The death of Oksana Aplekaeva from home 2. The sister of the murdered Oksana Aplekaeva is being pursued by a maniac

June 12, 1977 - September 01, 2008

Russian fashion model, film actress and TV presenter

According to the results of the autopsy, it was confirmed that 31-year-old Oksana Aplekaeva died as a result of mechanical asphyxia (suffocation).

Versions of what happened and legacy

It is known that Oksana was threatened by some young man on the website. On her forum and under the photos, he wrote a bunch of vicious comments. After Aplekaeva disappeared from the site, the profile of the user who threatened her, and with it all his messages and comments, disappeared, but Oksana's acquaintances responded to threats and insults, which confirms that there really were threats.

In 2008 the members famous show"Battle of psychics" tried to find the causes of this incident.

In 2009, a film was made about Oksana: "Who killed Oksana", where many versions and variants of what happened were put forward. All relatives, friends and acquaintances of Oksana agree that she was a very kind, sweet and harmless person and could not cause harm or sorrow to anyone.

Many television programs were filmed about Oksana, such as: “ Main character”, “Let them talk” and others. They talked about how Oksana achieved fame all her life and then she came to her, only too late - after mysterious murder.

Despite the fact that many versions and reasons for the incident have been put forward, the murder of Oksana Aplekaeva remains unsolved to this day.

The permanent superintendent of the television station, Ksenia Borodina, believes that neither she nor the guys should have gone to Oksana's funeral.

(Kazan, September 12, Tatar-inform). Yesterday in Ufa there was a funeral of a project participant. The body was brought to her hometown of Ufa in a closed coffin.

At the funeral were only relatives of the model. None of the participants in the TV project came to see Oksana off last way. Young people, busy with their own affairs, simply did not find time for this sad event.

Alena Vodonaeva, who left the project that made her a star more than a year ago, learned about the death of her colleague from the press. She was not even going to go to Oksana's funeral. And Vodonaeva now dismisses her acquaintance with the tragically deceased model, fearing to get involved in this whole "muddy story."

“Why did I even have to go to the funeral?” the girl was surprised. “We haven’t talked to her all these two years. Of course, I’m very sad that the person died, I condole with her relatives. But I have my own business and spend time on I don't want a funeral. Moreover, this is too muddy a story..."

Roman Tretyakov found out only on the day of her funeral. The young man returned from honeymoon trip. The tragic news made me very sad former member reality show.

“No one even called me and didn’t tell me,” Roman admitted in a drooping voice. “I just found out now. I don’t want to talk about it now.”

The permanent superintendent of the television station, Ksenia Borodina, believes that neither she nor the guys should have gone to Oksana's funeral. Too much time has passed since the girl was a member of the project. For the past two years, the beautiful model has not communicated with any of the participants.

“I didn’t consider it necessary to come to the funeral, because I didn’t know this person closely,” Ksenia explained to LIFE.Ru. “She didn’t maintain relations with anyone, so none of the guys went to the funeral. It seemed to us that this will cause more respect. Many people like to go to funerals in order to once again light up, knowing that they are burying a public person. Everyone here acted honestly. Including me. At such moments, only relatives and the closest people should gather. "

Oksana was buried on the outskirts of the Severnoye cemetery in Ufa, surrounding a modest grave with several mourning wreaths from parents, grandmothers, sisters, neighbors and loved ones. Even Oksana's old grandmother came to the cemetery. “Don’t open her face,” Oksana’s mother asked the movers. “We don’t want anyone to see him after death, we want everyone to remember her the way she was, smiling and cheerful Oksana Aplekaeva.”

Maria Politova added to the sad list of project participants who are no longer alive

The fact that in the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region, the frozen body of a former participant in Doma-2 was found in the snow Maria Politova became known on December 13. The girl left home and stopped communicating on December 4th. Her civil husband Artem turned to the police and volunteers for help, but a passer-by found Maria.

According to investigators, before her death, Politova drank alcohol along with strong antidepressant drugs, no traces of violent death were found. According to the preliminary version, the cause of death could be severe hypothermia.

Photo: Instagram

Friends said that the 29-year-old girl had mental problems, was treated for depression, last years she tried to commit suicide several times.

Politova first came to Dom-2 in 2006, then she was 18 years old. She had a reputation on the show" difficult teenager”, TV set colleagues were often surprised by her unexpected antics and explosive nature. Maria returned to the reality show twice - in 2007 and 2008, without having built a relationship with anyone. In recent years, little was known about her life outside the perimeter. But what happened to her is far from the only tragedy with fatal, which unfolded outside the perimeter of the TV set.

Oksana Aplekaeva

Frame from the news release. Channel Five

A native of Ufa came to Dom-2 to look for her love in 2005. Oksana stayed on the TV show for 75 days - from March to June. The bright blonde was immediately remembered by the audience - very quickly she had a lot of fans. After leaving the TV set, Aplekaeva tried to build a career in model business, participated in photo shoots, went on the podium, worked as a model at exhibitions, began acting in clips and TV shows.

On August 29, 2008, a 31-year-old girl worked at the Moscow International Motor Show. There she met a man, at the end of the evening he called Oksana on a motorcycle. Little is known about what happened to her after. The next day, Aplekaeva did not go to work, but called her friend and said that she was with friends. No more contact. The girl's body was found on September 1 on the side of the Moscow-Riga highway. An autopsy revealed that she had been strangled. They wrote that a married lover, whom she “rewarded” with a venereal disease, could deal with Aplekaeva. There were other versions - including that the girl was removed as an unnecessary witness to criminal machinations. But all the suspects had alibis. The murder of Oksana Aplekaeva has remained unsolved.

Andrey Kadetov

Frame from the reality show "Dom-2"

Handsome 22-year-old Petersburger Andrey Kadetov became a member of "House-2" in April 2010. He stayed on the project for 212 days, tried to build relationships with several girls, including Olga Agibalova. In November, after it suddenly became clear that he was hometown remained a legal wife, Kadetov left the reality show.

In December 2010, it became known that Andrei was killed in the courtyard of his house. He received more than 10 stab wounds. The investigation found out that shortly before his death, money was extorted from Kadetov. And then a 22-year-old employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was detained on suspicion of murder Yuri Zhidkov.

According to investigators, the motive for the murder was personal hostility: shortly before the incident ex girlfriend Zhidkova turned to the police with a statement that Andrey Kadetov allegedly raped her. The press wrote that she was the very blackmailer. The killer of the former member of "House-2", who fully admitted his guilt, received 11 years in a strict regime colony. Kadetov left a small son. Shortly before his death, Andrei divorced his wife and, according to friends, wanted to return to Dom-2.

Oksana Korneva

Frame from the reality show "Dom-2"

The audience of "House-2" remembered Oksana Korneva under the name Kesha- so the girl was called on the project. She was one of the first participants, came to the TV set in July 2004. Oksana did her best to build love with one of the most bright participants"House-2" - May Abrikosov. The girl made many attempts to attract his attention, but, realizing that she had no chance to win the heart of a young man, she left the project in September of the same year.

In January 2009, Oksana Korneva tragically died in an accident - she and her friend and friend were hit by a car in the center of Moscow when they tried to cross the Garden Ring in the wrong place at night. All three pedestrians died. Oksana was only 23 years old.

Christina Kalinina

A bright charismatic brunette came to Dom-2 in March 2006. At the 22 year old Christina a little daughter remained outside the “perimeter”, before the television set she participated in another sensational reality show - “Hunger”, but did not last long there. The girl did not stay at Dom-2 either, having spent only two weeks on it. She did not have a relationship with the female half of the TV show participants - many believed that Kalinina came to the project not to build love, but to become famous. As a result, she dropped out according to the results of the vote.

It was said that after leaving the television project, Christina began to become very depressed, it was rumored that she had lost her appetite so much that she refused to eat and drink. In June 2007, it became known that Kristina Kalinina died of heart and kidney failure. In two weeks, she was supposed to celebrate her 23rd birthday.

Svetlana Ustinenko

Frame from the reality show "Dom-2"

Mother Aliana Ustinenko, who came to the TV show at the beginning as a guest to help her daughter build a relationship with her parents young manAlexandra Gabozova, after a while she herself became a member of the TV show. Slender, very pretty and looking much younger than her age, a divorced blonde, who did not hide that she also wants to find her love, quickly became one of the most popular participants in Doma-2. In the fall of 2014, she was diagnosed with brain cancer. Svetlana Ustinenko went through several courses of chemotherapy, two operations, tried to be treated with the help of traditional medicine. But the disease turned out to be stronger: in October 2016, the woman died a few months before her 50th birthday.

Petr Avsetsin and Vladimir Grechishnikov

Petr Avsetsin. Photo: social networks

Petr Avsetsin stayed at Dom-2 for only 17 days. When it turned out that Avsetsin had oncological disease, he had to go beyond the perimeter. Less than a year later, in October 2009, information appeared on the Web that the young man had died of lung cancer. In the same year, social media users reported that blood cancer claimed the life of another ex-member of Doma-2 - Vladimir Grechishnikov. He stayed on the show for less than a week, arriving at the set at the end of May 2006 and leaving at the beginning of June.

Oksana Aplekaeva is a former participant in the reality show Dom-2, who tragically passed away in 2008. We will talk about who this spectacular blonde was and what she managed to achieve in life in this article.

Biography of Oksana Aplekaeva

Oksana Aplekaeva was born on June 12, 1977 in the family of a law enforcement officer.

The family lived in relative prosperity, having everything necessary for a normal existence.

Childhood and youth

After graduating from school, Oksana entered the university, after which she received a diploma in accounting and economics. However, she never managed to find a job in her specialty.

In her interviews, Aplekaeva repeatedly told reporters that she was well versed in elite cosmetics.

Obviously, this was enough to get a job as a consultant in the Arbat-Prestige store, which sold perfumes and cosmetics.

At the age of 26, Oksana Aplekaeva went to search for a better life.

"House 2"

The well-known television project "House 2" is a platform where girls and boys can get to know each other and create families.

After leaving the project, many participants began to create a career in one direction or another of show business.

In "House 2" Oksana first appeared in 2005 and immediately attracted attention. Interestingly, unlike other participants, she did not like to scandal with anyone or weave intrigues against anyone.

It’s just that Aplekaeva really wanted to find a soul mate for herself. Many colleagues in the workshop were sincerely surprised at how decently the girl behaved.

In the reality show, she managed to hold out for more than 2 months, but Oksana could not find a worthy guy for herself.

At the same time, she nevertheless received all-Russian fame, thanks to which the doors were opened for her in any direction of show business.

Evil tongues said that Aplekaeva was allegedly deliberately excluded from the project because she was uninteresting to the audience.

Be that as it may, no one would have remembered her departure from "House 2" if it were not for the chain that followed tragic events. And although more than 10 years have passed since the death of Oksana, her death is still shrouded in mysteries.

Aplekaeva after "House 2"

After Oksana Aplekaeva left scandalous show, she was invited to work as a model at the Expo Style agency.

Later, she took part in the Miss MAXIM 2008 contest and even entered the TOP-100 of the most beautiful girls. Every day her popularity became more and more.

Aplekaeva was offered episodic roles in youth series, and was also invited as a guest to various programs.

Oksana Aplekaeva and Sergey Lazarev

In the summer of 2008, she began working as a stand at the Moscow Motor Show, advertising various. Finally, Oksana got what she had dreamed of for so long.

Aplekaeva communicated daily with wealthy visitors and attended VIP parties.

Personal life

Participation in "House 2" played with Oksana Aplekaeva bad joke. According to her close friends, she completely plunged into the world of show business.

She liked parties, filming programs, socializing with celebrities and the like. Some acquaintances claimed that by nature Oksana was a very naive girl, which prevented her from properly understanding people.

Due to excessive gullibility and a bad sense of humor, Aplekaeva often became the object of all kinds of jokes and pranks.

However, she was not touchy and could easily laugh at herself. Perhaps it was thanks to this that she managed to win over people, and especially the representatives of the stronger sex.

Aplekaeva was a real pleasure to get acquainted with famous people and take pictures with them. Having spoken with this or that person, she could reveal to him all her secrets and sincerely tell about her own feelings.

This is how the girl was remembered by those who knew her.

The death of Aplekaeva

After Oksana Aplekaeva got a job at a car dealership, she met many new people.

One day she called her sister and said she was going to a birthday party. After 3 days, the model did not contact anyone.

It is interesting that no one in the salon paid attention to the disappearance of Aplekaeva, since Oksana's work schedule allowed for such breaks.

Oksana Aplekaeva and Alena Vodonaeva

The first person to worry about her was her roommate.

Soon the search for Oksana Aplekaeva began, as a result of which in September her body was found on the Moscow-Riga highway in the Istra district.

The examination showed that the girl died as a result of violent acts. She was severely beaten and then strangled.

After the death of Oksana Aplekaeva, they began to talk about her in the media and on television. Information appeared in the press that 8 girls who worked at the same exhibition allegedly disappeared in a short period of time.

  1. Revenge for talkativeness

After some time, investigators put forward a version that Aplekaeva could have been killed due to the disclosure of confidential information. Obviously she, without suspecting it herself, blabbed about something important.

  1. Blackmail

According to the second version, Aplekaeva could have been killed because she demanded a reward for withholding significant information, that is, she used blackmail.

Later, stories began to appear on the Internet about Oksana's friendship with a certain Irina, who provides escort services to wealthy people. It was as if the former participant of "House 2" also participated in such closed events.

No one knows what she could see or hear there. However, it is clear that some "serious" people did not like that the girl tried to blackmail them.

This version is confirmed Notebook found in Aplekaeva's room. It contained the names of various girls with unambiguous comments.

In addition, investigators found coded discs in Aplekaeva's apartment. It is not known what information was on them.

  1. Acquaintance at the exhibition

According to the third version, the man she met at the exhibition may be guilty of Oksana's death. With him, she allegedly went to a restaurant to get to know each other better.

However, after clarifying the circumstances, it turned out that the man had an alibi.

  1. A mysterious stranger

Investigators continued to look for any leads to find out the true motive for Aplekaeva's murder.

As a result, the experts were able to find very interesting posts in the social network model. As it turned out, an unknown person wrote several threatening messages on her page. But after Oksana disappeared, all the account data of the unknown man disappeared.

Today on the Internet you can find many other versions of the death of the unfortunate girl, but all of them are not confirmed by any facts.

The official date of death of Oksana Aplekaeva is September 1, 2008. Only close relatives attended her funeral. None of her "colleagues" and even friends did not come to say goodbye to her.

A month later, unknown vandals burned a wreath and a monument on the grave of Aplekaeva.

Interestingly, on the anniversary of her death, the premiere of the film “Who killed Oksana?” took place, and the details of her life were covered in the programs “Let them talk”, “Russian sensations” and “The main character”.

Aplekaeva's photo

At the end, you can see some common photos of Aplekaeva. In general, I must say that there are not so many photos with her, because she died back in 2008.

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Oksana Aplekaeva, a participant in the scandalous Russian TV show Dom-2, who was killed in 2008, was raped in the morgue.

According to the journalists of the publication, this was done by forensic expert Alexander Alukaev. The man has already been placed in jail. He faces responsibility for desecrating the body of the deceased.

Recall that Aplekaeva's body was discovered on September 1, 2008 in the area of ​​the 50th kilometer of the Moscow-Riga highway. The cause of death was suffocation.

Oksana Aplekaeva, 31, worked as a model at the Moscow International Motor Show. After her death, it turned out that the woman arranged orgies for rich people, bringing with her young girls of model appearance.

Some of these girls were also killed. Allegedly, Aplekaeva blackmailed her clients with photos and videos taken during sexual orgies.

By the way, Aplekaeva was the bride of the famous Russian tennis player Marat Safin.

The investigation of the crime went on for two months, but the perpetrators could not be found. The search was suspended "due to the inability to identify persons subject to criminal liability," and all the suspects had an alibi.

We also note that on the 40th day after the funeral, Aplekaeva's grave was set on fire.

By the way, a close friend of Aplekaeva reported that even on scandalous project Oksana stood out among the rest of the participants with her decency.

Recall, in December last year in the suburbs.
