From what the director of the Ural dumplings died. Version: the director of Ural dumplings died after learning that they wanted to fire him

Alexey Lyutikov, whose biography is presented in the article, was one of the most bright participants KVN games. After leaving the Service Entrance team in 1997, he disappeared from the screens. His fate was little known to the layman, until in August 2016 the media reported his death in a hotel in Yekaterinburg.

Way to KVN

A native of the small town of Fatezh (Kursk region), Alexei Lyutikov was born on 06/02/1974. He was born with a cleft lip and was ridiculed and bullied by his peers. Already then there were problems with the heart, because the boy could not help but worry because of childish cruelty. Salvation has become school KVN, on the stage of which he caused deafening laughter auditorium. But it was a different kind of laugh, a reaction to witty jokes without poking fun at him. appearance. Fun game became his destiny.

The young man underwent five complex operations on his face, but the consequences of a congenital anomaly remained noticeable until the end of his days. Having worked out for himself the principle that you can only rely on yourself in life, Alexey Lyutikov, for whom KVN became a vocation, entered the Pedagogical Institute of the city of Kursk. Having received the profession of a social psychologist, in 1993 the young man became a member of the Kursk team "Service Entrance".

Frontman of the KVN team

Young men did not go long to their success. Already in 1997, they brilliantly reached the semi-finals, beating the popular team Ural Pelmeni in the 1/8 finals in a head-to-head meeting. Among them, the captain stood out - Alexei Lyutikov, uttering jokes with an absolutely serious expression on his face. He was followed with interest, he was quoted:

  • "This is the country for the Jews, and for us - the stop."
  • "We work out the sponsor's bread with our ass."
  • "KVN treats corns!".

After the team did not pass the semi-final stage, the frontman left the team due to disagreements with the guys. They were considered the leaders of the 1998 season, but without their captain, they were eliminated early on, failing to progress to the professional level later on.

Follow-up, personal life

Lyutikov managed to catch on in Moscow, but he did not go on stage again. He started a family early, so he needed to get on his feet. Since 2006, Alexey Lyutikov began to cooperate with comedy club heading the direction regional development. His responsibilities included the creation of branches of the stand-up club in the field. Since 2013, he began working with Novy Kanal, and in 2014 he ended up as an executive producer at First Hand Media, led by Sergei Netievsky. He headed the created in 2009 comedy show"Ural dumplings".

By this time, Lyutikov already had two children: a son who was born when Alexei was only 20, and a daughter who was successfully engaged in rhythmic gymnastics. A little later, she will enter the youth team. Never missing her important starts, in August 2016 this tradition was for some reason broken by Alexei Lyutikov.

"Ural dumplings" - the last project of the showman

"Ural dumplings" needed a professional who would know firsthand the Moscow show business. In the summer of 2015, the team had a conflict with the leader Netievsky, whose company owned the trademark creative team. Despite the fact that he brought the guys to STS and did a lot for the team, there were disagreements about further development project. He took over the leadership and there was no one to deal with business in Moscow. So Alexey Lyutikov appeared in the Ural dumplings.

He is credited with fomenting the conflict and litigation, as a result of which Sergey Netievsky regained his position as the head of the show. There was a process to return the trademark to the founders. Pursuing financial affairs, Lyutikov presented the guys with documents from which it followed that the income of the head differed significantly from the fees of the artists. Be that as it may, he himself went into work with his head, signing an unprecedented contract for the team - 12 performances in Sochi in the summer of 2016. Upon his return from the tour on 08/2/2016, he was supposed to fly to his family in Moscow, but for some reason he returned from the airport to the Angelo Hotel.

Causes of death

His body was discovered on August 10 by a hotel maid. He spent the whole week alone in his room, emptying the minibar and then ordering cognac from the restaurant. Suffering from heart failure, the body could not cope with the abundance of alcohol. Presumably, the showman died from a thromboembolism, having fallen unconscious with his head on the table. As a result, the face turned out to be injured by glass fragments from a glass, so a version of a violent death was initially put forward. The artist's family refused to initiate a criminal case, recognizing the fact of death from natural causes.

It remains a mystery why the showman did not fly to Moscow. These days, his daughter participated in demonstration performances, and for the first time his father was not in the hall. What was Alexey Lyutikov thinking about in the last hours? "Ural dumplings" in an official appeal recognized his contribution to the development of the creative team and expressed their condolences to the family and loved ones. And rumors spread in the press about Lyutikov's possible debts and the alleged termination of the contract with him.

The real fans of KVN are really sorry that the once talented captain of the Kursk people decided to leave the stage.

Former kaveenshchik, director " Ural dumplings Alexei Lyutikov was found dead today at the Angelo Hotel in Yekaterinburg. As a source told Life, the director of the "Ural dumplings" drove into the room on August 2 and since then he has practically not left the hotel building. At the same time, dozens of bottles of alcohol were found in the room.

According to Life's source, no traces of violent death were found on the man's body. At the same time, the investigation will check all possible versions of Lyutikov's death. Including those that may be associated with the results of a protracted neurosis. The fact is that the man was a plaintiff in litigation for the right to use the trademark "Ural dumplings".

The activities of the popular talk show are managed by two companies: Ural Pelmeni Production and the Ural Pelmeni Creative Association. The actors of the show are co-owners in both companies - Andrey Rozhkov, Dmitry Sokolov, Sergey Isaev, Dmitry Brekotkin, Vyacheslav Myasnikov, Maxim Yaritsa and others Lyutikov worked as the general director of the company "Ural dumplings production." Until the fall of 2015, the "Creative Association" was led by Sergei Netievsky, also a former "dumpling".

Netievsky was removed from his post in 2015 as a result of a meeting of participants (according to the founding documents, all members of the team who own a stake in the company to one degree or another have the right to vote). At the same time, Netievsky continued to perform in numbers as an artist. Officially, Lyutikov then stated that the removal of Netievsky was a simple managerial move in order to increase the efficiency of the show.

Netievsky, however, did not give up and in June 2016 challenged his own dismissal in court. The court recognized invalid protocol meeting, as a result of which Netievsky was removed. As a result, Netievsky was reinstated as director.

"Dumplings" were sued not only for positions, but also for trademarks. In March 2016, Lyutikov, together with the actors, filed a lawsuit in the capital's arbitration against Netievsky's company Fest Hand Media. At one time, "pelmeni" entered into an agreement with her on granting exclusive rights to the trademark "Ural dumplings". However, in their lawsuit, the actors and Lyutikov asked that the contract be declared invalid.

Lyutikov, after Netievsky left, stated that he had appropriated the exclusive rights to the verbal trademark "Ural dumplings": the brand, he pointed out, should belong to the team.

In July, the parties almost reconciled. Netievsky's lawyer said that his client was ready to settlement agreement. However, the final decision was not made: Lyutikov's lawyer said that he should consult with the client. As a result, the court adjourned the case until October 2016. At the meeting in the fall, Lyutikov's opinion as a plaintiff regarding the settlement agreement was to be presented.

According to preliminary data, Lyutikov has been living at the Angelo Hotel since August 2, 2016. His body was discovered by a maid on the afternoon of 10 August. Medics, who promptly went to the scene, recorded "biological death for an unknown reason," reports URA.Ru, citing its sources.


Colleagues Lyutikov from "Ural dumplings" did not know about his stay in the city. “He was in Yekaterinburg, but he left long ago,” a source close to the team told the publication in bewilderment.

It also turned out that on July 20, 2016, the cavalrymen returned from a tour in Sochi. After that, Lyutikov said that he was flying to Moscow, the Komsomolskaya Pravda website reports, citing an informed source.

The head of the press service of the Sverdlovsk police, Valery Gorelykh, told the publication that on the day the body was discovered, a sign was hung at the entrance to Lyutikov's room asking him not to disturb. Many bottles of alcohol were found next to the corpse.

This data was confirmed by the staff of the hotel Angelo. One of them, on condition of anonymity, told the regional portal E1.RU details about Lyutikov's stay in Yekaterinburg.

"He drove in on August 2, paid until today. On the first day, he looked normal, nothing stood out. By the weekend, every day he began to call the reception with a request to replenish the mini-bar - they brought him alcohol, "the source said. He added that Angelo staff, under threat of dismissal, was forbidden to communicate with the media about the death of the KVN officer.

In addition, Valery Gorelov told TASS that drugs to reduce pressure were found in the room. They were seized as evidence. According to the head of the press service, law enforcement agencies have no reason to believe that there were drugs at the scene.

Recall that on August 10 in the Yekaterinburg hotel Angelo director"Ural dumplings" Alexey Lyutikov. The regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs confirmed the information about his death. There were no signs of violent death on the body.

The team of "Ural dumplings" appointed Andrey Rozhkov as director

As it became known, the new leader creative association « Ural dumplings» one of the oldest members of the team was elected. This was announced by the general director of another company of the collective "Ural Pelmeni Production" Evgeny Orlov.

Apparently, the conflict between the participants of the show and Sergei Netievsky is far from over.

He also commented in detail, which came out the day before.

About the director of the creative association "Ural dumplings"

The team, at the initiative of two members of the company, held a regular meeting of shareholders on December 9th. It is curious that Sergei Netievsky, being in the position of a legally restored and acting CEO officially refused to hold the meeting. He also evaded notices of convocation as much as possible as a member of the LLP. You can even write miniatures about how several courier services delivered notifications to him in Yekaterinburg and Moscow. Nevertheless, the meeting took place, and as a result, Andrey Rozhkov was elected as the new general director. Everything is legal.

Last year, Pelmeni elected Sergei Isaev, but the court returned Sergei Netievsky. Now the team has chosen Andrey Rozhkov.

Further events developed even more surprisingly. On December 16, Netievsky filed a lawsuit to block the entry in Unified State Register of Legal Entities about Rozhkov (information about the general director of the enterprise must be entered in the register), on December 19 the court refused him. That is, there is no talk of any voluntary departure from the LLP, which Sergey so readily speaks about in an interview. He is actively suing and now he is losing.

I will express the opinion of the team: while in LLP " Ural dumplings» will be in any capacity - CEO or participant, this company will not conduct any activity.

About the settlement agreement

The situation is, unfortunately, far from over. On this moment Three attempts at reconciliation were made, the last of which ended in failure. Despite the fact that all the controversial points were agreed upon, Sergei Netievsky never fulfilled any of them. We did not communicate either with lawyers or with Netievsky himself, through the fault of the latter, for more than 1.5 months. Thus, it can be stated that the negotiation process between the parties has practically stopped at the moment.

An attempt was made to reconcile with the help of third-party negotiators, but it also did not lead to a real implementation of the agreements.

At the same time, our position has not changed throughout this story: we are waiting for the return of the embezzled assets. However, the actions of Netievsky's side rather indicate the opposite process.

About the trademark

No " technical association There are no signs, this is nonsense and a myth. There is a basic trademark, all the rest follow from it. It was appropriated, and now, a year later, an attempt was made to return it to the Netievskys "for a nominal fee."

It would seem that what else is needed - the sign is returning. Only the court is not about that. Court on the primary illegal acquisition of a trademark and its disposal for profit within 1 year. What Netievsky did with the trademark during this time, what profits he made from sole ownership of it, we do not know.

There is no doubt that Netievsky returned to the chair of the director of the Ural Pelmeni TO only to transfer the appropriated trademarks and sign documents. Thus, he is trying to avoid liability for trademark misappropriation.

Other actions

It has already been mentioned that we are talking on the return of assets, including not only a trademark. For example, Sergey Netievsky registered the domain, and the team was forced to move to another site He refused to return this domain to the team.

We recently discovered that in Rospatent, Netievsky issued several program names for himself, although they were always invented collectively. All these actions are very characteristic of Netievsky's attitude towards partners in the Ural Dumplings show. Of course, we will initiate proceedings in relation to any illegally acquired assets. Our task is to protect the interests of all shareholders and team members from such actions.

I can also add that, in addition to endless litigation, Netievsky puts pressure on business LLC "Ural Pelmeni Production". Allegations of alleged violations are regularly filed with the police.

About creativity

IN currently The show is on an all-time high. Shares on the STS channel of all the first 4 season premieres 2016-2017 are record-breaking.

In addition, we have developed and presented three more interesting proposals to the TV channel. And I am sure that soon we will delight the audience not only with new releases of the main show, but also with new funny TV projects from Ural Pelmeni Production LLC.

"Ural dumplings" released four premiere releases of the new season

Recall that the conflict between Sergei Netievsky and the team of "Ural dumplings" has been going on for more than a year. In the fall of last year, the director of the Ural Pelmeni was changed - instead of Sergei Netievsky, it was Sergei Isaev. It seemed that everything went peacefully, but no.

In the spring of this year, Ural Pelmeni demanded through the court that Netievsky return the trademark to them. He, in turn, began to seek reinstatement as director. On June 29, the court satisfied the claim of Sergei Netievsky against the Ural dumplings.

At the same time, Uralskiye Pelmeni created another legal entity - Uralskiye Pelmeni Production. Aleksey Lyutikov was the leader, but on August 10 he. Now the director is a former associate of Sergei Netievsky Evgeny Orlov. In an interview, he talked about the position of the team and creative plans"Dumplings".

Now Moscow is considering a lawsuit about the trade mark "Ural dumplings". There, the court gave the parties until January to sign the settlement agreement.

According to the information provided in open sources, the man lived in the hotel since August 2 and practically did not leave the room. The body was found by a maid with a "do not disturb" sign on the door. An investigative-operational group and representatives of the ICR went to the place. Numerous bottles of alcohol were found in the room. In turn, the searched-out widow of the deceased told investigators that her husband complained of heart problems.

The actress of the show "Ural dumplings", singer Ilana Yuryeva told "MK" that she herself learned about the incident from correspondents. They had little contact with Alexei at work, since he dealt with financial issues, and not creative process. Even when asked if Lyutikov had children, Ilana could not answer.

Another former employee The team noticed in a conversation with MK that Lyutikov was “very industrious and industrious”, put a lot of effort into a common cause, but there were no close relations with him either.

The founder of the Ural dumplings team, actor Dmitry Sokolov, refused any personal memories of the deceased, citing the fact that he was uncomfortable talking. Did not want to talk about a colleague and the author of the show Danila Pyatkov.

Meanwhile, people who follow the work of the team, just a month ago, asked themselves in social networks the question of the personality of Alexei Lyutikov. They remembered that he graduated from the Kursk Pedagogical Institute with a specialization " social Psychology”, and in the early 90s he became the captain of the KVN team “Service Entrance”, in which he reached the semifinals of the game. “The Service Entrance team was cool. Lyutikov fronted, ”recalled a user under the nickname IgorVC. “If you don’t know who Lyutikov is, you don’t know anything about KVN!” - emotionally declared another user Kaziborda. However, some were more worried about rumors of financial scandals, where the name of the now deceased was allegedly involved. In particular, it was stated that KVNshchik had accumulated debts in Kursk, and the lenders were even going to look for him in Moscow, but other people returned all the money, who at the same time vouched for the honesty and commitment of the man. In addition, fans of the show recall an article in the regional Yekaterinburg media. There, one of the “who wished to remain anonymous” friends of the former director of Ural Pelmeni, Sergei Netievsky, who was removed from the leadership with a conflict, states that Lyutikov was the reason for Netievsky’s departure in many respects (later Netievsky was reinstated by court order).

It is Lyutikov who is credited with aggravating the conflict in the team. Allegedly, he found some documents confirming the big difference in the fees of the team members.

In 2006-2011 Lyutikov also held one of the leading positions in the Comedy Club Production, and since 2013 he has been the director of his own production for Novy Kanal.
