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Me and my king. Step beyond the horizon Ksenia Nikonova

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Title: Me and my king. Step beyond the horizon

About Me and My King. Step beyond the horizon" Ksenia Nikonova

Here is a book with which you can have a great rest from intellectual work, dream of a prince on a white horse and lofty feelings. Me and My King is the first novel in the series of the same name. To date, there is already a sequel. Ksenia Nikonova invites us to read a story about “hit”, but not traditional, but when a person gets from another world into ours.

The main character is an ordinary girl Masha. She is a diligent student, sings well, not a bitch, a very positive and modest girl from Siberia. Main character- king. Just yesterday, with a flick of his finger, he could execute a person or pardon, it was in his power to distribute blessings or separate. Just yesterday, he habitually used magic to accomplish all things. And today everything turned upside down for him: instead of the luxurious apartments of the royal palace - a modest dwelling for two, instead of magic - the work of a black magician, instead of a large retinue and devoted subjects - a strange world. In one, the former monarch was lucky - he met his true love in the face of a pure girl.

However, duty is opposed to the heart. You have to make a difficult choice: return to the throne or stay with your beloved, forgetting about your past. But a real king will never make a choice that he does not like, he will achieve everything he wants and combine the incompatible.

“Me and My King” is a romantic fairy tale in which if a man appears in a girl’s life, then it is certainly a king, strong, courageous, gallant, in a word, ideal. The heroine is reasonable. Both act believable for a 17-year-old girl and a representative of another world.

Ksenia Nikonova slowly leads her story, the plot unfolds slowly and smoothly. This makes it possible to enjoy the story of "Me and my king" to the fullest. However, we note that some readers may perceive this feature as protracted. But if you like to read with feeling, plainly, with arrangement, then you will like it.

The book "Me and My King" will delight you with many moments: both a pleasant style and a lively figurative language, And easy beautiful romance. Ksenia Nikonova does not give erotic scenes, there is only an abundance of beautiful feelings.

The book has an open ending, but the impression from it still remains very pleasant, warm and bright. good literature, in which you plunge headlong and which you want to read excitedly.

On our site about books you can download for free without registration or read online book“Me and my king. Step Beyond the Horizon" by Ksenia Nikonova in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. Buy full version you can have our partner. Also, here you will find last news from literary world, find out the biography of your favorite authors. For beginner writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at writing.

Ksenia Nikonova

Elena Petrova and her heroes.

Without them, this book would never have existed.

In this pre-dawn hour, the Temple of Doom was empty.

Only two could be seen in the flickering light of burning candles at the altar dais: a gray-haired old man with eyes full of wisdom, and a black-haired youth. His lively, mobile face reflected the hope and impatience with which he came to the Temple on the day of his coming of age. The bitter line around his mouth, a reminder of his recently lost mother, gave the young prince a seriousness uncharacteristic of his nature. Impulsively dropping to his knees, he bowed his head and spoke the ancient ritual phrase:

- At the dawn of my life, I came to learn about what is coming. Will you... tell me, Father?

“I'm not talking here. She speaks through my mouth, the mistress of human destinies. Get up, my son. Drink from the Cup of Destiny, open your heart and mind.

The young man took a bowl full of water, but his hand trembled from excitement, and in the silence there was a short splash - splashes of spilled liquid sprinkled the slabs under his feet. In fright, he looked back at the Soothsayer, but he gestured: "Drink."

The prince took a few sips.

“The tests prepared for you, you yourself will divide into two,” the old man smiled sadly and, closing his eyes, unmistakably touched the young man’s head, chest and hands. - Pick up what's missing.

The prince hesitated, then pursed his lips and, whispering an incantation softly, passed his hand over the floor. Immediately, everything spilled to the drop returned to the bowl.

- So it is in the future - once lost, return it to the cup of your life. And drink. Whether it be the most bitter poison, it will turn into nectar.

Having drunk from the cup in one long gulp, the young man froze in anticipation.

- Get up. The soothsayer turned to leave.

- This is all?! the prince asked incredulously.

You must leave the Temple before dawn. The rays of the sun are about to touch the roofs.

“But, father, you didn’t tell me anything! - the young man rushed across the old man.

“And you are persistent and expect a lot from life,” he paused. - As you wish. Listen. Dashing days will come for you ... That maiden who will save more than once is destined for you by fate: she will become your chosen one and guarantee the right path. You will recognize her by the sign that binds your hands. And the choice of honor will determine the path: to go into oblivion and darkness, or to unprecedented glory! .. I can’t say more. Now leave without delay. If you do not meet your dawn outside the gates of the Temple, be in trouble.

The elder pushed the young man to the exit, and he rushed headlong away. Joyfully neighed a white stallion in a rich harness, waiting for the owner at an inconspicuous side door. Jumping into the saddle, the prince set his horse at a gallop, and, as soon as he passed the temple gates, the first ray of the sun touched his face.

- Heya! came the jubilant exclamation of the prince. He rushed through the empty streets towards the palace. The three horsemen who had been waiting outside the gate silently joined him, hurrying to keep up with the ardent youth of their master.

The sun was rising over Vianna, the capital of the kingdom of Laenter.

Part one

Children different worlds


Imagine natural environment where a person without special protective devices inevitably dies in a few tens of minutes. This is not the mouth of a volcano, this is our country in winter.

A. P. Parshev

I sat in the library today. My fur coat hung alone on a hanger, and the cloakroom attendant pursed her lips disapprovingly, giving it away. In order not to irritate the security guard, who was also looking in my direction with displeasure, I hurriedly got dressed, put my books in a bag and ran out into the street. It's already dark. A frosty wind immediately climbed up the collar, forcing a shiver of chilly shoulders. I stopped and resolutely unbuttoned. It is necessary to properly wind the scarf and turn up the collar, stomp for about fifteen minutes before the stop, and it is still not known how long to wait for the minibus. As she straightened her clothes and re-fastened, her hands were frozen with frost. With stiff fingers she took out fluffy mittens, pulled them on and quickly rushed across the square near the theater, past the stadium. The wind was blowing from the river, because of the never-freezing water there was a thick fog. She ran to the stop already running, dragging a heavy bag with books with her last strength. Phew! Barely made it. On the bus, of course, longer, but did not have to wait. And the people! Rush hour though. With difficulty, she made her way to the railing and tried to make her bag more comfortable so as not to keep it on the weight. Uncomfortable, dog. But there is no need to complain, I must say thank you that almost all the ordered books were given out. At least one test can be written at home, and not dragged every day to the library. In such cold weather! Thirty degrees now, no less. Winter has come…

I almost missed my stop. The half-empty bus was already approaching Primorsky, when I started up and rushed to the driver - I had to pay, but I hadn’t pulled out the money yet. He angrily grunted: they say, all sorts of people are sitting until the last moment, - I paid and jumped out. Thank you, I didn’t cover it with obscenities, but it’s still unpleasant. I don't like to quarrel with people. So how much time do we have? Having hardly reached the clock under the sleeves of a fur coat, sweater and blouse, in the light of the lantern she made out - five minutes to eight. Damn, the store near the house is about to close, and I need to buy something for the weekend, in the fridge like a rolling ball. You will have to go to the mini-market, although it is more expensive. And the guard there is always staring at me with oily eyes, the old bastard! Having bought bread, bio-yogurt, cutlets, sausage, marshmallows, I could not resist, I took two fish of my favorite salted omul. I think! I'll come right now - and with his potatoes. Those delicious thoughts made me salivate. In anticipation of dinner, her strength doubled, taking a bag in her hands, she almost ran towards the house. Damn, my nose is cold, and both hands are busy. Well, a little more. It remains to cross a not too busy road, and there is a five-minute walk. The fog was getting thicker and the frost was getting stronger. At night, it will probably be at least minus forty. Looking around for cars, I rushed across the road, and then in the fog right in front of me appeared human figure. Having almost run into her with a swing, at the last moment she slowed down, while the bags flew forward by inertia and hit the person. He turned around with lightning speed, snatching something from under his clothes.

“Sorry,” I squeaked, and then I saw what the stranger was clutching in his hand. Mommy! Knife! I recoiled in fright, but the man had already stopped his hand raised to strike. With a quick glance at me, he put the knife away and said something. Not in Russian! I backed away to get around the abnormal, noting in passing that the clothes he was wearing were, to put it mildly, strange. But then bright headlights hit my eyes, the sharp sound of a car horn and the screech of brakes burst into my ears, and before I could even take a step, something strong grabbed me and threw me to the side of the road. The driver of a jeep with mats that had stopped almost across the roadway got out of the car and headed towards me:

- What the hell are you doing! At all…!

What followed was an absolutely obscene tirade. I, stunned, sat in a snowdrift, trying to figure out what had happened. How did I end up on the sidelines?! With trembling hands, she felt her arms and legs, her head was in place, nothing seemed to hurt. Gotta get up. Bl-in! Library books! Ignoring the yelling peasant, she began to collect the books scattered from the bag. I was shaking. I just got hit by a car! Turning around to pick up a handbag and a second bag with groceries, I noticed that there were more participants in the accident. The man I bumped into in the middle of the road and who, in fact, almost caused an accident, held the driver of a foreign car by the breasts and, in response to his mats, said something menacingly. All in the same incomprehensible language. Finally, the stunned driver escaped from the hands of a stranger, twisted at his temple and, spitting in his direction, ran to the car. The jeep screeched its brakes furiously, turned around and, picking up speed, took off into the distance. I shook my head. It’s not the man’s fault, but in such a state behind the wheel, he would have driven home. People, looking around, passed by. There are no victims, and the frost completely cuts off unnecessary curiosity. I also got out on the path and went to the house. Wanted to go! A jerk from behind stopped me halfway. I shuddered in fear. This guy is off the road again. Mm, more precisely, a guy, quite young. Mortally pale - even in the light of a lantern - a stranger stood in front of me, asking something, in my opinion, on different languages. But I didn't understand a single word. What does he want from me? And then the thought pierced my head that he was standing nearby when the jeep flew at us. It turns out that he pushed me to the side of the road. Or maybe his car hit him? Look how pale, suddenly shock? I felt ashamed.

Ksenia Nikonova

Elena Petrova and her heroes.

Without them, this book would never have existed.

In this pre-dawn hour, the Temple of Doom was empty.

Only two could be seen in the flickering light of burning candles at the altar dais: a gray-haired old man with eyes full of wisdom, and a black-haired youth. His lively, mobile face reflected the hope and impatience with which he came to the Temple on the day of his coming of age. The bitter line around his mouth, a reminder of his recently lost mother, gave the young prince a seriousness uncharacteristic of his nature. Impulsively dropping to his knees, he bowed his head and spoke the ancient ritual phrase:

- At the dawn of my life, I came to learn about what is coming. Will you... tell me, Father?

“I'm not talking here. She speaks through my mouth, the mistress of human destinies. Get up, my son. Drink from the Cup of Destiny, open your heart and mind.

The young man took a bowl full of water, but his hand trembled from excitement, and in the silence there was a short splash - splashes of spilled liquid sprinkled the slabs under his feet. In fright, he looked back at the Soothsayer, but he gestured: "Drink."

The prince took a few sips.

“The tests prepared for you, you yourself will divide into two,” the old man smiled sadly and, closing his eyes, unmistakably touched the young man’s head, chest and hands. - Pick up what's missing.

The prince hesitated, then pursed his lips and, whispering an incantation softly, passed his hand over the floor. Immediately, everything spilled to the drop returned to the bowl.

- So it is in the future - once lost, return it to the cup of your life. And drink. Whether it be the most bitter poison, it will turn into nectar.

Having drunk from the cup in one long gulp, the young man froze in anticipation.

- Get up. The soothsayer turned to leave.

- This is all?! the prince asked incredulously.

You must leave the Temple before dawn. The rays of the sun are about to touch the roofs.

“But, father, you didn’t tell me anything! - the young man rushed across the old man.

“And you are persistent and expect a lot from life,” he paused. - As you wish. Listen. Dashing days will come for you ... That maiden who will save more than once is destined for you by fate: she will become your chosen one and guarantee the right path. You will recognize her by the sign that binds your hands. And the choice of honor will determine the path: to go into oblivion and darkness, or to unprecedented glory! .. I can’t say more. Now leave without delay. If you do not meet your dawn outside the gates of the Temple, be in trouble.

The elder pushed the young man to the exit, and he rushed headlong away. Joyfully neighed a white stallion in a rich harness, waiting for the owner at an inconspicuous side door. Jumping into the saddle, the prince set his horse at a gallop, and, as soon as he passed the temple gates, the first ray of the sun touched his face.

- Heya! came the jubilant exclamation of the prince. He rushed through the empty streets towards the palace. The three horsemen who had been waiting outside the gate silently joined him, hurrying to keep up with the ardent youth of their master.

The sun was rising over Vianna, the capital of the kingdom of Laenter.

Part one

Children from different worlds


Imagine a natural environment where a person without special protective devices inevitably dies in a few tens of minutes. This is not the mouth of a volcano, this is our country in winter.

A. P. Parshev

I sat in the library today. My fur coat hung alone on a hanger, and the cloakroom attendant pursed her lips disapprovingly, giving it away. In order not to irritate the security guard, who was also looking in my direction with displeasure, I hurriedly got dressed, put my books in a bag and ran out into the street. It's already dark. A frosty wind immediately climbed up the collar, forcing a shiver of chilly shoulders. I stopped and resolutely unbuttoned. It is necessary to properly wind the scarf and turn up the collar, stomp for about fifteen minutes before the stop, and it is still not known how long to wait for the minibus. As she straightened her clothes and re-fastened, her hands were frozen with frost. With stiff fingers she took out fluffy mittens, pulled them on and quickly rushed across the square near the theater, past the stadium. The wind was blowing from the river, because of the never-freezing water there was a thick fog. She ran to the stop already running, dragging a heavy bag with books with her last strength. Phew! Barely made it. On the bus, of course, longer, but did not have to wait. And the people! Rush hour though. With difficulty, she made her way to the railing and tried to make her bag more comfortable so as not to keep it on the weight. Uncomfortable, dog. But there is no need to complain, I must say thank you that almost all the ordered books were given out. At least one test can be written at home, and not dragged every day to the library. In such cold weather! Thirty degrees now, no less. Winter has come…

I almost missed my stop. The half-empty bus was already approaching Primorsky, when I started up and rushed to the driver - I had to pay, but I hadn’t pulled out the money yet. He angrily grunted: they say, all sorts of people are sitting until the last moment, - I paid and jumped out. Thank you, I didn’t cover it with obscenities, but it’s still unpleasant. I don't like to quarrel with people. So how much time do we have? Having hardly reached the clock under the sleeves of a fur coat, sweater and blouse, in the light of the lantern she made out - five minutes to eight. Damn, the store near the house is about to close, and I need to buy something for the weekend, in the fridge like a rolling ball. You will have to go to the mini-market, although it is more expensive. And the guard there is always staring at me with oily eyes, the old bastard! Having bought bread, bio-yogurt, cutlets, sausage, marshmallows, I could not resist, I took two fish of my favorite salted omul. I think! I'll come right now - and with his potatoes. Those delicious thoughts made me salivate. In anticipation of dinner, her strength doubled, taking a bag in her hands, she almost ran towards the house. Damn, my nose is cold, and both hands are busy. Well, a little more. It remains to cross a not too busy road, and there is a five-minute walk. The fog was getting thicker and the frost was getting stronger. At night, it will probably be at least minus forty. Looking around for cars, I rushed across the road, and then a human figure appeared in the fog right in front of me. Having almost run into her with a swing, at the last moment she slowed down, while the bags flew forward by inertia and hit the person. He turned around with lightning speed, snatching something from under his clothes.

“Sorry,” I squeaked, and then I saw what the stranger was clutching in his hand. Mommy! Knife! I recoiled in fright, but the man had already stopped his hand raised to strike. With a quick glance at me, he put the knife away and said something. Not in Russian! I backed away to get around the abnormal, noting in passing that the clothes he was wearing were, to put it mildly, strange. But then bright headlights hit my eyes, the sharp sound of a car horn and the screech of brakes burst into my ears, and before I could even take a step, something strong grabbed me and threw me to the side of the road. The driver of a jeep with mats that had stopped almost across the roadway got out of the car and headed towards me:

- What the hell are you doing! At all…!

What followed was an absolutely obscene tirade. I, stunned, sat in a snowdrift, trying to figure out what had happened. How did I end up on the sidelines?! With trembling hands, she felt her arms and legs, her head was in place, nothing seemed to hurt. Gotta get up. Bl-in! Library books! Ignoring the yelling peasant, she began to collect the books scattered from the bag. I was shaking. I just got hit by a car! Turning around to pick up a handbag and a second bag with groceries, I noticed that there were more participants in the accident. The man I bumped into in the middle of the road and who, in fact, almost caused an accident, held the driver of a foreign car by the breasts and, in response to his mats, said something menacingly. All in the same incomprehensible language. Finally, the stunned driver escaped from the hands of a stranger, twisted at his temple and, spitting in his direction, ran to the car. The jeep screeched its brakes furiously, turned around and, picking up speed, took off into the distance. I shook my head. The man is not to blame, but in this state behind the wheel - he drove

Elena Petrova and her heroes.

Without them, this book would never have existed.


In this pre-dawn hour, the Temple of Doom was empty.

Only two could be seen in the flickering light of burning candles at the altar dais: a gray-haired old man with eyes full of wisdom, and a black-haired youth. His lively, mobile face reflected the hope and impatience with which he came to the Temple on the day of his coming of age. The bitter fold at the mouth - a reminder of the recently lost mother - gave the young prince a seriousness unusual for his nature. Impulsively dropping to his knees, he bowed his head and spoke the ancient ritual phrase:

At the dawn of my life I came to know what was to come. Will you... tell me, father?

I'm not talking here. She speaks through my mouth, the mistress of human destinies. Get up, my son. Drink from the Cup of Destiny, open your heart and mind.

The young man took a bowl full of water, but his hand trembled from excitement, and in the silence there was a short splash - splashes of spilled liquid sprinkled the slabs under his feet. In fright, he looked back at the Soothsayer, but he gestured: "Drink."

The prince took a few sips.

The trials prepared for you, you yourself will divide into two, - the old man smiled sadly and, closing his eyes, unmistakably touched the head, chest and hands of the young man. - Pick up the lost.

The prince hesitated, then pursed his lips and, whispering an incantation softly, passed his hand over the floor. Immediately, everything spilled to the drop returned to the bowl.

So it is in the future - once lost, return it to the cup of your life. And drink. Whether it be the most bitter poison, it will turn into nectar.

Having drunk from the cup in one long gulp, the young man froze in anticipation.

Go. The soothsayer turned to leave.

This is all?! the prince asked incredulously.

You must leave the Temple before dawn. The rays of the sun are about to touch the roofs.

But, father, you didn't tell me anything! - the young man rushed across the old man.

And you are persistent and expect a lot from life, - he paused. - As you wish. Listen. Dashing days will come for you ... That maiden who will save more than once is destined for you by fate: she will become your chosen one and guarantee the right path. You will recognize her by the sign that binds your hands. And the choice of honor will determine the path: to go into oblivion and darkness, or to unprecedented glory! .. I can’t say more. Now leave without delay. If you do not meet your dawn outside the gates of the Temple, be in trouble.

The elder pushed the young man to the exit, and he rushed headlong away. Joyfully neighed a white stallion in a rich harness, waiting for the owner at an inconspicuous side door. Jumping into the saddle, the prince set his horse at a gallop, and, as soon as he passed the temple gates, the first ray of the sun touched his face.

Heya! - there was a jubilant exclamation of the prince. He rushed through the empty streets towards the palace. The three horsemen who had been waiting outside the gate silently joined him, hurrying to keep up with the ardent youth of their master.

The sun was rising over Vianna, the capital of the kingdom of Laenter.

Part one

Children from different worlds

Chapter 1


Imagine a natural environment where a person without special protective devices inevitably dies in a few tens of minutes. This is not the mouth of a volcano, this is our country in winter.

A. P. Parshev

I sat in the library today. My fur coat hung alone on a hanger, and the cloakroom attendant pursed her lips disapprovingly, giving it away.

Ksenia Nikonova

Elena Petrova and her heroes.

Without them, this book would never have existed.

In this pre-dawn hour, the Temple of Doom was empty.

Only two could be seen in the flickering light of burning candles at the altar dais: a gray-haired old man with eyes full of wisdom, and a black-haired youth. His lively, mobile face reflected the hope and impatience with which he came to the Temple on the day of his coming of age. The bitter line around his mouth, a reminder of his recently lost mother, gave the young prince a seriousness uncharacteristic of his nature. Impulsively dropping to his knees, he bowed his head and spoke the ancient ritual phrase:

- At the dawn of my life, I came to learn about what is coming. Will you... tell me, Father?

“I'm not talking here. She speaks through my mouth, the mistress of human destinies. Get up, my son. Drink from the Cup of Destiny, open your heart and mind.

The young man took a bowl full of water, but his hand trembled from excitement, and in the silence there was a short splash - splashes of spilled liquid sprinkled the slabs under his feet. In fright, he looked back at the Soothsayer, but he gestured: "Drink."

The prince took a few sips.

“The tests prepared for you, you yourself will divide into two,” the old man smiled sadly and, closing his eyes, unmistakably touched the young man’s head, chest and hands. - Pick up what's missing.

The prince hesitated, then pursed his lips and, whispering an incantation softly, passed his hand over the floor. Immediately, everything spilled to the drop returned to the bowl.

- So it is in the future - once lost, return it to the cup of your life. And drink. Whether it be the most bitter poison, it will turn into nectar.

Having drunk from the cup in one long gulp, the young man froze in anticipation.

- Get up. The soothsayer turned to leave.

- This is all?! the prince asked incredulously.

You must leave the Temple before dawn. The rays of the sun are about to touch the roofs.

“But, father, you didn’t tell me anything! - the young man rushed across the old man.

“And you are persistent and expect a lot from life,” he paused. - As you wish. Listen. Dashing days will come for you ... That maiden who will save more than once is destined for you by fate: she will become your chosen one and guarantee the right path. You will recognize her by the sign that binds your hands. And the choice of honor will determine the path: to go into oblivion and darkness, or to unprecedented glory! .. I can’t say more. Now leave without delay. If you do not meet your dawn outside the gates of the Temple, be in trouble.

The elder pushed the young man to the exit, and he rushed headlong away. Joyfully neighed a white stallion in a rich harness, waiting for the owner at an inconspicuous side door. Jumping into the saddle, the prince set his horse at a gallop, and, as soon as he passed the temple gates, the first ray of the sun touched his face.

- Heya! came the jubilant exclamation of the prince. He rushed through the empty streets towards the palace. The three horsemen who had been waiting outside the gate silently joined him, hurrying to keep up with the ardent youth of their master.

The sun was rising over Vianna, the capital of the kingdom of Laenter.

Part one

Children from different worlds


Imagine a natural environment where a person without special protective devices inevitably dies in a few tens of minutes. This is not the mouth of a volcano, this is our country in winter.

A. P. Parshev

I sat in the library today. My fur coat hung alone on a hanger, and the cloakroom attendant pursed her lips disapprovingly, giving it away. In order not to irritate the security guard, who was also looking in my direction with displeasure, I hurriedly got dressed, put my books in a bag and ran out into the street. It's already dark. A frosty wind immediately climbed up the collar, forcing a shiver of chilly shoulders. I stopped and resolutely unbuttoned. It is necessary to properly wind the scarf and turn up the collar, stomp for about fifteen minutes before the stop, and it is still not known how long to wait for the minibus. As she straightened her clothes and re-fastened, her hands were frozen with frost. With stiff fingers she took out fluffy mittens, pulled them on and quickly rushed across the square near the theater, past the stadium. The wind was blowing from the river, because of the never-freezing water there was a thick fog. She ran to the stop already running, dragging a heavy bag with books with her last strength. Phew! Barely made it. On the bus, of course, longer, but did not have to wait. And the people! Rush hour though. With difficulty, she made her way to the railing and tried to make her bag more comfortable so as not to keep it on the weight. Uncomfortable, dog. But there is no need to complain, I must say thank you that almost all the ordered books were given out. At least one test can be written at home, and not dragged every day to the library. In such cold weather! Thirty degrees now, no less. Winter has come…

I almost missed my stop. The half-empty bus was already approaching Primorsky, when I started up and rushed to the driver - I had to pay, but I hadn’t pulled out the money yet. He angrily grunted: they say, all sorts of people are sitting until the last moment, - I paid and jumped out. Thank you, I didn’t cover it with obscenities, but it’s still unpleasant. I don't like to quarrel with people. So how much time do we have? Having hardly reached the clock under the sleeves of a fur coat, sweater and blouse, in the light of the lantern she made out - five minutes to eight. Damn, the store near the house is about to close, and I need to buy something for the weekend, in the fridge like a rolling ball. You will have to go to the mini-market, although it is more expensive. And the guard there is always staring at me with oily eyes, the old bastard! Having bought bread, bio-yogurt, cutlets, sausage, marshmallows, I could not resist, I took two fish of my favorite salted omul. I think! I'll come right now - and with his potatoes. Those delicious thoughts made me salivate. In anticipation of dinner, her strength doubled, taking a bag in her hands, she almost ran towards the house. Damn, my nose is cold, and both hands are busy. Well, a little more. It remains to cross a not too busy road, and there is a five-minute walk. The fog was getting thicker and the frost was getting stronger. At night, it will probably be at least minus forty. Looking around for cars, I rushed across the road, and then a human figure appeared in the fog right in front of me. Having almost run into her with a swing, at the last moment she slowed down, while the bags flew forward by inertia and hit the person. He turned around with lightning speed, snatching something from under his clothes.

“Sorry,” I squeaked, and then I saw what the stranger was clutching in his hand. Mommy! Knife! I recoiled in fright, but the man had already stopped his hand raised to strike. With a quick glance at me, he put the knife away and said something. Not in Russian! I backed away to get around the abnormal, noting in passing that the clothes he was wearing were, to put it mildly, strange. But then bright headlights hit my eyes, the sharp sound of a car horn and the screech of brakes burst into my ears, and before I could even take a step, something strong grabbed me and threw me to the side of the road. The driver of a jeep with mats that had stopped almost across the roadway got out of the car and headed towards me:

- What the hell are you doing! At all…!

What followed was an absolutely obscene tirade. I, stunned, sat in a snowdrift, trying to figure out what had happened. How did I end up on the sidelines?! With trembling hands, she felt her arms and legs, her head was in place, nothing seemed to hurt. Gotta get up. Bl-in! Library books! Ignoring the yelling peasant, she began to collect the books scattered from the bag. I was shaking. I just got hit by a car! Turning around to pick up a handbag and a second bag with groceries, I noticed that there were more participants in the accident. The man I bumped into in the middle of the road and who, in fact, almost caused an accident, held the driver of a foreign car by the breasts and, in response to his mats, said something menacingly. All in the same incomprehensible language. Finally, the stunned driver escaped from the hands of a stranger, twisted at his temple and, spitting in his direction, ran to the car. The jeep screeched its brakes furiously, turned around and, picking up speed, took off into the distance. I shook my head. It’s not the man’s fault, but in such a state behind the wheel, he would have driven home. People, looking around, passed by. There are no victims, and the frost completely cuts off unnecessary curiosity. I also got out on the path and went to the house. Wanted to go! A jerk from behind stopped me halfway. I shuddered in fear. This guy is off the road again. Mm, more precisely, a guy, quite young. Mortally pale - even in the light of a lantern - a stranger stood in front of me, asking something, in my opinion, in different languages. But I didn't understand a single word. What does he want from me? And then the thought pierced my head that he was standing nearby when the jeep flew at us. It turns out that he pushed me to the side of the road. Or maybe his car hit him? Look how pale, suddenly shock? I felt ashamed.

- Are you okay? Probably, you need to go to the emergency room, let the doctors look, it happens that a person does not feel pain from shock. - As I spoke, my eyes swept over the figure of a stranger by themselves, and the result puzzled me. The clothes that surprised me at the very beginning were a kind of carnival costume of the era of either the Middle Ages or the Renaissance, dark hair scattered over the shoulders, there is clearly a scabbard on the side, and something sticks out from behind the shoulder, a quiver, or what? And no hat.
