Krasnitsky evgeny sergeevich series centurion 3. E. Krasnitsky, E. Kuznetsova, I. Grad

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The authors are sincerely grateful for the help and advice of their assistant readers: Denis Varyushenkov, Yulia Vysotskaya, Sergey Gilderman, Gennady Nikolayts, Yuri Parfentiev, Pavel Petrov, as well as the users of the site: deha29ru, Andre, Dachnik, BLR, Ulfhednar, Rotor, leopard, Skif , Marochka77, Laguna, arh_78, sanyaveter, nekto21 and many, many others.


Evgeny Sergeevich Krasnitsky passed away on February 25, 2013. For his family and friends unexpected death became a heavy blow, and for numerous readers - no less a heavy loss: Evgeny Sergeevich did not have time to finish the second book from the Centurion cycle.

During his work, he discussed with us for a long time in detail the future of not only “our” heroines, but also the whole world he created. We still have all the materials on which he worked, and many hours of audio recordings of conversations in which he reasoned, thought, dreamed about the future of the world of Otrok, both near and far. To leave all this as a memory, a dead archival burden, would be a betrayal of the memory of an amazing person with whom we were lucky to meet - a sensitive friend and wise mentor. We did the only thing we could in such a situation - we continued to write the story of Mishka Lisovin further.

Yes, it turned out to be difficult. It is difficult to write for him what we ourselves would only like to read, but to quit work halfway, to bury the whole world, to deceive the hopes of readers who accepted and fell in love with the heroes of the series, it would be even harder.

We have finished the unfinished book and intend to continue working further, because the story of Mikhail Andreevich Ratnikov - Mishka Lisovin and everyone who, by the will of the author, was somehow connected with him, does not end there. Evgeny Sergeevich often repeated: you can't keep anything in peace; any stop is an inevitable rollback, that is, ultimately, death. He really wanted his world not only to continue to live, but also to develop further, so that other people would find something important for themselves in it and become new co-authors. With his help, with his blessing, several inter-author projects on the world of Otrok were launched during his lifetime, and we hope to eventually bring these books to readers so that they see the world created by Evgeny Sergeevich the way he himself wanted to see it.


Part one

Chapter 1

- Yes, you understand, uncle Yegor, they have no reason to kill captives! The hostages are their only hope of getting at least something from us. Well, how else can you explain? Remember your youth, have you really never had to receive a ransom for prisoners? After all, it had to? Well, imagine yourself in their place: the armed and armored men came to save the prisoners, and you don’t have enough strength to fight back, and there is no way to leave. And what? Will you start slaughtering prisoners? Yes? And then you yourself ... and you will leave for the next world with innocent blood on your conscience. There are also children there. How is that for you? Strongly enticing?

Already dead hour Mishka tried to convince Yegor that he was right and felt that he was hitting some kind of soft wall: Yegor didn’t seem to reject Mishka’s proposal, but he didn’t agree with it either, finding more and more objections, not so much to the point, but different variations thesis "something I doubt". Mishka would have understood if the story of the misinformation of the Polotsk residents who besieged Pinsk had been repeated - then the foreman of the Senior Squad of the Pogoryn voivode simply could not find analogues in his own life experience; but he could not believe that in the biography of Yegor there was no capture or release of prisoners.

It would be nice if Egor tried to consider the most different variants development of events or clung to trifles, trying to find weak spots proposed plan and anticipate any surprises. So after all, this was not! The ten's manager was either stupid or trying to chatter the question, not bringing matters to a decision - a behavior completely uncharacteristic for him!

The list of oddities, inconsistencies and other misunderstandings associated with the capture of the family of Prince Gorodnensky has already grown to completely indecent proportions, and then there is Yegor ...

It was already the third day that Trofim Veselukha led a dozen scouts to where the kidnappers kept the princely family. The place turned out to be somehow awkward: not a farm, not small whole, but a detached house near the river bank. When Mishka looked at him, he recalled descriptions of the "long houses" of the Scandinavians or the buildings of the ancient Slavs, in which all families of the same clan lived at the same time. The building is very large in area and very old, a third, if not more, sunk into the ground; with a roof so overgrown with moss that it is not even clear what it is covered with. Once upon a time there was a fence around the house - not a tyn, but something else, but it is already impossible to understand what it is from the rotten stumps left from the pillars dug into the ground.

On the very shore, partly from the water, partly from the sand, the remains of piles stuck out; Apparently, a pier was once arranged here. The river itself, as they say, was not worth a kind word - already Piveni, but just in this place it overflowed with a wide reach, densely overgrown with reeds, because of which from the other bank, where the main channel passed, the house was not visible from the water.

True connoisseurs of Russian science fiction are familiar with Krasnitsky Evgeny Sergeevich. All books by the author are presented in order in our list. There are such series as "Sotnik" and "Otrok".

Series "Otrok"

Youth. fracture

It's time for a change. A way of life that has been established for decades is on the verge of destruction. People will not be able to avoid these cardinal changes. It remains to accept and try to survive in the maelstrom of events. There is an acute question of the struggle for power. On the side of the military people stands great power to be used for the benefit of society. Further

Youth. centurion's grandson

A simple person who does not have any useful and important abilities. Behind only life experience and theoretical knowledge in management. The human mind is enclosed in the body of a teenager living in a dense forest thicket. How to survive in unknown, new conditions. This will help human nature, focusing on the eternal values ​​of life. Further

Youth. Mad Fox

Distant past. The world is dominated by cruelty and unbridled thirst for war. Humanity lives by the principle of "survival of the fittest". Weakness of spirit and character can cost lives. How to survive in such difficult conditions if you are still a teenager, and your psychology was formed in the 20th century? Become the same as everyone else or oppose this way of life? Further

The hardest victory is the victory over yourself. We are all tormented by the age-old question: “What is good and what is evil?”. It is very important to answer this question for yourself. And having understood what evil lies in, avoid destructive temptations and remain Human. And it does not matter in what century a person lives, in the distant past, present or future. Further

The strength of a professional manager is that he can organize ordinary people into a productive team, provide it with all the resources it needs to work, and set in motion this huge, complex system, forcing it to work for itself. However, the problem is that this system is built on people who have their own plans and views on life. Further

The heavy burden of commanding troops falls on a minor teenager. This position is difficult to deal with. The responsibility is huge, because in the hands there is a strong and powerful resource that can bring great suffering, use it incorrectly. Either you have to put up with this state of affairs, or change your place in life. Further

Pogoryn and Ratny are in danger from the finders. This is reported by the Junior Guard, who has just returned from a campaign. We can't wait any longer, we need to strengthen our positions. It's time for Mishka Lisovin to grow up, take responsibility and become a centurion. Further

Series "Centurion"

Politics is a complicated and dangerous business. The whole political structure is based on ordinary earthly people who are also overcome by temptations and doubts. We might and would like to avoid all this, but it is impossible. A politician of any level can be dangerous. The young centurion Mishka will have to make sure of this. Further

Every manager, even the most skillful, can fall to the lot of a manager of a higher class and having much more real power and power. What to do when you yourself find yourself under someone else's control and cannot understand for what purpose and what intentions you are being used? There is no choice, you have to accept and continue your activities. Further

The stereotype that men should protect their family in everything is not always true. What to do when a man is physically incapable of defense: he is either wounded or in war. Then a woman should not get lost, but will have to take the place of a man, cover him with her strength and protect her relatives from threatening danger. In a woman lies great power able to overcome a lot. Further

Series "Ratnin's slaves"

Women have their own world, to which men have limited access. Women have their own resources and opportunities. Every woman has powerful force, the ability to master which is extremely important. This powerful force can affect the life of an individual or an entire state. One way or another, power is inherent in any woman. Further

The sphere of management is also available to women, as well as to men. And although the strategies they use are different, the requirements for both are the same. Among women managers, one can meet those who have achieved great success and those who cannot withstand the pressure of responsibility. Men and women deal with failure differently. Further

No series

The foreman is peculiar, unusual, but quite courageous and Attractive man. Knowing your strengths He is in no hurry to flaunt the weak. Accustomed to unquestioning obedience, a brave and desperate man is lost when faced with a wayward independent rebel. Further

It was the famous connoisseur of science fiction Krasnitsky Evgeny Sergeevich. You can always see all the books in order on this page, so add it to your bookmarks. And if you have already read the Centurion, Youth, or something else series, share your impressions in the comments. 😉

Veronica did not have time to answer. The doors opened, and Rubtsov was the first to jump out of the elevator. He confidently moved along the corridor, and Rakitina realized that he had already been here, although he seemed to claim the opposite. Perumov grabbed Rakitin by the arm, but after taking two steps, he let go, because the girl was walking very fast - almost running. The corridor turned out to be long, they went past the nurse on duty, past the intern's room, the office of the head of the department, the half-open doors of the wards, where the sick were waiting on the beds for recovery. Then the corridor turned, and they proceeded to the very end of it, where a uniformed policeman was sitting on a chair near the wall of thick transparent plexiglass that separated the ward from the corridor. Seeing the approaching investigator, the policeman got up and straightened his headgear.

“So far, no incidents,” the duty officer reported to Evdokimov.

Veronica looked inside the ward, where there was a bed and her husband was lying with a bandaged head. Rakitin looked at the ceiling and whispered something. Veronica went to the door and tried to open it.

- So this is ... - the policeman stopped her, the investigator also held the girl. - You can't go there yet.

She stepped back without arguing, the door left ajar.

- The head is bandaged, because the abrasion and hematoma are large, - the doctor explained, looking at the lawyer for some reason.

He saw another doctor coming out of the next room and waved his hand to call him.

- Didn't you go to Rakitin's again? he asked.

The other doctor nodded.

- I came in, they told me that he was asking something in German, and I was just studying German. We didn't manage to talk much. Because I didn't understand everything.

But did you understand something?

The other doctor nodded, but did not have time to answer, because Rakitina stopped him:

- Wait!

She listened. From the half-open door came soft singing, almost muttering:

The Russian brigade took
Galician fields...
There I got an award:
Two maple crutches.

And I lay in the infirmary,
And did not grumble at God,
What to live in this world
He did not give for his two.

“This is what Nikolai Nikolaevich sings from time to time,” the doctor explained. - In general, I understood little from German phrases. The patient asked me where he was. Then he said that he was an oberst lieutenant and seconded to the headquarters of the Supreme ... But to what headquarters and which supreme, if he is an oberst lieutenant? ..

“It means lieutenant colonel,” Veronica explained. - Only I didn’t understand ... Doesn’t Nikolai himself understand where he is and who?

The doctor who had taken the elevator with them shrugged.

- Temporary amnesia. It happens. Usually passes quickly. Give him sleeping pills, sleep a day or two, and everything will be fine.

The doctor looked through the glass wall at Rakitin, and, as if sensing his attention, without taking his eyes off the ceiling, he again began to mutter in a singsong voice:

Three of us left the house,
The first three in the village.
And stayed in Przemysl
Two rot in the damp earth.

I will return to my native village,
I'll cut down the house on the side.
The wind is howling, my feet are aching,
It's like they're with me again.

I will live alone in the world
All unnecessary in that wilderness ...
But tell me who will answer
For the dead three souls?

“You see,” said the second doctor.

- Do not interfere, - Veronica asked quietly, continuing to listen.

For some reason, it seemed to her that Kolya was not just singing, but wanted to tell her something.

Who will tell you how much is rotten,
How much has gone around the world
Digging graves with crutches
To spite the enemy?

Three of us left the village:
Fedor, Sidor and Trofim.
And got it in Przemysl
Lose all three.

Nikolai was silent. Veronica turned to the investigator:

As far as I understand, you haven't talked to him yet. You want to interrogate him, but seeing this, you do not dare.

Evdokimov thought for a moment, then nodded:

I want it, and as soon as possible. The authorities are already calling me, demanding something ... But he keeps switching to German.

- I am a certified translator from German, - said Rakitina, - if you tell me what you want to know, then I will help. Don't believe me, invite someone else, even if it's his...

She pointed to the second doctor. But he turned away. But the investigator was silent.

“Just tell me what Nikolai Nikolaevich is accused of,” Veronica continued to insist. I have given my word to answer your questions. I will answer, of course, but first let's ask my husband about something.

Your husband was taken to the hospital at two in the morning. Right in this very room. He was covered in blood, although there were no open wounds on him. Then, during the inspection of his car, they found an ax with traces of blood. And then suddenly a message came that a certain Mr. Gasilov had been brutally murdered on his estate. He was presumably hacked to death. The entire rest of the night, the operational-investigative group was engaged in this murder, and even now it continues to be there.

Veronica stood amazed.

- Were you acquainted with Mr. Gasilov? the investigator asked.

“Yes,” the girl answered quietly. - Georgy Isaevich is a member of the board of directors of the corporation, my husband's business partner, the holder of a certain block of shares. Only I find it hard to believe... Who killed him and where? He always has security with him...

For some reason, the investigator looked around and answered quietly:

- I explained that the body was found in the courtyard of his country house. It was found just by a security guard who did not see or hear anything. He only said that he opened the door to let Rakitin's Bentley in, and then opened the door again to let him out. The guard was in his booth at the gate, and then, after your husband's departure, he decided to inspect the territory and saw the corpse of the owner near the gazebo. There was no one else on the territory, except for the other guards, who, after the shift, rested in the house. After all, it was already night.

- So, maybe the guard himself created it? - suggested Perumov, who had been silent before.

- No, - the investigator shook his head, - the examination has already established that Gasilov's blood is on the ax found in the Bentley. In addition, the same blood is on Rakitin's clothes.

- Well, it can't be! Veronica whispered. - Firstly, Nikolai Nikolaevich and Gasilov had quite normal relations. Ordinary business relationship. My husband is a senior partner, in fact, the owner of the entire concern. Then, Rakitin was not a quick-tempered person ... That is, he is not a quick-tempered person, but, on the contrary, very calm and will not grab an ax. And he didn't drink at all, to say that he could have done it under the influence of a large dose of alcohol.

- We checked. In fact, there was a small dose in your husband's blood, corresponding to fifty or a hundred grams of vodka.

No, of course, historians and archaeologists are constantly extracting more and more new information, using, in addition to traditional methods, the achievements of other sciences. There is a dendrochronological method, and radiocarbon, and analysis based on indirect data, and much more, but, alas, we will know the history “for sure” only after the time machine is invented, but for now we have to be content with the fact that There is.

And there is no need, dear reader, to be surprised and upset. Take, for comparison, a twenty-year-old newspaper file or surf the Internet and try to understand what “really” happened in our country in the late 80s and early 90s of the twentieth century. If not comprehensive, then at least try to formulate the TRUE meaning of such terms as "perestroika", "departization", "interregional deputy group" or "Democratic Russia". Try and you will understand how difficult it is for historians who study the period not twenty, but nine hundred years ago.

And yet, dear reader, maybe we will try to figure out what was going on in Rus' at the end of the first quarter of the 12th century? Without details, of course, because anyway they will not be remembered, but at least in such a way as to imagine the general situation. In fact, everything is not so difficult as it seems at first glance.

The mentioned two dozen princes are quite clearly divided into five groups - five branches of the Rurik family. The ancestors of four of them are the grandchildren of Yaroslav the Wise, and another branch is the son of Vladimir the Baptist and the Polotsk princess Rogneda - Izyaslav Vladimirovich. Let's start with this branch.

It is hardly worth repeating here the chronicle story about how the very young Vladimir was married to the Polotsk princess, having previously taken Polotsk by storm and killed the relatives of this very princess, and, later, already at a mature age, Vladimir drove Rogneda back to Polotsk in order to release the marriage bed for the Tsaregradskaya princess. This story is quite well known.

Another thing is important - the Polotsk table was assigned to the descendants of Izyaslav Vladimirovich, and this branch of the Rurik dynasty itself found itself in a rather ambiguous position, from a dynastic point of view. Izyaslav, it seems, is the eldest (of the surviving) son, and, therefore, the ancestor of the eldest branch of the family, but he was born “in fornication”, because the marriage of Vladimir and Rogneda was not consecrated christian church- both of them were still pagans then! However, the same applies to other sons who were born before the adoption of Christianity by Vladimir, to the same Yaroslav the Wise, for example. But Izyaslav, speaking in chess language, “lost the exchange” to Yaroslav on two more points. First - Izyaslav stood up for his mother, after her unsuccessful attempt to kill Prince Vladimir, and Yaroslav was silent (was he already "wise" then?). Second - Izyaslav died before father, and, according to the right of the ladder, all his descendants lost the right to a great reign, and Yaroslav dad survived.

The raid of the Polotsk princes on the Zapripyat lands of the Turov principality, which, to be honest, the author invented, is actually not the first. For example, in 1116, Gleb of Minsk burned Slutsk and captured a huge crowd in the northern regions of the Turov land. The answer to this was the campaign of Monomakh with his sons. Monomashichs captured Orsha and Drutsk, and he Grand Duke Vladimir Vsevolodovich besieged Gleb in Minsk, but when he repented and asked for peace, Monomakh did not storm the city, but limited himself to formal expressions of Gleb's humility.

Just three years later - in 1119, the restless Gleb Minsky again clashed with the Monomakh family, but now he had to deal not with Monomakh himself, but with his eldest son Mstislav. And it turned out to be much more serious! Mstislav took Minsk, ruined it almost to the point of complete desolation, and took Prince Gleb himself in chains to Kyiv, where he died in prison.

Interestingly, during the confrontation between Gleb Minsky and Monomakh and the Monomashichs, the position of the other Polotsk princes was constantly changing. If in 1116 they even helped the Grand Duke of Kyiv to besiege Minsk, then three years later there is no information about their help in the fight against Prince Gleb, and a little later the Polotsk princes in in full force will fight against Kyiv.

Why did Mstislav turn out to be more cruel than Monomakh, why did the Polotsk princes need the Zapripyat lands of the Turov principality? One of the reasons becomes clear, one has only to look at geographical map. The path “From the Varangians to the Greeks”, north of Kyiv, begins to branch, dividing into four directions. The first - through Pripyat, the Western Bug and the Vistula. The second - through Pripyat, Sluch and Neman. The third - through the Dnieper and the Western Dvina. The fourth - through the Dnieper, Lovat, Lake Ilmen, Volkhov, Ladoga lake and Neva. Two branches - the first and fourth - are under the control of the Monomashichs, and two - the second and third - are under the control of the Polotsk princes. They are competitors!

Krasnitsky Evgeny Sergeevich - born in Leningrad, higher education - Academy Public Service, worked as a carpenter, served in the army in the Carpathians, was a long-distance sailor, worked as a radio mechanic in the Leningrad seaport, was a deputy of the Leningrad City Council of the last convocation and a deputy of the State Duma of the first convocation, headed a sociological laboratory, currently adviser CEO in one of the commercial firms in St. Petersburg.

He studied at Harvard, sat in Crosses, was a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Central Committee of the Communist Party.

In the 90s, he actively published in the press with journalistic and scientific articles, took up literature due to the fact that after a heart attack the list of pleasures and entertainments was sharply reduced - \"Young \" is not a way to earn money, but a hobby. The topic is dictated by the consideration that in Russia, traditionally, in every smoking room and in every kitchen, the General Staff and the Council of Ministers are in one bottle, and almost no one knows anything about real management. In the same way, no one properly knows the history of their country, especially the pre-Tatar period - the time of the same collapse of the state that we experienced in 1991. \"Otrok \" - not historical research and not a scientific article, but an attempt to arouse interest in the problems of management and national history.

I do not write fantasy, all the "miracles" that happen in my books sooner or later receive a materialistic explanation within the mental abilities and thesaurus of the protagonist (read - the author). "How did you become a writer?" - the question, at the same time, is simple and complex, respectively, and you can answer it briefly and simply, or you can write a separate book about it.

The simple answer is this. After a heart attack, the list of entertainment and pleasures was sharply reduced, and the computer was at hand. I wrote my first book for fun and forgot about it for a year and a half. Then one friend persuaded, practically forced, to post what was written on the Internet, after a while an offer came from the Alfa-Kniga publishing house. That's all.

To what extent are my books based on what I have experienced? To a very large extent. My biography was rather tortuous and each "bend" gave a certain life experience, and some of these "bends" for the average resident of Russia are either inaccessible or very undesirable, therefore, as they say, "there is something to tell about."



What will happen if in the distant past it turns out not to be a commando paratrooper capable of throwing packs of adversaries with his bare hands, not a chemist-physicist-engineer who is ready to spur technical progress to the fear of enemies and to the joy of his beloved, but an ordinary, in general, person who has " for the soul "only knowledge of management theory and a fairly rich life experience? What will happen if he ends up in the body of not a prince, not a hero, but a teenager from the Pripyat forest wilderness? Or maybe there are things more important and even saving than scuffle qualifications or the ability to get nitroglycerin from improvised means, in the field? Suddenly, despite the difference of nine centuries, people will be the same people as their contemporaries, and core values: love, honesty, conscience, family ties, patriotism - will they all remain the same?

Youth. fracture

(Alternative historical fiction)
