Virgo man stars. Your most attractive trait: conscientiousness

Ingrid Bergman

Leonard Bernstein

Greta Garbo

Wolfgang Goethe

Theophile Gauthier

Theodore Dreiser

Elizabeth 1


Sophia Loren

D. G. Lawrence

Maurice Chevalier

Dmitry Shostakovich

Frederick Ashton

Virgo Man

- Perhaps you meant something else? Alice asked.

- I always mean what I say, - Turtle Quasi said offendedly.

I think you should immediately put all the dots on the “i”. If you are sentimental and dream of fabulous love, you should immediately part with your new acquaintance, the Virgin, otherwise, instead of the expected Lucullus feast, you risk getting a modest vegetarian dinner consisting of watery soup, seasoned with a few roots, and a handful of rice drizzled with vegetable oil. A true gourmet is unlikely to like this.

The Virgo man exists entirely on a practical, materialistic level; he simply does not have time for all sorts of unearthly passions. He is definitely not the type to serenades under your window, and even if you lower a rope ladder out of the window so that he can climb it, he is unlikely to use it, preferring to enter through an ordinary door. -

In fact, the Virgo very early, even in childhood, experience a feeling of love, but not of the same type as the immortal passion of Romeo and Juliet. In his concept, the word "love" is associated with selfless devotion to family and friends and in general to beings weaker and less organized than himself. Virgo is born with an instinctive love of work, duty and discipline and devotion to the defenseless. Even those of them who do not follow such high ideals in life are constantly experiencing internal remorse.

The type of love that is expressed in passionate promises, stormy scenes and sweet, sentimental babble leaves the Virgo man downright cold. On the contrary, it may even frighten him and push him to flee. If your romance proceeds with moderate ardor, you may be able to melt the feelings of this person, made as if from ice and steel. There are certain secret approaches to the heart of the Virgo man. Aggressive pursuit is not among them, as well as coquetry and even supersensuality, which many passionate divas, to their surprise and disappointment, could see.

In love, Virgos are looking primarily for quality, not quantity. And since high quality is a rather rare thing, there are very few novels in the life of male Virgos, but even those that happen most often end tragically. A typical Virgo reaction is to dig even deeper into work, avoid socializing, and be twice as careful next time. Therefore, having chosen a Virgo man for yourself, you will have to develop some strategy in order to succeed. The main desire of the Virgin is chastity, and the Virgin is able to deviate from this principle only for the sake of a very worthy woman. Many Virgos, although not all, can live in abstinence much longer than other signs of the zodiac, and not experience any inconvenience. A sense of discipline and submission to fate is deeply rooted in Virgo, and if fate wants him to remain a bachelor, then so be it.

The Virgo man, although he is not always aware of this, is a sophisticated seducer. The combination of wit and rationalism attracts many women, but he himself, being a master of critical analysis, rarely gets carried away enough to take the relationship from platonic to more earthly. In order for the Virgo man to catch fire with passion, the object of his love must be truly unique. There are, of course, cases when the Virgo is so carried away that she succumbs to ordinary earthly passions. But these cases are extremely rare and passion passes quickly. In the love of the Virgin there is always an element of virginity and primordial purity, which is never clouded, even in moments of the highest passion.

The Virgo man spends a lot of precious time looking for his chosen one - no less than food, clothes, health and work, because he takes everything very seriously. Don't try to lie to him, he still sees right through you and has no illusions. He longs for an honest and equal union. He is well aware that it is very difficult for him, with his claims, to find the desired object of love, but nevertheless he will not agree to a surrogate.

A Virgo man is quite difficult to emotionally captivate. Sometimes he can stay with you for a very long time without showing any external signs of love, and you decide that he simply does not have a heart. But it's not. He has a heart. And whoever has the patience will be able to verify this.

As soon as he realizes that you are his true chosen one, he will immediately let you know this. His love will burn with an even, soft flame, without flashes characteristic of other signs, but the warmth with which he surrounds you will warm you from all life's adversities and storms. Is this not enough? In the love of the Virgo man, there is still a quality inherent in the love of fairy princes: if you are his real love, he will go through all the trials to achieve you, travel thousands of miles to press his only beloved to his heart. In the name of his love, he is able to sacrifice a lot and will adore you all his life.

After you become his wife, he will not make you jealous, trying to court another, and will try to do everything so that no emotional and material difficulties touch you. The only thing he needs is to constantly feel you next to him. You will not find a better comforter and helper when your heart is broken or you are sick. True, he will not shower you with money, but you will always be provided with everything you need and you will be given maximum attention.

The Virgo man is very attentive to the little things that women give such great importance. Possessing a clear memory, he remembers all the small, but important dates and events for you, although he is slightly perplexed why they are so important to you. The Virgo man will never throw you wild, ugly scenes of jealousy, but you must remember that the Virgo is the owner like no one else, so try not to walk too far from home, otherwise, when you return home one day, you will find that there is no one there . Virgo men, loyal by nature, hate the thought of breaking family ties, but if you go too far, he will divorce you without hesitation. And without stormy scenes, pleas, tears, reconciliations. The end is the end. As they say, sorry - goodbye.

After all, he belongs to the breed of those who believe that glued shards are not the same thing as a whole cup, and you cannot restore the destroyed harmony.

If you have fallen in love with a Virgo man, think about what and how you say it. Virgos hate stupidity and ignorance no less than dirt and vulgarity. I advise the girlfriend of the Virgo man not only to dress elegantly, but discreetly and have an elegant hairstyle, but also to have a smart head.

Of course, you may not master the art of the chef of an expensive restaurant, but do not console yourself with the thought that your Virgo husband will allow you to feed him canned food. A self-serving, stupid, lazy woman, even if she belongs to the category of sex bombs, will never succeed and the Virgo man. After all, he is looking primarily for a wife-friend, and not a mistress.

Virgo men do not have a strong attraction to fatherhood; to confirm their masculinity, they do not need children at all. Therefore, Virgos usually have very small families. But if the child is still born, Virgo will pay him the closest attention; he is a very responsible parent. He will be happy to work with the child, read to him, teach him all kinds of skills, help with homework, take walks, with special emphasis on intellectual development. Even in the event of a divorce, the Virgo father will not lose interest in raising a child. He is not one to spoil children, so his child will grow up disciplined. Virgo, however, can be reproached for some coldness in relation to children, which over time can grow into a whole wall of misunderstanding. Sometimes Virgo fathers are too critical, expecting too much from their children, more than they can give.

The Virgo husband loves when you take care of his health; in turn, he pays you in the same coin. Sometimes Virgo has an overly grouchy mood. At such moments, let him grumble alone, then he himself will come to you and surprise you with his tenderness. Let him take care of you. This does not contradict his character and gives him pleasure.

If, after all that has been said, you have not changed your mind about making Virgo your chosen one, you will get a smart, intelligent, although perhaps somewhat cold spouse. He is reliable and pleasant, if you are so tactful that you will not notice his mistakes and shortcomings. And to be honest, he doesn't have many flaws. Well, just think, when he comes home from work, he likes to run his finger over the furniture to see if there is dust on it.

Learn to respect his habits. Regardless of whether you like what he does or not, do not reprimand him, do not be a bore. Take his criticism with a laugh and you won't have any problems. Virgo husband is not an angel, but many women will envy you.

After all, are there many husbands who work from dawn to dusk, neat, fit, outwardly pleasant, remembering the anniversary of your first meeting, always having money, rarely visiting men's companies and almost never having mistresses? Take a look around. I think you have every right to consider yourself the happiest of mortals.

Compatibility horoscope: celebrities under the sign of Virgo woman - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

A stiletto is better than just a heel

Step confident, no typos

The languid pathos of love torments

Not part of the regulation

Virgo is better than just Chanel

What to do, not everyone is perfect ...

Perfect always and everywhere

In her little black dress.

The emotionally detached image of the Virgo is characterized by style, charm, grace and balance, wit and a subtle perception of life. However, she is by no means a timid nymph in a fluttering snow-white tunic, admiring her reflection in a forest pond, but a practical earthly woman. A tenacious mind, combined with iron logic and subtle intuition, allows you to evaluate and put everything on the shelves, and notice even the most carefully disguised lies.

In love, the Virgo woman manifests herself as a rational and even a little cold-blooded nature. She avoids overly sentimental or passionate relationships, violent manifestations of feelings cause her alertness and fear that this phenomenon is temporary, transient and therefore unattractive in terms of serious relationships, comparable to hypocrisy and theatricality. If, at the same time, she has a high intellect, then many men will be too tough, much like nuts are dangerous for dental crowns. Such a Virgo needs an appropriate partner, not only as a loved one, but also as a versatile erudite interlocutor, a true friend and like-minded person, and common interests will only benefit, allowing you to move forward, together, and constantly expanding your horizons. Well, compensation for the absence of sultry passions is respect and mutual understanding in a loving couple.

Many Virgo women are still capable of strong feelings, especially at a more mature age, when a reassessment of the romantic aspect of relationships comes. Under the outwardly cold mask of a Virgo woman, sensual depths full of the wildest fantasies can be hidden. Therefore, she is drawn to more liberated men, experienced, with the skills of a psychologist who will help her open up in the intimate sphere. Sometimes the release of the "compressed" emotions of the Virgo occurs as unexpectedly as a dove flies out of the magician's top hat.

When choosing a marriage partner, the Virgo woman is picky, if not meticulous. This is partly why among the representatives of this sign there is a majority of single "old maids" who have not met a man who fits the following criteria: exceptional reliability, loyalty, responsibility and a developed sense of duty. And the most interesting thing is that if she had a chance to turn back time, she would again prefer freedom and loneliness than a connection with some first slob, a slacker or a reveler.

A Virgo wife from that breed who supports her husband in trouble and in joy, for the sake of her half, is able to follow to the ends of the earth, and meets the blows of fate with her head held high. As for her natural pickiness and striving for perfection, within the framework of the family, this does not always create a repulsive impression. On the contrary, in addition to the ability to carefully select outfits and polish manners, monitor her health and figure, she is also economical, does not want to spend money on useless things and dubious pleasures, and the most picky perfectionist may not worry about “burnt cutlets”, not fried bacon, not ironed shirt or dust on furniture.

The appearance of children in the Virgo family is more often planned. Just as during pregnancy Virgo thoroughly observes all the prescriptions recommended for women in an interesting position, so after the birth of a child she tunes in to the same serious attitude regarding the care and upbringing of children. The older the offspring of the Virgo woman, the stricter and more demanding she becomes, resembling, rather, a strict governess than a caring nanny. She sees her main task in promoting the intellectual development of children and instilling in them many useful skills, as well as teaching them the basics of interaction with the outside world and the ability to independently control a ship called "life". However, Virgo's habit of holding back her feelings can lead her children to lack emotional and tactile love.

The ability to plan, patience and Virgo's thorough, serious approach to work predict career success. Among Virgos, there are classic workaholics who never miss deadlines and do all the work clearly and accurately. The ideal professional sphere of Virgo is associated with the collection of information and analysis of various situations, as well as the creation and implementation of impeccable schemes that increase efficiency and reduce all types of costs: material, labor and intellectual. The Virgo woman does not have great willpower and high communication skills, intelligence is her main competitive tool. She suffers the most if her intellectual abilities are not appreciated.

Famous Virgo women: talented in everything

“All Virgo women are attractive and feminine” - this statement is akin to an axiom. None of the representatives of the other zodiac sign you will not find so many truly feminine traits: love, selflessness, modesty and humility. (And the famous Virgo women only confirm this). Modesty and humility here are exclusively virtues and one of the main trump cards of its spiritual attractiveness. The Virgo woman is smart and has an analytical mindset: the expression “female logic” is definitely not about her. Her mind remains clear and sober even during periods of the strongest feelings or love.

Externally, famous Virgo women may not be very different, but there are several details that unite them. This is an innate sense of style, an amazing ability to quickly adapt to different circumstances and amazing artistry. It is no wonder that so many famous actresses were born under the sign of Virgo. Among the foreign ones, one can single out Ingrid Bergman (her most famous movie- "Casablanca"), Jacqueline Bisset ("Anna Karenina"), Greta Garbo ("Ninochka"), the great Sophia Loren ("Chochara"), Romy Schneider ("Pool"), Cameron Diaz ("Charlie's Angels"), Salma Hayek ("Frida"), the famous supermodel Claudia Schiffer. Among domestic: TV presenter Angelina Vovk, Natalia Gundareva ("Autumn Marathon"), Elena Proklova ("Shine on fire, my star"), Margarita Terekhova ("D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers"), incomparable Faina Ranevskaya ("The Foundling"), Olga Ostroumova ("Garage"), Maria Golubkina ("Yesenin"), Tatyana Doronina ("Three Poplars on Plyushchikha") and many, many others.

Famous Virgo women are also widely represented among singers: these are Larisa Dolina, Isabella Yuryeva, Lika Star, Zemfira, Nadezhda Chepraga, Milen Farmer, In-Grid, Beyonce Knowles.

The famous Virgo women excel in sports as well. They stand out precisely for their beauty and artistry: for example, tennis player Elena Likhovtseva, gymnast Elena Zamolodchikova, famous figure skater Irina Rodnina.

Virgo is the quintessence of everything feminine, everything that attracts others in a woman. The maiden was the muse and lover of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Natalia Goncharova. We can also recall the Nobel Prize winner, the nun Mother Teresa, whose name has become a household name thanks to her mercy. Heroine of the Great Patriotic War, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, the creator of Hercule Poirot, Agatha Christie - they were all born under the constellation Virgo.

Virgo - celebrities (actors, musicians, writers, politicians)

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Virgo is a calm, sensible sign of the zodiac, loving peace and order. A true friend will, of course, be a dog with the same calm, pleasant character. Chow-chow, dachshund, poodle, mastino-napoletano all these breeds will accompany prudent maidens in all endeavors.

I woke up yesterday and you weren't there. Where have you been, dear?

Serious Virgos will be in some kind of shock all year of the Monkey. Not other people, but from their behavior. Where you used to be modest or even hiding, you will become active, even act in public. The authorities will indulge you with attention, throwing up either a profitable offer or an unexpected bonus. Circumstances will develop so perfectly that it will be possible to afford a small but very pleasant rest. Buy a ticket to the East. There you will find an exotic surprise!

Representatives of this zodiac sign are airy, subtle natures. Ladies like never before, by the way, a cocktail dress of delicate red tones will suit. Men are advised to look at the option of a trouser suit with a bright accessory. The owner of the year - the Rooster will be flattered if people of this sign meet him in bright clothes. However, a sense of proportion in makeup does not hurt. Decorations should also be concise.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign for Virgo

Virgo (lat. Virgo) is the sixth sign of the zodiac, a representative of the earth element. The main quality inherent in the representatives of this constellation is the love of order and consistency. Most Virgos have an analytical mindset, do not accept chaos and spontaneity. Virgos clearly plan not only their day, but their whole life, which makes them incredibly purposeful individuals. Sometimes their perfectionism crosses the line and turns into pedantry. Virgos are very disciplined, organized and hardworking. They do not forgive mistakes and oversights, not only to themselves, but also to other people.

Virgos, as a rule, do not like publicity, they rarely become the center of everyone's attention. They are difficult to meet at a noisy party. Free time representatives of this sign prefer to spend in the company of relatives and close friends.

Virgos are materialists, comfort is important to them, they value luxury and prosperity. Attention to detail and scrupulousness in the implementation of the tasks set makes them excellent performers, and critical thinking, practicality and striving for the ideal allow them to occupy leadership positions. Despite the seeming earthiness of the representatives of the Virgo sign, there are many creative personalities among people born in September.

Weak features of Virgos are a tendency to stereotyping, pedantry and the inability to forgive other people's mistakes. In the work of Virgo, there are careerists who totally control the whole process. They take their own failures very hard and are unable to accept defeat. The strong features of the representatives of the sign include intelligence, consistency and loyalty to their ideals. Virgos are able to make important decisions and take responsibility.


The Virgo man is calm and reasonable. Demonstration, posturing and boasting are alien to him. He observes for a long time, looks closely and carefully thinks over his every step. In a relationship, such a man will rarely take the initiative, but there is no doubt about his devotion and reliability. In the profession, Virgo men achieve great success due to their determination and consistency.

The Virgo man approaches the choice of a life partner with all responsibility. As in any other area of ​​life, he will analyze, compare the pros and cons, and consider all options for the development of events. However, having made a decision, the Virgo man will no longer back down from him. Representatives of this sign often remain bachelors or marry late. However, once married, they also rarely get divorced. Only an ideal woman in every sense can please a Virgo man - modest, educated, educated, with an impeccable appearance, inaccessible and mysterious. But even in a relationship with such a partner, the Virgo man will seek to control and teach her.

You should not expect surprises or explosive emotions from the Virgo man. It is stable, constant and very predictable. He performs all his actions according to a clear plan, having understood the logic of which, one can understand the man himself.


The Virgo woman is the ideal of fidelity, devotion and constancy. At the first meeting, she seems cold, unapproachable and indifferent. The reasons for this behavior lie in the fact that the Virgo woman must carefully weigh all the risks and analyze the situation before showing her emotions. The biggest tragedy for her is to be deceived in her own hopes, so she shows her feelings with great care. Even being madly in love, the Virgo woman will not rush into the pool with her head - critical thinking and the ability to reason, discarding emotions, never leave the representatives of this sign.

Virgos strive for excellence in everything - in their careers, in relationships, and in appearance. Coquetry is alien to them, but false modesty is also an atypical feature of Virgos. They accept well-deserved compliments and courtship with dignity, but are not seduced by them. Virgo women are well versed in people, it is difficult to deceive or mislead them.

Honesty, inability to dissemble and deceive make Virgo women ideal spouses and wonderful mothers. Devotion and fidelity, combined with exactingness and prudence - this is exactly the set of qualities a man will find in a Virgo companion.


Most likely to make perfect couple with Virgo among representatives of other earthly signs of the zodiac - Taurus and Capricorn. They, like Virgos, expect constancy and stability rather than a hurricane of passions from relationships. Taurus will help Virgos become more sensual and emotional, and Capricorns will easily understand the desire for order and organization, also possessing analytical thinking.

With representatives of the signs of Scorpio or Leo, Virgos also have good prospects in family life. In this case, they will play the role of a slave, completely yielding leadership to a partner. At the same time, neither Lions nor Scorpios will suppress Virgos, highly appreciating their intelligence, organization and consistency.

The most unsuccessful alliances for Virgos are formed with Pisces and Aries. Pisces, like Virgos, never take the first step, are passive and withdrawn. As a result, the relationship between the representatives of these signs fades before it even starts. Aries, on the other hand, suppress Virgos with their pressure, frighten them with perseverance and unpredictability.


Johann Wolfgang Goethe, O. Henry, Leo Tolstoy, Sean Connery, Michael Douglas, Jean Reno, Richard Gere, Mickey Rourke, Hugh Grant, Keanu Reeves, Colin Firth, Guy Ritchie, Michael Jackson, Tom Hardy, Prince Harry.

Agatha Christie, Greta Garbo, Ingrid Bergman, Sophia Loren, Salma Hayek, Claudia Schiffer, Cameron Diaz, Michelle Williams, Beyonce, Blake Lively, Amy Winehouse, Florence Welch.

celebrity sign virgo woman

The future infernal muse of Tarantino and Rodriguez was born on September 2, 1966 in the city of Coatzkoalos, Mexican state Veracruz, in a Spanish family opera singer and a Lebanese oil businessman. Salma, whose name in Arabic means "peace" or "calm", visited high school in a local convent, and then moved to her aunt in America, in Houston. Then there were boring classes at the University of Mexico City on an international course. »

Tom Hardy, an only child, was born in Hammersmith and raised in East Sheen, London. His mother Ann was from an Irish Catholic family and worked as an artist, and his father Edward "Chips" Hardy wrote comedies. Hardy attended schools "Reeds" And "Tower House", Richmond theater school , after which he entered Drama Center London(here Tom was engaged under. "

Anastasia Zadorozhnaya was born on August 30, 1985 in the city of Vytegra, Vologda Oblast. Her father was a military man and her mother worked as an economist. As a child, the whole family moved to Moscow, where Nastya entered music school. From elementary school, she was seriously involved in music, vocals, gymnastics and dancing.

Tall, handsome and reticent, Keanu Reeves rose to prominence in the 1980s and solidified his position as a major star in the 1990s with roles in films such as Speed ​​(1994) and The Matrix. ” (“ The Matrix”, 2000). Born in Beirut, Lebanon, raised in Australia, New York and Canada, he honed his acting skills on the theater stage (the homosexual production of "Wolfboy") and television (TV series. »

Adam Richard Sandler was born on September 9, 1966 in New York, USA. As a child, Sandler was the school clown, often "putting on performances" for classmates and teachers. He never thought to use his talent as a prankster in his career, but his brother nominated Adam in a comedy competition.

Adam attended New York University and studied art. After several TV appearances on The. »

Alexander Revva was born on December 13, 1974 in Donetsk, in a friendly family of Ukrainian Jews. In his school years, like all boys at this age, he just studied, just studied, just got carried away, that is, he didn’t aspire to show business at all: he didn’t play in school performances, didn’t perform in all kinds of support groups, didn’t learn to dance and play on piano.

After graduating from school and receiving the long-awaited certificate, the guy first mastered the specialty in. »

Guy Ritchie was born and raised in London. Before his directorial debut in film, he was engaged in filming commercials and making demos for musical groups. All his adult life, he dreamed of making his own film, ever since he saw Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid as a child (Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid). With the money earned from advertising, Richie made his first twenty-minute film "Hard."

Cameron Diaz was born on August 30, 1972 in San Diego, California, USA, where she spent all her childhood. Her parents were of mixed blood: a Mexican father, whose parents emigrated to the United States, and a half-English, half-German mother, who also moved to live in the States.

As a child, Cameron, like her older sister, were pretty hooligan girls: they listened to metal, hung out with local guys, cursed and could punch any offender in the face. . »

Stephen King was born on September 21, 1947 in Portland, Maine, to Merchant Marine Captain Donald Edward King and Nellie Ruth Pillsbury, who were already raising their two-year-old adopted son, David Victor (the Kings went on to adopt a newborn boy in September 1945 when doctors reported that Ruth would not be able to bear her children; the diagnosis of infertility turned out to be erroneous). Translated from English. »

British actor theatre, cinema and television.

Born in Grayshott, Hampshire, England.

Father Colin taught history at King Alfred's College, Winchester. Mother is a university teacher of religion. Own early childhood Colin spent in Nigeria, where his grandparents were missionaries of the Methodist Church, and the boy returned to England when he was five years old.

He has an acting education. »

Virgo zodiac sign

They take everything down to the details

How did you understand about Virgos

I start my story

If rest is work again.

Impractical and lazy

Virgins will not be taken into the boat.

You can rely on them -

In Virgo, strength and peace,

But they can also screw up

The color of the socks, they say, is not the same.

If you need to decide

Who to go on reconnaissance with

Variant is better than Virgo

Definitely not to be found.

Keywords for Virgo:

Insight, care, analysis, criticality, fertility, pedantry, striving for perfection, rationalism, pettiness, modesty, disgust, service, purity, prudence, attentiveness.

Virgos are very careful about their appearance, so they are always well-groomed and clean.

As a rule, people born under the sign of Virgo have a slender body and neatly styled hair. In clothing and image, they are attentive to details. Some Virgos like to wear uniforms. And so - they prefer stylish and functional clothes that can be worn for a long time. Clothing colors must match.

These people have great rationalism, they try to keep everything under control, they have a restless mind, they constantly think and worry about something. They cannot relax and let things take their course, so there are many workaholics among the representatives of this sign.

Due to constant anxiety, they may develop neurosis.

Virgos always strive to learn and acquire specialized knowledge, each time honing their skills. Due to the narrowness of thinking, they see only details and trifles, analyze and put everything on the shelves, but they cannot look at the whole picture and see the synthesis.

Virgo has the most concrete mindset of the entire zodiac sign.

Virgo's mind is very critical and mobile, they will always see a speck in someone else's eye, a speck on a blouse, unevenly styled hair and not polished shoes.

They can find fault with little things, and are prone to self-criticism too. They suffer from perfectionism and can be obsessed with something.

They pay a lot of attention to their health and nutrition. These are the main adherents proper nutrition and regular visits to doctors. May suffer from hypochondria.

In emotions, they are restrained and everyone trusts logic. For them, emotions are chaos and something uncontrollable. Therefore, they also subject their feelings to analysis. For them, love is associated with mutual support and understanding. From a partner, they require fidelity, order and mutual assistance.

Virgos are distinguished by their practicality, rationality, reliability and common sense. They always pay attention to details, so nothing is overlooked.

You can always rely on them and be sure that everything will be done on time and in compliance with all the nuances.

Due to their cleanliness and obsession with details, Virgos can be boring and pedantic. The constant striving for perfection endows them with excessive criticism of themselves and others. Because of this, there may be doubts about one's own abilities, about the correctness of the decision, etc.

A Virgo without a list is not a Virgo. They love to make lists, put everything on the shelves. For them, cleaning is a joy. This is another reason to rearrange everything and sort out your things. They love order and cleanliness. They love doing needlework because of the process itself.

What Virgos don't like:

Virgos hate mess and dirt, disorganization, defiant behavior of other people, noise, ambiguity, abstractness, demonstration of feelings.

Attitude towards money and work:

Virgo is the most economical and prudent sign of the zodiac. They plan their budget perfectly, go to the store with a list, buy only what they need, and at the cheapest price. And in order to buy something, they will think several times and weigh their decision. Virgos are economical in spending, so, as a rule, their income far exceeds their expenses. Because of what they always have bank accounts. They have a special flair for investments that pay off, even after a while.

At work, they are very hardworking and diligent. Often, representatives of this sign choose a profession in medicine, manual labor, work related to help and service. They make good nutritionists, dentists, nurses, executive assistants, writers, critics, analysts, researchers, accountants, and extras.

They also make good consultants and salespeople.

Female celebrities born under the sign of Virgo:

Alena Apina, Zemfira, Natalya Gundareva, Marina Alexandrova, Katie Topuria, Katya Lel, Larisa Dolina, Faina Ranevskaya, Cameron Diaz, Salma Hayek, Beyoncé, Claudia Schiffer, Mother Teresa, Mylene Farmer, Agatha Christie, Greta Garbo, Sophia Loren

Male celebrities born under the sign of Virgo:

Paolo Coelho, Sean Connery, Michael Jackson, Richard Gere, Kanu Reeves, Freddie Mercury, Adam Sandler, Hugh Grant, Jason Statham, Stephen King, Sergei Garmash, Valentin Gaft, Evgeny Leonov, Yura Shatunov, Evgeny Belousov, Alexander Reva, Iosif Kobzon , Dmitry Medvedev, Mikhail Kutuzov, Vladimir Menshov.

Gifts for Virgo

What to give the representatives of this sign?

Virgo women you can give notebooks, diaries, organizers, because they are very practical and like to keep lists and keep a routine and schedule.

You can also please them by giving them books or a book purchase certificate. And in general, Virgo, like any other earth sign (Taurus and Capricorn), loves rational gifts and will never refuse a gift in the form of money or a certificate. And believe me, they will find a use for them themselves.

Virgos pay great attention to their appearance and health. Therefore, a useful gift would be a certificate for visiting a spa, undergoing body diagnostics or a course of cosmetic procedures.

Virgos love handmade gifts. After all, you spent your strength, and they respect someone else's work.

Virgo men a set of tools, a hiking suitcase (flasks, thermoses, thermo mugs, etc.) will be to your liking. They also love appliances for home and cars, office gifts will also be useful.

Virgo men also pay special attention to their appearance, so they can be pleased by giving them an expensive and high-quality accessory (leather belt, expensive and multifunctional “indestructible” watch, folding knife with many functions, expensive perfume and glasses). Be sure that they will appreciate the quality of the donated item as well as an expert.

Compatibility horoscope: virgo zodiac sign famous people - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

VIRGO(August 23 - September 22) The Virgo sign is its main features and talents. Famous people born under the sign of Virgo



RULING PLANET Mercury, god of communication and commerce. It controls the intellect and mind, accentuates sensitivity.

SYMBOL Virgo. She embodies purity, modesty, diligence, readiness to render a service.

GLIF (GRAPHIC SYMBOL) xxx This Virgo symbol depicts the female reproductive organs intact and closed. The glyph, consisting of a straight segment connected to two curved ones, one of which is crossed by a line, personifies wisdom associated with feelings, emotions and practicality.


PARTS OF THE BODY RULED BY VIRGO Nervous system and intestines: Virgos are prone to diseases caused by stress and nervous tension, in the first place - to stomach ulcers.

STONE Sapphire. It brings peace of mind, protects against illness and injury while traveling.

COLORS Dark blue and gray are classic colors of sophistication and good taste.

CITIES Paris, Boston, Heidelberg, Strasbourg

COUNTRIES Turkey, Greece, Crete, West Indies

FLOWERS Bindweed and pansies

DANGER Those born under the sign of Virgo sometimes provoke rage in others due to their tendency to intervene, sharp tongue and impassive attitude towards others.

You are not indifferent to your health, try to get the necessary amount of vitamins and regularly check the condition of your teeth at the dentist. In this and other areas you are suspicious. Therefore, they are prone to unrest and nervous breakdowns. Hypochondria is very common among Virgos.

Warm, tender relationships awaken all the best in those born under this sign, because initially you are kind and devoted to loved ones. When your feelings find an object of application, you tirelessly try to serve your loved ones. They don't have to worry about who will do the housekeeping and take care of them when they get sick.

Yasser Arafat Ben Gazzara Rocky Marciano

Lauren Bacall Arthur Godfrey Jessica Mitford

Anne Bancroft Johann Wolfgang Goethe Grandmother Moses

Ingrid Bergman Buddy Hackett Paul Muni

Leonard Bernstein Bret Hart Bob Newart

Jacqueline Bisset Christopher Isherwood Seihi Ozawa

Sid Cesar Samuel Johnson Arnold Palmer

Taylor Caldwell Ann Jackson Irene Pepes

Agatha Christie Jess James Margaret Sanger

Craig Claiborne Elia Kazan William Saroyan

Sean Connery Gene Kelly Upton Sinclair

Jimmy Connors Alan Ladd Leo Tolstoy

Jackie Cooper D.H.Lawrence Lily Tomlin

Theodore Dreiser Peter Lawford George Wallace

Queen Elizabeth I Alan Jay Lerner Raquel Welch

Zodiac sign: Virgo.

Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac horoscope.

Sign element: Earth.

Sign property: Mutable (fickle, changeable).

Ruling planet: Mercury.

Sign corresponding to Virgo Chinese horoscope: Rooster.

In the classical understanding of astrology, Virgo is described as a mercantile, fussy and limited person. But when Virgo shines, there is virtually no other zodiac sign that can match them in any way. inner light. Pleasure dwells in the melody of the soul of the Virgin, happiness and peace are prepared for the weary traveler. And when Virgo is confident in her abilities and feels the power of her abilities, such people become the most successful and creative of all the signs.

If you set a goal, you can easily find many people born under the sign of Virgo working in the service industry, in charity, many of them will be teachers and doctors, and perhaps healers specializing in massage or herbal medicine.

One of the most magical features of Virgo is the rejection of cynicism and faith in people. No matter how long their romance lasts, even if the relationship with a partner has long become strained, Virgo will believe that everything will be fine and maintain this belief in her partner.

Virgos can often become victims of other people's games, power relationships, where they are sometimes mistreated. Despite her ingenuity, Virgo is a sign of kindness and compassion, which, unfortunately, is sometimes used by others to take advantage of them.

Creative and sensitive natures, Virgos are highly refined people who, like rare orchids, require special care and individual treatment to fully reveal their true unique beauty. Shy and shy, they are happy to let others take the central, dominant position and are able to give everything they have for the benefit of those they love, to spend all their energy on achieving the goal of their partner, which has become common since they met.

You can not find a better friend, partner or ally than Virgo, if they come hard times, you need advice, help, reliable companionship, it is most likely that a person born under this sign will be nearby. With Virgo in your life, you will find someone who understands and cares about you.

Famous Virgos - actors, singers

Among famous people there are many representatives of this zodiac sign. Famous Virgos are actors, singers, politicians, scientists. People born under the sign of Virgo are sometimes able to arouse a sense of rage in others due to ironic judgments and a dispassionate attitude towards others.

Famous Virgos - who are they?

Representatives of this sign have a penetrating mind and are always leaders. Success does not attract Virgo, but thanks to tireless work and brilliant abilities, in most cases she always reaches heights, praise and recognition.

Famous people do not like to flaunt their importance, always stay away, non-demonstrative and non-talkative.

By their nature, Virgos are neat and want everything around to lie in its place, and order was in everything. Sometimes the demands of impeccable order can turn into an obsession.

They love secluded places or home comfort, so they are not always found in a cafe at a party with friends or at a party. As a rule, they feel uncomfortable in a society of a large crowd of people, since these people are by nature loners.

The secret of the success of famous Virgos

Mostly feature Dev is a high potential for work, which is laid down from childhood. In addition, the representative of the Virgo demands the same return from others, measuring work according to his own standards.

As a rule, famous Virgos, as they move forward, do not arouse envious feelings towards them due to the modesty of their requests. Outwardly, these people are quite calm, and from the outside they look indifferent.

But this is a superficial demeanor; in fact, they sometimes hide strong emotional experiences, but no one can guess and understand the inner world of the Virgins.

Virgos are characterized by independence and a thrifty attitude towards money. They are very economical, but they will always come to the aid of loved ones, without hesitation, they will give all their savings, if on, then there will be a need.

Although Virgos very rarely accept reciprocal gifts, as they do not want to be indebted to anyone. Despite the fact that Virgos willingly help in difficult times, they clearly distinguish and understand when people are not sincere, so they will never lend a helping hand.

Famous Virgos - scientists, actors, singers

Writers: Agatha Christie, Lyubov Voropaeva.

Sports: Elena Likhovtseva, Elena Zamolodchikova, Irina Rodnina.

Singers: Iosif Kobzon, Larisa Dolina, Zemfira, Nadezhda Chepraga, Masha Makarova, Mylene Farmer.

TV presenters, actresses, models: Sophia Loren, Elena Proklova, Nadezhda Rumyantseva, Natalya Gundareva, Angelina Vovk, Tatyana Doronina.

Virgo (VIRGO constellation, August 24 - September 23)

Virgo- the second earth sign of the Zodiac, which is ruled by the planet Mercury. Mercury endowed people born under the constellation Virgo with a sharp analytical mind and practical ingenuity. Often when checking at school intellectual abilities it turns out that children born under this sign achieve better results than their classmates. Virgos are neat, clean and organized, and these qualities are not in conflict with their ability to abstractly think and decide. logical tasks actually high level abstract thinking. Virgo knows how to distribute her analytical abilities as to the pursuit of sciences that have no practical application, and on purely practical financial matters and combinations.

Virgo is a business person in practical life, with the ability to notice what eludes the eyes of most people. Virgos are often craftsmen, people who know how to do everything with their own hands, without resorting to outside help. Virgos are independent and self-sufficient; being able to adapt to any life situation, they always show a readiness to render a service to others. Often Virgo turns this quality of hers into the main occupation of life: to be useful topics who needs it.

ruling planet- Mercury

Colors- white, blue, purple, green

stones- jade, carnelian, yellow sapphire ("cat's eye"), agate, carnelite, jasper, malachite, topaz, christopraz, marble

Flowers- asters, coltsfoot, red poppies

Favorable numbers - 3, 5, 6, 12, 20, 27

bad days- Thursday Friday

Climate- Virgos do best in temperate climates, living in small towns with an interesting cultural life.

Professions - art criticism, literary activity, editing, jurisprudence.

Famous people born under the sign of Virgo: Morgan, Rothschild, Sophia Loren, grandmother Moses, Savanarolla, Cardinal Richelieu, Tolstoy, Fenimore Cooper, Goethe, Maeterlinck.

Physical Features: Slender, graceful but not frail, usually remaining slender into old age. The eyes are gray or gray-green, deep set, beautiful and observant. Small chiseled mouth, slightly prominent cheekbones.

Analytical abilities lead Dev to the sphere scientific work. They often become scrupulous researchers in a variety of fields. Those born under the sign of Virgo have excellent mathematical abilities, they, like Gemini, are also children of Mercury, and are also gifted with linguistic talents.

Virgo's critical mind often finds its application in literary criticism, in psychology and other disciplines that study human behavior.

Virgos always strive for perfection: they have an amazing quality to constantly replenish and expand the circle of their knowledge in pursuit of an unattainable ideal. In collective work, they cope better than others with the stage of final completion of the work. Retouchers, proofreaders, controllers are Dev's favorite professions. It is they who give the whole work an air of completeness.

Virgos are creative natures, but their scrupulousness and accuracy sometimes interfere with independent creative work. Virgos are talented in the field of plastic arts, in everything related to aesthetics and beauty, but often they suppress their craving for creativity, being satisfied with the performance of auxiliary operations.

Astrologers usually advise Virgos to develop their natural creative inclinations, refusing to faithfully "serve" the creative natures on which they waste their talents.

Virgos become good administrators, excellent secretaries, successful lawyers. Among Virgos there are many mathematicians, clinical psychologists, social workers, advisers on pedagogy and education. Analytical mind, painstaking, concentration, love for accuracy make Virgos the best ASTROLOGISTS.

Virgos show excessive prudence and caution, which subsequently becomes an obstacle to a successful business. Often, thanks to the analytical mind, people born under this sign become specialists in stock issues. They methodically study the fall or rise of stocks on the stock exchange. A rigorous scientific analysis of the market helps Virgos become successful businessmen. Over time, the favorable influence of the planet Jupiter on people born under the sign of Virgo will increase their chances of financial success. Long-term savings programs that help you plan your financial future are one of the most suitable forms of business for Virgos.

Most of all, Virgo's nerves and nervous system are vulnerable. Nervous tension, with which they are hardly able to fight, causes them allergies, eczema, psoriasis, colitis. Due to the fact that Virgos are always concerned about their health, they are extremely suspicious and take their nervous disorders seriously for incurable physical ailments. Often Virgos suffer from carcinophobia. Anxiety and fatigue cause them gastric diseases of a nervous order - spastic ulcers and colitis.

Virgos tend to be vegetarian by nature, they can do without meat, they prefer a glass of carrot juice to a glass of martini ...

The most vulnerable parts of the body are the stomach and intestines, the liver, the lymph nodes of the stomach, the skin, and the nervous system.

Virgos often enter into marriages of convenience and just as often diverge. They attract the opposite sex with their charm and beauty, although at the same time, their lack of spontaneous sincere feelings alarms partners. Virgos are afraid of serious attachments, they are afraid of the manifestation of their feelings, most of all fearing that their lover may not reciprocate them.

That is why Virgos prefer calm, self-confidence marital relationships to violent emotions. They marry for mercenary reasons, but these partners also attract them intellectually, because only with them they achieve true spiritual intimacy. In marriage, Virgos usually do not find sexual satisfaction, but such a marriage is based on mutual respect, help and recognition of the talent of their chosen one. Virgo marriages built on such principles are usually strong and indissoluble.

People born under the constellation Virgo are compatible in marriage with people born under the constellations Libra, Capricorn, Taurus and Cancer. They are completely incompatible with people born under the constellations of Sagittarius, Gemini and Pisces.

  • Virgo with Aries- lack of mutual understanding, the possibility of secular communication.
  • Virgo with Taurus- mutual sympathy and cooperation on practical issues.
  • Virgo with Gemini- the complete opposite of characters, but it happens that they complement each other when solving practical life issues.
  • Virgo with Cancer- mutual understanding, community of spiritual interests.
  • Virgo with Leo- despite the dissimilarity of characters, the possibility of cooperation.
  • Virgo with Virgo- usually cold relations and indifference.
  • Virgo with Libra- good close relationships, similar views on the world.
  • Virgo with Scorpio- complex, uneven relationships.
  • Virgo with Sagittarius- different approaches to many problems, but good, warm human relations are possible.
  • Virgo with Capricorn- excellent relations, especially in work, in the implementation of joint projects.
  • Virgo with Aquarius- spiritual harmony, especially in matters of scientific cooperation.
  • Virgo with Pisces- lack of understanding.

Horoscopes & Divination by SIDUS

Triplicity (element): Earth

Quadruplicity (quality): mutable

Virgo is restrained, modest, practical, picky and hardworking, analytical and diligent, she wants to know and understand everything.

Ruler planet: Mercury, god of communication and trade. It controls the intellect and mind, accentuates sensitivity.

Symbol: Virgo. She embodies purity, modesty, diligence, readiness to render a service.

Glyph (graphic symbol):

This Virgo symbol depicts the female reproductive organs intact and closed. The glyph, consisting of a straight segment connected to two curved ones, one of which is crossed by a line, personifies wisdom associated with feelings, emotions and practicality.

Motto:"I analyze"

Virgo is a sign of diligence and self-improvement. Under this sign, people are born striving for excellence, analyzing facts in search of the truth and receiving all the necessary information. Pisces opposing Virgo is a sign of illusions and self-deception. Pisces are prone to daydreaming, doubt, self-deception and escapism.

Parts of the body ruled by Virgo: Nervous system and intestines: Virgos are prone to diseases caused by stress and nervous tension, in the first place - to a stomach ulcer.


Stone: Sapphire. It brings peace of mind, protects against illness and injury while traveling.

Colors: Dark blue and gray are classic colors of sophistication and good taste.

Cities: Paris, Boston, Heidelberg, Strasbourg

Countries: Turkey, Greece, Crete, West Indies

Flowers: Bindweed and pansies

Animals ruled by Virgo: small pets

Your most attractive trait: INTEGRITY

The planet Mercury, which rules Virgo and Gemini, pushes them to be constantly active. However, in Gemini, nervous energy is spent primarily on excitement and adventure, while in Virgo it manifests itself in an inexhaustible striving for perfection. Virgo will not put off until tomorrow what can be done today. You are an organized person. When you work cool, it seems like hard work to others. You are not a dreamer, but a doer.

Your emotional life consists of a constant quest to bring order out of chaos. Although you are capable of much love, love alone is not enough for you to be happy. Your spouse, home, children and friends are not enough for you. You have to justify your life and are like an accountant who always knows if he has a positive or negative balance.

Intelligence is the hallmark of your sign. Its symbol is a young woman harvesting wheat. Those born under the sign of Virgo collect information and facts in order to put into practice what they have learned. You have an excellent memory, analytical mind and clear thinking. you possess developed ability guess someone else's motives. People check their plans for you before they are implemented, because you see flaws with the vigilance of a microscope. Your impeccable logic cuts through the fog like a laser beam. With a rational approach to life, you can easily solve complicated problems. You are convinced that reasonable arguments will ensure victory in the dispute. You refrain from making a decision until you receive full information. You rely not on divination cards, but on facts. Do not trust ideas that do not withstand critical analysis, and people who are prone to emotional evaluations.

The first thing you learn about money is that it really matters a lot. While you tend to be critical of your financial ability, no one is better than you at staying on budget. You do not get involved in dubious adventures. Your balance always converges to the nearest cent. You want the best, but rarely overpay and know how to resist the urge to pamper yourself.

One of your main shortcomings is your inability to see the forest for the trees. Passion for order and accuracy sometimes narrows your horizons. A laudable belief in logic also shackles your imagination and inspiration - you rely too much on tried and tested methods. You are more likely to look back and analyze than to move forward in a new direction. You need to get to the bottom of the causes of everything that is happening. However, Virgo is a mutable sign, so you adapt easily, finding room for something new in your established way of life.

You may run into problems because of your tendency to complicate things. No task seems easy to Virgo. Each answer generates in the Virgin new question. Making an elephant out of a fly is one of your hobbies.

You are shy and reserved by nature; you find it difficult to relax, chat about anything and make contact with a stranger. You prefer to communicate one on one - in such a conversation you the best way demonstrate your insight and accuracy of judgment, erudition, receptivity, charm and wit.

Your high demands may make you overly critical. You are dissatisfied with the status quo and constantly analyze situations and people in the hope of finding a way to improve them. Sometimes hypersensitivity can make you unhappy because it increases your sense of imperfection in the world. However, you rebuff those who criticize you. rare person, born under this sign, easily endures criticism and admits his mistakes.

Celebrities born under the constellation Virgo are logical and practical. They always set realistic goals for themselves and achieve a lot.

Born under this zodiac sign famous director Tim Burton. How real representative of his constellation, he strives to bring any work to perfection. People like him tend to be busy all the time. Virgos cannot imagine life without worries and work. Burton's films look in one breath, because a lot of the author's strength and energy have been invested in them.

Singer Zemfira is known as the most commercially successful Russian pop singer. Not only her talent helped to achieve such a title, but also the strong character that is inherent in all Virgos. People of this zodiac sign are distinguished by high efficiency, responsibility and purposefulness. By nature, Virgos are real businessmen. They are well versed in life situations and quickly adapt to new conditions. It is these qualities of the Virgin that are most expressed in Zemfira.

Actress Cameron Diaz is a typical Virgo. She stands firmly on her feet and always knows how to achieve the desired result. She loves stability and reliable people. business approach to acting career made her a popular model and actress.

Actress Salma Hayek inherited many character traits from her zodiac sign. First, she is smart and charming. Has good manners and discipline. Secondly, all her time is occupied with work, which is characteristic of Virgos. Thirdly, Salma is a strategist. She has a penchant for planning and consistently implementing a plan. Thanks to a small note of pedantry in the character, the actress was able to achieve good results in the film industry.

American actor Keanu Reeves also deserves to be on this list of celebrity-Virgos. Distinctive feature character, which is characteristic of him according to the horoscope - this is modesty and restraint. The actor has never been seen in major scandals. Being a public person, he does not seek to attract attention to himself through eccentric antics and bold statements. Keanu Reeves does not like to advertise his personal life. The secrecy inherent in Virgos is fully reflected in his character.

Popular singer Beyoncé has achieved success thanks to the character given to her by the sign of the Virgo zodiac. An incredible desire to go forward, diligence, prudence and practicality led her to the Olympus of world show business. She has a craving for enrichment. This is one of the main characteristic features the people of her constellation. Beyoncé loves comfort. Money gives her freedom and opens up new opportunities. However, Virgos are not at all careerists, as it might seem at first glance. The singer also finds time for her family, which plays a major role in her life.

31.05.2013 15:47

An exemplary couple of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are in no hurry to officially become husband and wife, even ...

Scorpio is the sign of many famous people. Among them are successful TV presenters, actors, and singers. ...

(24.08-23.09). If you have read it, then you know what this zodiac sign is.

People born under it have their own special character traits that are easy to recognize among all other representatives of the zodiac circle.

Let's find out today what character the Virgo man has, what he loves and how to win his attention.

general characteristics

Virgo man is an intellectual person, he is hardworking and disciplined. We can say that this is a man of duty, with whom it is not scary to go on reconnaissance.

Men born under the sign of Virgo are obligatory, always do work on time and are not late for meetings.

The whole life of the Virgo has a practical orientation, in which the representatives of the sign give the main importance to work.


The appearance of the Virgo man is usually quite modest. He prefers ensembles of classic cut in soothing colors.

The main difference between the representatives of this zodiac sign is neatness and neatness. Even a modestly dressed man will look impeccable.

The same restraint and accuracy of the Virgo is shown in their speech and demeanor.


Virgos tend to hold back their emotions and almost never lose their temper. The exception is if you hurt or hurt with a word. At this point, a whole flurry of accusations and reproaches will fall upon you, and Virgo, most likely, will remind you of the affairs of bygone days.

Men born during this period cannot stand vulgarity and negligence in all their manifestations, both in appearance and in character. And they will not miss the opportunity to sneer about this.

In a word, the Virgo man will not be silent if he doesn’t like something in your character, behavior or manner of dressing. Qualities such as pettiness often complicate the relationship of the Virgo-man with other people.

On the other hand, representatives of this sign are very reliable partners and true friends, you can always rely on them.

If Virgo once makes an important decision, she will always follow it. Also, those born during this period are never late for business meetings and do not miss deadlines.


Representatives of the Virgo sign devote most of their lives to work, and financial well-being and stability are perhaps the main priorities in their career.

At the same time, they recognize only legal methods and will never covet various scams to increase their well-being.

Men born during this period are disciplined workers. They are very industrious. Work for them is not only a source of income, but also one of the main ways to obtain moral satisfaction.

Love and Compatibility of the Virgo Man

A Virgo man can hide his feelings for a long time, even if he loves a lot. And he will take the first step only if he is sure of a positive answer. Moreover, representatives of the sign can wait for reciprocity for many years.

In general, those born during this period are interested in women, but they choose their life partner carefully, soberly assessing the correctness of their choice.

In relations with Virgo, one should not expect Mexican passions and romance, but the chosen one of the representative of the sign will be surrounded by care and attention.

Relations will be very harmonious. Virgos are not inclined to sort things out for any reason and be jealous for no reason. This man is devoted to his partner.

Virgo men are too picky and demanding of a life partner, which is why there are so many bachelors among the representatives of the sign.

Very often they look for in real women the ideal features of a non-existent image invented by them. And if at least one character trait is similar to the ideal, then Virgo can fall in love.

In marriage, this is a reliable partner on whom you can always rely. With his lady of the heart, Virgo is gentle and courteous.

If a woman is looking for comfort, harmony, stability and tranquility in the family, an alliance with a representative of the Virgo sign will be ideal for her.

Having decided to link their fate with a woman, Virgos do it forever. Only the deceitfulness of the wife or the humiliation of the Virgo's manhood can destroy a marriage. Also, a person born during this period will not tolerate if, in his opinion, his wife leads an unworthy lifestyle.

The Virgo man has perfect compatibility with women of such zodiac signs as Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn.
