Cat breed from the movie Garfield. Garfield is the fattest cat in the world! Garfield character story

Your friends gave you a kitten or you bought it without a pedigree. You will also want to eventually find out what kind of breed it is, because. each of them has its own characteristics.

I bring to your attention a determinant of cat breeds by external signs. Here are collected not only popular cat breeds, but also unusual ones. The main criterion for the separation of breeds is the length and structure of the coat. By clicking on the desired link, you can use the diagram with pictures to determine the breed. And under these links there is information about the breeds of the most famous cats.

100% result is not guaranteed! Your cat may not be a purebred, but a mestizo or outbred. The determinant shows which breed your pet most closely resembles.

Breeds of the most famous cats

Cats from advertisements

Perhaps the breed of this cat is of interest to most Internet users. If you use our determinant, then you can come to the conclusion that this is an American Shorthair. In fact, the unusual color is confusing, otherwise it is typical British Shorthair.

Blue color, narrow muzzle and delightful green eyes - all this indicates that we have Russian blue. Yes, it was this breed that was used to advertise Sheba.

Well, it's quite simple here. This pet boasts a long lush coat and a wide short muzzle. That is, before us Persian cat.

There is a lot of controversy around this pet. Some believe that this is a Maine Coon, others think that this is a Siberian cat. However, looking at the sharp transition of the muzzle, you can be sure that this Maine Coon, despite the absence of tassels on the ears.

Surprisingly, the newly minted TV star cat Boris - outbred. As you can see, it is not necessary to have an elite background to reach the heights.

It would be strange if the Persian cat would be shown as the standard of an active lifestyle. To do this, they picked up a cat with short hair, outwardly similar to a wild one. In fact, this is not a leopard or a panther, but an ordinary Bengal cat.

Cats - movie characters

7) Garfield (films "Garfield" and "Garfield 2")

Yes, this fluffy fat man already has millions of fans. Although Garfield was born thanks to computer graphics, its prototype is a cat whose breed exotic shorthair.

8) Cheshire cat (film "Alice in Wonderland")

And this mysterious beast, which became famous for its stunning smile, also has a certain breed. If you look closely, you can see that this British Shorthair with an unusual tabby color.

9) Midnight (film "Catwoman")

Wild color and big beautiful eyes... Yes, this is the symbol that the authors of the film have chosen. Cat Midnight belongs to the breed Egyptian mau(I advise you to read the article "").

10) Crookshanks (Harry Potter films)

A favorite of Harry Potter fans and not only the cat Crookshanks is Persian. The flattened muzzle and long hair confirm the pedigree of this fluffy handsome man.

Celebrity Cats

11) Shanti - Ksenia Borodina's cat

In addition to the dog Zima, the cat Shanti lives in the apartment of TV presenter Ksenia Borodina, who is Scottish Straight(Scottish Straight).

Cats are the stars of Youtube and Instagram

A Japanese cat named Maru has already conquered millions of Internet users around the world, a book has already been written on his mustachioed “personality”. And this animal belongs to the breed Scottish Straight.

13) Kobe the cat (page in Instagram - Coby The Cat)

Seeing such beautiful blue eyes, people are involuntarily interested in the breed, so that after choosing a kitten, they can take home the same beauty. Well, Kobe the cat belongs to the breed British Shorthair.

Despite the unusual color, Cookie the cat, a faithful assistant to the host of SlivkiShow, is outbred.

15) Cat Snoopy (page in Instagram - SNOOPY baby)

This cute cat, earning thousands of likes all over the Internet, belongs to the breed exotic shorthair.

16) Grumpy Cat - an angry cat (page in Instagram - realgrumpycat)

Grumpy Cat- real example how you can use your shortcomings to your advantage. Despite the malocclusion and congenital dwarfism, this cat has already become the “Meme of the Year” and continues to gain immense popularity. And this angry pet belongs to the breed snowshoe.

17) Cat Luhu (page in Instagram - Maggie Liu)

Peking cat-pessimist, which conquered thousands of users with its unusual muzzle, belongs to the breed Asian tabby. Note: this breed is not included in the guide due to its low prevalence.

Who doesn't know Garfield? This fat, red-haired, impudent, sarcastic, tailed snob with good heart? If someone has not heard of this, he has lost a lot in his life!

But, it is never too late to make up for this loss! Our post will help you do just that. And for those who have long been in love with this cat, just remind yourself of him.

Definitely, everyone will have a desire to review the film about him! Fortunately, now it is not difficult to do this on the Internet, and not wait for TV to please the show.

So. What do you know about Garfield?

He was born in the kitchen of an Italian restaurant. Hence his boundless love for climbing. But when the kitten grew up, he began to steal food from customers' plates, so the chef sold the red robber young man named John Arbuckle.

Garfield's "daddy" is American artist comic book James Robert Davis, who in 1978 released the first batch of funny stories in pictures about a red and charming cat.

He named it after his grandfather James Garfield Davis (and not in honor of the 20th US President James Garfield). That grandfather was red-haired, lazy, fat, sarcastic and loved lasagna.

In 1988, the first series of the animated series based on comics appeared. For the whole 5 years, he held the first line in popularity in the United States.

Now the "Empire of Garfield" has more than 30 million members worldwide, and the character has his own pages on FB, Twitter and Instagram.

The film was released digitally in 2004. Filming began on March 8, 2003 in Los Angeles at Universal Studios. Some of them were held in the UK at the invitation of the Queen herself, who herself is a fan of the cartoon character.

The film is replete with very interesting details: all the characters, even spiders and mice, can talk. Only one "stupid" puppy, Oddy, doesn't speak.

The numbers of all the cars in the film are exactly the same: 135,749.

The role of John Arbuckle was originally supposed to invite Jim Carrey ("Mask"), but the author of the character rejected him.

Released in 1983 computer game Garfield for Atari 2600 computers, but for unknown reasons, the first batch of disks never went on sale. IN currently the game exists only as a rare prototype and costs fabulous money.

The cat Garfield himself is endowed with almost all human vices: he is lazy, gluttonous, dishonest, constantly sneers at others, considers himself the smartest, falls into a rage, cynical and proud, manipulates others and ... you can continue indefinitely.

And finally, we invite you to watch the trailer of the film to remind yourself of this wonderful hero, without whom life would be much more boring.

Garfield is a 2004 comedy film based on the comics by Jim Davis. Also known as Garfield: the Movie. According to the recommendations of the Motion Picture Association of America, this film can be watched by children under the supervision of their parents. Despite the debacle in the press, the film was able to become successful in a commercial sense. At the box office, the film earned about 200 million, with 50 million invested in its creation.
Garfield is today the most famous and popular cat in the United States. He is a cynical, lazy, fat cat.

Garfield lives in John Arbuckle's house. His main occupation is banter, mockery of his master and with the Doberman Luca, who lives next door. Garfield maintains a very unusual friendship with a mouse named Louis. He is also friends with the cat Nermel, whom Garfield often launches in a basket to the roof, and with the cat Arlene.
Cat Garfield frankly uses the master's love for his own purposes, feels like a privileged pet. But when the owner brings the dog Oddie into the house, Garfield immediately becomes devilishly evil.
Making every effort, he manages to send out his main competitor and he rejoices when Oddie finds himself with a popular TV presenter. However, the joy soon changes to pricks of conscience, the Red-haired dirty trick suddenly realizes that Oddie's new owner is very ill and he needs to be rescued.

Lazy ginger cat who does not lead active life. He behaves very prudently in order to get tasty food and milk. Jon originally chose Garfield from a box that offered free kittens to everyone. The red-haired beast loves lasagna, but absolutely cannot stand raisins. He has a favorite toy - a teddy bear, which the cat named "Mickey Concrete". Quite rightly, Garfield considers himself the only favorite of the owner, and he was very unhappy when the owner brought Oddie into the house. Later, the red cat was imbued with friendly feelings for the puppy. Garfield is very against the relationship between John and Liz, because he believes that a veterinarian in the house is not necessary.

Redhead Garfield's owner. He is in love with veterinarian Liz Wilson. For this reason, he often brings a cat to the clinic, although Garfield is an absolutely healthy cat. John is a bachelor, eats canned food. Him big house, automobile. When Liz persuades him to take Oddie home, he agrees, deciding that in this way Liz shows her attitude towards John. Thinks Liz is dating him because of Oddie. In communication with Liz, he is very timid and indecisive.

Vet. She has a puppy, Oddie, whom she loves very much. She owns a pickup truck with the license plate PET DOC, which stands for Pet Doctor, Veterinarian. Was a member of the jury at the dog show. When John took Oddie to his home, she began dating him, although she said that she fell in love with the indecisive John at school.

A puppy that lives at Liz's veterinarian. After Liz's request, was taken by John. Garfield taught the puppy to dance. Oddie won the dog show, which attracted the attention of Happy Chapman. Because of Garfield, who tried to get rid of him, he ran away and got lost. The TV presenter is sure that the puppy is suitable for the Kibbly Dog show, stole it and tried to run away with him to New York.

Few people famous TV presenter on the local channel. He has a younger brother who has achieved more in television than himself. Hates lasagna. He is allergic to cats. Having met Oddie, she is going to use him in a new show. But Oddie only knows how to dance. And Chapman begins to use a very cruel training method - an electric shock collar. If not for Garfield, who was able to stop Chapman, then he and Oddie would have fled to New York. Main negative character movie.

In the last news, I talked about a fat pug, and this time we will talk about the overweight cat Garfield. By latest information he is the fattest cat in the world!

Garfield's love of food hasn't led to anything good. The poor cat scored a few extra pounds and the last weigh-in showed that Garfield weighs over 18 kilograms!

Thus, a hefty cat became the heaviest in the world, but this did not bring him much joy. Garfield is clearly suffering from excess weight, so today the cat was put on a strict diet.

It is worth noting that a few days ago, a cat named Bob (also known as Sponge Bob) was named the heaviest cat in the world (15 kg), but today he is deprived of such a ” honorary title". All this suggests that not only people, but also pets suffer from obesity in the 21st century ...

But back to Garfield, who for a long time lived with his mistress in New York. Recently, animal advocates decided to take the cat out of the house, as they thought that his owner was deliberately overfeeding the animal. And now Garfield is looking for new owners, though first he needs to lose weight ...

Despite the obvious excess of excess weight, according to veterinarians, Garfield is a completely healthy cat, but he was still put on a diet, as the consequences of obesity will make themselves felt sooner or later.

Dailymail notes that the cat, with its behavior, fully justifies its nickname, received from the ginger cat Garfield from the cartoon of the same name. He likes to take long naps, lie on the couch and eat whatever he can find to eat. The latter is now practically unrealizable, since the cat is fed low-calorie food, which he clearly does not like.

Name: Garfield

A country: USA


Activity: cartoon character

Family status: not married

Garfield character story

A talking anthropomorphic cat, a character in the Garfield comic book series, as well as a number of films and animated series.

History of creation

Garfield first appeared in June 1978 in comics created by American artist Jim Davis. The Garfield comic is still in print today. According to statistics, every day two hundred million people read another issue about the adventures of a ginger cat.

The artist named the red cat he invented in honor of his own grandfather, whose name was James Garfield Davis. And that, in turn, was named after the twentieth American president, James Garfield.


Garfield is a fat and handsome red cat. The behavior of the hero resembles the natural behavior of domestic cats. For example, Garfield can sleep for days and look completely passive, and then suddenly fall into a state of rage and destroy the house, destroying everything that accidentally turns under the claws.

By nature, Garfield is unusually cynical and lazy. The character leads a relaxed life and shows miracles of ingenuity when he wants to get delicious food or milk. As a tiny kitten, Garfield ended up in the box from where the hero was taken by Jon Arbuckle. Since then, the cat lives with Arbuckle as a pet.

Garfield has friends - the cat Arlene and the Thai cat Nermal, with whom the hero likes to play astronauts. This game consists in the fact that Garfield launches a friend from the roof of the house in a bucket. The hero has also been friends with a mouse named Louis for a long time and teases the aggressive neighbor Doberman.

Of all foods, Garfield especially loves lasagna and dislikes raisins, to which he is allergic. The hero has a favorite toy - a teddy bear, which Garfield gave the nickname "Mickey Concrete".

For a long time, Garfield remains the only favorite of Arbuckle, but then a mongrel puppy, Odie, appears in the house. At first, the cat is jealous of the owner for the new pet, but then Odie and Garfield become friends.

Arbuckle has a girlfriend - Liz Wilson, a veterinarian who took care of Odie the puppy. The role of Liz is played by an actress. The heroine began dating Arbuckle after he took the puppy into the house. Garfield is against this relationship. According to the cat, the veterinarian in the house is too stressful.

Garfield teaches Odie how to dance. With his newfound skills, the puppy wins the dog show, which attracts the attention of Happy Chapman, the unsympathetic local TV presenter. Chapman has not been successful on television, and this is all the more offensive because he has a much more successful younger brother, who brilliantly makes a career as a news anchor on a major channel.

Chapman wants to use Odie in the new Kibbly Dog show. However, the puppy turns out to be a disappointment - Odie knows how to dance, but this is his only interesting ability. To achieve greater effect from training, the villain Chapman uses a stun collar.

Chapman is opposed to Garfield in the film. He is allergic to cats and hates lasagna. Chapman steals Odie and tries to go to New York with him, but Garfield foils those plans.

On another occasion, Garfield and Odie nearly end up at an animal shelter when owner Jon Arbuckle leaves for London to follow his girlfriend, Liz. At the last moment, the beasts manage to break free and climb into Arbuckle's car.

In London, John checks into the same hotel where Liz is staying, with the intention of proposing to the heroine there. Garfield, on the other hand, Arbuckle is trying not to let out on the street so that the cat is not lost. When Arbuckle and Liz go out for a walk around the city, Garfield and the puppy do escape and end up on the streets of London.

The cat Prince lives in London, like two drops of water similar to Garfield. The owner bequeathed her own castle to this cat, but the evil relative Lord Dargis tried to drown the cat in the river in order to grab wealth and real estate. Butler Smitty, seeing Garfield on the streets of London, mistakes him for the Prince and picks him up. Arbuckle, meanwhile, finds the real Prince and mistakes him for Garfield.

The evil Dargis wants to demolish the castle and build a resort on this site, and send the animals that live in the barnyard to the kitchen as food. Lawyers give a week to search for the Prince, after which the property will pass into the raking hands of Dargis.

The prince escapes from Arbuckle to return home, while Garfield, meanwhile, in the castle is trying to exterminate Dargis, who set the dog on the hero. Garfield is aided by a local beast who strongly dislikes Dargis' plans.

In the finale, the Prince returns to the castle, Garfield returns to his own owners, and the evil Lord Dargis ends up in the hands of the police.

Screen adaptations

In 1987, the cartoon "Garfield Goes to Hollywood" was released from director Phil Roman. Here, Garfield is trying to get rid of the owner, because he believes that Arbuckle can prevent him and Odie from taking the main prize in the show of talented animals due to his own mediocrity.

In 1988, based on the comic book about Garfield, an animated series was released, in the creation of which comic book author Jim Davis personally took part. The series, which was called Garfield and Friends, aired until 1994, with a total of seven seasons. Garfield was voiced by actor Lorenzo Music.

In 2004, the first film called Garfield was released, where the hero was voiced by an actor known to viewers from the films Groundhog Day and Broken Flowers. The film was directed by Peter Hewitt. The film was filmed primarily in the Universal Studios studios and on the streets of Los Angeles, but some scenes were filmed in the UK. The role of John Arbuckle, the owner of Garfield, was going to be played, but after the actor changed his mind, the role went to actor and musician Breckin Meyer.

Bill Murray voiced Garfield in Garfield 2: A Tale of Two Cats, which was released in 2006. This film was directed by Tim Hill. Both films combine computer animation with live action.

In the 2000s, several more cartoons about Garfield appeared. In 2007, The Real Garfield was released, a year later the sequel to this cartoon was Garfield's Festival, and in 2009, Garfield's Space Special Forces in 3D. In all three cartoons, the cat was voiced by actor Frank Welker.

The ginger cat also became a character in the video game called "Garfield: in search of adventure."


“You can’t push me out like I’m some kind of animal!”
"Garfield! Did you eat 4 boxes of lasagna?!
- I am not guilty! I'm sorry!
- Well, what should I do with you?
- Love, feed and never leave.
- Let's go, I'll take you to one place! There you will be quickly put on your feet!”
"I have a collar, I just left it in another fur."
