Private dance as a birthday present. How to lap dance for your husband

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How often have you thought about what would be nice to master? Almost everything now offers stripper training. dance studios and schools. But until now, many girls think that organizing an unforgettable evening for a beloved man does not necessarily involve resorting to the help of instructors. Indeed, now there are many videos that can help, but some nuances remain behind the scenes, and if you do not take them into account, then the evening can be irretrievably ruined.

What should be considered in preparation?

Learning private dance helps to clearly understand the entire structure of the dance composition: from the choice of music and costume to a clear sequence of movements. Even the most insignificant gestures, made at the wrong time, can spoil the whole impression, and then all the mystery and eroticism can turn into a farce or a parody.

There are no unimportant trifles in a private dance, everything must be taken into account to the smallest detail: light, smell, size of the space, location of the man, comfort and appropriateness of clothing. All these components are very important and play an important role. If you don't have dance experience, you'd better contact an instructor to give you smooth and precise movements, otherwise abrupt and inept gestures will look comical or even lead to injury.

Separately, it is worth touching on the topic of heels. Those girls who easily walk in Everyday life wearing high heels, can pick up a dance using them. But if you prefer ballet flats or sneakers, additional preparation is simply necessary for you. Or dance completely barefoot, men also like this option.

What is a private dance?

Remember that you should not immediately get close and start physical contact. At first, create some kind of mystery, evoke some pleasant memories with the help of music or objects, try to create an atmosphere of relaxation and intrigue at the same time.

Then rapprochement is possible - movements on the knees, stroking the arms, shoulders, neck. Do it slowly, erotically, gradually exciting your partner.

After that, move on to movements in the stalls, on the floor, where you gradually finish the performance. Follow the music and be sure to leave at the end to make it look more complete and professional.

These are not all the nuances that you should know about. And only you decide whether you need to go to private dance training in Moscow. There are the most different variants training - group classes, individual, in studios, sports clubs and fitness centers. Our offers individual sessions in a pleasant environment with a personal instructor, including professional dance production in an accelerated mode. We love to give beauty!

A private dance is not so simple - in order to turn a man's head and bring him to insanity, you will have to follow all the "rules of the game" and provide for many subtleties of an erotic dance. But ... the result is worth it!

Many women know that private dance for a husband can strengthen family relationships and make them more sensual, romantic. But how to prepare such a gift for your loved one?

Lap Dance or Lap Dance- this is in most cases stripplasty on the partner's lap. This is an element of strip plastics, one of its varieties. And to learn this is not difficult, but rather interesting and exciting! In addition, for the benefit of their own health and body.


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