Death of Yakubovich Leonid Arkadyevich. Yakubovich: Fatal traffic accident - fact or fiction of the media? How many times did a famous TV presenter die

A lot in Lately representatives of the press procrastinate the issue of the death of Leonid Yakubovich. The only contradiction is the fact that journalists will not come to one version of the causes of death. Some say that Yakubovich died after a stroke in a clinic in Germany. Others claim that the cause of death was an accident in which he got famous TV presenter, after which he died. And the third one is completely sure that Yakubovich died of an oncological disease.

Be that as it may, and no matter what they say, Leonid Yakubovich is alive. Moreover, he has already commented on the rumors that have spread around his person. At the same time, he added that he was tired of such constant slander and the only thing that helps him cope with this is humor.

Leonid Yakubovich died or not 12/08/2017: biography of a famous TV presenter

According to Leonid Yakubovich himself, he lived a rather interesting and busy life in which there were both troubles and joys.

So, Leonid Arkadyevich was born in the capital Russian Federation, in the city of Moscow, July 31, 1945. The mother of the future TV star worked as a gynecologist, and her father worked as the head of the design bureau.

According to Yakubovich, his parents were very loyal in his upbringing and gave him complete freedom. Ultimately, this led to the fact that the young Leonid Arkadyevich was expelled from school for absenteeism. After that, he had to finish night school. At the same time, he worked at the plant as an electrician.

After leaving school, Leonid enters three theater institute, but on the advice of his father, he takes the documents and enters the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering. But soon he transferred to the Civil Engineering Institute, which he successfully graduated in 1971.

In the period from 1971 to 1977 he worked at the Likhachev plant. But still, a stormy youth haunted him, and he decided to continue his creative way. So, starting in 1979, Leonid Yakubovich wrote scripts for television programs. And already in 1988 he hosted the first beauty contest in Moscow.

But real popularity came to him only in 1991, after the release of the popular before today TV show "Field of Wonders".

Leonid Yakubovich died or not 12/08/2017: TV star comments

To date, the popularity of Leonid Arkadevich does not subside. Rumors about his death give him even more popularity. So, in the press there are three versions of what a famous TV presenter could die from.

Some say that Leonid went to Germany for treatment, but after a stroke he died in one of the clinics. Others claim that he died in a car accident. Well, representatives of the most popular version are sure that Yakubovich's death was caused by an oncological disease.

The third version gained such popularity most likely due to the fact that Leonid Yakubovich has recently lost 20 kilograms. That is why no one had any doubts that the TV presenter was seriously ill.

Leonid Yakubovich died or not 12/08/2017: TV star comments continued

More recently, after many statements about the death of a TV presenter, he decided to comment on this situation. In his interview, Leonid Arkadevich stated that not only did he not die, but at the same time he was not sick with anything, moreover, he felt great.

But about the options for his death is treated with humor. After all, it will be very difficult to cope with emotions, in such a situation without humor. At the same time, he adds that such options are good, because they talk about his death from a stroke or cancer, but they could come up with the option that he died, for example, from hemorrhoids. And this is a completely unprestigious disease.

    Fans of Leonid Yakubovich became worried when Yakubovich became ill at the next shooting of the TV show Field of Miracles. His blood pressure rose, but the ambulance helped him and filming continued.

    Another duck about his death turned out to be another duck.

    No, of course, he is alive and let him live as much more. And on the Internet, various viral sites distribute such information. Yes, he is already aged and recently his heart ached, doctors helped him, but he survived. It’s just that soon he won’t be able to transmit, but without him there will no longer be such an interesting program.

    No, of course, what you would have announced already. Due to age and the nerves of the ether, his heart is worn out, so he is on pills, and when shooting is underway, his heart overworks too much and he had a pre-infarction condition, not the first time, he was already hospitalized in 2013, and today he refused suspensions shooting, but there is no one to replace him yet, the man plows.

    Yakubovich is a man of the world, he knows how to find an approach to any issue and person, since 1991 he has been leading a show with a drum familiar to everyone, not to mention closed programs like the Wheel of History. Of course, with such a long and nervous work, when constant broadcasts, emotions, he passes everything through himself, and his heart and nerves are not rubber. See how he clearly solves problems.

    How scary to be a distributor of black jokes! This applies to any person - he is famous or just a bum ... Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich, the popular TV presenter of the Field of Miracles program, thank God, is alive, but his heart is fooling around. Just a few years ago, he already had heart problems, and now another incident. In April 2016, Leonid Arkadevich became a participant in a small accident - the bumper was crushed ... But even such a small surge of negative emotions could cause an increase in blood pressure, which happened on one of recent filming programs Field of Miracles. The doctors provided him with the necessary medical care and Leonid Arkadyevich is back in the ranks!

    Due to his age, Leonid Yakubovich sometimes has crises. And this time, on the set of the Field of Miracles program, the 71-year-old presenter felt bad. They called an ambulance, but Leonid Yakubovich refused to be hospitalized. After receiving help, he finished filming.

    Leondia Yakubovich had a hypertensive crisis. Quite common in older people.

    On the set next issue Field of Miracles Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich clutched his heart and said that he was very ill, asked to call the staff doctors of the Ostankino television tower. However, there were no doctors on site on the day off. They called an ambulance. Doctors with stretchers arrived at film set However, Yakubovich refused hospitalization. He was diagnosed with a hypertensive crisis. Yakubovich died is nothing more than a newspaper duck, he is alive and well. They say that if there are false rumors about the death of a person, then such a person will live a long time. Time will tell, Yakubovich will turn 71 on July 31.

    Leonid Yakubovich is alive. Indeed, an unpleasant situation happened to him on the set of the next program. An ambulance who arrived at the shooting was diagnosed with a hypertensive crisis. But the fact is that Yakubovich never went to the hospital, he stayed to finish filming. We wish him health and long life.

    No, Leonid Arkadyevich is alive. You can't really say it's healthy. On the last filming of the program Field of Miracles, he became ill with a heart, an ambulance was called. It remains only to wish good health to this outstanding artist. So Yakubovich is alive and will live. This is alas age, time spares no one. And we will see Yakubovich on TV more than once.

    Once again there were rumors about the death of Leonid Yakubovich. This year, the presenter will turn 71, so it’s not strange that the yellow press is constantly trying to ride on the hype at the expense of Yakubovich’s health and life.

    But the rumors did not appear out of nowhere, he really became ill and perhaps this would not have become public if it had not happened during the recording of the next issue of the Field of Miracles.

    But everything is in order, everything ended well, because the presenter did not even refuse to continue recording the show.

    Yakubovich became ill on the set of his program. He was diagnosed with a hypertensive crisis, which is the case at his age. An ambulance was called. She helped him and he continued to lead his miracles in his field. Yakubovich did not die, and long life to him.

    Yakubovich is alive. The fact is that he simply became ill when he owned the transmission of the Field of Miracles, then an ambulance was called for him, at the time of filming, Yakubovich had high blood pressure, but after the ambulance gave him first aid, he defended the entire filming. So it's all tabloid rumors to cause a stir. Now his health has returned to normal.

    Leonid Yakubovich, doing his job, suddenly felt ill, which is quite natural at his age. Of course, everyone was afraid for the health of the TV presenter, they thought it was a heart attack. But, thank God! Everything worked out. It was another disease - hypertension (high blood pressure), which is also quite satisfying dangerous disease! But as it turned out, our patient even refused to be hospitalized in a medical institution. Yakubovich took the necessary medicine and again went to continue filming the Field of Miracles so beloved by us. But that's not possible! Everything went well today, but what will happen tomorrow. Leonid Yakubovich needs to better monitor his health at his age, and if there is a choice between health and the next filming of the program, then the most important thing is to choose the first. After all, as they say folk wisdom: No amount of money can buy health! That's why, dear readers, there are no irreplaceable people, but we are alone with our relatives and friends. Remember this and do right choice! Be healthy!

    No, he had a hypertensive crisis on the program.

    An ambulance was called, but he refused to go. I took my medicine and finished filming.

Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich - a popular Russian showman, permanent leading capital show"Field of Miracles", co-host of Alexander Strizhenov in the program "Star on a Star".

The childhood of Leonid Yakubovich

Amazing events accompany Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich literally from childhood. Why, take at least the story of his parents' acquaintance!

Rimma Semyonovna Shenker during the Great Patriotic War was engaged in sending parcels to the front. The girl collected warm clothes, knitted something herself, sometimes got sweets and canned food. All parcels with gifts were sent in random order, that is, no addresses were indicated on them. One of them went to Captain Arkady Solomonovich Yakubovich. Knitted mittens were found in the bundle, both on one hand. The officer was touched and wrote an answer to the needlewoman, a correspondence began. A little later, Rimma Semyonovna became his wife.

Immediately after the war, Leonid Yakubovich was born. Parents began to teach their son to independence with early childhood. Once Lenya asked his dad to check the diary, to which his father replied sternly: “I don’t need it, it’s up to you how to study. There will be problems, then contact.

However, Leonid did not have any special problems, the young man especially liked the lessons of history and literature. True, in the eighth grade he was expelled from school, because he skipped for three whole months. Then, back in the summer holidays, Yakubovich and a friend saw an ad on the street: young people were required for an expedition to Eastern Siberia. It didn't take long to think. On the same day, Leonid told his parents that he was leaving for Siberia.

The work turned out to be rather strange - the guys worked as live bait. They sat on a stump in the taiga, wearing only underpants and a quilted jacket, and wrote down at what time, who bit them and where: “10.50 - a bite in the right leg. 10.55 - bite in the left leg. The legs of the teenagers were smeared with various mosquito repellents - their effectiveness was just tested on the expedition. Summer holidays are over, but the expedition is not. Leonid had to stay in the taiga forests, and upon returning to Moscow, he learned that he had been expelled. Young Yakubovich had to go to night school, and at the same time earn extra money at the Tupolev plant as an electrician.

After successfully graduating from evening school, Leonid Yakubovich unexpectedly passed the competition at three theatrical high school. But his father asked him to first get a "livable" specialty, and then go anywhere. Therefore, Leonid Arkadyevich decided to enter the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering. But he did not bury his talent in the ground and soon made his debut at the Theater of Student Miniatures. A little later, he transferred to the Kuibyshev Civil Engineering Institute (modern MGSU), because there was an excellent KVN team.

Vivid performances, true friends, traveling around the country, meeting with Galina Antonova, the soloist of the Gorozhanki ensemble - Yakubovich always noted that these years were the happiest in his life.

The creative path of Leonid Yakubovich

In 1971, Yakubovich graduated from the institute, becoming a certified engineer in ventilation and air conditioning. Until 1977, he worked at the Likhachev plant, after which, until 1980, he was listed as an employee of the commissioning department.

Leonid Yakubovich in the program "Alone with everyone"

But the soul of the future artist did not lie in the "technical" work. Ever since his student days, Leonid was fond of writing scripts with an emphasis on humorous genre. In 1980, he was even accepted into the professional committee of Moscow playwrights. Since then, Yakubovich has written more than 300 works for pop singers. Written with the participation of Leonid Arkadievich, "The Monologue of the Sergeant" was brilliantly performed by Vladimir Vinokur (according to many, it was this humorous sketch that made him famous). The works of Leonid Arkadyevich were performed by many masters of domestic humor, in particular, Evgeny Petrosyan.

He also wrote several plays for stage production (“Gravity of the Earth”, “Wider Circle”, “Parade of Parodists”, “We need victory like air”, “Hotel with ghosts”, “Ku-ku, man!”, “ Tutti").

In the same 1980 he played minor role in Yuri Egorov's thoughtful drama One Day Twenty Years Later starring Natalya Gundareva and Viktor Proskurin. According to the plot of the film, former classmates gather for a graduation party. Yakubovich played one of his former schoolmates.

Leonid Yakubovich at the "Field of Miracles"

Real audience popularity came to Yakubovich after he began hosting the Field of Miracles program in 1991, replacing the first host, Vladislav Listyev.

Simple Rules perhaps every Russian viewer is familiar with the gambling program: three stages, three winners and the fight in the superfinal. And at the end, the winner had a choice - to lose everything or choose a super prize. The charisma and charm of Yakubovich helped the program win people's love. All his lines and actions were pure improvisation without the help of screenwriters and editors.

Leonid Yakubovich in the program "Evening Urgant"

The real legend of the "Field of Miracles" was the museum, which over the years of broadcasting has collected a truly countless number of exhibits donated to Yakubovich by the players of the show. Part of the collection was exhibited at VDNKh in Moscow, part - in Ostankino, another part - in Tver.

Yakubovich's mustache, following the owner, became a kind of symbol of the "Field of Miracles". They were so inseparable from the image of Leonid Arkadyevich that even in his contract with Channel One there was a clause - not to shave off his mustache. However, the showman wore a mustache from the very beginning. labor activity, he shaved them only once, in 1971. Then he worked as an administrator at the Moscow Comedy Theater and, on duty, went on tour with the troupe. Before an important meeting, he decided to make a marathon and began to shave in a hotel room, but something did not add up: one mustache is shorter, then the other. “As a result, he turned into Hitler and shaved off everything completely,” the host joked. He was almost kicked out of the meeting - they simply did not recognize him.

The gushing energy of Leonid Yakubovich knew no bounds. Therefore, the artist could not pass by the cinema, already being the star of the most popular entertainment show on Russian television. He showed his bright comedic talent in a number of significant paintings. So, the actor appeared in the role of a policeman in the film "Moscow Holidays", played himself in the TV series "They don't kill clowns", exposing reverse side alluring show business, repeatedly appeared from the cameras in Yeralash. But it is worth noting that the proposals to the host were received regularly and in large volume, but Leonid Arkadyevich never accepted them if he didn’t like the role, although he liked the process of “acting” itself.

Leonid Yakubovich in Yeralash

Also, Leonid Arkadievich was a producer and screenwriter of the comedy "Grandfather of My Dreams", which was released in 2014. He also appeared in cast, playing a magical grandfather and host of the show "Field of Wonders". The film was awarded two prizes at the festival "Smile, Russia!"; one went to Yakubovich himself for the best male role, the second recognized the tape as "the kindest, most fun and wisest film."

In 2016, the Zvezda TV channel aired the Zvezda on Zvezda talk show with Yakubovich and Alexander Strizhenov as hosts. Each issue they invited famous personalities to the studio: artists, artists, athletes, and had sincere conversations with them.

Personal life of Leonid Yakubovich. Hobbies and hobbies

With his first wife, Galina Antonova, Leonid Arkadyevich met in his student years. He performed in KVN, and she was a soloist of the Gorozhanki ensemble. The first meeting of the future spouses took place at an outdoor concert near Issyk-Kul. The wedding was played in the fifth year, and in 1973 Galina gave Leonid a son, Artem.

The son of Leonid Yakubovich graduated from the same Kuibyshev Institute as his father, received a higher economics at the Academy foreign trade, and then got a job on television.

When Leonid Yakubovich turned 50, another passion appeared in his life: he became interested in flying sports planes. Yuri Nikolaev brought the artist to the flying club, and after the first flight, Yakubovich caught fire and began to study the profession of a pilot. Later, Leonid Arkadevich was taken into the Russian team and the TV presenter participated in the World Aerospace Olympic Games.

Among the artist's other hobbies was billiards (aka for a long time was a member of the Presidium of the Federation of Billiard Sports of Russia). Other hobbies are skiing, preference, cooking, numismatics, collecting reference books, car racing on safari.

Leonid Yakubovich now

In 2016, Leonid Yakubovich still met the guests of the Field of Miracles studio and captivated the audience with a wide smile and his signature charm. However, in August 2016, disturbing rumors appeared in the media: the press claimed that Yakubovich was seriously ill and was undergoing treatment in Germany. He had to refuse to participate in the play "The Last Aztec", where the artist was invited instead of the deceased Albert Filozov. However, it turned out that everything is in order with the health of the artist, and information about his illness is nothing more than rumors of ill-wishers.

In 2017, Yakubovich became the host of the new show “I Can!”, in which anyone could demonstrate their unique talent in the studio and receive a cash prize for this if they break their own record.

Over the past few months, the Internet has been flooded with reports that the famous Russian TV presenter, actor, screenwriter and producer, 71-year-old Leonid Yakubovich, has died. At first, such news seriously frightened the showman's loyal fans, however, this was followed by a refutation of this pseudo-news. Moreover, when the absurdity reached its climax, Leonid Arkadyevich even decided to personally refute these ridiculous rumors and prove to everyone that he was alive and well.

Did Leonid Yakubovich die?

But, let's take a closer look at all those false news regarding the state of Yakubovich's health, which have repeatedly disturbed the network in just the last few months. So, in August last year, a lot of reports appeared on the Internet that Leonid Yakubovich was dying in the studio, and a heart attack was called the cause of death. It should be noted that then many took this "news" at face value, and this is not surprising, because the TV presenter has already exchanged his eighth decade, and he has had certain health problems for a long time, which, by the way, he does not even try to hide. So this news sounded unexpectedly plausible. At some point, even the TV presenter himself joked about his own “death”, saying that he was “not dying” for the first time, so he is no stranger to it, but only the ironic circumstance that kills him every time “heart attack” pleases him . And indeed, if you ask the search engine the query “did Leonid Yakubovich die”, then in the selection of news for last years you may find that at least three times the showman died of a “heart attack” and a few more times he died as a result of a “terrible accident”.

Leonid Yakubovich dies in the studio

It turned out that these are the most popular and widespread versions of the "death" of Leonid Arkadyevich. But, if the version of a heart attack sounds somehow streamlined: they say, age, health problems, stress, then for some reason, when they talk about the artist’s death in a car accident, the articles look like law enforcement reports. The accident is described in great detail, and each author has his own: place, time, reason, who was with him in the car, and so on. To compose such a fable, and even paint it in colors, so that no one doubts that the accident took place - this is where the talent of science fiction disappears. We can assure you that Leonid Arkadievich is alive today, is in good health, and continues to work actively on television.

Lie: Leonid Yakubovich is dead

stuffing false information to the network is a fairly common phenomenon, recently there have been more cases when hackers hack into websites or celebrity accounts and post similar messages there, just for fun. However, sometimes the stars themselves, in their desire to attract the attention of the public at any cost, resort to such a strange “black PR” themselves. By the way, when the rumors about the death of Leonid Arkadievich were refuted and dispelled, some even suggested that they arose on his initiative. “Leonid Yakubovich died” - what can attract attention if not such a heading in an article? But, one should not lose sight of the fact that such rumors are often also created for commercial purposes in order to attract more readers to certain Internet portals.

The famous host of the capital show "Field of Miracles" Leonid Yakubovich was born in the summer of 1945 in Moscow. The romance between his parents broke out at the front: first, the couple corresponded, and then met. The reason for the correspondence of two unfamiliar young people was a curious incident.

The mother of the future TV star, Rimma Schenker, worked at the post office during the Great Patriotic War. In parcels to front-line soldiers, she packed the collected gifts and warm clothes knitted with her own hands. Parcels went to the front without a specific address. Once a parcel with gifts from Rimma was received by Captain Arkady Yakubovich. He was amused and puzzled by the fact that an unknown needlewoman, along with a touching letter, put two mittens on one hand into the box. Arkady Solomonovich decided to write to the unknown girl Rimma, and she soon answered him. The ensuing correspondence led to a meeting and a passionate romance. So the son of the couple Yakubovich and Schenker appeared as soon as the fighting died down.

From an early age, the father taught his son to be independent and responsible for his actions. He never checked his diary, because he believed that Leonid himself should decide how to study for him. Perhaps that is why the boy showed special diligence in preparing homework, but most of all he liked literature and history.

However, Leonid Yakubovich was expelled from school in the eighth grade. On summer holidays the guy, along with a friend, went on a short expedition to Siberia: the guys responded to a street job advertisement for young people. They tested new mosquito remedies: young Yakubovich with the same "volunteers" as himself, just sat in the taiga and wrote down when and how many mosquitoes would bite them. But the business trip dragged on, and the guy returned to the capital when his classmates finished the first quarter.

Yakubovich had to finish his studies at evening school, and during the day he worked as an electrician at the Tupolev plant.

Who to be Leonid Yakubovich decided in the sixth grade. On new year holidays the guys staged a play-tale "Twelfth Night", in which he played the Jester. On the impromptu theatrical stage, the boy experienced such a storm of pleasant emotions that the question of a future profession fell away: of course, he would become an artist.

After successfully graduating from the evening school, Leonid Yakubovich did not forget about his childhood dream: he successfully passed the exams at once in three metropolitan theater universities. But then the father intervened, who worked as a designer at one of the factories, and demanded that his son acquire a “livable” specialty, and only then go wherever he wants. For Leonid, dad has always been the most authoritative person, whom he could not disobey. Therefore, the guy entered the Institute of Electronic Engineering.

Leonid Yakubovich in his student years

At a technical university, Leonid Yakubovich continued to do what he loved: he enrolled in the Theater of Student Miniatures and soon made his debut on its stage. But soon the young artist left the engineering institute, preferring the engineering and construction institute. The fact is that in this university there was a strong team of KVN "MISI", in which Leonid Yakubovich "fit" perfectly. The guys toured all over the country, gathered applause in its farthest corners, found new friends, fell in love. According to Leonid Arkadyevich, these were the happiest years of his life.

This is how it started creative biography Yakubovich, which continues successfully to this day.

A television

In 1971, Leonid Yakubovich graduated from the institute and went to work in his specialty at the Likhachev plant. At the same time, he continued to write humorous stories and scripts, which he became addicted to during the years when he performed in student team KVN. Many monologues written by him were read by novice artists and.

Peru Yakubovich owns several plays that have been staged on the stage (“Earth Gravity”, “Parade of Parodists”, “We Need Victory Like Air”, “Haunted Hotel”, “Ku-ku, man!” And others).

In the early 80s, the cinematic biography of Leonid Yakubovich began: he first appeared on the screens in famous movie directed by Yuri Egorov "One day twenty years later", where the main characters were performed and. It is unlikely that the audience noticed Yakubovich in this melodrama, because he played a cameo role: one of the classmates who gathered at the meeting of graduates.

In his youth, Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich became famous as a screenwriter of the popular Soviet programs “Come on, guys!” and “Come on, girls!”. In addition, he made successful steps in business, founding in 1984 the first Auction House in USSR.

In 1991, the artist was invited to the casting of the host of the entertainment television program Field of Miracles on Channel One, and already in November of that year, Leonid Yakubovich appeared on the screens in the show loved by millions. "Field of Miracles" enjoyed incredible success and popularity: they went to it from all over former USSR, and the presenter himself became not only the face, but also the symbol of the rating project. Until now, most people associate the host's name with this show.

The principle of the TV show was very reminiscent of the American analogue of "Wheel of Fortune", but Leonid Yakubovich brought a lot of his own into the show: he improved and came up with the main "chips" of the project. The head and author of the show approved the appearance of a black box in the program, as well as the organization of the legendary museum of the show "Field of Miracles", where numerous gifts from the participants were sent.

Even the mustache of Leonid Yakubovich became a symbol of the "Field of Miracles", it was not for nothing that the artist's contract with Channel One contained a clause prohibiting them from being shaved.

The well-known presenter was often invited to other projects. In 1996, on the RTR TV channel, Leonid Yakubovich hosted the “Analysis of the Week” program. In the same year, he became the host of the Wheel of History TV game on the Rossiya TV channel. In this game, the participants had to guess historical event, which the actors played in front of them. But the show didn't enjoy special success, and was bought out by the ORT TV channel, where it existed until 2000.

Leonid Arkadyevich also acted as the author of the musical television game "Guessing Game", where the participants had to guess songs by melody. But the program had low ratings, although it turned out to be quite expensive, which is why it was soon closed. In 2000, Yakubovich returned to KVN as one of the jury members.

In 2005, Leonid Yakubovich was appointed director of the VID television company, which produced the Field of Miracles show. In the same year, he created a series of programs dedicated to the last hours of the life of famous artists - "The Last 24 Hours". She came out in 2010.

In 2004, 2006 and 2010, Leonid Arkadyevich led the program "Washing for a Million".

In the spring of 2015, an authoritative TV presenter delivered an introductory and final words in the program “Collection of Channel One”, and since March 2016, Leonid Yakubovich, together with the host of the program “Star on a Star”, which is broadcast on the Zvezda TV channel. This is a talk show that invites famous people: artists, artists, athletes with whom Yakubovich and Strizhenov have intimate conversations.

Today Leonid Arkadyevich is a star himself, so a huge number of people listen to his opinion. In connection with the latest events in Ukraine and the excitement that arose in the light of these events around the name, Yakubovich outlined his position quite clearly: he stated that he was outraged by the desire of some politicians and public figures deprive Makarevich of all state awards.


The seething energy of the artist is enough not only to appear on the screen as a TV presenter - Yakubovich has a considerable filmography, which includes three dozen film titles. Leonid Arkadievich played the most striking roles in the films Moscow Holidays, They Don't Kill Clowns, Quick Help, Russian Amazons, Paparatsa and Three Days in Odessa.

Leonid Yakubovich in the film "Grandfather of my dreams"

In 2014, Leonid Yakubovich tried his hand as a producer of the comedy Grandfather of My Dreams. He wrote the script for this film and played one of the key roles.

Leonid Yakubovich now

Today famous artist and the TV presenter, despite his advanced age (Yakubovich will turn 72 in the summer of 2017), is full of strength and energy. He still hosts the Field of Miracles show, attends various events where stars gather, plays his favorite tennis and continues to build a career.

But Leonid Yakubovich is forced to abandon some plans because of his enormous employment. It happened in September 2016: the premiere of the play "The Last Aztec", where one of the roles went to the actor, was postponed indefinitely.

Disturbing rumors immediately spread that Yakubovich fell ill and urgently went to one of the clinics in Germany, where he was supposedly to undergo an operation. According to some reports, this rumor was confirmed to journalists by Joseph Reichelgauz - artistic director theater "School of modern play".

Some fans of the star suspected their pet oncological disease, substantiating his suspicion by the fact that Leonid Yakubovich has recently lost significant weight. Others suggested that the star got into an accident and is struggling with its dire consequences. There were others who claimed that the artist had a heart attack (according to another version - a stroke).

The artist kept silent for a long time, not wanting to refute the rumors and speculation, but when they started talking that Leonid Yakubovich had died, he had to break the silence and reassure his too worried fans.

Leonid Arkadyevich explained that he was still healthy and full of strength. And he decided to lose a couple of tens of kilograms of weight because it became difficult for him to move due to being overweight. To this end, Yakubovich regularly visited the gym and the tennis court, managing to get himself in the right shape in a short period.
