Main capital. What is fixed and working capital

Production of products is carried out in the process of interaction work force and certain means of production, consisting of means of labor and objects of labor.

Objects of labor - this is all that human labor is directed to, to be processed in the production process in order to manufacture products for personal and industrial consumption.

Means of labor - these are various mechanisms, tools, engines, tractors, cars, buildings, etc., that is, these are the means by which people produce products and provide services.

The means of labor and objects of labor are the material content of productive capital. The means of labor find their expression in the fixed capital of the enterprise, while the objects of labor find their expression in the reverse. At the same time, the means of production as a set of means of labor and objects of labor become productive capital only from the moment of their direct use in the production process. Productive capital, unlike the means of production, is an economic category of value. This means that it does not include all elements of the means of production in general, but those that have value. So, the means of production consist of means of labor and objects of labor, and productive capital consists of fixed and circulating capital.

The word "capital" comes from the Latin "capitalis", which means - main, main. At the same time, it should be noted that representatives of different economic schools associated different concepts with capital: value, which brings additional value (A. Smith, D. Ricardo, K. Marx); part of the wealth that participates in the production process (F. Wieser, I. Fisher, J. S. Mill) monetary value is reflected in the accounts of firms (J. R. Hicks) the totality of equity and equity capital of private enterprises.

Now in economic theory, the characterization of capital as an economic resource occupies a central place. The capital of the enterprise is considered as a factor of production. Under the factor of production should be understood as a set of means of production involved in the production process and directly affect the results of production.

So, enterprise capital is a set of means of production, values ​​in material, monetary and intangible forms, providing its owner with the receipt of surplus value.

The study of the capital of an enterprise is not limited to its characterization only as a factor of production. By its socio-economic nature, capital reflects the relations of production that are formed in society. The owner of capital buys the means of production and labor power on the market, combines them in the process of production, and after the sale of the created product receives a greater value than was advanced by him.

Advance capital - This is the amount of funds that the owner invests in the enterprise with the aim of making a profit as a result of its activities. The money is used to purchase means of production and pay

In business practice, the advanced capital is divided into main and reverse. This is due to the fact that various material elements of productive capital are characterized by certain features of functioning in the production process. Thus, the means of labor (buildings, structures, machines, equipment, etc.) operate for a long time, serving many production cycles. The objects of labor (seeds, feed, raw materials, fuels and lubricants, etc.) are completely consumed during one production period.

Main capital - it is the part of the productive capital which consists of the value of the instruments of labour, which are turned over in the course of several periods of production and gradually transfer their value to the product produced.

The term is also used in accounting. fixed assets reflecting the value of the means of labor. Accounting Regulation (standard) 7 notes that fixed assets - these are tangible assets that the enterprise holds for the purpose of using them in the production process or the provision of services, the expected period beneficial use(operation) of which is more than one year.

In the process of production, capital makes a circuit and is successively found in such functional forms as monetary, industrial and commodity. The continuity of the movement of productive capital is the most important condition for the successful operation of an enterprise. Delaying its movement at one stage disrupts the rhythm of production, which reduces its efficiency.

During the production process, individual material elements fixed capital play a different role, so they are divided into active and passive.

TO active parts of fixed capital include a set of machines and mechanisms that are directly involved in the production process (tractors, combines, vehicles, equipment, production equipment, etc.).

TO passive part of the fixed capital includes all its types that are not directly involved in the manufacture of the product, but which are necessary for the performance production process. They ensure the normal use of the active part of the fixed capital (industrial premises, structures).

Accounting for fixed assets is carried out in natural and value forms. natural indicators (area, number and capacity of power machines, equipment, etc.) are used in determining production capacity, developing equipment balances, and improving the composition of fixed assets. By value ratio certain types fixed capital determine the material structure of the fixed capital of the enterprise.

value form accounting is necessary to determine the amount of depreciation, calculation of the cost of production. There are such types of valuation of fixed assets:

Initial cost (initial) - this is their actual cost at the time of commissioning or acquisition. It includes the cost of acquiring an item of fixed assets, the cost of their delivery, the costs of installation and commissioning of an item of fixed assets, other related costs associated with the acquisition or construction of an item of fixed assets. The acquired (created) fixed assets are credited to the balance sheet of the enterprise at their original cost.

Revalued or restored the value of fixed assets is the cost of their reproduction in modern conditions production. It takes into account the same costs as the original cost, but at modern prices, that is, the revalued cost - the value of non-current assets after their revaluation.

residual value - is defined as the difference between the initial cost and the amount of depreciation accumulated over the entire period of operation of the fixed asset. This is the real value of fixed assets in a certain period.

Liquidation value - this is the cost of selling worn out and discontinued fixed assets (this can be the cost of scrap, aggregates, spare parts, metal, rubber, etc.). In business practice, it is used to calculate depreciation rates and determine the consequences of the liquidation of worn-out fixed assets. At this cost, an enterprise can also transfer fixed assets to the balance sheet of another enterprise.

In analytical studies, they calculate average annual cost fixed assets is determined on the basis of historical cost, taking into account their input and disposal according to the following formula:

where, - the average annual cost of fixed assets;

The amount of the cost of fixed assets put into operation during the year;

The amount of the value of fixed assets retired during the year;

t- months, fixed assets will be;

The months remaining until the end of the year after the disposal of property, plant and equipment.

Topic: Capital market

Loan offer does not depend from…


Topic: Capital market

The price at which the object of the capital services market will be leased, will not include into yourself...

Solution: Leasing equipment is associated with marginal costs, which include: 1) depreciation (equipment wears out and loses some of its value, these costs are included in the rental price); 2) the need to repair, adjust and transport equipment before leasing (expenses for routine maintenance of equipment are included in the rental price); 3) the lessor receives income from the purchase and rental of equipment in an amount not less than what he would have received by putting this money in the bank (that is, opportunity costs are also included in the cost of rent). The expected rate of return on capital is what the investor is guided by when investing in physical capital in the capital goods market. It is not included in the rental price.

Topic: Capital market

Loan offer does not depend from…

Solution: The offer on the market of borrowed funds is carried out by banks and depends on the amount of funds at the disposal of the bank. Their value is directly affected by the size of deposits, that is, the savings of citizens. The amount of savings depends on the interest rate on deposits. The amount of supply is also affected by the interest rate on loans (the higher the rate, the greater the offer). The expected rate of return on capital is a factor influencing an investor's decision to invest in fixed capital and does not affect the supply of borrowed funds in the market.

Topic: Capital market

to the main capital do not include

Solution: Productive capital is divided into fixed and circulating capital. Fixed capital (instruments of labor) participates in the entire production process, but transfers its value to the product in parts as it wears out. Circulating capital (objects of labor) is consumed completely during one production cycle and fully transfers its value to the finished product. Also, working capital includes low-value means of labor, completely consumed in the process of one circuit. Thus, from the above, working tools are not included in the fixed capital.

Topic: Capital market

Loan offer does not depend from…

Topic: Capital market

To the subjects of the capital market do not include

Solution: Circulating capital (objects of labor) is consumed completely during one production cycle and fully transfers its value to the finished product. Material and material carriers of working capital are objects of labor (raw materials, materials, fuel) and labor. Expensive objects of labor are fixed capital. Thus, from the proposed one, expensive means of labor are not included in the working capital.

Topic: Capital market

Loan offer does not depend from…

Topic: Capital market

To the subjects of the capital market do not include

recruitment agencies



Solution: In the general model of the circulation of goods, resources and income, the economic agent, the household, is a supplier of resources in the market for factors of production, including the capital market. There are 3 segments of the capital market: the market for capital services, the market for capital goods and the market for borrowed funds. The state can be the subject of all three segments of the capital market. Investors are participants in the market for borrowed funds and the market for capital goods. Banks are participants in the market for borrowed funds. And recruitment agencies are subjects of the labor market and are not subjects of the capital market.

Topic: Capital market

To working capital do not include

This material will focus on capital, the meaning of this term, its importance for market economy and production of goods and services.

Definition of capital

What is capital, or net assets? This term originates from the Latin word capitalis and means principal amount, main property or simply main. This is a shorthand. In addition, net assets are understood as a group of goods, property, which are used for the purpose of making a profit and achieving wealth. In a narrower sense, capital is a source of profit in the form of means of production. This definition is disclosed in the most detail in the meaning of physical net assets. At the same time, money capital is allocated, which is the amount Money with which physical capital is acquired. The investment of material values ​​and money in the economy is called capital investments, or investments. It would be opportune to emphasize that consumed resources are not net assets. In world practice, the concepts of capital and equity are often identified.

Capital in the economy

What is capital in economics? These are resources that are used in the manufacture of goods or the provision of services. Any means of production in this case is physical capital. At the same time, the means of production become physical assets only in conjunction with the owner of the labor force. An example is a metal cutting machine. By itself, this unit is not able to bring its owner any income. Such equipment becomes part of the owner's own funds, provided that a worker is hired to work on this machine, or leased by the owner.

In the economy, physical assets appear on the condition that the owner of the means of production finds a free labor force in the labor market and hires a person to work on the equipment he owns. It is important to emphasize what capital is. It is not a thing or an object, but rather a specific and public one, referring to a specific historical form society is a production equivalent, which is embodied in an object to which it assigns specific public characteristics.

It should be emphasized that capital is an indispensable element in a market economy. This resource is mandatory and necessary for the implementation of production. Economic assets include all material values ​​and property. These include units, equipment, structures, raw materials for the production of the final product, etc. In addition, production created by people, the purpose of which is to increase the volume of production of goods and services, can be attributed to own funds.

Generally speaking, capital is economic resource which generates income for the owner. At the philistine level, one can name everything that allows you to make a profit with your own funds. As a rule, the amount of capital is estimated in monetary terms. With the help of your own funds, you can open a business in order to receive income and profit later. In addition, net assets are used to increase production at an existing enterprise. The source of the emergence and change of capital is profit and accumulation.

Authorized capital

What is the capital of a company? Different business entities have their own initial funds, which are called the statutory fund. The authorized capital is formed by the contributions of all the founders of the company, or rather, their amount. The capital of the organization may include different assets. Depending on the form of ownership, these may be:

  • Money or means of production allocated by state or local government.
  • Stock.
  • Founders' investments.
  • Equity deposits.

In addition, in the course of formation, additional and reserve own funds can be formed and operated. However, the amount of the authorized capital remains unchanged. In order to increase or decrease the amount of the authorized capital, it is necessary to hold a meeting of the board of founders and, after making a specific decision, enter new data into the authorized fund.

Main types of capital

What kind of capital is there? There are several main types.

  • Fixed own funds - for a certain period of time, transfer their value to the goods produced with their help.
  • Current assets - transfer all their value to goods and services.
  • Permanent own funds - have a fixed cost. This kind of capital transfers its value to the product of production.
  • Variable assets are used to hire labor and change their value.
  • Working equity is an indicator of the rate at which a company's assets are converted into cash.
  • Physical capital is a source of income or means of production, during the operation of which the owner receives money.
  • Cash own funds - money through which access to physical capital is carried out. Money in a box desk, do not bring income and, accordingly, cannot be money capital.
  • Financial own funds - are formed in the process of combining banking and industrial monopolies.

Maternal capital

What is maternity capital? This is a certain form of government assistance to families with children. IN Russian Federation such financial support has been provided since 2007. It is allocated to those families in which the second and next child was born or adopted. At the same time, one of the family members is issued an appropriate certificate, which gives the right to receive state assistance. Funds can only be received by bank transfer.

Parents get the right to manage the child's money after he reaches 3 years of age. At the same time, in situations where state aid it is planned to spend on the treatment of a child with special needs or his social adaptation, as well as on the payment of a mortgage loan or the purchase of housing, it is allowed to apply for the disposal of maternity capital from the very birth of the child. It would be opportune to say that the amount for which the certificate was issued is indexed according to macroeconomic indicators in the state. For example, for 2015-2016. maternity capital was established in the amount of 453,026 thousand rubles.

Child's capital

Throughout 2015, some media outlets spread rumors about the cessation of state financial assistance for children.

Nevertheless, the Russian government retained the child's capital until 2018. In addition, a number of changes should be noted that should please parents. So, now the right to cash out part of the funds in the amount of 20 thousand rubles will be granted. To do this, you will need to send an application to Pension Fund Russian Federation at the place of residence of the parents. Also, from the new year, state payments for children will increase by 22 thousand rubles and amount to 475.02 thousand rubles.

1. The growth of labor productivity leads to ...
release of personnel of the enterprise
increase production efficiency
increasing the cost of labor
salary increase for employees

2. The concept of "calculation" in economics means calculus ...
the cost of a unit of production according to the established nomenclature of costs
unit prices
specific income per unit of output
marginal revenue per unit of output
marginal cost according to the established nomenclature of costs

3. The authorized capital of the organization does not perform the function ...
definitions of initial capital
organization of financial activities
guaranteeing the interests of creditors
determining the share of participation of each shareholder
accounting for shares at their par value

4. Under the cooperation of production is understood ...
industrial relations between enterprises located in the same territory with the involvement of intermediaries
direct production links between enterprises participating in the joint production of certain products
direct production links between suppliers, producers and consumers
direct trade relations between commodity producers located in different regions of the world
operational relationship between supplier and manufacturer

5. If the equipment extensive utilization ratio is 0.8 and the integral utilization ratio is 0.5, what is the equipment intensive utilization ratio?

6. Such an indicator of performance evaluation investment projects, as the payback period of investment is most often used when ...
low bank loan rate
high inflation
low inflation
stable economy
the need to ensure high return on investment

7. Efficiency happens ...
simple and complex
main and secondary
main and auxiliary
capital-intensive and non-capital-intensive
general and comparative

8. Planning functions

9. Entrepreneurial activity- This …
mobility, dynamism and the need to act in conditions of uncertainty
a system of norms that determines the internal relations between partners in the enterprise, on the one hand, and the relations of this enterprise with other enterprises and government bodies, on the other
system of relations between subjects regarding the appropriation and alienation of objects
initiative, independent activity of citizens and their associations, carried out at their own risk, under their property responsibility and aimed at making a profit

10. What is the payback period of investments, if their value is 120 thousand rubles, and the annual profit received due to their investment is 20 thousand rubles.
3 years
4 years
5 years
6 years
7 years

11. Factors of influence that are taken into account when developing production and organizational structures
scale of production
political events
staff experience

12. Types of auxiliary industries and farms
assembly and assembly

13. ABC analysis is used in managing ...
labor resources
financial resources

product quality
innovation processes

14. Labor productivity is measured by...
generation and expenditure of working capital
production and costs of raw materials and materials
labor intensity and revenue
labor intensity and labor costs
production and labor intensity

15. If authorized capital JSC is 1.7 million rubles, of which preferred shares account for 25%, and net profit based on the results of work for the year is 900 thousand rubles, of which 80% account for ordinary shares, then what is equal to interest rate dividend?
For preference shares 58.33%, for ordinary shares 43.75%
For preference shares 42.35%, for ordinary shares 56.47%

16. Industry is...

17. The concept of ECTPP stands for ...
unified network of technological production of products
unified system of technological production of products
unified system of technological planning of products
unified system of technological preparation of production
unified system of transport preparation of production

18. Model of remuneration, which refers to tariff-free
With the use of qualification level coefficients
Progressive Premium
Indirect piecework

19. The table shows the data for building a network graph. What is the length of the critical path?

9 days
10 days
12 days
13 days
14 days

20. Fixed assets are ...
a set of means of labor functioning in the sphere of material production in an unchanged natural form for a long time and transferring their value to a newly created product in one production cycle
a set of material values ​​created by social labor, operating for a long period of time in the non-productive sphere and losing their value gradually as they wear out
part of the property used as means of labor for the production and sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) or for the management of the organization

21. Models of wages, which refers to tariff-free models
indirect piecework
progressive premium
floating salary scheme

22. The master plan of the enterprise is ...
document reflecting the general line of the enterprise
enterprise mission
a document reflecting the layout of the territory, the location of workshops, services and facilities of the enterprise
document that allows you to get a loan
part of a business plan

23. An industry is...
part of the country's territory, specializing in the production of a certain type of product and technological processes
part of the country's economy, the area of ​​production and economic activity, which includes objects that have the unity of the functions performed, types and purpose of products, applied technological processes
part of the country's economy, an area of ​​interest for a certain range of consumers, consisting of enterprises and organizations engaged in the production of a certain type of product using approximately the same technologies and technological processes
part of the economy of a region, region or city, consisting of a group of enterprises that have the unity of their functions and technological processes for the production of similar types of products intended for a certain range of consumers
a separate group of enterprises and organizations whose leaders believe that they are a branch of the economy

24. Types of production structure of enterprises

25. Under the forms of management are understood ...
economic categories through which economic life the operation of economic laws is manifested: different kinds plans, their indicators, norms and standards, wage, premiums, economic assessments of resources, prices, taxes, profits, finances, loans, etc.
ways of influencing production, in the process of which the above forms are used: planning, cost accounting, incentives, pricing, rationing, etc.
plans, resolutions, orders, directives, instructions
cost accounting, material interest, wages, bonuses, price, profit, economic standards, etc.

26. If, with the number of operations of the production process 3, the piece time for operations is respectively 4, 6 and 10 minutes, then what is the duration of the production cycle with a parallel form of organization of production in the case of one workplace for each operation (interoperational time is not taken into account)?
20 minutes.
30 min.
40 min.
50 min.
60 min.

27. Piece wage refers to ... form of wages.
indirect piecework

28. Main types of production

29. The production capacity of an enterprise is ...
production output in accordance with the production program
the maximum possible annual output of products or the volume of processing of raw materials in the nomenclature established by the plan with a full load of equipment and areas, taking into account progressive technology, advanced organization of labor and production
annual output or volume of processing of raw materials, taking into account market demand in the nomenclature established by the production program, taking into account progressive technology, advanced organization of labor and production
the volume of output calculated as a result of comparing supply and demand in the market of goods and services
the optimal volume of production, calculated by the criterion of minimizing the total costs of production and storage of products

30. Advantage of franchising
this is a mixed form of large and small business, combining elements of rent, sale, contract, representation, but in general remains an independent form of contractual relations of business entities with the status of a legal entity
the franchisee firm acquires some guarantee of its existence; saves money on marketing research, consultations and other services of professionals; has a guarantee of supply of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products; opens a business with less risk; receives advice and support from his partner - a large firm
it becomes possible to obtain an interest-free loan from the banking sector of the economy
enterprises begin to manufacture products

31. The most important principles of organization and management of labor resources do not include the principle ...
strategic direction of management
target compatibility and focus and management efficiency
continuity and reliability
regularity, proportionality and dynamism

32. Incorrect name of the principle of organization of the production process
The principle of parallelism
Continuity principle
Directional motion principle
The principle of uniformity
The principle of proportionality of production units

33. Piece wage refers to ... form of wages.
indirect piecework

34. If the authorized capital of a JSC is 1.5 million rubles, of which preferred shares account for 20%, and net profit based on the results of work for the year is 700 thousand rubles, of which 75% account for ordinary shares, then what is equal to interest rate of the dividend?
For preference shares 58.33%, for ordinary shares 43.75%
For preference shares 42.35%, for ordinary shares 56.47%
For preference shares 40.38%, for ordinary shares 57.21%
For preference shares 56.14%, for ordinary shares 39.63%
For preference shares 54.04%, for ordinary shares 55.12%

35. The initial cost of a forklift is 100 thousand rubles. Service life 5 years. What is the depreciation expense for the third month of its life?
0.98 thousand rubles at linear method and 0.92 thousand rubles with a non-linear method
1.67 thousand rubles with the linear method and 3.23 thousand rubles with the non-linear method
1.67 thousand rubles with the linear method and 3.11 thousand rubles with the non-linear method
0.58 thousand rubles with the linear method and 0.92 thousand rubles with the non-linear method
0.65 thousand rubles with the linear method and 3.23 thousand rubles with the non-linear method

36. ABC analysis is used in the management ...
labor resources
financial resources
product quality
innovation processes

37. The fixed capital of an enterprise includes (are)
Means and objects of labor
Means of labor
Work technology
Buildings, equipment and personnel
Vehicles and fuel

38. An indicator that reflects the funds remaining at the disposal of the enterprise after taxes
Gross profit
Net profit

39. The term "competition" in the economy means ...
mode of operation in the market
form of communication between market participants
rules of the market
clash of interests of market participants
competition between market participants for more favorable business conditions

40. The number of employees per one specific manager and ensuring the timely execution of planned assignments is called the norm ...

41. An indicator that more fully reflects the efficiency of the use of capital investments - profitability ...

Adam Smith defined capital as labor accumulated over time, David Ricardo argued that capital is production.
Capital consists of durable goods created economic system to reproduce other goods. These goods include a large number of machines, roads, computers, trucks, buildings, etc.

The concept of capital

Views on capital are different, but they all have one thing in common: capital is identified with the ability to generate income. It can be defined as investments that are used in the production of goods and services and their delivery to the consumer.

In a broad sense, capital is anything that can generate income, or resources used by a person to produce various goods and services.

In a narrow sense, capital is a source of income invested in a business, working as a means of production, that is, it is physical capital.
Two main forms of physical capital: fixed and circulating.

Main capital

Fixed capital is a part of productive capital, whose value is transferred in installments to the manufactured product over a certain number of periods.

Part of the advanced capital spent on the construction of buildings and structures, the purchase of machinery and equipment can be attributed to this type of capital - these are tangible assets. Fixed capital also includes intangible assets - patents, licenses, copyrights, etc.

The fixed capital is returned to the owner in cash after the sale of the goods to the extent that its value was transferred to the manufactured product. That is, there can be a fairly large gap between the moment of receipt and the return of invested funds. This must be taken into account when deciding to purchase expensive equipment. The problem is also connected with the fact that fixed capital has a sign of not only physical, but also obsolescence.

Fixed capital costs are written off in parts gradually. In the same amount as the write-off, a share of the cost is deducted from the carrying value of the assets.

Working capital

Working capital is an element of productive capital. Its value is transferred to the produced goods in full and returns back to its owner in cash immediately after the sale of the goods, in whose price the cost of working capital was included.

Working capital includes the share of advanced capital that was spent on the purchase of raw materials, fuel, payment for electricity, auxiliary materials, and labor. It also includes money.
Sources of capital are considered to be profit, bank credit, investments, funds of the founder, etc.
