Anti-crisis management as a system of economic recovery of the enterprise. Introduction to Crisis Management

Anti-crisis management at different stages of the development of a crisis situation manifests itself to different degrees. It is most effective in pre-crisis situations and in mild crises. As the crisis aggravates, management efficiency decreases; the possibilities of anti-crisis management are reduced, while the costs of the state to overcome the crisis reach their peak at some point lying in the zone on the segment of the medium or severe crisis, depending on the level of development of the country. Above this point, state costs begin to decrease due to a decrease in the economic and financial capabilities of the country (fall in production, inflation, increase in unemployment, depreciation of the national currency, etc.), but the influence of external financial sources on the property and guarantees of the country in crisis increases ( acquisition, merger, loans, etc.).

The first stage of the crisis, often hidden, is the fall in the marginal efficiency of capital, the company's business activity indicators, the decrease in profitability and profit volumes (crisis in the broad sense of the word). As a result, the financial position of the enterprise is deteriorating, sources and development reserves are being reduced.

The anti-crisis solution to these problems can lie both in the field of revising the company's strategy and restructuring the enterprise, as well as its tactics, leading to cost reduction, downsizing of the administrative apparatus and jobs, increasing labor productivity, etc. However, the scale and complexity of the problems can be determined and prevented only at the diagnostic stage by setting the goals and methods of diagnosing that are characteristic of this stage.

The second stage of the crisis - the emergence of loss-making production. This problem is solved by strategic management and implemented through voluntary restructuring of the enterprise. The recognition methods used in this case differ from others in their focus, methods and requirements for the initial information.

The third stage means the practical absence of own funds and reserve funds from the enterprise. This negatively affects the prospects for its development, long-term and medium-term planning of cash flows, rational budgeting and is associated with a significant reduction in production, since a significant part of working capital is used to pay off losses and service increased accounts payable.

The fourth stage is the state of acute insolvency. The enterprise does not have the opportunity to finance even a reduced reproduction and continue payments on previous obligations. There is a real threat of stopping or stopping production, and then bankruptcy. In this situation, diagnostics using liquidity ratios, provision of own working capital, restoration of solvency allows you to establish the existence of the fact of financial insolvency and the ability to neutralize it through the bankruptcy procedure.

Thus, the clarification of the concepts of diagnostics, the stages of the crisis of an enterprise and its bankruptcy, leads to the conclusion that the first, second and, to some extent, the third stages of a company's crisis constitute the content of the crisis for its owners. The fourth stage is a threat to creditors. The introduction of these concepts into scientific circulation and their justification enriches the theory of anti-crisis management with an explanation of the specifics of diagnostic procedures at each stage of the crisis.

The entire set of procedures applied to debtor enterprises can be divided into two main groups: bankruptcy prevention procedures and liquidation procedures.

Bankruptcy prevention procedures include:

o pre-trial sanitation;

o observation;

o financial recovery;

o external management.

Pre-trial sanitation- measures to restore the solvency of the debtor taken by the owner of the enterprise, creditor or other interested person.

The provision of financial assistance may be accompanied by the assumption by the debtor or other persons of obligations in favor of the persons who provided financial assistance. The conditions for conducting pre-trial rehabilitation at the expense of the federal budget and state extra-budgetary funds are established federal law and the federal budget and federal laws and budgets of state off-budget funds for the corresponding year.

Observation- a bankruptcy procedure applied to a debtor in order to ensure the safety of property, analyze the financial condition of the debtor, compile a register of creditors' claims and hold the 1st meeting of creditors. The purpose of the monitoring procedure is to ensure the safety of the debtor's property and to analyze the financial condition of the debtor. When monitoring, the presence of signs of fictitious or deliberate bankruptcy is also established. An interim manager is appointed to carry out the procedure.

From the date of issuance by the arbitration court of a ruling on the introduction of supervision, the execution of enforcement documents on property recovery is suspended, including arrests on the debtor's property are removed; the claims of creditors and founders (participants) of the debtor are not satisfied until they are included in the register and the first meeting of creditors is held. At this time, the payment of dividends and other payments on issue-grade securities and the use of mutual offsets (offsets of similar counterclaims) are prohibited.

The introduction of supervision is not a basis for the removal of the head of the debtor, who continues to exercise his powers with certain restrictions: transactions on property (more than 5% of the value of the debtor's assets) and on loans and borrowings are made with the written consent of the interim manager.

The management bodies of the debtor enterprise are not entitled to make decisions on the reorganization (merger, accession, division, separation, transformation) and liquidation of the debtor, on the creation of legal entities or on the participation of the debtor in other legal entities, on the creation of branches and representative offices.

The arbitration court, on the basis of an application by an interim trustee, may prohibit the acting head of the debtor from making certain transactions and actions or performing them without the consent of the interim trustee.

Based on an analysis of the financial condition of the debtor, including the results of an inventory of the debtor's property, if any, analysis of documents certifying the state registration of property rights, the interim manager prepares proposals on the possibility or impossibility of restoring the debtor's solvency, justifying the expediency of introducing subsequent bankruptcy procedures.

financial recovery- bankruptcy procedure applied to the debtor in order to restore its solvency and repay the debt in accordance with the debt repayment schedule.

In the course of financial rehabilitation, the debtor's management bodies exercise their powers with restrictions imposed under the control of the administrative manager who is responsible for financial rehabilitation.

If the amount of the debtor's monetary obligations that arose after the introduction of financial recovery is more than twenty percent of the amount of creditors' claims included in the register of creditors' claims, transactions entailing the emergence of new obligations of the debtor may be made only with the consent of the meeting of creditors (committee of creditors) .

In the course of financial rehabilitation, the administrative manager is obliged to keep a register of creditors' claims, convene meetings of creditors, consider reports on the progress of the implementation of the financial rehabilitation plan and the debt repayment schedule provided by the debtor, and provide opinions on the progress in the implementation of the financial rehabilitation plan and the debt repayment schedule to the meeting of creditors, exercise control for the timely execution by the debtor of the current claims of creditors.

The administrative manager has the right to demand from the head of the debtor information on the current activities of the debtor, to coordinate transactions and decisions of the debtor and provide information to creditors about the said transactions and decisions, as well as to apply to the arbitration court with a petition to remove the head.

Termination of bankruptcy proceedings in connection with the repayment of creditors' claims in the course of financial rehabilitation entails the termination of the powers of the administrative manager.

The debt repayment schedule should provide for the repayment of all creditors' claims included in the register of creditors' claims no later than one month before the expiration date of the financial rehabilitation period, as well as the repayment of first and second priority creditors' claims no later than six months from the date of introduction of financial rehabilitation.

Not later than one month before the expiration of the fixed period of financial rehabilitation, the debtor is obliged to submit to the administrative manager a report on the results of financial rehabilitation. Attached to the debtor's report:

Documents confirming the repayment of creditors' claims.

The end of the financial recovery procedure may mean the restoration of solvency or the introduction of an external management procedure. The total period of financial recovery and external management may not exceed two years.

Under external management The property of the debtor's enterprise is understood as a procedure aimed at continuing the activities of this enterprise. External management is introduced by the decision of the arbitration court at the request of the debtor, the owner of the enterprise or the creditor and is carried out on the basis of the transfer of functions for managing the debtor enterprise to the arbitration manager.

The procedure is introduced for a period of no more than eighteen months, which can be extended for no more than six months.

From the date of introduction of external administration, the powers of the head of the debtor are terminated, the management of the debtor's affairs is entrusted to the external administrator, the previously taken measures to secure the claims of creditors are canceled, a moratorium is introduced on satisfying the claims of creditors for monetary obligations and on making mandatory payments.

The moratorium on satisfaction of creditors' claims applies to monetary obligations and obligatory payments, the deadlines for which came before the introduction of external management.

The external manager has the right to dispose of the debtor's property in accordance with the external management plan, conclude an amicable agreement on behalf of the debtor, submit claims to the arbitration court on its own behalf for the invalidation of transactions and decisions

The external manager takes over the debtor's property and conducts its inventory, develops an external management plan and submits it for approval to the meeting of creditors, maintains accounting, financial, statistical accounting and reporting, etc.

Creditors have the right to present their claims against the debtor at any time during external administration. The specified requirements are sent to the arbitration court and the external manager with the application of a judicial act or other documents confirming the validity of these requirements. The specified claims are included by the external manager or the registrar in the register of creditors' claims on the basis of the ruling of the arbitration court on the inclusion of the specified claims in the register of creditors' claims.

Major transactions, as well as transactions in which there is an interest, are concluded by an external manager only with the consent of the meeting of creditors (committee of creditors.

The external manager, within three months from the date of the introduction of external administration, has the right to refuse to execute contracts and other transactions of the debtor.

Not later than one month from the date of its approval, the external administrator is obliged to develop an external administration plan and submit it to the meeting of creditors for approval. The external administration plan must provide for measures to restore the debtor's solvency, the conditions and procedure for the implementation of these measures, the costs of their implementation and other expenses of the debtor. The solvency of the debtor is recognized as restored in the absence of signs of bankruptcy,

The external administration plan may provide for the following measures to restore the debtor's solvency:

Re-profiling of production;

Closing of unprofitable productions;

Collection of receivables;

Sale of part of the debtor's property (at open auction);

Assignment of the rights of the debtor's claim;

Increase authorized capital the debtor at the expense of contributions from participants and third parties;

Placement of additional ordinary shares of the debtor;

Sale of the debtor's enterprise (at a closed auction);

Replacement of the debtor's assets;

Other measures to restore the solvency of the debtor.

The external manager's report must contain:

Debtor's balance sheet as of the last reporting date;

Traffic report Money;

Profit and loss statement of the debtor;

Information on the availability of free cash and other funds of the debtor that can be used to satisfy the claims of creditors for monetary obligations and on the payment of obligatory payments by the debtor;

Deciphering the remaining receivables of the debtor and information about the debtor's remaining unrealized rights of claim;

Information about satisfied creditors' claims included in the register of creditors' claims;

Other information about the possibility of repayment of the remaining accounts payable of the debtor.

A register of creditors' claims must be attached to the report of the external manager.

The external manager's report must contain one of the following sentences:

On the termination of external management in connection with the restoration of the debtor's solvency and the transition to settlements with creditors;

On the extension of the established period of external administration;

On termination of proceedings in connection with the satisfaction of all creditors' claims in accordance with the register of creditors' claims;

On the termination of external administration and on applying to the arbitration court with a petition to declare the debtor bankrupt and to open bankruptcy proceedings.

Thus, the main difference between all bankruptcy prevention procedures is that their application does not entail the termination of the activities of debtor enterprises. The main task here is to ensure the withdrawal of the enterprise from an insolvent state and its normal functioning.

Liquidation procedures include:

1) forced liquidation of the debtor enterprise by decision of the arbitration court;

2) voluntary liquidation of an insolvent enterprise under the control of creditors.

The liquidation of debtor enterprises is carried out in the process bankruptcy proceedings, at which the liquidated property of the debtor (bankruptcy estate) is determined, distributed among creditors in order of priority.

Bankruptcy proceedings- a bankruptcy procedure applied to a debtor who has been declared bankrupt in order to adequately satisfy the claims of creditors.

Competitive proceedings are introduced for a period of one year. The term of bankruptcy proceedings may be extended by no more than six months.

From the date of the adoption by the arbitration court of the decision to declare the debtor bankrupt and to open bankruptcy proceedings, the deadline for the fulfillment of monetary obligations that arose before the opening of bankruptcy proceedings and the obligatory payments of the debtor is considered to have come, the accrual of penalties (fines, penalties), interest and other financial sanctions for all types of debt is terminated debtor, information about the financial condition of the debtor ceases to be classified as confidential or commercial secret.

The bankruptcy trustee acts until the date of completion of the bankruptcy proceedings.

The bankruptcy trustee engages an independent appraiser to evaluate the debtor's property, notifies the debtor's employees of the upcoming dismissal no later than one month from the date of the bankruptcy proceedings, takes measures to ensure the safety of the debtor's property, analyzes the financial condition of the debtor.

All property of the debtor, available at the time of the opening of bankruptcy proceedings and revealed in the course of bankruptcy proceedings, constitutes the bankruptcy estate, which is sold at open auctions under the control of the meeting of creditors. After that, the requirements of the creditors are satisfied in the order of priority provided for in the legislation.

First of all, settlements are made according to the requirements of citizens to whom the debtor is liable for causing harm to life or health, as well as compensation for moral damage and settlements with the state; in the second place, settlements are made for the payment of severance pay and remuneration of persons working or who worked under an employment contract, and for the payment of remuneration under copyright agreements; thirdly, settlements with other creditors are made.

The ruling of the arbitration court on the completion of bankruptcy proceedings is the basis for making an entry on the liquidation of the debtor in the unified state register of legal entities.

If financial recovery and (or) external management were not introduced in relation to the debtor, and during the bankruptcy proceedings, the bankruptcy trustee had sufficient grounds, including grounds confirmed by the data financial analysis, to believe that the debtor's solvency can be restored, the bankruptcy trustee is obliged to convene a meeting of creditors within a month from the moment the specified circumstances are revealed in order to consider the issue of applying to the arbitration court with a petition to terminate bankruptcy proceedings and transfer to external management.

There is another procedure for anti-crisis management - settlement agreement- the bankruptcy procedure applied at any stage of the bankruptcy proceedings in order to terminate the bankruptcy proceedings by reaching an agreement

Unlike preventive procedures, liquidation procedures certainly lead to the cessation of the activities of enterprises. That is why liquidation procedures reflect the content of bankruptcy in the narrow sense of the word, understood only as the liquidation of insolvent enterprises.

The totality of prevention and liquidation procedures is bankruptcy in the broad sense of the word. It is advisable to define all this set of bankruptcy procedures as anti-crisis procedures. The implementation of the entire set of anti-crisis procedures begins only at a certain stage of the life cycle: in the conditions of a sharp decline, characterized, as a rule, by the insolvency of the enterprise. At the same time, anti-crisis management measures that are outside the scope of bankruptcy procedures and are designed to neutralize the consequences of crisis situations are applied at all stages of the company's life cycle.

Anti-crisis management is based both on the general patterns inherent in management processes and on specific features associated with the implementation of anti-crisis procedures. So, management is always purposeful. The choice and formation of goals is the starting point in any management process, including anti-crisis. At the same time, the system of control and early detection of signs of an upcoming crisis situation is a specific attribute inherent in the process of anti-crisis management.

The mechanism of anti-crisis management of the debtor enterprise consists of the following main elements:

1. Diagnostics of the financial condition.

2. Evaluation of the enterprise's business.

3. Marketing

4. Organizational and production management.

5. Personnel management.

6. Financial management.

7. Anti-crisis investment policy.

8. Anti-crisis business planning.

9. Organization of liquidation of the enterprise.

Measures to overcome the crisis can be divided into tactical and strategic.

Tactical (operational) measures to overcome the crisis can be both defensive (reducing costs, closing divisions, reducing staff, reducing production, sales), and offensive (active marketing research, high product prices, use of internal reserves, modernization, improvement of management ). Operational measures to overcome the crisis consist in establishing current losses, identifying internal reserves, attracting specialists, personnel changes, obtaining loans, and strengthening discipline.

Strategic measures consist in analyzing and assessing the position of the enterprise, studying the production potential, developing production programs, income policies, innovations, and developing a general concept for the financial recovery of the enterprise.

The anti-crisis process, from the point of view of anti-crisis procedures, can be represented as follows (Fig. 3.4.1):

Rice. 3.4.1 Anti-crisis process in terms of anti-crisis management

Questions for self-control:

1. Give a classification of the obligations of the enterprise.

2. What does the unreliable performance of obligations indicate?

3. What is insolvency?

4. What does persistent insolvency mean?

5. What are the main factors of insolvency?

6. In what case does the rate of revenue growth slow down?

7. When is the outstripping growth of liabilities observed?

8. What are the main reasons for insolvency.

9. Define bankruptcy.

10. What is economic insolvency?

11. List the common causes of insolvency.

12. What are the stages of insolvency development?

13. Give a detailed description of the stages of insolvency.

14. What does the insolvency development process look like on the enterprise life cycle curve?

15. What are the crisis points of the enterprise characterized by?

16. List the types of bankruptcy.

17. What are the main procedures of anti-crisis management?

18. What are the names of anti-crisis managers at each of the anti-crisis management procedures?

19. What is the approximate time frame for crisis management procedures?

20. Which of the procedures can be applied at any stage of the bankruptcy proceedings?

21. Describe the procedure for bankruptcy proceedings.


1. The obligations of an enterprise can be divided into the following groups, except for:

a) obligations to creditors for goods or services supplied by them;

b) obligations to the shadow economy;

c) obligations to the fiscal system;

d) internal debt.

2. Unreliable fulfillment of obligations indicates:

a) about the features of the accounting policy of the enterprise;

b) optionality as a style of interaction with partners;

c) about the lack or crisis of opportunities for the fulfillment of obligations;

d) about the approach of the holidays.

3. Insolvency cannot be:

a) episodic;

b) stable;

c) painful;

d) chronic.

4. Slowdown in revenue growth or its absolute decline is observed:

a) during overstocking, when the market reduces the demand for products due to their unsatisfactory quality, high prices or a decrease in demand for them;

b) with a growing non-return of payments for shipped products, when the company works with an unreliable buyer or is not free to choose a buyer;

c) if there is not enough money in the current account;

d) when the market is narrowing by restricting access to it by introducing bans, quotas, customs barriers.

5. The leading growth rate of liabilities is not observed in cases where:

a) the enterprise makes inefficient long-term financial investments (capital investments);

b) the enterprise loads production with excess (non-working) stocks;

c) the company increases the funds in the calculations;

d) the company makes a profit.

6. The civilized procedure for liquidating a debtor, selling his property and settling accounts with creditors is called:

a) the insolvency of the enterprise;

b) the functioning of the enterprise;

c) enterprise development;

d) bankruptcy of the enterprise.

7. The process of implementing anti-crisis procedures in relation to the activities of debtor enterprises is called

a) anti-crisis process;

b) anti-crisis development;

c) anti-crisis management;

d) anti-crisis functioning.

8. External causes of insolvency can be:

a) general economic, state, market, other;

b) general economic, operational, state, market;

c) general economic, market, other, operational;

d) general economic, state, market.

10. General economic reasons do not include:

a) an increase in inflation;

b) rising unemployment;

c) an increase in the number of organizations in which crisis phenomena take place;

d) an increase in energy prices.

11. State causes of insolvency include:

a) increased competition for the market for products and services;

b) bureaucratic racket;

c) financial crises and bankruptcy of credit institutions;

d) criminal situations.

12. Intracompany reasons can be:

a) production, operating, other;

b) operational, financial, other;

c) financial, state, general economic;

d) market, operational, financial.

13. How many stages of insolvency precede the onset of bankruptcy:

13. The stages of insolvency development are:

a) pre-illness, illness, dying;

b) pre-illness, illness, dying, bankruptcy;

c) pre-illness, illness, bankruptcy;

d) failure, predisease, illness, dying.

14. Stage "Disease" is characterized by the presence of:

a) chronic violations of the most important parameters of all functional components of the enterprise;

b) situations when the values ​​of all indicators have reached critical values;

c) chronic disturbances in the prospective functioning of the organization;

d) damages and problems with the law.

15. In Russian law, the concept of bankruptcy is synonymous with:

a) liquidation;

b) insolvency;

c) insolvency;

d) crisis.

16. How many crisis points exist on the enterprise life cycle curve in accordance with last law about bankruptcy:

c) none;

17. How many crisis points existed on the curve of the life cycle of an enterprise in accordance with the law "On the insolvency (bankruptcy) of enterprises" of 1992:

c) none;

18. At what stage of the life cycle of an organization can a crisis point 1 appear:

a) at the stage of growth;

b) at the stage of decline;

c) at any stage;

d) at the stage of stabilization.

19. Bankruptcy can be conditionally divided into:

d) 5 types.

20. In the classification of bankruptcy does not exist:

a) business bankruptcy;

b) bankruptcy of management;

c) bankruptcy of production;

d) sales failure.

21. Bankruptcy prevention procedures do not include:

a) settlement agreement;

b) observation;

c) external management;

d) financial recovery.

22. Liquidation procedures include:

a) observation;

b) bankruptcy proceedings;

c) external management;

d) financial recovery.

23. Liquidation procedures include:

a) observation;

b) bankruptcy proceedings;

c) external management;

d) settlement agreement.

24. What procedure is used to draw up a debt repayment schedule:

a) settlement agreement;

b) financial recovery;

c) external management;

25. At the observation procedure, the following is appointed:

a) an administrative manager;

b) external manager;

c) interim manager;

d) bankruptcy trustee.

26. The term of the bankruptcy proceedings is:

a) 18 months;

b) 12 months;

c) 9 months;

d) 24 months.

27. All property of the debtor, available at the time of opening bankruptcy proceedings and identified in the course of bankruptcy proceedings, is:

a) liquidation mass;

b) bankruptcy proceedings;

c) bankruptcy estate;

d) auction property.

28. The bankruptcy procedure applied at any stage of consideration of a bankruptcy case for the purpose of terminating bankruptcy proceedings is called:
a) external management;

  • I. Preparation for the procedure. 1. Clarify the patient's understanding of the purpose and course of the upcoming procedure and obtain his consent

  • Crisis management



    3. External signs of a bankrupt enterprise.







    10. Structural and logical scheme and stages of anti-crisis management at the enterprise.






    1. The concept, essence and practical significance of anti-crisis management.

    AU– application of economically and socially justified preventive and health-improving procedures to subsidiaries aimed at increasing its competitiveness. AC object Subject Aim of AU is the preparation of the base for the subsequent start, development and improvement of the activities of the substation.

    Practical value AU :

    Clarification of the problem that has arisen in the activities of p / p;

    Acts as a means of survival in a difficult period;

    Reduces the risk of bankruptcy and liquidation;

    Coordinates the activity of p / p in general;

    Selection priority issues;

    Promotes the mobilization, rational distribution and use of resources;

    Helps to overcome market uncertainty. environment and jump to a new round of development.

    AU principles :

    1.systematic-interdependence and subordination of anticr procedures.

    2. continuity throughout the entire period of AM, i.e. correction and refinement of decisions at all its stages.

    3. Flexibility-resistance to environmental influences.

    4. mobility - susceptibility to all changes in the external and internal environment p / n and an instant adequate response of all elements in the AC.

    5. Adequacy to objective laws, taking into account the probabilistic nature of the prevailing trends of real processes in the development of anti-crisis procedures.

    6. unity - coverage of all levels of functional subdivisions of p / p, coordination of anti-crisis measures in time.

    7.accuracy-specificity and detail of anticr procedures

    8.participation - taking into account the interests of all participants in the activity of p / p.

    9.uniqueness - each case of insolvency p / p is unique and unrepeatable in its kind and, accordingly, financial recovery schemes p / p cannot be comprehensively typified.

    10. versatility - all anticr procedures are carried out in conditions of increased risk, therefore, in financial recovery programs, it is advisable to provide additional insurance plans in parallel with the main action plan. of existing scientific methods at all stages of AM.

    2. Legislative and normative-legal documents regulating the issues of enterprise bankruptcy. Directions of state regulation of bankruptcy.

    Anti-crisis regulation-government policy aimed at protecting subsidiaries from crisis situations and preventing their bankruptcy. Types of regulation: Legislative regulation and Creative regulation.

    Types of state regulation:

    Legal (creation of a legal framework for the AR, conducting an examination to identify cases of fictitious and deliberate bankruptcy)

    · Methodical (method. Ensuring the monitoring of the state of financial statements, prevention of bankruptcy, judicial procedures)

    Informational (accounting and analysis of the solvency of large and ek-ki significant p / p)

    Economic and administrative (eco-something and administrative application of effect measures and methods of influencing the country's economy)

    Organizational (dispute resolution by m / d organizations)

    Social (social protection of workers p / p, ktr are on the verge of bankruptcy)

    Personnel (personnel training of specialists, anti-recession managers, KTR can help a financial institution in crisis)

    Ecological (OS protection)

    The role of state anti-crisis regulation follows from its functions: Status monitoring p / p; Marketing changes in the sectoral structure of the payment order; Forecasting and planning for p / p; Application of management decisions; Coordination and organization of the implementation of management decisions; Introduction to p / n system of incentives; Accounting and control of the results of functioning p / p. In order to stabilize the economy, the p / p apply the following methods of the state impact on the state of p / p: 1. Economic - taxes, redistribution of income and resources, pricing policy, credit and financial mechanisms, privatization, different kinds restructuring, etc. 2. Administrative - adoption and adjustment of legislation and control over its observance.

    In Russia, the main version of the bankruptcy law came out in 2002 and was created on the basis of German law, did not reflect the peculiarities of the Russian economy. In Russia at that time there was a chain bankruptcy of enterprises, and according to this law, about 80% of organizations were declared bankrupt, despite the presence of receivables. In 2004, these shortcomings were taken into account.

    The institution of insolvency (bankruptcy) was included in Russian law in 1992 (the principle of non-payment was used as a criterion for insolvency, which delayed the consideration of cases to the detriment of creditors). The Federal Law “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” in 1998 provided for the insolvency of the debtor as a criterion for insolvency (to pay attention to monetary obligations and obligations to pay obligatory payments).

    3. External signs of a bankrupt enterprise

    From the article:

    1. A citizen is considered bankrupt if the relevant obligations and obligations are not fulfilled by him within 3 months from the date when they should have been fulfilled, and if the amount of his obligations exceeds the value of his property.

    2. A legal entity is considered bankrupt if the relevant obligations and obligations are not fulfilled by it within 3 months from the date when they should have been fulfilled.

    Prerequisites and signs of manifestation of insolvency of the enterprise:

    Insolvency is directly proportional to the volume of liabilities and inversely proportional to the average daily revenue. In the general case, the causes of insolvency are factors affecting: a decrease or insufficient growth in revenue; outstripping growth of liabilities. A slowdown in revenue growth or its absolute decrease is observed when:

    1. Overstocking, when the market reduces the demand for products due to its unsatisfactory quality, high price or reduced demand for it.

    2. Growing non-return of payments for shipped products

    3. Narrowing the market by restricting access to it by introducing bans, quotas, customs barriers, etc.

    A faster growth rate of liabilities is observed when:

    1. The enterprise loads production with excess stocks

    2. The company increases the funds in the calculations (r-l 3 assets of the balance sheet)

    3. The enterprise bears losses.

    In general, the causes of insolvency can be summarized in two main reasons:

    1. Lagging behind market demands. In this case, business disease

    2. Unsatisfactory financial management of the enterprise - a disease of financial management or management.

    4. The rights of creditors on property claims in relation to a bankrupt enterprise.

    Article 18.1. Features of the legal status of creditors whose claims are secured by a pledge of the debtor's property

    5. Structural-logical diagram of the relationship between anti-crisis regulation and anti-crisis management. Types of bankruptcy.

    AR is a government policy implemented at the meso and macro levels and aimed at protecting enterprises from crisis situations and preventing their bankruptcy.

    AU (AM)- this is the application to the enterprise of economically and socially justified preventive and health-improving procedures aimed at increasing its competitiveness. AU is a new concept for the Russian economy. Unlike anti-crisis regulation, this is a microeconomic category that reflects production relations at the enterprise level. AC is one of the varieties of enterprise management. AC object are at the same time all e-you activities p / n: Wed-va pr-va, slave. power, finance, investment. Subject act preventive measures of the Finnish-go recovery p / n.

    Types of bankruptcy.

    Ordinary debtor(temporarily insolvent enterprises) - is characterized by temporary insolvency, which is caused by the absence or lack of funds for settlements with creditors at the time of payment due due to the fact that the debtor, being a creditor in other legal relations, does not receive satisfaction of his claims. The economic phenomenon is chain bankruptcy.

    Insolvent debtor- absolute (chronic) insolvency is inherent, when, in the normal course of business, they cannot pay off urgent obligations due to a lack of property in their assets.

    Fraudulent bankruptcy(conscious, false) - occurs in conditions of excessive burden of debts, when the manager hides, destroys the components of property, enters into unprofitable transactions, etc. varieties:

    1. Fictitious bankruptcy- deliberately false announcement by the head or owner of the enterprise, as well as individual entrepreneur about its insolvency in order to mislead creditors in order to obtain a deferment or installment plan for payments due to them or a discount on debts, as well as non-payment of debts, if this act caused large damage.

    2. Deliberate bankruptcy- deliberate creation or increase in the insolvency of an enterprise, committed by its head or owner, as well as by an individual entrepreneur in the personal interests or interests of other persons, causing large damage or other grave consequences through the conclusion of knowingly unprofitable transactions, incompetent business management, taking on other people's debts in as a guarantor and other actions leading to the inability to satisfy creditors' claims.

    Simple bankruptcy (unintentional)- the debtor, due to his own negligence, does not assume that bankruptcy is approaching and frivolously causes it by his actions.

    6. Features and approaches to solving the problem of enterprise bankruptcy in developed foreign countries.

    Bankruptcy is one of the few institutions civil law, in the formation of which all countries of the world take part. In France still in force are the 1985 Law on the Restoration of Enterprises and the Liquidation of Their Property through Judicial Procedure, the Decree of the same name, and the Law on Bankruptcy Administration, Liquidators and Experts for Determining the State of Enterprises. French law provides for more strong protection enterprises, which is due to the priority of interest in the problem of maintaining jobs. The focus of the legislation is on prevention, not cure. During the observation period, an assessment of the situation is made and the choice of a decision is made: reorganization or liquidation, not a single employee can be dismissed from the debtor enterprise at the initiative of the administration at this time. Preferred among the reorganization procedures is the lease of the enterprise with the right to purchase for a period of not more than two years, and among the liquidation procedures - the sale of the enterprise as a production unit. For payments: preference is given to the payment of wages to the personnel of the debtor enterprise, rather than payments to other categories of creditors. In Germany, as in Russia, bankruptcy law pursues the goal of preserving the debtor's business and commensurate satisfaction of creditors' claims. German law establishes a mandatory regulatory period of 21 days, and during this period the debtor is obliged to restore his solvency. If this does not happen, then the enterprise itself is obliged to file an application with the bankruptcy court, otherwise criminal prosecution is applied to it. Reorganization of an insolvent enterprise can be carried out in one of the following ways: without a change of ownership, i.e. investment in the debtor's business, and with the change of ownership - the sale of the business. When selling property, the bankruptcy trustee is guided by the principle of maintaining the integrity of the business. Thus, in the considered countries, there is no procedure for the liquidation of the debtor enterprise in the process of bankruptcy proceedings. In Great Britain the Law “On Insolvency and Bankruptcy” is in force, according to which all business entities, except for insurance companies and banking institutions, can be recognized as insolvent. Reorganization and liquidation procedures can be applied to the debtor. The main attention of the legislation of this country is focused on returning money to creditors and repaying debts by selling the property of a bankrupt. In the process of bankruptcy proceedings, debtors, with some exceptions, are not released from their debts. Enterprises (firms) cease to exist with the completion of bankruptcy proceedings. US law considers bankruptcy as a necessary evil of entrepreneurship. Its purpose is not liquidation, but rehabilitation, restoration of the enterprise, providing it with certain assistance until it regains its former stability and becomes solvent. In Russia The main version of the bankruptcy law came out in 2002 and was created on the basis of German law and did not reflect the specifics of the Russian economy. In Russia at that time there was a chain bankruptcy of enterprises, and according to this law, about 80% of organizations were declared bankrupt, despite the presence of receivables. In 2004, these shortcomings were taken into account.

    7. Preventive measures against enterprise bankruptcy. Problems preventing the introduction of anti-crisis management into the practice of managing a domestic enterprise.

    Preventive measures for anti-crisis regulation:

    · advising subcontractors and managers on issues of bankruptcy law;

    creation of special AC companies;

    · provision of conditions for innovative activities p / p;

    · development of a program to prepare sub-regions to attract investment and create mobile capital;

    formation of the library investment projects region;

    · concessional lending and taxation of priority areas of economic activity;

    · Improvement of legislation and strengthening of control over its implementation;

    Providing guarantees for financing, as well as budgetary financing of projects;

    · Analysis of market conditions;

    · retraining of personnel in order to educate professional managers at all levels of management;

    · Allocation and stimulation of priority types of activity.

    · Creation of conditions for fair competition.

    Problems hindering the introduction of AC:

    · distrust of the methods and methodology of AC, based on the opinion that business is “the ability to spin”, navigate the current situation;

    · high mobility externally. environment caused by market fluctuations;

    · insufficiently high qualifications of leaders, ignorance and inability to exist. rukov-lei is guaranteed to manage p / p, tk. their experience is based on centralization. management;

    · weak technically imperfect methodological and insufficient information support of AC;

    · the need for additional costs for special research, diagnostics, forecasting and planning, payroll. labor of specialists, as well as additional time costs;

    extremely high degree Uncertainty Ros. market;

    · low level of culture of uch-kov of the market;

    The imperfection of action legislature.

    8. Classification of health measures applied to bankrupt enterprises. Types of anti-crisis policies.

    Measures applied to p / p-bankrupts are divided into optimistic, measures related to the recovery of p / p-dollar and pessimistic - lead to its liquidation. To the pessimistic(liquidation) relation: Voluntary liquidation bankruptcy proceedings- the procedure applied in a bankruptcy case to a debtor declared bankrupt in order to adequately satisfy the claims of creditors; forced liquidation by decision of the arbitration court. Optimum (reorganization) procedures include: 1. observation- the procedure applied to the debtor in a bankruptcy case in order to ensure the safety of his property, analyze the financial condition of the debtor, draw up a register of creditors' claims and hold the first meeting of creditors; 2. financial recovery- a procedure applied in a bankruptcy case to a debtor in order to restore its solvency and pay off the debt in accordance with the debt repayment schedule. As part of these measures, the Finn can provide assistance in an amount sufficient to pay off monetary obligations and obligations, as well as restore solvency. 3. external control- the procedure applied in a bankruptcy case to a debtor in order to restore its solvency; 4. settlement agreement- a procedure applied in a bankruptcy case at any stage of its consideration in order to terminate the bankruptcy proceedings by reaching an agreement between the debtor and creditors. The executor of any of the procedures is the arbitration manager.

    Anti-crisis regulation-government policy aimed at protecting subsidiaries from crisis situations and preventing their bankruptcy. 1. Fiscal (budgetary) policy is regulation by means of the state budget and taxation. 2. Structural policy is realized in the process of privatization of the property of state-owned subsidiaries. 3. Financial and credit policy- purposeful management of state banking%, money supply and loans, which in turn affect consumer and investment demand (expressed in the provision of gratuitous financial assistance and benefits important for the country's eq. p / n). 4. Scientific and technical is to ensure the comprehensive development of science and technology. 5. industrial policy is aimed at transforming the sectoral structure of industry in the course of state regulation in the regions of the country. 6. depreciation- optimization of the formation of costs for the use of fixed assets by choosing the best option for calculating the total amount of depreciation. 7. Investment is aimed at regulating the rate of production growth, accelerating scientific and technical progress, changing the sectoral structure of the economy. 8. Forecasting and planning. An important role for owls. stage plays an indicative planning based on the analysis of the development of eq-ki, ktr is carried out in accordance with the available resources. 9. Price policy consists in regulating prices for essential goods and services, goods of monopolists with the help of marginal or fixed prices, marginal coefficients, etc. 10. Externally-ek-kaya involves ensuring conditions for the influx of foreign investment and the free entry of domestic entrepreneurs into the world market with the help of customs tariffs, the adoption of laws, etc. eleven. Social politics is one of the most important areas of state regulation. Development of information structure, gasification, state. support for preschools, schools, etc.

    9. The essence and problems of diagnosing the activities of the enterprise. The order, methods and methodology for diagnosing the state of the enterprise.

    The control of the level of competitiveness and viability of the enterprise is carried out in the process of diagnosing its financial and technical and economic condition. It must be understood that diagnostics allows to identify the presence of actual signs of insolvency of the bank, but does not establish the fact of its bankruptcy. Any management activity is associated with the risk of errors, which is due to both the external environment and the degree of development of the human factor. With erroneous estimates, the wrong direction is chosen and n \ n continues to remain in the "maze" no matter how close it is to the exit. The risk of errors at the stage of diagnosis can be reduced by the simultaneous application of various methods. Diagnostics involves the fulfillment of the conditions: - To ensure the integrity and unity of research at all stages, despite the variety of calculation methods used. - Explore the relationship between external and internal factors and the results of the activity p \ n to derive easy-to-use formulas. - Develop a management accounting system that will ensure the transparency of each type of activity. - Determine the range of indicators that allow you to accurately evaluate and compare with the standard the results of the activity of the p \ n. - Develop a package of application programs that allows managers to conduct economic and social justification of their decisions

    The technology of diagnostics p \ n includes procedures:

    1. formation of an information base containing the dynamics of comparable indicators characterizing the results of the activity of the s\n, as well as data on the work of similar s\n, various norms and standards

    2. clarification of the control figures characterizing the action of strategic goals, vision and mission of the development of the s\n, or norms, standards with which the indicators of the actual state of the s\n are compared

    3. analysis of the financial condition p \ n in order to determine the effectiveness and assess the success of capital placement

    4. analysis of the technical and economic state of the s\n to assess the technical state of the resources and the efficiency of their use

    5. identifying the factors that determined the achieved state

    6. forecasting expected trends in the development of p\n in the current conditions

    There are various diagnostic methods n\n, the choice of which depends on the situation: - Analytical Methods- based on performing operations with statistical data (analysis of the dynamics of integral indicators, analysis of the dynamics of a limited range of indicators). - Method of expert assessments– based on obtaining and summarizing information through special expert surveys. - dynamic programs– computational methods for solving problems with many variables (analysis of factorial regression models).

    Depending on the objectives of the study, the state of the p / p can be assessed at a certain point in time, such a study is called static condition diagnostics. Analysis of the state of the p / p during a certain period of time - process diagnostics. Diagnosis can be carried out superficially or in depth. Distinguish:

    1. Express diagnostics- assessment of the proximity of p / p to bankruptcy based on the appropriate coefficients and balance. Purpose: to identify the trend of changing the state of p / p, to assess the depth of its inconsistency.

    2. Problematic diagnostics- a comprehensive and in-depth assessment of the current. the state of the p / p, identifying the reasons for its deterioration and expected development trends.

    In the process of express diagnostics, the balance sheet and its dynamics are calculated. At the same time, such displays are calculated as coefficient current liquidity(2) and coefficient provide your own Wed you(0.1). If the value of these po-lei does not exceed normative value, then the balance sheet is considered positive. If the value of at least one of the coefficients is below the standard, then the page is negative. If the value is below the standard, but there is a tendency for their growth, then the coefficient is calculated. restoration of solvency. Coef. east payment tee> 1, then p/n has the ability to restore its solvency. If< 1, то невозможно восстановить в теч. полугода. Когда коэф. тек. ликв. и коэф. обесп. собств. оборотными ср-вами выше нормативного, но наметилась тенденция их снижения, расчит-ся коэф. утраты платежесп-ти. Если coefficient loss of payment> 1, then p / p has the ability to maintain solvency in tech. 3 months In that case, if with a negative Str-re balance in p / n there is a possibility to restore the payment, the sign of inconsistency is considered to be unconfirmed in tech. 6 months When posit. p-re balance, but at a coefficient. loss of pay< 1 п/п не признается несостоят-ным, но сущ. угроза несост-ти.

    When negative balance sheet and the lack of the possibility of restoring payment, the balance sheet is considered unsatisfactory. When posit. p-re, regardless of the possibility of restoring payment, it is considered satisfactory.

    But given pok-whether imperfect, so there is a need for scoring. So, Nikiforova groups p / p into 6 classes: 1 - p / p with chorus. fin. ustoych-tew, guarantees the return of loans. avg. 2 - p / p have a low level of risk of non-repayment of debts 3 - problem p / p 4 - p / p with a high level of banking 5 - the presence of a pronounced. signs of bankr-va 6 - insolvent p / p

    Problematic diagnostics can only be performed by specialists. It is aimed at identifying the causes of an unhealthy state of p / n.

    Fin. p/p status:

    Preliminary financial assessment. p/n status

    Analysis of payment and sustainability

    analysis of creditworthiness and liquidity of the balance sheet

    financial analysis. results

    analysis of ef-ti investment

    analysis of a potential bankr-va

    Method for diagnosing technical-eco-go state p / n

    · analysis of cultural and technical. level of workers and assessment of the effect of their use

    · analysis obes-ti and tehn. ur-nya osn. funds and evaluation of the effectiveness of their use

    assessment of the quality of products and its competitiveness

    technical analysis. level of organization of production, labor and management

    analysis of the efficiency of production

    10. Structural-logical scheme and stages of anti-crisis management at the enterprise.

    AU- note to p / p eq. and social justify profile. and wellness. procedures, for example, to increase its competitiveness. The composition of the s-we AU includes the following subs-we:

    1. target- a scoop of strat-x and tact-x goals p / n, achievable. to be provided with the release of competitive products. Its components: improve the quality of products; resource saving; expansion of sales markets for products; organ.-technical development of pr-va; social razv-e call-va; protection of the environment environment. 2. functional- release. org-tion and implementation of the management process. Components: diagnostics, marketing, forecasting, planning, decision-making, organizing its implementation, accounting for results, control, motivation and regulation. 3. providing- composition, level of quality and organization to provide s-we control with everything necessary for its normal function. Its components: methodical, resource, technical, personnel, information and legal support. 4. external environment- Factors of macro- and microenvironment p / p, market infrastructure, affecting the content and quality of the management solution. Its components are: demography, economics, politics and law, science and technology, culture, ecology, consumers, suppliers, intermediaries, competitors, contact audiences. 5. manager- a scoop of traeb-tions to the quality of the management decision and the organization of the process of management by personnel to achieve the goals and objectives of the s-we. Her computers: personnel management; sociology and psychology of men-that; technology of razr-ki and real-and upr-go resh-I; an-z and forecast-e in decision-making. 6. Feedback - different information coming from performers and consumers to the source of decision-making.

    AU includes 11 stages, represented. a realiz-th anticr. percent on p / p. Stage 1 : diagnostics of the state of the payment order (financial and technical and economic level); Stage 2 : marketing research of the conjuncture of commodity markets (stability strategy, growth strategy, business reduction strategy, functional, survival strategy); Stage 3 : anticr. forecast-e- scientific, basic on the s-me pec.-sleds. connections and laws, vyyavl-e states and probable ways of development p / n; Stage 4 : anticr. planning-e - fin. and techno-ec. substantiate the course and the result of the upcoming development of p / n, with-ma interrelationship measures. ensuring the achievement of the planned goals with the best rational use of resources, drawing up a schedule for repaying debts to loans, assessing the risk of failure to fulfill the plan and distributing the responsibility -ti; 5 and 6 stages : adoption and organization of the implementation of the anticr. management decisions. Antikr. management solution- result of diagnostics, anticr. forecast. and plan . Stage 7 : implementation of anticr. Procedures (procedures - donors and procedures - recipients). Antikr. procedure- measure, direction to increase payments p / p. Stage 8 : overcoming conflicts. Stage 9 : accounting result-in impl-I anticr. percent-r. 10 stage : control over the implementation of decisions. Stage 11 : motivation and regulation of the implementation of decisions.

    Stages of work on AC: 1. Preparatory 2. Prophylactic. 3. Working in a crisis.

    11. The procedure for implementing anti-crisis procedures and monitoring the results of their implementation.

    An anti-crisis procedure is a measure aimed at increasing the solvency of a payment order. This stage covers all AC objects and determines the result of their change. The main question is: what needs to be done in order to successfully manage p / p. All anti-crisis procedures are divided into 2 groups:

    Donor procedures - bring to the enterprise funds that significantly outweigh the costs associated with their acquisition;

    Procedures-recipients - consume resources and are aimed at long-term returns.

    The effectiveness of the implementation of A / C procedures is evaluated by the results of their impact on improving the state of the enterprise. The process of implementing anti-crisis procedures anti-crisis process. Accounting indicators of the results of a / c procedures: quantity, quality, costs, execution and timing.

    Requirements for the accounting system:

    the possibility of making corrections and clarifications;

    · pyramidal type of construction, providing the possibility of penetration deep into the information array;

    ease of use;

    Accounting for all indicators of dynamics;

    accounting automation.

    Control over the course of implementation of the decision: control can be continuous and selective; active (warning) and passive (according to deviations); enhanced and normal; manual, mechanized and automatic; preliminary, current and final; settlement and analytical, statistical and registration; continuous and intermittent.

    Control items are classified:

    Reliability of the forecast of reproduction cycles;

    · goals for the development of p / p for the future;

    norms of competitiveness of goods in specific markets;

    · Indicators of quality and resource intensity of production of p / p and competitors;

    social development of the workforce;

    security environment;

    availability of nominative and methodological documents, regulation of management functions;

    · indicators of infrastructure development in the region;

    availability of personnel and efficiency of their use;

    · the validity of the organizational and production structures p / p.

    12. Factors affecting the state of the enterprise. The main reasons for the insolvency of domestic enterprises.

    The activity of p / n is influenced by many f-ditch. It is necessary to know which of them dominate and what is the nature of influence. In order to study the nature of the influence of each farm separately, there was a need in their classification :

    Depending on the direction of action: positive and negative.

    From the source of occurrence: internal (originate in the process of activity p / n) and external (arise outside it).

    Depending on the possibility of influence: objective and subjective.

    The main causes of failure:

    1. Conditioned negatives. exposure to external factors:

    Economic - the crisis state of the e-ki, the weakening of the state. regulation, credit instability, inflation.

    · market - underdevelopment of infrastructure, the influence of monopolists, advertising, competition.

    scientific and technical - reduction of scientific and technical. potential due to low finance. provide.

    social - political instability in society, a lack of qualified specialists, a decrease in the birth rate, an increase in mortality.

    · informational – lack of experience of AU, lack of high-quality information about the situation, imperfection of accounting and reporting.

    legal - imperfection, inconsistency, lack of law-abiding citizens.

    · organizational - rupture of eq-their ties between producers, systematic changes in the conditions of export and import.

    2. Conditional negatives. influence of internal f-ditch:

    · mater.-tekhn. - weak mater.-technical. security, shortage of working capital, low turnover.

    · organizational - inefficiency and irrationality of the organization of the pr-th process, lack of financial resources. transparency of costs, the use of conservative methods of upr-tion, the lack of a systematic approach to managing the activities of p / n (org-tion of production, labor and management).

    · social-ec-ie - weak marketing, resistance to innovations, inability to manage investment resources.

    Thus, the change in state p / p - the result of the influence of the co-ty external. and int. f-ditch the environment of its function. This influence can be controlled at the macro-, meso-, and micro levels in the process of anti-crisis regulation.

    13. Social protection against bankruptcy of enterprises, provided for by the current legislation. The sequence of payment of the debt established by law.

    Settlements are made in accordance with the register of creditors' claims. Claims of creditors filed after the closing of the register shall be satisfied from the property remaining after the satisfaction of claims of creditors filed within the established time limit. However, the claims of creditors of the 1st and 2nd priority, declared before the end of settlements with all creditors, including after the closing of the register of claims, are subject to satisfaction.

    Out of turn, the following are covered: court costs, expenses related to the payment of remuneration to arbitration managers, current utility bills.

    Creditors' claims are satisfied in the following order:

    1st turn - claims of citizens to whom the debtor is liable for causing harm to life and health, by capitalizing the corresponding time payments payable to a citizen before reaching 70 years of age, but not less than 10 years. If the age is over 70 years, the capitalization period of the respective time payments is 10 years.

    Stage 2 - settlements for the payment of severance pay and wages with persons working under an employment contract.

    3rd turn - claims of creditors for obligations secured by a pledge of the debtor's property. The specified claims of creditors shall be subject to satisfaction at the expense of the entire property of the debtor, including that which is not the subject of the said pledge.

    4th turn - requirements for mandatory payments to the budget to extra-budgetary funds.

    5th turn - settlements with other creditors.

    The requirements of each queue are satisfied after the requirements of the previous queue are satisfied. If the debtor does not have enough money, they are distributed among the creditors of the corresponding queue in proportion to the amount of debt.

    14. Settlement agreement and voluntary liquidation: concepts, content and procedure for their application in relation to an insolvent enterprise.

    settlement agreement- the procedure applied in a bankruptcy case at any stage of its consideration in order to terminate the bankruptcy proceedings by reaching an agreement between the debtor and creditors;

    The decision to conclude a settlement agreement on the part of the debtor is made by the debtor - a citizen or the head of the debtor, an external manager or bankruptcy trustee. Participation in the amicable agreement of third parties is allowed, which assume the rights and obligations provided for by the amicable agreement. The settlement agreement is approved by the arbitration court. Upon approval of the settlement agreement - termination of proceedings in the bankruptcy case. If an amicable agreement is concluded in the course of bankruptcy proceedings, the ruling on approval of the amicable agreement indicates that the decision to declare the debtor bankrupt and to open bankruptcy proceedings is not subject to execution. A unilateral refusal to execute a settlement agreement that has entered into force is not allowed.

    During supervision, financial recovery, the settlement agreement is not subject to agreement with the temporary manager, with the administrative manager, respectively.

    In the course of external administration, the decision to conclude a settlement agreement on the part of the debtor is made by the external administrator. In the course of bankruptcy proceedings - by the bankruptcy trustee.

    The settlement agreement is concluded in writing. The amicable agreement must contain provisions on the procedure and terms for fulfilling the debtor's obligations in cash. Third parties participating in the amicable agreement have the right to provide guarantees or guarantees for the fulfillment by the debtor of obligations under the amicable agreement or otherwise ensure their proper performance.

    The amicable agreement may be approved by the arbitration court only after the repayment of the debt on the claims of the creditors of the first and second priority. The approval of a settlement agreement by an arbitration court in the course of the procedures applied in a bankruptcy case is the basis for terminating the bankruptcy proceedings. The person who acted as an external manager, bankruptcy manager of a debtor - a legal entity, performs the duties of the head of the debtor until the date of appointment (election) of the head of the debtor.

    The amicable agreement may be approved by the arbitration court only after the repayment of the debt on the claims of the creditors of the first and second priority. The approval of a settlement agreement by an arbitration court in the course of the procedures applied in a bankruptcy case is the basis for terminating the bankruptcy proceedings. The person who acted as an external manager, bankruptcy manager of a debtor - a legal entity, performs the duties of the head of the debtor until the date of appointment (election) of the head of the debtor. Termination of a settlement agreement approved by the arbitration court by agreement between individual creditors and the debtor is not allowed. Termination of the settlement agreement in respect of all bankruptcy creditors and authorized bodies is the basis for the resumption of bankruptcy proceedings, except in cases where the debtor is subject to the procedures applied in a new bankruptcy case. If the debtor fails to fulfill the amicable agreement, the creditors shall have the right, without terminating the amicable agreement, to present their claims in the amount provided for by the amicable agreement, in accordance with the general procedure established by the procedural legislation.

    Voluntary liquidation- this is an extrajudicial procedure for the liquidation of an insolvent enterprise, carried out by agreement between its owners and creditors under the control of creditors.

    Immediately after the adoption of the decision on liquidation, the liquidation commission places in the journal "Bulletin of State Registration" a publication on liquidation and on the procedure and deadline for filing claims by its creditors.

    The liquidation commission takes measures to identify creditors, and also in writing (by sending a letter with a notification) notifies creditors of the liquidation of a legal entity.

    the liquidation commission draws up an interim liquidation balance sheet. Settlements with creditors will be made only after the approval of the interim liquidation balance sheet. The purpose of this balance sheet is to clarify the real financial position of the liquidated enterprise.

    15. Bodies carrying out anti-crisis regulation and their main functions.

    1. The FSFO of Russia performs executive, control, permitting, regulatory and organizational functions related to the AR. Developed and implemented measures for financial health p / p and warn bankr-va, exercising external monitoring of the financial status p / p; .

    2. feder interbalance commission on fin. health improvement - analysis of short-term schedules of repayment tasks

    3. Collegia of authorized state representatives of creditors - debt structuring, scheduling repayment of tasks, exercising control over the execution of obligations to creditors.

    4.Non-commercial partnership "Russian Guild of Professional Anti-Crisis Managers" - formation and development of NPB in the field of AR and AC, supervision of the activities of the arb control, formation of teams of anti-crisis control, advanced training of specialists - in AU

    5. arbitration courts

    6. council on anti-crisis programs under the Government of the Russian Federation for the development of BP and investment projects, the composition of a long-term program of financial health.

    7. power structures and relevant departments (employment services, tax, non-budgetary funds)

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    Subject. Introduction to Crisis Management


    The transition from a planned to a market economy has put many enterprises and commercial organizations of various organizational and legal forms in a difficult economic and financial situation. This refers to both joint-stock companies created on the basis of denationalization and numerous entrepreneurial structures.

    Insolvency and subsequent bankruptcies of enterprises are increasingly becoming the subject of consideration by arbitration courts. Managers of enterprises are faced with the task of preventing crisis phenomena and ensuring the stable position of their enterprises.

    A system of measures called “crisis management” abroad, and in the domestic literature - “anti-crisis management” should be aimed at solving these problems.

    IN Lately In connection with the aggravated financial crisis of enterprises in entire regions, such management is understood as either management in the conditions of an already onset crisis, or management aimed at bringing the enterprise out of this state.

    Under " crisis management» is understood as such management, which is aimed at bringing the enterprise out of the crisis situation that has arisen (i.e. management in a crisis), as well as at preventing the manifestation of a crisis situation.

    In some teaching aids the authors consider a broader concept of anti-crisis management, which should a priori anticipate and prevent the insolvency and insolvency of an enterprise. Perhaps this is so, however, in this case, any newly created enterprise will initially need an anti-crisis manager, since this enterprise is strategically considered as experiencing any difficulties that need to be addressed.

    Consideration of anti-crisis management in a strategic plan is also not considered appropriate, since strategic planning aims to develop an enterprise development plan for a long-term period of time (usually two to three years), while anti-crisis management is designed to remove (or prevent) an enterprise from an already existing one. crisis situation. In this case, it is not strategic planning that is needed, but operational planning, which outlines an option for the development of an enterprise for a short period of time (12-18 months). Anti-crisis management is manifested in the event of a crisis situation during the implementation of the company's strategic development plan and is in the nature of an operational "surgical-economic" intervention in order to prevent further deterioration in the enterprise's activities. In the event of a positive outcome of anti-crisis management (the company is leveling off in terms of financial condition, the balance of payments is improving, etc.), the company can continue to implement the strategic development plan, adjusted for the emergence of possible crisis situations.

    So, crisis management is:

    diagnostics of the causes of crisis situations in the economy and finances of the enterprise;

    a comprehensive analysis of the financial and economic state of the enterprise to establish methods for its financial recovery;

    business planning of financial recovery of the enterprise;

    development of anti-crisis management procedures and control over their implementation.

    The problem of anti-crisis management of an insolvent enterprise stems from the very nature of the economic reforms being carried out in Russia. Influencing an enterprise with the help of the institution of bankruptcy makes it possible to restructure not only the work of the enterprise itself, but also improve the financial and economic climate of other economic entities, and reduce the amount of non-payments. The bankruptcy of inefficient and financially weak industries is the basis for the structural restructuring of the Russian economy.

    1. Law of the Russian Federation of 08.01.98 No. 6-FZ "On the insolvency (bankruptcy) of enterprises"

    The law defines insolvency as recognized by the arbitration court or declared by the debtor the inability of the debtor to fully satisfy the claims of creditors for monetary obligations and (or) fulfill the obligation to make mandatory payments.

    Under insolvency (bankruptcy) of the enterprise is understood as the inability to satisfy the requirements of creditors for payment for goods (works, services), including the inability to ensure mandatory payments to the budget and extra-budgetary funds, due to the unsatisfactory structure of the debtor's balance sheet.

    An unsatisfactory balance sheet structure is such a state of the debtor's property and obligations, when the timely fulfillment of obligations to creditors cannot be ensured at the expense of the property due to the insufficient degree of liquidity of the debtor's property. In this case, the total value of the property may be equal to or exceed the total amount of the debtor's obligations.

    An external sign of the insolvency (bankruptcy) of an enterprise is the suspension of its current payments, if the enterprise does not ensure or is obviously unable to ensure the fulfillment of creditors' claims within three months from the date of their fulfillment. In this case, the payment amount is not less than 500 minimum dimensions wages established by law.

    At the same time, all procedures applied to debtor enterprises are divided into the following types: reorganization, liquidation and amicable agreement .

    TO reorganizational procedures include:

    pre-trial sanitation;


    external management of the debtor's property;

    Pre-trial sanitation - a procedure when the owner of the enterprise, the creditor and the investor interested in the activity of the enterprise provides financial assistance to the enterprise-debtor. An application for sanitation must be filed with the arbitration court.

    The arbitration court satisfies the petition for rehabilitation if there is a real opportunity to restore the solvency of the enterprise.

    Observation - if, despite the pre-trial rehabilitation, the application for declaring the debtor bankrupt was accepted by the court, then the "observation" procedure is introduced within a week, which can last up to three, and sometimes up to five months.

    Observation is a bankruptcy procedure applied to a debtor from the moment an arbitration court accepts an application for declaring a debtor bankrupt until the moment determined in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation, in order to ensure the safety of the debtor's property and analyze the financial condition of the debtor.

    The introduction of supervision is not grounds for the removal of the head of the debtor enterprise and other management bodies of the debtor, which continue to exercise their powers with restrictions.

    Debtor's governing bodies may to carry out only with the consent of the interim manager of the transaction:

    associated with the transfer of real estate for rent, pledge, with the introduction of the said property as a contribution to the authorized (reserve) capital of economic companies and partnerships, or with the disposal of such property in any other way;

    related to the disposal of other property of the debtor, the book value of which is more than 10% of the book value of the debtor's assets;

    related to the receipt and issuance of loans (credits), the issuance of sureties and guarantees, the assignment of claims, the transfer of debt, as well as the establishment of trust management of the debtor's property.

    Debtor's governing bodies not entitled accept

    on reorganization (merger, accession, division, separation, transformation) and liquidation of the debtor;

    on the creation of legal entities or on participation in other legal entities;

    on the establishment of branches and representative offices;

    on the payment of dividends;

    on the placement by the debtor of bonds and other issue-grade securities;

    on withdrawal from the membership of the debtor of the legal entity, acquisition of previously issued shares from shareholders.

    External management (judicial sanitation) - bankruptcy procedure applied to the debtor in order to restore its solvency, with the transfer of authority to manage the debtor to an external manager.

    External management of the debtor's property consists in the appointment of a special manager by the arbitration court, if there is reason to believe that the reason for the difficult financial situation of the debtor is the unsatisfactory management of the organization and there is a real opportunity to restore the solvency of the debtor enterprise, in order to continue its activities through the implementation of organizational and economic measures.

    External administration is introduced by an arbitration court on the basis of a decision of a meeting of creditors, with the exception of cases provided for by federal law.

    External management is introduced for a period of no more than 12 months, which can be extended for no more than 6 months.

    Since the introduction of external management:

    the head of the debtor enterprise is removed from office, and the management of affairs is entrusted to an external manager;

    the powers of the governing bodies of the debtor and the owner of the debtor's property - a unitary enterprise - are terminated; the powers of the head of the debtor and other management bodies of the debtor are transferred to the external manager, with the exception of the powers transferred in accordance with federal law to other persons (bodies). The governing bodies of the debtor, within three days from the date of appointment of the external manager, are obliged to ensure the transfer of accounting and other documentation of the legal entity, seals and stamps, material and other valuables to the external manager;

    previously taken measures to secure the claims of creditors are removed;

    arrests of the debtor's property and other restrictions on the debtor's disposal of property belonging to him may be imposed exclusively within the framework of bankruptcy proceedings;

    a moratorium is introduced on satisfying the claims of creditors for monetary obligations and obligatory payments, with the exception of cases provided for by the federal law on insolvency (bankruptcy).

    Moratorium - means that fines and penalties do not increase during the period of external administration. At the end of this period, creditors may demand the payment of forfeits, fines, and penalties accumulated by the time external administration was introduced. The moratorium applies to the "old" debts of the enterprise, the term of which came before the introduction of external management. At the same time, direct write-offs of funds from the debtor's account are not allowed, and the execution of a number of property penalties is suspended. The moratorium does not affect the interests of only individuals - wages, alimony and compensation for harm to life and health must be paid first.

    If the goal of external management is achieved and solvency is restored, then the arbitration court, on the basis of the report of the external manager, may terminate the bankruptcy procedure; otherwise, either to extend the external management, or to start bankruptcy proceedings.

    The application of reorganization procedures is to save the debtor enterprise, to ensure the withdrawal of the enterprise from an insolvent state.

    TO liquidation procedures include:

    forced liquidation of the debtor enterprise by decision of the arbitration court;

    voluntary liquidation of an insolvent enterprise under the control of creditors.

    The liquidation of the debtor's enterprise is carried out in the process of bankruptcy proceedings.

    Bankruptcy proceedings - a bankruptcy procedure applied to a debtor who has been declared bankrupt in order to adequately satisfy the claims of creditors.

    The competitive proceedings are aimed at:

    adequately satisfy the claims of creditors and declare the debtor free from debts;

    to protect the parties from illegal actions in relation to each other

    From the moment the debtor is declared insolvent:

    without the consent of the meeting of creditors, it is prohibited to alienate or transfer the property of a bankrupt (except for certain types of payments related to the functioning of a bankrupt, expenses for conducting bankruptcy proceedings);

    the deadlines for the fulfillment of all debt obligations are considered to have come;

    the accrual of fines and interest on all types of debt is terminated.

    All property claims are made to the bankrupt only through bankruptcy proceedings.

    Bankruptcy proceedings are carried out by the bankruptcy trustee. He disposes of the bankrupt's property, forms the bankruptcy estate - the value of the liquidated property of the debtor, distributed among creditors in order of priority - collects receivables, assesses the financial condition of the debtor, manages the bankrupt, etc.

    He has the right to appeal to the arbitration court the bankrupt transactions concluded in the last 6 months preceding the declaration of the enterprise bankrupt.

    The bankruptcy trustee is appointed by the arbitration court. The candidates for the manager are nominated by the meeting of creditors.

    The meeting of creditors decides on the beginning, the form of the sale of property, on the initial price of this property.

    The meeting of creditors may decide to conclude a settlement agreement.

    All property (assets) of the debtor forms the bankruptcy estate. The bankruptcy estate does not include:

    housing stock, preschool institutions, certain industrial infrastructure facilities that are important for the region (they are transferred to the balance of local authorities);

    property that is the subject of pledge;

    property not owned by the debtor (leased, accepted for safekeeping, personal property of the debtor's employees).

    The bankruptcy commissioner takes into account all claims against the bankrupt, analyzes (including rejects) them, compiles a list of them indicating the amounts and the order in which they are satisfied.

    In the process of bankruptcy proceedings, the bankruptcy estate is sold. The sale is made on an auction basis. The funds received are used in the order of priority provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

    Order of distribution of bankruptcy estate . According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, h, I, art. 64 upon liquidation of a legal entity, creditors' claims are satisfied in the following order:

    Claims of citizens to whom a legal entity is liable for causing harm to life or health (by capitalizing the corresponding time payments).

    Payment of severance pay, salaries.

    Satisfying the claims of creditors secured by a pledge from the property of a liquidated legal entity.

    4. Payments to the budget and off-budget funds.

    5. Other creditors.

    The requirements of each queue are satisfied after the requirements of the previous queue are fully satisfied.

    If the property of the liquidated enterprise is insufficient, it shall be distributed among the creditors of the corresponding priority in proportion to the amounts of claims to be satisfied, unless otherwise established by law.

    If the liquidation commission refuses to satisfy the creditor's claims or evades their consideration, the creditor has the right to apply to the court with a claim against the liquidation commission before the approval of the liquidation balance sheet of the legal entity. By a court decision, the creditor's claims may be satisfied at the expense of the remaining property of the liquidated legal entity.

    Claims of creditors filed after the expiration of the period established by the liquidation commission for their presentation shall be satisfied from the property of the liquidated legal entity remaining after satisfaction of the claims of creditors filed on time.

    Claims of creditors that are not satisfied due to the insufficiency of the property of the enterprise are considered to be repaid. Claims of creditors that have not been recognized by the liquidation commission, if the creditor has not filed a claim with the court, as well as claims that are denied satisfaction by a court decision, are also considered to be repaid.

    Liquidation procedures lead to the termination of the enterprise. Therefore, liquidation procedures reflect the content of bankruptcy in a narrow sense.

    In a broad sense, bankruptcy procedures are considered by Russian law as anti-crisis procedures. Anti-crisis procedures should be aimed at preserving enterprises that produce competitive, socially significant products.

    settlement agreement may be entered into between the debtor and the bankruptcy creditors at any stage of the insolvency proceedings. The essence of the settlement agreement is to reach an agreement between the debtor and creditors regarding deferment or installment payments or about discounts from debts.

    The decision to conclude a settlement agreement on behalf of the bankruptcy creditors is taken by the meeting of creditors. The decision of the meeting of creditors to conclude a settlement agreement is adopted by a majority vote of the total number of bankruptcy creditors and is considered adopted provided that all creditors on obligations secured by a pledge of property voted for it.

    The decision to conclude a settlement agreement on the part of the debtor is made by the citizen-debtor or the head of the debtor, an external manager or bankruptcy trustee.

    Participation in the amicable agreement of third parties is allowed, which assume the rights and obligations provided for by the amicable agreement.

    The amicable agreement is subject to approval by the arbitration court, which is indicated in the ruling of the arbitration court on termination of proceedings in the bankruptcy case. If an amicable agreement is concluded in the course of bankruptcy proceedings, the arbitration court shall issue a ruling approving the amicable agreement.

    The amicable agreement shall enter into force for the debtor and bankruptcy creditors, as well as for third parties participating in the amicable agreement, from the date of its approval by the arbitration court and is mandatory for the debtor, bankruptcy creditors and third parties participating in the amicable agreement.

    A unilateral refusal to execute a settlement agreement that has entered into force is not allowed.

    2. Anti-crisis management and regulation

    The process of implementing anti-crisis procedures in relation to the activities of debtor enterprises is called anti-crisis process .

    World experience shows that the anti-crisis process in a market economy is a manageable process that includes two blocks of procedures: anti-crisis management and anti-crisis regulation.

    Crisis management - application of anti-crisis procedures at the micro level, in relation to a particular enterprise. Anti-crisis management is associated with relations that develop at the enterprise level when applying reorganization or liquidation measures.

    Crisis situations arise at all stages of the life cycle of an enterprise. They are expressed in fluctuations in production volumes, the emergence of difficulties with the sale of products, an excessive increase in tax debts, etc.

    The implementation of the entire set of anti-crisis management procedures begins only at a certain stage in the life cycle of an enterprise: in the conditions of a sharp decline in production, characterized by a constant insolvency of the enterprise.

    Anti-crisis regulation - this is the impact on the debtor at the macro level. Anti-crisis regulation contains measures of organizational, economic and regulatory impact on the part of the state aimed at protecting enterprises from crisis situations, preventing bankruptcy or liquidation in case of inefficiency of its further functioning.

    The main directions of state anti-crisis regulation are:

    improvement of the legislative base on the insolvency (bankruptcy) of enterprises;

    implementation of measures for the rehabilitation of viable enterprises, including the provision of state support to insolvent enterprises and the attraction of investors involved in the rehabilitation of these enterprises;

    the adoption by the Russian government of measures aimed at overcoming the crisis of non-payments;

    privatization and voluntary liquidation of debtor enterprises

    creation of the institution of arbitration and bankruptcy trustees.

    The state body pursuing the policy of anti-crisis regulation is the Federal Service for Insolvency and Financial Recovery (FSDN).

    FSDN performs the following functions:

    analyzes the economic and financial condition of enterprises that have signs of insolvency, prepares recommendations for their elimination;

    carries out work on the formation of principles, criteria for assessing the insolvency of enterprises, keeps records of insolvent enterprises;

    acts as an authorized representative of the owner of a state-owned enterprise in cases where the procedures applicable to the debtor enterprise provide for the participation of the owner of the enterprise.

    Anti-crisis process - application of reorganization or liquidation procedures to the debtor enterprise - begins with a comprehensive assessment of its financial and economic condition. Without diagnosing the reasons for the insolvency of an enterprise, incorrect anti-crisis procedures can be prescribed, which can lead to the liquidation of quite promising enterprises, to the reorganization of obviously insolvent enterprises, and to the aggravation of the interests of debtors and creditors.

    The main stages of anti-crisis management are:

    in case of revealing facts of problems in the diagnosis of financial condition

    development of a business plan for the financial recovery of the enterprise;

    regulation of the process of financial recovery;

    assessment of the depth of the financial and economic crisis of the enterprise and the effectiveness of measures for financial recovery;

    selection and implementation of anti-crisis procedures.

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    What are the mechanisms and methods of anti-crisis management? How is anti-crisis management of the enterprise carried out? Where to order the services of an anti-crisis manager?

    Here is a very typical situation for you. Another financial year has come to an end. The reporting of the enterprise is formed and submitted. However, the problems did not decrease after that, but on the contrary.

    Taxes have to be paid, accounts payable are growing, delinquencies on bank loans have begun to appear, staff salaries are below the industry average, suppliers are refusing to defer payments. The picture, frankly, is sad, there is a crisis.

    But there are no hopeless situations. The most important thing is to find the right solution in time!

    I, Alla Prosyukova, will tell you today about one effective way to overcome all these problems in the company - crisis management.

    Even if your company has no problems, the business is thriving, the basics of crisis management will not hurt. As the saying goes: "Forewarned is forearmed"!

    So let's get started!

    1. What is crisis management and what is it aimed at

    I propose to define the main concept of the topic from the very beginning.

    Procedures aimed at improving the financial and economic activities of the company, allowing it to get out of the crisis.

    The main tasks of such management are:

    • prevention of negative situations at the enterprise;
    • crisis recognition;
    • overcoming their consequences;
    • mitigation of crisis processes.

    Anti-crisis management is in demand both during a crisis and for preventive purposes.

    Prevention includes:

    • monitoring of the company's activities;
    • timely detection of negative processes;
    • assessment of the work of the company's divisions;
    • development of a set of measures to prevent crisis phenomena.

    Crisis management involves:

    • stabilization of the financial condition of the enterprise;
    • increase in sales volume;
    • optimization of the company's expenses;
    • increase in profits;
    • resolving internal conflicts.

    2. What are the methods of anti-crisis management - 5 main methods

    Any management involves the use of a whole range of different procedures. Anti-crisis is no exception.

    I propose to get acquainted with the most popular methods.

    Method 1: Cost reduction

    During a crisis, the company, as a rule, experiences financial difficulties. In this case, the use of such a method of anti-crisis management as cost reduction is justified.

    Costs are reduced by eliminating expenses that are not related to the core business of the company, optimizing personnel costs, etc.


    A prime example of this method would be the 2009 crisis at Ford. The automaker's problems at that time were observed on all fronts.

    The most important were:

    • systemic economic crisis;
    • repurchase of shares by competitors;
    • internal conflicts;
    • decrease in consumer confidence.

    The main ones were associated with strikes by staff demanding a 30% increase in wages. The company could not afford its growth even by 15%.

    At this point, the management was faced with the task of reducing the costs of the enterprise, including personnel costs.

    The management made the following decisions: reduce the number of employees by 1,200 people, cut the bonus fund, reduce payments to shareholders.

    Similar measures, in combination with the reduction model range produced cars made it possible to successfully overcome the crisis.

    Method 2: Create optimal reporting

    For the activities of a crisis enterprise, the formation of optimal reporting is of particular importance, that is, capable of objectively reflecting the state of affairs of the company.

    It is based on the analysis of cash flow and profitability of the troubled firm.

    Method 3. Reorganization of the company structure

    Crisis management uses the reorganization of firms in the form of separation and / or separation. This method allows you to financially stabilize the position of the company, prevent the loss of its market value, diversify capital.

    Method 4. Increasing cash flow

    The increase in funds makes it possible to carry out anti-crisis measures. Here it is important to correctly determine the priority ways to increase the cash flow of the enterprise.

    The choice of methods is quite wide, we will consider them in more detail below.

    Method 5. Determination of the organization's development strategy

    An analysis of the activity of a crisis firm serves as the basis for the development of an anti-crisis strategy. This strategy changes under the influence of many factors of the internal and external environment of the enterprise.

    It is important to consider all of them. Only with this approach, anti-crisis management will be effective.

    The definition of an anti-crisis strategy can be conditionally divided into 3 stages:

    1. Comprehensive company diagnostics;
    2. Adjustment of the goals and mission of the company based on the results obtained.
    3. The choice of an alternative strategy that can bring the company out of a crisis situation.

    3. How to get the company out of the crisis - 6 important steps

    The difficult situation in the economy, international sanctions, high exchange rates complicate the activities of almost any Russian enterprise.

    In order to prevent the development of the crisis, it is necessary to know the main stages of the company's withdrawal from the current situation.

    Stage 1. Determination of the crisis epicenter

    The conclusion of the company from the crisis must begin with the definition of a site in its activities, which has become the starting point. This may be an uncontrolled increase in production costs, deterioration in product quality, non-compliance with contractual relations, an increase in receivables, etc.

    Only an accurate definition of the epicenter of the crisis will allow us to develop effective anti-crisis measures.

    Stage 2. Work with personnel

    Personnel management in a company's financial difficulties is the most important component of anti-crisis management.

    In such a situation, it is necessary to carry out the actions presented in the table:

    1 Optimization of the number and structure of personnelrevision staffing, the formation of new job descriptions, the refusal of the services of employees performing minor operations (duties), working part-time, etc.
    2 Information SupportThe team must be aware of the real state of affairs in the company - the lack of information gives rise to rumors and destabilizes the situation
    3 Creating a favorable microclimate in the teamEliminate misunderstandings, disagreements in the team and any other situations that can lead to conflicts
    4 TrainingRetraining of employees in accordance with the new crisis conditions and requirements

    Practice shows that such actions are able to set up the team to solve new strategic tasks.

    Stage 3. Cost reduction

    Cost reduction must be reasonable. It is very bad when this procedure negatively affects the quality of products and services provided.

    Typically, cost reduction is achieved through:

    • reducing material costs (buying cheaper raw materials and components, using resource-saving technologies, concluding contracts with local suppliers);
    • reduction of funding for research and development;
    • wage cuts;
    • assortment regulation;
    • expenses for administrative and economic needs, etc.

    With the help of a professional, it is necessary to analyze all costs item by item. There will definitely be positions that can be reduced or optimized.

    Stage 4. Sales promotion

    There are many ways to stimulate sales. The specific choice depends on the type of activity of the company.

    So, if it is necessary to stimulate sales at trading enterprises, then sales, promotions are applicable.

    If we stimulate the sales of a manufacturing enterprise, then this is the distribution of commercial offers to the database of potential customers, discount cards, integrated customer service solutions, the use of CRM systems for processing customer requests.

    Stage 5. Cash flow optimization

    The company optimizes cash flows through a range of activities.

    Here are some of them:

    • daily reconciliation of the balance of availability of funds;
    • formation of the register of payments;
    • increase in non-operating income through the sale of unused equipment, materials, etc.;
    • discounts for customers who purchase products for cash;
    • reduction of the term of trade credit;
    • increase in sales;
    • conservation of unused fixed assets (will reduce property tax).

    Stage 6. Restructuring of accounts payable

    One of the important stages of anti-crisis management is the restructuring of existing debt to creditors.

    This can be done by assigning your receivables to the company's creditors. The advantage of this method is the reduction in the cost of servicing creditors, while there is no need to divert funds.

    Also used:

    • installment;
    • exchange of debt for securities;
    • debt cancellation.

    4. Who provides crisis management services - an overview of the TOP-3 companies

    Crisis management is a complex process. Efficiency strongly depends on the specialists involved in the development and implementation of the necessary procedures and processes.

    I propose to get acquainted with a selection of companies professionally engaged in anti-crisis management.

    The Moscow company "Navigator-Consult", founded in 2003, specializes in three areas: audit, consulting and evaluation.

    Details of the main activities of Navigator-Consult LLC are presented in the table:

    All auditors and appraisers of the company have qualification certificates and certificates, extensive specialized experience. The professional liability of employees is insured by Alfa Insurance.

    The company specializes in restaurant consulting.

    Main services:

    • support for the activities of institutions;
    • design;
    • design and construction;
    • crisis management;
    • audit of restaurants;
    • brokerage services.

    Based on a deep, comprehensive analysis, the professional RESTCONSALT team is able to develop a strategy that increases the efficiency and profitability of any catering establishment.

    "BusinessHelper" provides its clients with business assistance and offers services in the field of management consulting. The company operates in all regions of the Russian Federation.

    Company advantages:

    • works for the result;
    • individual solutions for each client;
    • deep diagnostics of the organization, taking into account specific features;
    • All employees are practitioners with extensive experience in their field.

    5. How to increase the resilience of an enterprise to a crisis - 3 useful tips

    The disease is easier to prevent than to cure. This common truth is known to all. It is also relevant for the "health" of enterprises and organizations. After all, the crisis of the company is also a kind of disease. And, therefore, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures to prevent its development.

    How to do it? Read my advice.

    Tip 1. Periodically diagnose crisis phenomena at the enterprise

    Due to my main profession, I often have to deal with the documentation of various companies. So for many, management reporting is in a deplorable state.

    Even if it is conducted, its data are not analyzed, or are analyzed superficially. A similar situation develops with accounting. Naturally, in such a situation, important signs of a brewing crisis are missed.

    My advice: do not neglect the analysis of all types of reporting! This will make it possible to diagnose the crisis phenomena of the enterprise in advance, and take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

    Tip 2. Use the services of a crisis manager

    If a crisis is on the threshold, then it is better not to try to deal with it alone. Invite a specialist - an anti-crisis manager. His services are useful not only at the peak of the crisis, but also at the first sign of tension in the work of the company.

    The manager will conduct a comprehensive SWOT analysis, develop an action plan to avoid cataclysm and major losses, optimize cash flows and costs.

    Tip 3. Do not delay using anti-crisis mechanisms

    At the first symptoms of a coming crisis, anti-crisis measures should be immediately applied. You shouldn't expect that "will dissolve on its own".
