Real stories of strong-willed people. Five stories about strong people

That Umar ibn Khattab attacked the house of Fatimah (A) is obvious historical fact. Rivayats from Sunni books that tell about this are divided into several groups:

1. Threat to burn Fatima's house (A):

In Tarikh Tabari:
باسناده عن زياد بن كليب قال: أتى عمر بن الخطاب منزل علىّ وفيه طلحة والزبير ورجال من المهاجرين فقال: واللّه لأحرقنّ عليكم أو لتخرجنّ إلى البيعة»، فخرج عليه الزبير مصلتاً بالسيف فعثر فسقط السيف من بده فوثبوا عليه فأخذوه.
تاريخ الطبرى: 2/443.

“Umar ibn Khattab came to the house of Ali, and Talha, Zubayr and people from the Muhajirs were in it, and said: “I swear by Allah, either I will set you on fire, or you will go out to take the oath (to Abu Bakr).” Zubair came out to him with a sword in his hand, but he stumbled and the sword fell out of his hand, and they attacked him and seized him.

(Tarih Tabari, 2/443).

From Ibn Abi Hadid:

فجاءعمر اليهم فقال: «والذى نفسى بيده لتخرجنّ إلى البيعة أو لأحرقنّ البيت عليكم
شرح نهج البلاغه: 1/164 (2/45)

“Umar came to them and said: “I swear by the one in whose hand my soul is, either you will leave the house for the oath (Abu Bakr), or I will burn it with you.”
Sharh Nahj ul-balaga, 1/164, 2/45.

2. Delivering funds to set fire to the house and ignoring the protest of the people by Umar ibn Khattab:

Ibn Kuteiba says:

وابن قتيبة: قال: ... وقال عمر: والذى نفس عمر بيده لتخرجنّ أو لأحرقنّها على من فيها! فقيل له: يا أباحفص إنّ فيها فاطمة!! فقال: وإن.
الامامة والسياسة: 1/12، أعلام النساء لعمر رضا كحالة: 4/114.

“And Umar said: “I swear by the one in whose hand is the soul of Umar, either you will go out, or I will burn the house along with everything in it!” And they said to him: “But there is Fatima!” He said: “Even so.”
Al-imamatu wa ssiyasa, 1/12; Yalamu nisa, 4/114.

3. Delivery of the means of arson and clash between Fatimah (A) and Ibn Khattab:

إنّ أبابكر أرسل إلى على(عليه السلام)يريد البيعة فلم يبايع، فجاء عمر ومعه فتيلة فتلقّته فاطمة على الباب، فقالت فاطمة: يابن الخطاب! أتراك محرقاً عليّ بابى؟ قال نعم: وذلك أقوى فيما جاء به أبوك.
انساب الاشراف: 1/586.

“Abu Bakr sent to Ali to swear allegiance to him, but he refused. Then Umar came with a torch in his hands, and Fatima met him at the door. And Fatima said: “Oh, Ibn Khattab! Do you want to burn down my house?” He said, "Yes, and it's better than what your father came with."
Insab ul-ashraf, 1/586.

Abu Feda:
فأقبل عمر بشيء من نار على أن يضرم الدار، فلقيته فاطمة رضى اللّه عنها وقالت: إلى أين يابن الخطاب؟ أجئت لتحرق دارنا؟ قال: نعم.
تاريخ أبي الفداء: 1/164.

“Umar came with fire to set fire to the door, and Fatimah met him, may Allah be pleased with her, and said: “Where are you going, Ibn Khattab? Have you come to set fire to our door?” He said, "Yes."
Tarikh Abi Feda, 1/164.

Ibn Abd Rabbah:
الذين تخلّفوا عن بيعة أبي بكر: علىّ والعباس، والزبير، وسعد بن عبادة، فأمّا على والعباس والزبير فقعدوا فى بيت فاطمة حتّى بعث اليهم أبو بكر عمر بن الخطاب ليخرجوا من بيت فاطمة وقال له: إن أبوا فقاتلهم. فأقبل عمر بقبس من نار على أن يضرم عليهم الدار فلقيته فاطمة فقالت: يابن الخطاب! أجئت لتحرق دارنا؟ قال: نعم.
العقد الفريد:5/12، طبعة مكتبة الرياض الحديثة

“Those who did not take the oath to Abu Bakr: Ali, Abbas, Zubair and Saad ibn Ibad. Ali, Abbas and Zubair were in the house of Fatimah when Abu Bakr sent Umar ibn Khattab to drive them out of the house and told him: "And if they refuse, then kill them." And Umar came with a burning torch to set fire to the door of the house. Fatima met him and said: “O Ibn Khattab, do you want to set fire to our door?” He said, "Yes."

Al-ʻaqd ul-farid, 5/12.

4. Umar's attack on Fatima (A)

الشهرستانى: عن الجاحظ: إنّ عمر ضرب بطن فاطمة عليها السلام يوم البيعة حتّى ألقت الجنين من بطنها وكان عمر يصيح: إحرقوا دارها بمن فيها، وماكان فى الدار غير علىّ وفاطمة والحسن والحسين وزينب(عليهم السلام).
الملل والنحل: 1/57. طبعة بيروت، دار المعرفة.

“Umar hit Fatima on the stomach on the day of the oath (that is, Saqifa), so that she had a miscarriage, and at the same time he shouted: “Burn her house along with everyone in it! And in the house were Ali, Fatima, Hasan, Hussein and Zeinab.
"Al-milal wa nnihal", 1/57, printed in Beirut.


فهجموا عليه وأحرقوا بابه، واستخرجواه منه كرهاً، وضغطوا سيّدة النساء بالباب حتّى أسقطت محسناً.

“Attack the house and set fire to its door and bring him (Ali) out by force!” And the mistress of women was hit by the door, so that she miscarried Muhsin.
"Isbatu l-wasiya", S. 143.

Ibn Hajar Askalani:
إنّ عمر رفس فاطمة حتّى أسقطت بمحسن

“Umar hit Fatima so that she miscarried Muhsin”
"Lisan ul-mizan", 1/268.

إنّ عمر ضرب بطن فاطمة يوم البيعة حتّى ألقت المحسن من بطنها
“Umar so hit Fatima on the day of the oath (under Saqifa) that she miscarried Muhsin”

"Al-wafi bil wafiyyat", 5/347.

With all this, there are a large number of hadiths that the anger of Fatima (A) is the anger of the Messenger of Allah (S), and the anger of the Messenger of Allah (S) is the wrath of Allah Himself:

إنّ اللّه يغضب لغضبك، ويرضى لرضاك

"(O Fatima), Allah is angry with your anger and pleased with your contentment"

All Sunni scholars have confirmed that this hadeeth is sahih:
"Mustadrak" Hakim, volume 3, p. 153; "Majmua zzawaid", volume 9, p. 203; "Mu'ajam ul-kabir" Tabarani, volume 1, p. 108; "Tarihu madinati desheshk", volume 3, p. 156; "Asadu l-gaba", volume 5, p. 522; Mizan ul-iatidal, vol. 2, p. 492; "Tahdhib ut-tahdhib", volume 21, p. 392 and other sources.

«فاطمة بَضْعَة منّى فمن أغضبها أغضبني

"Fatima is a part of me, and whoever angers her has angered me"
(“Sahih” Bukhari, Volume 4, S. 210, “Book of the virtues of the Companions”).

«إِنَّمَا فَاطِمَةُ بَضْعَةٌ مِنِّي يُؤْذِينِي مَا آذَاهَا

“Verily, Fatima is a part of me: what hurts me is what hurts her”
(“Sahih” Muslim, volume 7, p. 141, “the book of the virtues of the companions”).

And the same Sahih Bukhari says:

فغضبت فاطمة بنت رسول اللّه صلى اللّه عليه وسلم فهجرت ابا بكر فلم تزل مهاجرته حتى توفيت.

“And Fatimah, the daughter of the Messenger of Allah (S), became angry and stopped talking to Abu Bakr, and her anger did not stop until she died” (Sahih Bukhari, volume 4, p. 142, number 2862).

Ibn Kuteiba in his book Al-imamatu wa siyasa reports:

فقالت : نشدتکما اللّه ألم تسمعا رسول اللّه یقول : رضا فاطمة من رضای ، وسخط فاطمة من سخطی ، فمن أحبّ فاطمة ابنتی فقد أحبّنی ،
من أرضى فاطمة فقد أرضانی ، ومن أسخط فاطمة فقد أسخطنی ؟
قالا : نعم ، سمعناه من رسول اللّه صلى اللّه علیه وسلم ، قالت : فإنّی أُشهد اللّه وملائکته أنّکما أسخطتمانی وما أرضیتمانی ، ولئن لقیت
لنبی لأشکونّکما إلیه .

فقال أبو بکر: أنا عائذ باللّه تعالى من سخطه وسخطک یا فاطمة ، ثمّ انتحب أبو بکر یبکی ، حتى کادت نفسه أن تزهق . وهی تقول : واللّه
أدعونّ اللّه علیک فی کلّ صلاة أصلّیها

Fatimah (A) said: “In the name of Allah, did you not hear (Umar and Abu Bakr) how the Messenger of Allah (S) said: “The pleasure of Fatima is my contentment, and the wrath of Fatima is my anger, and, verily, who loves Fatima - he loves me. Whoever pleases Fatima has pleased me, and whoever pleases Fatima has provoked my wrath?”
Umar and Abu Bakr said: "Yes, we heard this from the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him."
Fatimah said: “So, I call Allah and His angels as witnesses that you two provoked my anger and did not arouse my satisfaction, and when I meet the Messenger, I will complain to him about you.”
Abu Bakr said: "I seek refuge in Allah from His wrath and from your wrath, O Fatima!" - and cried a lot, so that he was ready to part with his life.
Fatimah said: “By Allah, I will curse you after every prayer!” (Al-imamatu wa ssiyasa, volume 1, p. 31).

None of the Sunnis can shrug it off by saying that these rivayats are fictitious or weak. They are cited from their own main sources and confirmed by their scientists.

Bukhari and Muslim confirm the oppression of Fatima (A) and her anger towards Abu Bakr and Umar, which did not stop until her death.
Ibn Kuteyba, Ibn Hajar, Tabari, Shahristani, Bilazeri, Masudi - and these are the most authoritative Sunni scholars in the field of history - confirm the attack on the house of Fatima (A), as well as her murder.

Only through violence against history and distortion of the riyat can one try to hide the fact that Umar killed the “lady of women”, whose wrath is the wrath of Allah. We urge the Sunnis not to act in this way, incurring the most severe consequences in this and the next world, but to find the courage to face the truth, no matter how hard it may be for them.

The most difficult and terrible truth is better than the sweetest and most familiar lie that tyrants and pseudo-scientists forced you to believe. Those who follow lies go to Hell, and those who follow the truth - even the most bitter - belong to Heaven.

Remember that by praising Umar, you are praising the murderer of the daughter of the Prophet (S), whose anger is the wrath of Allah, and therefore you are causing the wrath of Allah on yourself! When some kind of disaster happens to each of you or all of you together, do not complain and do not say that you were not warned.

In order to touch your hearts and give you a reason to feel love for the family of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, we translated this touching and sad hadith about the last moments of the life of the Lady of the women of the worlds - Fatima Zahra, peace be upon her, transmitted from the words her trusted maid Asma. After reading this story, don't forget to say salavat!

The mistress of the women of the worlds Fatima, peace be upon her, lay down on the bed located in the center of the room and turned her face towards the Kaaba. Fatima sent her daughters Zeynab and Ummah Kulthum to one of the women of the Hashim clan so that they would not see her death. The ruler of the believers, Ali, Imam Hasan and Imam Hussein, peace be upon them, were not present at this time at home.

Fatima, peace be upon her, said: “Before the death of the Messenger of Allah, Jabrail brought camphor from Paradise. The Messenger of Allah divided the camphor into three parts: one part for himself, one part for Ali and one part for me. Then Fatima said: “O Asma! At such and such a place my father left the rest of the camphor for me. Bring it and put it under my pillow." I did what she told me to. Then Fatima performed ablution (university) and said to me: “Bring me the incense that I use for prayer. And bring me the clothes that I wear when I pray.” Then she covered herself with a blanket and said to me: “Wait a little and call me. If I answer, then nothing happened. But if I do not answer, then know that I went to my father. And then call Ali without delay. When death approached, Fatima, may peace be upon her, said: “Peace to Gabriel! Peace to the Messenger of Allah! O Allah, take me to Your Messenger! O Allah, take me to a world of peace…” Then she said:

“Here is a caravan of the people of heaven: here is Jabrail, and here is the Messenger of Allah! He tells me: “Daughter! Come! What awaits you is better for you…”

Fatima opened her eyes and said: “Peace to you, O soul-taker! Hurry and don't hurt me!" Then she said: "Let my coming be to You, O Lord, and not to the fire!" Then Fatima closed her eyes, her hands fell, her legs straightened. I called her, but there was no answer. I lifted the veil from her face and saw that she had joined her father. I hugged her and began to kiss, and then said: “O Fatima! When you see the Messenger of Allah, give him greetings from Asma bint Umays.

Hassan and Hussein (peace be upon them) entered the house and saw that Fatima was covered. They said: “O Asma! Why is our mother sleeping at this time?”. I replied: “O sons of the Messenger of Allah! Your mother does not sleep - she has gone to another world. Hassan and Hussein embraced their mother crying. Hasan exclaimed:

“Oh mother! Talk to me before my spirit leaves my body!"

Hussein, kissing his mother's feet, said:

“I am your son - Hussein! Talk to me before my heart breaks!"

I said to Hasan and Husayn, peace be upon them: “O sons of the Messenger of Allah! Tell your father that your mother is dead." Hasan and Hussein reached the mosque, but could not restrain themselves, sobbed loudly. Then, hearing their crying, people left the mosque and asked about its cause. They replied: "Our mother Fatima is dead!" At this time, the Commander of the Faithful was in prayer, and hearing these words, he fell down, losing consciousness. Waking up, he said:

"Who will console me, O daughter of Muhammad?"

Bihar al-anwar, vol. 43, p. 186

All prophets in Islam were exclusively male. Many righteous people are also representatives of the stronger sex. Based on this, one gets the impression that in the Muslim creed the highest degree of God-fearing can only be inherent in men. In fact, in world history there were women who were in no way inferior to them in terms of righteousness.

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “Many men in history were righteous, but among women the highest degree Only four were honored with piety: Maryam, the mother of Isa (peace be upon him), Asiya, the wife of Firaun (Pharaoh), and Fatima ”(Hadith was cited by Imam Ahmad).

Earlier we wrote about another significant person for Muslims - the “mother of the faithful” (r.a.).

Asia bint Muzahim

The first woman whose biography allows her to be included as one of the most God-fearing in the history of mankind is Asiya. This is confirmed by the verse of the Holy Quran:

"Allah gave as an example of the believers the wife of Pharaoh" (66:11)

Asiya bint Muzahim was the queen of Egypt, one of the most powerful states of that time. Her husband is a tyrannical ruler known for his cruelty. She possessed indescribable beauty and was respected among her subjects. Having untold riches and unlimited power, Asiya renounced all this for the sake of Allah's pleasure. Thanks to this, she forever went down in history as one of the righteous.

The queen came from a noble Egyptian family. Her great-great-grandfather was a pharaoh during the time of Prophet Yusuf (AS). Even before her marriage, many noble men wooed her. However, she was destined to become the wife of the ruler of Egypt.

Firaun, having heard about the beauty of the girl, decided to take her as his wife. Asia's parents had to agree. She lived in a marriage with a tyrant for more than 20 years and all these years remained a sincerely believing and righteous woman.

The rescuePRoroka Musa (a.s.)

One day, on the banks of the Nile, Asia's maids saw a box floating on the water. They decided to get it, thinking that something valuable was hidden in it. The women took the find and carried it to their mistress. Asia, opening the box, found there beautiful child from which came special light. Seeing him, she immediately fell in love with the child as her own. This child was the prophet Musa (peace be upon him), who was destined to save the believers and destroy the tyranny of Firaun.

The queen of Egypt decided to show the baby to her husband. Pharaoh, having learned about the discovery of his wife, wanted to kill the boy. The fact is that shortly before this, the priests told their ruler a prophecy that his power would be destroyed by one of the sons of Israel (descendants of the Prophet Yakub (AS), called Israel in Judaism, that is, Jews - approx. website ) who will be born soon. The frightened pharaoh ordered to destroy all the boys born in Jewish families on the territory of his kingdom.

The same fate awaited little boy, which was discovered by Asia. But she turned to her husband with the words that Allah recalls in his Book:

“Here is the delight of the eyes for me and you. Don't kill him! Perhaps he will do us good" (28:9)

The Egyptian ruler, who loved his wife very much, made a concession to her, and the baby was saved. Asiya was engaged in the upbringing of Musa (a.s.) until the moment when he became an adult young man. After the beginning of his prophetic mission, Asiya was one of the first to believe that Musa (a.s.) is the messenger of the Almighty.

The Last Days of the Queen

After some time, the pharaoh learned from the servants about the piety of his wife. Firaun ordered his guards to torture Asia until she renounces the worship of the Creator and recognizes the pharaoh as a real god. However, the strength of her faith was inexorable - until her last breath, the great queen repeated the words recorded in the sacred verse:

"God! Save me from Pharaoh and his deeds! Build a house for me in Paradise near You and save me from unjust people!” (66:11)

Maryam bint Imran

The greatest woman in world history, highly revered by both Muslims and Christians, is considered the mother of the Prophet Isa (pbuh) Maryam bint Imran (according to the evangelical tradition - Mary Holy Mother of God or Virgin Mary). This is evidenced at least by the fact that Maryam is the only woman in whose honor the Noble Quran is named. All her life she led a righteous life, with dignity endured all the trials placed on her by the Almighty and was awarded the Great Award.

Maryam was born to Imran and Hannah. She had noble birth, since the genealogy of her family went back to the prophet Suleiman (in the biblical tradition - to King Solomon, peace be upon him).

Mother Maryam - Hannah was a very God-fearing woman. She had a strong faith in the Creator, for which He gave her a righteous husband - Imran, who was also a sincere believer. But the fact is that at the time of marriage, they were both already aged and could not have children. But the couple did not lose hope and asked Allah to grant them a baby, and the Almighty answered them. A few days later, Hanna felt the first signs of pregnancy and immediately told her husband about it. However, before she was born, Maryam became an orphan. Her father Imran passed away shortly before the birth of his daughter.

Some time after the birth of Maryam, Khanna decides to give the girl to the Baitul-Maqdis temple. Thus, she became the first female temple minister. Maryam's guardian is her own uncle - the prophet Zakaria (AS). Under his supervision, Maryam began to study the basics of religion. She begins to retire and spends whole days in worship of the Creator, offering prayers to Him. Maryam's sincere piety was noticed by many clergy who knew her and even cited as an example to others.

God's Final Revelation says:

"Oh Maryam! Verily, Allah has chosen you, purified you and exalted you above the women of the worlds” (3:42)

Appearance of Jabrail (a.s.)

Once Maryam, leaving her personal cell in the temple, went towards the east. In front of her was a man with a beautiful appearance. It turned out to be the angel Jabrail (a.s.). The Book of the Creator says the following:

“But We sent Our Spirit (Jibril) to her, and he appeared before her in the form of a beautifully built man” (19:17)

Jibril's mission was to convey the news of the gift of a righteous boy to Maryam. After that, she became pregnant, becoming the only woman who gave birth to a child, being a virgin.

When the signs of pregnancy began to appear outwardly, rumors spread around the city, discrediting the honor of Maryam. The locals accused her of adultery and depravity. As a result, she was forced to leave and hide from the public. When the time approached, Maryam began to have contractions, and after a difficult birth, the prophet Isa (AS) was born.


Purified after childbirth, Maryam returned to her native village with a child in her arms. Seeing this locals they began to slander her, but she did not answer anything and only pointed to the baby. Then the people asked:

"How can we talk to a baby in a cradle?" (19:29)

But the newborn, to the surprise of everyone, said:

“Verily, I am a servant of Allah. He gave me the Scripture and made me a prophet...” (19:30)

People were shocked by what happened and realized that they were witnesses of a miracle. During this period, a very important mission was entrusted to Maryam - namely, the education of the prophet Isa (AS).

However, despite the miracle they saw with their own eyes, many did not believe in the prophetic mission of Isa (AS) and began to express their dissatisfaction with Maryam and her child. In this situation, she decides to move to Egypt in order to protect her son.

Maryam was always by his side, served as his support and endured all the hardships of the prophetic mission, including bullying from the locals.


According to some sources, Maryam lived for several more years after the prophet Isa (AS) was ascended to heaven. Her final test was the separation from her beloved son. But this did not break Maryam, who until the end of her days led a righteous life and constantly prayed and asked for salvation from the Almighty.

Fatima al-Zahra bint Muhammad

Another woman, honored high position in the Muslim Ummah, became Fatima bint Muhammad. She was born in the family of the best of the creatures of Allah - the Prophet Muhammad (s.g.v.) and the best woman of the Muslim community - Khadija bint Khuwaylid (p.a.). It was Fatima who became the successor of the lineage of the Final Messenger (s.g.v.). It is she who is the mother of the two most famous grandchildren of the Prophet (s.g.v.) - Hasan and Hussein, because of which she was also called Ummul-Hasan.

Fatima was part of her great parent and looked like him. The hadith preserved the saying of Aisha bint Abu Bakr (r.a.): “I have never seen anyone so similar to the Prophet in appearance and way of life, except for his daughter Fatima” (the hadith is given by Tirmizi).

The girl was born approximately in the year 605 according to Miladi, 5 years before the beginning of the prophetic mission of the Messenger of Allah (s.g.v.). At the time of her birth, he already had three daughters - Zainab, Rukia and Umm Kulthum (r.a.). Fatima became his youngest daughter.

In the House of Grace of the Worlds (LGV) she received a good upbringing and education. With the beginning of the prophetic mission of her father, she began to be interested in the religion of Allah. While still a child, she studied the religious canons and showed special zeal, diligence in this.

Fatima from the very early years I was filled with sincere love for my father. The first years of the prophetic mission were very difficult. Many Meccans refused to believe in Allah and began plotting against Muhammad (pbuh). In such difficult moments, it was in her that he found solace. The daughter perfectly understood how hard it was for her father to call to worship the One God.

At the age of about fifteen, the girl experienced a severe shock - her mother Khadija died, which was a strong blow for both the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) and Fatima. The youngest daughter becomes the main consolation of the Prophet (S.G.V.), next to whom he found harmony and peace. Az-Zahra helped her father in the call to Islam, despite all the hardships.

Remembering all her merits, the Grace of the Worlds Muhammad (s.g.v.) said: “Fatima is a part of me. It hurts me when she is in pain.” (Bukhari)


With the onset of adulthood, many young people from Muslim families. Some of them hoped thereby to intermarry with the Messenger of the Almighty (s.g.v.). But he refused all of them until Ali ibn Abu Talib came. It was to him that the Grace of the Worlds Muhammad (s.g.v.) gave his daughter in the second year of the Hijra.

Combining marriage with Ali, Fatima did not cease to maintain close relations with her father and visited him daily, provided all the necessary assistance.

After the commission, Ali and Fatima constantly asked Allah to grant them righteous children. They both spent their nights worshiping the Creator, and He heard them. The Lord gave them 4 children: two sons - Hasan and Hussein, and two daughters. Thus, it was Fatima al-Zahra who continued the lineage of the Final Messenger of God (s.g.v.), and all his descendants ascend along the genealogical branch to her.

The love of the Prophet (p.s.v.) for the children of Fatima

The Messenger of the Almighty (s.g.v.) experienced the most tender feelings for his grandchildren. He called Hussein and Hasan "flowers earthly world"(According to the hadith from Tirmizi). All the sons of the Prophet (s.g.v.) Allah took to himself in infancy. Grandchildren replaced Muhammad (s.g.v.) by his sons.

In Shiism, Hasan and Hussein are considered the second and third righteous imams and are revered among others. the greatest people in the history of Islam.

Virtues of Fatima al-Zahra

The following saying of the Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.) is known: “Fatima is the mistress of women in Paradise, with the exception of Maryam bint Imran” (Ahmad, Hakim). This hadith indicates that Fatima is the second among the righteous women after the mother of the prophet Isa (as).

Fatima and her husband - Ali ibn Abu Talib (r.a.) were very generous people despite their poverty. In any situation, when the needy turned to them for help, they always donated from their reserves and left almost nothing for themselves.

Once Ali (r.a.), returning from work, brought home some barley. Fatima divided it into three parts, and ground one part, intending to cook dinner from it. But a poor man came and asked them for food, and they fed him. Then Fatima took the second third and decided to cook food again, but an orphan came and they fed the young man. Then al-Zahra took the remaining third and decided to cook dinner, but a captive polytheist came, and they fed him, leaving nothing for themselves.

After this incident, the Lord of the worlds sent down verses about Fatima and Ali (r.a.):

“They give food to the poor, orphans and captives, despite their love for it ... Allah will protect them from the evil of that day and give them prosperity and joy” (76:8,11)

Father's death

IN last days During her prophetic mission, Fatima was constantly with her venerable parent. Before his death, he turned to his daughter, and she burst into tears, but then smiled. Aisha decided to ask Fatima about what the Prophet had said. To which the answer followed: “At first, the pope said that the angel Jabrail repeated the Holy Quran with him every year, but this year he did it twice. “This is a sign that the end of my prophetic mission is coming,” said the father. - Believe in Allah and be patient! Of the entire family, you will be the first to join me.” That's when I cried. Noticing the sadness on my face, he asked: “Don’t you want to be the mistress of the women of the Muslim Ummah?” And then I smiled ”(Bukhari and Muslim cite the hadith).

Fatima survived her father by only six months. During these months, she regularly prayed and asked the Almighty that she, as her father said, would quickly join him. And so it happened. In 632, according to Miladi, Fatima bint Muhammad passed into another world. It was given to the earth in the cemetery of al-Baqi in Medina. The funeral prayer for her was read by Sahab al-Abbas.

Fatima al-Zahra in Shiism

Fatima is especially revered by Shia Muslims. According to the Shiite doctrine, the successors of the work of the Prophet of Islam (S.G.V.) can only be his closest descendants, who are called righteous imams. Their number varies depending on the direction of Shiism. Fatima became the only successor of the family of the Prophet (s.g.v.), which means that she is the progenitor of all righteous imams, with the exception of her husband, Ali ibn Abu Talib (r.a.).

It is for this reason that Fatima bint Muhammad (s.g.v.) is considered by Shiite Muslims to be the best woman in history.

Brief Overview of the Life of Her Ladyship the Prophet's Daughter (DBAR)

Her Grace's Names: Fatima, Siddiq, Mubarak, Tahira, Zakia, Raziya, Marziya, Muhaddis, Zahra.

Epithets: Ummul Hasan, Ummul Hussain, Ummul Muhsin, Ummul Aimma, Umm Abiha.

Some of her most famous titles: Zahra, Batul, Siddykatul Kubra, Mubarak, Azra, Takhira, Sayidatun-Nisa.

Father: Messenger of Allah, Muhammad ibn Abdullah, the great Prophet of Islam (may Allah bless him and his family!).

Mother: Khadija Kubra, the first woman to convert to Islam.

Birth: Mecca, five years after the prophetic mission.

Martyrdom: the city of Medina, 11 AH, two and a half months after the death of the Prophet.

Place of burial: according to the will of St. Fatima (DBM), as well as political motives she was buried secretly at night by Imam Ali, and until now the place of her burial is not known.

Her Ladyship Fatima's children: Imam Hassan Mujtaba, Imam Hussein Sayyidush-Shuhada, Zeynab Kubra, Umm Kulthum and Muhsin, who died without being born.

Birth of light

On Friday, the 20th day of the month of Jamadi as-Sani, five years after the beginning of the prophecy, in the house of divine revelation, under the holy sky of Hijaz, at the foot of the rocky mountains of Mecca, in front of the sacred Kaaba, where His Grace the Messenger of Allah (DBAR) read the Koran radiating around the light of the divine word, a girl was born. It was in the house of the Prophet, which was very familiar to the angels, where prayers were held day and night, in the house that was the hope for orphans and the needy, a refuge for slaves, in the house of Muhammad (DBAR) and Khadija (DBM) Fatima was born .

About Saint Fatima, the Messenger of Allah (DBAR) said: “She is from me, and from her I inhale the smell of divine paradise. Such a statement of the Prophet (DBAR) about Saint Fatima is not surprising, because she is one of the great people of mankind. Indeed, Allah Almighty says about her great position in the Qur'an:

انما يريد الله ليذهب عنكم الرجس اهل البيت و يطهركم تطهيرا

“Indeed, Allah only wants to remove filthiness from you, the family of his house, and purify you with complete cleansing.” Sura 33 verse 33.

Her Ladyship Fatima Zahra (DBM) contained the qualities of the Prophet (DBAR). Sanctified divine light life path Saint Fatima, is one of the signs of wise divine predestination. Saint Fatima is chosen by God among the women of the world.

Her Ladyship Fatima's mother

Her Ladyship Fatima (DBM) spent five years of her childhood under the care of her mother, Khadija, who is the first woman to convert to Islam.

The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said about Khadija: “Khadija is one of best women this ummah."

Aisha says: “The Messenger of Allah always remembered Khadija, and so often that I could not stand it and said:“ O Messenger of Allah! Khadija was just an old woman. Allah has given you a better wife than her."

The Prophet (dbar) became angry and said, “By Allah! Khadija was the best. She believed while others were in disbelief. She supported me when others rejected me, she placed her property at my disposal when no one else did. And Almighty Allah continued my family through her…!”.

The Great Personality of Saint Fatima

Undoubtedly, the great personality of Saint Fatima (DBM), who is one of the fourteen immaculate and is the mistress of all women, is beyond our limited understanding. It is our religious duty to seek the favor and guidance of Her Ladyship Fatima, as well as her family. She is a woman whose anger and displeasure are the wrath and displeasure of Allah. While we are limited in speech, is it possible to describe her all-round and extraordinary spiritual personality?

Therefore, we will offer you sayings about Fatima (DBM) from immaculate leaders:

His Grace the Messenger of Allah said: “An angel, by order of Allah, descended to me and told me the good news that Hasan and Hussein are the leaders of the youths of paradise, and Fatima is the mistress of all women in paradise. The Messenger of Allah said: “The greatest women in the world are: Maryam is the daughter of Imran, Khadija is the daughter of Khuwaylid, Fatimah is the daughter of Muhammad and Asiya is the daughter of Mazahim (Pharaoh’s wife).”

The Messenger of Allah (DBAR) said: "Paradise is waiting for four women: Maryam - the daughter of Imran, Asiya - the wife of Pharaoh, Khadija - the daughter of Khuwaylid, the wife of the Prophet and Fatima - the daughter of Muhammad."

He also said: "Allah is angry with the wrath of Fatima, and is pleased with her contentment."


In the second year of the Hijri, the Messenger of Allah (DBAR) married Fatimah to the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (DBM). They were created for each other, and as our immaculate leaders say, except for Ali, no one could be worthy of Fatima.

The Messenger of Allah said: "The marriage of Fatimah depends on the direction of Allah."

When Ali came to the Prophet to ask for the hand of Fatima, the Messenger of Allah said: “Even before your arrival, an angel told me that Allah ordered Fatima to be married to you.”

Abu Dharr says: “Once the Messenger of Allah asked me to bring Ali to him. When I came to Ali and called him, no one answered me. My attention was drawn to a hand mill, which itself ground grain. I called Ali again, he heard and came out to me. And together we went to the Messenger of Allah. The Prophet spoke to Ali, at the end of their conversation I said: “In Ali's house I saw a hand mill, which itself grinded grain. And that really surprised me.” The Messenger of Allah said: “My daughter Fatimah is such that Allah cleansed her heart with purification, gave her the true faith. After all, Allah is aware that it is difficult for her and therefore the Almighty helps her in household chores. Don't you know that Allah has angels who are appointed to help the family of the Prophet?
