Natalya Maltseva where is the housing problem. Behind the Scenes of the Makeover Programs: Million-dollar Concrete Kitchen and Depraved Closet

Natalya Maltseva, host of the “Housing issue”, told the site about interesting stories behind the scenes of the TV project.

We learned from Natalia Maltseva, host of the “Housing Problem”, how to become the hero of the program, how much money the creators of TV shows spend on repairs, and which of the stars was dissatisfied with television design.

"The prima donna fed and watered us"

To become the hero of the "housing problem", you need to go through a casting.

. We have certain criteria. We are looking for characters that the viewer would like to look at and empathize with them: bright and kind faces. When people have already passed the casting, we sign an agreement with them that we cannot remake the interior if they do not like our idea. We have a strict budget that we must meet. On average, repairs cost 1 million rubles. During the season, "Housing Problem" remodels a small apartment building - about 80-90 interiors. It takes 1-2 months to remake, about which we warn our heroes. Also, they should not come home until we have implemented the project. Otherwise, they will just spoil the surprise for themselves. Therefore, participants either live at this time with relatives, or rent housing.

"Housing issue" makes repairs not only in ordinary people but also the stars.

“For example, Alla Pugacheva herself turned to us, and we, of course, responded with joy,” the TV star continues. - And they made her an incredible office on Radio Alla. It was very easy to work with her. She knew what we needed, how to behave in the frame and what to say. After all, we spend a lot of energy on making people feel liberated in front of the cameras. Alla Borisovna has incredible magnetism, charisma and attractiveness. She is a very hospitable person, fed and watered us. And despite the fact that she is a star, she communicated with us like a human being. Moreover, it even helped me. I had an awkward situation at work. And I addressed her as wise man and asked what to do. Pugacheva gave a seemingly very banal advice: "I would not do anything." You know, after that I somehow calmed down and let go of the situation. Indeed, I succeeded.

“Muravyova is scared to be in the kitchen”

There are cases when program participants do not like repairs.

– We are experimenting with the space of heroes by and large. We want to cheer them up, as they say, - Natalya shares with us. “Sometimes people are not ready for drastic changes. Here the actress Irina Muravyova did not like the interior. Since she is very temperamental and emotional person, then expressed everything on the air. And this, I think, is correct. You know, we ask our participants to tell the truth, not to hide what confuses them.

Irina Muravyova / freeze frame of the program "Housing issue"

Muravyova was really upset to tears by the new interior.

“It’s scary to be here,” the actress was indignant. – Is it possible for people in their old age to change the situation in such a way. Maybe I'll come home one day and start crying, longing for the old kitchen.

According to Maltseva, there were such radical changes in the history of the Housing Problem, when a person's life changed 180 degrees after participating in a TV show:

For some we have become Starting point for change. The life of one of our heroines has changed dramatically after we made her a bedroom. She is a single woman, worked as a teacher, loved to travel and could not fulfill her dream. A designer from London gave her a fashionable and feminine bedroom. Our heroine was so shocked by the room that she changed jobs as a teacher and opened a travel agency. A year and a half later, we saw a completely different person. Often, most people get used to stereotypes. We are making a kind of revolution in our homes. Our mission is to change the way we think.

Natalia Maltseva / editorial archive

Natalia lives in happy marriage with her husband Boris (furniture businessman. - Ed.) for about 15 years. 13-year-old son Mikhail wants to become a chef and restaurateur. He loves good food and is a great cook.

We love to travel with the whole family. In winter we go skiing, and in summer we spend in our house in Finland. My husband and son go fishing, and I take care of the plot. I think that the main thing in life is not to be afraid of changes, because they are the key to happiness.

The famous TV presenter first spoke about why she left television for four years.

For many years in a row, Natalya Maltseva hosted the program "" on NTV, which she herself came up with. Maltseva also produced the Country Answer project. But in 2014, Natalya disappeared from TV radar. Another presenter appeared in the “Housing Problem”, and the fans could only speculate - where is Natalya? This fall, the TV presenter finally returned to television with her own morning show "Maltseva". In the project, which goes to NTV, she talks not only about repair and design, but also about many other things.

"I was rushing at the speed of an asteroid"

- Your new program is running daily - this is a new format for you ...

Yes, it's different here. Behind long years conducting and producing "Housing problem" and "Dachny otvet" we have accumulated a lot of topics, materials that did not coincide with the format of these programs. As a result, "Maltseva" was born. We have been recording programs since August, we have already filmed a large pool. And we continue to work.

Did you miss filming?

- You know, I didn’t leave television. Yes, I left the frame, but we still did both “Country Answer” and “Housing Problem”. So no, I'm not bored. But when the question arose of who to lead new program I relived mine again old story. After all, I became the host of the “Housing Problem” not because I really wanted to. I just came up with this program, at some point we began to look for presenters, tried different ones, but everything was not right. And I realized that, probably, it would be better to do it myself than those whom we are watching.

- Why did you suddenly decide to leave your own program in 2014? Tired?

- There are several circumstances. First, yes, I'm tired. And to some extent I missed the moment when I had to come up with something new. And secondly, I was seriously ill. She lived in Israel for two years, was treated there, and recovered. And I tried to understand in general: who am I, where am I? What do I really want? It was a rather difficult, but at the same time very fruitful period for me.

Natalia was the first to talk about repair and design on our television ... Photo: NTV

Did you want to stay in Israel?

- When you get sick, different thoughts appear. This is a state of crisis. You are out of balance. I've had completely different periods over the years. Sometimes quite difficult for both me and my husband. I don't want to reminisce about that time. But I am very grateful for my illness, because it taught me a lot.

And therefore, it doesn’t even matter what thoughts and ideas we had in the process. All this is irrelevant now. The main thing is that we are here. I returned to my favorite job. And, in general, full of hope.

- Recently a site about how I fought cancer. And she also admitted that that story changed her a lot. She said: “If earlier it seemed to me that I would live forever, then the disease forced me to reconsider my whole life ...”

— Yes, I completely agree with that. I also had cancer. And, of course, it changes absolutely everything. You find yourself in a completely different dimension, as if you find yourself behind glass. You seem to be in life, but no longer in it. It makes you take a different look at everything that happens, at relatives, at friends. Everything becomes very convex. And the events themselves that begin to take place reveal so many things that you simply did not notice before. You were moving at the speed of an asteroid. He threw aside some small signs, problems, sensations. And then you start paying attention to it all.

... and now she has her own morning show "Maltsev". It goes on weekdays on NTV. photo:

Who came to your aid at that moment?

- Husband. He not only came to the rescue, but somehow pulled me out. I am very grateful to him ... I do not have enough words to describe all this. You can't really express it in words.

- A sad conversation turned out ...

- In fact, all this is very positive. Such tests are not given just like that. They are given to make you aware of something. And if you understand this, completely different doors open before you. Other sensations appear, and other circumstances come into life. So when I say I'm grateful, I really am. Because now I am absolutely happy. I have new project, friends around me, my great team. I meet new people who turn out to be completely unreal and amazing. Do you understand? In general, I live in some other reality compared to the one I had. And this is a very, very good, very happy reality.

"Everyone can be dealt with"

— You have a wealth of experience in running a design program. Do you often redo things at home?

— No, I wouldn't say. I am doing now new apartment, and in it all ideas and desires are realized. I have an alliance with my friend, designer Victoria Kruchinina. She is responsible for the design, and I convey some of my feelings.

- So, moving soon?

“We have been in this renovation for a year and a half, so I don’t even plan to move yet, because I don’t know when it will end.

- Why so long?

Yes, because we are not in a hurry. At the same time, some new projects arise all the time, something happens to me and my husband. Now the transfer takes all the time.

- Do your husband and son support you in connection with the new project?

Yes, they are very supportive. Husband helps a lot. He played an important role in our production center.

“He has a furniture business, doesn’t he?”

- Yes, that is right. But precisely because he has a business, he helps us in our work.

— Your son Mikhail wanted to become a chef. Is this still relevant or does the teenager already have new hobbies?

- He is now 15 years old, and in principle, he broadcast for a long time that he wants to be a chef, a restaurateur. But now he has a rather controversial period. What will happen, we do not know. Let's not guess yet.

- How, by the way, is adolescence experienced? Difficult?

- Yes, good! The main thing here is to talk, communicate, not to lose contact. I think we can agree on everything. And with a child too!

Weekdays/10.20, NTV

Natalya Maltseva - Russian TV presenter and a producer, remembered by the audience for her work in the "Housing Problem" program. Fans appreciate her for the naturalness of the image, ease and friendliness, and her colleagues for her dedication: having become pregnant, the presenter was filmed almost until the very birth and 2 months after the birth of her son, she returned to work again. In the biography of Natalia there were not only happy working and family moments - she admitted that she had to fight cancer.

Natalya Viktorovna Maltseva was born in Yaroslavl on August 5, 1969. As a child, she loved to draw and studied at art school, however, in the senior classes, unexpectedly for herself, she became interested in history and chose the appropriate faculty of Yaroslavl University. After studying for 3 years, Natalya realized that she had again made a mistake with her vocation, and went to the capital to enter the television department of the journalism faculty of Moscow State University.

A television

While still studying, Natalia got her first job on television. In 1992, she met a journalist and worked on the creation of his Rush Hour and Theme programs. After that, she switched to the NTV channel. There, Natalya worked on the programs “Hero of the Day” and “Hero of the Day Without a Tie” (then hosted by Irina Zaitseva) as an editor and correspondent, and also worked with her on Plant Life.

In 2001, NTV producers planned to shoot a pilot episode of the Housing Problem show. Producer Maria Shakhova (wife) invited Maltseva to cooperate as an editor-in-chief. After 2 months, the design project went on the air, and Natalia took the position of the host.

The new show was loved by viewers and is still on the air. He has a separate Instagram account,, where he posts photos of projects and design advice. Maltseva left the program only in 2014, having worked in the program for 13 years. Later, she returned there to shoot issues twice - in December 2014 and January 2015.

3 years after the "housing issue" Natalia tried herself as a producer. Her debut work was the film "Russian" with and. The painting based on the work tells about the fate of a nervous and unbalanced young man who, due to shock after his first love, ended up in a lunatic asylum.

The reaction of the press and critics as a result turned out to be ambiguous: some liked the romanticism and impetuosity of the hero, and someone criticized the carelessly built plot and the lack of truly vivid episodes.

In 2005, Maltseva hosted the program “Children for Rent” on NTV, in which young childless couples tried themselves as parents. The heroes had to organize a rich entertainment program for foster children in 3-4 days and master a new skill with them - tie shoelaces, play new game or wean off the pacifier.

In 2017, Natalya headed the educational project of the NTV Course. Producing TV programs. Also at this time, she collaborated with TVC as an expert on the program “Beware of scammers!”.

Personal life

Natalya Maltseva is married. Her husband's name is Boris, he is an entrepreneur. The couple has a son, Michael. During pregnancy, the presenter hid her position from colleagues until the 5th month, and later she worked until the last - “I just couldn’t stop,” she says. Despite the busy schedule of the mother, the son was born on time, healthy and strong, with a height of 52 cm and a weight of 3.8 kg.

In 2018, Maltseva admitted in an interview for " Komsomolskaya Pravda", that she left the "Housing Problem" in 2014 because she was seriously ill. The presenter fought cancer for 2 years. She did not want this to be known to the public, and went to Israel to improve her health. There Natalia underwent a course of treatment and a long rehabilitation. According to the presenter, although it was a difficult time for her, she then managed to understand and rethink a lot. Her husband helped her cope with the disease.

“He didn’t just come to the rescue, he pulled me out. There are no words to describe how grateful I am to him, ”says the presenter.

Now, according to her, she feels absolutely happy in her personal life and at her favorite job, surrounded by friends and relatives.

IN free time the Maltsev family loves to ski, and in the summer they relax in their own house in Finland - there Natalia takes care of the site, and her husband and son go fishing. Mikhail dreams of becoming a restaurateur and chef and willingly cooks for his parents.

Natalia Maltseva now

In 2018, the presenter triumphantly returned to the screens with the new project "Maltsev". She says that her main goal is to have as much positive as possible on television.

In the program, she daily shares with the audience news and unusual ideas in the field of interior design and organization of living space, tests gadgets and tries new recipes.


  • 1992 - "Theme"
  • 1992 - "Hour of the day"
  • 1990-2000 - "Hero of the Day"
  • 2001-2014 - "Housing issue"
  • 2005 - "Children for rent"
  • 2017 - "NTV course: Producing television programs"
  • 2018 - "Maltseva"


- When a woman realizes that she is expecting a child, she either grabs her head or jumps for happiness. What did you do?

Rejoiced! I did not prepare specifically for pregnancy. But the desire to become a mother was great, and there was some kind of inner readiness.

- From products to something special "pulled"?

In the beginning, I wanted fish. And raw. In fact, it is not recommended to click on the fish at this time. But I could not help myself - I went to the sushi bar, as if to work.

- At work, with such strange addictions, they probably quickly “saw through” you?

Until the fifth month, nothing was suspected. But then, all of a sudden, everything opened up. On the shooting of the program by March 8, I was in a blouse, which, as it seemed to me, perfectly concealed everything. But it was after this shooting that everyone began to congratulate me. And not only colleagues, but also viewers.

- When did you stop working?

I, as they say, could not stop in time. She worked until the very end. You know, pregnant women have a slight panic: it seems that you don’t have time to do anything, and you grab everything in a row. Now I understand: I spent 80 percent of my energy on unnecessary fuss.


What hospital did you see?

At the Center for Obstetrics and Gynecology at Oparina. I didn't have any particular problems. I drank vitamins, some immune preparations.

- Where did you give birth?

IN private clinic in the north of Moscow.

Did you take your dad with you?

No. You know, I don't really understand this practice. In addition, I do not like it when in difficult moments they interfere with me. It was precisely because of this that I felt comfortable that even the doctor and the midwife came to my box only as needed.

- Did you use anesthesia?

No, they only put me on supporting drips. I prefer to be patient.

How long did you have to endure?

From about 11 am. And at 11 pm Misha already appeared. True, they didn’t give it to me right away, but then we didn’t part. I immediately chose a maternity hospital, where mother and child are in the same room.


- When did you go to work?

I started going to shoots when Misha was two months old. I continued to feed. We had to send milk with our drivers. They helped me a lot, however, they joked that they work as “jolly milkmen”.

- Fear for the baby after childbirth is gone?

No, the fear doesn't go away. Manic is, you know, a state. To be honest, I still have nightmares.

- How do you deal with fears?

They have settled somewhere in my subcortex, you can’t just pull them out. I try to get away from bad thoughts. Work helps a lot. I try to always be busy, rigidly plan my day. So that there is no time for bad thoughts.

How TV stars give birth

Previously, it was strict with pregnant women on television: the belly will hatch a little - get out of the air! The first presenter in Russia who was not removed from the camera because of her stomach was Tina Kandelaki. Until the 9th month, the audience saw her belly - then still in the Vremechko program. Tina gave birth to a daughter - and a week later (!) she was on the air again. Less than a year later, she gave birth again. Already a boy. And, mind you, her figure remained perfect.

A colleague on NTV, the host of the Domino Principle, Elena Khanga, gave birth to a daughter in New York under epidural anesthesia (this is when the lower half of the body, from the abdomen to the legs, does not feel anything after the injection). In America, this method is widely used - it is quite safe for both mother and child. So during the fights, Elena felt great. And even managed to talk on the phone. And they called, of course, at work ...

What were you afraid of during pregnancy? How do you deal with phobias? Were they able to defeat them?

We are waiting for your stories on Monday, February 14, from 12:00 to 14:00 by phone 257-53-58. Write to us by e-mail
