Assumption writer of children's works. Eduard Uspensky - funny stories for children

Once, a lecturer came to the third grade, where Masha studied. He was elderly, over thirty, like this, wow, in a gray suit, and immediately said:

Hello, my name is Professor Barinov. Now we will all take pens and write an essay: “What would I do if I were the chairman of the City Council.” It's clear?


Dear fellow students! (In this case, these are children from six to nine years old.)

Put aside hockey sticks, pedal cars, kittens, chickens, puppies, and other distractions and sit next to your dad, mom, grandpa, or grandma on the couch.

Let's start the first session.

This book is a guide for aspiring millionaires.

The girl Vera now has a girlfriend,

She's not a kitten, she's not a toy

She is a foreigner, she is a foreign tourist,

She is a monkey named Anfiska.

Once, a package arrived for Uncle Fyodor in Prostokvashino, and in it was a letter:

“Dear Uncle Fedor! Your beloved aunt Tamara, a former colonel in the Red Army, is writing to you. It's time for you to take up agriculture - both for education and for the harvest.

Carrots should be planted at attention. Cabbage - in a row through one.

Pumpkin - on command "at ease". Preferably near an old dump. The pumpkin will “suck out” the entire garbage dump and become huge. The sunflower grows well away from the fence so that the neighbors do not eat it. Tomatoes should be planted leaning against sticks. Cucumbers and garlic require constant fertilization.


In one village, a city boy lived with a grandmother. His name was Mitya. He spent holidays in the village.

He spent the whole day swimming in the river and sunbathing. In the evenings, he climbed onto the stove, watched his grandmother spin her yarn, and listened to her fairy tales.

And here in Moscow everyone is knitting now, - the boy said to his grandmother.

Nothing, - she answered, - soon they will start spinning.

And she told him about Vasilisa the Wise, about Ivan Tsarevich and about the terrible Koshchei the Immortal.

Chapter 1

In the Opalikha district near Moscow, there is the village of Dorohovo, and nearby the summer cottage village Pilot. Every year, at the same time, one family moves from Moscow to the dacha - a mother and a daughter. Dad rarely comes, because it’s not for nothing that the village is called “Pilot”.

Mother's name is Sveta, daughter Tanya. Each time, before moving, they transport the necessary things to the dacha.

And this year, as always, the same truck arrived at the same dacha, at about the same time. She brought a refrigerator, a receiver, a vacuum cleaner and a lot of stuff. home appliances. Nice blue-uniform loaders put everything in its place and left.

And there were no summer residents themselves yet.

At first there was silence in the large room, then quiet metallic sounds were heard. These were not just repair sounds, they were signals: “I'm here. I came. And who are you?

Chapter One

On a clear sunny day, a refrigerator was brought to the apartment. Businesslike and angry porters carried him into the kitchen and immediately left with the hostess. And it was quiet and quiet all around. Suddenly, a little man of a somewhat strange appearance climbed out of the refrigerator through a crack in the facing grate onto the floor. He had a gas canister on his back, like scuba divers, and large rubber suction cups were put on his arms and legs.


It started in early warm yellow autumn at the very beginning of the school year. At a big break, class teacher Lyudmila Mikhailovna entered the class in which Roma Rogov studied. She said:

Guys! We have had great joy. Our headmaster has returned from Holland. He wants to talk to you.

The principal of the school Petr Sergeevich Okounkov entered the class.

Guys! - he said. - I was in Holland for three days and learned a lot. They are very interested in our country. I have brought you letters from Dutch boys and girls. You will correspond with them. Letters will be received by those students who study better.

He took a cool magazine from the table.


Dear boy! Dear girl! Dear children!

Each of you listened, and maybe even read fairy tales about Baba Yaga, about Koshchei the Immortal, about the Nightingale the Robber and about Emelya on the stove.

But few of you know that Baba Yaga has a daughter, a little Babeshka-Yageshka. Koshchei the Immortal has a son, Koshcheyok, and Emelya on the stove, although he lay all the time on the stove, also managed to acquire a son, Emelyan.

This Yemelyan Yemelyanovich will soon be sixteen, but he can neither write nor read. He only drives around on his father's stove all the time by proxy and all the time looks apple-and-a-platter without getting off this very stove.

Works are divided into pages

Fairy tales, short stories and stories by Eduard Uspensky

Many unexpected components soak up the tales of Uspensky. In addition to the engineering sense generously poured into them, popular burning issues of today find a place here. In other words, there is "genuine" journalism in the form in which it can be delivered to the children's consciousness.

Cleverly, funny and childishly created is the figure of the boss from the famous story of Uspensky, who is in charge of issuing cement for construction to his friends Gena and Cheburashka. The boss has a rule: everything must be done halfway. Ask why? “If I,” he says, “always and will do everything to the very end and constantly allow everything to everyone, then they can definitely say about me that I am unusually kind and everyone regularly does what they want. Well, if I don’t do anything at all If I don’t commit and never allow anyone to do anything, then they will definitely say about me that I constantly beat the thumbs and interfere with everyone. But no one will ever say anything terrible about me. " And in almost complete accordance with his own paradigm, our hero always allows his friends to give out half of what he needs to carry - that is, half of the car. And remembering that half of the truck will not go, he quickly gives the truck only half way ...

No, the stories of Ouspensky do not encourage the children to look at the world through rose glass. They always encourage them to transfer everything available to them in the direction of love and kindness. Speaking about one of his stories, the writer remarked: “Absolutely everything in the new book is kind. If you regularly talk to children about the bad sides of life, it will certainly seem to them that the world is generally terrible and bad. And I always want to give them the concept of a cheerful and good world! "

Every Russian will tell you that all novels, short stories and fairy tales by Eduard Uspensky, which you can read on our website, wonderful children's writer with a technical education and with a kind soul of a funny storyteller - a gift for the guys, warm and kind.

The boy Yasha always liked to climb everywhere and climb into everything. As soon as some suitcase or box was brought, Yasha immediately found himself in it.

And he climbed into all sorts of bags. And in closets. And under the tables.

Mom often said:

- I'm afraid, I'll come with him to the post office, he will get into some empty parcel, and he will be sent to Kyzyl-Orda.

He got very good for it.

And then Yasha new fashion took - began to fall from everywhere. When it was distributed in the house:

- Eh! - everyone understood that Yasha had fallen from somewhere. And the louder the “uh” was, the greater was the height from which Yasha flew. For example, mother hears:

- Eh! - so it's no big deal. This Yasha just fell off the stool.

If you hear:

- Eee! - so it's a very serious matter. It was Yasha who plopped down from the table. I need to go and look at his bumps. And on a visit, Yasha climbed everywhere, and even tried to climb on the shelves in the store.

One day my dad said:

- Yasha, if you climb somewhere else, I don’t know what I will do with you. I'll tie you to the vacuum cleaner with ropes. And you will walk everywhere with a vacuum cleaner. And you will go to the store with your mother with a vacuum cleaner, and in the yard you will play in the sand tied to a vacuum cleaner.

Yasha was so frightened that after these words he did not climb anywhere for half a day.

And then, nevertheless, he climbed onto the table with his dad and crashed together with the phone. Dad took it and actually tied it to a vacuum cleaner.

Yasha walks around the house, and the vacuum cleaner follows him like a dog. And he goes to the store with his mother with a vacuum cleaner, and plays in the yard. Very uncomfortable. Neither you climb the fence, nor ride a bicycle.

But Yasha learned to turn on the vacuum cleaner. Now instead of "uh" constantly began to be heard "uu".

As soon as mom sits down to knit socks for Yasha, when all of a sudden all over the house - "oooooo." Mom is jumping up and down.

We decided to make a good deal. Yasha was untied from the vacuum cleaner. And he promised not to climb anywhere else. Papa said:

- This time, Yasha, I will be stricter. I'll tie you to a stool. And I'll nail the stool to the floor with nails. And you will live with a stool, like a dog in a booth.

Yasha was very afraid of such a punishment.

But just then a very wonderful case turned up - they bought a new wardrobe.

First, Yasha climbed into the closet. He sat in the closet for a long time, banging his forehead against the walls. This is an interesting thing. Then he got bored and got out.

He decided to climb into the closet.

Yasha moved the dining table to the closet and climbed on it. But he did not reach the top of the cabinet.

Then he put a light chair on the table. He climbed onto the table, then onto a chair, then onto the back of a chair, and began to climb onto the closet. Already half gone.

And then the chair slipped out from under his foot and fell to the floor. But Yasha remained half on the closet, half in the air.

Somehow he climbed onto the closet and fell silent. Try telling your mom

- Oh, mom, I'm sitting on the closet!

Mom will immediately transfer him to a stool. And he will live like a dog all his life near a stool.

Here he sits and is silent. Five minutes, ten minutes, five more minutes. All in all, whole month almost. And Yasha slowly began to cry.

And mom hears: Yasha can’t hear something.

And if Yasha is not heard, then Yasha is doing something wrong. Either he chews matches, or he climbed into the aquarium knee-deep, or he draws Cheburashka on his father's papers.

Mom began to look in different places. And in the closet, and in the nursery, and in my father's office. And everything is in order: dad works, the clock is ticking. And if there is order everywhere, then something difficult must have happened to Yasha. Something extraordinary.

Mom screams:

- Yasha, where are you?

Yasha is silent.

- Yasha, where are you?

Yasha is silent.

Then my mother began to think. He sees a chair on the floor. He sees that the table is not in place. He sees - Yasha is sitting on the closet.

Mom asks:

- Well, Yasha, are you going to sit on the closet all your life or will we get down?

Yasha doesn't want to go down. He is afraid that he will be tied to a stool.

He says:

- I won't get down.

Mom says:

- Okay, let's live on the closet. Now I'll bring you lunch.

She brought Yasha soup in a bowl, a spoon and bread, and a small table and a stool.

Yasha had lunch on the cupboard.

Then his mother brought him a pot on the closet. Yasha was sitting on the potty.

And in order to wipe his ass, my mother had to get up on the table herself.

At this time, two boys came to visit Yasha.

Mom asks:

- Well, should you give Kolya and Vitya a closet?

Yasha says:

- Submit.

And then dad couldn’t stand it from his office:

- Now I myself will come to visit him on the closet. Yes, not one, but with a strap. Remove it from the cabinet immediately.

They took Yasha out of the closet, and he says:

- Mom, I didn’t get off because I’m afraid of stools. My dad promised to tie me to a stool.

“Oh, Yasha,” says mom, “you are still small. You don't understand jokes. Go play with the guys.

And Yasha understood jokes.

But he also understood that dad did not like to joke.

He can easily tie Yasha to a stool. And Yasha did not climb anywhere else.

How the boy Yasha ate badly

Yasha was good to everyone, he just ate badly. All the time with concerts. Either mom sings to him, or dad shows tricks. And he gets along:

- Don't want.

Mom says:

- Yasha, eat porridge.

- Don't want.

Papa says:

- Yasha, drink juice!

- Don't want.

Mom and dad got tired of persuading him every time. And then my mother read in one scientist pedagogical book that children should not be coaxed to eat. It is necessary to put a plate of porridge in front of them and wait for them to get hungry and eat everything.

They put, put plates in front of Yasha, but he does not eat and does not eat anything. He doesn't eat meatballs, soup, or porridge. He became thin and dead, like a straw.

- Yasha, eat porridge!

- Don't want.

- Yasha, eat soup!

- Don't want.

Previously, his pants were hard to fasten, but now he dangled completely freely in them. It was possible to launch another Yasha into these pants.

And then one day a strong wind blew.

And Yasha played on the site. He was very light, and the wind rolled him around the site. Rolled up to the wire mesh fence. And there Yasha got stuck.

So he sat, pressed against the fence by the wind, for an hour.

Mom calls:

- Yasha, where are you? Go home with the soup to suffer.

But he doesn't go. He is not even heard. He not only became dead himself, but his voice became dead. Nothing is heard that he squeaks there.

And he squeaks:

- Mom, take me away from the fence!

Mom began to worry - where did Yasha go? Where to look for it? Yasha is not seen and not heard.

Dad said this:

- I think our Yasha was rolled away somewhere by the wind. Come on, mom, we'll take the pot of soup out onto the porch. The wind will blow and the smell of soup will bring to Yasha. On this delicious smell, he will crawl.

Once, a lecturer came to the third grade, where Masha studied. He was elderly, over thirty, like this, wow, in a gray suit, and immediately said:

Hello, my name is Professor Barinov. Now we will all take pens and write an essay: “What would I do if I were the chairman of the City Council.” It's clear?


Dear fellow students! (In this case, these are children from six to nine years old.)

Put aside hockey sticks, pedal cars, kittens, chickens, puppies, and other distractions and sit next to your dad, mom, grandpa, or grandma on the couch.

Let's start the first session.

This book is a guide for aspiring millionaires.

The girl Vera now has a girlfriend,

She's not a kitten, she's not a toy

She is a foreigner, she is a foreign tourist,

She is a monkey named Anfiska.

Once, a package arrived for Uncle Fyodor in Prostokvashino, and in it was a letter:

“Dear Uncle Fedor! Your beloved aunt Tamara, a former colonel in the Red Army, is writing to you. It's time for you to take up agriculture - both for education and for the harvest.

Carrots should be planted at attention. Cabbage - in a row through one.

Pumpkin - on command "at ease". Preferably near an old dump. The pumpkin will “suck out” the entire garbage dump and become huge. The sunflower grows well away from the fence so that the neighbors do not eat it. Tomatoes should be planted leaning against sticks. Cucumbers and garlic require constant fertilization.


In one village, a city boy lived with a grandmother. His name was Mitya. He spent holidays in the village.

He spent the whole day swimming in the river and sunbathing. In the evenings, he climbed onto the stove, watched his grandmother spin her yarn, and listened to her fairy tales.

And here in Moscow everyone is knitting now, - the boy said to his grandmother.

Nothing, - she answered, - soon they will start spinning.

And she told him about Vasilisa the Wise, about Ivan Tsarevich and about the terrible Koshchei the Immortal.

Chapter 1

In the Opalikha district near Moscow, there is the village of Dorohovo, and nearby the summer cottage village Pilot. Every year, at the same time, one family moves from Moscow to the dacha - a mother and a daughter. Dad rarely comes, because it’s not for nothing that the village is called “Pilot”.

Mother's name is Sveta, daughter Tanya. Each time, before moving, they transport the necessary things to the dacha.

And this year, as always, the same truck arrived at the same dacha, at about the same time. She brought a refrigerator, receiver, vacuum cleaner and a lot of household appliances. Nice blue-uniform loaders put everything in its place and left.

And there were no summer residents themselves yet.

At first there was silence in the large room, then quiet metallic sounds were heard. These were not just repair sounds, they were signals: “I'm here. I came. And who are you?

Chapter One

On a clear sunny day, a refrigerator was brought to the apartment. Businesslike and angry porters carried him into the kitchen and immediately left with the hostess. And it was quiet and quiet all around. Suddenly, a little man of a somewhat strange appearance climbed out of the refrigerator through a crack in the facing grate onto the floor. He had a gas canister on his back, like scuba divers, and large rubber suction cups were put on his arms and legs.


It started in early warm yellow autumn at the very beginning of the school year. At a big break, class teacher Lyudmila Mikhailovna entered the class in which Roma Rogov studied. She said:

Guys! We have had great joy. Our headmaster has returned from Holland. He wants to talk to you.

The principal of the school Petr Sergeevich Okounkov entered the class.

Guys! - he said. - I was in Holland for three days and learned a lot. They are very interested in our country. I have brought you letters from Dutch boys and girls. You will correspond with them. Letters will be received by those students who study better.

He took a cool magazine from the table.


Dear boy! Dear girl! Dear children!

Each of you listened, and maybe even read fairy tales about Baba Yaga, about Koshchei the Immortal, about the Nightingale the Robber and about Emelya on the stove.

But few of you know that Baba Yaga has a daughter, a little Babeshka-Yageshka. Koshchei the Immortal has a son, Koshcheyok, and Emelya on the stove, although he lay all the time on the stove, also managed to acquire a son, Emelyan.

This Yemelyan Yemelyanovich will soon be sixteen, but he can neither write nor read. He only drives around on his father's stove all the time by proxy and all the time looks apple-and-a-platter without getting off this very stove.

Works are divided into pages

Fairy tales, short stories and stories by Eduard Uspensky

Many unexpected components soak up the tales of Uspensky. In addition to the engineering sense generously poured into them, popular burning issues of today find a place here. In other words, there is "genuine" journalism in the form in which it can be delivered to the children's consciousness.

Cleverly, funny and childishly created is the figure of the boss from the famous story of Uspensky, who is in charge of issuing cement for construction to his friends Gena and Cheburashka. The boss has a rule: everything must be done halfway. Ask why? “If I,” he says, “always and will do everything to the very end and constantly allow everything to everyone, then they can definitely say about me that I am unusually kind and everyone regularly does what they want. Well, if I don’t do anything at all If I don’t commit and never allow anyone to do anything, then they will definitely say about me that I constantly beat the thumbs and interfere with everyone. But no one will ever say anything terrible about me. " And in almost complete accordance with his own paradigm, our hero always allows his friends to give out half of what he needs to carry - that is, half of the car. And remembering that half of the truck will not go, he quickly gives the truck only half way ...

No, Uspensky's stories do not encourage children to look at the world around them through pink glasses. They always encourage them to transfer everything available to them in the direction of love and kindness. Speaking about one of his stories, the writer remarked: “Absolutely everything in the new book is kind. If you regularly talk to children about the bad sides of life, it will certainly seem to them that the world is generally terrible and bad. And I always want to give them the concept of a cheerful and good world! "

Every Russian will tell you that all novels, short stories and fairy tales by Eduard Uspensky, which you can read on our website, a wonderful children's writer with a technical education and a funny storyteller with a good soul, is a warm and kind gift for the guys.

Little Edik had Cheburashka. This is a plush toy. The ears are large, the tail is buttoned. You won’t understand - either a bear, or a hare, or a dog. In a word, unknown to science beast.
When Edik was an unintelligent child, he played this Cheburashka. And then he grew up and forgot about his plush animal. The man had other things to do. For example, it was necessary to urgently dig a wide and long snowy passage to the camp of the “enemy”. Or lie in wait for some “non-dangerous” old woman in the yard and scare her with an exploding piston.
Time, of course, was short. It was also not enough for lessons. That's why Edik studied poorly. And so that my parents would not scold me too much, I mastered one important and necessary art. How to cut deuces from a diary. Imperceptibly so, with a razor.
No, Edik was not at all going to remain a loser all his life. In the depths of his soul, he cherished a dream - to become a minister or an academician. At worst, a very successful gold digger!
Since there are no academics with two grades, Edik was always going to "take off" - from Monday to start studying well. But it didn't work to 'break'.
The schoolboy Uspensky was rescued by chance. Once, a boy not too deliberately jumped from the roof. As a result, he ended up in the hospital with a broken leg. There was nothing to do there, so he asked his parents to bring him various books and, to the amazement of those around him, began to study. Yes, so stubbornly that he could later finish school well, and enter the aviation institute, and even become an engineer.
Uspensky worked in his specialty for three years. And then he suddenly realized that he was doing something wrong in life. He turned out to be an active engineer, but stupid. Eduard Nikolaevich thought and thought ... and became an adult humorist. And then just as quickly retrained as a children's writer.
Helped him this time too.
One summer Ouspensky worked in a pioneer camp. And in order to calm the detachment, which was thirsty for impressions, I read various interesting books. Then all the interesting books suddenly ran out, the boring detachment did not want to listen, and Ouspensky had no choice but to start inventing himself: “In one city there lived a crocodile named Gena, and he worked in a zoo as a crocodile”. The phrase was running through his head.
And suddenly…
And suddenly two long nose- pet rat Lariska and hooligan old woman Shapoklyak. The door of a telephone booth slammed, and an incomprehensible plush animal got out. "It's Cheburashka!" Ouspensky guessed. And he began to tell his famous tale.
The story about Cheburashka and the crocodile Gena really liked the little listeners. But for some reason, the adult bosses did not like it at all. "Cheburashka has no Motherland!" they exclaimed. “And it’s generally unknown what kind of fruit it is (that is, excuse me, the beast)!”
Despite everything, the book was still printed. And then another, no less famous essay appeared - "Uncle Fyodor, a dog and a cat."
But many readers rejoiced early. Because adult uncles and aunts once decided not to publish books by Eduard Uspensky at all (there wasn’t enough paper for everyone?). But for some reason they allowed to shoot several cartoons based on them (they themselves probably watched cartoons with their grandchildren in the evenings).
But Ouspensky continued to compose anyway. Not only poems and fairy tales, but also plays, screenplays; broadcast on radio and television. Of course, “Baby Monitor” and “ABVGDeyka” are now remembered only by fathers and mothers or even grandparents, but the program “Ships came to our harbor”, which Eduard Nikolaevich invented and has been running for twenty years, has a huge number of quite young fans.
But what about television and radio broadcasts! Once Ouspensky came up with a whole book publishing house - "Samovar" is called. Eduard Nikolayevich has a lot of ideas in general. For example, now he dreams of his own animation studio and a real Disneyland in the city of Anapa. There will definitely be a jungle with Gena the crocodile, the Blue Carriage slides and much, much more, and it will be called Uspensky Park.
But what about books? The writer has complete order with them. Eduard Nikolaevich writes and publishes them with enviable constancy. So his company literary heroes grows all the time. Recently there was a girl with strange name Maksha and gutta-percha boy Geveichik.
Like a good father, Eduard Uspensky looks after his vast family and always knows exactly what is happening to whom and who travels where. For example, “The Finns adore Uncle Fedor, in America the favorite is the old woman Shapoklyak. Everyone there is in love with her. Well, the Japanese are just crazy about Cheburashka…” Who will be the next hero? Only the writer himself can answer this question. But he does not like to answer such questions. He doesn't like interviews at all.
What he really loves is, having left the city, to lock himself in his house so that no one interferes, and write, write, write ...

Nadezhda Voronova, Irina Kazyulkina


GENERAL COLLECTION OF HEROES, STORIES, STORIES, POEMS AND PLAYS: in 10 volumes / Eduard Uspensky. - St. Petersburg: Comet, 1993-1994.
It has been twenty years since this first collected work of Eduard Uspensky appeared. Over the past years, the author has written many new books, so the time has come for the next, more extensive edition.

UNCLE FYODOR, DOG AND CAT: [plays] / Eduard Uspensky; foreword by B. Goldovsky; illustrations by M. Belov. - Moscow: Art, 1990. - 175 p. : ill.
The heroes of the fairy tales of Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky live not only on the pages of books and in cartoons, but also on the stage puppet theaters for which the author specially remade his stories into plays. There are exactly seven such plays in this collection: “The Vacation of Gena the Crocodile”, “Uncle Fyodor, the Dog and the Cat”, “Guarantee Little Men”, “About Vera and Anfisa”, “The Koloboks are Investigating”, “Girl-Teacher” (based on the book “ Fur boarding house") and "Creepy Mr. Au" (based on the book by Hannu Mäkelä "Mr. Au").

- Cheburashka, Crocodile Gena, their friends and enemies -

ALL FAIRY STORIES ABOUT CHEBURASHKA: [fairy tales] / Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: Astrel, 2012. - 544 p. : ill.
“Our heroes slowly walked down the street. They were very pleased to walk and talk.
But suddenly there was a b-b-boom! - and something painfully hit the crocodile on the head.
- That's not you? - Gena asked Cheburashka ...
At this time, I heard again: b-b-boom! - and something hit Cheburashka very painfully.
What could it be?"
And really, what could it be? Or, more precisely, Who could it be? Did you happen to guess?
By the way, the heroes of Uspensky's fairy tale are known not only to our readers. In Sweden, for example, a whole magazine was published - "Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka."

ALL ABOUT CHEBURASHKA AND THE CROCODILE GENE: fairy tales and fairy tales/ Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: AST, 2006. - 527 p. : ill.
CROCODILE GENA AND HIS FRIENDS: in 2 books. / Eduard Uspensky; drawings by S. Bordyug, N. Trepenok. - Moscow: Planet of childhood, 2008. - (We read at home and in kindergarten. 5 years).

CHEBURASHKA GOES TO SOCHI TO SEARCH THE OLD WOMAN SHAPOKLYAK: [fairy tales] / Eduard Uspensky; [art. M. Zotova and others]. - Moscow: Planet of childhood, 2010. - 127 p. : ill.

- Prostokvashino and its inhabitants -

ALL STORIES ABOUT PROSTOKVASHINO, OR UNCLE FYODOR, DOG AND CAT / Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: AST: Astrel, 2010. - 784 p. : ill.
Oh, in vain the parents of a nobody's cat were kicked out of the house! Here they came one day from work, and there was a note on the table:
"Father and mother!
I love you very much... And this cat too. But you don’t allow me to start it ... I’m leaving for the village and will live there ... But I won’t be able to go to school soon. Only for next year.
Your son is Uncle Fedor ".
What happened next, you know without us. Everyone, of course, watched cartoons about Prostokvashino. However, cartoons are cartoons, but after them, Eduard Nikolaevich came up with many more stories from the life of the village of Prostokvashino.

EVERYTHING PROSTOKVASHINO: fairy tales and stories / Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: AST, 2005. - 672 p. : ill.

UNCLE FYODOR, DOG AND CAT: [fairy tales] / Eduard Uspensky; artist O. Bogolyubova. - Moscow: Astrel, 2012. - 200 p. : ill.

UNCLE FYODOR GOES TO SCHOOL, OR NANCY FROM THE INTERNET TO PROSTOKVASHINO: [tale-tale] / Eduard Uspensky. - St. Petersburg: The world of the child, 1999. - 95 p. : ill.

THREE IN PROSTOKVASHINO / Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: AST: Astrel: Harvest, 2010. - 48 p. : ill. - (Soyuzmultfilm presents).

HOLIDAYS IN PROSTOKVASHINO / Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: AST: Astrel, 2011. - 48 p. : ill. - (Soyuzmultfilm presents).

INCIDENTS IN PROSTOKVASHINO, OR THE INVENTIONS OF THE POSTMAN PECHKIN: fairy tales / Eduard Uspensky; artist O. Bogolyubova. - Moscow: Astrel: AST, 2009. - 63 p. : ill.

THE MOST NEW STORIES ABOUT PROSTOKVASHINO: [fairy tales] / Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: Planeta detstva, 2011. - 479 p. : ill.

AUNT UNCLE FYODOR, OR ESCAPE FROM PROSTOKVASHINO: a fairy tale story / Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: Oniks, 2001. - 120 p. : ill. - (Favorite book).
Uncle Fyodor's aunt was a serious, paramilitary woman. No wonder she served in the army for thirty years. Now she has gone to the reserve and decided to take up the upbringing of her nephew, Uncle Fyodor, to come to grips with. And at the same time, organize life in Prostokvashino in a new way ...

- Such different heroes! -

DOWN THE MAGIC RIVER: [fairy tale] / Eduard Uspensky; drawings by Olga Ionaitis. - Moscow: Planeta detstva, 2009. - 129 p. : ill. - (Family Library).
One summer, the boy Mitya went to visit his grandmothers in the village. One grandmother turned out to be the most ordinary, and the other - real fabulous Baba Yaga. Only exceptionally good.

ALL ABOUT TOADS TOADS / Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: AST, 2007. - 272 p. : ill.
When Eduard Uspensky was asked who Zhab Zhabich was, he replied: “In the biological laboratory, they put a frog into the device, and when they took an electroencephalogram, the consciousness of a senior researcher switched to it. And she became a thinking frog. She immediately ran away from the institute, came to one family and said: “I won’t go back there. I will live with you!” “What are you going to do?” they asked her. “I will guard the house!” - "How?" “And I will call the police if the robbers come.”.

GUARANTEED PEOPLE: [fairy tale] / Eduard Uspensky; artist V. Dmitryuk. - Moscow: Planeta detstva, 2011. - 159 p. : ill.
If your parents brought home a TV or, say, a new refrigerator, know that a tiny warranty man came to you with it. Just don't try to find it. Guarantee is strictly punished by children not to be seen.

GUARANTEED PEOPLE RETURN: [fairy tale] / Eduard Uspensky; artist V. Dmitryuk. - Moscow: Planeta detstva, 2011. - 110 p. : ill.
Every self-respecting warranty man has his main job: Kholodilina has a refrigerator, Bobbin has a sewing machine, Vacuum Cleaner has a vacuum cleaner. True, this time they have a common cause. They have to join forces against a terrible enemy in order to save themselves and all of humanity.

25 PROFESSIONS OF MASHA FILIPENKO: a story / Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: AST: Astrel, 2006. - 222 p. : ill. - (Favorite reading).
Masha, a third-grader, has so many professions because she was invited to work "improver"- their "unclouded brains" she improves things where adults have brought them "to the handle": in agriculture, in a vegetable shop, in a trolleybus park ...

STORIES ABOUT THE BOY YASHA / Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: Omega, 2006. - 48 p. : ill.
Yasha “I always liked to climb everywhere and climb into everything”, "drawing everywhere", "I liked to walk in the puddles", "ate badly", "I put everything in my mouth". In general, the most ordinary boy.

STORY ABOUT GEVEICHI, THE GUTTA PERCH MAN / Eduard Uspensky; [artist G. Sokolov]. - Moscow: AST: Astrel, 2011. - 159 p. : ill.
First, Galya was presented with an amazing toy - a little rubber boy Geveichik. Then the cat god Assirius and a ghost from a pirate chest suddenly appeared, and, finally, the magpie Zoika, a highly respected teacher, flew in. That's when it all started!

STORY ABOUT A GIRL WITH A STRANGE NAME / Eduard Uspensky; artist I. Pankov. - Moscow: AST, 2009. - 127 p. : ill.
Yes, the girl was definitely lucky with the name, no one has such a name - Maksha! And she also has "sharp green eyes the size of two tablespoons and independent character. All sorts of unusual things happen in Maksha's life: either she is invited to star in pasta commercials, or she participates in television show“Me and my dog”, then the boy Yangwa, heir to the Ministry of Oil Sales of Nigeria, comes to visit her with all his retinue ...
Well, if something goes wrong, Maksha can always say: it doesn't count!

Gingerbread man follows the trail: a detective story / Eduard Uspensky; artist Y. Pronin. - Moscow: AST: Astrel, 2007. - 63 p. : ill. - (Tales-cartoons).
THE INVESTIGATION IS LEADING KOLOBOKS / Eduard Uspensky; artist E. Nitylkina. - Moscow: Rosmen, 1999. - 127 p. : ill. - (We read at school and at home).
The famous detectives of Kolobok will unravel any case: they can find even a preschooler Lyosha, even a missing white elephant.

FUR BOARDING: an instructive story about a teacher girl and her furry friends / Eduard Uspensky; artist V. Chizhikov. - Moscow: Planet of childhood: Astrel, 2000. - 157 p. : ill.
“The fur boarding school needs a teacher of good behavior and writing. Girls from the third and fourth grades are invited. Classes will be on Sundays. Payment by hendriks, how much we will agree". Such a strange announcement hung in one of the summer cottages. What is this? Joke? Or seriously?

PLASTIC GRANDPA: fantasy story/ Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: Dragonfly, 1999. - 92 p. : ill. - (Student Library).
once landed space rocket from the constellation Balloons. The space grandfather, Professor Konstantin Mikhailovich, the chief specialist on the planet Green Yula, flew in to study earthlings. This is how the inhabitants of the Thrown Balls called our Earth.

UNDERWATER BERETS: a fantastic story / Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: Bamboo, 1999. - 109 p. : ill. - (Student Library).
"About the fact that in one quiet bay Pacific Ocean opens a new special sabotage and underwater school, few people knew from the despicable land souls.
Because the announcement about this school was placed underwater.
The sabotage school of its cadets, mostly dolphins, was supposed to train special submarine troops with such a vague name “Underwater berets”. The task of the "berets" included: liquidation, destruction, capture, sinking and search. For such a dangerous and difficult work, guys with iron nerves, flippers and brains were needed. The dead dolphin Henry had nothing like this ... "

ABOUT THE GIRL VERA AND THE MONKEY ANFISA / Eduard Uspensky; artist G. Sokolov. - Moscow: Planeta detstva, 2010. - 144 p. : ill.
They are so easy to confuse - a girl and a monkey!

RED, RED, MARKED / Eduard Uspensky; artists I. Glazov, O. Zotov, I. Oleinikov. - Moscow: Planet of childhood: Astrel: AST, 2001. - 181 p. : ill.
Poems and stories about redheads. And there's no need to tease.

- Very scary stories! -

BIG BOOK OF HORROR / Eduard Uspensky, Andrey Usachev. - Moscow: AST: Astrel: Harvest, 2007 - 384 p. : ill. - (Planet of childhood).

NIGHTMARE HORROR: surreal, colorful, most terrible horror stories / A. Usachev, E. Uspensky; artist I. Oleinikov. - Moscow: Planet of childhood: Astrel, 2001. - 78 p. : ill.
Well, what can I say? Horror and more!

HORRIBLE CHILDREN'S FOLKLORE / Eduard Uspensky; artist E. Vasiliev. - Moscow: Rosmen, 1998. - 92 p. : ill.

RED HAND, BLACK SHEETS, GREEN FINGERS: a scary story for fearless children / Eduard Uspensky, A. Usachev. - Moscow: Books of the Seeker, 2003. - 160 p. : ill. - (Eduard Uspensky. Horror films).
Hands... Sheets... Fingers... What is it? Aliens from outer space? Devilish powers? Or maybe just a whim of nature?
Intern investigator Viktor Rakhmanin did not yet have an answer to these questions ...

- Fun Universities -

BUSINESS OF THE CROCODILE GENES / E. Uspensky, I. Agron; artist V. Yudin. - Moscow: Rosmen, 2003. - 92 p. : ill.
A kind of guide for budding millionaires. This is exactly what young businessmen 6-9 years old will definitely achieve if, together with their old friend Gena the crocodile, they try to comprehend the meaning of such “adult” concepts as “exchange”, “bank”, “patent”, “corporation” ...

LITERATURE FOR KOSHCHE: a book for one reader and ten illiterates / E. Uspensky. - Moscow: Books of the "Seeker", 2002. - 158 p. : ill. - (Library of children's literature).
It is more convenient for children to learn literacy together with their loved ones fairy tale characters. Then the very first and most important words are remembered much easier: "Dad, mom, grandmother, Uspensky".

HOW TO LOVE DOGS CORRECTLY: stories / Eduard Uspensky; drawings by K. Pavlova. - Moscow: Planeta detstva, 2009. - 63 p. : ill.
Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky knows firsthand about dogs. In his house long years four-legged friends live. So who better to know what dog breeds are, how to care for them and how to love them right? ..

LECTURES OF PROFESSOR CHAINIKOV / E. Uspensky. - Moscow: Bamboo, 1999. - 138 p. : ill. - (Student Library).
“If the TV is taken apart, will the little men remain in it?” Hearing this question, Professor Chainikov realized that the country needed lectures on radio waves and electronics.
You probably remember that the author of this book, Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky, was an engineer by his first profession, so together with Professor Chainikov they will be able to answer many difficult and amazing questions.

ADVENTURES OF A LITTLE MAN: (universal declaration of human rights in retelling for children and adults) / A. Usachev, E. Uspensky; artist A. Shevchenko. - Moscow: Samovar, 1997. - 94 p. : ill. - (Funny textbooks).
It turns out that about such serious things as human rights, you can add a funny story-tale.

SCHOOL OF CLOWNS: a story / E. Uspensky. - Moscow: Planeta detstva, 2001. - 191 p. : ill.
One day, a completely unusual school opened in Moscow: for those who like to make people laugh and amuse, a clown school. Of course, you understand that studying at such a school is very fun. Even the alphabet and counting.

- Poetry -

MAYBE, A CROW… / Eduard Uspensky; artist O. Gorbushin. - Moscow: Samovar: Teremok, 2005. - 107 p. : ill. - (Children's classics).

One simple story
Or maybe not a fairy tale
Or maybe not simple
I want to tell.

I remember her from my childhood
Or maybe not since childhood,
Or maybe I don't remember
But I will remember...

TAKE CARE OF TOYS: poems / E. N. Uspensky; artist I. Glazov. - Moscow: Planeta detstva, 2008. - 11 p. : ill.

EVERYTHING IS IN ORDER: poems / Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: Eksmo-Press, 2005. - 48 p. : ill. - (Ladybug).

BLUE WAGON: poems / Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: Astrel: AST, 2004. - 174 p. : ill. - (Chrestomathy of a schoolboy).

"PLASTILINE CROW" AND OTHER POEMS / Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: OLMA-PRESS, 2002. - 156 p. : ill. - (Golden Pages).

POEMS FOR THE SMALLEST / Eduard Uspensky; drawings by B. Tremetsky. - Moscow: AST: Astrel, 2010. - 47 p. : ill. - (Planet of childhood).

NANNY NEEDED: poems / Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2005. - 48 p. : ill.

- Paraphrases from other languages ​​-

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky not only keeps an eye on his heroes, but is also ready to take care of strangers. In any case, both Uncle Au of the Finnish writer Hannu Mäkelä and Carlson Astrid Lindgren, the best in the world, sometimes speak Russian with his help:

UNCLE AU: story-tale / H. Myakelya, E. Uspensky; artist V. Korkin. - Moscow: Drofa, 2000. - 92 p. : ill. - (Tale by tale).
At first, this Uncle Au with a Finnish accent may seem harsh, scary and gloomy to someone. But that's just the beginning...

CARLSON FROM THE ROOF, OR THE BEST CARLSON IN THE WORLD: fairy tales / Astrid Lindgren; retelling by E. Uspensky. - Moscow: Astrel: AST, 2008. - 446 p. : ill.

Nadezhda Voronova, Olga Murgina, Irina Kazyulkina


Uspensky E. From the life of brands: [interview with writer E. Uspensky] / interviewed by V. Vyzhutovich // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. - 2010. - July 29. - S. 26-27.
Uspensky E. Letters from Yalta // Kukareku. - Moscow: SP "Slovo", . - S. 26, 51, 79, 97, 115, 132-133, 163, 199.
Uspensky E. “I read books of all good writers»: [about modern. det. literature and about his work] / the conversation was led by M. Koryabina, I. Bezuglenko // preschool education. - 2002. - No. 6. - S. 20-22.
Uspensky E. Cheburashka is a man! : [to the 70th anniversary of the birth of the writer] / the conversation was led by I. Svinarenko // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. - 2008. - April 3-9. - S. 20-21.

Arzamastseva I. Guaranteed storyteller Eduard Uspensky // Children's literature. - 1993. - No. 1. - S. 6-12.
Begak B. Joy of kindness // Begak B. True fairy tales. - Moscow: Children's Literature, 1989. - S. 102-110.
Valkova V. Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky: (to the 65th anniversary of the writer) // Primary School. - 2002. - No. 12. - S. 10-12.
Goldovsky B. Theater of Eduard Uspensky // Uspensky E. Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat. - Moscow: Art, 1990. - S. 7-21.
Lobanova T. Creativity of E. N. Uspensky in the assessment of criticism // World literature for children and about children: part 1. - Moscow, 2004. - P. 160-164.
Sakai H. The secret of the popularity of "Cheburashka" // World literature for children and about children: part 2. - Moscow, 2004. - P. 261-262.
Sivokon S. The best, of course, is ahead // Sivokon S. Your cheerful friends. - Moscow: Children's literature, 1986. - S. 232-249.
Tubelskaya G. Children's writers of Russia: one hundred and thirty names: a bio-bibliographic reference book / G. N. Tubelskaya. - Moscow: Russian School Library Association, 2007 - 492 p. : ill.
For a biographical sketch of Eduard Uspensky, see p. 350-353.

N.V., O.M.



Year good child. Based on the story of the same name by E. Uspensky and E. de Grun. Dir. B.Konunov. USSR-FRG, 1991.

There, on unknown paths. Based on the story by E. Uspensky "Down the Magic River". Dir. M. Yuzovsky. Comp. V. Dashkevich. USSR, 1982. Cast: R. Monastyrsky, T. Peltzer, A. Zueva, L. Kharitonov, A. Filippenko, Yu. Chernov and others.


Academician Ivanov. Based on a poem by E. Uspensky. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. V.Popov. Comp. E. Krylatov. USSR, 1986. Roles were voiced by: O. Tabakov, S. Stepchenko.

Antoshka: [from the almanac "Merry Carousel": no. 1]. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. L. Nosyrev. USSR, 1969.

Baba Yaga vs!: no. 1. Scene. E.Uspensky, G.Oster, A.Kurlandsky. Dir. V. Baker. Comp. E. Artemiev. USSR, 1980. Baba Yaga is voiced by O. Aroseva.
Baba Yaga vs!: no. 2. Scene. E.Uspensky, G.Oster, A.Kurlandsky. Dir. V. Baker. Comp. E. Artemiev. USSR, 1980. Baba Yaga is voiced by O. Aroseva.
Baba Yaga vs!: no. 3. Scene. E.Uspensky, G.Oster, A.Kurlandsky. Dir. V. Baker. Comp. E. Artemiev. USSR, 1980. Baba Yaga is voiced by O. Aroseva.

The day is wonderful. Scene. A. Khrzhanovsky, E. Uspensky. Dir. A. Khrzhanovsky. Comp. V.Martynov. USSR, 1975.

Uncle Au. Based on a fairy tale by the Finnish writer H. Mäkel. Scene. E.Uspensky, H.Mäkel. Dir. I. Douksha, M. Buzinova. Comp. A. Zhurbin. USSR, 1979. Voiced by: V. Livanov, T. Reshetnikova, M. Lobanov, V. Ferapontov, A. Grave.
Uncle Au is in the city. Scene. H. Mäkelya, E. Uspensky. Dir. M. Muat. Comp. A. Zhurbin. USSR, 1979. Voiced by: V. Livanov, A. Grave, T. Reshetnikova, S. Kryuchkova.
Uncle Au: Uncle Au's mistake. Scene. E.Uspensky, H.Mäkel. Dir. L. Surikova. Comp. A. Zhurbin. USSR, 1979. Voiced by: V. Livanov, A. Grave, B. Levinson, A. Shchukin.

Uncle Fedor, dog and cat: Matroskin and Sharik. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. L. Surikova, Yu. Klepatsky. Comp. A. Bykanov. Text of I.Shaferan's songs. USSR, 1975. Roles were voiced by: Z. Andreeva, E. Khromova, V. Baikov, S. Kharlap, A. Goryunova, A. Verbitsky.
Uncle Fedor, dog and cat: Mom and dad. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. Y. Klepatsky, L. Surikova. Comp. A. Bykanov. Text of songs (poems) by I.Shaferan. USSR, 1976.
Uncle Fedor, dog and cat: Mitya and Murka. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. Y. Klepatsky, L. Surikova. Comp. A. Bykanov. Text of I.Shaferan's songs. USSR, 1976.

Riddle: [from the almanac "Merry Carousel": no. 19]. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. E. Fedorova. Comp. M. Link, Gr. Gladkov. USSR, 1988. Text read by A. Filippenko.

Why does a camel need an orange? Scene. A. Vatyan. Dir. Y. Kalisher. Authors of the text E.Uspensky, V.Lunin. USSR, 1986.

Ivashka from the Palace of Pioneers. Scene. G.Sokolsky, E.Uspensky. Dir. G. Sokolsky. Comp. M. Meerovich. USSR, 1981. Roles were voiced by: G.Bardin, E.Katsirov, S.Kharlap.

Painting. Vanya drove. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. F. Epifanova. Comp. M. Ziv. USSR, 1975.

Blot. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. A. Reznikov. USSR, 1980.

Crocodile Gena. Scene. E.Uspensky, R.Kachanov. Dir. R. Kachanov. Comp. M. Ziv. USSR, 1969. Voiced by: V. Rautbart, K. Rumyanova, T. Dmitrieva, V. Livanov.
Cheburashka. Scene. E.Uspensky, R.Kachanov. Dir. R. Kachanov. Comp. V. Shainsky. USSR, 1971. Roles were voiced by: K. Rumyanova, T. Dmitrieva, V. Livanov, V. Ferapontov.
Shapoklyak. Scene. R.Kachanov, E.Uspensky. Dir. R. Kachanov. Comp. V. Shainsky. USSR, 1974. Roles were voiced by: V. Livanov, I. Mazing, K. Rumyanova, V. Ferapontov.
Cheburashka goes to school. Scene. E.Uspensky, R.Kachanov. Dir. R. Kachanov. Comp. V. Shainsky. USSR, 1983. Roles were voiced by: K. Rumyanova, G. Burkov, V. Livanov, Yu. Andreev.

The legacy of the wizard Bahram. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. R. Kachanov. Comp. M. Meerovich. USSR, 1975. Roles were voiced by: R. Mirenkova, G. Vitsin, M. Vinogradova, V. Livanov.

Jonah. Scene. R.Kachanov, E.Uspensky. Dir. V. Golikov. USSR, 1972.

New Year's song of Santa Claus. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. A. Tatarsky. Comp. A. Zhurbin. USSR, 1983.

Olympic character. Scene. V. Vinnitsky, E. Uspensky, Y. Shmalko. Dir. B. Akulinichev. Comp. M. Minkov. USSR, 1979.

Octopuses. Based on a poem by E. Uspensky. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. R. Strautmane. Comp. I. Efremov. USSR, 1976.

Plastic crow. Scene. A. Tatarsky. Dir. A. Tatarsky. Comp. Gr. Gladkov. Text of songs (verses) by E. Uspensky. USSR, 1981. Roles were voiced by: A. Levenbuk, A. Pavlov, L. Armor, Gr. Gladkov, L. Shimelov.

Underwater berets: [a collection of plots about dolphin rangers based on the films "Secret ocean dump", "The surface of the iceberg", "Lake at the bottom of the sea", etc.]. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. P. Lobanova, V. Tarasov, A. Mazaev, R. Strautmane, A. Gorlenko. Comp. E. Artemiev. Russia, 1991.
Secret ocean dump: [from the series about dolphins]. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. R. Strautmane. Comp. F. Koltsov, T. Hayen. USSR, 1989.
The surface of the iceberg: [from a series about dolphins]. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. A. Gorlenko. Comp. T. Hayen, E. Artemiev. USSR, 1989.
Lake at the bottom of the sea: [from a series about dolphins]. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. A. Mazaev. Comp. T. Hayen. USSR, 1989.
Miko - Pavlova's son: [from a series about dolphins]. Scene. I. Margolina, E. Uspensky. Dir. E.Prorokova. USSR, 1989.
Happy Start-1: [from the dolphin series]. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. V. Tarasov. Comp. T. Hayen. USSR, 1989.
Happy Start-2: [from the series about dolphins]. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. V. Tarasov. Comp. T. Hayen. USSR, 1989.
Happy Start-3: [from the dolphin series]. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. V. Tarasov. Comp. T. Hayen. USSR, 1989.
Happy Start-4: [from the dolphin series]. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. V. Tarasov. Comp. T. Hayen. USSR, 1990.

About Vera and Anfisa: [the first film of the trilogy about the girl Vera and the monkey Anfisa]. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. V. Fomin. Comp. Gr. Gladkov. USSR, 1986. Text read by O. Basilashvili.
About Vera and Anfisa: Vera and Anfisa put out the fire: [the second film of the trilogy]. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. V. Fomin. Comp. Gr. Gladkov. USSR, 1987. Text read by O. Basilashvili.
About Vera and Anfisa: Vera and Anfisa in a lesson at school: [concludes. trilogy movie. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. V. Fomin. Comp. Gr. Gladkov. USSR, 1988.

About Sidorov Vova. Based on a poem by E. Uspensky. Scene. E. Uspensky, E. Nazarov. Dir. E. Nazarov. USSR, 1985. Text read by S. Yursky.

About the refrigerator, gray mice and warranty men. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. L. Domnin. THE USSR. 1979.

Bird Market. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. M.Novogrudskaya. USSR, 1974.

Defeat: [from the almanac "Merry Carousel": no. 3]. Based on the poem of the same name by E. Uspensky. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. V.Ugarov. Comp. Sh.Kallosh. USSR, 1971. Text read by: A. Livshits, A. Levenbuk.

Red, red, freckled: [from the almanac "Merry Carousel": no. 3]. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. L.Nosyrev. USSR, 1971. Roles were voiced by: G. Dudnik, S. Shurkhina, Yu. Yulskaya, T. Dmitrieva, A. Babaeva, K. Rumyanova, M. Korabelnikova.

Today in our city. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. E. Fedorova. USSR, 1989. Text read by A. Filippenko.

The investigation is conducted by koloboks. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. A. Zyablikova. Comp. N. Bogoslovsky. USSR, 1983. Roles were voiced by: T. Peltzer, V. Nevinny, V. Abdulov, L. Koroleva, Z. Naryshkina.
The investigation is conducted by koloboks. Robbery of the century. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. A. Zyablikova. Comp. M. Meerovich. USSR, 1983. Roles were voiced by: V. Abdulov, G. Vitsin, V. Nevinny.
The investigation is conducted by koloboks. Theft of the century. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. A. Zyablikova. Comp. N. Bogoslovsky. USSR, 1983. Roles were voiced by: T. Peltzer, G. Vitsin, V. Abdulov, V. Nevinny.

Koloboks are investigating: [series 1 and 2]. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. I.Kovalev, A.Tatarsky. Comp. Y. Chernavsky. USSR, 1986. Roles were voiced by: L. Armor, S. Fedosov, A. Ptitsyn.
Koloboks are investigating: [series 3 and 4]. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. I.Kovalev, A.Tatarsky. Comp. Y. Chernavsky. USSR, 1987.

Elephant-dilo-senok. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. B. Ardov. Comp. I. Kataev. USSR, 1975.

Three types and a violinist. Based on a poem by E. Uspensky. Scene. N. Lerner, E. Uspensky. Dir. N.Lerner. Comp. M. Meerovich. The film uses the music of J.-S. Bach, A. Vivaldi. Russia, 1993.

Three from Prostokvashino. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. V.Popov. Artistic N. Yerykalov, L. Khachatryan. Comp. E. Krylatov. USSR, 1978. Roles were voiced by: B. Novikov, G. Kachin, M. Vinogradova, V. Talyzina, O. Tabakov, L. Durov.
Holidays in Prostokvashino. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. V.Popov. Comp. E. Krylatov. USSR, 1980. Roles were voiced by: B. Novikov, G. Kachan, M. Vinogradova, L. Durov, V. Talyzina, O. Tabakov.
Winter in Prostokvashino. Scene. E. Uspensky. Dir. V.Popov. Comp. E. Krylatov. The authors of the text are Yu.Entin, E.Uspensky. USSR, 1984. Roles were voiced by: B. Novikov, G. Kachin, M. Vinogradova, Z. Naryshkina, O. Tabakov, V. Talyzina, L. Durov.

Edward Uspensky

Funny stories for kids

© Uspensky E. N., 2013

© Ill., Oleinikov I. Yu., 2013

© Ill., Pavlova K. A., 2013

© LLC AST Publishing House, 2015

* * *

About the boy Yasha

How the boy Yasha climbed everywhere

The boy Yasha always liked to climb everywhere and climb into everything. As soon as some suitcase or box was brought, Yasha immediately found himself in it.

And he climbed into all sorts of bags. And in closets. And under the tables.

Mom often said:

- I'm afraid, I'll come with him to the post office, he will get into some empty parcel, and he will be sent to Kyzyl-Orda.

He got very good for it.

And then Yasha took a new fashion - he began to fall from everywhere. When it was distributed in the house:

- Eh! - everyone understood that Yasha had fallen from somewhere. And the louder the “uh” was, the greater was the height from which Yasha flew. For example, mother hears:

- Eh! - so it's no big deal. This Yasha just fell off the stool.

If you hear:

- Eee! - so it's a very serious matter. It was Yasha who plopped down from the table. I need to go and look at his bumps. And on a visit, Yasha climbed everywhere, and even tried to climb on the shelves in the store.

One day my dad said:

- Yasha, if you climb somewhere else, I don’t know what I will do with you. I'll tie you to the vacuum cleaner with ropes. And you will walk everywhere with a vacuum cleaner. And you will go to the store with your mother with a vacuum cleaner, and in the yard you will play in the sand tied to a vacuum cleaner.

Yasha was so frightened that after these words he did not climb anywhere for half a day.

And then, nevertheless, he climbed onto the table with his dad and crashed together with the phone. Dad took it and actually tied it to a vacuum cleaner.

Yasha walks around the house, and the vacuum cleaner follows him like a dog. And he goes to the store with his mother with a vacuum cleaner, and plays in the yard. Very uncomfortable. Neither you climb the fence, nor ride a bicycle.

But Yasha learned to turn on the vacuum cleaner. Now instead of "uh" constantly began to be heard "uu".

As soon as mom sits down to knit socks for Yasha, when all of a sudden all over the house - "oooooo." Mom is jumping up and down.

We decided to make a good deal. Yasha was untied from the vacuum cleaner. And he promised not to climb anywhere else. Papa said:

- This time, Yasha, I will be stricter. I'll tie you to a stool. And I'll nail the stool to the floor with nails. And you will live with a stool, like a dog in a booth.

Yasha was very afraid of such a punishment.

But just then a very wonderful case turned up - they bought a new wardrobe.

First, Yasha climbed into the closet. He sat in the closet for a long time, banging his forehead against the walls. This is an interesting thing. Then he got bored and got out.

He decided to climb into the closet.

Yasha moved the dining table to the closet and climbed on it. But he did not reach the top of the cabinet.

Then he put a light chair on the table. He climbed onto the table, then onto a chair, then onto the back of a chair, and began to climb onto the closet. Already half gone.

And then the chair slipped out from under his foot and fell to the floor. But Yasha remained half on the closet, half in the air.

Somehow he climbed onto the closet and fell silent. Try telling your mom

- Oh, mom, I'm sitting on the closet!

Mom will immediately transfer him to a stool. And he will live like a dog all his life near a stool.

Here he sits and is silent. Five minutes, ten minutes, five more minutes. All in all, almost a month. And Yasha slowly began to cry.

And mom hears: Yasha can’t hear something.

And if Yasha is not heard, then Yasha is doing something wrong. Either he chews matches, or he climbed into the aquarium knee-deep, or he draws Cheburashka on his father's papers.

Mom began to look in different places. And in the closet, and in the nursery, and in my father's office. And everything is in order: dad works, the clock is ticking. And if there is order everywhere, then something difficult must have happened to Yasha. Something extraordinary.

Mom screams:

- Yasha, where are you?

Yasha is silent.

- Yasha, where are you?

Yasha is silent.

Then my mother began to think. He sees a chair on the floor. He sees that the table is not in place. He sees - Yasha is sitting on the closet.

Mom asks:

- Well, Yasha, are you going to sit on the closet all your life or will we get down?

Yasha doesn't want to go down. He is afraid that he will be tied to a stool.

He says:

- I won't get down.

Mom says:

- Okay, let's live on the closet. Now I'll bring you lunch.

She brought Yasha soup in a bowl, a spoon and bread, and a small table and a stool.

Yasha had lunch on the cupboard.

Then his mother brought him a pot on the closet. Yasha was sitting on the potty.

And in order to wipe his ass, my mother had to get up on the table herself.

At this time, two boys came to visit Yasha.

Mom asks:

- Well, should you give Kolya and Vitya a closet?

Yasha says:

- Submit.

And then dad couldn’t stand it from his office:

- Now I myself will come to visit him on the closet. Yes, not one, but with a strap. Remove it from the cabinet immediately.

They took Yasha out of the closet, and he says:

- Mom, I didn’t get off because I’m afraid of stools. My dad promised to tie me to a stool.

“Oh, Yasha,” says mom, “you are still small. You don't understand jokes. Go play with the guys.

And Yasha understood jokes.

But he also understood that dad did not like to joke.

He can easily tie Yasha to a stool. And Yasha did not climb anywhere else.

How the boy Yasha ate badly

Yasha was good to everyone, he just ate badly. All the time with concerts. Either mom sings to him, or dad shows tricks. And he gets along:

- Don't want.

Mom says:

- Yasha, eat porridge.

- Don't want.

Papa says:

- Yasha, drink juice!

- Don't want.

Mom and dad got tired of persuading him every time. And then my mother read in one scientific pedagogical book that children should not be persuaded to eat. It is necessary to put a plate of porridge in front of them and wait for them to get hungry and eat everything.

They put, put plates in front of Yasha, but he does not eat and does not eat anything. He doesn't eat meatballs, soup, or porridge. He became thin and dead, like a straw.

- Yasha, eat porridge!

- Don't want.

- Yasha, eat soup!

- Don't want.

Previously, his pants were hard to fasten, but now he dangled completely freely in them. It was possible to launch another Yasha into these pants.

And then one day a strong wind blew.

And Yasha played on the site. He was very light, and the wind rolled him around the site. Rolled up to the wire mesh fence. And there Yasha got stuck.

So he sat, pressed against the fence by the wind, for an hour.

Mom calls:

- Yasha, where are you? Go home with the soup to suffer.

But he doesn't go. He is not even heard. He not only became dead himself, but his voice became dead. Nothing is heard that he squeaks there.

And he squeaks:

- Mom, take me away from the fence!

Mom began to worry - where did Yasha go? Where to look for it? Yasha is not seen and not heard.

Dad said this:

- I think our Yasha was rolled away somewhere by the wind. Come on, mom, we'll take the pot of soup out onto the porch. The wind will blow and the smell of soup will bring to Yasha. On this delicious smell, he will crawl.

So they did. They carried the pot of soup out onto the porch. The wind carried the smell to Yasha.

Yasha, how he smelled delicious soup, immediately crawled to the smell. Because he was cold, he lost a lot of strength.

He crawled, crawled, crawled for half an hour. But he reached his goal. He came to the kitchen to his mother and how he immediately eats a whole pot of soup! How to eat three cutlets at once! How to drink three glasses of compote!

Mom was amazed. She didn't even know whether to be happy or upset. She says:

- Yasha, if you eat like this every day, I won’t have enough food.

Yasha reassured her:

– No, Mom, I don’t eat so much every day. I correct past mistakes. I bubu, like all children, eat well. I'm a completely different boy.

I wanted to say "I will", but he got "boob". Do you know why? Because his mouth was full of apples. He couldn't stop.

Since then, Yasha has been eating well.

Cook boy Yasha stuffed everything into his mouth

The boy Yasha had such a strange habit: whatever he sees, he immediately drags it into his mouth. He sees a button - in his mouth. He sees dirty money - in his mouth. He sees a nut lying on the ground - he also tries to stuff it into his mouth.

- Yasha, this is very harmful! Well, spit out this piece of iron.

Yasha argues, does not want to spit it out. He has to force it all out of his mouth. Houses began to hide everything from Yasha.

And buttons, and thimbles, and small toys, and even lighters. There is simply nothing to put in a person's mouth.

And what about on the street? You can't clean everything on the street ...

And when Yasha comes, dad takes tweezers and takes everything out of Yasha's mouth:

- A button from a coat - one.

- Beer cork - two.
