complex, where there is always something to learn.
Many people drop out of training because they think they have a weight problem. For contemporary this feature doesn't matter.


The direction of contemporary is an excellent method of self-knowledge. This style allows you to get in touch with your psychological and emotional side. You will be able to plunge into the far corners of your inner self, and express it through dance. Often people do not have enough words to express what they feel. Dance will help to tell about it better than any conversation.

Many do not believe in such properties of dance until they themselves begin to practice it. However, the effectiveness of contemporary has been proven in practice. Every person involved in contemporary feels a surge of physical and moral strength. Thanks to this dance harmony is formed between the body and soul of the dancer, which ensures good health and excellent mood.

Contemporary is a kind of meditation to music, but it differs both from ordinary dance styles and from spiritual practices that do not affect the body. This style affects both parts. human life, due to which a person who has internal conflict begins to understand his real problems and desires.




600 rub.
200 rub.

1 200 rub.
300 rub.

1 800 rub.
400 rub.


600 rub.


hour per week
4-5 hours per month
2 000 rub.
1 900 rub.
438 rubles/hour

Have you always wanted to learn ballet on the one hand, but did it seem boring and strict to you? Then you should try style or, more simply, contemporary. You could see examples of this dance more than once on TV in the show “Minute of Glory” or “Everybody Dance”. And where to start learning contempo, in our opinion, you will learn in this article.

Mental and physical health check

Before you begin training in contempo, establish yourself in your mental and mental health. There are a number of fairly standard contraindications for dancing:

  • tumors;
  • arthrosis;
  • neuroses;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • flat feet;
  • oncology;
  • diseases of the reproductive system;
  • heart disease.

The list can be continued, but it’s clear that if something hurts somewhere, you should go to the doctor, and not dance. Mental health for contempo no less important factor. This type of dance is quite difficult, exhausting, and you need to be in excellent psychological shape to start learning. Long stretching exercises, practicing jumps can exhaust a person with a fine mental organization and lead her into a state of depression.

Stretch and base

The contempo is based on many figures, including the canonical movements of the ballet. Before you start learning to dance, you need to pay special attention to stretching. And it's not just about the twines. Contempo is a dance of expression, for its expression you need flexibility and stretched arms and legs like strings.

Search for a school and like-minded people

We offer to start learning contempo by looking for a school or like-minded people. City events of relevant topics, Internet forums and search through ads can help with this. Contempo lessons at home can bring just as much benefit, but they can also bring harm, not to mention the fact that at home your progress will be noticeable much more slowly. In addition to setting technology dance school can become a source of those very like-minded people that we talked about earlier. As well as a guide to the world of competitions, master classes and thematic events.

Selection of accessories for classes

For contempo classes, you may need ballet flats and a dance bodysuit. In addition, it is worth considering the possibility of buying golf and even pointe shoes. Gaiters and mitts (knee socks without socks and fingerless gloves) will be needed, but not in initial stage classes.

inspirational video

When starting any kind of dance, it is better to fuel yourself with an inspiring video. So that your motivation does not evaporate at the first difficulties, constantly watch videos with hit dances in the style of contemporary, these can be numbers from the show “Everybody Dance” or “So you think you can dance”. You can record your workouts on video from the very first day of training so you can see your progress later. This habit will help later to sort out mistakes in your own technique and improve your personal dance style.

Formation of your own playlist

In order to dance well, you need to feel the rhythm. Contempo is good because it can be performed to almost any music. When you start learning about style, pick a list of tunes that inspire you or evoke strong emotions. It can be music of different directions and styles. At the beginning of training, your favorite music will motivate you to best quality dance.

Formation of a training set

Each contempo class should be accompanied by a small bag with a training kit. In it you put:

  • a bottle of water;
  • change of clothes and shoes;
  • comb and hair band;
  • deodorant for body and shoes;
  • a tube of anesthetic ointment;
  • energy bar;
  • face towel.
