Biography and personal life of actress Shannen Doherty. Cancer, breaking news

The actress and her husband appeared at the Animal Hope And Wellness Foundation charity event

Photo: Legion-Media

Not so long ago, on her Instagram, Shannen Doherty shared with subscribers the news that she had completed her treatment. Now she has to wait for the test, which will show whether the actress won cancer.

However, signs of improvement can be seen with the naked eye. Shannen, which is very difficult after several courses of chemotherapy, gained weight and began to look much fresher and younger.

Yesterday, the actress, along with her husband, famous photographer Kurt Iswarinko, attended the gala evening of the Animal Hope And Wellness Foundation. The guests of the event noted that the star looks simply brilliant: happy eyes, a radiant smile and incredible self-confidence did not leave anyone indifferent from those present. Shannen became the real star of the evening.

Despite the terrible diagnosis, the actress tries to live full life. She is actively involved in sports and monitors nutrition, attends social events and even ready to get back to work. At the end of last year, Shannen told fans that she had started filming in the television series Heathers (“Deadly Attraction”).

Shannen Doherty is a famous American actress who became famous thanks to her roles in the cult TV series Beverly Hills: 90210 and Charmed.

However, not only creativity influenced her popularity, but also the scandalous nature of the celebrity, which she demonstrated both on the set and in life. Shannen's conflict quickly became the talk of the town, and the actress herself became a tasty morsel for the paparazzi.

Childhood and youth

The future actress was born on April 12, 1971 in Memphis in the family of real estate agent Tom Doherty and beauty salon owner Rosa Doherty. The quiet girl Shannen eventually grew into one of the most provocative Hollywood actresses.

6 years after her birth, an event occurred in her life that determined the whole further fate: the girl's parents decided to change quiet city in Tennessee to bustling and attractive Los Angeles.

In the capital of world cinema, young Shannen felt that this was her life, her passion. The first small step towards the "American dream" was the girl's request to enroll her in theater studio. And although Rosa was not delighted with this desire of her daughter, she did not stand in the way.

The acting path began with a huge number of castings. And in 1981, Doherty received a small role in the television series Father Murphy. Shortly after this event, her career begins a meteoric rise. Michael Lendon, the "father" of the teen series "Little House on the Prairie", gives her a bright role, and director Ron Howard unleashed a stream of episodic roles on her projects "Magnum P.I.", "Cagney and Lacey" and " Night shift».

The first career setbacks began shortly after Little House on the Prairie closed in 1983, but Shannen didn't think to get upset. She had already gained fame and believed in a brighter future, while waiting for new bright works. Alas, so far only episodes in the series have shone on her. And in 1985, the actress managed to strengthen her career with roles in the films Girls Want to Have Fun and The Other Lover.

From 1986 to 1988, Shannen embodied the image of Chris Witherspoon, eldest daughter V television show"Our house". For this work, the actress received her first Young Artist Award. And already in 1989, young Doherty played her first serious role in the film Deadly Attraction.


The tangible ascent of the actress to the Hollywood Olympus began in 1990, when Shannen got the role of Brenda Walsh in the cult series "" by the famous television producer Aaron Spelling. This work brought her popularity.

In 1991 and 1992, she was nominated for the "Young Actress in a Leading Role in a Television Series" award according to the Young Artist Award. Together with (the role of Kelly Taylor) and (the role of Dylan McKay), Shannen Doherty gains worldwide fame.

At this time, those same “devils from the still pool” began to come to life. In 1994, after the filming of the 4th season of the television series was completed, Shannen left the project due to disagreements with colleagues and the film crew. Doherty herself admits that in life she is the complete opposite of Brenda from Beverly Hills.

Shannen Doherty and Jason Priestley in Beverly Hills: 90210

In the film, her heroine is modest and calm, but the actress herself created the image of a real “bad girl”, and to strengthen such “glory”, Doherty even undressed in a candid photo shoot for Playboy magazine.

Later, the girl took part in Antoine Vergl's photoset, appearing in front of the camera in a swimsuit. The famous men's publications Maxim, FHM, the online magazine Ask Men have repeatedly included her name in the list of the 100 sexiest actresses in the world. Miniature (Shannen's height is 163 cm, weight - 43-45 kg), endowed with an explosive character, she clearly aroused the interest of the male half of humanity.

The scandals around the name Doherty were perceived by the general public in different ways. Critics often accused the actress of having organized a PR campaign to increase her own popularity, and numerous incidents involving her were associated with the girl's mental disorders.

In 1998, producer Aaron Spelling and Shannen Doherty reconciled. The result of their friendship was the work of a film actress in the new series "" - the role of Prue Halliwell, the eldest of three witch sisters. This time, the girl got the image of a wise, balanced female art critic, endowed with magical ability. And again, the artist did not manage to stay in the project for long. During the filming of the series "Charmed", the same problems began that once in "Beverly Hills".

Shannen Doherty in the series Charmed

However, the girl actually became wiser: she did not wait for scandals, but made a "knight's move", saying that the series did not give her the necessary professional growth, she was tired of participating in a project for teenagers, deciding to leave it for the sake of a "big movie".

At the same time, the television series became a kind of progress in creative biography for other actresses: , and . In the future, thanks to the popular project, these representatives of Hollywood will become in demand in the American film industry.

During the filming, there were also conflicts with colleagues. The warm relationship between Doherty and Alyssa Milano went wrong. Repeatedly, the American media reported that Shannen allegedly arranged provocations for her colleague, and Alice did not remain in debt. The producers even planned, just in case, the death of Phoebe, the heroine of Milano, but Shannen still had to leave: her Prue was killed in a fight with a demon.

In 2003, the actress continues her "soapy way", acting in TV series and television talk shows. In addition, she became the TV presenter of the reality show "Cruel Intentions", and then received leading role in the series "North Shore", which took place from 2004 to 2005. A failed attempt to create his own talk show, Shannen Doherty's Divorce, brought only low ratings.

Holly Marie Combs and Shannen Doherty

In the fall of 2008, Doherty returns to his roots: he again becomes Brenda Walsh in the spin-off 90210: The Next Generation. In the same year, Shannen embodied another image in the film "Treasures of the Aztecs." In 2009, she tries herself in a new capacity: the art director of the glossy tabloid Pasadena, which was a successful event, because she stayed in this job for a long time.

In 2010, the filmography of the full-length works of the actress was replenished with the comedy Burning Palms. Despite an active advertising campaign and attraction talented actors into the main cast (Dylan McDermott, Shannen Doherty,), the film did not become an event of the season and failed at the box office.

After 4 years, the artist tried to take revenge by performing the main female role V biographical drama"Bukowski" director. The picture also did not bring the performer's film career the impetus she was counting on. Basically, Doherty played episodic heroines or supporting characters in television series. With her participation, the projects " Huge Growth”, “Room number 7”, “Gretel”.

Despite the lack of "serious roles," Shannen can't complain about the lack of awards that "measure" popularity. From 1983 to 1992, the actress was nominated for a Young Artist Award in various categories.

In 1999 and 2000 it was presented as best actress Saturn Award for playing the role of Prue in the television series Charmed, and in 2007 for the most amazing parting of the TV Land Awards for breaking up with Luke Perry's character in Beverly Hills: 90210.

The television series "Beverly Hills: 90210", "Charmed", "Death Attraction" and the film "Prison Break" will be called the best films American film actress.


On August 19, 2015, the international news agency Associated Press published a report that Shannen Doherty had. According to the source, the oncological disease was found in March 2015. This came to light shortly after the actress sued Tanner Mainstain Glynn & Johnson, which handled her affairs.

The essence of the lawsuit was that the company delayed the registration of Shannen's health insurance, as a result, the actress did not undergo an examination on time, and the cancer was not detected at the initial stage. The insurance company denied all points of the claim, stating that the insurance was issued within the stipulated time.

The American media reported that the disease was progressing and the Hollywood celebrity was dying. Soon Shannen began the struggle for life, and her health gradually improved. On one of the TV shows on the Netflix channel, Doherty spoke frankly about the struggle with a terrible disease. detailed history the celebrity made TV presenter Chelsea Handler shed tears.

According to the actress, "even in cancer there is something difficult, beautiful and unusual - something that destroys you and builds anew, destroys you again and creates again." The celebrity admitted that the disease changed her, but she accepted all the changes that happened to her, realizing the value of time.

The American media have repeatedly reported that in May 2016, the film actress underwent a unilateral mastectomy, but the cancer did not recede, the situation only worsened. Doherty was put on numerous courses of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. According to the celebrity, the worst thing is ignorance, because there is never a guarantee that the treatment will work.

Already in November 2016, Shannen Doherty received the Courage Award. The award was presented to the actress by the American Cancer Society in Los Angeles.

The star of the series "Beverly Hills" did not lose hope of participating in new projects. After undergoing long courses of chemotherapy, the actress first appeared in public during the Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation's event, which was organized by the American Foundation for Animal Rights.

Shannen Doherty comes out after chemo

A smile never left Doherty's face, and many noticed that she no longer wears a headscarf, because now her hair has grown, she has a stylish haircut. The actress spoke to the media, saying that she feels great and is ready to live fully again. According to her, cancer is dangerous because it can destroy a person's spirit, isolating him from the outside world.

Shannen arrived at the solemn event with her husband, photographer Kurt Isvarenko, who was next to her in hard times. She often recalls her husband in an interview, arguing that he became a real support for her in difficult moments of her life.

Gradually, the actress stopped documenting and uploading photos to "Instagram", telling fans the details of the disease. Previously, she has repeatedly informed fans about how she felt when she underwent chemotherapy and other procedures.

In November 2016, Shannen Doherty posted a photo in the image of Heather Duke from the original version of the film "Deadly Attraction". Hollywood celebrities such as Lisanne Falk and Kim Walker also starred in this picture. Users immediately started talking about creating a new television version of the popular crime drama.

Personal life

The personal life of the artist developed unpredictably and rapidly, in accordance with her character. In her youth, her chosen ones were the owner of the photo studio Dean Factor, realtor Chris Foufast, actors Dean Cain, Rob Weiss, Luke Perry. But all novels turned out to be transient.

Despite the fact that officially Shannen Doherty was married three times, the celebrity has no children yet. The first marriage was spontaneous, back in 1993 she married musician and actor Ashley Hamilton. The wedding took place 2 weeks after the newlyweds met. Just as spontaneous was the divorce, issued exactly 6 months later.

The second husband was Rick Salomon, an American producer, but this marriage broke up: after 7 months of married life, in 2003, it was annulled.

October 15, 2011 in Malibu, Shannen marries Kurt Isvarenko, famous photographer. Now the couple lives together.

The actress from her youth is not indifferent to animals, at the age of 11 she even organized a shelter for dogs and cats "ShanDo Kennels". Over the years, Doherty's love for them has not disappeared. The woman is still involved in charity events aimed at helping homeless or wild animals. She posts relevant posts on social networks.

Shannen Doherty now

In the spring of 2018, Shannen again came under the supervision of doctors. Regular tests showed an unacceptable increase in one tumor marker. The actress did not lose her positive and hoped for the best. Soon the therapeutic measures taken helped her to return to her family.

Despite all the hardships, Shannen continues to appear on the screen. In 2018, with her participation, the series “Deadly Attraction”, previously announced on the actress’s account, and “Nobody Wanted to Talk” were released. Both films are devoted to the problems of adaptation of adolescents in society and first love.

In 2019, the celebrity continues to act in the comedy How to Make a Deal with the Devil, in which she has the main role. A remake of the film Supermarket Party People is being prepared for the premiere, where Doherty will again appear in the main cast.


  • 1981 - Father Murphy
  • 1982 - "Little House on the Prairie"
  • 1989 - Deadly Attraction
  • 1990 - Beverly Hills, 90210
  • 1994 - Prison Break
  • 1998 - "Charmed"
  • 1999 - Paparazzi Hunt
  • 2004 - "North Shore"
  • 2010 - "Great Growth"
  • 2010 - Burning Palms
  • 2014 - "Bukowski"
  • 2017 - "The House of My Nightmares"

On April 12, Shannen Doherty turns 46 years old. The mention of her name makes hearts go cold ex girlfriends, abandoned men and Hollywood directors who had the honor of working with this star. She left a fatal mark everywhere, forcing her victims to spend nerve cells and even, in some cases, sacrifice their careers.

Shannen Doherty, "the greatest of the ten witches in the history of television", was in real life a real disaster for others - friends, colleagues and even relatives. Although none of them could deny that Shannen is very talented and charming.

She grew up in a family of a real estate agent and a beauty salon owner who pampered and cherished her. A sweet and modest little girl was distinguished by a complaisant and gentle character. But in still waters, as they say, there are devils. Time will pass, and Shannen's parents, trembling with horror, will learn from the television news about the adventures of their bitchy daughter.

In the meantime, young Shannen plays in amateur performances, getting used to applause and a little fame. Even then, a spark of ambition lit up in her, a desire to achieve her cherished goal - to become a Hollywood star. Shannen stubbornly goes to television auditions, persistently knocking on the doors of Luck. And finally, Fortune smiled at her: the girl was given a small role in the series Father Murphy. We can say that from that moment a brilliant actor career Doherty. True, there were also small failures on her way, but a strong and strong-willed girl (these qualities future star you can’t take it away!) overcame everything.

glory test

Photo: frame from the series "Charmed"

"A young actress who can be both innocent and seductive" - ​​this critical praise for Shannen's participation in the soap opera "Our House" unexpectedly played a positive role in her future fate. Doherty is invited to the film directed by Michael Leiman "The Fatal Game", where she competed with Winona Ryder and Christian Slater.

And then there was a turning point in her life: the "king of the series" Aaron Spelling himself noticed a talented and bright girl. The film maestro offered Shannen the role of Brenda Walsh in the TV series Beverly Hills 90210. This popular youth film will be the pinnacle of acting creativity Doherty. He will bring her fame, money and the title of a star. But popularity will play a bad role in Shannen's life, she will spill like a sweet poison in her soul, which will lead to the most unpleasant consequences. From a "cute girl" she will turn into an unpredictable, scandalous and, frankly, just a crazy star. Not even a week passed without the actress appearing on the pages of the yellow press. Fights, loud quarrels, drunk driving - these actions have become a kind of hobby for Shannen Doherty. She was constantly late for shooting, provoked colleagues. Gritting his teeth and remembering that the audience loves the on-screen Brenda, the "king of the series" tolerated her presence in the series for a long time. But one day Aaron Spelling could not stand it - and pointed to the door. And the star had to make a good face at bad game. She began to claim that she was cramped within the role of Brenda, and therefore was forced to leave the series.

Hate colleagues

Truly life is round like a ball: Aaron Spelling and Shannen Doherty will meet again. And he will again offer her a role in his series "Charmed". Although the venerable director understood that he was taking a big risk. This time, Shannen was entrusted with the image of the elder witch Prue Halliwell. It would seem that all the cards are in her hands - and prove in practice that you are still talented, charming, and left old sins behind. But less than a year later, the set turned into a kind of gladiatorial amphitheatre. Some believed that the growing popularity of Alyssa Milano, who played one of the witch sisters, was the cause of the scandals, while others saw the root of evil in Shannen's relationship with actor Julian McMahon, a participant in the filming. Say, Doherty was terribly jealous of him for Alice. Although, in truth, there were no grounds for such a point of view. However, the initially friendly relationship between Alyssa and Shannen turned into hostility. They almost got into fights sometimes. film set. But most of the blame for what happened lies with Shannen's conscience. Her absurd and unpredictable nature, her passion to turn any little thing into a loud quarrel made Aaron Spelling decide to part with Doherty. This time he showed generosity towards his former favorite: Shannen herself orchestrated the death of her heroine in the TV series Charmed.

Failures in personal life

Kurt Isvarenko is the third official husband of Shannen, with whom she found true happiness

The personal life of the scandalous star somehow did not work out. Perhaps the title of "bad girl" that Hollywood gave her played a role in relationships with men. However, one gets the impression that she treated her chosen ones with some kind of carelessness and ease. And even with a certain contempt mixed with aggression. This, by the way, is evidenced by the case when the ex-fiance of the star actress Dean Factor sued her. He claimed that Shannen once pointed a gun at him threatening to "hire two thugs to beat and rape him."

Shannen's first marriage to actor Ashley Hamilton can be safely called a kind of whim of a single woman and a faint hint of family life. Six months later, the young broke up. And nothing useful, except for disappointment and a little life experience, from this marriage, Doherty did not endure. The second marriage of the actress with producer Rick Salomon was also "lightning fast", it lasted just over six months.


Despite the external noisy life, Shannen suffers from loneliness, lack of reliable support. And in order to hide this state, he often goes to great lengths, trying to maintain a reputation as a star bitch. And the real drama of her life lies in the fact that she cannot have children, is deprived of maternal happiness. And if we discard all the tricks of Shannen, the scandalous acts that she often committed out of inertia and ignorance, we must admit that Doherty has a kind and quick-witted heart. At the age of eleven, she opened a shelter for homeless animals. The habit of helping the younger brothers Shannen has not changed even now. Dogs, horses in her house seem to be the most loyal and best friends Shannen. The actress personally helps the animal shelter, that is, she not only finances, but often visits, helps volunteers take care of sick animals, and on her Instagram you will find dozens of posts about finding new owners for abandoned babies. All my unspent maternal love Shannen is ready to give to the unfortunate animals.

Terrible disease

Shannen has always been strong man. And now she has to prove it in the fight against a serious disease - breast cancer. According to her, former manager Tanner Mainsten, who incorrectly issued health insurance, is to blame for the fact that the disease is neglected. And the actress had to sue him. Upon learning of the terrible diagnosis, Shannen was ready to give up. She even said goodbye to her fans on Instagram. But thanks to the care of her mother, husband and friends, Shannen found the strength not only to start the fight against cancer, but also to show the whole world what suffering she has to experience daily. Fans and friends were a little shocked and surprised by the courage of Shannen, who posted a post in which her mother and friend helped the actress say goodbye to her once luxurious hair. After chemotherapy, her hair began to thin and fall out, and Shannen decided to shave her head. She is not afraid to post photos from the hospital during chemotherapy on her page, thanks her loved ones for their support. Currently, Shannen Doherty is courageously fighting the disease. The third husband, photographer Kurt Isvarenko, helps to overcome her, he surrounded Shannen with long-awaited love and care. And we wish the star actress a speedy recovery so that she again pleases the audience with bright roles. Besides, without her extravagant antics the world looks dull and gray...

0 April 29, 2017, 12:10

Shannen Doherty

At the very beginning of March, we know that the star of the series "" (The Charmed) and "" (Beverly Hills, 90210) Shannen Doherty first appeared after a long course of chemotherapy. For many celebrity fans, this has become extremely important event. Then Doherty reported that she was feeling well. Now in my microblog in instagram star posted a photo, in the comments to which she stated that she had begun a long-awaited remission.

Shannen understands the consequences of this process, but she believes that there has been a serious shift in her life that can help her cope with the disease.

Moments. They happen. Today is one of those moments. What does remission mean? I heard this word, but I don't understand how to react. Is it good news? Yes. Stunning. Yes. No more waiting. All my cancer buddies know that the next five years will be critical. Cancer recurrence can happen at any time. Many of you have shared similar stories. With bated breath I wait. The decision to start using medications in itself can lead to side effects and reactions. But at the moment... remission. I collect to start breathing,

The actress explained in detail the current situation.

Positive shifts in treatment could not but please fans of the star of the series. They began to congratulate her and wish her a speedy recovery. Subscribers believe that Shannen has a great support group in the face of her husband, Kurt Iswarinko, and loved ones.

He loves me with pink hair and without it at all. I thank God for it. I can't imagine myself without my husband

Wrote on Instagram Doherty.

Recall that Shannen Doherty was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015. Since then, for two years, the actress has been stubbornly fighting for life and trying not to give up. She quite often tells followers how the difficult process of dealing with the disease proceeds, shares pictures and videos. Netizens do not remain indifferent and write comments with words of support.


Shannen Doherty is an American actress whose filmography includes several dozen lines, but most viewers know her from the cult series Charmed, where she played the witch Prue from 1998 to 2001. In early 2015, the actress was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Childhood and youth

Shannen Maria Doherty was born on April 12, 1971 in the American city of Memifis, in the family of a banking consultant on mortgage loans and the owner of a beauty salon. In the Doherty family there were Scots, English and Irish, which, apparently, later affected the future actress's cool temper. Although in early childhood the girl was distinguished by a soft and accommodating character, was fond of equestrian sports and adored dogs.

Everything changed when parents with children (Shannen has an older brother, Sean) moved from provincial Memphis to pretentious Los Angeles. The girl had new friends who invited her to enroll in a theater studio. Parents were not happy with this idea, but Shannen insisted and plunged headlong into a new world for her.

How Shannen Doherty has changed from childhood to 2017

She began to play in amateur performances, quickly got used to the stage and soon felt like a real star. At the age of eleven, the young actress was invited to take part in the TV show Father Murphy. Appearing in just two episodes, the debutante was remembered by the creators of teenage series and soon received new role in the youth multi-part film "Little House on the Prairie".


By the age of nineteen, Doherty managed to star in a dozen TV shows and considered herself a mature, accomplished artist. So when director Aaron Spelling offered her the role of Brenda on Beverly Hills, 90210, she took it for granted. Shannen did not yet know what real popularity was and how it would affect her life.

Fans did not give the girl a pass, completely identifying the actress with her heroine. This terribly annoyed Shannen, who was the complete opposite of the modest Brenda. To prove this once again, Doherty went into all serious trouble: she was late for shooting, threw wild parties, after which she drove drunk. She infuriated the film crew, provoked scandals, and her name did not leave the pages of the yellow press. The last straw was a frank photo shoot for Playboy magazine, after which Spelling decided to say goodbye to the uncontrollable actress.

True, a few years later he again invited Shannen to the main role in the TV series Charmed, pretending that all the misunderstandings between them were in the past. The series was a success: viewers around the world followed the adventures of the three witch sisters Prue (played by Shannen), Phoebe (Alyssa Milano) and Piper (Holly Marie Combs).

However, Doherty lasted only three seasons: quarrels began with a colleague on the set Alyssa Milano, problems with the law for drunk driving and scandalous articles in the tabloid press. Milano refused to work on the same platform with the brawler. Choosing between Alyssia and Shannen, the producers settled on the first, so the writers had to remove Prue from Charmed. In the story, the witch is killed by the demon Shex, after which her half-sister Paige (Rose McGowan) takes her place.

Doherty tried to pretend that everything happened on her initiative. “I did everything I wanted to do on this show. Now, after three years of work and 66 episodes played, the producers have kindly given me the opportunity to take on other projects, ”she told the press. She later claimed that she could no longer bear Milano's constant presence.

After that, the actress played in several more series, which, alas, could not be compared in popularity with the success of Spelling's soap operas. In 2008, Shannen reappeared in the sequel to Beverly Hills, guest starring in several episodes.

Charmed: The Death of Prue

Shannen Doherty's personal life

The adoration of fans and world fame did not bring Doherty happiness and serenity in his personal life. She married for the first time at the age of 22, to musician and aspiring actor Ashley Hamilton. A year later, they broke up due to constant quarrels and jealousy of the spouse for the frenzied popularity of the actress. The second marriage to Rick Salomon lasted even shorter and was annulled after seven months due to his infidelity with Paris Hilton.

In 2011, Shannen's father died. She found solace in her marriage to photographer Kurt Isvarenko. He became a reliable support and support for Doherty in all the terrible trials that fate had prepared for her in the future.


In March 2015, the actress was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had to endure several courses of chemotherapy, but the cancer progressed, and she had to resort to a mastectomy.
